12721 ::
Memory and file descriptor leak when using addTimer
12720 ::
Conditional varargs unpack
12719 ::
Catching defects
12718 ::
How to start working with Nim in 2025?
12717 ::
orderedTable slow for Least Recently Used cache?
12716 ::
gibman - A DOOM WAD manager for nerds
12714 ::
Nim type system ambiguity
12711 ::
problem with DeepSeek API when "stream": true
12710 ::
ToOpenArray view works with seq[int] but not strings?
12709 ::
seaqt - a new set of bindings for Qt
12708 ::
Curious about nimony's new features
12707 ::
Surprising find: "C with classes" had move operations
12706 ::
Static site generator: "nerc", the Nim web anti-framework.
12705 ::
procedure definition syntax suggestion
12704 ::
Your setup for Nim debugging?
12703 ::
Introducing CodeTracer - a time-travelling debugger built with Nim, for Nim.
12702 ::
Creating async wrappers around expensive sync operations
12701 ::
Understanding Destructors
12700 ::
Looking for a library/macro for easy recursive binary unpacking of files
12699 ::
Difference in Nim Run time
12698 ::
Thanks for the help… and here’s a project (that won’t be very useful to you 😅)
12697 ::
Developing a Nim VS Code theme [help request]
12696 ::
Figuro GUI: HNBrowser Demo
12694 ::
nimvm - about exceptions raising in vm
12693 ::
Nimony progress
12691 ::
Sev - a JavaScript runtime written in Nim
12690 ::
Regular account registration temporarily unavailable
12689 ::
len(kind) must be less than 32768
12688 ::
Howto handle atomic members in lifetime hooks (=dup, =copy) ?
12687 ::
Interest in field annotations for objects use with marshal/unmarshal ops?
12686 ::
Q about type coercion in generic
12685 ::
CSSGrid 0.9 release! Now with basic HTML element style-layout, min/max constraints, and more
12684 ::
Prepending items to varargs
12683 ::
Is this correct for an opaque struct?
12682 ::
applying pragmas dynamically
12681 ::
imgui question
12680 ::
Call procedure if variable is of specific type
12679 ::
Funnel Hash?
12678 ::
Downloading nim 2.2.2 is blocked by the browser
12675 ::
Nim version 2.2.2 released
12674 ::
A question for owned ref
12672 ::
wNim GUI: Differences between Windows versions
12671 ::
Face detection?
12670 ::
Mininim: Framework Concept
12669 ::
Antivirus on windows, how I succeed
12668 ::
pegs eventParser example not gc-safe
12667 ::
Using Sugar Library to Implement Functional Programming in Nim
12666 ::
Simple File Monitoring
12665 ::
Hook into a generated =destroy() proc
12663 ::
Issue in nim 2.2.0 not in 2.0.8
12661 ::
resovling issues
12660 ::
Apprecaite Nim
12658 ::
Error: cannot open file: std/db_mysql
12657 ::
js backend hasOwnProperty on pairs iterator
12656 ::
using multiple lines within 'nim secret'
12654 ::
GuildenStern web server 8 is out - and it's better than ever
12653 ::
Dmon Directory / File change monitoring ported to pure Nim
12652 ::
Newst "release" of nim-vscode and nimlangserver
12651 ::
I'm building something with Nim!
12649 ::
nim cfg : error with vcc
12648 ::
addr wrong?
12647 ::
Avoid using a global variable and double definition to define a proc()
12646 ::
nim 2.3.* Uninit warning: how to comply?
12645 ::
Problems using Atlas v0.8.0
12644 ::
merging objects
12643 ::
nim programs monitoring/observation
12642 ::
Speeding up nimble dependency checks
12641 ::
Try to wrap a C Function in Nim
12638 ::
Does Nim have a library for live-reloading?
12637 ::
Strange problem of importing module
12636 ::
computesim - Learn and understand GPU compute shaders with nim
12634 ::
Nim 2.0.14: nimble and other tools won't compile on Alpine
12633 ::
Merry christmas and a happy new year!
12631 ::
[critique?] Naive database table code
12630 ::
Calling Python from Nim in Ubuntu 24.04
12629 ::
Compile for linux x86_64 from windows
12628 ::
is there a mixin() function in nim ?
12627 ::
Tauri + Nim
12626 ::
gintro / owlkettle i18n internationalization
12625 ::
Explanation for the .liftLocals pragma?
12624 ::
Sigils – Improved Multi-Threading
12623 ::
SDL2-Android-Nim Builds
12621 ::
Nim Community Survey 2024
12620 ::
Compiling with Nim v2.2.0 gives SIGSEGV for yaml loading code
12619 ::
Spaces around operators matters
12618 ::
Alternative approach to string concatenation
12617 ::
rules_nim - Nim rules for Bazel
12616 ::
Low-latency, Python-calling, concurrent design
12615 ::
Versioned releases of stew, stint and eth
12614 ::
Advent of Nim 2024
12613 ::
Build Android-GLFM-Nim Applications
12608 ::
Bali 0.4.0 is out with array indexing and code generation optimizations
12604 ::
Nim Roadmap 2024 and beyond, revisited
12585 ::
NPainter - fast and simple digital painting software
12583 ::
Options for polymorphism
12570 ::
How can I insert NULL into Postgres and how can I assign a value of any type to a variable?
12560 ::
cross compile to musl fails with guildenstern and nim 2.2.0
12554 ::
module contains a const with the same name as the module
12550 ::
Updating from nim 1.6 to Nim 2: lots of unlisted exceptions regarding std/sugar closures
12549 ::
Interesting talk: Exceptions for embedded development
12546 ::
I wrote a small (and incomplete) text editor.
12541 ::
Relations beteween std/monotimes and std/times
12537 ::
Nim versions 2.2.0 and 2.0.10 released
12536 ::
[Async] modify an object instance in async method
12533 ::
std/options orElse(defaultValue)
12530 ::
Questions about default initialisation / requiresInit
12527 ::
Help with compile time string constant definition
12517 ::
copyDir and copyDirWithPermissions can't handle FIFOs?
12504 ::
help with fenster wrapper for nim
12500 ::
Silly idea: Type constraints via converter
12329 ::
NimConf 2024 - registrations
12262 ::
Objects of size 32+ bytes get zero-mem'd twice upon construction
12239 ::
Can't install atoz
12184 ::
JIT compiling to AMD GPUs
12147 ::
Problems installing nimlangserver
12137 ::
Malebolgia & VCC, does not always finish
12082 ::
Requirements for an imperative language amenable to sql-like optimizations
12053 ::
generic type constraint to size
12011 ::
Memory leak in event loop inside a thread?
12002 ::
How to do something like std::construct_at and std::destroy_at? (with correct alignment)
11977 ::
Nim zed extension creation help
11946 ::
Questions on the current stage of concepts
11939 ::
Nim 2.0.6: invalid type: 'typedesc[seq[EventFuncBool]]' for const
11935 ::
Releasing Constantine v0.1.0 - A modular cryptography stack for blockchain and proof systems
11929 ::
Unsafe initialization of 'child' with runtime value for discriminator 'kind'
11827 ::
windows defender said new install nim 2.0.6 got trojan
11818 ::
Can't import nim package that I have built and installed locally
11808 ::
Nim ask for the Aptos Blockchain, nimAptos
11807 ::
Conversion from apointer to a seq
11802 ::
Openziti (zero trust networking)
11799 ::
Iterators dont inline
11796 ::
Passing an optional proc is not working
11790 ::
Understanding more complex generic types in Nim coming from Typescript
11784 ::
Oh threadpool, my threadpool
11782 ::
Nim version 2.0.6 released
11778 ::
how can be compile nim by nvc compiler?
11770 ::
11769 ::
Can I use OpenACC pragma in nim?
11762 ::
It is annoying that the template doesn't resolve the symbol at template caller.
11761 ::
Why does ORC GC alter my data in Nim but ARC doesn't? What am I doing wrong?
11757 ::
template import non compile in nim 2.0.4
11751 ::
nimqt compile error
11748 ::
How to write the Nim version of a C function pointer and pass it as argument to C function
11747 ::
What Araq thinks about HappyX?
11742 ::
I made an API that gets pinned repositories from github
11736 ::
Could Nim be used as the front-end for Taichi-lang?
11735 ::
🕹️ Setting up a project with NimForUE [Video]
11730 ::
Stock address instead of plain object in a table : C to Nim
11723 ::
Nimsuggest and Manjaro Nim installation
11720 ::
Introducing an async library inspired by Go in Nim
11715 ::
XSLT transformations
11710 ::
Please help, learning NIM to speed up Python programs, but strange results
11703 ::
Object variant, which contains no references, does not conform to the 'NoRef' concept
11702 ::
Monoucha: a high level QuickJS wrapper
11701 ::
varargs pragma - expanding a seq[cint]
11693 ::
This Month with Nim: October 2023 to June 2024
11689 ::
Package name and file name convention for Nim
11687 ::
choosenim: what is the development state?
11685 ::
GuildenStern webserver now supports streaming multipart/formdata requests
11678 ::
Privilege Escalation with Nim Package Manager - John Hammond
11672 ::
karax, input: readonly; textarea: set and get cursor position
11670 ::
Cheap exceptions, opinionated error handling
11668 ::
Where the .. does that echo come from?
11666 ::
CodeTwig - a small project-viewer
11664 ::
Wrapping ESP-IDF for embedded - Futhark - PlatformIO
11654 ::
Proc inheritance for distinct type in Nim 2.0.0
11652 ::
Code correction in Visual Studio Code.
11651 ::
Nim Killer Fullstack App
11649 ::
Issue with some C++ code that; maybe a bug?
11648 ::
Nim YT video about writing "Nim-less Nim"
11647 ::
Encountering errors while compiling the nimforum project.
11644 ::
Pixie and NiGui
11642 ::
Where does the complexity of quote from the manual comes from
11639 ::
karax, redraw a textarea
11637 ::
Which IDE to use in 2024?
11633 ::
"fall-through" and default values
11627 ::
ffmpeg6.nim bindings for FFmpeg v6.x
11624 ::
find field value object in seq and declared object in seq
11623 ::
Spot the memory leak when using Chronos and Chronos/threadsync.ThreadSignalPtr
11620 ::
Number sequences
11619 ::
Working with sequences
11618 ::
GC refc or MarkAndSweep bug with msvc compiler optimizer.
11617 ::
How to compile the local nim docs, respecting settings I made?
11616 ::
HappyX web framework got a new sponsor
11615 ::
How to "drain" remaining work from Chronos Thread Dispatcher
11612 ::
Super-weird error with builds on latest Windows runner (Github)
11608 ::
Nim logo
11605 ::
Conversion-to-string-function is hard to find
11601 ::
Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?
11597 ::
remove first 4 lines from string
11590 ::
Issue: regression on 2.x.x: push warning[HoleEnumConv]:off does not work.
11589 ::
How to catch exceptions in Chronos raised by asyncCheck'd Futures?
11587 ::
Latest GCC version (14.1) breaks Nim's C backend
11585 ::
how to create a type that accepts a function with any arguments?
11582 ::
Polymorphism in Nim
11581 ::
Any suggestions on how to use nimsuggest?
11580 ::
Run a proc stored in an object in another thread with a threadpool
11579 ::
Error: await expects Future[T]
11578 ::
K-nth smallest element - Library
11577 ::
forward declare and extend object (I know it does not work)
11576 ::
Single parameter version of varargs
11575 ::
Using threads with gui Nigui
11573 ::
Puzzling compiler crash
11565 ::
Nim covered by Stephen Blum, CTO of PubNub
11564 ::
Feature Request: enum: relax or remove order requirements.
11563 ::
Rust interop/FFI experiments?
11559 ::
Rex - The starting point of a ReactiveX implementation
11558 ::
cannot evaluate at compile time
11551 ::
get object field by variable
11550 ::
Issue with C array
11549 ::
malebolgia threads deadlock when trying to synchronize them.
11544 ::
Can I check if a proc is async at compileTime without a macro?
11543 ::
Passing seq or array to cpp function that takes iterators.
11538 ::
How to create a logical expression programmatically?
11536 ::
I Have Created a Kinda Logging Solution :)
11533 ::
How do I emulate ruby's super() for a subclass object's constructor.
11532 ::
Anonymous chat service, powered by Nim
11526 ::
Unicode operators / Arrays, which size is know at run time
11514 ::
how to borrow iterator `items` for distinct type?
11508 ::
Help storing *reference* instead of copy in an object constructor.
11507 ::
Compilation Problem: "Error: cannot open C:\..\..\..\lib\system.nim"
11506 ::
How to implement a generic arbitrary node-graph with unknown number of generic types?
11505 ::
Introducing nginwho - An nginx log parser, Cloudflare IP restorer, and untrusted traffic blocker
11501 ::
Nim on the go: Smartphone, termux and ... "no" docs.
11500 ::
Short quest of a Newbie/Nimbie: Can't compile examples
11499 ::
Please review my types: ref object or plain object
11493 ::
Nim “free(): invalid pointer” segfault (dynlib)
11489 ::
When's NimConf 2024?
11486 ::
Can’t wrap my head around this TypeError
11485 ::
Nim implementation of Ruby tap() method
11481 ::
Resources for Learning Nim
11467 ::
Fake Nim books an Amazon, which ones are real?
11466 ::
What's the best way to match a standard file into a single data structure for editing it?
11465 ::
What's the lowest level that Nim can navigate or even dive breaking OS-dependant protected modes?
11457 ::
Odd Segfault when using dynlib
11449 ::
Dear Araq, how do I create a programming language?
11440 ::
Nim 2.0.4 and 1.6.20 released
11431 ::
Use of typeof() in object member definition inside macro fails
11424 ::
iup gui: Load jpeg
11423 ::
How to migrate from Discourse to Nim Forum?
11417 ::
Help with macro/template extrapolating of parameters
11414 ::
Include a file dynamically
11413 ::
FFI - memory management issues
11403 ::
How to serve acme-challenge file dynamically with Jester REST API?
11400 ::
Nim's equivalent of kwargs
11396 ::
How do I keep track of changing standard-libs?
11390 ::
Declaring ambigious tuples
11385 ::
Best way to pass many parameters to a function
11381 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access on server windows 2008 and windows 2019
11380 ::
Issues while signing up to the forum
11377 ::
situation with GDB debugging?
11373 ::
Trying to get "interfaced" to run with latest nim
11370 ::
How to customize a top-level Pragma
11364 ::
Fake a file?
11363 ::
Chrome DevTools Protocol Library For Nim (control your browser)
11356 ::
Help needed: binarylang issue
11347 ::
How to use inherited Object type as return type?
11346 ::
how to get current loop counter from for loop in a module?
11344 ::
invoking a macro from a template?
11341 ::
Wasm3 (nim library) how to run c functions
11339 ::
help with channels and threads
11338 ::
How to remove the N_LIB_PRIVATE from exported c code.
11337 ::
How to properly make a static type-checking macro?
11336 ::
Am iterating over this sequence correctly?
11335 ::
How to use dynamic dispatch with inheritance without converting to the appropriate subtype by hand?
11332 ::
NVIDIA uses Nim!
11331 ::
a template to declare an enum
11329 ::
Problem to understand an exception
11327 ::
NailIt — a literate programming tool
11326 ::
How to determine the dependencies of a given nim file.
11320 ::
How to combine nim-metrics and chronos for simple rest api?
11318 ::
i was trying a simple binary search algorithm, what am i doing wrong
11316 ::
Which Nim Paradigm could I use instead of OOP with Generics and Inheritance?
11314 ::
os:windows but nim puts 'lpthread'
11308 ::
Logarithm Implementation Tutorial
11307 ::
Strange behavior of global variable in 2.0
11304 ::
Access operator on distinct type of array
11302 ::
Cross compilation to Windows, linker error (unrecognized option '-z'
11301 ::
Glaucus Linux
11294 ::
List of GC'ed types
11293 ::
How do you handle incomplete nimble packages?
11290 ::
Do we have a list of breaking changes in the next major release?
11286 ::
About a VFS library
11274 ::
Issues with identifier equality and FFI
11263 ::
Experimenting with a SharedRc type
11261 ::
Oversight or intentional?
11255 ::
how to parse a multipart/form-data POST body string?
11252 ::
Approach used by Golang to avoid false anti-virus flagging
11233 ::
How to preallocate cstring for FFI call that fills it up
11232 ::
Tesseract and Leptonica
11231 ::
forum mirror
11230 ::
Austral (a simple-ish language with a linear type system)
11229 ::
Destructors for "ref object" types?
11228 ::
Challenge: Weak linking on Windows
11224 ::
avr_io v0.3.0 + avrman release
11218 ::
xl and excelin both turn external file references to all lowercase
11214 ::
Debugging with GDB?
11206 ::
11205 ::
AST walking similar to python
11203 ::
gc/malebolgia bug?
11198 ::
Include vs import when using generics
11189 ::
Is there a plan to make Nim a language for normal businesses?
11188 ::
A template to emit ARM asm
11186 ::
Json: Error: type mismatch: got '...' but expected '(string, string)'
11180 ::
Calling compiler flags in file
11177 ::
subset of enum values
11172 ::
Problem with closures and ORC
11171 ::
Show Nim: Sunny, JSON in Nim with Go-like field tags
11170 ::
Owlkettle 3.0.0
11163 ::
Have I written a silly program or is there a "controlled" memory leak?
11160 ::
Best REGEX library for targeting both JS and C
11148 ::
Artificial AST
11147 ::
Nim procedure args vs C and the need for pointers.
11131 ::
Releasing threads resources (OS) after joinThread on windows
11129 ::
Resizable arrays in Nim - difficulty in getting performance
11128 ::
Why are let variables not gcsafe? + General Threads and GCSafe understanding help
11123 ::
Infering base type in macro
11120 ::
Slow image processing with pixie
11118 ::
Using NiGUI, open a second window from main window
11113 ::
ANN: minisvd2nim generates a Nim lib to access ARM CortexM device and registers
11107 ::
sending to a channel before opening it doesn't create an error
11094 ::
recusion use a lot of memory, any idea why?
11093 ::
[arnetheduck] `nph` opinionated formatter v0.5
11091 ::
Can ref variables reference non-ref variables?
11087 ::
Download nim-2.0.2_x64.zip for windows 11 will be blocked by Windows Defender.
11083 ::
single line ref seq[int] assignment
11080 ::
What is `-d:nimNetLite`?
11079 ::
How does one deal with void pointers between Nim and C?
11077 ::
How to use nimble develop with a fork?
11076 ::
pointer repr
11075 ::
nimble.directory has been down for a few days now
11073 ::
sink parameters not being copied even when there are later reads (refc)
11070 ::
How to define a range type with holes
11069 ::
leave parenthesis for procedures that take 0 parameters like Ruby
11067 ::
static checking of strings
11065 ::
Beginner question: mixing types in a sequence
11064 ::
Fused multiply-add instruction
11062 ::
Spawning a new terminal from a nim program
11060 ::
Tim - A template engine & markup language
11059 ::
Buildroot host-nim package?
11057 ::
Local library development and editor tooling
11053 ::
Would Nim modules or available Nim web frameworks suffice for an e-commerce back-end?
11052 ::
Do not understand the error when trying to add to seq inside loop
11045 ::
How to detect (and report) reference cycles?
11040 ::
Futhark and editor tooling
11038 ::
Is it impossible to declare an _empty enum_ under quote in order to populate it later in a macro?
11036 ::
type mismatch when static uint32 is given to the slice operator
11035 ::
Totally lost when reading tutorial of "code-blocks-as-arguments"
11032 ::
Looking for a python-flask like nim web framework.
11031 ::
issues trying to install nim
11015 ::
Resources for Web Authentication
11014 ::
Is there a way to create a musl binary (static binary) in a project using libcurl.nim?
11013 ::
Default object values behavior
11012 ::
11000 ::
How to use Weave isReady?
10999 ::
create ungraceful exit program
10991 ::
behaviour of procedures marked with 'lent'
10986 ::
Reasoning behind function call syntax in Nim.
10980 ::
Set JS as backend for nimsuggest/nimlangserver
10978 ::
Mutable value semantics
10975 ::
Nish, a command line shell
10974 ::
Recursive functions returns different values
10971 ::
fusion/matching case statement behavior
10970 ::
Error while trying to do a https request
10968 ::
How to declare a string containing an untyped?
10967 ::
getting SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
10964 ::
The power of a good standard library
10963 ::
Chame 0.14.0 released
10961 ::
Unreachable code is reached
10960 ::
ANSI Escape Sequences
10959 ::
Tooling update: new version of the nimlangserver and the vscode extension
10957 ::
LLdb: Is there an .lldbinit file available for Nim's own types?
10953 ::
xmlparser: read XML-File changes Attribute-Value
10950 ::
`nph` opinionated formatter v0.4
10949 ::
Template default parameters question
10948 ::
Page allocation for a custom OS
10947 ::
Found a Niche that only Nim can do: Easy Retro(e.g. MOS 65xx) Development with ORC/ARC
10946 ::
bignum note
10942 ::
linking on Mac M1
10941 ::
2D sequence setter
10938 ::
How do Nim exceptions work?
10937 ::
What would happen if a time traveler took Nim source code to the 70s or 80s or 90s?
10933 ::
Pocket Clicker — proof of concept Game Boy "game"
10930 ::
Make your (linux) software more secure with seccomp
10929 ::
Definition of name equivalence
10928 ::
HTTP/2 Support?
10927 ::
Feedback on site: Scroll to Top or Update Design for Docs
10926 ::
Help with a template
10925 ::
librng - a simple and fast PRNG library
10924 ::
Getting resources from other sources for the current source.
10920 ::
How to determine whether Import expected packages?
10918 ::
Question of modeling with type system
10917 ::
Is `concept` similar to `interface` / `trait`?
10916 ::
Struggling to understand use of ptr object Types
10914 ::
chronos 4.0
10913 ::
'can have side effects' error.
10911 ::
import compiler
10910 ::
Nim safety features like Zig & Rust?
10909 ::
subclassed Iterator dispatch question
10908 ::
punctuations rituals
10907 ::
macro pragma: param's default value not support?
10906 ::
howt to embed NimNode in template?
10905 ::
how to use parseExpr in runtime ?
10902 ::
how to define a zero capacity HashSet with let ?
10900 ::
Argon2 in Pure Nim.
10898 ::
Parser combinators experiment causes Error: "cannot instantiate return:type"
10897 ::
Exponentially-slow compile times with deeply nested iterators
10896 ::
cannot open file: db_connector/db_sqlite
10894 ::
TCC on ARM(el) backend problem
10893 ::
Show Nim: Curly, an efficient thread-ready parallel HTTP client
10890 ::
Trying multiple compilation settings in parallel
10888 ::
Weird bug(?) with JS backend
10887 ::
Cannot capture a Table[string, string]
10886 ::
A little guidance on threading needed.
10882 ::
Getting std/rationals to work for the JS backend
10881 ::
asyncdispatch on RTOS(Flat Memory)
10880 ::
orc mm slower than markandsweep in my experience
10879 ::
Hexagonal Architecture, Domain Driven Design, and Event Sourcing in Nim
10876 ::
Newbie - What does this error mean and how to correct it? ld.exe: cannot find -lz
10873 ::
What are your options for dealing with leaks in asyncCheck under arc?
10872 ::
How to easy create and init a large array? Its have values
10871 ::
unhandled exception: index -1 not in 0 .. 12 [IndexDefect]
10868 ::
A custom '=destroy' hook which takes a 'var T' parameter is deprecated
10867 ::
Dynamic Typing in Nim
10866 ::
9999999999999999.0 – 9999999999999998.0
10863 ::
Custom constructors
10862 ::
Attempting to use newContext from std/net fails to compile
10860 ::
=destroy and enum
10859 ::
Norm select from specific table_schema
10858 ::
why nim don't allow it ?
10857 ::
cleanly terminating a thread if it takes too long
10856 ::
fixme: the proc parameters always use Copy by default?
10854 ::
Mocking overloaded function
10853 ::
Absytree: Text editor (and tree based language framework) in Nim
10852 ::
Help with linking DLLs/ Futhark Bindings
10851 ::
can't run nim
10850 ::
`nph` opinionated formatter v0.3
10848 ::
newProc macro question
10846 ::
how to get pragma of the field in macro?
10845 ::
#pragma pack(push, n) equivalent for Nim Objects
10843 ::
Niklaus Wirth has died
10842 ::
10839 ::
Understanding an address sanitizer message for a memory leak caused by global dispatcher (?)
10838 ::
karax - embedding stylesheet
10836 ::
Sum types, 2024 variant
10835 ::
Maybe nappgui is best cross platform gui lib for nim
10833 ::
why object variants not support same field name ?
10831 ::
some MM modes leads to SIGSEGV
10830 ::
where is libgo.dll?
10825 ::
std/htmlgen first paragraph
10824 ::
The nim installer for Windows contains malware
10823 ::
Are generic procedures default to `mixin`?
10822 ::
Is there a more elegant approach
10821 ::
Why Nim allowing asm stmt at js ?
10820 ::
Reinstallation woes
10818 ::
Arraymancer - 2023-12-31 - Overview of longstanding missing features
10817 ::
The bool type
10816 ::
Just Complaining About JSFFI And Ambiguous Stack Traces Don't Mind Me
10814 ::
Constness of variable inside a for in loop
10812 ::
specify lib dir by `--passL` can not work
10811 ::
Nexus v2.0.0 available
10809 ::
Nimstrict: A case sensitivity linter for Nim
10807 ::
Strange Behavior About Nim 2.0 Destructor
10805 ::
ThreadButler - Multithreading with long-running threads that act as "servers"
10804 ::
How to use two operating systems in one laptop?
10803 ::
Is there any working tutorial for setting up debugging in VS Code?
10802 ::
Please who can help me with nim filter
10800 ::
Nim need restrictions for values in type system
10799 ::
Ptr byte to cstring?
10798 ::
Binaries does not correctly display dependencies
10796 ::
Parallelism in Nim: trying to call proc with my argument
10795 ::
Maybe 'Atlas' can learn from 'Bake'
10793 ::
`nph` opinonated formatter v0.2
10792 ::
zig issue
10791 ::
Escape characters for fmt
10790 ::
Sitemap Parser
10787 ::
Enhancing Nim vtable implementation vs subtype checking
10786 ::
ccal: Calendar with local holidays via ip location
10785 ::
Nim 2.0.2 and 1.6.18 released
10783 ::
ref types and the align pragma
10782 ::
Direct C/C++ interop without generating wrappers?
10781 ::
How to await a list of async procedures
10780 ::
scinim - how to contribute a package
10773 ::
How to correctly use nim doc when a project has unimported modules
10772 ::
error occurred when add thread to seq
10770 ::
Why is `enumerate()` a macro?
10769 ::
How to force inline?
10768 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) in coroutines
10763 ::
Nim program crashes when using recursivity and openarray
10762 ::
Nim Tooling Roadmap
10761 ::
cannot open: /dev/stderr
10760 ::
How to write a doc-comment-link to another module?
10758 ::
undeclared identifier error when using string format in template
10757 ::
Can Nim interact with the hardware at a lower level than the C programming language?
10756 ::
How does 'nim secret' actually work?
10755 ::
Is normal that nim ast stmt changes its ast structure in the compiler ?
10754 ::
Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim
10753 ::
Package-Rot as growth hindrance
10752 ::
Nim raw syscalls
10751 ::
run another program, then kill/quit self on windows?
10749 ::
Can't trace the origin of "unlisted exception: Exception" when building a callback table
10748 ::
Nimforum custom theme
10746 ::
Is there a guide to creating PostgreSQL extensions or dynamic libraries "xxx.so" etc in Nim?
10745 ::
fmu.nim - my first FMU working with OpenModelica
10744 ::
Is it possible to encode constraints directly into a type, and enforce them at runtime?
10741 ::
Dealing with arrays (of bytes) across library boundaries, specifically C#
10740 ::
How to wrap JS object returned from a JS function
10739 ::
An Ode to my Goddess Nim.
10738 ::
Forum dark theme
10737 ::
What is the expected behaviour for a proc replacing its own closure?
10736 ::
hardware-software interaction in Nim
10735 ::
2nd level parameter typing
10734 ::
How to create local packages
10730 ::
Why is "end" a reserved keyword?
10729 ::
Object variant - returning different types
10728 ::
FMU - C interop
10727 ::
Nimsuggest connection over sockets refused
10726 ::
10725 ::
re.findBounds doesn't return all matches
10724 ::
Errors within async are not being raised
10723 ::
GAsyncQueue vs system/channels vs. threading/channels
10721 ::
Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10720 ::
How to make a generic type parameter be late bound for evaluating proc parameter types?
10719 ::
thread process can not change text buffer
10717 ::
Advent of Nim 2023
10715 ::
num_crunch: distributed computing
10714 ::
Is there a more elegant way to write destructors in Nim 2.0
10712 ::
Local procs, generics, heapqueue
10710 ::
casting to seq[] will copy
10706 ::
Ideas about strings
10700 ::
Enu 0.2
10698 ::
custom pragmas are not supported for enum fields
10697 ::
nlvm 1.6.16 - now with a REPL
10693 ::
avr_io - nim register bindings and utilities for AVR microcontrollers
10689 ::
Using the var type to modify a separate object from another
10688 ::
Brackets and unary operators
10686 ::
Delcare NimMain as constructor when --app:lib
10685 ::
RAD system for Nim?
10682 ::
Capture atomics in closure
10679 ::
Suggested `config.nim[s]` switches for debug/release with C or C++ backend
10677 ::
Calling the generics parent function
10676 ::
What would I lose if I turn of garbage collection?
10674 ::
[] operator and converter are not compatible.
10673 ::
Some sort of interface-like functionality or varargs
10672 ::
yahttp - simple HTTP client
10671 ::
nimlsp does not see packages installed with nimble
10669 ::
Can someone tell me how to read the AST associated with a varaible?
10668 ::
Gura Configuration Language for Nim
10666 ::
Chronos v4 RC
10665 ::
Concept generics
10664 ::
Nim in university context?
10661 ::
How can templates detech if argument is let value or expression?
10658 ::
os:any vs os:standalone
10657 ::
gensym redeclaration
10656 ::
Question from one of my customers.
10655 ::
slice assignment doesn't work when converter is present
10654 ::
overload operator `+=` for private member
10653 ::
Templates: How to gensym proc names, and inject variables in asm?
10652 ::
mixed typed varargs?
10651 ::
please who can explain this code
10649 ::
Exceptions not being handled with libuv: bug or what?
10648 ::
How to switch implementations with compiler flags.
10647 ::
Should conversion outside of a range result in a Defect
10645 ::
Nim Community Survey 2023
10644 ::
browser automation recommendation?
10642 ::
No =destroy hook(s) in std/tables?
10641 ::
nim not finding cross-compiler in PATH on Win10
10639 ::
proc/func/method: syntax
10637 ::
Printout all used functions in a module at built time
10636 ::
How many developers are working on Nim?
10633 ::
`nimpkgs` the nimble.directory alternative no one asked for
10632 ::
Move ref variable ro thread
10631 ::
Memory leakage caused by the use of asyncftpclient's rter process
10629 ::
Strange string prefix
10628 ::
Why iterating over slices is so slow?
10627 ::
Editor inlay hints?
10626 ::
Compile time code optimization.
10625 ::
Small change, big slowdown. Why?
10624 ::
How to replicate C code instantiating a GTK_WIDGET
10623 ::
Open-source Nim projects that beginners can contribute to
10622 ::
What are drawbacks of using forward declarations with "include" as a "module interface"-mechanism?
10619 ::
nimble install error wanted ... got -1
10617 ::
Modifying the value of a procedure argument (without making the input argument var)
10616 ::
Github action to build documentation
10615 ::
is jester now working well with nim version 2
10614 ::
Abusing generic methods for variant types
10613 ::
how to feed stdin to external process and redirect stdout ?
10611 ::
Concepts as type classes in generics
10608 ::
experimental: "inferGenericTypes" -- unknown experimental feature
10607 ::
Detect replacement/binary characters?
10606 ::
Error running nim postgresql client os macos
10605 ::
How to pass an optional table as an argument to a function?
10602 ::
import js variables with two types
10601 ::
Array of type "proc" except I don't know what I'm doing
10600 ::
Figuro updates: Scrollpane and more
10599 ::
Decimal operation
10598 ::
Learning Nim - some problems with nested template / macro / generic code
10597 ::
Error: expression 'x' is of type 'y' and has to be used (or discarded)
10596 ::
My experiences with Nim
10595 ::
What's stopping Nim from going mainstream? (And how to fix it?)
10594 ::
10591 ::
Which smartptrs to use?
10590 ::
With what parameters does echo call fwrite? Trying to implement fwrite in Nim.
10589 ::
Cosmo3 multi-os fat binaries with threads
10588 ::
trying to parallelize zippy file extraction on Windows
10587 ::
Malebogia Locker is not re-entrant?
10586 ::
Labelled exceptions for smoother error handling
10585 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <array[1..6, int], int>
10583 ::
Nim Slack Community
10581 ::
Mismatch Nim Documentation Regarding 32-bit Floating-Point Literals.
10580 ::
Changing an object's field is rejected in a destructor with new syntax
10579 ::
Error: type mismatch: got 'PyObject' for 'getAttr(to,"piece_type")' but expected 'int'
10577 ::
Stack-walking variables and Dependency Injection
10576 ::
How to get rid of "_ZL10nimZeroMemPvl" in an embedded target?
10573 ::
i need explain error logs what mean
10572 ::
Reuse generic Type of Concept as field Type of another generic Type
10570 ::
10569 ::
how to wrap c scanf procedure in nim
10567 ::
How do i look into this runtime-failure?
10566 ::
Issue with calling a routine defined in a concept
10565 ::
Invalid type void in a sequence in a generic object variant fails
10564 ::
Dependency install for Mastering Nim on Apple silicon
10563 ::
Playing with type states and lifetime-tracking hooks, facing some unexpected behavior
10562 ::
custom numeric literal
10561 ::
no simple way to import files from dir recusively?
10560 ::
threaded updates to sequence in objects?
10559 ::
2 questions on StringStream
10557 ::
Best way to architect a Nim dll/so that is used by other Nim dll/so/executables
10556 ::
What is the need for "GC safe" when using ORC/ARC?
10555 ::
using return value of a procedure as an argument for a different procedure
10554 ::
Type introspection
10553 ::
Using Concepts for abstracting display graphics
10552 ::
ugly code or concepts?
10551 ::
How to echo from a proc correctly?
10550 ::
And the fastest language to print hello world is ...
10549 ::
Declaring a global proc variable to be gcsafe has no effect
10548 ::
set global for all libraries
10547 ::
Compiling on i386: Pointer size mismatch between Nim and C/C++ backend
10546 ::
Workaround to use multiples asynchronous sockets on Windows (to bypass OSError 10038 and 10055).
10545 ::
Nim boilerplate
10544 ::
NimConf 2023
10543 ::
help fix the error please
10541 ::
Having trouble initializing my parser
10540 ::
webidl2nim - webidl to Nim bindings generator
10539 ::
GUI program is not working when using app:console in version 2.0
10537 ::
Type mismatch on Future's
10536 ::
Why can't you echo a ref object?
10535 ::
Nim vs cppfront as C++ frontend
10534 ::
Effects of calls to Garbage Collector when using ARC/ORC?
10533 ::
Details about procedures and their pointers
10532 ::
Infiltrating Rust with Nim packages
10531 ::
install nim failed
10530 ::
idea : reuse libraries from other languages
10529 ::
Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10528 ::
How ready is Nim (and the ecosystem) for front-end web development?
10527 ::
AES Help Please
10526 ::
Pattern Matching
10525 ::
related_post_gen benchmark
10524 ::
10523 ::
Customizable Nimble-badge with latest tag
10522 ::
Nimble badge (shields.io) with latest version tag
10520 ::
how to pass --cc options to compiler by nimble?
10519 ::
Error: number out of range:
10518 ::
Automatic Differentiation/Differentiable Programming Library
10517 ::
[newbie] go to definition is not working on vscodium on EndeavourOS(Arch based distro)
10516 ::
how to static linking sqlite ?
10515 ::
ImPlot library
10514 ::
atlas/nimble build still tries to download dependencies despite nim.cfg
10513 ::
Simple template and macro question
10512 ::
Making function params optional when wrapping a JS library?
10511 ::
[help] Nim JIT + REPL with clang backend + -emit-llvm + LLVM's ORCv2
10510 ::
How do i add and utilze a nested object when wrapping JS?
10509 ::
ggplot and lapack revisited
10507 ::
Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10506 ::
How to add nim intellisense to a imported JavaScript object?
10505 ::
Need help writing a helper function?
10504 ::
for loop iteration variables
10503 ::
Using Result library
10502 ::
How to Properly Wait for a JS Async Event in Nim?
10500 ::
How to bind and utilize JavaScripts “new” operator while passing args
10499 ::
Mindset Nim
10498 ::
New OSX weirdness - extraneous ld warning
10497 ::
Just installed nim 2.0 and vscodium can't run a nim program
10496 ::
ggplotnim and lapack
10495 ::
High level TUI framework (or wrapper of)
10494 ::
concepts and openArray
10493 ::
The secret of Nim
10492 ::
range[a..b] semantics is a bit unclear to me
10491 ::
Is there a `terminal.setRaw` on Linux?
10490 ::
How to define a =copy hook for a distinct cstring type?
10489 ::
Given an enum how do I return a seq of its elements
10488 ::
How to properly compare a tuple mixed ranges and int with a tuple with ints?
10487 ::
Warning: 'Lock levels' are deprecated, now a noop - Is there a replacement for locks: 0 ?
10486 ::
"Benchmarking the Beast" update
10485 ::
Usage of rawProc
10483 ::
Conditional use of procs when a type stastfies requirements of a concept
10482 ::
Compilation issue post update to Nim 2.0
10480 ::
how to compare rune with char
10477 ::
Improving Examples and Documentation
10476 ::
Is it possible to make enum + set[T] support bitmask style and size > uint16?
10475 ::
Nim and SSL issues on NetBSD 9.3
10474 ::
Disable GC-safety in Nim 2.0?
10473 ::
Does seq have a method to get mutable ref element?
10472 ::
Nimble newbie issue
10470 ::
why float casting is not working ?
10468 ::
what are the equivalent libraries to these ?
10467 ::
Teaching old C code new tricks with Nim
10466 ::
how to get the string of all command line parameters except the first parameter ?
10465 ::
How to pass an optional callback to a proc
10462 ::
Is it possible to use the haggling face model in the Nim language?
10461 ::
How can I shorten the compile time?
10460 ::
Is it possible to safely share refs across threads?
10459 ::
nimsaem extension stops working correctly when there's an error in the code
10458 ::
how to properly json serialzie/deserialize DateTime?
10457 ::
Allowed key types in std/tables
10456 ::
How to make a tray system icons?
10454 ::
Is it possible to make an extension for the browser on nim-lang?
10453 ::
unittest2 face lift
10452 ::
This Month with Nim: July and August 2023
10450 ::
How to make custom linear containers automatically converted to OpenArray, like SEQ or Array
10449 ::
Pure Nim FFT library
10448 ::
Is this a Bug about enumerations?
10446 ::
More info on NimMain procedure
10445 ::
EZ Bkup: The easiest backup program on earth!
10444 ::
Idiomatic way to zero-copy iterface with binary bitmap array
10443 ::
Re: std/Paths - Converting Path to string
10442 ::
One language to rule them all.
10441 ::
Mastering Nim 2.0
10440 ::
Type mismatch when trying to add to custom seq
10439 ::
Using asm or intrinsic C functions from Nim
10438 ::
Circular imports for procs
10437 ::
Inferring type of zero-sized collection from usage
10436 ::
New to nim... It looks interesting, but can it ... ?
10434 ::
SQLiteral db driver 4.0.0 is here
10433 ::
GuildenStern web server 6.0.0 is here
10431 ::
Nim2.0 how to build dll without dependency of libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
10430 ::
Convert back cstring to string
10428 ::
Basic Async Questions
10427 ::
efficient way of running proc at a given time, that can be changed
10426 ::
Sublime and Nim
10425 ::
Demo video of Figuro GUI progress
10424 ::
Explanation for SSL/TLS Error
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10422 ::
How to update a nimble package?
10421 ::
Ssl with asynchttpserver
10420 ::
Local bug-tracker (written in Nim or not)
10419 ::
Storing clients in a seq in threading not working as expected?
10418 ::
Testament - Test Failure reFilesDiffer comparing wrong files with one another
10417 ::
Kubernetes operator in Nim?
10416 ::
strange osproc.waitForExit crash
10415 ::
Nim Side-Effects
10414 ::
Potential users
10413 ::
SomeFloat in std/complex
10412 ::
Close console terminal after initialization but keep application running
10410 ::
\suggestions on handling \destructuring of array/seq into a list of named fields?
10409 ::
10408 ::
How to echo distinct type
10407 ::
Equivalent to Rust's Command spawn/try_wait?
10406 ::
[Scala background] How does a macro in Scala differs from macro in Nim?
10405 ::
Networking with Nim
10404 ::
Where to read about threading and data sharing in Nim 2
10403 ::
Neo vim config for nim
10402 ::
beginner question - sets
10401 ::
Exceptions occurring in top level statements of submodule not being reported/handled
10400 ::
Background thread with a weak reference to an object in main / a different thread?
10399 ::
battinfo - a cli tool & nim library to query battery details
10398 ::
Weekly Nim Streams
10397 ::
IPv6 compatibility (dual-stack AF_UNSPEC)
10396 ::
Mapster - Because life is too short to map A to B
10394 ::
What is the best way to learn nim for someone who is fluent with python
10393 ::
Type class that is "anything but X"
10392 ::
Open file at compile-time [JS backend]
10391 ::
Template being called twice with Nim 2.0
10390 ::
Some ideas about nimrtl
10389 ::
Command line options
10388 ::
Why does ref object have this behaviour?
10387 ::
How Can I Ensure Backward Compatibility with Destructors in Nim 2.0?
10386 ::
How to prevent nim language server plugin from spawning multiple instances of nimsuggest
10385 ::
Error: cannot open file: stdin
10384 ::
Why is My Nim Code Faster when Doing This
10382 ::
Nim Project Setup
10381 ::
autome import throws error
10380 ::
Can I use Nim with GPU Computing?
10379 ::
How to get all fields of an object type `MyType` in a macro from a NimNode ident("MyType")
10378 ::
Why this nim code is not valid?
10377 ::
A few (perhaps naive) questions
10376 ::
Dark Theme Problem in Nim Manual
10375 ::
Nim Autome / Win32 API
10374 ::
Trouble Porting to FreeBSD
10373 ::
Any way to produce Arm64 binaries for MacOS from choosenim versions of nim?
10372 ::
10371 ::
Problems compiling objc code including <UIKit/UIKit.h> on osx
10370 ::
A template inside a template
10369 ::
Top-level generic variable
10368 ::
Karkas: Karax library to build layouts and work with styles
10367 ::
Chame - an HTML5 parser library in Nim
10366 ::
Nim version 2.0.0 is here
10364 ::
How to close a Logger
10363 ::
Help: nim c -r --verbository:0 test2.nim fail
10362 ::
Help: Converting Json[strings] (seq[JsonNode]) to array[0..2, string]?
10361 ::
Help with invalid indentation error
10360 ::
0 copy transfer of strings and blobs to SQLite?
10358 ::
How to make an archive and unpack/add a folder with files to the archive?
10357 ::
How to get information about .lnk(link) file extension?
10356 ::
How to send a file to a telegram bot via a request in Puppy?
10354 ::
The correct behavior of procedural variable initialization
10353 ::
Using Unicode in procedure and variable names
10352 ::
Call to parameterized protected constructor of a base class when interop with C++
10350 ::
Nim grammar top-level stmt vs complexOrSimpleStmt
10349 ::
Some of Nim's convention needs to change in order for it to succeed
10347 ::
Concepts in Nim v2
10344 ::
Please help me with httpclient on Nim
10342 ::
Passing closures as C callbacks with cleanup functions
10341 ::
Wrapping Tkinter GUI in Nim?
10340 ::
PODS: Easy to read and type text format for serialization and config files.
10337 ::
MiniDumpWriteDump in memory
10336 ::
redirect echo result to make a lazy function?
10335 ::
GUI-LIB nip - button callback and object data
10333 ::
crosscompiling - SSL
10332 ::
Table lookup problem
10331 ::
Keep, Note Taking App in Nim
10330 ::
FFI: How to bind to a cpp std::vector which contains another std::vector in nim?
10329 ::
Why iterator doesn't work?
10328 ::
W3C Compliant HTML Parser to replace current std/htmlparser
10327 ::
Compiling nimrtl.nim as static library
10326 ::
How to pass a C array to a C function taking a pointer?
10325 ::
Bisect bugs GitHub Action
10324 ::
asyncdispatch debugging
10323 ::
10322 ::
Recursive Fibonacci function
10320 ::
Suggestion to improve proc type infer, and some complains
10319 ::
Can I create a thread with gc-UNsafe procedure?
10318 ::
reading a PNG at compile time
10317 ::
Ferus -- a tiny web engine written in Nim
10316 ::
realloc and self referencing array problem
10314 ::
lvgl - callback issues
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10312 ::
Nim Sucession Plan
10311 ::
I can't understand the func parseTime
10310 ::
Twitter Clone in 60 lines of Nim
10309 ::
Why is a Nim enthusiast/programmer called a "Nimmer"?
10308 ::
Undeclared field - Unrecognized proc
10307 ::
Nimble does not do anything.
10306 ::
NodeJS/Bun addons powered by Nim 👑
10305 ::
HttpClient - Requesting with proxy settings
10304 ::
Nim 1.6.14 released
10303 ::
Is it possible to write Linux kernel modules in Nim without having to "hack" the Nim compiler?
10302 ::
signalfd leaks in addProcess()
10301 ::
Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim
10300 ::
Why slight change to macro breaks it?
10299 ::
GUI app with nim
10298 ::
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra series of blog posts
10297 ::
thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10296 ::
How to easy get a object !??? member name all too longer!!!
10295 ::
regex find all w/captures
10294 ::
Wrapping C++ classes and constructors lead me to compilation errors global vs local, stable vs devel
10293 ::
how to importcpp a C++ class within namespaces in non-sloppy way
10292 ::
Does Nim has the same features that D has when interfacing to Objective-C?
10290 ::
Does Nim has support for C++ templates with its C++ interfacing?
10289 ::
Call iterator from within iterator
10288 ::
Multithread with js target
10287 ::
Building 1.6 on RHEL 7 on POWER (pp64le)?
10286 ::
macro - issue with the identifiers
10285 ::
10284 ::
how to make a dll in nim-lang?
10283 ::
play nim - not working?
10282 ::
macro - global var behaviour
10280 ::
Discounted rates for "Nim in Action" and "Mastering Nim"?
10279 ::
Nimble not installing Jester v0.6.0
10278 ::
Malebolgia & Pixy problem: expression has no address
10277 ::
Embedded: svd2nim for read/write of ARM Cortex micros
10276 ::
neovim lsp setup: no autocompletion and suggestion
10275 ::
volatile_store codegen error ?
10274 ::
Why `unsafe_addr` had to be used in StringSlice?
10273 ::
Library for tracking pressed keys
10272 ::
procs: forward declaration
10271 ::
NimQML> How to pack resource files or gui files in compiled package
10270 ::
How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10269 ::
Why is the posix package so "low level"?
10268 ::
Is there any utility to output a graphical representation of a Nim Abstract Syntax Tree?
10267 ::
FMU library - fmi2FreeInstance
10266 ::
debugEcho to stderr ? osproc.startProcess debugging...
10263 ::
Can Nim be considered an independent language?
10262 ::
Heap allocated variables that behave like stack variables?
10261 ::
error: could not load:(libcrypto-1_1-x64|libeay64).dll
10258 ::
Understanding `await sleepAsync`
10257 ::
C backend not finding NimMain()
10256 ::
FMU library - seg fault
10255 ::
I want to write a professional website. Which PL should I choose from?
10254 ::
tell me the library for windows to download files with a progress bar
10253 ::
constructors: from C++ with love
10252 ::
Reliably locating nimbase.h
10251 ::
Nim library interoperability with other GC languages (NodeJs, Golang)
10250 ::
End of function in Nim binary
10249 ::
Object Variant question
10248 ::
Collectors, heap, sharedRam, threads.
10247 ::
DLL crashes - can't figure out why
10243 ::
How to get operating system information in nim-lang?
10242 ::
This month in Nim: April and May 2023
10241 ::
I have started my own instance of nimforum, but I don't understand where I can administrate it
10239 ::
What is the meaning of () after an enumeration symbol?
10238 ::
Need suggestions for time scheduling async tasks
10235 ::
Using TCC/NLVM to compile source code in a string
10234 ::
Atlas shrugged...
10233 ::
Why does os.walkDir and consequently os.walkDirRec not use filesystem order?
10232 ::
Bloom filter comparisson
10231 ::
German Tax Upload in Nim with Futhark
10226 ::
May bug with ``ptr ref`` combine closure?
10225 ::
DLL Terms
10224 ::
PyPI was subpoenaed. Should Nim prepare a process in place?
10223 ::
Platonic: core math concepts
10221 ::
Any fuzzy or trigram substring search library, with index, so it's instant?
10220 ::
How to create modular program (like main with future addons) ?
10219 ::
Best Web Framework Features?
10215 ::
NIM code compile to executable does not run on other systems.
10214 ::
Support for Tree-sitter?
10213 ::
Complexity of nim vs other languages in creating a simple back-of-the-envelope tool.
10212 ::
Replicate python code in nim
10211 ::
Algebraic data types and structural pattern matching RFC
10210 ::
Nimble for Nim v2
10209 ::
C++ backend just got virtual
10208 ::
why does Nim source code filter add a newline at the end of the last line?
10207 ::
I came across a strange behavior of httpClient with Uri type parameter
10206 ::
Teach you to write nim code comfortably use vim if you like vim you must try :)
10205 ::
clarification on nim v2 removal of parallel & spawn
10204 ::
Get cursor position in terminal
10203 ::
std/paths and $ proc
10202 ::
Help with generics and typeclass problem
10201 ::
A memory management idea
10199 ::
macro compile-time comparison with define-pragmas
10198 ::
10197 ::
does arc deep copy spawn parameters?
10196 ::
slice 3D Tensor into 2D Tensor in arraymancer?
10195 ::
feasible lib(s) to do FFT on image with minimal dependencies?
10194 ::
Is there a way to tell the compiler to include/export unused functions
10193 ::
Announce: LimDB 0.3.0 Now with types & block-syntax transactions
10191 ::
Can't import compiler/* anymore
10190 ::
Macros - object.method
10189 ::
fswatch, non blocking usage?
10188 ::
Clearer copyright license for Nim logos and assets
10187 ::
intops - core primtives for working with integers efficiently
10186 ::
Is there a way to see the NIM version in an NIM executable (binary) ?
10185 ::
unique refs > `isolate`
10184 ::
High stack usage when calling `reset` on an object with a destructor
10183 ::
Save return value using threads
10182 ::
pure nim io_uring library
10181 ::
Why `!=` is template and not a func?
10180 ::
Is it bug of pragma nodecl?
10179 ::
Package update issue
10178 ::
Few async tools for nim
10177 ::
Atomic ARC
10176 ::
How can I create a process completely detached of my process?
10175 ::
Question from a complete Newbie
10174 ::
bug (?) with nested templates in generic proc
10173 ::
How to cast or pass a {.closure.} as a callback to a C API with userdata pointer?
10172 ::
Can someone help to understand how closure iterator works?
10171 ::
Good Languages Borrow, Great Languages Nim
10168 ::
10167 ::
2 blocks 1 indentation
10166 ::
locks on dynamically allocated memory
10165 ::
string fmt doesn't work inside of template?
10162 ::
How can I return a tuple of arrays from a proc. Having difficulty with proc signature
10161 ::
Usability of ARC/ORC in multi threaded code.
10159 ::
Mojo Language: Similarities/Differences with Nim, Potential Lessons for Adoption
10158 ::
Bug in Nim Std/Json?
10157 ::
I'm curious about what happens when using compiler flag "-d:asyncBackend=chronos"
10155 ::
Is ORC considered production-ready? What is the consensus on its use?
10154 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/30)
10153 ::
How to implement Trie data structure.
10152 ::
Async HTTP client ORC error in 1.6.10
10151 ::
nimble install problem - chinese characters
10150 ::
Checking for exact floating-point representations
10148 ::
Windows AsyncSocket bindAddr() fails for TCP Client sockets
10147 ::
help cleaning up a complex type
10146 ::
fetching data from many small .txt files
10144 ::
Ed25519 signing for nim
10143 ::
Can I download Nim on my iOS or Android device?
10141 ::
Using named blocks with break instead of exceptions for targetted exception handling
10140 ::
Type binding generic alias with extra parameter
10139 ::
Compiler limitation or wrong usage/expectation on my part?
10138 ::
Why is this `cursor` causing error ?
10137 ::
Any known means of sorting UTF8 strings?
10136 ::
After upgrading to Nim 1.6.12, my tests generate a lot of warnings - how to address?
10135 ::
Semcheck a NimNode tree?
10134 ::
Optimise async request / code [For Beginners]
10133 ::
Checking whether we are in .compileTime
10132 ::
how to read integers from keyboard
10131 ::
Can I quick get table last key value use like at(idx) function?
10128 ::
Small experiment with compiling the Nim compiler with PGO
10127 ::
Viability of a website generator using nim.
10126 ::
Long string in source file
10125 ::
Pass generic proc object different sub-types
10124 ::
Nim Threading question
10123 ::
EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
10121 ::
how to set hint/warningAsError switches in config.nims?
10120 ::
Is there still interest to develop INim or are there better Nim REPL?
10119 ::
Why nim discord library is slower than python's discord library?
10118 ::
Hex to bytes - How to convert
10117 ::
wasMoved and =destroy does not cancel each other out
10116 ::
Workaround for "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety"
10115 ::
Defining type fields with a template
10114 ::
nim for quantum computing?
10112 ::
Design discussion for KommandKit - async, multithreaded, ORC-ready web framework
10111 ::
Type mismatch with echo and trouble accessing Type fields
10110 ::
How to inverse set?
10109 ::
Which might be the best way to store complex data in MySQL
10108 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/16)
10107 ::
+= operator with if statement gives errors
10106 ::
Article on wrapping C libraries in Nim
10104 ::
How to make os (e.g. ubuntu) interpret nimscript shebang
10103 ::
Writing a wrapper for ML libraries how-to
10102 ::
Mono UI, high productivity, simple and clean code
10101 ::
What GPT-4 knows and thinks about Nim
10100 ::
Windows Containers for Windows Server 2019 Deprecated
10099 ::
How can I know whether an untyped argument of a template can be stringified?
10097 ::
How to specify output directory for `nim genDepend` ?
10095 ::
Nim v2 and gcsafe
10094 ::
Why sec copied as ref?
10093 ::
noob question exception and await
10092 ::
Tcp buffer reuse for lower memory use
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10090 ::
Nimforms - A simple GUI library for Windows
10088 ::
How the acyclic pragma works
10087 ::
2.0 RC new and old
10085 ::
NiGui: adding images to a layout container
10084 ::
Object Arrays
10083 ::
Need guidance for a first experience with Nim and ESP32
10082 ::
Scan syntax tree for procedure calls
10080 ::
State of HTTP Servers in Nim
10079 ::
asyncCheck break my function
10078 ::
How to disable highlighting in nim rstgen
10076 ::
Upcoming `Result` review - comments and thoughts welcome!
10074 ::
Calling Nim proc from C and handling the cstring (char array) returned
10072 ::
Future of typing ?
10069 ::
How could I set up an i386 CI for Nim?
10067 ::
Is such HTML template possible?
10066 ::
Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare
10065 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/2)
10064 ::
Generic initialization procedure with default type
10062 ::
Anyone tried GPT-4 for Nim?
10060 ::
How do I test if varaible is a type of proc?
10059 ::
Dear library developers,
10058 ::
The Nim development team cooperates with OpenAI in order to fight climate change
10057 ::
How to return from a function back to the main application loop
10056 ::
Why to_seq not overloaded properly?
10055 ::
Announce: LimDB 0.2.0
10054 ::
Nim 1.6 vs 2 (1.9) Working with channels
10053 ::
Maybe can add a pragma let nim proc/func easy call cproc/cfunc
10052 ::
RFC: compiler support for object construction shorthand (full fields initializer)
10051 ::
Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
10049 ::
Any bad consequence of redefining equality for ref types?
10048 ::
Mutable return type works fine for myTable.mgetOrPut but not for a custom proc
10047 ::
Can't nest VNode inside other VNode
10044 ::
Is the escape sequence case-insensitive?
10042 ::
Nim interop with other languages
10040 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/26)
10039 ::
Using Socket for File Transfer
10037 ::
Must add array quick assignment init method
10035 ::
Iteration against a C-API
10034 ::
bun.sh supports nimlang
10033 ::
Why this code works?
10032 ::
Screenshot works fine in own code but not over sockets.
10029 ::
How to get exe name from pid under Windows
10027 ::
Nim goto intermediate representation
10026 ::
C++ method override
10024 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/19)
10023 ::
design question: generic methods are deprecated
10022 ::
Only one line will load. Need all lines in directory to load.
10020 ::
Background tasks in jester
10019 ::
Any way to implement `=` in the follow exampĺe?
10018 ::
Do you miss these compact syntaxes?
10017 ::
Negative number as program argument
10016 ::
module "uing", widget Table: How to add rows from string-sequence
10015 ::
Sending Directory Listing over Sockets Help.
10014 ::
How to Save Directory Listing into Variable.
10013 ::
I asked chat-gpt to write a fft function in Nim
10012 ::
10011 ::
All chr() up to 127 returns correct unicode character, but chr([128++]) returns �
10010 ::
How to sort 2d array?
10009 ::
Newbie needs help with locks and gcsafe and segfaults
10008 ::
Slicing a string of characters from a starting point until all is selected.
10007 ::
Trying To Slice the Characters Where Needed.
10006 ::
Moderator updates
10005 ::
testament + valgrind: importing asyncdispatch or threadpool causes valgrind to throw?
10004 ::
.o files going missing before linking?
10002 ::
A list of programs
10001 ::
Nim ORC example benchmark
10000 ::
Cheerp 3.0? C++ to WASM compiler
9999 ::
Wish to use nim to take a screenshot of my desktop background
9998 ::
Export C library components when using `--app:lib`
9997 ::
Get equivalent code with expanded templates/macros
9996 ::
How to reproduce the release build of Nim?
9994 ::
Trying to understand: is it better if IndexDefect is CatchableError or not
9992 ::
Can I type a parameter as supporting `$`?
9990 ::
Example of simple parser?
9989 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/12)
9988 ::
How to decouple code?
9986 ::
Cursor Location for user input.
9985 ::
Difference between generics and templates
9984 ::
Windows Screen Capture Help
9983 ::
Make Nim docker images official?
9982 ::
The Algorithms In Nim
9981 ::
Shared global var in ORC?
9980 ::
Fstring and Split to Variable Error
9978 ::
Template in template: should this work?
9977 ::
Version 1.6.12 released!
9976 ::
Can Nim do Type States?
9975 ::
Macros and interfacing with the world ?
9974 ::
Getting a Compile Error - "Error: cannot open file: sockets"
9973 ::
Compile error “no socket”
9972 ::
Why does this code using 'concepts' fail?
9971 ::
Overflow Checks
9970 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/5)
9969 ::
iterators composition
9968 ::
Cannot get library demos running due to linker errors
9967 ::
Can I add Procs to Enums in Nim like in Python or Rust?
9966 ::
Help with a simple gstreamer application
9965 ::
importc in NimVM
9964 ::
import module just for comptime use
9963 ::
This month with Nim - February 2023
9962 ::
RST in nim.
9961 ::
uing - a fork of ui that wraps libui-ng instead of libui
9960 ::
`send` for `AsyncSocket` does not work when communicating with shared libraries
9957 ::
why use nim over c#?
9955 ::
anonymous records / subtyping ?
9953 ::
How to make web component to run Nim code inside a web page and by using some npm pakage only
9952 ::
Compilation error (type mismatch)
9951 ::
Error: VM does not support 'cast' from tyOpenArray to tyPtr
9950 ::
Nimble package submission process broken?
9949 ::
Debugging Memory Usage in Nim
9946 ::
asyncfutures: addCallback not calling callback
9944 ::
Ants: YAML inspired configuration using Nimscript / Nim
9943 ::
JS backend: Can't return a proc that iterates over an openArray
9942 ::
Orc RTTI: Is there a way to get Enum + Tuple type info?
9941 ::
Proc type won't match despite identical signatures
9940 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (2/26)
9936 ::
Make nimble task depend on "build"
9933 ::
How to use the new nimble develop?
9931 ::
How do I declare a proc as returning a (JavaScript) Promise with no return value?
9930 ::
How to destroy the global dispatcher(gDisp) in asyncdispatch on RTOS ?
9929 ::
new vs object literal for ref objects
9928 ::
Garbage Collectors and Shared Libraries
9927 ::
How do I detect/guess the encoding used in a text file?
9926 ::
ffi: how to pass a value to c?
9925 ::
How to declare array (of unknown size) of floats for a webaudio wrapper function signature?
9924 ::
What is the recommended way to use the local branch of an external git nim module in my nim project?
9923 ::
Help with macro/template-style transformation
9922 ::
Difference {.importcpp.} vs {.importjs.}
9919 ::
Are the modules httpclient/net threadsafe?
9918 ::
Save audio stream to the file from httpstream
9917 ::
nim birthday?
9916 ::
Using nimble as a library
9914 ::
Heap fragmentation, embedded systems
9912 ::
Question on GTK3 mouse processing
9911 ::
Does "--compileOnly" with "Dead Code Elimination" work?
9910 ::
SIGSEGV when creating a dunamic library in Nim and use it in nim (and posiibbly in other places too)
9909 ::
Is it possible to only compile the linked modules but not the executable?
9908 ::
My Nim Development Progress Weekly
9907 ::
JIT landed in nlvm
9906 ::
Returning to Nim from Python and Rust
9904 ::
Is it possible to detect "not defined in header file" ?
9903 ::
Leaving out type names during compilation
9902 ::
Nim in production: 350+ HTTP requests per second on a very modest VM
9901 ::
About NimMain when launching multiple Nim tasks on RTOS (FreeRTOS, Zephr, etc.)
9900 ::
Reviving Nimeventer
9899 ::
async post
9898 ::
Proposal for Nim 2.0: Documented way to get Nim "Hello, world" to run on Android and IOS
9897 ::
I want `for-else` statement to break nested loop like python :)
9895 ::
Is there a way to automatically find the path to nimbase.h when installed with choosenim?
9894 ::
Nim job at Reddit, Internal Data Tool, US Remote, $198,200 - $297,300.
9893 ::
Expose static nim library to DLL
9892 ::
Variable Declaration in Templates
9891 ::
Pass instance to other script
9889 ::
robots.txt and sitemap for the forum.
9887 ::
What does the @ symbol do?
9886 ::
Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9885 ::
Who wants to do a GSoC about FreeCAD? Program in Nim!
9884 ::
Immutable pointer type?
9883 ::
NuttX Port
9882 ::
Wanted libraries wishlist?
9881 ::
How to catch/ignore exception when iterating over a CSV file with CsvParser?
9880 ::
Trouble compiling libraries with cpp header
9877 ::
`-d:nimPreviewSlimSystem` reduces the execution time of simple nimscript programs to a half
9876 ::
Send headers from server to client with httpbeast
9875 ::
Why vtable implementaion is not better than subtype checking implementation?
9874 ::
Mysql limit not working
9872 ::
Quill - A nim js library for making text editors
9871 ::
Getting started with Nim on attiny85
9870 ::
9869 ::
Possible way for easy android app creation without JAVA!
9868 ::
what's with deepCopy?
9867 ::
Toying with a direct C "includes" in the compiler
9866 ::
Interface C++ objects with `wasMoved`?
9865 ::
How to listen to an IPv6 address but also allow IPv4
9864 ::
Time compare with now
9863 ::
Nimword - A simple interface for password-hashing implemented by other packages
9862 ::
command line parametr with whitespace
9861 ::
Jester - Cannot get multiple values from html select list?
9860 ::
Minimising of using imports in the same project
9859 ::
RosettaBoy - Gameboy emulator rosetta stone
9858 ::
Twisting Nim's arm to generate loop #pragmas .
9857 ::
How to get compiler to warn/error on missing return statement in conditional branches?
9856 ::
How to ref value types in tables?
9855 ::
Newbie error: SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
9854 ::
Compiling Nim to WebAssembly and exporting a function from it
9853 ::
Accessing the generated C in comp time
9852 ::
Cross-compiling for M1 mac from non-M1 mac
9851 ::
Strange error: system module needs: nimAsgnStrV2
9850 ::
Why I stopped programming in Nim
9849 ::
Why Nim does not support comparison between different types?
9848 ::
Problem with object constructor in macro
9846 ::
File logging in a thread using spawn (GC safe call expression)
9845 ::
Show Nim: JWTea, Crunchy and Depot. New repos you may find useful.
9844 ::
Nim 2.0 db_odbc
9842 ::
Current available paths to move computation to GPU
9841 ::
how to convert to pure c++ code and how do i do classification prediction on my project? am new
9840 ::
"index 7 not in 0 .. 6 [IndexDefect]" when converting a nim project to Javascript
9839 ::
Unique ID's for types?
9838 ::
Porting to a new OS/Architecture pair
9836 ::
`std/xmltree` issue with extra spaces being added
9835 ::
Random iterator call spawning?
9834 ::
nlvm update 202301
9833 ::
How to wrap a JavaScript function that takes variable arguments?
9832 ::
`--os:standalone` gives `Error: system module needs: getCurrentException`
9831 ::
Numerical libraries for data science
9830 ::
"cannot prove that it's safe to initialize"
9829 ::
32 vs 64 bits
9823 ::
How do I fix this?
9822 ::
Multilungual Nimdoc
9821 ::
static assert fails
9820 ::
How to incrementally convert a C or C++ project?
9819 ::
Illformed AST?
9817 ::
This Month with Nim: November and December 2022
9816 ::
What would be the bast way to get parsing and validation of parameters (option:value)
9815 ::
strutils: mapIt: empty seq gives index error
9814 ::
OpenSSL/DTLS Support in Nim
9813 ::
Workaround if you are curious about “couldn’t render historic post”
9810 ::
setting individual bit fields
9809 ::
Some beginner help needed with "or" vs "|" and use in nimraylib_now ...
9805 ::
Official Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon) account?
9804 ::
Trying to make a lexer, stops if it hits an operator.
9803 ::
Add self signed cert to httpClient
9802 ::
Question about async programming
9801 ::
Array concatenation
9800 ::
Is there a way to print the documents without printing the rest of the html?
9799 ::
Two type matches, both wrong: how to do it right?
9798 ::
Delete items in a seq while iterating over it?
9797 ::
Regex error - "Error: missing closing ' for character literal"
9796 ::
split nim site documentation to 2 parts
9795 ::
Alternative to closure iterator that works in JS
9794 ::
The state of GPU codegen with Nim (bonus: LLVM JIT codegen)
9793 ::
std/strutils not working in JS?
9792 ::
Trying to setup SDL2 on Ubuntu for pixels
9791 ::
A seasoned programmer's take on Nim's docs
9790 ::
Nim book in Japanese
9789 ::
How does the `nimsuggest` LSP work with respect to UFCS support in Nim?
9788 ::
Assigning array to itself with different order
9787 ::
What Nim version introduces "except CatchableError" ?
9786 ::
A serious documentation for Nim
9785 ::
nimqt - bindings to Qt
9784 ::
-d:useMalloc fixes memory leak, but I don't know why
9783 ::
Async Socket with SSL Context throws "error:1420C114:SSL routines:ssl_write_internal:uninitialized"
9781 ::
Can I create a unique hash of a proc and all its dependencies?
9780 ::
Is flags={SocketFlag.Peek} buggy or am I missing something ?
9779 ::
Type mistmatch for `int` and `sink T`
9778 ::
Downloading files with missing protocol in redirect url
9777 ::
Roadmap 2023
9775 ::
nim 2.0 RC1 taskpools error
9774 ::
Question about taskpools
9773 ::
test/config.nims can't import nim file from package when executed as part of `nimble test`
9772 ::
The meaning of `do`
9770 ::
Is setControlCHook still supported ?
9769 ::
Creating const in a macro fails in 1.9.1
9768 ::
Parallel Fibonacci
9767 ::
Default orc crash simple jester httpbeast
9766 ::
Is there a traditional rounding function?
9765 ::
try-catch misbehavior
9764 ::
Javascript backend and implicit cstring conversions
9763 ::
csv column type setting
9762 ::
Strange error: single character string constants
9761 ::
Question about the let statement
9759 ::
How to further speed up the build of your Nim's projects (using ccache)
9758 ::
Parazoa - Immutable, persistent data structures for Nim
9757 ::
How to make variables declared inside static blocks available?
9756 ::
Uncatchable JsonParsingError when encountered in a macro
9755 ::
Foreign thread callbacks causes memory leak
9754 ::
How to move variable to other thread
9753 ::
question about memory management
9752 ::
Formal verification in Nim using COQ and other proof assistants
9751 ::
Ttop - System monitoring service tool with tui and historical data
9750 ::
Use multithreading without channel and threadpool
9749 ::
ormin example chat - websocket failed
9748 ::
Atlas -- the package cloner
9747 ::
OpenGPT seems to sort-of work with Nim also.
9746 ::
Nim version 2.0 RC1
9745 ::
Create a ref to a C allocated object to manage its memory
9744 ::
Windows Defender detected Trojan.AndroidOS/Multiverze in Nim-1.6.10_64.zip
9742 ::
converting C++ typedef to nim-lang
9741 ::
Proposed method of writing filters in Nexus v2
9740 ::
Tutorial for nim pixie graphics?
9739 ::
Splat operator implementation with macros
9738 ::
Looking for resources about more complex generics, comptime type construction, etc.
9737 ::
Mr. Rumpf, why didn't you went along with the Python standard library?
9736 ::
Proposed method of defining models with Nim code in Nexus
9735 ::
Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code
9734 ::
Where is the documentation for fidgetty?
9733 ::
Why is the cursor pragma called cursor?
9732 ::
sql db_postgres update where <column> in (…………)
9731 ::
Closure dual use for objects?
9730 ::
"SIGSEGV: illegal storage access" (httpclient)
9729 ::
Odd timings for threads
9725 ::
JS compiler produces a large file (with -d:release) ?
9724 ::
Nim Static linking OpenSSL issue with fork()
9723 ::
TinyRE - Tiny Regex Engine for Nim
9722 ::
Fine control over the ordering of linker args?
9721 ::
BigNum and BigInt timings on the Pollard Rho algorithm
9720 ::
Status of exceptions with goto,setjmp with C++
9719 ::
Generic parameters
9718 ::
strictNotNil and bogus “cannot prove” errors
9717 ::
Best practices for initializing objects?
9716 ::
Update on strict funcs
9715 ::
C++ delete wrapping
9714 ::
How do I ‘subclass’ StringStream?
9713 ::
Snorlogue - A prologue extension
9712 ::
Cargo like subcommands in Nimble
9711 ::
How should system library support be structured?
9710 ::
Struggling to understand `asyncjs`'s `PromiseJs`
9709 ::
A question about random returns
9708 ::
9707 ::
Return value for joinThread?
9706 ::
Set Length Seq
9705 ::
generating dll with nim
9704 ::
A new way for Nim to shine ? Faster than NodeJS interpreted Nim, taking advantage of declared types
9703 ::
9702 ::
noob: getch giving AssertionDefect etc
9701 ::
Type aliases not quite working like I expected. Ideas for alternative approach?
9700 ::
Making a upside-down card game: Flipcards
9699 ::
Nim HashSets operators
9698 ::
Get time at compile-time
9695 ::
Is the use of doAssert in config.nims deprecated in the latest Nim devel?
9694 ::
Can wasMoved be overloaded?
9693 ::
ROS2 Library port (Robotics)
9691 ::
Don't understand why ref is marked cyclic
9690 ::
parser generator
9689 ::
Using pairs() with iterators
9688 ::
Why is Rust faster than Nim in this CSV parsing example?
9687 ::
Forum subscription feature
9686 ::
ftpclient download problem.
9685 ::
sequtils.nim(786, 15) Error: expected: ':', but got: 'result'
9684 ::
Nimsugest Goes out of control
9683 ::
Show Nim: Mummy, a new HTTP + WebSocket server that returns to the ancient ways of threads
9682 ::
Built-in (whole) array programming in Nim v2 or even sooner for scientific computing
9681 ::
Parsing Unicode and lexbase
9680 ::
Upcoming standard library changes
9679 ::
Executable crashes unless compiled with -d:release
9678 ::
Advent of Nim 2022
9677 ::
Basic window graphics library?
9676 ::
Polymorphism doesn't work building a dylib for Playdate (Cortex M7) with ARC
9675 ::
Ideas about the exception-tracing system
9674 ::
Not able to get `in` for sets to work properly
9672 ::
ARC and {.requiresInit.} issue
9671 ::
Importing generic variables
9666 ::
nimble master
9663 ::
Do you have to use 'ref' for the field types within ref objects?
9659 ::
Plans for improving tagged enum (ADT) syntax?
9658 ::
Weird ICE
9657 ::
Any libraries for dictionary coding (compression) of array structures ?
9656 ::
Initial OS porting experience
9655 ::
Choosing Nim out of a crowded market for systems programming languages
9654 ::
Import C and Nim keyword collisions
9653 ::
`cast` broken?
9651 ::
How to create a mutable object prefrably without ref
9649 ::
Type macro returning a transformed type def + other definitions
9648 ::
Does modifying cstring affect its string?
9647 ::
Looking for a pair programming partner / coach
9646 ::
Atomic ARC option?
9645 ::
Open XML Spreadsheet (Excel) Library for Nim
9644 ::
Is it allowed to use dealloc instead of free?
9643 ::
Nim 1.6.10 released
9642 ::
What's the name for wchar?
9641 ::
Nim Table, type iterators and lent type
9640 ::
How can nimqml being used with docker?
9639 ::
Are OpenArrays memory safe?
9638 ::
Question on Stream getPosition implementation
9637 ::
Identifying a column of a matrix in nimbleFunction
9635 ::
Pigeon 0.2
9633 ::
How to manually free/clear memory used by ref
9632 ::
Install issue from choosenim [Windows]
9630 ::
Jetbrains updated its Nim Plugin!
9629 ::
Using templates with generic or untyped parameters
9628 ::
How to inject member identifiers in generics
9627 ::
Procedure to remove modules from stdlib?
9626 ::
Managed references to unmanaged references?
9625 ::
Seq too big I think Error: execution of an external program failed
9624 ::
Metadesk parser
9622 ::
Nimble on Termux uses invalid temp folder
9620 ::
Small Nim js fib benchmark
9619 ::
How to add a file to a project without importing
9617 ::
Nim 2: "Memory can be shared effectively between threads without copying in Nim version 2"
9616 ::
problems with gcc.exe and gcc.linkexe
9615 ::
How can I concatenate strings of type sqlQuery (db_sqlite)?
9614 ::
Nim 1.6.10 RC2
9612 ::
Bad out of the box experience with MSVC
9611 ::
Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.
9609 ::
OpenSSL 3?
9608 ::
targeting 16bit system
9606 ::
Opportunity to adopt a new linker?
9605 ::
Subsequence matching
9604 ::
new to nim install fail Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
9603 ::
memory footprint of parsejson
9602 ::
Yet another c compiler (under development)
9601 ::
Memory strategies with OpenMP
9599 ::
error: cannot convert 'tyObject_XEvent__EZvRvOUywFnBp4PzilZBoA' to 'XEvent&'
9598 ::
How can I get the fields and field-types of an sqlite-database?
9597 ::
How to know if `--mm:arc` is applicable?
9596 ::
A cost model for Nim v2
9595 ::
Race condition in async server using websockets.... maybe?
9594 ::
editor for nim files with #? stdtmpl | standard
9593 ::
can Parsing Expression Grammar mechanisms replace the absence of reader macros in Nim??
9591 ::
nim name origin?
9590 ::
Howto: reinterpret a contiguous region/chunk of memory as a sequence of a certain type?
9589 ::
Is it possible to borrow `UncheckedArray[T]` as `openArray[T]` then return from procedure?
9588 ::
C++ binding - error: use of deleted function
9587 ::
linearScanEnd caveats?
9581 ::
wrapping c++ function - cannot instantiate 'T2'
9580 ::
nimporter.NimCompileException: The system cannot find the file specified.
9579 ::
Socket Implementation - PS4 homebrew development (OpenOrbis)
9578 ::
Can't manipulate HashSet of complex types
9577 ::
Importing from a parallel directory.
9576 ::
kotlin style scope macros?
9575 ::
youtube video Nim in 100 seconds from Fireship
9574 ::
Nim 1.6.10 release candidate
9572 ::
Making a honey pot and errors with nmap
9571 ::
How to edit the wiki?
9570 ::
Calc shellcode with nim?
9569 ::
To sink or not to sink
9568 ::
How to use multi-type parameters in the Nim
9567 ::
This Month with Nim: October 2022
9566 ::
Looping Assertions
9565 ::
nim-gdb: Undefined command: "import"
9564 ::
NimEdit: can it be made compilable with Nim 1.6.8?
9563 ::
How to import a C array of unknown size?
9562 ::
too many clock-cycles?
9561 ::
Undeclared identifier despite being imported
9560 ::
Multithread support in a dynamic language interpreter
9559 ::
Question about patterns
9558 ::
Calling conversions for C macros
9557 ::
Nimscript and GPL
9556 ::
"Mastering Nim" - errata?
9555 ::
Is it possible to allocate ref objects in a specific region of memory?
9554 ::
Evolving the GUI definition
9552 ::
Change ref object variant in-place - drawbacks?
9551 ::
Questions about Nim and its extensibility
9550 ::
Has 'IsNullOrEmpty' been deprecated?
9549 ::
Tips on how to avoid Nim pointer instability bugs?
9548 ::
Nimble is unable to download and install
9547 ::
how to convert epoch (in milliseconds) to human time ?
9546 ::
How to instantiate a `DateTime` object at compile time?
9545 ::
Declaring an uninitialized seq & avoid unnecessary zero-mem's
9543 ::
Nim 2: What’s special about Task?
9542 ::
Newbie first impressions
9541 ::
Double pointer FFI to C
9540 ::
Enums, custom overloads & redundant strings
9539 ::
NimConf 2022 - Saturday, October 22nd
9538 ::
template untyped and typed as parameters and return type
9537 ::
Compile time safety for case object fields
9536 ::
9535 ::
Some help with javascript - OpenCascade.js
9534 ::
working towards a Nim Devroom at FOSDEM 2023 (physical event)
9533 ::
Using Multi file select with wNim's File Dialog returns an empy sequence.
9532 ::
How do I run Nim procedures on iOS?
9531 ::
How do I turn binary file data into hex representation
9530 ::
From too many copies to too few
9529 ::
Access type from two different files
9528 ::
Introducing PhylogeNi and BioSeq
9527 ::
How to check if a string is numeric?
9526 ::
NimConf 2022
9525 ::
Ways to tweak the output of the JavaScript backend
9524 ::
Odd error in ARC when running in Windows
9522 ::
Packing integers and GMP bignums in a single value
9521 ::
Some Strange Error When running a simple code
9519 ::
Term rewriting template question
9518 ::
Inconsistent behavior with object slicing under different gc modes
9517 ::
Unexpected compile error with implicit generics code
9515 ::
how to properly init a Table of seq
9514 ::
Macros Masking Common Errors
9511 ::
Reworking "c things" like static const unsigned char clcidx[19] =
9510 ::
Selecting/installing older nim package on FreeBSD
9509 ::
How to declare a varible in a case statement for use afterwrads
9508 ::
How to check if an object is a child (Similar behavior of instance of from Java)
9507 ::
This Month with Nim: September 2022
9506 ::
Threaded TLSF
9505 ::
Copies, seqs, assignments & templates
9504 ::
How to unroll a loop over a compile-time seq?
9503 ::
Nimbus-eth2 beacon node setup
9502 ::
Is it possible to specify dylib path through environment variables?
9501 ::
Getting pointer to a seq
9500 ::
How to chain anonymous proc with UFCS?
9499 ::
Troubles with autocompletion with VSC and third party packages
9498 ::
See generated code after template processing?
9497 ::
How to properly typecheck a variable number of array args?
9496 ::
EpochTime substractions gives out small negative float
9495 ::
Overriding default C/C++ options + error with 1.6.8 / C++ / macOS
9493 ::
Battling with copies & a silly question
9492 ::
Cross-Compiling gintro/GTK4
9491 ::
To `ref` or not to `ref` on embedded?
9490 ::
update dictionary value function?
9489 ::
9488 ::
codeGenDecl expressions and monomorphization
9487 ::
passing pointer from nim dynlib to c host application
9485 ::
High-to-low range in slice
9483 ::
compile-time avoid Exception statement
9482 ::
Is a Java-style GC possible?
9481 ::
internal error: cannot map the empty seq type to a C type
9480 ::
Return multiple "flat" nodes from a macro
9479 ::
Hashsets and OpenArrays
9477 ::
Turns Nim into a build once run anywhere language
9476 ::
Fidgetty Widget System: Rewrite
9475 ::
How to get cursor position?
9474 ::
9473 ::
collecting keys and randomly picking values from tables
9472 ::
Problem with strformat and templates
9471 ::
How would i safely turn a image from a url to a uri.
9470 ::
Custom macro inserts macro help
9469 ::
Nim 2 feature request - Custom operators
9467 ::
Enum union type and "Kind" pattern in recursive types
9465 ::
One lookup table indexed by multiple enums
9464 ::
question on use GUIPlus on windows 10 64bits
9463 ::
One screen, quick and ugly kv store. Advices needed
9462 ::
Custom macro for if-let statement
9461 ::
Turning a tuple to json
9460 ::
include directory
9459 ::
Why compiler doesn't check the size of types with the `size` pragma?
9457 ::
Show Nim: TheArtButton.ai, a new web Stable Diffusion runner
9456 ::
Nim compiler options for Z80 C compiler?
9454 ::
Strange issue with readline
9453 ::
Nim Compiler Issues
9451 ::
Nim 1.6.8 release candidate
9450 ::
Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?
9449 ::
how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9448 ::
QRgen - A QR generation library fully written in nim
9446 ::
libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released
9444 ::
Inner Loop Index Type
9443 ::
Cannot run nimble on windows
9442 ::
Writing byte array to FileStream - best approaches?
9441 ::
Parser Combinator Dynamic Dispatch, Object Variants and Inheritance
9439 ::
`Opt` support in nim-results
9438 ::
This Month with Nim: June and July 2022
9437 ::
Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9436 ::
Unspecified generics in type fields
9435 ::
Nim playground inaccessible
9434 ::
Custom header values inside multi-part form ?
9433 ::
Should custom numeric literals be reworked?
9432 ::
Thread-Safe Container Type doubts
9431 ::
UI with WebView without JS?
9430 ::
How to have multiple (alternate) return types?
9429 ::
Hot reload & Alternatives - Mac Support (ARM and x86)
9428 ::
Error when cross-compiling Nim with mingw
9427 ::
c2nim - working with arrays
9426 ::
Discreet Command Execution
9425 ::
Mini-book on long-lived ABIs
9424 ::
Stadard way to call a nimscript
9423 ::
Hello World with --mm:none and --warningAsError:GcMem
9421 ::
c2nim problem with char[] to UncheckardArray[char]
9420 ::
NimConf 2022 - registrations
9419 ::
Info about gcc compiler options used by nim
9418 ::
How to install packages via nimble on a machine without internet
9417 ::
Captures in `peg` sub-parsers
9416 ::
Add Nim version for introduction of new feature
9415 ::
Dr. Chaos released!
9413 ::
Where do nimErr's comes from?
9412 ::
Can iterators not be variables?
9411 ::
Json serialization and polymorphism
9410 ::
Using return in templates returns nil
9408 ::
Does "pushing" overflowCheck's actually work?
9407 ::
Recursively replace pair of bytes with one byte, within given byte array
9406 ::
Nim cross-compiled in OpenEmbedded
9405 ::
precompiled header in Nim
9404 ::
First program does not compile and is hard to debug
9403 ::
Fill array in C style
9402 ::
Why is nimscript interpreted and why the limitations?
9401 ::
Issues when creating static library on macOS
9400 ::
String vs Array concatenation
9399 ::
Nim without libc?
9398 ::
use memlib call dll proc face nil access
9397 ::
Can't get basic example of creating reference objects to work. Compilation errors.
9396 ::
Fidget and its alternatives
9395 ::
Ideas for useful/cute little GUI programs?
9394 ::
When do we use pass & return by ref if everything behind the scenes is by-pointer anyway?
9393 ::
Nimble and two different C files with the same name
9389 ::
Need some direction on macros.
9388 ::
Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9387 ::
How to allocate a channel and return a ptr?
9385 ::
looking for windows webview2 binding
9384 ::
Sugar.Collect macro inside a Sequence causing error
9383 ::
Use SciKit-learn for machine learning from Nim? (Andreas please read!)
9382 ::
why Hints comes yet even {.push hint[Name]: off.} is added?
9381 ::
Can't isolate an object with a DateTime field
9380 ::
jnim documentation ?
9379 ::
Read/write access to global variable in multithreaded application
9378 ::
Explain current state of multi-threading
9377 ::
nimiSlides 🛷 Create beautiful slideshows in Nim 👑
9376 ::
Convert Python codes to Nim codes
9375 ::
C function dependencies in os:any
9374 ::
Why is db_postgres so slow?
9373 ::
Any way to compile with `-O2` or `-Ofast`?
9372 ::
Wave: illegal capture ' ' because 'weaveParallelForSection' has the calling convention: <inline>
9371 ::
Alternative to gravatar for the forums?
9370 ::
Nimble decentralisation?
9369 ::
Can't Get Length of Returned Table
9368 ::
Program not working on Windows 11
9367 ::
What's the use case for a "block" statement?
9366 ::
Native compile option?
9364 ::
How to make my library code aware of user provided overloads.
9363 ::
Show Nim: CSS Grid layout engine!
9361 ::
Memory leak when embedding nimscript
9360 ::
Best websocket library?
9358 ::
The Nim team's latest efforts in mitigating the false postives on the Nim binaries
9357 ::
Getting compile command in compile time.
9356 ::
Show Nim: New Pixie 5.0 release with significant performance improvements
9355 ::
fidget - vmath - vector graphics undeclared identifier
9354 ::
How to use Github's actions/cache with Nim?
9353 ::
Math library for renderers and GUIs
9352 ::
Where to start with creating direct Qt bindings?
9351 ::
Error using `bindSym` at compile time
9350 ::
`mixin` ignores `when` branching
9349 ::
Nim spotted in the wild on new Hacker News code education startup
9348 ::
if-else VS case-else VS case
9347 ::
withColor template in "THE BOOK"
9346 ::
Threads dying, memory issues?
9345 ::
how to call a function (that works on the dom) in karax after page is loaded
9344 ::
Associating compile time data with function identifiers
9343 ::
Nimib with release 0.3 becomes interactive
9342 ::
How to get just the first N bytes with httpclient ?
9341 ::
Translating "Nature of Code" to Nim - Which graphics library should I use?
9339 ::
composite type bug? Order makes difference.
9337 ::
string of compressed source code
9336 ::
Nim Wiki disabled contributions
9335 ::
Text portion of an XmlNode type
9333 ::
Load Assets From Memory
9332 ::
Compiler error on Windows that doesn't occur on Mac/Linux
9331 ::
let variable is not gc safe
9330 ::
How to check whether parseFloat leads to missing precision
9329 ::
Can I get this kind of type automatically build by template or macro?
9328 ::
How to copy a random field into another of the same type at runtime?
9327 ::
downloading big files
9325 ::
how to update macro nim1.2 to nim1.6.6?
9324 ::
Illegal storage access
9323 ::
Nim packages dependencies visualizations
9322 ::
How to determine why shared lib is linked
9321 ::
Ctrie in Nim for concurrent iterators?
9319 ::
Implement api rate limiting with jester
9318 ::
How to compute a set[enum] with all possible values?
9317 ::
How to write a proc to get verilog HDL style bitslicer?
9316 ::
How to make property nil?
9315 ::
Carbon lang
9314 ::
Error: both asyncdispatch.await and asyncmacro.await match, but asyncmacro is not imported
9313 ::
Weird Type Mismatch error for JS backend (1.6.X)
9312 ::
OverflowDefect when executing fibonacci sequence with 'memoization'
9311 ::
Help writing a macro that can accept a list of arguments of any arbitary type
9310 ::
Nim v1.6.6 support for Codewars
9309 ::
Nim thread memory handling in threads with and without orc
9308 ::
how to create structures based on user types/fields?
9307 ::
from nim to C (C interop)
9306 ::
Compile time detection of experimental compiler feature
9305 ::
Force compilation of unused parts of a module
9304 ::
openSUSE Reaches First-Class Support for Nim Language
9303 ::
Weird error on Ubuntu 2x.04
9302 ::
Owlkettle 2.0.0 is a declarative GUI framwork for GTK 4
9301 ::
New floating type problem
9300 ::
Heterogeneous strongly typed records
9299 ::
'go to declaration' for nim extension (JetBrains)
9298 ::
Creating a vb6 dll compatible and Returning String
9297 ::
How to copy a file to a remote host, let it run, and delete afterwards using wmi (winim/com)?
9296 ::
Possible to combine OpenGL with Fidget?
9295 ::
Compile time imports
9294 ::
When should i use JsonNode instead of tables
9292 ::
Help with sorting a sequence of objects
9291 ::
fidget: How does the layout system work (what is this orgBox?)
9290 ::
does statically linking lua works?
9289 ::
Is covariance supported?
9288 ::
What to do with the handle from CreateNativeSocket?
9287 ::
Question about polymorphism
9285 ::
Choosenim 0.8.4 now available
9284 ::
How do I create the buffer for the "sendto" function?
9283 ::
Test for static in macro
9282 ::
advanced integration with lua
9280 ::
Effect system: filtering tags
9279 ::
How to use concepts?
9278 ::
How to let nim know to search an additional path for linking a lib?
9277 ::
errorStream(p) returns output stream
9276 ::
Nim syntax highlight for mcedit
9274 ::
Stack/heap addresses, confusion
9272 ::
Which metrics we should collect for each commit if building a GitHub Action bot?
9271 ::
State machines example : echo-server
9270 ::
How to pass int pointer to C?
9269 ::
why does JS backend return array with object?
9268 ::
If imported name conflicts with Nim keyword, what would you call it?
9267 ::
Can I pass different types to static generic parameters?
9266 ::
Nim 2.0 is already here.
9265 ::
Changing the order of nimbase.h in generated files
9264 ::
Back to the basics (of research) - Concurrent data-structures in 2.0 ?
9263 ::
Init procedure naming convention for non-GC memory
9262 ::
Writing a shared lib for Android
9261 ::
Unexpected empty sequence
9260 ::
Setting compiler-style defines in normal code?
9259 ::
Mastering Nim: A complete guide to the programming language
9258 ::
Threading error: calling procs off objects (httpbeast)
9257 ::
Example code with multithreading and channels is failing
9256 ::
Any way to determine the GC at runtime?
9255 ::
Is it possible to "mock" function calls? (For testing purposes)
9254 ::
Deploy DLLs
9252 ::
Question about pointers
9251 ::
SMTP - 503 Bad sequence of commands with std/smtp
9249 ::
Repurposing CDecl, now it's the 'Commonly Desired Edge Case Library'
9248 ::
Show Nim: Pure Nim .jpeg decoder in Pixie
9247 ::
Lifetime of pointer returned by str.cstring
9246 ::
Optimize this code?
9244 ::
Nimwave - build TUIs for the terminal, web, and desktop
9243 ::
Can Orc be improved?
9242 ::
Get source expression in nim
9241 ::
how to switch nim version for vscode extension
9240 ::
Have a nim tool in nimble installation error
9239 ::
implicit conversions from float literals to float32?
9238 ::
Back to the roots of v2.. and what it could be
9235 ::
Subtype cannot be implicitly converted to base type (without ref)?
9234 ::
Jester disable content-length header
9231 ::
packedjson2 - A new JSON library
9230 ::
The most common Nim build system for which we'd go
9229 ::
How to convert to/from an object to a JsonNode object?
9228 ::
Announce: at, a tool to run code later
9227 ::
Apologize on not Nim but is to knowing C directive
9226 ::
Questions regarding async - How to display text while downloadFile()
9224 ::
could not load: lua(|5.1|5.0).dll
9223 ::
Idea: Marketing Nim to Organizations
9222 ::
how to have same version of dependencies on two different machines?
9221 ::
Help with converting Nim to JS at runtime
9220 ::
Win nim included dlls fail to load
9219 ::
Cursed: Working braces in Nim
9218 ::
Nim producing void as template argument instead of the type
9217 ::
'import os' not used. Wrong Error Message
9216 ::
Multi-Dimensional Tuple is not working as expected
9215 ::
Default values for type(object) fields
9214 ::
Sisix dev fail in nimvm with fatal pragma
9213 ::
Solving cubic equations
9212 ::
Is there a smarter way to change only one field value of a tuple?
9211 ::
Understand C++ binding with OpenCV.
9210 ::
Announce: LimDB, a fast, persistent table with LMDB under the hood
9209 ::
CDecl: utilities for invoking C/C++ initializer macros
9208 ::
Please help me understand the performance difference between Nim/Rust in this (contrived) example
9202 ::
Is there any typescript-like library for a Nim programming language?
9201 ::
Nexus Development Framework (initial commit)
9198 ::
How to run testament Exe-Test-Files in a different Folder
9197 ::
Where can I find information about Nim architecture?
9196 ::
What are the best hosting companies to host systems written in the Nim language?
9195 ::
Is it possible to create a blockchain with the nim programming language?
9194 ::
passing tab separator as option value
9193 ::
Is `setTimer` workable for long term timers, e.g 30 days?
9192 ::
Nim addressed my one major complaint
9191 ::
Nim conspicuously contradicts its efficient, simplicity philosophy
9190 ::
Testament Demo: "Running a single test" is not working
9189 ::
Any expert help to transpile and convert Python
9188 ::
"nimble init" creates Unittest-Example-Files that do not work
9187 ::
How to disable implicit convert float to int.
9186 ::
nim-snappy, faster and simpler
9185 ::
Are user defined pragmas permitted in a let section with Nim 1.6?
9184 ::
GUI: Nim + QML unable to compile
9183 ::
Adding Nim to System default base
9180 ::
Unable to compile nim to wasm on aarch64
9179 ::
GC refc crash calling into nim from C++
9178 ::
Channels documentation
9177 ::
Small improvement discussion: Use `let` to lock variable previously declared as `var`
9175 ::
changing mingw cross compiler path?
9174 ::
Is there any project similar to create react app for Nim?
9172 ::
Are rst's files supposed to be readable?
9170 ::
`nlvm` updated to 1.6
9169 ::
Mysterious error message
9168 ::
Building Nim + Nimble on Ubuntu 22, "could not import: SSL_get_peer_certificate"
9167 ::
How to avoid memory capture violation during addExitProc capture?
9166 ::
Nim+CMake project example
9165 ::
windows compile --app:staticlib error
9164 ::
Beware: phishing attempts on Nim users (PSA)
9163 ::
How to build a static library after nimble install?
9162 ::
9161 ::
problem with doc gen and runnableExamples
9160 ::
to enum type and back
9159 ::
Memory Leak with --gc:orc and Nimble Decimal Library
9158 ::
Interesting proposal for Error handling and Null through unified option Type.
9157 ::
Problem with --threads:on
9155 ::
Fidgetty: themes ... ?
9154 ::
compile time function use Nim metaprogramming feature
9153 ::
interoperable stream type
9152 ::
Which SQLite lib?
9151 ::
Weird behaviour from fmt in strformat library
9150 ::
C++ copy-constructor issue when using {.constructor.} pragma
9149 ::
Async musings
9148 ::
Hello Javascript!
9147 ::
Var + varargs = 🤯
9146 ::
Wierd behaviour with table
9145 ::
Why I left the Nim community
9144 ::
Nim 1.6.6 released
9143 ::
9142 ::
Is Object significantly less efficient then ref object over here
9141 ::
How to initialize a ref seq type
9139 ::
Best practices for porting huge C projects to Nim
9138 ::
Moderation policy for bans
9137 ::
CLOEXEC on old Linux kernel.
9136 ::
C FFI using only types?
9135 ::
passing "var addr x" into procedure
9134 ::
Async proves to be a bit tricky
9133 ::
Why macros does not provice CommentStmt node in TypeDef ?
9132 ::
Nim v2: what would you change?
9131 ::
Intersection types in nim?
9130 ::
Compiler giving wrong error message?.
9129 ::
AI’s opinions on Nim
9128 ::
My nooby questions on nim-web3 library
9127 ::
Introspection over a proc type
9126 ::
Datetime parse format for round-trip "O"
9125 ::
How to iterate a slice of children of a NimNode ?
9124 ::
link with a kernel32.lib proc and function
9123 ::
Regex not working properly?
9122 ::
C++ binding variadic template
9121 ::
Brogrammer uptick
9119 ::
static binaries
9118 ::
Varargs limitation
9117 ::
Program level variables
9116 ::
Binding a closure to a std::function to call it from C++... safe to do ?
9115 ::
Optimize parsing large file line-by-line
9114 ::
Installing choosenim (on Windows) on a custom folder does not seem to work
9113 ::
async stdin/stdout errors (compiling nimlsp on Windows)
9112 ::
metatag - an audio metadata library
9111 ::
Compiler ignores my `if` a throws an error
9110 ::
Seeking advices for a C programming book
9109 ::
Confusion about proc forward declarations
9108 ::
Concurrent File Download with Async
9107 ::
pass as parameter only a certain procedure from multiple with the same name (overloaded procs)
9106 ::
Do name the array element
9105 ::
Map complex C++ types into Nim
9104 ::
Hopefully simple Nim syntax question
9102 ::
nlvm updated
9101 ::
Strange ambiguous call error
9100 ::
Nim 1.6.6 release candidate
9099 ::
Shared memory with ARC
9098 ::
strange behavior of generic `=destroy`
9096 ::
=destroy for files and sockets
9095 ::
Lexim -- Regular expressions and lexer generation for Nim
9094 ::
Result of applying high()/low() to a range typedesc
9093 ::
Creation of Variant Types with Table Members
9092 ::
How to render html after a refresh on a specific url
9091 ::
Defining C++ Macros from Nim
9090 ::
Status of the incremental compilation feature
9089 ::
Possible workarounds for subclassing a c++ class and overriding a virtual method
9087 ::
jsFetch fetch
9086 ::
`=destroy` ref object of RootObj?
9085 ::
Do I need to call NimMain from C if I am using arc or orc?
9084 ::
problem when casting string to cstring on js backend
9081 ::
System.sink & System.lent
9080 ::
{.nodecl} VS {.importc, nodecl} and return VS result
9079 ::
why multithreading execition take time almost equal to single thread execution?
9078 ::
Threading SIGSEGV in HttpClient with SSL
9077 ::
My history on Nim forum
9076 ::
Managing binary data
9075 ::
Changing order of templates causes compilation error. Why in this case?
9074 ::
Impure libraries ???
9073 ::
This Month with Nim - March and Feburary
9070 ::
Clarity on mixin and pragma {.inject.}
9069 ::
Control+C and procs launched with execCmd
9067 ::
Times - Intended use and difference between DateTime and Time
9066 ::
[Karax] "include" statement doesn't work correctly inside karax DSL
9065 ::
Choosing the nim installation folder used by choosenim
9064 ::
SiSix and Nim
9063 ::
Define proc that is called from imported module
9059 ::
Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
9058 ::
Automatic dereferencing for procs
9056 ::
Did nimc become faster?
9055 ::
Newbie questions about Nim, Python, XCB
9054 ::
dynamic shared libs
9053 ::
parseint not defined for char.
9052 ::
confusing behavior do to overloading of and for binary and, as well as logical and.
9051 ::
Very need to understand of locks and condition
9050 ::
`$` not working on custom type when imported in other modules
9049 ::
two data bindings in vanilla nim for js app without virtual DOM
9047 ::
Excuse me, how to loop and output each character of the Chinese string?
9046 ::
Excuse me, how to hide the console window of the program?
9045 ::
CSV file parsing
9044 ::
how to make a enum with wrapped ordinals
9043 ::
Is there a way to install nimegame2 locally?
9042 ::
The WASM Revolution
9041 ::
xml-rpc client lib?
9040 ::
datsaset in javascript DOM
9038 ::
wierd macro overloading problem
9036 ::
Recommended protobuf library
9034 ::
try except else
9033 ::
How do we preallocate string as element of array as this is..
9032 ::
Ruby's parallel-like functionality in Nim
9031 ::
server-client webframework
9029 ::
multiple definition of NimMainInner
9028 ::
my TUI designer.
9027 ::
how to debug macros used with concept?
9024 ::
Why doesn't echo have tag WriteIOEffect?
9023 ::
Read output only while input is not asked
9022 ::
Case (switch) statement and modulo
9021 ::
newSeq() named inconsistently?
9020 ::
The 'for i in ...' loop inside parsing macro
9019 ::
Simple linked list questions: Correct proc signature for first()
9018 ::
How to prevent nim generate C code access parent type through `Sup` field?
9017 ::
Cant't change the name of main html file in the output of `nim doc`?
9015 ::
9014 ::
wZeeGird and wChart app on windows are labled as Real Protect-PENGSD5! virus
9013 ::
How to debug segmentation fault memory issue??
9011 ::
Wrapping C++ iterators: {.nodecl.} for non-constructible iterators?
9009 ::
Return cstringArray from C functions in Nim
9006 ::
Using arc with C types?
9005 ::
Naylib - yet another raylib wrapper becomes available
9003 ::
Handling of persistent connections in asynchttpserver
9002 ::
Launched a web app using Nim on the back-end
8998 ::
Bug in PEG or my fault?
8997 ::
exportc: too many thread local variables
8996 ::
iterrr: extensible iterator library
8995 ::
How to get process owner by pid?
8994 ::
How to fetch value pointed by a C++ std::list iterator?
8993 ::
Help show all advantageous differences among inline procedure, template, macros
8991 ::
Want Nim online code playground to be mobile and desktop friendly.
8990 ::
SDL in a M1 Mac - can't find dylib
8982 ::
Fidget UI: animation using Nim async
8981 ::
Here is a Svelte + F# - Sutil.
8980 ::
Just open sourced "easyess", an Entity Component System in Nim
8979 ::
Must abruptly exit from a recursive function on efficiency Need
8978 ::
any particular reason on deprecating IndexError?
8976 ::
Error: unhandled exception: index 2 not in 0 .. 1 [IndexDefect]
8975 ::
readLineFromStdin & Windows
8971 ::
Nim project using C++ Backend with single module using library wrapping a C library
8970 ::
Can there be an else clause on a template (or macro)?
8969 ::
C/C++-wrapping Windows/VCC-related issues again
8967 ::
Factorial computation in Nim
8966 ::
Static musl compilation with db_mysql module and external libraries mysqlclient and openssl
8965 ::
How to correctly augment async future data
8964 ::
Need variable to be constant on runtime without initialization at declaring
8963 ::
Performing goto in Nim
8962 ::
cstring has different behavior in different MM mode
8961 ::
To prompt one character input only
8960 ::
Anyone working on a new Nim book or second edition of Nim in Action?
8958 ::
linux moving to C11
8957 ::
Comprehensive knowledge on Nim memory management (MM)
8956 ::
Fidget UI: scrolling on OpenGL backend
8955 ::
OrderedTable missing Seq methods
8954 ::
Is there any kalman filter package in Nim?
8953 ::
bbqueue in Nim
8952 ::
Nim wrapper for C library; data segment question
8950 ::
Raises tracking and no more cyclic references in `chronos`
8949 ::
Dear Nim enthusiasts
8948 ::
Having a Problem w WinRegistry while try to Read subkeys of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
8945 ::
Knowledge on the failure in overloaded operator of two operands infix ?
8943 ::
Must check to decide whether this current iteration in a loop is the last
8942 ::
AsyncHttpServer running in the background, spawn & closures
8941 ::
To get the PCRE version by executing Nim
8940 ::
Calling nim-server-code from javascript
8938 ::
Catch exceptions without crashing app
8937 ::
variable has incomplete type: struct...
8936 ::
Correct way have for-loop iteration up to number of only initialized array elements
8935 ::
porting c++ [string]view demo to nim: a puzzle
8934 ::
A constant reference/alias or pointer jut like as it is of C++ parameter
8933 ::
import from url
8932 ::
error C2440: '=': cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'NCSTRING'
8930 ::
Stdout problem with nim/lua/love2d (may not be nim related)
8929 ::
Templates and generics
8928 ::
Macro fails with `got: <S> but expected <T>`
8927 ::
Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8925 ::
Stumped! Extending futures with addition context info
8923 ::
static in templates not really static?
8922 ::
Changing enums in macros
8920 ::
A better looking Nimble (web, design, feedback, ideas)
8918 ::
[asyncnet] Difference between a natural socket close and close(AsyncSocket)
8917 ::
the easiest to get this string cut
8916 ::
Using Nim for system libraries?
8915 ::
Trouble interfacing with C/C++ single-header library
8914 ::
Preallocating multi-dimensioanal sequence i.e. variable size array
8913 ::
How to get the type of an expression that's a NimNode?
8912 ::
Discovery rules for the 'items' iterator
8911 ::
REPL works for Nim at Replit. Anything like VS or VS Code REPLs?
8910 ::
To have nre regex usage
8909 ::
Experiment with creating a "ImKivy" GUI api
8908 ::
Nimler not working on macOS
8907 ::
i am just saying a splitted .sendall on socket would be much clear
8904 ::
Compressing resulting JS
8903 ::
dnd - bi-directional drag and drop source/target
8902 ::
8901 ::
after called `AsyncFuture.fail`, the future is still running
8900 ::
Comprehensive difference in read file to variable at once and by line
8899 ::
Problem with winapi in nim
8898 ::
Release or pgp signed tag for csources_v1 and Nimble to accompany Nim 1.6.4?
8897 ::
Questions about creating dll with Nim
8896 ::
To insert a Nim variable into its PCRE regex
8887 ::
Nim 1.6.4 released
8886 ::
To insert regex pattern into another
8884 ::
How's regex modifier in nim PCRE ?
8883 ::
(Linux) removeDir fails on directory without rw permission
8882 ::
8881 ::
NImScript task and using a shebang line
8880 ::
best practice or guidelines on using log in a library?
8879 ::
Hacker News discussion abou the recently discussed Rust vs Nim performance comparison
8878 ::
Is there support for a network stream?
8877 ::
Void as a type in a tuple
8876 ::
get unicode codes of a string
8875 ::
NPainter: progress report 2020 & 2021
8874 ::
strutils count function bug with non ascii table ?
8873 ::
Is it a good idea to downcast Hash
8872 ::
Two-way communication with the new ORC-friendly channels
8871 ::
Using distinct types for windowed access (ex. index operator abuse)
8869 ::
Exceptions - Handling multiple exception types in a single except clause
8868 ::
8867 ::
Exclude from generated docs
8866 ::
Nim devroom at FOSDEM this weekend
8865 ::
Flutter and Nim
8864 ::
Weird issue with Nimble installation
8862 ::
Weird issue with ints in web (js) builds
8861 ::
zlib.h: No such file or directory error on Windows
8860 ::
Problem compiling ASM code with vars in Mac M1
8859 ::
Defer within async dispatch
8858 ::
This Month with Nim: February
8857 ::
a question about block used in assignment
8856 ::
Variable compile-time import paths
8855 ::
Nim's autoformatter situation
8853 ::
Possible bug with recursive types and Options
8852 ::
NimForum 2.2.0 - Fixes a big CVE!
8851 ::
html2karax first release!
8850 ::
How to find bottlenecks?
8849 ::
Is there a HTTPS enabled HTTP server in Nim?
8848 ::
generating javascript from nim code evaluation at runtime
8847 ::
Macro question: "undeclared identifier", but identifier is declared?
8846 ::
HttpClient error message
8845 ::
Static proc argument doesn't recognize the type
8844 ::
Nim 2.0 and backwards compatibility
8843 ::
Choosing a specific version of SQLite
8842 ::
convert HSlice to varargs?
8840 ::
What about `or=`, `and=` and `xor=`?
8839 ::
Nim 1.6.4 release candidate
8838 ::
Destructors doc confusing
8837 ::
A love letter to SciNim
8836 ::
usage of OpenMP parallel loop iterator for lazybones?
8835 ::
Matrix/vector operations in Nim
8833 ::
Discussion: Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
8832 ::
Working with tables and strict funcs
8831 ::
libmysqlclient.so Not Found
8830 ::
Atomics: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'testAndSet'
8829 ::
Bug of newSeqWith with Slice
8828 ::
Privacy offensive - remove Google Analytics from the Nim website
8827 ::
Update on compiling to asmjs or wasm through emscripten...
8826 ::
nimscript - import configuration file
8825 ::
Unescape string
8823 ::
generic Object variant - need to specify type?
8822 ::
How to modify and redistribute software written with MIT license?
8820 ::
Setting finalizer on object hierarchy won't compile with --gc:arc
8819 ::
Should constructors be `newObject` or `initObject`?
8818 ::
Using waitForExit when a timeout is given, on a process blocked by IO
8817 ::
Unexpected behavior when using custom finalizers + ARC/ORC + RootObj
8816 ::
How to dynamically link LGPL nim library to closed-source nim application?
8815 ::
Topfew - a Nim port of Tim Bray's logfile utility
8814 ::
Cleanup at program end - open files automatically closed?
8813 ::
closure and for loop problem
8812 ::
Program does not compile with ARC/ORC
8810 ::
Namespaces for non-enums without customizing the import statement?
8809 ::
Suppressing non-exported fields in nim doc
8808 ::
Novice Question: Implement the Step functionality in VBA
8807 ::
Nim 1.6.2 : silent program rejection
8806 ::
How can I implement a conditional access operator?
8805 ::
llvm wrap
8804 ::
Variable prints out its type correctly, but can't access members and I can't figure out why
8803 ::
cannot instantiate: 'T' with importcpp generic
8802 ::
profiler for mac?
8801 ::
Why don't build Nim libraries ecosystem on Rust ecosystem?
8799 ::
Get formatted SQL query
8798 ::
Man pages?
8797 ::
Thoughts on error vs fatal log levels?
8796 ::
Tracking down SIGSEGV. What's the difference between this Nim and C code?
8795 ::
Module typing, code reuse and separate compilation
8794 ::
How to import all identifiers from module
8793 ::
Can I haz splat operator
8791 ::
Introducing taskpools, a small lightweight ARC/ORC threadpool
8790 ::
Additional Httpclient request methods
8789 ::
What's the proper idiom?
8788 ::
Changing a generic return type automatically
8787 ::
Non unique / double keys in json
8786 ::
Is it correct to return var after casting an address
8785 ::
field 'sym' is not accessible for type 'TNode' using 'kind = nkClosure' [FieldDefect]
8784 ::
simple event system
8783 ::
bug in strformat?
8782 ::
fully understanding closure iterators
8781 ::
8780 ::
One Language to Rule the Mole
8779 ::
real type of openArray?
8778 ::
Am I allowed to add this feature to stdlib module?
8777 ::
Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8776 ::
a thought about faster iteration
8775 ::
a thought about error messages
8774 ::
is computer online?
8773 ::
column value extraction
8772 ::
Look up proc signature from an ident
8771 ::
Strange problem when using Futhark
8770 ::
Some warnings on vcc compiler, potential bugs?
8769 ::
Anyone written an Android app using Nim-generated Native code lately?
8768 ::
2 questions on json mudule
8767 ::
`getTypeImpl` bug?
8766 ::
nimsuggest Issue processing ``runnableExamples``
8765 ::
Status - how would I program a GUI-based Nim-application on Windows?
8764 ::
good real life apps
8762 ::
Help with metaprogramming
8759 ::
`Result` update
8757 ::
compiling nim from source on low memory SBC
8755 ::
diff lib?
8754 ::
Unicode Operators: How Do we Choose Which To Include?
8753 ::
JSON - how to edit Jarrays (amongst others)
8752 ::
enum in macro
8750 ::
Would the Nim version number be helpful in deprecation documentation?
8749 ::
Bug with peekableOutputStream?
8748 ::
Is the DbTypeKind in db_sqlite always DbTypeKind.dbNull ? If yes, why?
8747 ::
Error installing nimlsp, and getting the neovim plugin to work
8746 ::
can we write nim instead of c++?
8745 ::
Questions on Nim's grammar
8744 ::
Proper way to open and close async files?
8743 ::
Nim 1.6.2 does not compile on MacOS BigSur 11.6.1
8741 ::
rust's dbg! macro equivalent in nim
8740 ::
solvespace.nim - WiP
8739 ::
Using the Compiler lib without needing the devel version of Nim
8738 ::
Question about debugging issue related to GC
8737 ::
Why does 'string' and 'len' use 'int' rather than 'uint' for length?
8735 ::
Issue with operator `·`
8734 ::
Require Nim devel branch as dependency (nimble)
8733 ::
Nim smtp library
8732 ::
high memory usage with large number of HashSets. 3X more memory than Python
8731 ::
Ported C++ OpenGL/GLFW code to NimGL, runs, but geometry seems wrong
8730 ::
Chess logic issue
8729 ::
Manipulating varargs in compile time (like what lua do in runtime)?
8728 ::
F-bound polymorphism in C++ and(?) Nim
8727 ::
Geniune question about JS backend support
8726 ::
What approach can I use to fix a number of parameters in some functions?
8725 ::
Pythons None in Nim
8724 ::
Check nim compiler version during compilation
8723 ::
A rant about Nim bugs
8722 ::
Issues with proxy authentication
8720 ::
Memory safety suggestions will this work
8719 ::
What am I missing here? (async)
8718 ::
How can I convert a generic Type?
8717 ::
Nim 1.6.2 released
8715 ::
Nim 1.2.16 released
8713 ::
Using C, C#, Java, Wasm, Ruby, Python NodeJS, TypeScript... libraries from Nim with MetaCall
8712 ::
Release candidates for Nim 1.6.2 and 1.2.16
8711 ::
How would this endianness check be translated to Nim?
8710 ::
Nim devel now supports Nimble 0.14
8709 ::
Maze solver benchmark - How would you optimize?
8708 ::
Stop clang from generating ilk and pdb files
8707 ::
Nim to lib
8706 ::
Error: identifier expected, but got: paramStr(1)
8704 ::
Why windows.h file is always included into compilation on Windows?
8703 ::
Keyxn: Shamir Secret Sharing in pure Nim
8701 ::
Help with displaying only used fields in Object for JS backend
8700 ::
Happy Christmas
8699 ::
Httpbeast failed to compile on Android arm device
8697 ::
Could not run program which compiling with static linked lib
8696 ::
What is 'block' in this code
8695 ::
How would I port such project to nim?
8694 ::
Improve forum
8693 ::
Nim script file extension
8692 ::
More nim newbie woes, this time echo fmt Possible AOC2021 spoiler
8691 ::
Show Nim: Forematics is a Metamath verifier written in Nim.
8690 ::
Windows stack corruption - a journey into the bowels of the beast
8689 ::
For loop using iterator `..`
8688 ::
RPC systems; Thrift and gRPC
8687 ::
Need explanation of static compiling warning message
8686 ::
sequtils.CountIt not recognised - Possible AoC2021 spoiler
8684 ::
MetaCall now has initial support for Nim
8683 ::
C++ bindings - m_type issue
8682 ::
kate editor & lsp server
8681 ::
Using if/case expressions as real expressions?
8680 ::
Understanding error with generic anonymous vs auto
8679 ::
async with delegates, how to pass parameters?
8678 ::
thriftcore - Apache Thrift primitives
8677 ::
TinyCC/tcc vs zig cc compile-times/etc.
8676 ::
What is programming?
8675 ::
protobuf essentials
8674 ::
Updating Nim Days
8673 ::
Dynamic usage of arithmetic operators in nim
8672 ::
Order of execution: where to find understanding
8671 ::
Nim at FOSDEM 2022 - CfP is open!
8670 ::
Read next string from stdin
8669 ::
Will isValidSha1Hash in Nim 1.6's std/sha1 be backported to 1.2.x and 1.4.x?
8668 ::
Making a distinct type slightly less distinct
8667 ::
This Month with Nim: November
8666 ::
Rhombus (a REBOL/Red/Ren parser)
8665 ::
Question: How to limit concurrent async futures?
8664 ::
Errors with Option[T] on 1.4.8
8663 ::
What is "Option[system.bool]"?
8662 ::
Is it possible to make the program crash if orc gc finds a cyclic reference?
8661 ::
Turn of name mangling for Nim type, while exporting to c
8660 ::
importcpp constructor issue
8658 ::
Macros: why and/or when to use them?
8657 ::
Advent of Nim 2021
8656 ::
Limit number of running threads
8655 ::
implicit surfaces polygonizer
8653 ::
Malloc issue after upgrading from 1.4.6 to 1.6.0
8652 ::
Is it Possible to Catch or Intercept a Proc Call?
8651 ::
Implementing a GC allocated seq replacement without magic
8649 ::
Garbage collection of nim vs pony language
8648 ::
Seems memory leaks in protobuf-nim or nim's GC
8647 ::
Nim Community Survey 2021
8646 ::
Converter is used through intermediate module?
8644 ::
strformat with user-defined width?
8642 ::
The Cylons have a Plan
8641 ::
TLS protocol negociation (TLS-ALPN)
8640 ::
Pygments Nim lexer update?
8639 ::
What is the directory assumed for C include files and C libraries location for Him?
8638 ::
Nim stopped working on my Mac M1 : string.h missing (problem with homebrew or Xtools)?
8637 ::
Energy efficiency
8636 ::
Always confused with float conversions
8635 ::
8633 ::
I made a publication, a job with MSGSHM
8632 ::
Question about memory management with bindings
8631 ::
Forbidden-by-default effects?
8630 ::
Zen of Nim
8629 ::
Evolving the moderation of the Nim communities
8628 ::
Puzzling compiler error (1.4.8 Windows)
8627 ::
Preview of coming attractions?
8626 ::
what does bycopy mean
8625 ::
UFCS issue
8624 ::
htmlgen question
8623 ::
Yet another macro DSL
8621 ::
FOSDEM 2022 call for Nim Devroom (deadline tomorrow)
8620 ::
Getting error setting up Mysql Database
8619 ::
(2021 November) Most common or active 2D game framework?
8618 ::
Help needed - issue with a wrapped library
8617 ::
generic type in generic type
8616 ::
byaddr tuple unpacking?
8615 ::
Readability problems
8614 ::
How to hide FFI details from implementations of a (C FFI) interface?
8613 ::
Treat memory allocation as effect?
8612 ::
How do I inject a NimNode directly instead of going through a macro or template?
8610 ::
dot-like operations and calls
8609 ::
proc doSomething(msg="", opt=-1)
8608 ::
Fix for Warning: implicit conversion to 'cstring' from a non-const location
8607 ::
Getting error installing Nimble on Windows 10
8606 ::
MNIST perceptron
8605 ::
Collection Help
8604 ::
Proper way to create local packages?
8603 ::
Supporting both chronos and asyncdispatch in async code
8602 ::
Nim v1.2.14 released
8601 ::
nlvm update - llvm 13.0.0
8600 ::
Did you know that Nim has had enum-indexed arrays since 0.18? Poll Inside!
8599 ::
Show Nim: Nephyr a Nim wrapper for Zephyr RTOS!
8598 ::
Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error
8596 ::
Indentation in Nim
8595 ::
createDir on Windows using URL
8594 ::
Compute a Sha256 : the fastest implem ?
8593 ::
Best way to turn byte array into int?
8592 ::
How to make a proc with a default genetic type that can be inferred at compile time?
8591 ::
include std/prelude vs import std/prelude (and other small prelude oddities)
8590 ::
Survey Question: flow research
8589 ::
Printing a typedesc - compilation errors
8588 ::
Karax : convert html string to vdom
8587 ::
Is the fedora nim package not working?
8586 ::
New here
8585 ::
The language with the most leverage wins
8584 ::
Nim snap status?
8583 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <type string> / expected <string> but got <type string> (fidget)
8582 ::
This Month with Nim - October 2021
8580 ::
Arraymancer `in` operator
8579 ::
Did NRVO break?
8578 ::
Nim interpreter
8577 ::
Fidget questions - 1) scrolling - 2) closing window
8576 ::
Nim's version of the Trojan Source vulnerability
8575 ::
Query nim include paths
8574 ::
This forum preview JS error
8573 ::
Is there a multithreaded HTTP library?
8572 ::
Is there any way to check if a type is distinct?
8571 ::
[Imageman][nimgl] Loading texture
8570 ::
xmake v2.5.9 released, Support to build Nim projects and native/nimble packages
8569 ::
Plotting library
8568 ::
Nested Tables
8567 ::
asyncdispatch on android
8566 ::
The default value of an argument may take priority over the argument given at the time of the call
8565 ::
Arraymancer: dot/matmul equivalent for higher-dim tensors
8564 ::
Linking on Linux and Windows
8563 ::
Trying to unify an object model
8561 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <End>
8560 ::
Nimsuggest issue with the VS Code extension and nim 1.6.0
8558 ::
Nim with curly brace and tab
8557 ::
Trouble with or'ed type and var return type.
8556 ::
sequitls documentation outdated?
8555 ::
Basic nimterop usage for simple c++ struct?
8554 ::
HTTP header for cgi script under Apache
8553 ::
Unclear error message or bug?
8552 ::
Nim for Beginners video series discussion thread
8551 ::
How to pass a "plain type" to a proc that expects a "ref type" in Nim ?
8550 ::
AI in Nim
8549 ::
How to prevent return value from been`=copy`ed?
8548 ::
Great to see Nim popularity rising , Top post of /r/programming on reddit now.
8547 ::
8546 ::
How do you get the actual exception from doAssertRaises?
8545 ::
Donation matching drive via HN
8544 ::
Compiling TO Nim
8543 ::
Metaprogramming in Nim #1 Introduction
8542 ::
Interfacing with C - undefined reference
8541 ::
Looking for feedback on Nim for Beginners #27 Object Variants
8540 ::
Nim receives $100k in Bitcoin donations
8537 ::
TechEmpower Benchmarks
8536 ::
const loop unrolling, or const to static?
8535 ::
How to add defaults on nim types?
8534 ::
WTF ?! basic computations are faster in py3 than nim1.6 ?!
8532 ::
asyncmacro.nim(130, 3) Error: 'yield' only allowed in an iterator
8531 ::
Enforced sink argument
8530 ::
how to send a command to cmd.exe
8528 ::
Pointer to Constant
8527 ::
Nim 1.6.0 GTK cast cstring ?
8526 ::
"-- template" for nimscript options
8525 ::
Setting up a Nim foundation
8524 ::
Error in chronos with Nim 1.6
8523 ::
New wrapping strategy for "c define" ?
8522 ::
Runtime Regex string replacing
8521 ::
min 1.6 help --passc:-flto problème
8520 ::
Is Nim a Transpiler?
8519 ::
Debugging a SIGSEGV
8518 ::
Continuous use of parseJson causes software crash
8517 ::
Reporting security issues
8516 ::
Does Nim support name for anonymous procedures?
8515 ::
The fate of Nim Editors
8514 ::
8513 ::
VarArgs Broke on latest nim.
8512 ::
strange-like behavior in openArray in multiple types
8511 ::
Nim 1.6 is out!!
8510 ::
Issues trying to use pattern matching
8509 ::
repr a ref object with a property from a C library
8508 ::
Documentation for Nim 1.6?
8507 ::
How to get n-th symbol of utf-8 string
8506 ::
How to overload procedure correctly?
8505 ::
Question about procedure parameters
8504 ::
Nim access to OSX cut and paste buffer:
8503 ::
Nim Nuggets: Talk About Nim At The Strange Loop Conference
8502 ::
Is there more simple way to solve this task?
8501 ::
Ref.sizeof error?
8500 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC3
8499 ::
Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8497 ::
Nim : Style insensitivity , snake_case , camelCase
8496 ::
Show Nim: Boxy, 2D GPU rendering with a tiling atlas and Pixie
8495 ::
Child process shows exit code -1 when peeked, though it has definitely ended.
8494 ::
GPU leverage
8493 ::
Best serialization protocol for Nim?
8492 ::
Trailing commas in "command" syntax?
8491 ::
Make android app
8487 ::
Block-chain binary certification
8486 ::
Suggestion on wrapping C union with anonymous struct?
8483 ::
How to use memory leak detection tools on Windows with --gc:arc and -d:useMalloc?
8482 ::
nim js Geolocation API
8481 ::
Macro work strange behavior
8480 ::
contribution-friendly issues for Hacktoberfest 2021
8479 ::
Show Nim: Use Nim code from other languages (genny + pixie-python)
8478 ::
Hacktoberfest 2021 Megathread
8477 ::
Is the Browser the Platform?
8476 ::
Choosenim 0.8.0 now available
8475 ::
nimx question
8474 ::
is there any default type of generic type [T]
8473 ::
Nim's types related questions
8472 ::
This Month with Nim: September 2021
8471 ::
complex lib inline
8470 ::
Auto-free C pointer when Nim object gets GC
8469 ::
Errors in VM code called from Nimscript is hidden
8468 ::
Advice needed on exporting symbols from DLL
8467 ::
Can't link C library
8466 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC2
8465 ::
FFI - std::string
8464 ::
Issue with passL
8462 ::
Hot Code Reloading viability for Jupyter-Notebook like Nim IDE
8460 ::
Help needed - issue wrapping header with c2nim
8458 ::
block-level change default type of int literals?
8457 ::
Closures inside loops without capturing loop variable?
8455 ::
Composition in Nim (newbie question)
8454 ::
HolyC as compilation target
8453 ::
Nested concepts
8452 ::
tesseract in nim?
8451 ::
Futhark: Automatic C imports in Nim using libclang
8450 ::
Integration with C for statistics and data processing?
8449 ::
Typescript as compilation target
8448 ::
Wrapperless interop with C/C++
8445 ::
How to enable incremental compilation?
8444 ::
Socket questions. selectRead(fds), dispatcher.
8443 ::
Thoughts on pure Nim api for SPI & I2C device access?
8442 ::
FieldPairs iterator
8441 ::
JsonNode should be Any
8440 ::
Nim Function pointer
8439 ::
--gc:orc when is it usable (huge compile times)
8438 ::
How seamless is the Objective-C interop?
8437 ::
Direct I2C device access with pure Nim
8435 ::
Might be a bug in compiler
8434 ::
Can I somehow share a C++ class with Nim, either by reading it from a dll or otherwise?
8433 ::
db_sqlite prepared statement
8432 ::
Building Nim Devel on Termux (Android)
8431 ::
Call Nim code from C (linking errors)
8430 ::
How to download at compile-time?
8429 ::
importcpp call class method
8428 ::
high precission -> f1024
8427 ::
Setting object value by providing key as string?
8426 ::
Nim for Beginners #26 Reference Objects
8424 ::
What is the role of the expression "{.importc.}" when transpiling to JavaScript?
8423 ::
How to create C defines from Nim?
8422 ::
Beginer problem: Combine and alternate list
8421 ::
How do you create a <div> with Nim dom?
8420 ::
how to build devel these days? (pre 1.6)
8419 ::
How to get the next iterator value outside of the loop?
8418 ::
How to convert range types 'a'..'z'?
8417 ::
discard vs var _ {.global.} =
8416 ::
The "reset password" routine does not seem to send me a message at my e-mail address
8415 ::
What does ref object key return
8414 ::
Weave+ARC WIP or my bug?
8413 ::
Is it possible to tell `import` to not create const with same name as imported module?
8412 ::
Call parent `$` from overwritten converter?
8411 ::
I'm having a Nim+Lua+Libtcod callback wrapping problem
8410 ::
Keep a http connection alive and hand it off to another proc
8409 ::
What is the status of Nim IUP?
8408 ::
Why is backward index operator [^1] not zero based [^0]?
8407 ::
Passing JsonNode from Nimscript to host proc
8406 ::
Links of websites built with Karax?
8404 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC1
8403 ::
Destroying ref objects
8402 ::
Behavior of {.global.} variable for assigning to const
8401 ::
Accessing object properties where objects are in a sequence
8400 ::
Article series on multitasking in Nim, first installment: async
8399 ::
JSON serialization of objects containing tuples
8398 ::
Calling Proc Variable Supported within Thread?
8397 ::
CI docker image for Nim
8395 ::
Choosenim installs older stable?
8394 ::
Is there a way to get value as if it's reference and update it's value?
8393 ::
Possible with NimScript? Turn old forum DB into static HTML
8392 ::
asyncstreams example?
8391 ::
Is async expected to work within a Thread() ?
8390 ::
How to quickly get the first, or last element of an array in Nim?
8389 ::
Nim should jump into Blockchain , Web3 and DAPP development trend .
8387 ::
This Month with Nim: August 2021
8386 ::
Concepts, undeclared field.
8385 ::
an equivalent to JAI's "use"?
8384 ::
nimja; compiled and statically typed template engine (like twig or jinja2)
8383 ::
can't run on UNC path
8382 ::
Any way to avoid the SQL bugs and execute raw strings?
8380 ::
httpclient woes
8379 ::
Design choice advice for Python-to-Nim transpiler (Python Devs)
8378 ::
Advice for handling circular dependencies (functions)
8377 ::
code competition.
8376 ::
disk based btree
8375 ::
Goodboy Galaxy - Kickstarter and demo now live!
8374 ::
How to make a const array in a proc w/ template?
8373 ::
Any plans for better optional arguments?
8372 ::
c2nim and Stringification
8369 ::
Is there no way to pass a specific overload to a macro?
8368 ::
String expression parsing
8367 ::
using readFile at compile time break exceptions
8366 ::
What's Nim's equivalent of Python's append() method for lists?
8365 ::
Does Nim have anything equivalent to Ruby's puts, or Python's print, or Perl's say?
8364 ::
a == b == c format
8363 ::
Generics / function overloading for imported function
8362 ::
undeclared field: 'mimes' for type mimetypes.MimeDB
8361 ::
Why does this, while incorrect, iterator( code always result in a crash of the playground?
8360 ::
distrying seq[ptr T] field
8359 ::
tutorial to clone c++ library
8358 ::
Dialog-Based Win GUI
8357 ::
Nested macro expansion order
8356 ::
How can I export module by name?
8354 ::
The correct way to use 'collect' as a function argument
8353 ::
heap mgr improved?
8352 ::
Interfacing with C++ shared library that uses macros
8351 ::
[newbie] Question about downloading image files programming
8349 ::
how are generics instantiated across module boundaries?
8348 ::
recursive function not working
8347 ::
Nim stability problem, change imports slightly, and you program is broken
8346 ::
Read command-line arguments
8345 ::
[termux pkg] nim:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed [SslError]
8342 ::
Why `except` doesn't catch `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)`?
8341 ::
Why `using` not working? Bug?
8340 ::
Nim for UI Automation
8339 ::
Wrapping cpp code
8338 ::
Puzzle questions and solutions
8337 ::
Confusion about `swap`
8336 ::
simple connection GET using httpclient does not work when compiled to js
8335 ::
Change error message position using `{.line.}` pragma
8334 ::
Server Sent Events?
8333 ::
A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8332 ::
html tags from template not being rendered
8330 ::
Ubuntu Noobish Questions
8329 ::
convert func to property box
8328 ::
% operator but for OrderedTable
8327 ::
weird error message
8326 ::
forward declaration of static arg with macro
8325 ::
Nim in CI throws symbol not found error
8324 ::
Print why assert failed?
8323 ::
notification show
8322 ::
How to respond to a key event in Jester?
8321 ::
goalkicker.com and httpclient
8320 ::
Embedded device communications libraries?
8319 ::
Help with saving model - Arraymancer
8316 ::
Is 'await' a keyword?
8315 ::
pixie to direct read a seq[uint32]
8313 ::
Unsafe data conversion in the VM
8312 ::
Generic way to set discriminant value that works on both C and VM backends
8311 ::
constructor which will be called immediately after var call.
8310 ::
Using /usr/bin/time -v ./myprog is a bad idea for looking for memory leaks.
8309 ::
Does parameter type matter for GC_unref()?
8308 ::
2d canvas library
8307 ::
invalid type: 'seq[int] or iterator (): int{.closure.}' in this context
8306 ::
Weird import issue
8305 ::
How to best return immutable variable without copying it?
8304 ::
Can I jump to the definition of a proc or macros of a package when using IDE?
8302 ::
complaining about nim popularity.
8301 ::
make indentation for proc temp macros as var let const
8300 ::
Memory leak with ARC and malloc when using references and casts
8299 ::
Serial string generation & generators
8298 ::
Why generic converter doesn't work?
8297 ::
Nim enters top 50 programming languages list on TIOBE Index!
8296 ::
Is it possible to pass a list/array of types to a function?
8295 ::
Playing with CPU caches
8294 ::
Requests library
8293 ::
Is it possible to have generic object members?
8290 ::
Possible to have a reference in a seq of another type?
8289 ::
choosenim x64
8287 ::
'$' on Time can have side effect, but only if you import the whole times module
8286 ::
C lib binding guide
8285 ::
Stacktrace when using async with arc/orc is not helpful
8284 ::
Data Notebook in Nim | PL0T
8283 ::
8282 ::
NestedVM & Nim to make android apps?
8281 ::
Nimscript produces slower executable
8280 ::
techempower entry for nim stdlib http server
8279 ::
What is the difference between `quote do:` and just `quote:`?
8278 ::
8277 ::
Why can't I use my macro like this?
8276 ::
String related Segmentation Faults
8275 ::
static generics with concept
8274 ::
Nim earns mention in the news (unfortunately?)
8273 ::
build long strings, speed.
8272 ::
String formatting a number with Javascript backend
8270 ::
parallel: invalid control flow for 'parallel'
8269 ::
How I can help fix cross compilation?
8268 ::
8267 ::
What makes the nim compiler slow
8265 ::
Nim compile problem
8264 ::
This code got compiled but not works correctly
8263 ::
Nim online playground using Monaco and Wandbox api
8262 ::
two questions on Import relating to strip
8261 ::
random async exception when downloading
8260 ::
Need confirmation this code causes a `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access`
8259 ::
What is the purpose of do notation
8258 ::
Which combination of pragmas is best for proc arguments to procs?
8257 ::
(9, 4) Error: duplicate case label
8256 ::
Investigating C++ codegen error
8255 ::
Expensive copy when compiling with --gc:arc
8254 ::
Nim online meetup - Friday July 23rd
8252 ::
Templates as aliases
8251 ::
Guidance on Isolating Memory Leak
8249 ::
Migrated Norm docs to nimibook and loving it!
8248 ::
How to default non-trivial argument with `staitc[]` type
8247 ::
Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8246 ::
How to implement the 'Type parameters(aka generics)' as the following code
8245 ::
Compiling with OpenSSL on Windows 10?
8244 ::
Template or macro for heterogeneous tuple expressions?
8243 ::
Question about "thread-local heap" garbage collectors and threads.
8241 ::
Base method when returning an iterator
8240 ::
Which macOS installation method for Nim?
8239 ::
reverse cipher
8238 ::
problem of run procedure with interval and stop the running
8237 ::
Open nims with proper highlighting
8235 ::
How can I run a procedure with specified time interval
8234 ::
nimpy pandas slicing/indexing
8233 ::
yield tuple: Error: invalid type
8232 ::
Declare `[]` iterator
8231 ::
Contexts, scopes and intrinsic types
8230 ::
Function type check of generic function
8229 ::
Don't understand macros compile error
8228 ::
Newbie: Mock object for assert when field not exported
8227 ::
zip error code
8226 ::
A regex-based linter for Nim in vscode
8225 ::
Arena memory support?
8222 ::
How can I tell Nim that a JsObject has some certain attributes?
8221 ::
Can't create sequence with newSeq
8220 ::
Inlining macro and (probable) problems with HiddenStdConv/HiddenCallConv
8219 ::
New concepts, visibility and mount points
8218 ::
Misleading error message from startProcess()
8216 ::
Order of concept implementations and functions is significant?
8215 ::
Idiomatic Nim code for 2D Poisson simulation
8214 ::
Help with object serialization please!
8213 ::
how to export a prefix to an ref object type? (JSFFI)
8212 ::
help Json
8211 ::
In the JavaScript backend how to pass a array back as sequence?
8210 ::
integrate with dll's procs that returns gced types
8209 ::
Why do `del` and `pop` procedures of TableRef not guarantee operations in one attempt?
8208 ::
Compiler sysFatal when I include nashorn.nim
8205 ::
Problems with macros receiving typed/untyped parameters
8204 ::
Awaitable threadpools
8203 ::
Nim online meetup - Friday July 9th
8202 ::
How to return an object of a particular type following a value.
8201 ::
Unable to create a flowVar
8199 ::
Nim library for stream video processing?
8198 ::
Fedora packages
8197 ::
Nonlinear module behaviour in Nim
8196 ::
Windows blocking Nim installation
8195 ::
float or iterator choise --> template?
8194 ::
Announcing Arraymancer v0.7.0 "Memories of Ice"
8193 ::
Fixing dependencies
8192 ::
Compiler error: "... is T too nested for type matching"
8191 ::
Cannot properly internationalize
8190 ::
parsecsv crashing witn OverflowDefect error
8189 ::
Nested string format error:
8188 ::
Safe `enum` conversion
8187 ::
Associating a constant with a concept?
8186 ::
Pragma to restrict procedure to main thread?
8185 ::
Cannot make async futures work with the fidget GUI toolkit
8184 ::
Help for Sending Input Data To REPL
8181 ::
Setting up Nim Dev environment in Visual Studio on M1 Mac (with macOS Big Sur)
8180 ::
This Month with Nim: June 2021
8179 ::
Use cstring for C binding
8178 ::
An efficient deque -> array proc to enable index access to all internal values?
8177 ::
Compile Error when trying to compile docx and xlsx modules
8176 ::
compile with -d:useNimRtl --app:lib cause ambiguous identifier: 'nimrtl'
8175 ::
Collect a seq and use it straightaway?
8174 ::
Question with nimpy
8173 ::
Trying to understand compilation error "Error: no tuple type for constructor"
8172 ::
How to get Name and Value from Variable for macro/template
8171 ::
What does "<//>" sign mean?
8170 ::
Type-safe DSL / Data Schema
8169 ::
Is there a way to build better Nim DSL for plotting?
8166 ::
Why other templates stop working if the T -> Option[T] converter defined?
8165 ::
include a file variably
8164 ::
Print Unicode names e.g 'SPACE', 'NO-BREAK SPACE', HORIZONTAL TAB
8163 ::
"No handles or timers registered in dispatcher" in Chapter 3.17 example of Nim In Action
8162 ::
Formatting a float to currency
8161 ::
Associating a type with a concept?
8160 ::
redirect process's output to file
8159 ::
Idea: 30 days of Nim learning resource
8158 ::
Would it be possible with ARC/ORC to use Nim as a bridging extension language for C/C++
8157 ::
Trouble comparing proc types
8155 ::
Is there a built in way to get how high total CPU usage is?
8154 ::
Windows : how to get active window title
8153 ::
nim-ws - websockets for Nim
8151 ::
How can make FileHandle get registered into a selector on Windows?
8147 ::
slim - fork version of nimble , handle task level dependency
8146 ::
Life is a struggle - a struggle with Nim (video)
8145 ::
Stack trace of runtime errors will be the path of the developer's PC.
8144 ::
Use break statement inside of called proc
8143 ::
Attempt to read from nil, Arc bug?
8142 ::
Why doesn't inheritance to work with 'var' arguments?
8141 ::
C++ (new) modules vs. Nim modules
8140 ::
Why does Nim compiler allways depends on another's language compiler?
8139 ::
Noob var/let question
8138 ::
import unsigned error
8137 ::
RFC: Recursive iterator macro
8136 ::
How Best To Move 3rd Party Executable into .nimble/bin Upon Package Installation
8133 ::
[tables] ref object with "not nil" does not have default value
8132 ::
Proc Definition in Macro Assumes GC Unsafe Before Reading All of Code
8131 ::
Problem connecting to a Postgres DB
8130 ::
Does Nim have any PPLs or Bayesian Statistics Packages?
8129 ::
Build a Universal macOS Nim binary
8128 ::
NimNet - early stages of a pure Nim Deep Learning framework
8127 ::
Recursive iterator to unpack arbitrarily nested sequence
8126 ::
Embarcadero C++ and bcc target - change old or create new
8125 ::
Nimble local dependency mode
8123 ::
Nim on embedded systems
8122 ::
Emacs support via nimlsp and eglot
8121 ::
Weak maps?
8120 ::
How best to search the current documentation for basic info
8119 ::
Syntax for default arguments to generic proc
8118 ::
nimyara - libyara binding for Nim
8117 ::
codegendecl on a const
8115 ::
SciNim - Call for tutorial ideas
8114 ::
Associate an enum with strings
8113 ::
NiGui - thread issue - what am I doing wrong ?
8111 ::
gcc does not find paths generated by os module on Windows
8110 ::
Proposed table changes - get and getOrDefault
8109 ::
How to add something before a C declaration?
8108 ::
lowerBound and upperBoud from module “algorithm”
8107 ::
Detect keyboard input
8106 ::
NimConf 2021: Saturday, June 26th 2021
8105 ::
What is the purpose of do {} while (false) in JavaScript output?
8103 ::
Safe signal handling
8102 ::
An simple nrpl for nim
8101 ::
strformat on the fly
8100 ::
JS bindings - JsObject vs ref object
8099 ::
Wrapping GameMusicEmu library but errors
8097 ::
-d:release = awesome
8096 ::
Add to a seq inside an ordered table
8095 ::
karax: how do I render charts without breaking things?
8092 ::
mixed bag seq: allow strings and int in a seq
8091 ::
Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
8090 ::
Using nim `method` to wrap C++ methods
8088 ::
NimVM eventually get replaced?
8087 ::
proc in array, ...but is it the solution?
8085 ::
Change rune at given position, in Unicode string
8084 ::
NiGui can't set start directory for SelectDirectoryDialog
8083 ::
sequtils insert sink problem
8082 ::
Issue when deploying a application with Nginx as a reverse proxy!
8080 ::
Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8079 ::
CSV: paring in js
8078 ::
Odd issues with HttpClient and AsyncHttpClient
8077 ::
C Tilengine lib binding to Nim : Errors
8075 ::
Help fixing an ambiguous call error
8074 ::
Nim JSON parsing is 30 times slower than Node.JS
8073 ::
select a type
8072 ::
Asynchronous processing of http requests vs spawn tasks!
8070 ::
This Month with Nim: May 2021
8068 ::
Bundling libraries with executables
8067 ::
high(Natural) == high(int)
8066 ::
NIM Programming Language - video by Gamefromscratch
8065 ::
Nimble detected as Trojan.Gen.MBT by Symantec Endpoint Protection v14
8064 ::
atomic and threads
8063 ::
Writing a kernel in Nim
8062 ::
strscans - Error: undeclared identifier: 'scanf'
8060 ::
How to sign message with RSA (openssl)?
8058 ::
How to pass a channel between spawned functions?
8057 ::
8056 ::
How can I use return value from a spawned function in Nim?
8055 ::
print dates in reversed order
8054 ::
Windows Sapi 5 - com unclear (new to Nim - programming with Nim after Python proof of concept)
8051 ::
hello all
8049 ::
Problem installing nimble via ./koch on linux
8047 ::
FutureVar in async
8045 ::
Date issue. What happened in 1940?
8044 ::
How to debug: SIGBUS: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
8043 ::
macros - iterate on sequence
8042 ::
documentation for the `do` keyword?
8040 ::
Catching shell resizes (asynchronously?)
8039 ::
Nim Devel - how to (re-) build it?
8038 ::
Native integration of Nim and JavaScript/TypeScript
8037 ::
How does no parenthesis function call syntax work?
8036 ::
proc "repeat" is ambiguous - compiler warning maybe?
8035 ::
Export in JS backend
8033 ::
Fortran to Nim?
8032 ::
Porting to Nim
8031 ::
Nim version 1.4.8 released
8029 ::
nimsuggest, neovim, nim.nvim trouble
8028 ::
Add total ratings for all Candidates (STAR Voting)
8027 ::
Is there a way to stream json?
8026 ::
How to read GeoLite2 mmdb files?
8025 ::
Open file > 2GB on raspi OS 32
8024 ::
httpclient request with host different from url
8023 ::
CPU Benchmark test via Nim-compilation
8022 ::
Accessing object in seq of parent type
8021 ::
How to get the compile time as a const string?
8020 ::
c2nim -- minor update
8019 ::
Why union type for proc argument fails to compile?
8018 ::
Nim lost 7 seconds in latest kostya benchmarks update
8017 ::
How to escape colon in the '&' macro in strformat ?
8016 ::
What the minimal version of Linux kernel Nim support?
8015 ::
Making Concepts more smooth?
8012 ::
Error: cannot open file: fusion
8011 ::
squeeze the sequence: remove empty strings
8008 ::
Release candidates for 1.4.8 and 1.2.14
8005 ::
Transpile Nim to Dart/Flutter?
8003 ::
Compiler bug?: Infinite loop when compiling pegging CPU
8002 ::
IRC freenode staff exodus
8001 ::
string ( int, string and char) - convert into Table
8000 ::
At what likelihood do likely/unlikely become useful?
7999 ::
Concept containing seq of self
7998 ::
Dynamic size limit for sets
7997 ::
JS FFI - getting started
7996 ::
pkcs11 implementation
7995 ::
Python style in Nim
7994 ::
Using generic procedure with mixin can be dangerous?
7993 ::
How to solve type mismatch error ?
7992 ::
Weaning myself off bash for Nim for little plumbing tools
7991 ::
Andre von Houck's Nim Web Framework has great potential - A must see!
7990 ::
Int/Floating Point Cast Result
7989 ::
Karax steps forward
7988 ::
Install Choosenim with Chocolatay
7987 ::
Process input on TUI (illwill)
7986 ::
Is it possible to call an iterator?
7984 ::
Onivim2: A surprisingly good working with Nim editor
7983 ::
Nim 2.0 -- thoughts
7981 ::
Why Nim is *not* confused - which proc to call?
7980 ::
cosmonim hello world - No such file or directory
7979 ::
An incomplete mapping from C# to Nim
7978 ::
xlsxwriter - Static compilation in windows
7977 ::
gcc.exe: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1': CreateProcess: No such file or directory
7976 ::
Enforcing type safety for custom Hash function
7975 ::
Seq of procs
7974 ::
Nimble Disallow Version
7973 ::
Make `std/asynchttpserver` more robust?
7971 ::
How to use an OrderedTable
7970 ::
Show Nim: Pixie now supports text layout and rasterizing, including rich text with styled spans!
7969 ::
Which parameter list delimiter is more "standard"? Commas or semicolons?
7968 ::
Threading in Nim
7967 ::
Custom colored output in Nim
7966 ::
How to properly use c2nim?
7965 ::
Is the official Nim DLL redistributable?
7964 ::
HTTP(s) Client / Server in chronos
7963 ::
Best way to check for Json null values?
7962 ::
Import C++ functions in nim?
7960 ::
Can I create a string stream from its own data?
7959 ::
Visualizing Garbage Collector Algorithms (2014)
7958 ::
How to catch DOM exception in Nim code?
7957 ::
The `db_postgres`, distinguish "" from NULL
7956 ::
sendfile over ssl
7955 ::
Sequences, Type Inference, and Inheritance... I am slightly lost.
7954 ::
Get column names for `db_postgres`?
7953 ::
Implicit line joining rules
7952 ::
Parse unix time
7951 ::
Which converters are "safe" to use?
7950 ::
How to avoid name collisions in wrapped C files with system files like windows.h?
7948 ::
How to check a function pointer type with if statement ?
7947 ::
How to convert a string to an identifer or symbol?
7946 ::
Is there a way to detect if template is expanded at global scope or within a function
7945 ::
How to map to a pointer to array of function symbols in a C header?
7944 ::
how to keep Javascript expression in generated code
7943 ::
Memlib - Load Windows DLL from memory
7942 ::
Can't compile, error "could not import: X509_check_host"
7933 ::
Force array type (javascript, webgl)
7932 ::
Trouble getting cross compilation to work
7931 ::
Add a JS-backend only option to nim.cfg
7930 ::
How to http post nested data?
7929 ::
How to make HttpServer more robust against too many connection opened?
7928 ::
Sequence item del vs. delete?
7927 ::
How to use SharedList
7926 ::
Counting word frequencies with Nim
7925 ::
Nim as a classic programming language
7924 ::
What is the correct way of mapping C functions with return type "const char *"?
7923 ::
Prompt issue with stdout.write
7922 ::
import unicode, strutils: ambiguous call; both unicode.strip and strutils.strip
7921 ::
5th Nim online meetup
7920 ::
No difference between asyncHttpClient and httpClient?
7919 ::
How to map a JS dictionary paramter in the Nim importjs header?
7918 ::
Nim packages and LTS Nim
7917 ::
Issue with defaults for mutable generic function parameters
7916 ::
Question about templates / macros
7915 ::
"TypeError: c_1455079.charCodeAt is not a function" on jsfs' readFileSync
7914 ::
This Month with Nim: April 2021
7913 ::
File IO for the JS backend on node
7912 ::
Idiomatic way to run a process in the background and close it when appropriate?
7910 ::
7909 ::
There is no finish.exe in the NIM installation zip file
7908 ::
wikipedia: nim reference - regex engines - comparison
7907 ::
file - copy Line by line - error
7906 ::
How to make Nim more popular
7905 ::
How does Nim ARC/ORC compare to Rust?
7904 ::
learn Nim regular expressions - regex, re , NRE
7903 ::
NimQml v0.9.0
7901 ::
Overridable operator precedence
7899 ::
Use proxy and ports httpclient
7898 ::
Suddenly getting infinite genericDeepCopy recursion
7897 ::
sorting enum - by identifier and int?
7896 ::
CRC16 checksum calculation
7895 ::
Interesting video about transpiling (Linux conf AU 2020)
7893 ::
Assertions in the documentation.
7892 ::
nim update & choosenim
7891 ::
what's the difference between type,typeof,typedesc?
7889 ::
Would macros work to parse js and create equivalent nim code?
7888 ::
In Nimpy how to call methods on Python objects? (Example sys.path.insert)
7887 ::
Nim Standard Library - How expansive should it be?
7886 ::
7885 ::
7884 ::
Question about package level object
7883 ::
Question about re split
7882 ::
echo isAlphaAscii("ą") - expecting false (instead of error)
7880 ::
FFI - C++ template parameter with default - c2nim
7879 ::
Verbatim multiline strings & indentation
7878 ::
Secure Nim Sandbox, with IO, CPU, Memory, Time restrictions. Possible?
7877 ::
How to rewrite a C++ program that uses MPI calls
7876 ::
read chunks from file or stream with custom delimiter
7875 ::
Nim on Android error regarding size of a pointer
7874 ::
Why learn NIM
7873 ::
RPC in 10 and REST API in 5 lines of Nim
7871 ::
variable set at compile time
7870 ::
7869 ::
Getting varargs parameter from JS
7868 ::
Generate JsObject for use in JavaScript
7867 ::
Forwarding varargs with conversion
7866 ::
[ANN] Nim0, a playground to learn compiler internals
7865 ::
Employment Opportunity - Systematic Trading
7864 ::
nint128 - 128-bit integers
7863 ::
NimConf 2021
7862 ::
How to definitely free memory of seq?
7861 ::
unzip multipart zip file
7860 ::
How to create const object of non-root object type
7859 ::
Error when building for JS - internal error
7858 ::
What to use instead of TaintedString?
7855 ::
some sizeof results
7854 ::
char type: echo ASCII code for 'space' and 'single quote'
7853 ::
Simulate super in Java at compile time
7852 ::
Qualify identifier with exported module?
7851 ::
Return procedure in jester route
7850 ::
Is there a reliable way to round?
7848 ::
XML parsing performance
7847 ::
Creating Private Package List/Index
7846 ::
collision-resistant hash for 64bit pointers
7844 ::
Incorrect example in documentation for Return statement?
7843 ::
concatenate byte
7842 ::
Let's Make Async Great Again!
7841 ::
Sending raw packets with nim
7838 ::
Capturing external variables in closure
7837 ::
On term rewriting macros
7835 ::
4th Nim online meetup
7834 ::
Preferred mingw version to build nim on Windows
7833 ::
Finally ported the rubberband router from Ruby to Nim
7832 ::
Concatenation of seq and array?
7828 ::
Need help implementing bind for C for webview.h
7827 ::
Accessing {.emit.}'d variables across modules?
7826 ::
Simple RPC, call remote Nim functions as if its local, experimenting...
7825 ::
How to access n theJS backend Bootstrap's "modal" method?
7824 ::
Unicode string print - the four faces look different when printing - why?
7823 ::
Recommended method to build nim for M1 Macs?
7822 ::
Documentation comments before the item being commented?
7821 ::
7820 ::
When to use nim.cfg vs config.nims?
7819 ::
python: print(x, end=" ")
7818 ::
Error in macro, `int` is not evaluated as `int`.
7817 ::
Post process string formatted with `fmt`
7816 ::
Nim on raspberry PI
7815 ::
hashing stored passwords
7814 ::
Nim convention for multiple imports?
7812 ::
How to use macros for an intermediate compiler step?
7810 ::
server/client test, using testament
7808 ::
How to create a pull request?
7807 ::
Global array access can have side effects?
7806 ::
An easy way of displaying video?
7804 ::
The `db_postgres` can't execute multiple queries, possible bug?
7803 ::
cross compilation from Linux to windows
7801 ::
How to disable logging from db_postgres?
7800 ::
"invalid type ... in this context" error
7799 ::
string split by {';'}
7798 ::
Generic type parameters and inheritance
7797 ::
winrm fails to build
7796 ::
Migrating from v 1.0: "raise effects differ"
7795 ::
lost thread? (Fastest method for writing and loading cached binary object data to file)
7794 ::
Versions 1.4.6 and 1.2.12 released
7793 ::
How do I get the fields/attributes of an object type at run time?
7791 ::
Interesting post from D forum
7790 ::
Getting started with the Foreign Function Interface - calling library functions
7788 ::
Error: invalid token: trailing underscore
7787 ::
How to create generic type without C++ Template
7786 ::
The NaN story, short version
7784 ::
Perceus: Optimized Ref Counting For Koka
7783 ::
Opinions on ordering parameters
7780 ::
Library for generating a DOM table from a Nim Table? (JS backend)
7779 ::
os:any and Newlib/Newlib-nano
7778 ::
nDustman (random URL generator)
7777 ::
Arduino with Nim
7776 ::
Trouble with... I don't know :)
7775 ::
C library with custom build system to Nim
7774 ::
nimview and websocket ---> webwsi
7773 ::
7771 ::
Headless Nim Executable App Option?
7770 ::
Issue with Nim Manual on Windows Chrome
7769 ::
chronos problem, my client-server test randomly fails on windows and macOS
7768 ::
Release candidates for 1.4.6 and 1.2.12
7767 ::
string concat I don't understand
7766 ::
parsecsv strangeness
7765 ::
Tables and hashes
7764 ::
Testing/Feedback for Neel 0.4.0 development
7763 ::
Interrupt vector table implementation trouble
7762 ::
Nim compiler generates strange C code
7761 ::
It is a bug?
7760 ::
3rd Nim online meetup
7759 ::
Nim (devel) compilation takes a very long time with option --gc:orc
7758 ::
Performance against Python: find substring in string
7757 ::
Error while trying to use JNim
7756 ::
handle "-" and variations as valid input
7755 ::
--gc:arc slowing down performance
7754 ::
Help with constructing an npeg parser
7753 ::
Array Difference
7752 ::
Might there be a better `dotOperators` design?
7751 ::
Multi-threaded features needed for Server
7750 ::
What is happening under the hood of "cast" function ?
7749 ::
Twitter in 100 lines of Nim, no JS
7746 ::
Get size of block device?
7744 ::
object variants and field names
7743 ::
arm-none-eabi-gcc doesn't compile volatileStore
7742 ::
GNU-ARM toolchain (baremetal example) with Nim
7741 ::
nim program name with spaces
7740 ::
static tuple generic parameter
7738 ::
Performance issue with closure
7737 ::
This Month with Nim: March 2021
7735 ::
=copy with different arguments type, is it a good idea ?
7734 ::
Can't manage to use nimpy on Windows
7733 ::
Error: unhandled exception: invalid object assignment
7732 ::
AutoNim [AutoIt X3 wrapper]
7731 ::
More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)
7727 ::
Why is there no compile error when accessing uninitialize variable
7726 ::
Create a data structure of strings mapped to arrays of strings
7725 ::
How can I use SendMessage?
7724 ::
void return type
7723 ::
algorithm lowerBound and upperBound documentation error?
7722 ::
I want to use gecko driver headless.
7721 ::
Processing elements of a sequence with conditional deletion
7720 ::
import to thread help
7719 ::
Inline print a sequence or strip '"'
7718 ::
Nim cimpiling to Misra C?
7717 ::
Mysterious problem with shift left, uint64 and compile-time constants
7716 ::
Emacs fans tell me: What autocomplete and symbol look-up package are you using?
7715 ::
quit() - inconsistent behavior - osx terminal vs visual studio
7714 ::
converting a hex string to uint32 in JS context
7713 ::
Neovim users, how are you setting up Nim?
7712 ::
strange behavior (Bug?) of member-iterator of object
7711 ::
Trying to use openssl RSA funcitonality in nim
7710 ::
Too much memory used for N-queens problem
7709 ::
Why memory leaks with ARC/ORC on platform game?
7708 ::
Initializing subclassed objects, like C++ Constructors
7707 ::
Testament documentation - test-case, test-step, setup, tearDown
7706 ::
respecting the conventions when declaring a function pointer in a tuple
7705 ::
Demystifying nimDecRefIsLast
7704 ::
How to best access a potentially const variable in a func that is to big for default stack?
7703 ::
How to use global immutable variables in Threads?
7702 ::
Error: unknown substition variable: attype
7701 ::
Chrome Extensions with Nim, who would have thought?
7699 ::
using expressions in default values for procedure's parameters
7698 ::
Can't set wild-pattern matching any route in Jester
7696 ::
channel.tryRecv fails when send in progress, is this expected behavior?
7695 ::
Can I do text replacements in a file via a NimScript?
7693 ::
globalThis is not defined although node version is v14.4.0
7692 ::
I am confused. Javascript, WASM coroutine support ?
7691 ::
gtk gintro, hello world in object oriented way.
7690 ::
nim doc generates code with invalid indentation
7688 ::
auto declaration of function prototype
7687 ::
2nd Nim online meetup
7686 ::
Resolving incorrectly deduced `raises` violations
7685 ::
gtk gintro , list of class objects and functions
7684 ::
Converter string to raw
7683 ::
Manually initializing exception handling
7682 ::
Generics overload - which one is selected?
7681 ::
I'd like to make a tiny contribution to stats.nim - how to?
7680 ::
runnableExamples need random - what can I do?
7679 ::
Location of nimdoc.css ?
7678 ::
Search SSH library
7677 ::
winim - onenote
7676 ::
Learning Nim: Macros and Pattern Matching [video]
7675 ::
echo () vs echo()
7674 ::
How can I quote a type with a sequence of strings
7673 ::
array sample slower than indexing into rand(size-1)
7672 ::
Documentation: Method Call Synatx and Inverse Index
7671 ::
Nimble download/install sequence improvement
7670 ::
Norm & Functions
7669 ::
Testing that a macro throws an exception
7668 ::
Can application access to orc interface?
7667 ::
Found article on concurrency: "Go statement considered harmful"
7666 ::
'ord' cannot be passed to a procvar
7665 ::
Gimp plugin?
7664 ::
F6 on visual studio code
7663 ::
compile a nim single file to a single c file that only depends standard c header and lib
7662 ::
json - update
7661 ::
how do I get a reference to a object
7660 ::
Easiest way of charting module inter-dependencies
7659 ::
Experimenting with reflections to create SQL statements, got some questions
7658 ::
Regex not hashable?
7657 ::
Nim SDL2 Game Development for Beginners #3 Adding AABB Rectangular Collision Detection
7656 ::
Some suggestions about Nim play gorund and Nim forum.
7655 ::
How do I share a hash table among multiple processes to store temporary http sessions?
7654 ::
Macros and Syntax
7653 ::
Memory increase on simple http server after 50 requests
7652 ::
7650 ::
Easiest way to pass data between threads?
7649 ::
Initializing objects from proc parameters
7648 ::
Weird Ref Ptr Problem
7646 ::
Nicer function anmes and other identifiers in the JS output
7645 ::
Weird error between sequtils and nim-result
7644 ::
Missing Symmetry: varargs vs. all
7642 ::
IndexError: list index out of range
7641 ::
Compiling Nim project for arm/arm64
7640 ::
Wrapping C Function Pointer Question
7639 ::
iNim is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
7637 ::
Question about Macros and AST Documentation
7636 ::
New Nesper release: v0.6.0 includes Nimble build tasks for ESP32 projects!
7635 ::
getCurrentDir vs getHomeDir output
7634 ::
Issues with indentations and for loops
7633 ::
Performance comparison of various compilers
7632 ::
Dll with a different entry point as Dllmain
7631 ::
Compiling for arm/arm64
7629 ::
How can I see all the threads I ahve started or I have contributed to?
7628 ::
Issues regarding calling an import from python as a routine
7627 ::
Data type mismatch issue
7625 ::
Using typedesc in function arguments
7624 ::
Assigning an array of an array
7623 ::
Importing a function from a module
7622 ::
async - noob question
7621 ::
Criticism of Parallel Nim
7620 ::
Get system wide config dir
7619 ::
Why I can't unmarshal JSON with spaces in the JSON keys?
7618 ::
Splat operator in Nim?
7617 ::
Templating dynlib calls
7616 ::
Non-async inside async, how it's executed?
7615 ::
Add item to Set?
7614 ::
atomicMax how to implement it?
7613 ::
bad destructor causing crash in arc/orc?
7612 ::
Running Nim on android
7611 ::
Nim online meetup, Friday 12th at 4pm UTC
7610 ::
Exception handling without doing rest of the program
7609 ::
Compile Nim to JavaScript from inside Nim?
7608 ::
new blogpost: pattern matching (and fusion)
7607 ::
Strange "lock levels differ" error with HttpClient
7606 ::
There are a Nim Linter for SublimeText?
7604 ::
Template varargs syntax sugar for procs accepting tuples - good idea?
7603 ::
ncurses trouble
7602 ::
Question on the use of Nimpy
7601 ::
Are sequences the nim equivalent of python lists?
7600 ::
Is there a module for nim that acts like matplotlib?
7599 ::
Create proc/template that takes 2 blocks of code
7598 ::
RFC: recursive visitor macro
7597 ::
Importing modules on Visual Studio Code
7596 ::
Un-static strings in template
7595 ::
Zero-knowledge proofs (and rust integration) come to Nim..
7594 ::
JS backend: How to access the `files` attribute in the Node object of an `input type="file"` element
7593 ::
How to make an object mutable in recursion?
7591 ::
Nimview - a lightweight UI helper
7590 ::
Add "buildLib" option to "envcc"
7589 ::
Sorting array by object key
7588 ::
Custom allocator with --gc:arc
7585 ::
How to segment the code into different files?
7584 ::
How to embed objects in another objects
7583 ::
Channel / Actors based parallelism? Are there such Web Servers?
7582 ::
nimble refresh: Could not download: No SSL/TLS CA certificates found.
7581 ::
Show Nim: Puppy - Easy HTTP(S) requests without DLLs, --d:ssl or cacerts.pem.
7580 ::
template - Error: in expression 'p.some(n)': identifier expected, but found 'some(n)'
7579 ::
array, seq : is there something in between?
7578 ::
Full-time Nim developer rates for new software company
7577 ::
How to have the generated executables in a bin directory out of the way when using testament
7576 ::
relative "based/biased" long pointers and data structures over it
7575 ::
Yeay! Finally I udnerstand how to write a "Makefile" in Nim!
7574 ::
Restrictions in a parallel for loop?
7573 ::
How to detect a hard link in Nim?
7572 ::
How to generate import statement in macros?
7571 ::
Advice on using linenoise?
7570 ::
Comments and criticism,please: Nimplementation of Church Numerals
7569 ::
Compiler error with generated compile script
7568 ::
How to get the value of an input element by name when POST.
7567 ::
SQLite getRow data changing
7566 ::
Nim can be so difficult to understand
7564 ::
Easiest way to check for shift-left overflow?
7563 ::
Mixing Threads and Async
7561 ::
'b' is not the first parameter
7560 ::
Wrapper for GSL - GNU Scientific Library
7559 ::
Show Nim: Pixie, a fast 2D vector graphics library we are excited to share!
7557 ::
Async stack traces referring to macros
7555 ::
how to convert @[1..5] to @[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]?
7553 ::
When multiple proc match the call, use the most specific one?
7552 ::
Is it possible to tell testament to print the values of an failing assert statement?
7551 ::
SSL/TLS certifictae issues with Nim 1.4.4?
7550 ::
Need help on getting notifcation message from postgresql
7549 ::
Nim 1.4.4 and 1.2.10 released
7548 ::
cairo Wrapper tests failed: could not load: libcairo-2.dll (Newbie)
7547 ::
How to initialise a seq in an object
7545 ::
How to implement universal `collection.pick(field_or_fn)`?
7544 ::
Can't give testament compiler switches when running a pattern
7543 ::
Templates - cannot evaluate at compile time: elems
7541 ::
Templates - how to check if a template has been used
7539 ::
open() does not return
7538 ::
Question about using "include"
7537 ::
Any way to avoid nested case statements for proc taking two variant objects?
7536 ::
Check out my new lib Spacy: Spatial data structures for Nim.
7535 ::
How to declare function pointer type ?
7534 ::
Building games for the web with Emscripten
7533 ::
How to allow out of bounds access on sized arrays?
7532 ::
windows - msys2 - rdynamic
7531 ::
GCC Compiler - New to Nim
7530 ::
Conjunctions of sum type parameters
7529 ::
Windows - #include <dlfcn.h>
7528 ::
Patching existing libraries with "include"
7527 ::
Binding to C macros functions
7526 ::
nim.cfg - pragma
7525 ::
"Error: unable to set ODBC driver version." with db-odbc
7524 ::
Strange memory problem
7523 ::
Error: Closure iterators are not supported by JS backend!
7522 ::
Installation and configuration of the Nim language
7521 ::
Redis - how to select database
7520 ::
How to kill a process and all of its descendants in Nim?
7519 ::
How to access command line parameters under the JS backend
7518 ::
Composing templates / macros?
7517 ::
.mjs import behaviour in node.js
7516 ::
Nlftk : FLTK for Nim : how do you associate a callback to a button?
7515 ::
Access to the lines numbers in the trace of an exception
7514 ::
Defects and CatchableErrors
7512 ::
hotcodereloading and libfswatch
7511 ::
Control Flow with Type Checking
7510 ::
Non-js modules
7509 ::
String "interning" attempt
7508 ::
Nim SDL2 Game Development for Beginners (new video tutorial series)
7507 ::
How to diagnose nimsuggest not working with vscode?
7506 ::
Temporal folder
7505 ::
Forwarding modules via `export`, and how to structure my library?
7503 ::
Importing a file in runtime
7502 ::
fmusdk - SIGSEGV with ARC
7501 ::
echo doesn't work correctly
7499 ::
Templates and include
7498 ::
Nim Design Patterns?
7497 ::
macros - backquote
7496 ::
fmusdk: porting from C to nim - looking for advice
7495 ::
Is "global_state" a special name in Nim's internals?
7494 ::
Nim 1.2.10 RC and 1.4.4 RC
7492 ::
Status Desktop - private messenger and more using Nim + QT
7491 ::
groups for types? interface in Nim?
7490 ::
No ideas for the 32 bit enum issue?
7489 ::
Questions about collect macro, and inconsistency in namings
7488 ::
TA functions in NIM
7487 ::
createInterpreter in a DLL
7486 ::
Problem with sugar.capture and the js backend
7485 ::
FieldOffset / Padding Pragma?
7484 ::
SSL: how to inspect and manually accept an unknown self-signed certificate?
7483 ::
Invalid Indentation (newbie)
7482 ::
How to port this c-enum to nim?
7481 ::
exportc -
7480 ::
generic functions : syntax / deduction / debugging
7479 ::
Why is AsyncSocketDesc private while SocketImpl is public?
7478 ::
Using nim libraries
7477 ::
Generating Nim AST and executing nim code at runtime
7476 ::
How to set filepermissions
7475 ::
Is using gcsafe with --gc:arc correct here with producer/consumer?
7474 ::
How to set a string parameter of a procedure by default to nil?
7473 ::
Traits or macros for inspecting proc/lambda/functor type
7472 ::
Macro beginner code review
7471 ::
Length of a string in bytes
7470 ::
Help needed: Deadlock during allocShared0
7467 ::
There's a Yankees fan writing the Nim tutorial... lol
7466 ::
This Month with Nim: January 2020
7465 ::
Anybody using `self` or `this` for procedures operating on "class" style object types?
7464 ::
compiling and running nim progam via wine on osx: almost works, help welcome
7463 ::
How to change teh default initialisation for object types
7462 ::
Objects for "classes" with ref or without?
7461 ::
stdout.write nor printf work from within threads. Is this a bug or intended behavior?
7460 ::
When should I use tuples over objects?
7459 ::
Cannot compile asynchttpserver's example code with vcc
7458 ::
Tracking down hints and silencing them
7457 ::
What are the latest developments in the Nim compiler?
7456 ::
Help with macros needed: Creating an if-else statement on runtime.
7455 ::
enforcing a const or literal in a proc parameter?
7454 ::
Compile to object file
7453 ::
RFC: My prototype for an osproc replacement
7452 ::
Publishing a Nim app in Flathub
7451 ::
Compiling some functions into a lib from nim itself
7450 ::
Nim Command only with su
7449 ::
Looking for advices on data design for a dynamic language
7448 ::
Newbie question: allowed and not allowed white space
7447 ::
Dealing With Memory Leaks (and a possibly broken install or setup?)
7446 ::
Problem with asynchttpserver and GC - yep, the usual one
7445 ::
Trying to use times now
7443 ::
Immutable vs mutable
7442 ::
inser new line at line number 64
7441 ::
conversion int -> float : what's the rule?
7440 ::
Performance impact of unused ref-object fields?
7439 ::
Nim forum statistics
7438 ::
fromJSON, dataframe
7437 ::
Using removeFile in Nake throws error in Windows even when running as admin
7436 ::
Nim style guide based on Nimbus experience
7435 ::
How do I list the files in a directory in Nim?
7434 ::
Cryptic error message without specific hints
7433 ::
Problem with compile-time `len` and variable
7432 ::
How would Nim do in this language comparison?
7431 ::
What is the difference between Nimble and Nake?
7430 ::
Threads are finishing without an error even though they shouldnt
7429 ::
Puzzling error (warning?) messages
7426 ::
Simple recursion really slow?
7425 ::
FFI - how to use procs that return objects
7423 ::
A VBA library?
7422 ::
Pararules - A rules engine for games
7420 ::
open question about equals-equals (==) usage in decimal library
7419 ::
Nim compiler follows symbolic links too eagerly
7418 ::
Morgenstern-ish documentation
7416 ::
Why aren't the built-in math procs (`+`, `-`, `*`, ...) procvars?
7415 ::
Allocating a cstringArray
7414 ::
Unmarshal JSON to type
7413 ::
Best showcase of tests in Nim standard library?
7412 ::
Current state of list comprehison in Nim
7410 ::
Best practice for OOP-style of procedure calling
7409 ::
Regex and capture unicode text
7408 ::
What are simple profilers to use with Nim?
7407 ::
Is there a way to use question mark in my proc names?
7406 ::
Nim Community Survey 2020 Results
7405 ::
libdill for large scale concurrency
7404 ::
UFCS and templates
7403 ::
Ignore part of tuple without warnings
7402 ::
Print - a better echo. colors, pretty nesting, refs and cycles!
7401 ::
Nim proc pointers
7399 ::
how to detect Chinese character with regex?
7398 ::
Portable binaries with Nim - what works?
7397 ::
Help with Nim concurrency – data not persisted
7395 ::
How to convert const char * to string?
7394 ::
How to create a new ref object from an immutable (non-ref) object?
7393 ::
Call `result.new` automatically in `proc`?
7392 ::
How to implement a RwLock lock
7391 ::
Problem linking GCC?
7390 ::
Where are the prebuilt binaries for AArch64?
7388 ::
code snippet review: truncate string while preserving words
7387 ::
nlvm update 2020
7386 ::
Any way to access the Documentation Comment of a procedure?
7385 ::
"This Month With Nim"- A Community Showcase
7384 ::
Silly scope shadowing question
7383 ::
Back on Nim: Understanding nimble
7382 ::
How to understand nimprof report?
7381 ::
memberProc macro
7380 ::
Admin for web app
7378 ::
How to serialize/deserialize my data type with options and DateTime
7377 ::
semantics of {.shallow.}?
7376 ::
New article: Parsing inputs in Nim
7374 ::
Experimenting with an SQLite-based portable graph DB engine
7371 ::
Any plans for syntactic sugar for parameter unpacking?
7369 ::
Resize window events karax
7368 ::
NimraylibNow! - The Ultimate Raylib gaming library wrapper
7367 ::
Google Summer of Code, Feb 19, 2021
7365 ::
What's the preferred way to compile nim to WebAssembly?
7364 ::
How to pass around large immutable data? Copy-on-Write?
7363 ::
How to write a template to call function with arbitrary number of arguments?
7362 ::
Why proc behavior depends if it defined after or before another proc?
7360 ::
Calling destructors works fine
7359 ::
Base64-decoding binary data to byte array
7358 ::
7357 ::
Suggestions to reduce the number of compiler warnings for rtree module?
7356 ::
Bug? Compiled code throws some C-lang error.
7355 ::
Documentation for osAllocPages etc.?
7354 ::
SSLError WebSocket
7353 ::
LibSSL DLLs and DLL collections for older versions
7352 ::
Interfacing with va_list from stdarg.h
7351 ::
7350 ::
Many Thanks !
7349 ::
Why JSON % proc doesn't work for Enum?
7348 ::
regex on "multilines" buffer
7347 ::
Zig-style async/await
7346 ::
get temp directory on windows?
7345 ::
NimDBX (libmdbx key/value database wrapper) now nimble-installable, whew
7344 ::
Generating C++ constructor with initialization list.
7343 ::
Unable to use HashSet for my type
7342 ::
Failed trying to wrap macro in another macro
7341 ::
Usefulness of a BPMN compiler package for Nim?
7340 ::
Error cross-compiling json-nim-rpc
7339 ::
Acquire webcam on Windows 10
7338 ::
Export by Ordinal for Windows DLLs?
7337 ::
How to make Nim compilation faster?
7336 ::
7335 ::
What is os:Atari targeting?
7334 ::
Questions about sharing data with C++ and capnp.nim
7332 ::
Stdlib and fusion evolution
7331 ::
Why include doesn't work?
7330 ::
Exceptions which can hold / pass an object?
7329 ::
AVR Support?
7328 ::
Cross-Compiling for Windows 32-bit with ChooseNim Install
7327 ::
What am I doing wrong with streams
7326 ::
Creating Custom DLLMain using MSVC
7325 ::
Own numeric type
7324 ::
C++ bindings - doubt with an argument's default value
7323 ::
how use custom event inherited from DOM Event in javascript?
7322 ::
Weird how visibility scope works if generic proc used. Possible bug?
7321 ::
Native GUI development for MacOS
7320 ::
Executing command in hidden console
7319 ::
Seems like a bug? SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.
7318 ::
arraymancer `<https://github.com/mratsim/Arraymancer>`
7317 ::
Error Using _kbhit with .importc
7316 ::
Should`type` or `typedesc` be used?
7315 ::
How to turn proc that uses immutable shared object into pure func?
7312 ::
using readFile with javascript
7311 ::
How to parse custom JSON serialization format?
7310 ::
JSON deserialize
7309 ::
DumpIncludes - See where your exe size comes from.
7307 ::
std prefix in standard library modules
7306 ::
Unnecessary var parameter?
7305 ::
any trick to custom varargs implementation in generated js?
7304 ::
Http request using mom's JavaScript backend
7303 ::
Announce: nestegg webm demuxer, dav1d av1 video decoder, opus audio decoder, and lov video player
7302 ::
Nim in 2020: A short recap
7301 ::
Problem related with scope
7300 ::
Compile to a single C file?
7299 ::
How to sum the values of a table?
7298 ::
Problem with sdl2 & nim
7297 ::
compiling to js but failed, generics not supported?
7296 ::
C++ FFI templates
7295 ::
asynchttpserver basic-usage with error
7294 ::
How to deal with Enums with same names?
7293 ::
let's work :-)
7292 ::
Making a closure iterator out of a non-closure one
7291 ::
terminal.nim says i don't have a true color term (but it's wrong)
7290 ::
Is it possible to generate a list of all transient dependencies and their sources?
7289 ::
Windows Error
7288 ::
7287 ::
Cancelation points in async
7286 ::
Nim Seqs to C backend
7285 ::
Is anyone using duckdb with Nim?
7283 ::
Nimscripter - Easy Nimscript-Nim interop
7282 ::
Client-side JS with Nim
7281 ::
Zippy update: Zip archive and tarball support + much closer to zlib performance
7279 ::
Finally found a language which is as fast as C and as Pythonic as possible...
7278 ::
c++ backend broken ?
7277 ::
Closure vs object benefit?
7276 ::
Alternative to powmod in Nim
7275 ::
Why is my program so much slower in Nim than in Rust?
7274 ::
Cyclic dependency
7273 ::
NIM 32 bit dll
7272 ::
Nim API for Interactive Broker
7271 ::
Looper - Another web framework written in Nim
7270 ::
Domain Name System (DNS) protocol and client for Nim
7269 ::
One line comprehension equivalence
7268 ::
Is this a supported usecase: update global variables from a dynamic library?
7267 ::
jjson or json for Karax?
7266 ::
NodeJS for Nim
7265 ::
Nim interact with Windows .NET Frameworks
7264 ::
If I use Nigui to build an app on a Mac, how do I distribute it ?
7263 ::
Dividing duration
7262 ::
Nim Community Survey 2020
7261 ::
Help neede with IUP in Nim
7259 ::
Working on a "Pindent" for Nim : gathering suggestions
7256 ::
Seq, table. How to efficiently reference the last item
7255 ::
Concat for linked lists?
7254 ::
C++ Smart pointers 101 and FFI
7253 ::
one more "collect" question (bug?)
7252 ::
IS there any beginner friendly tutorial for nim with examples like "Python crash course" etc.?
7251 ::
Nim for mobile
7249 ::
startProcess help (2)
7248 ::
Update on Nim snap packages
7246 ::
FFI - simplifying
7243 ::
how to disable (deprecated) appveyor CI from running (and failing) in your nim fork?
7242 ::
Best IDE-like Nim experience?
7241 ::
let vs var for a sequence inside a proc
7240 ::
Question about dup syntax
7239 ::
lint+ - an improved linter for the lite text editor, incl. Nim support
7238 ::
Is there a way to monitor the total memory usage of a Nim app?
7237 ::
thread vscode error juste is normal
7235 ::
collect for seq[set[int8]]
7234 ::
fusion/SharedPtr why []= sig undefined?
7231 ::
any way to extra version info from <project>.nimble file?
7230 ::
cpp2nim.py - c++ bindings
7229 ::
Obtain type from proc definition
7228 ::
C++ wrap - doubbt on & symbol
7226 ::
Help with Karax getVNodeById
7224 ::
JS isIndirect template excluding skVar
7223 ::
Newbie: Small program fails in "-d:release" but works with plain build
7222 ::
when (compiles do: import a): is very broken
7221 ::
In macros, is there a way to know if a symbol as global?
7220 ::
pop for a set - is there something prettier?
7218 ::
What is the use of reference (ref) types in Nim. What is ref normally used for in Nim?
7217 ::
C++ wrap - let/var behaviour
7215 ::
Passing template's argument to children template?
7214 ::
Is there an efficent way to retriver the last index of a Table
7213 ::
ANN: NimternalSQL, an in-memory SQL database library for Nim
7212 ::
My Gintro program is crashing
7211 ::
Method/Procedure that returns values of multiple types?
7210 ::
Convert string into operator?
7208 ::
replace OpenSSL with statically linked LibreSSL Windows
7207 ::
Statically Check If An Object Is A Subtype Of Another Object
7206 ::
7204 ::
Random float based on unsigned int
7203 ::
Alternative term for addr
7202 ::
I would like to know how this affects SSL when compiled with Release and danger mode.
7201 ::
Error: template instantiation too nested
7199 ::
Macros that compose (and work well with auto-completion tooling)
7196 ::
Unicode "sortkey" API?
7195 ::
Need help for db_postgres usage
7194 ::
Writing a string into a source file compile time
7193 ::
Package level scope
7192 ::
Using Python in .nim Files
7191 ::
how to wrap a C object when field names are Nim keywords?
7190 ::
how to import pathutils
7189 ::
converter - how to switch is off
7188 ::
Where is `memcmp` in std lib? Or `cmp()` for byte sequences?
7187 ::
C++ wrapper - Any recommendation?
7186 ::
override decrement on indexed object
7185 ::
Nim 1.4.2 is out!
7184 ::
Nimbus -> Ethereum 2 launch is imminent 12PM UTC.
7183 ::
Nim compiled DLL, using Powerbuild programming language call, parameter return result garbled code.
7182 ::
Use sequence of a type in C program
7181 ::
Error: unhandled exception: index 1 not in 0 .. 0 [IndexDefect]
7180 ::
When to use IncompleteStruct pragma?
7179 ::
Nim (1.4 ORC) v.s. Rust in terms of safety?
7178 ::
Help with Gui programming in for a beginner
7177 ::
Does subtyping inside a parameterized type work?
7176 ::
Simple way to have a dynamic shared list/sequence between threads
7175 ::
cs2nim update
7174 ::
SIGSEGV on deleteContent
7172 ::
I make my first $ with Nim in two days
7171 ::
How to unwrap a seq to a varargs[] procedure argument?
7170 ::
How to rewrite nim programming langauge to be pythonic as possible?
7169 ::
How to evaluate string in Nim's VM at runtime?
7168 ::
Urlly - a new library for URL parsing for C/JS backends.
7167 ::
Automatically generated JS library wrappers?
7166 ::
Is there any nim based 2d collision detection lib?
7165 ::
help C to nim conversion just precision
7164 ::
How can I do 'fetch' or 'XMLrequest' thing in JS?
7163 ::
Nim quiz?
7162 ::
Advent of Nim 2020 megathread
7161 ::
Ambiguous call?
7158 ::
std/asynchttpserver or httpbeast
7157 ::
Set base address of sequence
7156 ::
recursive iterators - is there a recommend workaround?
7155 ::
Is there an easy way to bake in parameters at compile time?
7153 ::
wonderfully prologue
7152 ::
Compile Error for Nim-Generated C-code for android with ndk-build (through wiish)
7151 ::
Custom source code filters?
7150 ::
compile-time import
7149 ::
asynchttpserver, keep-alive and concurrent queries
7148 ::
Macro for proc like syntax?
7147 ::
NilAccessError is deprecated ?
7146 ::
Strange error message from collections/sets.nim
7145 ::
help with calling Nim-generated JS function from html page
7144 ::
Changer VSCode pour VSCodium
7143 ::
Example of a simply UDP client
7142 ::
Unhandled exception in httpbeast
7141 ::
can't create seq in callback function
7140 ::
NimSuggest Not Working with Karax's or Jester's Macros
7139 ::
Is there some thing like `newSeqNoInit`?
7138 ::
Are these constants effectively saving computations?
7137 ::
closure in hashset, fail to compile with c++ backend
7136 ::
Article on writing hacking tools in Nim
7135 ::
tables.add() deprecation in favor of []= is wrong
7134 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <type int8> but expected 'int literal(8)'
7133 ::
How to differentiate different IOErrors?
7131 ::
marshal: loading nested TableRef segfaults
7130 ::
Why is the implicit `result` so widely used?
7129 ::
What's the difference between `,` and `;` in the parameter list of procs?
7128 ::
Regular expressions in Nimscript?
7127 ::
Enabling hot-reloading causes the chronicles module to fail to compile
7124 ::
How to write a macro correctly which contains a 'char'?
7123 ::
new video on move semantics by Araq (rebase conf 2020)
7122 ::
Can we have an --exceptions:abort ?
7121 ::
Why does JSON serializing a table not work properly?
7119 ::
How to hot reload a Jester web app?
7118 ::
Question about async
7117 ::
Optional var out proc parameters
7115 ::
C library bindings generator
7114 ::
internal error : where to report
7113 ::
trouble , name etc...
7111 ::
Win10 terminal game
7110 ::
How to make code GC-Safe when a global constant is used in a proc ?
7109 ::
Empty proc body
7108 ::
Nim's rst parser now supports markdown tables
7107 ::
Error: system module needs: appendString
7106 ::
Open-ended slices
7104 ::
Cross compile on WIndows 64bits for Windows 32 bits
7103 ::
GC Safe Problem
7102 ::
Getting random non-equal int pairs, comparison of routines.
7101 ::
Which one to choose, Asyncdispatch in Nim vs Chronos?
7100 ::
amysql - Async MySQL Connector write in pure Nim.
7099 ::
Real sets and tables anywhere?
7098 ::
a DSL to construct Nim AST based on karax
7097 ::
out of memory
7096 ::
Which HTTP server library?
7095 ::
is there a way to combine types?
7094 ::
How do you deal with dependencies in Nim ?
7093 ::
Life is nice...
7092 ::
Kill thread?
7091 ::
muk - a crossplattform terminal music and video player.
7090 ::
Tweaking optimizations for dependencies
7089 ::
Possible usage of Nim & Z3 for embedded?
7088 ::
Creating unique ID from strings
7087 ::
ANN: NimDBX, a super-fast persistent key-value store
7086 ::
best way to store key definition for a game
7085 ::
help ZMQ
7084 ::
what is the difference between version 1.2.8 and version 1.4.0?
7083 ::
Nim based Firmware -- it's tiny!
7082 ::
Why can't I borrow slice assignment for distinct strings?
7081 ::
Use xmlparser/xmltree in macro with --os:standalone
7080 ::
static link with a .lib file not working
7079 ::
This brings down the forum!
7078 ::
Best practices for packages that bind to C libraries?
7077 ::
What does this expression mean?
7076 ::
7075 ::
Deprecated operators for DateTime private members
7074 ::
changing alignment requirement of object type?
7073 ::
Using byaddr pragma inside template
7072 ::
variable length tuple unpacking
7071 ::
Kernel Matrix Calculation in Nim
7070 ::
Type problem with 1.4.0
7068 ::
To slice or to stream?
7067 ::
publishing a nimble package
7066 ::
Catch Ctrl-C interruption
7065 ::
GuildenStern 0.9: Modular multithreading web server for Linux
7064 ::
How to prevent a program from crashing when the "OSError: Too many open files" error occurs?
7063 ::
Capturing a context variable in public procs
7062 ::
Issue with compile time evaluation
7061 ::
Any workarounds for view-object bugs?
7060 ::
Is this possible? Default iterator fields.
7059 ::
Raspberry Pi 1B - nmqtt - exit code 137
7058 ::
7056 ::
JS target: second param of proc `[]` is taken as JsObject instead of cstring
7055 ::
std/tables [] vs. add()
7054 ::
Zippy: a dependency-free Nim implementation of deflate, gzip, zlib, zip
7053 ::
strange syntax - please explain
7052 ::
conditional expressions don't work in a formatted string
7051 ::
Reference Variable (C++ jargon) - is there such a beast?
7050 ::
Returning objects from func with ARC
7049 ::
local types - how to
7048 ::
Nim threads on different processor core
7047 ::
Avoid adding `m_type` field in JS Objects?
7046 ::
Nims book question
7045 ::
C++ FFI - basic example
7044 ::
new project: cs2nim
7043 ::
FastCGI vs HTTP server?
7042 ::
Async unexpected behavior
7040 ::
psutil package creation for ARM on Raspberry Pi OS
7039 ::
SIGILL: Illegal operation with an var parameter
7038 ::
let versus var with objects
7036 ::
Changes to 1.4 affecting packaging
7033 ::
quit() returning bool in else branch?
7032 ::
Someone have an idea on how to implement a `[][]=` function?
7031 ::
First Nim package: Euler angle command line utility. Feedback appreciated!
7030 ::
How to measure HttpClient request total time
7028 ::
Nim control flow based type analysis
7027 ::
How exactly do i start?
7026 ::
SIGSEGV on Android
7025 ::
Idiomatic function call coding style?
7024 ::
Generating code coverage with Nim 1.4.0
7023 ::
Running fzf from nim (again)
7022 ::
[Question] Enumerating fields in an enum
7021 ::
Some questions regarding gc-safety, httpclient and timezones
7020 ::
Passing iterators as arguments
7019 ::
How to handle a blocking task(fswatch)?
7018 ::
SSL error using httpClient
7017 ::
Help using the effects pragma
7016 ::
Handle missing library at runtime?
7014 ::
Sublime Text user experience
7013 ::
Nim update failure
7012 ::
Get all procs in given module
7011 ::
Is there a way for case objects to have cases share fields?
7009 ::
What is Kernel32?
7008 ::
Why does this proc may have side effects?
7007 ::
Comment tree?
7006 ::
Termios missing when building on Windows?
7005 ::
Subrange check during initialisation
7004 ::
Overriding ==
7002 ::
Printing compilation string with color highlighting
7001 ::
help use mq posix
7000 ::
signal processing in Nim?
6999 ::
Testament failure with reNimcCrash
6998 ::
Listening for variable changes in Nim?
6997 ::
template expanding to multiple sequence members
6996 ::
Compile-time members
6995 ::
Compile-time if and/or syntax conflicts
6994 ::
how to handle non ordinal enums (enum with holes)
6992 ::
Nim 1.2.8 and 1.0.10 are released
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6990 ::
Mysterious crashed with SIGSEGV
6989 ::
use of zip fails with 1.4
6988 ::
Square brackets for generics
6987 ::
Testament & module
6986 ::
Is experimental "parallel" compatible with "--gc:arc"?
6985 ::
design of large modular projects in nim?
6984 ::
listFiles() at compile time?
6983 ::
Why is the chaining order of It templates a problem in this example?
6982 ::
What could be the cause?
6981 ::
get Seconds of Time.time
6980 ::
handmade hero in nim ( warning: noob)
6979 ::
Docs: Remove gensym from arguments for procs defined in templates?
6978 ::
Isolated [T]
6977 ::
The big tutorial thread
6976 ::
Passing data between threads with ARC
6975 ::
expandMacros compilation error in nim-1.4.0
6974 ::
Clarification on Macro return types
6973 ::
Is it possible with db_mysql to use REGEXP with '?'...?
6972 ::
What is the carbon footprint of the NIm?
6971 ::
What Nim projects are you working on?
6970 ::
Virus scanner problems after installing Nim 1.4
6969 ::
[Docker Image] GCC /bin/sh:: file not found
6968 ::
Problem with orc/arc in parallel_count practice
6967 ::
Naming convention when calling procs from other modules?
6966 ::
Convert Time to Duration
6965 ::
Console dropdown how?
6963 ::
Using template to generate proc, func with CONST string inside it.
6962 ::
Writing binary data to SQLite
6961 ::
Are (mutually) recursive generic types possible?
6959 ::
Nim on MacOS: annoying macos cannot verify....
6958 ::
How to avoid deprecation notice for libraies supporting multi-version of Nim?
6957 ::
Views of a non thread local var
6956 ::
Passing X to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy
6955 ::
Tuple unpacking and '_' - not being discarded?
6954 ::
push/pop hints on/off not working?
6953 ::
Ubuntu, snap install, "Error: cannot open file: strutils"
6952 ::
1.4.0 failed with old-ish gcc because of NIM_STATIC_ASSERT bug
6951 ::
Impressive results with --gc:orc
6950 ::
Problems installing nim 1.4.0 with choosenim
6949 ::
Fun with (Levenshtein) Edit distances
6948 ::
Is Nim good for creating video games?
6947 ::
Aliases with templates for tables not working in v1.4
6945 ::
Can I use async/await to work with JS Promises?
6944 ::
Are there any alternatives to tables with duplicated keys?
6943 ::
Forcing a memory leak in Nim
6942 ::
Choosenim v0.7.2 released
6941 ::
Inspecting provided `type` within macro
6940 ::
Handling customisations when upgrading Nim
6939 ::
Karax HTML character entities
6938 ::
Nim's vision
6937 ::
Version 1.4.0 released
6936 ::
Invalid links in the nim 1.4 announcement post
6935 ::
could not load: (libcrypto-1_1-x64|libeay64).dll
6934 ::
Localized sorting library?
6933 ::
What is the elegant way to construct 2D array?
6932 ::
Status.im is looking for an Engineer to join team Nimbus
6931 ::
How to keep a ordered table sorted with the most recent changed elements at the end?
6930 ::
Regarding the future of --gc:none and --gc:regions
6929 ::
string conversions and toOpenArray
6928 ::
RLock compilation failure
6927 ::
Issue creating json nodes
6926 ::
Non-blocking async HTTP server
6925 ::
Small introductory post about ARC/ORC in Nim.
6924 ::
python dict implementation for Nim's Table
6923 ::
Nimble path and local packages list
6922 ::
Running a simple example based on the `httpbeast 0.2.2` framework made an error
6921 ::
Nim Source Magic
6920 ::
A nice read about Nim (blog article)
6919 ::
Any lib to control the keyboard?
6918 ::
How to gracefully terminate an asynchttpserver with Ctrl-C?
6917 ::
Emdedding text in binary - post-compilation
6916 ::
Show and tell: RPC on embedded devices
6915 ::
It's time to make Nim known ! ✊✊✊✊
6914 ::
Double for loops
6913 ::
Understanding inject pragma
6912 ::
decorator way web framework using pragma route
6911 ::
Use `prologue` and `amysql` to implement WEB API, running errors, how to solve?
6910 ::
Standard formatting for documentation comments?
6909 ::
Redirect stdout for certain execution
6908 ::
arraymancer function apply
6907 ::
How to use a custom pragma on an object to generates procs?
6906 ::
Loading sqlite3 json1 extension
6905 ::
How to statically link libraries?
6904 ::
where are fusion docs?
6903 ::
App crashes on Rpi4 works normal on desktop
6902 ::
Dual behavior
6901 ::
Differentiate between system and user modules
6900 ::
Any attempts at implementing filestream and std lib friends on NodeJs?
6899 ::
Multiline conditions
6898 ::
Help me to configure (neo)vim, please
6897 ::
What is the problem with the optional end keyword?
6896 ::
Nim - plugin for IntelliJ IDEs | JetBrains
6895 ::
Reference to tuple type
6894 ::
Help with SPI Api on ESP32
6893 ::
Defects vs Exceptions
6892 ::
-d:danger versus -d:release --checks:off
6891 ::
Massive Funding Coming To Nim
6890 ::
Nim Honeypot Project
6889 ::
Wrapping synchronous code into asynchronous call
6888 ::
nimqml's abstractitemmodel example is unclear to me
6887 ::
Dual 0.1.0
6886 ::
Confusing behaviour with cstringArray
6885 ::
80-bit (long double) support?
6884 ::
Strange behavior of converter with uint
6883 ::
Gintro not compile package ??
6882 ::
Pointer Arithmetic and constructs like cast[var int](p) += sizeof(a[0])
6881 ::
Pragma for unfinished features
6880 ::
Make like application
6879 ::
Hacktoberfest is here!
6878 ::
Library for making lightweight Electron-like HTML/JS GUI applications
6877 ::
First Nimble Package - process
6876 ::
how to wraps async proc
6875 ::
How to pass an array to fastRows?
6874 ::
Assignment in if condition
6872 ::
faststreams and std async sockets
6871 ::
Looking for collaborators!
6870 ::
nimterop - sigjmp_buf
6869 ::
weird nim parser problem
6868 ::
it there general gitignore configs for binaries?
6867 ::
[noob] Help with sets
6866 ::
Define and call static proc of an object
6865 ::
Is there a concept like "equality of refs" in Nim?
6864 ::
Calling same-named-function from abstruct object
6863 ::
`let` binding a value whose computation may throw an exception
6862 ::
VS Code Nim Extension in Nim
6861 ::
get raw command line
6860 ::
using db_odbc with ms sql server on windows 10
6859 ::
how to set C/C++ compiler, eg: `nim c --cxx:/usr/bin/g++-7 main.nim`
6858 ::
Enu - 3d live programming and game dev in Nim
6857 ::
Nimpretty --maxLineLine seems broken
6856 ::
New style concepts
6855 ::
pro/cons in using nimpy
6854 ::
First project with Nim: a little word search game which is also a "shooter"
6853 ::
abs(int8) returns int8?
6852 ::
Same Regular Expression constructed in slightly different ways produces different results
6851 ::
Notification about new replies and @{name} etc
6850 ::
stdlib pattern matching feedback
6849 ::
Why can't I define custom `find` proc and override one from the system module?
6848 ::
how to create a table of functions ?
6847 ::
How Can I Use The Packages I installed With Nimble?
6846 ::
How to figure out why proc is not GC-safe? And is there a way to force Nim to ignore that?
6844 ::
config files: Nimscript and Nim compiler documentation inconsistency
6843 ::
My First Program With Nim! It's a Password Generator!
6842 ::
glad-generated Vulkan bindings + events/canvas library
6841 ::
ESP32 FreeRTOS (esp-idf) library wrappers: Nesper!
6840 ::
Why does Random give the same value every time?
6839 ::
How Can I Convert An Integer to String?
6838 ::
Modelling projects for VS Code Extension
6837 ::
Disable Warning or Hints from system libraries only?
6835 ::
Object with same name as module
6834 ::
Electron-like app with Nim
6833 ::
Dynamic loading of C++ library
6827 ::
About arc and orc, would there be a thread-local ref object?
6826 ::
Is there flame graph for Nim performance?
6825 ::
How to unescape nbsp in Karax?
6824 ::
macro binary operator resolution
6823 ::
Can a template/macro return an imported module name?
6822 ::
dollars for ref types
6821 ::
Globals hunt
6818 ::
``deepCopy`` replacement in "returning a modified copy"
6817 ::
ARC/ORC cpu intensive loop bug?
6816 ::
expandMacros problem with export postfix star '*'
6814 ::
Cross-compile to Rpi4 :(
6813 ::
Why `foldl` is not working with `openarray`, seems like it should work.
6811 ::
Update MinGW related info and packages
6810 ::
Option to hide "Last Online" in forum
6809 ::
Add hash[T] to hashes?
6808 ::
Module imported with "as" still accessible, is it a bug?
6807 ::
What's the point of marking methods with {.base.} pragma?
6806 ::
Strange and misleading error message when converting to JSON
6805 ::
Can I use generic type without interface?
6804 ::
Can't instantiate generic object with type restriction
6803 ::
About sink and copy: is this expected behavior?
6802 ::
How to support compile time regex constructor /abc/ for JS backend?
6801 ::
how to package C-only project on macOS?
6800 ::
Compilation for different macOS version
6798 ::
Reversed traversal of iterators instead of creating a reversed copy
6797 ::
Instantiation of uint32 type variables only with a maximum value of 2147483647
6796 ::
Should a function that's called many times return Table or ref Table?
6795 ::
Generics constrain with numbers
6794 ::
Calling templates with untyped params
6793 ::
Can std lib work with gc:arc or gc:orc ?
6792 ::
How do I reduce allocation and GC with pool of objects?
6791 ::
Extending a generic varags proc
6790 ::
Generics constrain with two types
6789 ::
Idiomatic way of creating named closures
6788 ::
Listing tools on the wikipedia page?
6787 ::
Difference between configuration via .cfg, .nims, and nimble?
6786 ::
Is there any PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework or package written in nim?
6784 ::
Workaround for code reordering in nimterop?
6783 ::
Exceptions in Threads
6781 ::
Any easy way to compare `==` object variants?
6780 ::
High proc confusion
6778 ::
Change output option for linker on windows
6777 ::
Attracting more people...
6776 ::
openArray vs seq
6775 ::
Text processing
6774 ::
OOP translation help
6773 ::
multiple definitions when wrapping header-only c++ library
6772 ::
how to use .ini content in a GC-safe way?
6771 ::
Help compiling updated version of webview on OS X
6770 ::
spawn: how to get flowvar from flowvarbase?
6769 ::
Question on implementing language with Nim
6767 ::
Nim's alternative for returning default values using short-circuit-evaluation
6766 ::
Growth of popularity and Nim community
6765 ::
how does `nimble develop` work?
6764 ::
Regex replace with callback?
6763 ::
For ``--gc:arc``, are ``GC_ref`` ``GC_unref`` still necessary?
6762 ::
[windows] Nim fails to compile with a Lua pkg.
6761 ::
How to get my nim procs in a lua table
6760 ::
Nim documentation in pdf format
6759 ::
What about simplifying if-else statements ?
6758 ::
How can i separate the integer part of a number from its decimal part ?
6757 ::
formatted math in documentation?
6756 ::
Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6755 ::
Access Nim variables from Lua
6754 ::
How to achieve better performance with arc GC?
6753 ::
System Programming in 2k20
6752 ::
global var not detected by compiles()
6751 ::
Question for the language theorists: Is NIm's OO class-based or prototype-based?
6750 ::
Blocking nmap scans
6749 ::
How to wrap JavaScript library
6748 ::
Alternative to float
6747 ::
nimDecRefIsLast and EXC_BAD_ACCESS:
6746 ::
Trouble using parallel
6745 ::
Observing value changes
6744 ::
is it possible to rename a key in an orderedtable while retaining the order?
6743 ::
For Loop Macro Plans
6742 ::
Defer doesnt work with block, break and await
6741 ::
Recognizing non-ASCII characters in lexbase-based lexer
6740 ::
Brainstorming ideas to improve Nim's landing page
6739 ::
Best way to parse CSV data with the JS backend
6738 ::
Nimble package structure and interop changes
6737 ::
Can't convert time series to / from JSON
6736 ::
We should make it simpler for authors to have their blog featured on the Nim front page.
6735 ::
How to import a struct (constant)field from C
6734 ::
Problem with template and async
6733 ::
Blog post about strict funcs
6732 ::
Handling in-place functions efficiently
6731 ::
List with the modules of the Standard library which do not work with the JS backend
6730 ::
io2 module in stew
6729 ::
Dimscord: Library for interacting with the Discord API.
6728 ::
How to know where a proc is defined - or: Newbie tries to get used to unqualified imports
6727 ::
Cross platform IO engine and timer
6726 ::
How to write multi-line sugar => and sugar do?
6725 ::
Nimforum 2.1.0 is here
6724 ::
Pause/resume the Nim VM
6723 ::
Nim - Julia bridge
6722 ::
Preserve static value in recursive macro
6721 ::
Generic vs static parameter
6720 ::
How to convert tuple to JSON?
6717 ::
Nim to C
6716 ::
Set global response header for Jester when serving static files
6715 ::
How to create a .dll for other program?
6714 ::
Does gintro need manually memory manipulations
6713 ::
General opinions on "pooled" resource implementation
6712 ::
Want advice from Nim experts on my chess client app development
6711 ::
6709 ::
Nim sighted in the wild
6707 ::
Nim feedback by al6x
6706 ::
Empty c-style array
6705 ::
SciNim / Nim-science: IRC-Discord-Gitter bridge
6704 ::
Table with different types of values?
6703 ::
nim.town is a shared domain for nim projects, developers, organizations, etc
6702 ::
I still do not fully understand sets
6701 ::
How to operate on tabular data in Nim?
6700 ::
How to convert sequence of objects to JSON in Nim?
6699 ::
Targeting JavaScript
6698 ::
inline vs template vs simple proc
6697 ::
How to check typedesc type inside macro?
6696 ::
Network programming in nim
6695 ::
Plugins to work with Nim for Komodo Edit 12
6694 ::
observable stores to 'x'
6693 ::
General recommendation for optimum performance?
6692 ::
OS checks make the code slow?
6691 ::
programmatically create variable in context, using template
6689 ::
Using the compiler API for hot code reloading
6688 ::
How to use global vars with Jester?
6687 ::
How to codegenerate with Nim?
6686 ::
getting an SSL connection to work
6685 ::
Should I use object or ref object?
6684 ::
tool to help you getting shredded after the corona lockdowns :)
6683 ::
GitHub Actions: workflow to generate documents with ``nimble doc`` and release to GitHub Pages
6682 ::
Linting has inexplicably stopped working across the board
6681 ::
passing 'p.cmds[p.idx]' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy
6679 ::
Compiler Seg faulting when using "object" instead of "ref object" for nested object.
6678 ::
Specifying compiler executable in config.nims
6677 ::
Passing string to C code with --gc:arc
6676 ::
Object destroyed after editing enum property?
6675 ::
problem with {.borrow.}
6674 ::
Tux - A good first project for learning Nim (or any language)
6673 ::
question new symbole after compilation ??
6672 ::
Improving Nim for Beginners video series's AUDIO
6670 ::
HTTPS requests in Nim
6669 ::
invocation of external compiler program failed. The system cannot find the file specified
6667 ::
Problem with cross-compiling for Windows
6666 ::
Local dev: nimble install or symbolic links?
6665 ::
Using "Checked C" compiler with Nim
6664 ::
Why use range[0..255] instead of char?
6663 ::
how to change the `op` argument for macros.quote
6662 ::
Why `openArray[int] | HashSet[int]` doesn't work?
6661 ::
calling conventions differs unexpectedly
6660 ::
paramCount in NimScript not working?
6659 ::
A random number generating library
6658 ::
A simple bitsarray lib
6657 ::
C# nameof() in Nim
6656 ::
HTML template layout
6655 ::
Cross platform HTTP server: a fork version of httpbeast which adds windows support
6654 ::
HTML template engine that keeps code/templates separate?
6652 ::
Nim website front page redesign (unofficial and WIP)
6650 ::
Nim beginner series for absolute beginners
6649 ::
call-by-value Y combinator
6647 ::
How to instantiate custom `TableRef` without repeating individual types?
6646 ::
Sandboxing untrusted Nimscript code
6645 ::
How to implement a single table that all threads can access?
6644 ::
Pass inline expression instead of a proc
6643 ::
What ever happened to vtrefs?
6642 ::
How to compile a dll that I can call from lua or luaJIT's ffi?
6641 ::
How to get access to chunks of data downloaded from http server using httpclient
6640 ::
sets : what are they
6639 ::
collect and list comprehensions
6638 ::
Syntax for copy instance of object and update some attribute
6637 ::
Help - Using Nim In The Kitchen
6635 ::
would it be a good idea to allow blocks to accept strings as arguments ?
6634 ::
NPainter: semi-gpu accelerated digital painting software
6633 ::
Which is the preferred way to define a generic type?
6632 ::
NiGui for Nim : It works fine (which is cool) but does it compile statically ?
6631 ::
fltk binding for Nim : getting error " Error: cannot open file: fltk"
6628 ::
Which version of OpenSSL to get QuickJWT linking?
6627 ::
hard to load this forum
6626 ::
Is there a way to ensure that a viriable is "passed by address" (or reference) in Nim
6625 ::
Nim 1.2.6 and Nim 1.0.8 are out!
6624 ::
How to cast a slice of seq[char] to uint?
6623 ::
SymbolicNim, symbolic algebra in Nim
6622 ::
String interning (seen on Github) : Is it good? has anybody been using it?
6621 ::
Whether or not there is still a thread-local heap when using --gc:arc?
6620 ::
Channel is not recognised by VS Code plugin
6619 ::
numpy like library for nim
6618 ::
Combining the output of two worker threads on one channel: Is there a more Nim(-mick) way to do it ?
6617 ::
Does Nim implement something similar the the channel / select pattern in Go ?
6616 ::
Is possible to declare var by using string as identifier
6615 ::
is chan.tryRecv() not supposed to wait for the next item te be sent via the channel?
6614 ::
Are json nodes implicitly HasMaps in Nim?
6613 ::
some questions on generating dynamic library
6612 ::
How to ensure that all attributes of an object are explicitly set during creation?
6611 ::
"||" operator ? : Is there a corresponding operator for iterables ?
6610 ::
Improving BSD support - NetBSD
6608 ::
Incomplete gamma function in Nim or it's 3rd party libraries
6607 ::
Is the rule regarding parentheses as "blocs" still valid ?
6605 ::
Linking neo to openblas.dll ?
6604 ::
How do you extract a part from an initCountTable in Nim?
6603 ::
required type seq[float or float32 or int], but expression is of type: seq[float32]
6602 ::
Has anybody been able to install Nim from source (from the Git repo) using Mingw64 under Windows 10?
6601 ::
Has anybody been able to use the Neo package (linear algebra) via Nimble under Windows 10?
6600 ::
Custom TLS options
6597 ::
Problem building code on macos with nimble
6596 ::
[Game] Space Nim: a text based outer space game, loosely based on Trade Wars 2002
6595 ::
Literal types?
6594 ::
How to get address of object
6593 ::
Proposal: Renaming imported symbols
6592 ::
Failing to install Nim using choosenim in WSL
6591 ::
How to deal with unsupported attributes in htmlgen?
6590 ::
Nimx vs Fidget
6589 ::
Procedural X86 inline assembler for Nim
6588 ::
Is the destructors manual still relevant?
6587 ::
`stdout.write("ああ\n")` works correctly when compiled with `nim c` but not with `nim cpp`
6586 ::
Compile w/o using parent directory configs
6585 ::
What code is affected by runtime check pragmas?
6584 ::
Troubleshooting huge memory leaks with ORC
6583 ::
Custom DllMain Windows
6582 ::
Is it possible to mimic Go's Goroutines
6581 ::
HttpClient with UNIX_AF/SOCK_STREAM Socket instance
6580 ::
Web app architecture?
6578 ::
Single Open Intermediate Language (SOIL) Initiative
6577 ::
nim c fibonacci.nim
6576 ::
cstring to string?
6575 ::
Avoiding RangeError getting address of empty seq
6573 ::
Storing coordinates in a set/HashSet?
6572 ::
Typefino or type trait for --gc:arc choix ???
6571 ::
Problem installing Nim compiler on Linux Mint 20 with curl
6570 ::
Questions about object construction
6569 ::
Inheriting from a type containing instances of itself
6568 ::
wierd "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access" information
6567 ::
Compile time check for let
6566 ::
ARC: Calling default destructor of embedded field from a destructor
6565 ::
Inheriting builtin types
6562 ::
More readable C name-mangling?
6561 ::
Where is the release note for v1.2.4?
6560 ::
Choosing between generic and specific fn
6559 ::
Found a possible bug with Nim asyncCheck, tiny sample app inside.
6558 ::
question on call callback function in C
6557 ::
map change
6556 ::
Issues with "parallel:"
6555 ::
Printing Nim AST as Nim code?
6554 ::
embed DLL into EXE?
6553 ::
A localization/internationalization library (same purpose as gettext, but with some improvements)
6551 ::
Packed tuple?
6550 ::
Beginner - Is there a Nim's similar to a Python dictionary?
6549 ::
Update on --gc:arc
6548 ::
AsyncSocket seems to be dropping data
6547 ::
cross platform symmetric and assymetric cryptography
6546 ::
Link to documentation in homepage examples
6544 ::
(Nimpy) code compiles with no nimpy pragma but doesn't with the pragma
6543 ::
Recursive Function type
6542 ::
Sort a table by value
6541 ::
Python transpiler
6540 ::
tests in the same files as the code
6539 ::
An issue regarding `emit`
6538 ::
Question about move semantics for objects and seqs
6536 ::
now().utc fails with --gc:arc
6535 ::
Understanding Nim compiler
6534 ::
"Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page
6533 ::
using nimble for package management
6532 ::
[offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library
6531 ::
Karax not redrawing when adding elements to seq?
6530 ::
Const object variant issue
6529 ::
asm issues
6528 ::
Better way to convert untyped into NimNode?
6526 ::
sequtils.nim(934, 11) Error: internal error: environment misses: i`gensym13871022
6525 ::
iOS compilation error
6524 ::
File not found error EVERY TIME
6523 ::
Generics instantiate problems
6521 ::
How to set up/start a Project?
6520 ::
difference between any and auto?
6518 ::
NvP: creating and sorting a large array of tuples
6517 ::
How to do feature detection with JS backend?
6516 ::
Questions about nim
6515 ::
Generic function resolution
6514 ::
Why does wrapping the code in a top level procedure make it faster?
6513 ::
threads:on + gc:orc = C(!) compiler errors in unit tests
6512 ::
getFileSize async and sync
6511 ::
Multithreaded await
6510 ::
Tables and Import
6509 ::
New blog post: Ray tracing in Nim
6508 ::
Connection-Pooling Compile-Time ORM
6507 ::
Benefit of the effect system?
6506 ::
nimsuggest and --threads:on
6505 ::
advanced `nim doc` use
6502 ::
converter with static generics not working
6501 ::
Run process in parallel of the parent program
6500 ::
What's the future of "implicitDeref"?
6497 ::
Nuglifier - Nim source code uglifier
6496 ::
Project-relative paths in nim.cfg
6495 ::
Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.
6494 ::
How to load multiple shared libraries?
6489 ::
Procedure overloading with explicit parameters
6488 ::
Choosing Nim
6487 ::
Translate go function to nim
6485 ::
Mysterious compile error "system module needs: nimDestroyAndDispose" with --gc:orc
6483 ::
New garbage collector --gc:orc is a joy to use.
6482 ::
NvP: s.add('x') 100M times
6481 ::
NvP: s = s & 'x'
6480 ::
Omni - DSL for low level audio programming
6479 ::
Dictionary syntax
6478 ::
Help, I can't return an openarray
6477 ::
How to convert openarray[byte] to string?
6476 ::
sha1, danger vs release builds
6475 ::
Name of nim file at compile time
6474 ::
Newbie question: why do I get a "No handles or timers registered in dispatcher" error?
6473 ::
Use getenv with js
6471 ::
Norm 2.0.0
6470 ::
More fuzz testing
6469 ::
"subsequence" type (like Go's "slice")
6467 ::
Fuzz testing nim
6466 ::
How to debug a library with gdb on windows?
6465 ::
Dual number type
6464 ::
detectOs template in for loop
6461 ::
Nim embedded inside Python
6460 ::
Can't install the bin tarball of nim 1.2.2.
6458 ::
How to declare container variable for proc?
6457 ::
Passing a sequence by reference to a data type
6455 ::
On my first 'greet.nim' I get a C compiler error on RHEL 7
6454 ::
Watch mode
6453 ::
Help required: Pointer Vertigo
6452 ::
First take: parameters
6451 ::
First look
6449 ::
Unclear (for Python people) import behavior. And how to deal with it
6448 ::
jester: one handler for several routes?
6447 ::
Hi all, pass Nim functions to C code as callbacks?
6446 ::
Visual Studio Code plugin
6445 ::
Is --gc:arc completely independent from the older ownership model?
6444 ::
Perf: Table.del(key)is taking 85% of my code's time
6443 ::
Parallel coding in Nim (as compared to OpenMP/MPI)
6442 ::
Nim version 1.2.2 is out!
6441 ::
How to load dlls created in C++?
6440 ::
What is <//>?
6439 ::
std.sha1 secureHashFile memory usage
6438 ::
Why is my HTTP handler not gcsafe?
6436 ::
Trivial AsyncHttpServer example crashes on every request
6435 ::
Transform procs at compile time?
6434 ::
Nim's popularity
6433 ::
Simple gui app with threadpool
6432 ::
Can't access fields of object returned by a procedure
6431 ::
Website probably not up-to-date for Nim installation
6430 ::
Exporting string functions from DLLs
6428 ::
When will the NimConf timeline get posted?
6427 ::
More convenient awk-style text processing with Nim
6426 ::
Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...
6425 ::
assertion failure in genRdVar in vmgen.nim
6424 ::
Shared lib in Nim for other languages?
6423 ::
What's happening with devel releases and version numbers?
6422 ::
No `[]` iterators for collections?
6420 ::
bizarre name clash with template
6418 ::
New entry on Nim blog...
6416 ::
Looking for contributions to my optimistic image library
6415 ::
Using a Table as an object's member.
6414 ::
Type issues – winim and CryptUnprotectData
6413 ::
Nimble Directory Redesign
6412 ::
Funny, we can cast ptr to var for proc arguments
6411 ::
Python PIP for Nim
6409 ::
Issue compiling simple script using gcc 9.1.1 and Nim 1.2.0
6408 ::
Nim in business
6406 ::
Module level variables in plugin libraries
6404 ::
Justification for auto type
6403 ::
Awk-Style text processing with Nim
6402 ::
Can't pass a string to an openarray[char | byte] ?!?
6400 ::
Structure of a web project
6399 ::
Lambda syntax is awkward
6398 ::
How to properly construct a ref type inside Option in functions?
6396 ::
Uncle Bob - one syntax to rule them all?
6395 ::
Editing single input line
6394 ::
Hackathon as part of NimConf 2020
6393 ::
Further development of a tree iterator that allows mutations
6391 ::
How do I revert a my fork back to nim devel?
6389 ::
Karax problem using getVNodeById
6388 ::
Git mirror for nimble packages https://reg.nim.moe/
6387 ::
How to bypass a runtime error ?
6386 ::
Is there a command line one-line to start an HTTP server using Nim?
6385 ::
Stream IO errors with -d:release flag
6384 ::
Nim Cheatsheet PDF (English+Spanish+Latex)
6383 ::
incorrect set-to-int conversion
6382 ::
Doc generation fails
6381 ::
VSCode debug: strings and booleans are ugly
6380 ::
Creating a seq or openarray on unmanaged memory
6379 ::
Generate warnings for default returns
6378 ::
Defining an iterator in a template
6377 ::
execProcess when spaces in directory path
6376 ::
Introducing therapist, a new commandline parsing library
6375 ::
Inheritance vs composition
6374 ::
Question about type safety and OOP
6373 ::
Strange failure
6372 ::
Playing with objects - object referecing another object
6371 ::
GitHub Actions: workflow to cross compile and release to GitHubRelease
6370 ::
Best Nim translation of C {void*, size_t} struct
6369 ::
NIM Integration error when trying to generate dynamic library from macOS Catalina 10.15.4
6367 ::
Faster and Safer Raytracing in Nim
6366 ::
sl command of nim
6364 ::
Setting up a FreeBSD VM for Nim development
6363 ::
Write Nim in Matlab/Julia style using macros while still deploy to Cloud/PC/GPU/embedded?
6362 ::
raise error using zig as cross compile
6361 ::
closure procs with the javascript backend
6359 ::
Using generic objects and inheritance at the same time.
6358 ::
How can I pass shared memory between threads?
6357 ::
Checking the gcc/g++ versions used to compile nim program vs the dyn linked .so
6356 ::
NIM Integration Problems with Server Side Postgres
6355 ::
Traceback missing line number
6354 ::
Archived Nimble package
6353 ::
Issues with nimble paths
6352 ::
How mature is async/threading in Nim?
6351 ::
Get pragma value from object fields
6350 ::
Change Nim colour on GitHub
6349 ::
Iterator arguments
6348 ::
proposal: PTAL tag to make it clear that a PR is ready again for review
6347 ::
hello world execute on openwrt
6345 ::
Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
6342 ::
Revisiting my oldest Nim project.
6341 ::
Conflict of nfatype.Regex and nre.Regex
6340 ::
Nim support for CodeRunner app
6338 ::
help call string ??
6337 ::
New blog, with some Nim articles
6336 ::
Javascript compilation error / swapOpImpl not implemented
6335 ::
Define variables in proc with same name as arguments
6334 ::
A link of RSS feed of nim blog is broken
6333 ::
rerunning CI works for github actions, sr.ht, but not azure pipelines
6332 ::
Sorting JSON data by a specified field
6331 ::
Idea why this does not compile?
6330 ::
Nim version release notes?
6329 ::
Markdown test
6328 ::
llegal capture 'world' because ':anonymous' has the calling convention: <cdecl>
6327 ::
Having problems porting a Python script for computing two cofactors of a number
6326 ::
How to instantiate `ptr object`
6325 ::
Standalone Libclang Nim Apps
6324 ::
Is it possible for a macro to know the context it is used?
6323 ::
A good word for idiomatic nim?
6322 ::
Q: An object variant case with no field?
6321 ::
Nimpy and Arraymancer
6318 ::
Multithreading Pt 2.5: Nichecache
6317 ::
Parallel nested outer for loop
6316 ::
HashSet performance
6315 ::
Reference to sequence
6314 ::
oids library import + Karax --> error
6313 ::
Nim forum development
6312 ::
The let alias trap with HashSet[string]
6311 ::
Run nimble install with error, need help.
6310 ::
Call-for-Help: a 128-bit Decimal library expansion
6309 ::
I have a problem with GC: ARC move?
6308 ::
From seq[] to C array, the safest way...
6307 ::
Best practices for wrapping opaque C pointer types?
6306 ::
Calling proc with [() -> void] as a last parameter
6305 ::
gintro - glade event problems and multilingualism
6304 ::
Byte Order (Endians) Library
6303 ::
Runtime generated function with generated constant value
6302 ::
Cast float64 to sequence of bytes and cast sequence of bytes to float64
6301 ::
Some problems trying to eliminate 'nil'
6300 ::
I cannot understand ARC
6299 ::
is `tyOpt` still used?
6297 ::
Unexpected type error (subranges)
6296 ::
gr.nim - floats in FFI
6295 ::
How to use Clang LTO + PGO with Nim
6294 ::
Semantic grep, a very cool idea (currently mostly for Python)
6293 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <type Float32Sort> but expression is of type: type Float32Sort
6292 ::
Hotcodereloading not working out of the box on OSX
6291 ::
Problem with futures
6290 ::
Nim OS porting
6287 ::
Anyway to make the following code work?
6286 ::
bootstrapping from source using gcc 4.8.2 not working
6285 ::
What's the async way to receive channel messages?
6284 ::
[Karax] await for ajaxget
6283 ::
Performance issues with "complex" module
6282 ::
Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?
6281 ::
Javascript browser backend: cannot include more than a single nim compiled source ?
6280 ::
Can the nim compiler run in the browser? Experimenting Nim to template web pages
6279 ::
Is there a simple example on how to create a Windows UI
6278 ::
Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.
6276 ::
copy & move Access is Denied
6274 ::
Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch [OSError]
6273 ::
Understanding "Error: cannot evaluate at compile time"
6272 ::
importc/linking problem
6270 ::
NOOB: Is there a way to do: dos.com + my.nim ==> my.exe (Just ONE file)
6269 ::
6267 ::
NOOB: Have CMD tool, which need to run with ELEVATED privileges on WINDOWS ...
6266 ::
About include
6265 ::
NOOB: WINIM is causing my linker to throw an error ...
6263 ::
Nim goes multithreading, Pt. 2: SQLiteral
6262 ::
Nim zmq binding and poll function
6258 ::
NOOB: How to get "cAlternateFileName" from WIN32_FIND_DATA data structure ...
6257 ::
Automated Nim Packages Security Audit
6256 ::
NOOB: Few simple questions ...
6255 ::
import vs include
6254 ::
Create type with macro that depends on other types in a type block
6253 ::
Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?
6252 ::
NOOB Q: SEQ of TUPLES as a return of a procedure call ...
6250 ::
Why does &"""{"total":23}""" compile but &"""{"total:":23}""" not compile?
6249 ::
Detect englobing scope in macros
6247 ::
Help understanding simple string pointer indexing example
6246 ::
Using nim's GC to handle C resources
6245 ::
How to return user defined type from a thread spawned?
6244 ::
Trying to understand exception tracking
6243 ::
6242 ::
Questions about templates parameters
6238 ::
Decoding URL query strings
6237 ::
How to cross-compile to ARM and generate a static binary?
6236 ::
Finally, I can do functional programming on tiny embedded systems
6234 ::
Time to stabilize the ecosystem
6233 ::
need explanation on proc
6232 ::
Return type
6231 ::
RuneImpl doc
6229 ::
Does Nim have a binary serializer similar to Gos "encoding/gob"?
6227 ::
Nimble package, multiple backends
6226 ::
Nim Forum build error
6224 ::
Help understanding proc()
6219 ::
String constant concatenation
6218 ::
how to get some (partial) type resolution within a macro ?
6217 ::
Error: got proc, but expected proc {.closure.}
6216 ::
how to properly release memory?
6215 ::
Iterate over fields
6214 ::
Get an object defined by macro in a proc
6212 ::
Initializing a page with data from backend in Karax
6211 ::
templates and when defined
6210 ::
v1.2 fails to compile "==" for standalone & gc=none
6208 ::
Profiling SDL2 application with Valgrind
6207 ::
generate c++ code from .nim file
6206 ::
ipopt - Problem with Macro
6205 ::
Accessing private procs from macro in different module
6204 ::
Macros - Is this a bug?
6203 ::
JSON unmarshal with proc to()
6202 ::
Detecting type errors in template at compile time
6201 ::
Map float to int
6200 ::
Undeclared field: 'keys' (iterator call)
6199 ::
Macros - organizing code
6198 ::
Curly braces
6197 ::
Platform dependent newline
6196 ::
A pure Nim k-d tree
6195 ::
table of openarray as value
6194 ::
Return complex type from thread
6193 ::
Strange "type mismatch" error
6192 ::
FFI - ipopt solver - malloc(): corrupted top size
6191 ::
OOP question
6190 ::
Detect and catch compiler error in test suite?
6189 ::
Compiling problem
6187 ::
Format() problem with Jester
6186 ::
Converting Python/Swift to Nim
6185 ::
Where can I deploy a Nim web application? Is there a "NimAnywhere" yet?
6184 ::
if error
6183 ::
Newbie - gui based application and secondary event loop
6182 ::
High to Low on sequence not working?
6181 ::
Creating dynamic libraries as nimble package
6180 ::
Terminal keyboard and mouse
6179 ::
Web Scraping
6178 ::
Terminal based GINTRO(GTK) VTE
6177 ::
System/io not imported automatically?
6176 ::
Resolving environment variables in a string
6175 ::
1.2.0 build.sh error : OpenBSD AMD64
6174 ::
Accessing global variable inside proc results in Error: undeclared identifier
6173 ::
Nim threading and FFI - locks
6172 ::
Generate doc comment from template?
6171 ::
Calling C function causes Sigsegv
6170 ::
Nim programming book for kids
6169 ::
How do I pass Nim functions to C code as callbacks?
6168 ::
Help with hash sets needed
6167 ::
`{}` syntax
6166 ::
Is there non-broken serialization of complex types in nim?
6165 ::
template/generic instantiation of `initTable` from here - DateTime issue
6164 ::
UncheckedArray conversion
6162 ::
nim Practice Problems Site
6161 ::
How to raise an exception from a template?
6160 ::
How to write shell scripts in Nim
6159 ::
Having problems with concepts that won't finish compiling
6157 ::
WebRTC support 👑
6156 ::
Destructor not called for ref object
6155 ::
Weave v0.4.0 - "Bespoke"
6154 ::
Call for testing of arm64, armhf, and i386 snaps of Nim
6153 ::
Complex types serialization
6149 ::
Custom exceptions
6148 ::
Generic overloads
6147 ::
Question about --gc:arc in nim version 1.2
6146 ::
Nim 1.2 is here
6144 ::
Enum bitmasks (flags)
6143 ::
Nintendo Switch
6142 ::
Looking for a new home for Nimz3
6140 ::
Problems with var return type
6139 ::
NRE documentation inconsistency?
6138 ::
Is there a way to iterate over a set?
6136 ::
Announcement: The Nim compiler is rewritten in Python with some modules optimized in C
6134 ::
Vapoursynth - optimization
6133 ::
libvapoursynth.so: undefined symbol: pthread_create
6132 ::
Idea: Nim Online Conference
6130 ::
Strange (maybe memory related behaviour)
6129 ::
Arraymancer - kernel
6128 ::
VapourSynth.nim - video processing
6127 ::
StashTable: concurrent hash table for sharing data between threads
6126 ::
upperBound/lowerBound in algorithm O(log n) or O(n) ?
6125 ::
Nim 2, Nim 2020, and all that
6123 ::
ways to comunicate between different application
6122 ::
Ternary conditional operator
6120 ::
Submatrix function and arrays
6119 ::
template - body issue
6117 ::
{.nimcall.} and {.closure.}
6116 ::
Is RSS URLs of nimble directory broken?
6115 ::
"If you need an embedded C compiler" - from the latest zig blog includes an suggestion for Nim
6114 ::
Template - how to prefix a function's name
6113 ::
{.this: self.} pragma
6112 ::
Nim Bugs
6111 ::
Will void be unified with empty tuple?
6110 ::
Control mouse in Windows
6108 ::
wNim and Threading
6107 ::
Blog tools - Nim
6106 ::
Unchecked arrays
6105 ::
ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us
6103 ::
Http(s) Stream
6101 ::
How Seq work with objects ?
6099 ::
Brainfuck interpreter bug
6098 ::
Gtk apps in Nim
6097 ::
Looking for feedback for my code
6096 ::
help information sécurité
6095 ::
Forward declaration of object name
6094 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.
6093 ::
Handling case in getSectionValue in parsecfg
6092 ::
Nim mention in arstechnica
6091 ::
setMaxPoolSize() doesn't work on first iteration
6090 ::
Paravim - a Vim-based editor for Nim
6088 ::
Updating Element style via Karax (noobish?)
6087 ::
Help prlm this Time
6086 ::
Nimble raiseOSError: cannot install a package
6085 ::
Type inference as proc return value
6082 ::
pointer to uint8: changing the underlying value
6081 ::
VapourSynth - some help from somebody with C knowledge
6078 ::
strformat, use a variant as format specifier?
6077 ::
Change date name
6076 ::
template expressions
6074 ::
Type safe opengl
6073 ::
Issue with a function signature
6072 ::
Is this a gc:arc memory leak bug or not?
6071 ::
Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices
6068 ::
VapourSynth - now we do video ;oP
6065 ::
Casting basics (a few questions)
6064 ::
Multithreading: still .running after joinThreads()
6063 ::
[Noob Question] : Persistent http sessions in nim
6061 ::
Raising custom exceptions and tracking them in proc signatures
6060 ::
Can if statements be used as expressions everywhere?
6058 ::
Times in the VM?
6057 ::
FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions
6054 ::
FFI: from seq[int] to C array
6052 ::
Like C extern pragma?
6051 ::
Creating functions at runtime
6049 ::
How can I simulate "name[id]" behaviour?
6048 ::
Karax: Adding elements
6045 ::
Another state of generating Android APK thread...
6042 ::
Performance test agains Python
6041 ::
Nim Days Progress
6039 ::
Documenting one liner
6038 ::
Exporting the tostring procedure along with a type
6037 ::
How can I declare a constant ptr function argument?
6036 ::
Arraymancer and --gc:arc
6034 ::
HELP: async httpclient running out of response
6030 ::
what [T] means in nim?
6028 ::
FFI questions - VapourSynth
6027 ::
parallel: bounds checker
6024 ::
Module queues is not working? Is it deprecated?
6023 ::
Nested list comprehension
6021 ::
do we need travis+appveyor in nim repo now that we have azure-pipelines?
6020 ::
module winregistry - how get the type of a key?
6019 ::
TimeFormatParseError using period character '.' as date separator
6017 ::
how to deal with C string with \0?
6016 ::
Some rant about nim
6015 ::
Using sendTo() to send custom types?
6013 ::
Why nim is slower than other languages(except python) in my test?
6012 ::
Recommended this cmd generate tags
6011 ::
About manual memory management(new to nim)
6008 ::
re or nre. What should i use? What will be supported in future?
6007 ::
Announcement: Status resumes its bounty program!
6006 ::
How to turn an instance of `T` into an instance of `ref T`?
6005 ::
Async web servers and database
6004 ::
Share a paper: How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately
6003 ::
Can't deserialize recursive type from json - what am I doing wrong?
6002 ::
Gedit syntax highlighting.
6001 ::
Thank you Templates
5999 ::
Karax: Change element value
5998 ::
DSLs and macros: custom function signature
5996 ::
Doubt! Proc and import
5995 ::
SQL Injection Attack Prevention
5994 ::
Is this possible?
5993 ::
Templates and imports
5992 ::
Is this a bug or a design limitation?
5991 ::
Bug with makeNimstrLit on JS backend
5990 ::
Why not introduce the concept of Decimal in nim ???
5989 ::
Styling Karax app
5987 ::
Is this a bug or just unallowed naming?
5986 ::
Uploading large files via httpclient request
5985 ::
How does nim infer that a cpu on windows is 64-bit
5983 ::
Nim's float issue?
5982 ::
Interlanguage communication
5981 ::
Weird Behaviour
5980 ::
Using async Nim procedures in Python
5979 ::
Is this a bug? result variable vs last statement
5975 ::
How to use integer generics in types?
5974 ::
question on autolayout in wNim
5972 ::
Generate XML file with xmltree [nesting format issue]
5971 ::
Help to create a template/macro that reads small chunks of data from a stream.
5970 ::
Osproc input stream hang
5969 ::
Code cleanup suggestions: ctors
5968 ::
Cannot import module.
5967 ::
func/proc blocks
5965 ::
Modify old code using new/finalizer to compile with gc:arc
5961 ::
Creating Stream from a file using nimbass?
5959 ::
private type in public API is allowed
5958 ::
How to use pointer to mmaped file?
5957 ::
A 'made with Nim' website?!
5955 ::
How to package a nim program in an APK file
5954 ::
Can't pass varargs to echo
5952 ::
reader macro
5951 ::
RayCasting Problem
5950 ::
How to expand a single template
5947 ::
How does resize(ptr, size):ptr work?
5946 ::
Why does `k in t.keys.toSeq.sorted` works but `k in t.keys.toSeq.sorted()` does not.
5945 ::
json confusion
5944 ::
Nim Compiling to js
5943 ::
Why whitespace?
5942 ::
unable to deference pointer and assign? Nim 1.0.6
5939 ::
Zig as C compiler for Nim. How to feed him the code
5937 ::
Nimrod Combinatorics Module of Reimer Behrends does not work with --gc:arc
5935 ::
Why does the this code work?
5933 ::
Is it possible to see sql executed?
5929 ::
In love with Nim
5928 ::
Newbie With Several (Likely Dumb) Questions
5927 ::
Suggestion for reading the docs?
5926 ::
Idiomatic sequence functions
5922 ::
How to print output from two echo in a single line?
5921 ::
Does --gc:arc remove dependency on NimRtl.dll?
5920 ::
Can I use IOCP / async on startProcess?
5919 ::
Nython: Seamless Nim Extension Modules for Python
5917 ::
Suggestions for optimization?
5916 ::
How to sort UTF-8 string?
5914 ::
Comparison Rust vs Nim binary sizes for IOT applications (just an FYI if you're interested)
5912 ::
Newbie - trying to compile for macos from windows
5911 ::
Is there a good way to insert anchors in text with Karax?
5910 ::
Another micro web framework Prologue
5909 ::
Parallel example for computing pi efficiently is actually slow
5907 ::
Help binding the nghttp2 to something consumable by Nim!
5906 ::
Error compiling Rosencrantz with --gc:arc
5903 ::
Nim custom Lua backend?
5901 ::
Nim problems. 1 internal, 1 mine
5900 ::
IntelliJ / Netbeans plugin for Nim
5899 ::
First time trying nim and got a fatal error.
5898 ::
Finding dead code in messy files -- first attempt with macro
5897 ::
Parallel statement: procedure returning string
5896 ::
How to get files from onchange event in karax?
5895 ::
sveltejs like reactive programming in Nim for the web ?
5894 ::
Extended routes that return json doesn't compile
5893 ::
Change server name in Jester
5892 ::
Suggestions for performance-tracking a nim database driver?
5891 ::
closure function types are Compatible with nimcall
5888 ::
Result assigned befor function completes (possibly intended behavior?)
5887 ::
Status status update ;) libp2p, etc
5886 ::
How do I extract a particular block from an external module?
5885 ::
Nimble install local package.
5884 ::
Can someone explain how to use the ".since" pragma?
5882 ::
How to generate documents and lib's docs when new release published
5881 ::
Compile time FFI
5880 ::
Template with dirty pragma within an async context
5879 ::
Loki: A small library for writing cli programs in Nim
5878 ::
Is "danger" define supposed to also define "release"?
5877 ::
Hot code reloading
5876 ::
Help: Zip (Creating / Opening)
5875 ::
Equivalent of VBA With <x> structure
5874 ::
Unicode support for Windows 10 console
5873 ::
Jester: How to serve static files in production (Heroku)?
5872 ::
how to use Nimpretty ??
5871 ::
Overloaded proc dispatch won't work with object type
5870 ::
Added Mouse support to illwill (cli) + widget library
5869 ::
Nim calling Lemon parser and SIGSEGV
5868 ::
What are move semantics ,rvalue and lvalue ?
5866 ::
FOSDEM 2020 - Brussels February 1st & 2nd
5864 ::
Nim macro help
5863 ::
runnableExamples Question
5862 ::
Looking for someone to continue Nimmongo!
5858 ::
Code golfing in Nim
5857 ::
Learning & Using Nim as a C# user + Fan logo Redesign
5856 ::
Karax seems to only update button when text changes. Even other onclick should be bound.
5855 ::
Fizzbuzz game
5854 ::
Calling =destroy on parent class
5851 ::
future of htmlgen
5849 ::
Another Pythonish Compiled Language: Lobster
5848 ::
existsOrCreateDir return value
5847 ::
how can I use enum for collection of types
5846 ::
Adding function to object
5845 ::
Will --gc:arc address finalizers for closure iterator variables?
5844 ::
Seqlang - Compiled Python Language
5843 ::
How do I raise an error?
5842 ::
How to split stderr/stdout of a subprocess?
5841 ::
Is this a minor --gc:arg issue?
5840 ::
Get the list of symbols exported by a module
5839 ::
Congratulations to all the Nim devs, RTree now works with --gc:arc!
5838 ::
Storing Nim objects in C lib -- seems to work fine (with --gc:arc)!
5837 ::
Wrapped C++ code is leaking memory
5836 ::
Nim will silently auto convert a float64 to a float32 and loose precision... is that good? Thoughts?
5835 ::
Closure iterators and resource management
5834 ::
How to chain prodecure calls that mutate a reference object ?
5833 ::
[C++ coroutines] in GCC
5831 ::
How to add a long usage string to cligen's help?
5829 ::
How to upload large files efficiently and quickly with Jester?
5828 ::
Impossible situation trying to get minimal glfw example working±±±
5827 ::
Video series: Making a WebSite with Nim
5826 ::
Creating large array inside of Proc leads to runtime error
5825 ::
Finalizers questions
5823 ::
Why does this proc have side effects?
5822 ::
Status of mixin statement?
5821 ::
How to properly append/replace DOM elements using just karax
5820 ::
What is the keyword "end" reserved for?
5819 ::
how to evaluate a code block in a different context in a macro
5818 ::
Who would I implement simd to do fast md5 checksums ?
5817 ::
Naming conventions - need leading underscore
5816 ::
nbindgen - calling rust code from nim
5815 ::
Nim lang for beginners?????
5814 ::
ELI5: newruntime and arc
5813 ::
anonymous procedures and closures
5812 ::
Ported a Python game to Nim
5811 ::
[vscode] Anyone willing to share his tasks.json needed to build nim files?
5809 ::
exportc pragma and ref object
5808 ::
How do I initialize a set of range?
5807 ::
GitHub Actions to lint Nim code
5806 ::
Newbie question: Why am I getting the too many variables error on my loop index variable?
5805 ::
Setup Nim with Vim/NeoVim
5804 ::
stdlib pegs: Accessing optional subexpressions
5803 ::
How do you add switched to the build task?
5802 ::
Compilation failure 1.0.4 on Pi3
5801 ::
grim - graph structures in Nim
5800 ::
Check if a procedure exists for a given type at compile time
5799 ::
How to create and manage a http users sessions?
5798 ::
Forward declaration results in SIGSEGV?
5797 ::
missing rules in grammars.txt
5792 ::
Is there a default initializer that can be overloaded?
5791 ::
Writing Nim without garbage collection
5789 ::
Nim to JavaScript compile: function ref
5788 ::
How to manage local dependencies with nimble?
5787 ::
Nim wrapper for C++ std::vector? [request]
5786 ::
`=destroy` is called for ref types when compiled with --gc:arc :-)
5785 ::
a survey on warnings reported by GCC
5784 ::
Goto based exception handling
5783 ::
failing to read xml
5781 ::
OK, a collection of complains
5779 ::
Why does typechecking of generic procs only occur when used?
5775 ::
"Returning" a proc from a template
5774 ::
AST Modification after Semcheck
5772 ::
Docgen for macro generated code
5771 ::
How to fix this type mismatch error ?
5768 ::
How to write enum values without numbering order ?
5767 ::
A path commonPrefix function
5766 ::
Need help of a pair programmer
5765 ::
How to get left most 8 bit's value from a 32 bit integer ?
5764 ::
Problem of running http port forwarding
5763 ::
Thorough CI Travis and Azure Pipelines scripts
5762 ::
nimble always install @#head for url
5760 ::
Return subobject from proc
5759 ::
Game unlock gui written with gintro
5758 ::
Write Nim by using only 'v'
5755 ::
FFI constants
5753 ::
Evaluate nim-lang
5752 ::
can use zip library on Linux but not on Windows
5751 ::
Sqlite: unfinalized statements error
5749 ::
Using a Case Statement inside a template
5748 ::
Nimble broken for pre-built binary installs
5747 ::
hello world issues
5746 ::
cdt, crash with --gc:arc, no crash with default gc
5745 ::
Custom Backend
5744 ::
Tables or seq
5743 ::
Nim Community Survey 2019
5742 ::
cast ptr ptr to Nim array
5741 ::
Cannot build old project - TChannel problem
5738 ::
What is the meaning of this C code ?
5734 ::
Introducing --gc:arc
5733 ::
Named Argument Bug?
5732 ::
Error: 'solve' doesn't have a concrete type, due to unspecified generic parameters.
5731 ::
Issues with ICL compiling
5730 ::
An overview of nimble.packages
5727 ::
Nimph is a Nim package handler for the rest of us
5725 ::
How to parse RSS feeds with Nim
5724 ::
Problem with C interop/X11 bindings
5723 ::
How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?
5722 ::
understanding risk of shadowing
5721 ::
Proc and Iterators with Result Variable
5720 ::
How to use table in a type ?
5719 ::
Can't understand the compiler error message
5718 ::
How to make a new lib work for nimble.packages?
5716 ::
"Selector must be of an ordinal type, float or string"
5715 ::
diff lib
5714 ::
Can I Pass Multiple Identifiers to a Single Typed Macro Body?
5713 ::
Most efficient way to convert a uint64 to a seq of bytes
5712 ::
macOs Catalina (10.15.2) - linking warnings
5711 ::
How to use private variables when you put all types in one module
5710 ::
creating a enum type after calling a macro on various modules
5706 ::
What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5704 ::
how to create a generic type with constraints?
5703 ::
Arrays and Sequences in nim
5700 ::
How to store an int in a register?
5697 ::
Walking trees without recursive iterators
5696 ::
assign an object variant kind for unsafe memory block
5695 ::
A pure nim GUI game for Linux & Windows
5694 ::
binarySearch (from algorithm) not always working
5692 ::
Preview of Weave/Picasso v0.1.0, a message-passing based multithreading runtime.
5691 ::
Editor with nimsuggest support for libs with generics?
5689 ::
Anything to notice before using JavaScript backend of Nim?
5688 ::
Introducing Synthesis: a Finite State Machine generator
5687 ::
interest in a decimal library
5686 ::
I made a word2vec library and wanted to share with you guys:
5685 ::
Interfaces... why?
5683 ::
5682 ::
confirming the purpose of `$` stringify operator
5681 ::
Why inherit RootObj?
5680 ::
How to set an icon for an exe file created from nim source code ?
5679 ::
Inspecting a proc’s type signature within a macro
5678 ::
Contributing to standard library
5677 ::
port psutil on mac host_statistics get nil result
5676 ::
Practical examples showing how macros lead to better code?
5675 ::
Editor support for Nim 1.0
5674 ::
Force types from specific imported modules
5672 ::
What does "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety" mean?
5670 ::
Comparing languages by their popularity with their Rosetta Code implementation terseness.
5669 ::
What do you do when the compiler crashes?
5666 ::
Looking for help with IntelliJ Plugin
5665 ::
NiGui examples?
5664 ::
How to properly use Proxies in Nim
5663 ::
How to run nim code in Atom editor
5662 ::
[C backend] On const qualifier again
5661 ::
Nim forum confirmation email has no date
5660 ::
How to export custom exception types?
5659 ::
How to peek and/or advance an iterator inside a for loop
5658 ::
nim nimscript is not executing commands
5657 ::
Recommended GUI library?
5655 ::
Manual suggestion re exceptions
5654 ::
Incompatible type runtime error with table assignment
5653 ::
Manual query "deviated" ?
5652 ::
TXT DNS lookup
5650 ::
Using setLen after newSeqOfCap is not safe?
5649 ::
Is it possible to browse the nimble.directory?
5648 ::
What are the compiler defaults? etc...
5647 ::
How to get rid of [ProveInit] warning?
5646 ::
Which is the preferred style: call(x) or call x
5644 ::
Help with set
5643 ::
Most efficient way to implement a stack using Nim?
5641 ::
UI showcase ideas
5640 ::
generic typevariable binding
5639 ::
CountTable inconsistency?
5638 ::
Getting fields of an object type at compile time?
5637 ::
Deprecation warnings
5636 ::
An error has occurred when I ran `nimble publish`
5635 ::
{.gcsafe.}, What does {.threadvar.} do to make a function gcsafe?
5634 ::
Godot and Blender
5633 ::
Sublime Text 3 support
5632 ::
Any possibility of a near term Lazarus/C#-like GUI-designer IDE?
5631 ::
Set object field from strings at run time?
5630 ::
Nim tutorial -- Kaushal Modi's notes
5629 ::
[C backend] Environment of closure on stack
5628 ::
What's wrong with pull requests auto checks?
5627 ::
Error running nim hello world from snap installation
5626 ::
Nim extension libs for python
5625 ::
Nim lang for beginners?
5624 ::
Pandas Equivalent for Nim?
5623 ::
Nim is the friendliest language to start
5622 ::
Best way to store/search/etc and an int-int data structure
5621 ::
Different code produced when using a template?
5620 ::
Bug or feature?
5619 ::
Question about multithreaded use of filestream.readLine() function
5618 ::
How to debug a segmentation fault?
5617 ::
How to create a trojan and reverse shell with NIM
5616 ::
Returning a `var` inside of a tuple
5615 ::
math.sum returns as a valid an object thatt should be a RangeError
5614 ::
string to ptr uint8
5613 ::
Discord server improvements
5610 ::
Fastest way to check for int32 overflows
5608 ::
Me ha encantado El Lenguaje (Nim)
5607 ::
use jester with SSE (server side event) example
5606 ::
Nim 1.0.4 is out!
5605 ::
Help with templates and injected symbols
5604 ::
I want to launch services with Apache and jester
5603 ::
How about a NIM interface to PlaidML?
5602 ::
"incRef: interiorPtrTraceback" what does it mean?
5601 ::
2 questions on COM with khchen/winim
5600 ::
parseopt with negative numbers as positional arguments
5599 ::
why md5.toMD5 violate {. noSideEffect .} pragma? and why modify var T not violate it?
5598 ::
Nim should be your language of choice for IoT
5597 ::
Bountysource SALT sponsors
5596 ::
Pragmas Above Procs
5594 ::
Problem with .exportc-marked variable containing proc reference
5593 ::
genSym not generating unique symbols?
5592 ::
Strange Crash
5591 ::
setupForeignThreadGc() equivalent for Boehm GC?
5590 ::
"out of memory" when creating new Thread inside sharedTable lock
5589 ::
Which is the fastest way to use a timer
5588 ::
Advent of Nim 2019 megathread
5584 ::
onSignal closure memory violation
5583 ::
Archlinux updated to Nim 1.0.2
5582 ::
The authors of the Nimacros project stopped working on that book
5581 ::
Problem with forward declarations and pragmas
5580 ::
Problem using sometable.keys() in this case
5579 ::
Async loops & multi-processing
5577 ::
FOSDEM CfP deadline is 26/11/19
5574 ::
Accessing selectors from dispatcher ?
5573 ::
Advantages of "from... X... import Y" over "import Y"?
5572 ::
Empty sequence of specific type given problems when compiling with "cpp"
5571 ::
Performance: 2 indirections or 1?
5570 ::
Can proc/method name be used as parameter
5569 ::
Docker image for cross compiling
5568 ::
Can I cast[pointer]( proc() {.closure.} ) ?
5567 ::
Get name of proc at compile time
5565 ::
Running several processes asynchronously?
5564 ::
env needs to be copied for closure
5563 ::
asyncftpclient troubles
5561 ::
Help needed: Nested lists in Nim
5560 ::
Get nimble file directory from within nimble file hook
5559 ::
Reversing string Hash value
5558 ::
Is there any way to look something up in a Table using a pre-computed Hash value?
5557 ::
Karax Components
5556 ::
Force mutable Seq returns
5555 ::
Web pages with data entry in unicode and unidecode
5554 ::
NaN tagging in Nim?
5553 ::
Binary resulting much larger with --opt:size?
5552 ::
A simple web page with utf-8 html form
5550 ::
Compilation error after upgrade to 1.0.2 from 0.19
5548 ::
How to avoid recursive module dependency ?
5544 ::
Problems with Emacs mode for Nim
5542 ::
the "type" of the curly-bracket structure
5540 ::
Web applications and pattern match
5539 ::
Differences between simple assignment, shallowCopy and deepCopy
5538 ::
Newbie question, ref object
5537 ::
Maybe distinct
5536 ::
--gc:regions: how does it work?
5532 ::
Multi-method wrongly dispatches to base
5531 ::
Nim based Github Actions
5530 ::
Confused about how to use ``inputStream`` with ``osproc.startProcess``
5529 ::
Cross compiling for Linux
5528 ::
Advice on how to handle: "global using GC'ed memory"
5526 ::
A better way to write a single line of code
5525 ::
Need advice regarding using templates
5524 ::
Jester memory usage keep rising using sqlite
5523 ::
Is this a compiler bug or I took mistake?
5522 ::
async/await for embedded sysmtems
5521 ::
Jester performance on FreeBSD is 1/10 of that on Linux
5518 ::
Splat operator
5517 ::
Nimdoc: example of nimscript
5516 ::
Memory leak
5515 ::
Help needed on script for compiling Nim programs
5514 ::
nim doc generates ugly output for const tables
5513 ::
Resolve ambiguous call to open
5512 ::
Add custom flags to nimble install
5511 ::
GC_ref & GC_unref - and when to use them
5510 ::
Problems with default GC (and practically any other GC), works fine with --gc:regions
5509 ::
Announcement: Use Nim for programming on Bluetooth chips
5508 ::
Prime factorization of Fermat numbers using BigNum/GMP
5506 ::
Can I "prune" directories with walkDirRect?
5505 ::
It seems a bit confusing to express the current class object with the first argument.
5504 ::
How to divide file in Chunks for multithreaded processing?
5503 ::
Collective book about Nim: Fibonacci's algorithm fixed
5501 ::
Stunnel (tls tunneling proxy) replacement written in NIM?
5500 ::
``monotimes`` for benchmarking?
5499 ::
``Table.take`` should be ``Table.pop`` -- discuss
5498 ::
5496 ::
String with quotes
5494 ::
Marshal and friends
5493 ::
Nim-Decimal test
5490 ::
Using different compilers on windows
5488 ::
A couple of questions
5487 ::
How to package external packages into a single standalone binary
5486 ::
Play audio in Nim ?
5485 ::
Domain modeling in Nim
5483 ::
What is the difference between "writeFile" and "newFileStream" and "write"?
5481 ::
Retrieving field names of an enumeration or other types?
5480 ::
Nim for Statistics
5479 ::
how return false or value?
5478 ::
Efficient way to validate function arguments
5477 ::
A super newbie git-related question
5476 ::
Why does nim put the Export marker on the right side?
5475 ::
A taxonomy of Nim packages
5474 ::
booting nim on Linux
5473 ::
Get first element in Table
5472 ::
Cannot Install Nim
5471 ::
compiling to typescript
5470 ::
Can themutually recursive types be written separately?
5469 ::
How to uninstall Nim so i can install it in another folder
5467 ::
Http Server code to download a file
5466 ::
Function overloading based on object.kind
5465 ::
undeclared identifier: 'PGenericSeq' when using '--seqsv2:on'
5462 ::
I'd like to offer some suggestions re: Nim documentation. Github? This forum?
5461 ::
Disabling unused import warning locally
5459 ::
Borrow Checker In Nim?
5458 ::
Why is Seq.reverse() not part of the standard lib?
5456 ::
Output test statistics from `nimble test` (succeeded, failed, skipped, possibly runtime)
5455 ::
What is dead code elimination
5454 ::
Reduce memory footprint - manually free objects?
5453 ::
Things to watch in the produced nimcache files - for performance
5452 ::
May this macro work good enough?
5451 ::
Integers in Nim
5450 ::
Macro for creating ‘hooks’?
5449 ::
Slightly confused with how to use templates
5447 ::
Fixed nim-mode for lem
5446 ::
Cross Platform Python Package
5444 ::
Regex extracting string between two words not working
5443 ::
Nim equivilent of Python's slicing with step list[start: end: step]
5442 ::
build*.exe with pictures, icons...
5441 ::
template/generic instantiation of `map` warning
5440 ::
5439 ::
tye and container whoes
5438 ::
Java GC causes a crash a library Nim runtime on linux
5437 ::
Using forward declarations
5436 ::
Converting a python thread toy application to nim
5435 ::
manual tail call optimization
5434 ::
application file/folder structure. passing nim options from nimble build.
5432 ::
Evaluating an AST w/in a macro?
5431 ::
Where is the behavior of `do` blocks described?
5430 ::
read number from ascii (text) file: scanf-like functionality?
5429 ::
More elegant way to "invert" a table (hash map, dictionary)
5428 ::
Creating a type that is a non-contiguous subset of char?
5427 ::
Creating sequences of Subrange types
5426 ::
Screenshot / Screencapture
5425 ::
sequence of [string,Value] tables VS sequence of (string,value) sequences
5424 ::
How to separate a numerator line and a denominator line?
5423 ::
let & const on C backend
5421 ::
Suggestion for optimizations (for better performance/speed) for an interpreter written in Nim
5420 ::
cairoimpl.nim error
5419 ::
Gui App (niGui) in 'standalone mode'
5418 ::
help setCellDataFunc gtk3
5417 ::
Evolving Nim's stdlib
5416 ::
Logging milliseconds
5415 ::
Importing types for different module
5413 ::
How to privatize the proc of the inherited parent object?
5412 ::
Write in *.txt file from variables values , with separate new lines.
5411 ::
Make Nim easier for the developer
5410 ::
Some questions about cligen
5409 ::
Nim compiler produces misplaced warnings
5408 ::
Difference between two dates
5407 ::
How to make C call nim function which returns a type contains a sequence.
5406 ::
How to write a shared(static in c++) proc in a type ?
5405 ::
Getting memory address of object into string
5403 ::
Get list of defined procs/templates within an (imported) module
5402 ::
one module maybe lead to another’s Namespace pollution?
5400 ::
Della-Vos tutorial on Nim macros
5399 ::
Trouble with 'ref objects' and passing them around
5398 ::
Current status of Nim for Webassembly?
5397 ::
Question re type classes / implict generic procedures
5396 ::
Stuck on while compiling
5395 ::
Equivalent of Python's sys.getsizeof
5394 ::
CSources are gone - How to bootstrap?
5393 ::
c to nim: getting array elements from pointer
5392 ::
Possible to use identifier construction to call proc by name (string)?
5391 ::
Repeated templates don't work anymore - alternatives?
5390 ::
List of processes and get information on process
5389 ::
Nim v. 1.0.2 is out!
5388 ::
Renaming functions
5387 ::
Nim, Support for https?
5385 ::
why hexadecimal literals are strictly signed int by default
5384 ::
Passing iterators
5383 ::
Requesting examples of macros in Nim
5382 ::
Dot operators and method call syntax.
5381 ::
Help me see what's wrong with this
5380 ::
pegs: match without guessing openarray size
5376 ::
How to create new operator ?
5375 ::
Import best practices
5373 ::
Nim source files (program.nim) shown as MATLAB or x-python
5372 ::
I dunno what's so hard to understand about it.
5371 ::
Error: expression has no type (or is ambiguous)
5369 ::
let dans tous ses états question about the future
5368 ::
How to implement long polling?
5366 ::
recvmsg on AsyncSocket
5365 ::
What are you building now?
5364 ::
Create a firewall / Net IDS with Nim lang
5363 ::
Winning the Base64 benchmarks.
5362 ::
Out of bounds error when use seq with emscripten
5361 ::
May we need one more assert(), like debugAssert()?
5360 ::
images: simple way to read/write and manipulate images in nim?
5359 ::
Getter and Setter methods in Nim
5358 ::
R-Tree module -- what can we improve?
5357 ::
query pc specification?
5356 ::
split does not seem to work properly
5355 ::
Research questions for open-source library authors re communicating with general users
5354 ::
we need better support of serialized objects downcast in stdlib
5353 ::
Cannot extract ZIP on Windows 10
5351 ::
How do I make a table of tables in Nim?
5350 ::
Redirect stdout
5349 ::
How to use testament ?
5347 ::
Nim for enterprise software development
5346 ::
nimble task arguments
5345 ::
Newbie question: let f = 0.0; why type(f) is float64 instead of float?
5343 ::
Attaching finalizers to ref types (is there a better way?)
5341 ::
Error in proc with var and ptr parameters
5340 ::
Problem with macro and identation ...
5339 ::
code to unpack (msgpack) and "cast" object to
5338 ::
question sur les struct or tuple
5337 ::
Terseness and productivity in Nim vs other languages
5335 ::
Throw-away variables?
5334 ::
Have the RosettaCode Examples been upgraded to 1.0 yet?
5333 ::
Anyone here used Nim with JUCE?
5332 ::
bitops iterator
5331 ::
Define a procedure on a type itself ?
5330 ::
FOSDEM Call for Participation
5329 ::
Newbie question: downloading multiple files using async httpclient
5325 ::
Nim Days: Day 17 Building Sonic Client in Nim
5323 ::
Passing more than one parenthesis block to macro
5322 ::
TaintedString Error with Sequence
5321 ::
Multi-threading and data sharing
5320 ::
c-like read\write data structure in Nim?
5319 ::
newGZFileStream/parsecsv troubleshooting
5318 ::
Crashed when compiled as dynamic library for C
5317 ::
strformat: using a ':' in a string literal possible?
5316 ::
nim in nim
5315 ::
Safety of staticRead and StaticExec?
5313 ::
Inherited objects get "casted" when on an array of it's parent type
5312 ::
default values for objects
5311 ::
Using NIM for sending emails through Outlook app
5308 ::
beginners tutorial
5307 ::
Can I nest template?
5306 ::
Nimble Mac crashes - possibly after 1.0 brew release
5304 ::
Nim Coding Examples and Exercises for beginners?
5302 ::
Using the JS Backend as transpiler
5301 ::
Trying to make dict in dict (table in table)
5300 ::
Using `{.gcsafe.}` on a global string
5299 ::
Nimble build error
5298 ::
What we have in Nim in place of Python generators?
5297 ::
multi-platform time tracker with ML use
5296 ::
Any tutorials for compiling to JavaScript (specifically DOM)?
5295 ::
ui TABLE error
5294 ::
Sequence of objects which contain a sequence
5293 ::
Gintro gtk_builder_new_from_string
5292 ::
How to use Postgres with Nim on Windows - problems with drivers
5291 ::
Passing procedure as argument
5289 ::
Nim v1.1 and beyond roadmap
5288 ::
nim code coverage
5287 ::
Don't understand error on haskey
5286 ::
Nim/Nimble/Git on Windows Issues
5285 ::
Calling functions written in C returns wrong results
5284 ::
httpClient url with the spaces
5283 ::
Permission error
5282 ::
link with dynlib contains main
5281 ::
Overload system.default
5279 ::
Difference between discard and await?
5278 ::
generated_not_to_break_here breaks coco
5277 ::
Global proc/method to print a type and its properties?
5276 ::
Showing available memory
5275 ::
Parameter location doesn't match proc api parameter location
5274 ::
nimpretty binary could not be found
5273 ::
Integrate NIM with C based project.
5272 ::
What does the asterisk do after a variable name?
5271 ::
procedure as table value
5270 ::
Getting Unix-Style file permissions
5269 ::
NIM in action offline resources
5268 ::
Using Nim to create an Xcode framework
5267 ::
Introducing nim-metrics - a client library supporting Prometheus, StatsD and Carbon
5266 ::
freemind mindmap of some nim-lang forum stuff
5265 ::
Nim in Action Help thread
5264 ::
Question about generics
5263 ::
Hacktoberfest with Nim
5262 ::
Bad design of coro library.
5261 ::
Is there a way to write tests & benchmarks for functions operating on NimNode?
5260 ::
Some indicators on Nimble packages
5259 ::
_MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim
5258 ::
Rewrite daemonic CMS to NIM?
5257 ::
Viral Nim v1.0 video
5256 ::
Nim for my future project ?
5255 ::
Front page example
5254 ::
Getting a strange error with file streams
5253 ::
Hello, Nim!
5251 ::
Persistent data structures
5250 ::
[Maybe a new feature] Hook free function pointer.
5248 ::
How to tie procedure to type?
5246 ::
Nimble says 'git' is not in Path. What to do >
5245 ::
One of my old programming language
5244 ::
Translate syntax to some of natural language?
5243 ::
Is it a bug?
5242 ::
Proposal to start a Nim-Scientific Community
5241 ::
thick web client
5240 ::
nim-lang snap issue
5239 ::
call glibc functions
5238 ::
Can I disable the GC and use "gc:none" or the "new runtime" for only parts of the code?
5237 ::
Newbie experience with the documentation
5236 ::
Unexpected error using parseInt
5235 ::
5234 ::
Shared table with ref objects from different heaps. Will this work?
5233 ::
Set Literal Problems
5232 ::
Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?
5231 ::
Accessing Mysql on Windows
5230 ::
Nim source size
5228 ::
Cross compilation linux -> win + wine issue with file reading
5227 ::
Read Stdin asynchronously
5226 ::
How do nim users who have some proficiency in Lisp compare the two?
5224 ::
How to change C compiler globally on Linux?
5223 ::
Mac download error
5222 ::
Idle thread garbage collection
5221 ::
Possible minor bug in unused import checker [1.0]
5220 ::
Nim for Beginners Video Series
5219 ::
Newbie Karax Question
5217 ::
5215 ::
Great tutorials needed
5214 ::
[RFC] Why use Nim?
5213 ::
1.0.0 is here
5212 ::
Tried to learn NIM some feedback
5211 ::
javascript cstring contains "%"
5208 ::
distinct types
5207 ::
nim cannot reference libraries installed with nimble.
5206 ::
Error by duplicated file names (redefinition of 'types'; previous declaration here...)
5205 ::
Why the Translator term was not used?
5203 ::
How to get mac address of the local host?
5202 ::
Iterating over a Structured Type?
5201 ::
Program hangs when adding item to seq
5199 ::
httpclient Half html response, cookies
5198 ::
How to create a proc from an object?
5197 ::
How to get Nim running on iOS and Android using GLFM.
5196 ::
"error" block of Jester does not work when using custom routers
5195 ::
Trying to combine threads with async by channels
5192 ::
Feature Request: Addressable Constants
5190 ::
Call to all nimble package authors
5189 ::
CountTable performance issues.
5188 ::
Why do I get table implementation instead of the table during compile time?
5185 ::
Confusion on implicit integer conversion.
5184 ::
Nimble packages via Nixpkgs
5181 ::
Compiling fails with --gc:refc and --opt:speed
5180 ::
Can not brew install on the Mac
5179 ::
Nim is showing version 0.19.0 after updating
5178 ::
Split on whitespace except for between quotes
5176 ::
C(++) library cross-compiling bind
5172 ::
nimble configuration for local/publicated library
5171 ::
Nim setup for wine+mingw cross-compiler environment
5170 ::
Unable to compile "Nim invocation example from C" from documentation
5169 ::
Is it possible to detect context in relation to a threadvar?
5168 ::
How to use staticRead zip file?
5166 ::
How can I write `($typeof(x[])).split(":")[0]` better?
5165 ::
How to use extract string with contains a certain pattern?
5164 ::
How can I limit VM addresses size using Nim type system?
5162 ::
Statically reflect on procs in scope that dispatch on some type T.
5161 ::
Problem with var T dynamic dispatch and iterators
5160 ::
could not load: libpcre.so(.3|.1|) why?
5159 ::
Is there a help() method, or dir(), like in python?
5158 ::
Can I use PHP functions in the nim language?
5157 ::
Undeclared field error when using template
5156 ::
Where is nimbase.h ?
5155 ::
Should I include translated sources into version control?
5153 ::
Exporting a function to Objective C
5152 ::
nim android tutorial
5151 ::
nim -d:useNimRtl could not import: csuCmpIgnoreStyle
5150 ::
How do I resolve /etc/ssh/sshd_config using nre?
5149 ::
Came across a video talking about NIM
5148 ::
possible in Nim
5146 ::
Who owns the widget in this example?
5145 ::
Why does this compile and work with --newRuntime
5144 ::
Linters in Emacs
5143 ::
persistence: ZODB analog for Nim
5142 ::
How to Send Email with Nim
5141 ::
Jester question: passing gcsafe variable into routes
5140 ::
Nim documentation like Go
5139 ::
replace c2nim by gcc work tracing to automate complex library bindings (Gtk, Qt, LLVM, Boost,...)
5137 ::
Quantum Leaps framework implementation /Miro Samek/
5136 ::
getScript does not see cross configurations
5135 ::
netcdf for nim
5134 ::
Testing `newruntime` `owned ref` as to cyclic data...
5133 ::
IoT platform in Nim
5132 ::
Is it required to rebuild Nim libraries for cross-compiled newlib?
5130 ::
Need debugging help
5128 ::
Can I throw errors with custom fields?
5127 ::
possible in Nim to have a macro/template
5126 ::
Recursive module dependency error
5125 ::
What EXCACTLY is pure pragma in object declaration?
5124 ::
Help me optimize this small Nim port to the speed of the original C version
5122 ::
Winim Object Converter
5121 ::
asyncnet and reading from multiple socks
5120 ::
Marvin Minsky frame model /extended with ordered storage/
5118 ::
rumpkernel or baremetal runtime to run Nim program standalone
5115 ::
Data Structure Interpretation techniques
5114 ::
Is it possible to tune C output to be truly human readable?
5112 ::
how to run single test among all tests?
5111 ::
typedesc with subtype won't compile when returning objects
5109 ::
I gonna drop two packages
5108 ::
How to implement pre-fork with async sockets?
5105 ::
No Windows nightlies for the last while?
5104 ::
Can the return value of a proc be a variable marked {.global.} ?
5103 ::
Nim vs. Python & Groovy (string splitting): Why is string splitting so slow in Nim?
5102 ::
getFilePos - inconsistent output
5101 ::
Funny string question
5100 ::
How to read binary file in Nim?
5099 ::
Dead Code elimination
5098 ::
Compile C file together with Nim one
5097 ::
Are NimNodes ref types or functionally equivalent to ref types?
5095 ::
Nested sequences in Nim, how to?
5092 ::
State of Nimble packages
5091 ::
Is there a way to check if binding one NimNode will lead to binding another unexpected NimNode?
5090 ::
Regarding array
5089 ::
nimongo and MongoDb.Atlas connection
5088 ::
Official "Web Playground" + ASM inspector
5086 ::
how to integrate existing react components in karax?
5085 ::
Reading a file line by line at compile time
5084 ::
Server-sent events in Jester
5083 ::
[RFC] Project Picasso - A multithreading runtime for Nim
5082 ::
Crash with libsoundio
5081 ::
Using a generic type in 'raises' pragma's argument
5080 ::
How to add a symbol to represent the infinity (∞)
5078 ::
Default implementation of generic proc
5075 ::
Problem with var objects and adding values to them
5074 ::
Trying handle HSlice
5073 ::
Problem catching SslError
5072 ::
Error when using foldl on BigInts
5071 ::
Failure to abstract in standard library's db code?
5070 ::
Trouble creating type containing generic array
5069 ::
newruntime doesn't work with threads:on...
5068 ::
Procs that work only inplace like strutils.removeSuffix()
5067 ::
Need Help Fixing An Early Optimization Causing Incorrect Evaluation
5066 ::
seq[owned T] and delete()
5065 ::
What text editor are you using for Nim?
5064 ::
db_mysql: how to get column name?
5063 ::
Async socket to server connection error handling
5062 ::
Tables - can't get the address of value
5061 ::
spawn/sync hangs -- any ideas?
5060 ::
Nim Seq.add vs. C++ Vector.push_back performance
5059 ::
Roadmap Document?
5056 ::
The 'Nim way' of code structure and object composition
5055 ::
Advanced command history analyzer in Nim
5054 ::
Undeclared Identifier Error on Raspberry Pi. Code works on Nim Playground
5053 ::
Echo a NimNode
5052 ::
Iterating over anonymous enums?
5051 ::
Assign string to seq[uint8]
5050 ::
Dash docsets now available
5049 ::
Read lines from file thats in a variable
5048 ::
Data loss with async sockets
5047 ::
What do you think about the programming language NIM?
5046 ::
FFI: help converting macro into template
5045 ::
How to Maintain a Nim Chinese Community
5044 ::
nimble is not installing nimongo
5043 ::
Passing a type through a macro?
5041 ::
Nim standard library on embedded platforms
5040 ::
Problem getting address using recvFromInto
5037 ::
Erroneous values returned from Nim’s C foreign function interface.
5036 ::
Field order for object variants
5034 ::
Macro/Template starting with a custom character
5033 ::
get a type via a string?
5032 ::
How to return a seq[string] from proc
5031 ::
Bind not working in Generic Procs.
5030 ::
Astro module for calculation of sun and moon position, set and rise time, dawn and dusk
5029 ::
Vim 8 code completion plugin?
5027 ::
Get AST for type in macro
5026 ::
Version 0.20.2 released
5025 ::
Passing a Variable as Part of Args to execProcess
5024 ::
Hyphens Not Allowed in Nim Filenames? [Invalid Module Name]
5023 ::
Nim Repository Template for GitHub
5022 ::
Fortran bindings
5021 ::
Can Nim tell me about unused imports, lets, const and .high?
5020 ::
side effects through local() or parse() from times module
5019 ::
Nim Equivalent of Python Range [with Step]
5018 ::
Problem wrapping a shared library with Nimterop (Sundials-N_Vector)
5017 ::
Source Code Protection
5015 ::
Alias for proc names -- any progress?
5013 ::
Wrapper for miniz
5012 ::
timezone in unit tests
5011 ::
Regex substitutions with Perl's syntax... possible with macros?
5010 ::
sizeof a ref object type
5008 ::
Weird behaviour with generic type
5007 ::
Windows 10 fails on the test code
5006 ::
D templated codeblocks
5005 ::
Simulation: FMI standard (FMU files)
5004 ::
hash problem with hashset
5002 ::
Wrap C library that needs CMake
5001 ::
What's the most idiomatic way to call ``execCmdEx`` in parallel?
5000 ::
Problem with UI notification system
4999 ::
dynamic lib works properly when interfacing with python, fails with nim
4998 ::
Macro to create a dictionary (table) like in python!
4997 ::
Choosing the right `osproc` function
4995 ::
challenges with bool parameter on template
4994 ::
'intVal is not accessible' error?
4993 ::
can already defined types be modified at compile time with a macro?
4992 ::
Problem with callbacks (again)
4991 ::
karax navigation / redirect
4988 ::
Integrate a GLSL shader in Nim
4987 ::
Error: You must provide a compile-time value for the discriminator
4986 ::
Nim program executes painfully slow
4984 ::
minizip bindings
4983 ::
Nimscript proc missing?
4982 ::
Natural Transformations
4981 ::
Passing openArray[(string,string)] to async proc, then to encodeQuery
4978 ::
NumericalNim, a basic ODE and integration library written in Nim
4977 ::
A problem of object inheritence
4976 ::
Nim's future: GC and the newruntime
4975 ::
Nim Compilation Speed?
4974 ::
Giving my library access to types in the file that import it
4972 ::
Nim git branch model
4971 ::
compilation failure
4970 ::
optional params before `untyped` body
4969 ::
Dynamic Tuple creation
4968 ::
exporting API from submodules
4967 ::
Circular module dependencies
4966 ::
Getting OrderedTable key/value pair by insertion order
4965 ::
Sequence of typeclass
4964 ::
What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?
4963 ::
C2NIM - trailing underscore
4962 ::
FFI - ``cstring`` or ``array[256,char]``?
4961 ::
Tables with keys of different types
4960 ::
FFI - a bit of help with minizip
4959 ::
Generic Type Inference Limitations?
4958 ::
Simple P2P library
4957 ::
International meetup or conference?
4956 ::
Nerve: RPC framework for Nim
4954 ::
How do I read user input on the same line a string echos
4953 ::
[FFI] Reference xxx without definition
4952 ::
psuedo RFC for async Channels and FlowVars
4951 ::
test for nil
4950 ::
Fastest Prime Sieve, in Nim
4949 ::
Question about using when-statement in (generic) proc
4946 ::
Bug in strutils delete?
4945 ::
Simple coroutine like Python generator send()?
4944 ::
Use Nim on Google Colaboratory with Nim4Colab
4943 ::
C and C++ FFI: const returns
4941 ::
How to compile/view the docs on localhost?
4940 ::
A few questions about procs
4939 ::
Sponsors page bugged?
4937 ::
Best way to represent AST
4936 ::
Language Design Question: Backend C vs LLVM IR
4935 ::
Help getting this macro to work in a for loop
4932 ::
Looking for advance on server memory use.
4930 ::
About "- d:nimOldCaseObjects" question
4929 ::
Get closure iterator from sequence
4928 ::
Natural is not positive
4927 ::
--opt:speed slow down nimpy code
4926 ::
Map of proc fail to compile in 0.20.0
4924 ::
Unable to compile
4923 ::
Terminal code test for Windows 10 fails
4922 ::
Why is SCF file breaking compiling when a line > 32.748 chars (0.20.0)
4921 ::
Generic methods are deprecated?
4920 ::
Exported object's case fields not accessible outside of module
4919 ::
NIM prompt closes after starting (windows)
4918 ::
v0.20: -d:release does not turn off runtime checks?
4917 ::
Does Nim support compiling code at runtime?
4914 ::
"Cannot open file: unsigned" error with nim 2.0
4913 ::
Are there any docs for official Nim_SDL2 binding?
4912 ::
How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?
4911 ::
httpclient and pipelining
4910 ::
Nim v0.20.0 is here (1.0 RC)
4909 ::
v1.0 and breaking bugfixes
4908 ::
Why newruntime with owned refs may not work that well with extern libs like GTK (gintro)
4907 ::
Extending Enumerations to Support Step and Binary Enums
4906 ::
Questions about strscans library
4904 ::
create array at runtime
4903 ::
CORS in Jester
4902 ::
Weird concat issue
4901 ::
Nim Days progress
4900 ::
What kinds of Computational Science problems do you usually solve
4899 ::
SslError: ssl3_write_pending:bad
4898 ::
There are some library to display text in opengl easily?
4897 ::
Question About Nim Grammar
4895 ::
Confused with async compile error
4894 ::
Future direction of db_* modules
4893 ::
karax and fontawesome
4891 ::
rant about shr change
4890 ::
Struggling with writing an iterator
4889 ::
Default path for loading function from dynamic library
4888 ::
Trouble when splitting in a CLI application
4885 ::
method call syntax for more than one argument?
4884 ::
xmldomparser on frontend - compile to javascript
4883 ::
Shared library for Android
4881 ::
about Nim compiler parameters
4880 ::
I think we can really do better...
4879 ::
Where to show applications/examples to promote Nim?
4878 ::
Disadvantages of static proc parameters?
4876 ::
4874 ::
Rosencrantz is Routing DELETE Method not working?
4872 ::
thiscall calling convention?
4871 ::
Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?
4870 ::
Running generated machine code
4868 ::
Nim has been added to CodeGolf
4867 ::
htmlparser innerText
4866 ::
No hint?
4865 ::
Nim c array passed as pointer access element ?
4864 ::
Metaprogramming and wrapping C libraries
4863 ::
SFML Error
4860 ::
Thread and socket functions issue
4859 ::
Compiler selects wrong procedure?
4858 ::
[Challenge]How short or efficient can you make this code?
4857 ::
Why does sorting the data mess up this Karax app?
4855 ::
Nimgen wrapper for Edlib
4854 ::
Wrapping C++ class with overloaded constructors
4853 ::
Problem trying to compress the http response data!
4852 ::
Trouble when converting c code to nim
4850 ::
Modern way to pass a sequence to a c function as a void pointer and to cast it back as seq
4849 ::
output order
4842 ::
Nim v0.19.6 released
4840 ::
Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4839 ::
Function overloading by dependent type
4838 ::
Question about colorized output with nim (console application)
4837 ::
Memory layout of a seq[int]
4835 ::
Disparity between Nim and C performance
4834 ::
Unexpected error from the C compiler with Option
4833 ::
Data-oriented design, interleaved/noninterleaved data batches (AoS, SoA), worker threads etc.
4832 ::
Understanding performance compared to Numpy
4831 ::
Conditional compilation in imported module based on constant?
4830 ::
pointer of pointer nim ?
4829 ::
problem with ARM build/install (BeagleBone) or cross-compiling from
4828 ::
Proposal for a more reliable CI
4827 ::
Parallel Bounds Check
4826 ::
New to Nim, Made Something to Feed It
4825 ::
Is there way to change «proc» naming?
4824 ::
Need help with creating a module featuring asynchronous access of Redis
4823 ::
Slices s[1 .. ^1] as proc parameters and missing span iterator
4822 ::
Error: undeclared identifier: 'await'
4821 ::
finding the module a symbol was imported from
4819 ::
Passing in-memory code to the compiler
4818 ::
"First natively compiled language with hot code-reloading at runtime"
4817 ::
Alternatives to using an object variant type with a duplicate field name across branches?
4816 ::
Nim @ Wikipedia
4813 ::
nimkernel extended
4812 ::
Can I avoid covariance of typedesc arguments?
4811 ::
typed and untyped
4810 ::
4807 ::
Is there a way to influence code generator for type declarations?
4806 ::
What's the tag line for --newruntime Nim going to say?
4805 ::
Nimongo comparison (i.e. $gt) queries
4804 ::
Handling EOF asynchronously?
4803 ::
type mismath in simple math
4802 ::
Sielo with Nim
4801 ::
Nim in CircleCI
4800 ::
Using different compiler shows "unknown C compiler"
4798 ::
The Philosophies Of Software Languages
4797 ::
Can we suppress =destroy call for a local var?
4796 ::
Will an object instance passed to a proc not generate a =destroy call?
4795 ::
Not-so-distinct types
4793 ::
Side effects of typed macro arguments?
4791 ::
pegs module: how to use captures in enter/leave procs?
4789 ::
What is the purpose of tables.allValues()?
4788 ::
Is allowing non-matching types for assignment overloading in the development timeline?
4787 ::
Tests don't want to fail - code from Nim in Action Ch3
4786 ::
jester: Can't access javascript or css files
4783 ::
OpenWL/DL - two foundation libraries for building a cross-platform GUI with non-C++ languages
4782 ::
Example implementing SQLite extension in Nim
4781 ::
Defining build options in project.nimble for tasks
4780 ::
Some more fun with finalizers
4779 ::
Easy WASM with Nim / nlvm
4777 ::
Printing Unicode characters (Runes) and UTF8 Strings
4776 ::
nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable
4775 ::
Are the docs wrong, or is there a compiler bug?
4773 ::
Let vs Const initializing object containing array of objects with variants: different behavior
4772 ::
Question about strutils
4771 ::
Thoughts on ideas from the Unison Language
4770 ::
Why Nim so inconsistent?
4769 ::
Is there a 2D game framework recently updated for Nim ?
4768 ::
".h" files are not found for (nim) dependencies
4767 ::
Running Selector on device file in linux. How to get file descriptor (int fd) from file object?
4766 ::
procs operating on concepts?
4765 ::
Suggestions for gui frameworks to make an app in nim for android?
4764 ::
Example for winim / com waiting for events/notifications
4763 ::
MaxIndexBy() and MaxValueBy() procs, similar to Ruby's max_by()
4762 ::
scopes, templates and UFCS
4760 ::
I wrote some nim code that works, but I don't understand how/why it works.
4759 ::
symbol "&"
4758 ::
Nim vs V language
4757 ::
Nim can't import libraries
4756 ::
macros to generate class
4754 ::
Nim + Flutter == bright future?
4753 ::
How I feel about Nim
4752 ::
Nimbus testnet launch
4749 ::
How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?
4748 ::
Getting printable variable identifier
4747 ::
Calling functions with pointer arguments.
4746 ::
closure_methods: OOP purely based on closures
4745 ::
Recursive/mutual imports
4743 ::
Owned refs
4742 ::
Some iterators, xpairs and xclusters, first draft...
4741 ::
Problem with ui buttons and callbacks
4740 ::
how compile urho3d with nim?
4738 ::
beat c in fefes "competition"
4737 ::
[Beginner] CLI Utility that continuously reads keyboard input; threads or no threads?
4736 ::
A little problem with inheritance
4734 ::
How to determine the type of an object
4732 ::
pibench2 – A multi-threaded performance benchmark written in Nim
4731 ::
Can I use headless browser and capture the page?
4730 ::
strutils find
4729 ::
problem with nimpy and nimAes
4728 ::
Begginer's question - pointers and refs
4726 ::
Strange bug in (open)array handling?
4725 ::
Nimble cannot find latest version of package
4724 ::
4723 ::
Is there a package that handles random forest algorithm in nim?
4722 ::
Lock code block without explicit lock variable ?
4721 ::
Help upgrading macro to work in compileTime context
4720 ::
Is it possible to add a proc after a proc in a macro?
4718 ::
Nim-lang is added as supported language in repl.it!
4716 ::
Passing a pointer to an array to a c function!
4714 ::
[some offtopic] 33 = (8866128975287528)^3+(-8778405442862239)^3+(-2736111468807040)^3
4713 ::
class with functions
4711 ::
gintro demo with two columns in a listview / gtktreeview and sortable
4710 ::
Help with template!
4709 ::
What is the best way to run a nim program as daemon?
4707 ::
Generic proc specialization?
4706 ::
Reading very long strings in chunks
4705 ::
Documentation in PDF (for no programmer)
4704 ::
Immutability -- more ideas
4703 ::
Legal Threats In Nimble Packages
4702 ::
Is there are something like Python's 'pass' statement in Nim
4700 ::
Some weird Heisenbug with the implicit result variable which results in a segfault
4699 ::
Httpclient and hangs
4697 ::
Karax nimble
4696 ::
Can I access arrays faster than this?
4693 ::
Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM
4692 ::
Any easy ref iteration over immutables?
4691 ::
Dereference a pointer to its underlying type
4690 ::
nlvm update
4689 ::
Compile time type introspection
4688 ::
Odd behavior with pairs on string and runeAt
4687 ::
`Error: unhandled exception: Access is denied.` in Windows
4686 ::
C++ exceptions
4685 ::
Query Filepath for owner and group ID or name
4684 ::
Cross compile (Osx to linux) - how to
4682 ::
Replacement for "<" in array ranges?
4681 ::
Problem with templates in multiple files
4680 ::
Noob question: proper way to read binary files byte by byte
4679 ::
Qt Creator 4.9 Beta has Nim support (code completion)
4678 ::
defining `==` breaks Option
4677 ::
Library isolation (diamond dependencies)
4676 ::
[Review request] for rosetta code challenge "Lexical Analyzer"
4675 ::
Problem getting the element type of a generic container
4674 ::
std::pair, std::make_pair, std::find, std::distance in Nim?
4673 ::
Nim Language group in London
4672 ::
importcpp for defines
4671 ::
Convert string to char
4670 ::
How to speed up the upload of a big file with asynchttpserver!
4669 ::
Is nim-lang recognized world wide.?
4668 ::
Geometry Library
4667 ::
Note how the ``let fn = filename`` statement ensures that ``filename`` is evaluated only once
4666 ::
Nim VS Code autocompletion
4665 ::
compile error in serial module, to hard to solve for newbe
4664 ::
So Noob ,so confused
4663 ::
deallocate ``ref object`` type
4662 ::
Procedural type and 'func' keyword
4661 ::
OpenGL glTexImage2D from GLfoat problem
4660 ::
template does not create methods?
4658 ::
How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?
4657 ::
Error when test if a large number is prime!
4656 ::
can not run nimedit
4654 ::
Mix of varags & seq confusion
4653 ::
Fuzzy matching on table keys
4652 ::
Jester memory usage strangeness
4651 ::
Newbie question about reading asynchronous text file line by line
4650 ::
What are the files in .nimble/bin
4649 ::
The portable way to find nimbase.h or system.nim location
4648 ::
Update all installed nimble packages
4647 ::
how to pass a C array to C function?
4646 ::
"nim cpp -d:release --noCppExceptions" fails
4644 ::
String randomize
4643 ::
Msgpack to JSON (deserialisation)
4642 ::
4640 ::
Slicing by offset and length
4639 ::
List Liked Posts in Nim Forum
4638 ::
Screencast Series Ideas
4637 ::
How to implement a "Walrus" operator like in python 3.8 in Nim?
4636 ::
Debugging - again
4635 ::
Examples to access Numpy Array Data using Nimpy
4634 ::
vecctor items iterator
4632 ::
Is there a way to make kind of like an override named block?
4631 ::
FOSDEM "Metaprogramming in Nim" talk now online
4630 ::
inline asm err?
4629 ::
Error: ... .tag effects differ
4628 ::
standalone with strings
4627 ::
mutable object
4626 ::
import object from another file
4625 ::
insert string fails with NimScript
4624 ::
Stats for Nimble packages
4623 ::
What's up with 19.4?
4622 ::
pros/cons of dissecting types via getTypeInfo() vs getTypeImpl()?
4621 ::
Simple snippet for colored logging with named arguments
4619 ::
where to find nimble packages
4618 ::
Custom assignment operator
4616 ::
safe way to hold traced reference of unknown type?
4615 ::
Sqlite out of memory error when compiling with -d:release flag
4614 ::
Karax question: how to update input field on the fly
4613 ::
A bug of vcc compiler
4611 ::
How to keep the output of a recursive proc?
4610 ::
no "--opt:size" leads EXE to "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)"
4609 ::
Buggy concepts
4608 ::
Concatenate identifiers in template
4607 ::
Regex source code filter
4606 ::
An Attempt to Access NumPy Array Data rom Nim
4605 ::
for loop with tuple returns reference to tuple member
4602 ::
how to use PassC/PassL pragma?
4599 ::
Onsetgame ReelValley goes opensource
4598 ::
Mixing methods and concept give me some errors
4597 ::
watchcode: not written in Nim, but at least for Nim ;)
4596 ::
new experimental nim plugin for neovim
4595 ::
Compile Nim compiler to JS?
4594 ::
Convert float to its corresponding bytes?
4593 ::
len [0, 1, 2] fails
4592 ::
Creating DLL With Nim Without nimrtl.dll?
4591 ::
is it possible to write a converter which only convert 0 to nil
4590 ::
Use continue statement on parent loop
4589 ::
need help about a proxy server
4588 ::
Using Shared Libraries written in Nim via FFI
4587 ::
Nim GDB Youtube Video
4586 ::
Compiler - redefinition error message problem.
4585 ::
Deleting a certain value from a sequence
4584 ::
How to check if all values in Table are empty?
4583 ::
Example of extracting a .tar.gz to a plain text file
4582 ::
change string iteration start?
4581 ::
Nim not suited for building static libraries?
4580 ::
Speeding up Python with Nim
4578 ::
Pipelines - a language for scripting parallel pipelines (for Python written in Nim)
4577 ::
proposing new doc terminology for "compile-time" and "runtime"
4576 ::
Purpose of this forum
4575 ::
Uncompress directly from gzip string by using httpclient
4574 ::
How to "install" a newly built Nim on a directory?
4573 ::
Module typeinfo, can't access field by name. Bug or not?
4572 ::
Building Minimal Docker Containers for nim Applications
4571 ::
Modified version of Kru02's interfaced
4570 ::
Nim plugin for web bundler
4569 ::
questions on binding C DLL
4568 ::
yet another question on code substitution with templates
4567 ::
How to get the address of an proc with same name and different parameter type
4566 ::
generic instantiation with object inheritance
4565 ::
Using Stack Overflow for help
4564 ::
the ignoring of _ make some translation need more work
4563 ::
ability to undefine a symbol?
4562 ::
Global procedure access?
4561 ::
[release]binding for FLTK C dynamic library
4559 ::
Is it possible get the export flag of a type symbol
4558 ::
template/macro to create function/variant?
4555 ::
Any advices for performant tcp listener?
4553 ::
Any advice on doing composition well in Nim
4552 ::
Cannot define `(T: type) -> T` proc within a template defined in another template
4551 ::
How to iterate over a seq[seq[int]] to keep only columns?
4548 ::
Python Modules & why Python is better
4547 ::
Nim and Project Euler
4546 ::
Some nim builtin libs not doing enough error checking?
4545 ::
Associating data to types
4544 ::
New "Learn Nim" page
4542 ::
Is this bug still valid in fieldPairs iterator?
4541 ::
recommendation for simple graphics lib?
4540 ::
Creating generic procs with a template
4539 ::
still no success binding DLL's callback function
4537 ::
Initializing inherited types in Nim VM
4535 ::
List of pending CT evaluation features
4534 ::
Enum is undefined in template scope?
4533 ::
Nim nightly builds
4532 ::
inserting one template inside another
4531 ::
Example use of enum with set - doesn't work - yet
4530 ::
Segmentation fault instantiating a Nim array help my
4529 ::
GSoC 2019
4528 ::
Creating instance of ptr "object" from instance of "object"
4526 ::
Compiling with GCC optimizations disabled
4525 ::
New repo for RFCs
4524 ::
Best practices of meta-programming
4523 ::
"Nim needs better documentation" - share your thoughts
4522 ::
trouble during wrapping a windows DLL
4521 ::
How to nimble test nested foldes?
4520 ::
Use GC_ref on a pointer
4519 ::
it is hard to load forum.nim-lang.org for months
4518 ::
When's GCunref() necessary
4517 ::
[help needed] nim version of: COMPARING PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES IN C++, D, AND RUST
4516 ::
Nim is showing version 0.19.0 after updating to version 0.19.2
4515 ::
seek for help on porting VB lib to nim
4514 ::
import statement suggestion
4512 ::
Happy New Year! Version 0.19.2 released!
4511 ::
Type instantiation for `==` func
4510 ::
Convincing my friend about Nim
4509 ::
Could not load libwren.so
4508 ::
TDD reference project
4507 ::
interesting exercise in Nim metaprogramming: Clojure-inspired data
4506 ::
Trying to make "Card Raytracer", needed advices on code
4505 ::
Segmentation fault instantiating a Nim array
4503 ::
Getting the original type of an 'upcasted' object
4502 ::
How to achieve "mechanical substitution" like C macro
4501 ::
openArray[(cstring,cstring)] parameter
4500 ::
Saying hi
4499 ::
PEG.js-like API for the pegs module
4498 ::
Find all procs annotated with a pragma
4497 ::
Cannot build the compiler v0.20 devel in windows.
4496 ::
How can we define a function that returns a type like a Union type?
4495 ::
Forum Colors - some low contrast
4494 ::
Unary operators as macros
4493 ::
My experience with nim so far
4492 ::
Plus equals for setter does not work
4491 ::
Nim development blog
4490 ::
Beginner help with http client
4489 ::
Using var object in a proc that is the object's property
4488 ::
Functional Programming in Nim
4487 ::
What pattern language does the OS module use ?
4486 ::
Unexpected behaviour
4485 ::
Get proc arg type with templates
4484 ::
SslError: ssl3_write_pending:bad write retry
4483 ::
Future of Nim ?
4480 ::
nim-result - Result-Either style return values lib
4478 ::
How to parse JSON at compile time?
4477 ::
Undefined reference to proc with {.importc.}
4475 ::
How to await 2 futures.
4474 ::
Invalid type: 'proc' in this context 'proc (ui: NimUI, btn: Button)' for proc
4473 ::
Add constants via detect.nim?
4472 ::
bitsize in object? weird operation
4471 ::
Change in nativesockets.nim
4470 ::
Is this a valid Nim code using concepts ?
4469 ::
Returning cstring from a DLL
4467 ::
Cannot prove initialization, again.
4466 ::
Experimental parallel?
4465 ::
Calling stdcall from .dll
4464 ::
Fedora-based Nim Docker images
4461 ::
4459 ::
Unknown cause of AssertionError
4458 ::
high(int) works, high(uint) does not
4457 ::
let not always properly copying string?
4456 ::
ptr arithmetics?
4451 ::
Compile error from gcc
4450 ::
Parallel progress bar/message
4449 ::
[help] indirectly imported types not working?
4448 ::
OOP macro - problems with import
4447 ::
How does --gc:stack work?
4446 ::
Cast string to tuple?
4445 ::
Extract sprite data from old DOS game resource file?
4444 ::
Problems following examples
4443 ::
Help understanding UFC and templates
4442 ::
help writing a conditional access operator
4441 ::
How do you pass code blocks to when compiles?
4439 ::
storing table value in var changes behaviour
4438 ::
HOWTO static link sqlite for Windows ?
4437 ::
Nim in Action parallel_counts, readBuffer, and readChar
4436 ::
opengl does not works
4435 ::
Accept proc different calling convention
4434 ::
Multiple Static Libraries and NimMain
4433 ::
Nim have the concept of static methods on a type
4432 ::
Can't assign a new object to a reference
4431 ::
Evaluation order
4430 ::
Auto-dereferencing doesn't seem to work?
4429 ::
toSeq(countTable.values) doesn't work
4428 ::
Explaination on GC-safety warning of Nim compiler
4427 ::
walkDir doesn't raises OSError Exception
4426 ::
How JSON object Syntax relates to table and array syntax?
4425 ::
Cross-compiling from Linux to Windows using the -d:mingw flag
4424 ::
Deprecation of <
4422 ::
CountTable.inc() causes Error: unhandled exception: index out of bounds [IndexError]
4421 ::
How does Nim solve the "expression problem"
4420 ::
How to lookup the IPV6 addr of a domain name?
4419 ::
Cannot get the result from newAsyncHttpClient?
4418 ::
IpAddress to/from disk problem
4417 ::
HttpClient networking problem
4416 ::
Advent of Code 2018 megathread
4414 ::
Does nim implement predicate dispatch?
4412 ::
Behind the scene of a class/Type i.e, How class/type works ?
4407 ::
FE web libraries
4406 ::
Need help for a generic object field
4405 ::
iup.getFile fails
4404 ::
Memory regions / gc:regions
4403 ::
Has anyone written something like 'Expect' in Nim?
4402 ::
Deprecation of "round" with two arguments
4401 ::
Araq in IRC: for Python migration TableRef will suit you much better than Table
4400 ::
classic "can not open sdl2" ...
4399 ::
The future of NIM's WASM?
4398 ::
In the response always 4000 byte by AsyncHtpp request
4397 ::
How to convert integer to pointer
4396 ::
how compile nimedit?
4395 ::
Previously working threaded procedure not working in 0.19
4394 ::
What'd I miss?
4393 ::
missing topN/partial_sort in stdlib :-(
4392 ::
Nim Fibers?
4391 ::
jsExport: CommonJS module export
4390 ::
format table with strutils `%`
4389 ::
need some advice on how to do this
4388 ::
Should we get rid of style insensitivity?
4386 ::
GC is not cleaning up sequence
4384 ::
Need help with game framework
4383 ::
Macro that generates procs
4382 ::
how to run vim and get output
4381 ::
Why illegal storage access here ?
4380 ::
Any suggestion on scheduling a job in nim?
4379 ::
error: unable to create target: 'No available targets are compatible with this triple.
4378 ::
how to stringify token in nim template?
4377 ::
Error with Glew
4376 ::
[OT]if we also know basic algorithms theory, how can we get the details?
4375 ::
Application-specific library?
4374 ::
release: a current-runable, error-in-the-future msgbox for wNim
4373 ::
What do I call this Part?
4372 ::
Can you generate new symbols for procs, templates,etc defined inside templates?
4371 ::
maybe this dynamic try is not possible?
4370 ::
Do we really like or need single letter prefixes like w, m... in public libs?
4368 ::
4366 ::
Error: implicit object field construction requires a .partial object, but got wMyFrame:ObjectType
4364 ::
I don't know whether this problem lies in nim or wNim?
4363 ::
nimpy breaks
4362 ::
the v0.19.1 => 0.19.9 jump should've been v0.19.0 => 0.20.0
4361 ::
Problem sleeping
4360 ::
Nim as a hot-patching scripting language?
4359 ::
why var can not be declared this way?
4358 ::
GC V2 features
4357 ::
async in a thread; crashes
4356 ::
Hitting a SIGSEGV in the garbage collector
4355 ::
Got "Warning: < is deprecated [Deprecated]"
4354 ::
Issue on gcc 4.8.4
4353 ::
how to make a resource file for nim on windows?
4352 ::
How-to silent the message "Jester is making jokes at..."
4351 ::
sublimetext nim plugin (NimLime) hasn't worked since july
4350 ::
Proper compiler options for release build
4349 ::
int to string
4348 ::
Failing to read from file
4347 ::
should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)
4346 ::
for loop in for loop
4345 ::
threadpool worker return empty string fails with SIGSEGV in gc
4344 ::
development and release model: use the `oneflow` model
4343 ::
R-style logical vector operations in Nim?
4342 ::
Can not pass static[string] to macro
4341 ::
Iterator finalizer
4338 ::
Request for "permission" for use of Nim's logo
4337 ::
Extensive survey response
4336 ::
2018 Nim community survey results
4333 ::
How should relative path calculated?
4332 ::
Help needed to learn macro
4331 ::
does RST `foo`:idx: actually work?
4330 ::
nimble packages should standardize on a `build` directory for generated files
4329 ::
should we deprecate nim.cfg in favor of config.nims format?
4328 ::
Nim in Action: question about comparison vs. C/C++
4327 ::
How compile sfml successfully on nim
4326 ::
How does one convert from string to integer using an arbitrary radix?
4325 ::
Read gzip-compressed
4323 ::
Is there a handy way to declare Rune literals?
4322 ::
How does one declare byte array constants?
4321 ::
State of Concepts in Nim 0.19
4320 ::
Insert 'NULL' value in Postgres with Nim 0.19.1 without 'nil'
4319 ::
strutils,unicode clash ?
4318 ::
outputHandle problem
4317 ::
github's new 'Suggested change' in code review is great; should be used
4316 ::
A portable/generic config.nims (NimScript)
4315 ::
[poll] Moving all RFCs in a separate repo
4314 ::
GUI Testing for Winim
4313 ::
Gui Library is progressing - Windows only
4312 ::
koch boot fails reading basicopt.txt
4311 ::
Execute a statement by every thread in the threadpool!!
4310 ::
How to use destructor in nim ?
4309 ::
single page applications that compile to webassembly
4308 ::
How to customize docgen css?
4307 ::
syntax highlight of nims, nim.cfg, nimble files broken on github, highlight, sublimetext
4306 ::
converter capture
4305 ::
Need gzopen(filename, mode...) proc with similar behaviour to open(filename, mode...)
4304 ::
It is not easy to find generic procs like system.find()
4303 ::
migrate oldwinapi to winim
4302 ::
Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.
4301 ::
How do i compile asm files with vcc compiler?
4300 ::
Opposite of astGenRepr
4299 ::
Read gzip-compressed file line by line
4298 ::
confused about new runnable code blocks `.. code-block:: :test:` (#9228) vs runnableExamples?
4296 ::
`import foo {.private.}` to allows access to private fields (eg: package-level visibility)
4295 ::
Possible problem with my bcrypt module?
4293 ::
Does Nim need package-level visibility?
4292 ::
How do I make macros that build up and use data structures?
4290 ::
Quick Start Documentation
4288 ::
AddOns to Nim? (a bit similar to rubygems.org + projects)
4287 ::
What does asyncCheck do?
4285 ::
how to increase velocity for merging PRs?
4284 ::
Complex Version Structure
4282 ::
Loop backward through array -- howto do it brachless
4281 ::
Compiled with 0.18, not with 0.19
4280 ::
Drop RST and join the Markdown train?
4279 ::
runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?
4278 ::
Overloading string representation for objects
4277 ::
How to get the control ID, control handle and notification code from NMHDR structure
4276 ::
unary operators are often best replaced by explicit names, eg: `%*` => toJson
4275 ::
Capabilities of backend compiler and conditional flags
4274 ::
runnableExamples should generally be preferred to `.. code-block:: nim`
4271 ::
docgen user defined role
4270 ::
nim doc hypertext link
4269 ::
nim doc failure yet nim c works
4268 ::
Windows WIC or GDI+
4267 ::
How to emit ISO C99 source or similar?
4265 ::
Proc parameters, local copy
4264 ::
Some questions about Nim compiler parameters
4262 ::
Are Source Code Filters still needed now that we have strformat?
4261 ::
Mutable params with default value?
4260 ::
Streaming HTTP request with timeout?
4258 ::
Problem with -d:release
4257 ::
How to run this language on Mac
4256 ::
composition with foldr and nested procs
4255 ::
Advice Module Publication
4254 ::
zsh auto-completion
4253 ::
the Fibonacci benchmark
4252 ::
collections of procs[T]()
4251 ::
Defined Symbol Value Error
4249 ::
Why can't the Nim VM use FFI?
4248 ::
calculated import argument
4247 ::
Interop with Delphi Interfaces
4246 ::
0.19.0 pegs regression?
4245 ::
Version 0.19.0 is out
4244 ::
Off-subject GTK check-resized signal
4243 ::
Nim developer retention data and out-of-date packages
4242 ::
Nim source equivalent to C #define
4241 ::
how to integrate existing react components in karax? (and vice versa)
4240 ::
a small change to macros.getCustomPragmaVal
4239 ::
Confusion about macros.
4238 ::
Upgrading 'Urhonimo' to 1.7, work in progress.
4237 ::
How to check an auto type parameter in a proce
4235 ::
Verifying Versions and Locations
4233 ::
Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.
4232 ::
problem compiling to webassembly
4231 ::
Gara: pattern matching DSL
4229 ::
creating code for C++ class
4228 ::
js; exportc; transform foo(obj, param1, paramN) to obj.foo(param1, paramN)
4227 ::
Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects
4226 ::
Some OOP problems
4224 ::
shorthand if statement
4223 ::
a funny compiler crash
4222 ::
How to access base class member from derived class ?
4221 ::
How to force destroy a ref?
4220 ::
Emit C++ code into .h (instead of .cpp) and reuse it across NIM modules
4219 ::
Windows: nim.exe disappears during the compilation
4218 ::
Registration mechanism sucks and the compiler sucks too?
4217 ::
Get filenames
4216 ::
httpclient issues with iterating and requesting items in seq
4215 ::
Returning from Concepts
4213 ::
Calling functions between files
4211 ::
Please help me to understand templates in nim
4210 ::
How to get a list of all .nim files compiled for a project
4209 ::
How to call SendMessage API function with WM_GETTEXT message >
4207 ::
Defining object template with computed type. Advanced, huh?
4206 ::
release only runtime crash
4205 ::
How to call a proc of Base class from a derived class ?
4204 ::
Workflow: how do I make a cpp lib in nim?
4203 ::
Cannot call function with argument of Nim from Python3
4202 ::
CreateFont is not working properly
4200 ::
Interesting idea implemented in Zig
4199 ::
How to write static function inside a type
4198 ::
Need some guidance in win32 GUI programming.
4197 ::
Can't connect to abstract unix socket
4196 ::
[Help]update nim ubuntu package
4195 ::
Help with optimizing config.nims to create a musl target (static binary)
4192 ::
Sequence holding references to object with an attribute of generic type T
4191 ::
Using options in the stdlib
4190 ::
Pure really removed for enums?
4189 ::
what makes the 0.18.1-compiled binary file larger than 0.18.0-compiled binary file
4188 ::
How to use com in Nim ?
4187 ::
type Distinct seq[byte] c compiler error
4185 ::
wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework
4184 ::
[Status Grant Proposal] Make Nim suitable for interactive programming
4183 ::
Nim microbit
4182 ::
Fastest way to write strings at runtime
4181 ::
Confused with Nim OOP tutorials. Please clarify straight forward examples
4180 ::
Is .cfg cross-compilation still supported?
4179 ::
Sequtil Question
4178 ::
Parsing issue?
4177 ::
easy way to convert between different data types?
4175 ::
Jester server without a reverse proxy
4172 ::
ref object of RootRef vs ref object of RootObj
4171 ::
[Help]ending "" instead of new line in echo and no need to delcare var to use the proc
4170 ::
Destructor was invoked unexpectedly.
4169 ::
[Proposal] Import a with 'b' (<- refers to importing a.xyz as bxyz)
4168 ::
What is needed for choosenim installation to support linux_arm (raspbian)
4167 ::
Godot: ShaderMaterial setShaderParam Variant?
4165 ::
is there computer algebra system module?
4164 ::
Question regarding parallel_counts.nim from Nim in Action
4163 ::
Error in nimPNG.nim on Windows
4162 ::
Error: system module needs: copyString
4161 ::
Nim on Ultibo on Raspberry Pi - easier for nim programmers
4160 ::
Using the MEGA API
4158 ::
Using fields to define other fields
4157 ::
Running multiple sleeps as Async
4156 ::
Equivalent of dir() in python
4155 ::
how to pass a class method as proc type param?or is there partial function in Nim ?
4154 ::
Plain ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
4153 ::
These Lemire Benchmarks are really nice
4152 ::
Default threadvar idiom
4150 ::
how to reliably search where a symbol is declared using cmd line?
4148 ::
Units of measurement and universal zero
4147 ::
please give me advise for improve speed performance
4146 ::
Executing fzf from nim
4145 ::
Some fun with GC
4144 ::
please advise: threading/GC - how make it work?
4143 ::
Suggestion - link the nimble package directory on the main page menu?
4140 ::
Nim string "" is not converted automatically to nil C string
4137 ::
do regular expression on unicode string?
4135 ::
Supress errors
4134 ::
How do I compile an example with SQLite using db_sqlite?
4133 ::
for loop with more items
4131 ::
is space around "==" the part of syntax?
4129 ::
how to declare global variant in one proc
4128 ::
A critique of Nim
4127 ::
How to read string slices as integers performantly?
4126 ::
4125 ::
How can I generate highly-customized DSL from Nim?
4124 ::
Lessons learned/idioms
4123 ::
How do you gracefully stop the compiler?
4122 ::
nimvm echos do not appear
4120 ::
develop nim in SpaceVim
4119 ::
Is this valid Nim code or a typo?
4117 ::
Can you leave a link to download the Nim in Action book in pdf / djvu format?
4116 ::
A tutorial for cross-compiling to Windows on a Linux machine?
4115 ::
Importc by ordinal instead of name? (Windows)
4113 ::
Nim partners with Status.im
4112 ::
thoughts about uninitialized variables
4111 ::
debugging a nim python module with lldb
4110 ::
Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural
4108 ::
NEWBIE - cannot find libraries when linking
4107 ::
echo without new line or async write
4106 ::
Error converting json to types
4105 ::
strformat using a run-time defined format string
4103 ::
Next release? (re: bioconda)
4102 ::
nimpy -- how to work with numpy
4101 ::
[Suggestion] A syntactic sugar for cast.
4100 ::
--stdout question
4099 ::
How should I contribute documentation?
4098 ::
Canonical way to sort an iterator or make it into an array/list
4097 ::
Nimbus, an Ethereum 2.0 client written in Nim
4096 ::
Problem with .isNil for string inside of macro
4095 ::
Generating pascal interface
4094 ::
questions on proposal to default initializing string, seq to empty ("", @[]) instead of `nil`
4092 ::
[best practice] should `importc` procs use native argument names instead of cryptic a1, a2, a3 ?
4091 ::
should we rename git branch `devel` to `master` and `master` to `stable`?
4090 ::
Set of enums with holes
4089 ::
[best practice] we should use `check` or `require` instead of `echo` + `discard` magic in tests
4088 ::
Program crashes when more than 4GiB of RAM are allocated
4087 ::
Raspberry pi bare metal - Ultibo and Nim
4086 ::
Bug (?) when using defer in async function
4084 ::
Why is it needed to discard void return value from c function?
4083 ::
First execution after compilation takes a lot longer than following execution
4082 ::
how to send udp datagram?
4081 ::
nim.cfg: how to have conditional flags to depend on compiler version?
4080 ::
getopt() and double-quotes
4079 ::
Understanding function declaration
4078 ::
String bound check allow to access last null char?
4077 ::
How do I trace procs/things back to the module they come from?
4076 ::
Nim --os:standalone on pi start.elf or kernel.img
4075 ::
why are global variables not thread local by default?
4074 ::
Uninstall Nim and Tools
4073 ::
beginner question -- interating over an array of strings
4072 ::
Automatic Algorithms Optimization via Fast Matrix Exponentiation
4070 ::
Configuring Neovim
4069 ::
subrange and succ()
4068 ::
Globally-invoked macros
4067 ::
Exceptions don't work in function
4066 ::
Macro - whileSome: none:
4065 ::
NEWBIE - generics issue
4063 ::
nogc Exceptions
4062 ::
Compiler hangs on linking
4060 ::
string literals should not allocate; should allocate in ROM an extra `\0`
4059 ::
why are many procs annotated with "rtl, extern: "nos$1" ? is there a better way?
4058 ::
Choosing a specific overload of `==`
4053 ::
There is a problem in password reset
4052 ::
How to handle BackwardsIndex?
4051 ::
experiences with hosting nim specific web sites
4050 ::
META-discussion on concepts and memory views
4049 ::
Nim's WASM future?
4048 ::
how to get detailed compilation timing statistics (time spent in each phase, nim=>C=>.o=>binary) ?
4047 ::
Non-blocking keyboard input
4045 ::
Is the overriding method not optimized?
4044 ::
On exceptions (again)
4042 ::
quit considered evil: bypasses `defer` and `try/catch/finally` which might do important cleanups
4041 ::
does using `result` guarantee NRVO?
4039 ::
should we keep supporting macos? (as opposed to macosx)
4038 ::
Splitting Karax app into components
4037 ::
template/macro should return `void` instead of `typed` (synonym and much clearer)
4036 ::
Jester/Nim: a good way for using 3rd party javascript library from a Nim server
4035 ::
Karax: What's the best way to incapsulate component state?
4034 ::
Rewrite nim-libsodium to link against static library?
4032 ::
Why `a, b = 0` fails?
4031 ::
Macro question: checking if variable is local, global or an argument of the procdef
4030 ::
How to map object to memory address
4029 ::
Trouble using dynamic libraries in Nim
4028 ::
Jester v0.3.0 and our first CVE ID
4027 ::
Don‘t understand why '==' can have side effects
4023 ::
using async nimongo -- trying to fix a type error
4022 ::
are nim exceptions "zero cost" (on error-free execution) ? (if so, `defer` should be used more)
4021 ::
inheritance and PNode vs. PElement
4020 ::
choosenim unattended
4019 ::
how to use nimscript for nim.cfg?
4018 ::
How to pass module and function name to call in a template (or macro)?
4017 ::
Proposal for Forum Improvements
4015 ::
Rust style enums. How?
4014 ::
Clarity around nimble and nim when cross-compiling
4013 ::
Best/most updated libraries for game development
4012 ::
Use proc type to be used in macro
4011 ::
Solve cyclic dependency
4010 ::
Diferent results when compiled with c (gcc), or cpp (gcc)
4009 ::
Arduimesp: Arduino for Esp8266 wrapper
4008 ::
Introducing tissue for debugging Nim issues
4006 ::
Are there examples of the 'Elm architecture' for Nim?
4004 ::
how to forward declare a proc in module A and define it in module B?
4003 ::
Understanding the GC
4002 ::
deprecated pragma
4001 ::
How to convert Decimal/String to Binary/Octal/Hex?
4000 ::
modifications to nim.cfg not working when hacking on compiler
3999 ::
Does `nim doc` generate any RST at any stage by chance?
3997 ::
Neo and Arraymancer modules?
3996 ::
Dynamic library loading on Linux (dlopen)
3995 ::
how to escape a string to pass to a shell?
3994 ::
multifile proc declaration
3992 ::
getting started question, jester vs. karax?
3991 ::
Elegant way to convert compiletime seq into const array
3990 ::
How to run a console/terminal command?
3989 ::
turning off [XDeclaredButNotUsed] for macros
3988 ::
explain this behavior for me
3987 ::
i want to build a Wlan based chat and file transfer system in nim
3986 ::
i have some question !?
3985 ::
raw beginner json question
3983 ::
iup library on Linux problem
3981 ::
Building godot-nim for android
3980 ::
net Socket SSL Error
3979 ::
win32com solution?
3978 ::
Embedded - same70 evaluation board reading usb virtual serial com3 on win10
3972 ::
A few questions about Nim (Multimethods and Concepts)
3971 ::
the nimongo example code for mongodb client -- how does it work
3970 ::
CC Compilation stops for no apparent reason?
3968 ::
https://nim-lang.org/docs - comment indentation needs improvement
3967 ::
Launching the 2018 Nim Community Survey
3965 ::
setupForeignThreadGc() question
3964 ::
Macro: can't use parameters from a generated proc
3963 ::
How do I read os environment variables?
3962 ::
nimforum front-end
3961 ::
I do not perceive the advantages of Nim over C #
3960 ::
Embedding .dll in Nim executable
3959 ::
Naming conventions for modules?
3957 ::
Nim interpreter in Python?
3955 ::
3954 ::
State of database agnosticism?
3953 ::
checking when you are compiling to C
3952 ::
Including Nim on repl.it
3949 ::
Nimscript run task after deps installed but before nimble installs
3948 ::
which is better for one liners inline proc or template?
3947 ::
Reading through all the threads
3945 ::
nim should provide a roadmap
3944 ::
Nim SimplePNG
3943 ::
Strange results with math.sum and stats.mean
3941 ::
Default GC is slow when retained many objects to the variable
3940 ::
Field strVal cannot be found
3939 ::
Nim not obeying switches in nim.cfg or config.nims
3938 ::
Compile time file path
3937 ::
3935 ::
mutable methods and inheritance can't mix?
3933 ::
float or double iteration
3932 ::
`system module needs 'process.exit'` when targeting JS
3931 ::
2,000 times recursion calls causes stack overflow
3930 ::
Feedback wanted for the next Nim community survey
3929 ::
Support for 128 bit integers?
3928 ::
getting the fields of an object type in a macro
3926 ::
Nim and function hooking
3924 ::
How compiler decides where to put the value?
3923 ::
Nim cell magic for Jupyter and JLab Notebooks
3922 ::
Systems Languages: An Experience Report
3920 ::
runForever, waitFor, and poll shouldn’t be used within async procedures?
3919 ::
Has Nim (and nim generated C code) had Coverity static analysis done to it?
3918 ::
Nim stickers!
3917 ::
Nim beginners tutorial
3916 ::
Is there a more verbose version of the compiles macro
3915 ::
advice on direction for Jester training vid: macros vs proc templates vs string templates
3914 ::
How to cast an inherited object to base object?
3913 ::
Finding the type of returned results
3912 ::
Using results from execShellCmd
3911 ::
Thank You :)
3910 ::
Adding New OS to Nim
3909 ::
Hint pragma in NimScript
3908 ::
Nim, opengl and SDL2: texture artifacts
3907 ::
Nim field based validators
3906 ::
Nim In Action: Listing 3.17 - Reading/Writing Files async await
3905 ::
when defined
3904 ::
Awesome Nim Contributions
3903 ::
Weird compiler error in echo() with variadic expressions?
3902 ::
Is nim doc broken on dev?
3901 ::
Your experience with GoDot (and Nim)
3899 ::
Towers of Hanoi Logical error?
3898 ::
Is String Datatype in Nim Broken?
3897 ::
[Quick tip] Store your "nimcache" folders in temp directory.
3896 ::
How to define shared sequence correctly?
3893 ::
Nth element in an array
3892 ::
Delete item from Table - modification during iteration
3891 ::
Concurrency Model
3890 ::
Would it be possible to have a string variable passed to strformat/fmt?
3889 ::
Help solving an unsolved Rosetta Code task.. probably needs BigInt?
3888 ::
Some Tactics For Increasing Nim Popularity
3887 ::
Term rewriting template for the proc definitions
3886 ::
"let" variables and "const" modifier and generated C code
3885 ::
Being logged out of the forum
3883 ::
How to approach OOP
3882 ::
VSCode and GDB?
3881 ::
Ebnf Lexer and Parser generator in nim
3880 ::
Iterators resilence in async mode
3879 ::
Do the core Nim devs want Nim to proliferate and grow?
3878 ::
A Suggestion
3877 ::
'*' export marker and macros
3875 ::
method on derived class not called - incorrect generated code?
3874 ::
Why is even intToStr needed?
3873 ::
optimizing returning a proc parameter as the result
3872 ::
seq vs array vs open array
3871 ::
copyright notice in resulting javascript code
3870 ::
When to use new for creating "ref object" objects?
3869 ::
Tuples vs Objects vs Ref Objects?
3868 ::
How to pass pointer to array as void pointer
3867 ::
Modulo operator returning wrong result?
3866 ::
Inherited object not nil
3865 ::
Iterating over TableRef
3864 ::
comparing the c ffi overhead on various programming languages
3863 ::
Does Nim have a None type like Python that can work with any other type?
3862 ::
putting image on client-side canvas (via url)
3861 ::
error using 'count' function
3860 ::
How to use letters which are not included in ASCII in codes
3859 ::
Are unittest failures sent to the stdout stream?
3858 ::
UTF-16, Terminal
3855 ::
Ask for an update
3854 ::
parallelization help
3853 ::
Set compiler working directory in nim.cfg
3852 ::
Keeping track of threads
3851 ::
Help understanding int vs int64
3850 ::
Converting C string with NULLs to Nim string
3849 ::
Feedback request on two Nim library videos
3835 ::
Strange regression in symbol binding inside a macro
3834 ::
Welcome to the new Nim programming language forum
3833 ::
Expose `awaited` flag in `FlowVarBase` just like `isReady()`
3832 ::
Unicode display
3831 ::
3830 ::
cannot countProcessor in compile time
3829 ::
Should I use Async IO for this?
3828 ::
Nim-based IoT thermostat
3827 ::
Re-compile and start the program again within the program
3818 ::
quick question about macros
3817 ::
Is there a "create" keyword?
3816 ::
--cpu:avr and standard library
3815 ::
My first Nim project and questions about Nim's ecosystem (for DevOps)
3814 ::
Why is Nim so slow in this "Completely Unscientific Benchmark"?
3812 ::
any value to a dynamiclists module to the public
3811 ::
Questions about generics/auto type
3810 ::
Binding a JavsScript object that's not part of the DOM
3809 ::
get "size" of a tuple at compile time?
3808 ::
not declared(GetTicks) in gc.nim
3807 ::
3806 ::
How to get the address of string ""
3805 ::
Lexers and parsers in nim
3804 ::
clang 6 compiling error
3803 ::
Garbage collection with --os=standalone
3802 ::
Returning types that are defined but not exported
3801 ::
which part of std. lib can work without GC?
3799 ::
volatileStore ptr T question
3798 ::
Few mixed up questions
3797 ::
Generated assembly for imported modules on MSP430
3796 ::
Installing Nim to non-standard directory
3795 ::
Total noob, statically allocated circular buffer on microcontroller question
3794 ::
Is there any problem with the code in atomic.nim for tcc?
3793 ::
Installing on Windows issues
3792 ::
Guessing the module -- works, but is there a even better way?
3791 ::
idiomatic name for object setup
3790 ::
VS Code linting broken?
3789 ::
init DateTime is very annoying because we always need to initialize the DateTime object
3788 ::
Optimizing Nim algorithm (compete with c++)
3787 ::
changing the order in which checking for functions
3786 ::
Statistics for standard library usage
3785 ::
clarification: overloading is strictly on parameter types?
3784 ::
Howto simulate C macro in Nim?
3783 ::
[RFC] Adding @ prefix (or similar) to import
3780 ::
[SOLVED] string change from 0.18.0 on?
3779 ::
3778 ::
Problems with Bounty Source: unable to make recurring donations
3777 ::
cannot call a proc without brackets
3776 ::
What is the typedesc inside the compiler?
3775 ::
Why is integer multiplication so slow here?
3774 ::
Complex vs Rational implementations in the Standard Library
3773 ::
importc and dynamic name resolution
3772 ::
Perfecting Nim
3771 ::
Nim, or gcc, problem?
3770 ::
os.moveFile: Directory not empty
3768 ::
3767 ::
Is there a way to specify byte order when reading a binary file?
3766 ::
How to add unique items to array?
3765 ::
Calling staticExec inside a function
3764 ::
terminal.nim needs (simpler) API that simply operate on strings
3763 ::
[RESOLVED] how to skip initialization of a variable? (cf void initialization)
3762 ::
Wrapping C consts in Nim
3761 ::
tests: why not use assert instead of discard+output?
3760 ::
dynamic dispatch doesn't work with non ref objects in arrays
3759 ::
Possible check if thread is turned on or off in the nim.cfg
3758 ::
nim goes wasm? gdb debug support? nlvm status update
3757 ::
How to call a macro from another macro
3756 ::
MPI library?
3755 ::
could javascript backend make use of new javascript ES6 module support?
3754 ::
PoC : convert existing C++ library (classes) to shared/static library using nim
3753 ::
Current GC Nim vs Nim 2.0 with destructors - how big a change will be?
3752 ::
Is there a way to see if a module exists at compile time?
3751 ::
How to change send timeout asyncftpclient
3750 ::
[RFC] `for index, name in Tup.fieldsIndexed` to get index at compile time of a tuple type
3749 ::
how to CT-initialize a tuple given it's type T ? const bar=T() doesn't work
3748 ::
Not Nil in a Table
3747 ::
[RFC] system.`&&?` operator to make sure program is still running
3746 ::
Error: execution of an external compiler program
3745 ::
echo(1,2) != echo (1,2) ; where is this documented?
3744 ::
[RFC] `import foo only bar` to mean `from foo import bar`
3742 ::
how to opt out of automatic import of system.nim?
3741 ::
Generic types, when, and static[...]
3740 ::
Generic types and 'when'
3738 ::
UTF8 problem ?
3732 ::
Function as object? Object as function?
3731 ::
The terminal module and reading the non-alphanumeric key presses
3730 ::
Nim linter: what checks would be most useful?
3729 ::
Help with Matrix concept
3728 ::
Can I write games with Nim for Android?
3727 ::
Can I do this in Nim?
3726 ::
could Nim benefit from upcoming C++ modules to speedup compilation times?
3725 ::
Though about identifiers in text editors.
3724 ::
fill proc that passed an empty seq failed with IndexError
3723 ::
[RFC] use `when predef.os.macosx` instead of `when defined(macosx)` ; more robust and scalable
3722 ::
how to use compiler/nimeval: execute ? getting: Error: cannot 'importc' variable at compile time
3721 ::
towards nimquery: finding symbol declarations on cmd line (query by name, type, arguments, etc)
3720 ::
best practice for writing tests: isMainModule? runnableExamples? tests/ ?
3719 ::
[RESOLVED] how to skip all the `Hint: foo [Processing]` during compilation?
3718 ::
3717 ::
How to count varargs[untyped] inside of template?
3715 ::
[RESOLVED] how to get unmodified / uninterpreted source code/AST of expression in macro?
3714 ::
How to rewrite this in Nim style?
3713 ::
Memory usage skyrocketed with nim 0.18.0 (in my async tcp service test)
3712 ::
Why macros can't find a local module?
3711 ::
atomic and ref pointer
3710 ::
module name collision across nimble packages
3709 ::
[RESOLVED] nim vs c++ Why does nim show special chars in txt?
3708 ::
How to get string representation of int inside of the macros?
3707 ::
Dynamic import of packages at macro-time
3706 ::
[resolved] SIGSEGV using lines(filename)
3705 ::
Custom pragma on type
3702 ::
vtref and vtptr vs method !!!
3701 ::
[RESOLVED] a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code
3700 ::
how to call a function by name?
3699 ::
3698 ::
How to return Unicode in shared library
3697 ::
proc(t: typedesc): var t -- expected 'None' error
3696 ::
Twinprimes generator that showcases Nim
3695 ::
cpp compilation into own namespace
3694 ::
Reflection and JSON decoding
3692 ::
Addresses of variables and endian procedures
3691 ::
Confusing behaviour with threads / channels
3690 ::
use fork() to speed up compilation testing.
3689 ::
Partial code upgrades: important or meh?
3688 ::
Odd bug with ast and strutils.
3687 ::
Protocol Buffer library for Nim
3686 ::
complex statement requires indentation
3685 ::
Need help with macro
3684 ::
Algorithms must decouple from containers
3683 ::
How to dealloc complex object correctly?
3682 ::
"real" nim package registry roadmap?
3681 ::
Problem with nested try/raise/except
3680 ::
unique index
3679 ::
Error: module names need to be unique per Nimble package;
3677 ::
Arbitrary Precision Integer Math Operators
3675 ::
Is there any way to create template with await?
3674 ::
How to (de)serialize inherited object?
3673 ::
how to read/write object from/to binary file?
3672 ::
How to call a macro from a template with a constructed identifier argument?
3671 ::
OrderedTable is not an ordered table
3670 ::
Regression: range initialization: [ProveInit] hint: Cannot prove that
3669 ::
how to get value of object's field from second thread?
3668 ::
cpuTime not in JS backend?
3667 ::
Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?
3666 ::
Introducing loop-fusion: loop over any number of sequences of any single type.
3665 ::
cross-compiling nim using android-ndk 16.1
3664 ::
generic proc not instantiated depending on calling syntax
3663 ::
Wrong copy of sequences?
3662 ::
Resolve: Error: parallel 'fields' iterator does not work for 'case' objects
3661 ::
Object variants and float: compiler seems to confuse float and float64
3660 ::
db_mysql & threads
3659 ::
Stein's (binary) GCD algorithm (iterative version)
3658 ::
Compiler won't scale (still)
3657 ::
how does '=~' regexp template work?
3656 ::
RFC #7337: Standardize processing binary data (string, array[N, uint8], seq[byte], ptr cuchar + len)
3655 ::
Compile-time type reflection API?
3654 ::
Warning: parseopt2 is deprecated
3653 ::
Problem compiling nim with gcc in linux.
3652 ::
3651 ::
Compiling nim/ui in linux
3649 ::
What can we learn from the SO 2018 Dev Survey?
3648 ::
How to turn thread spawn call into an async call
3647 ::
Nim .18.0 whitespace issue
3645 ::
Increasing Nim exposure
3644 ::
Is something like this possible?
3643 ::
Lots of problems with package-level objects
3642 ::
Structural typing hack PoC
3641 ::
Nim syntax (error) Quiz
3640 ::
Need more detailed examples with async/await
3639 ::
CoinMP bindings
3638 ::
Natural type and overloaded procs
3636 ::
fileExists and existsFile. This made my day
3635 ::
Iterator invalidation
3634 ::
Need help with async client/server
3633 ::
Nimble package structure
3632 ::
Concepts: how to check if a field exists without reading it?
3631 ::
Defining variable in nim.cfg
3630 ::
thanks for init.sh
3629 ::
what use instead of 'capitalize'?
3628 ::
Before you start !
3627 ::
Compiler crash when pointers to generics from template
3626 ::
times.now() not found?
3625 ::
Announce: SuperCollider Realtime Music-Synthesizer plugins in Nim (Proof of concept)
3624 ::
[solved] struct inheritance with same memory layout as C++
3623 ::
Physical processes modeling --- libs recommendations?
3622 ::
The Nim way to do this
3621 ::
"multiple definition" Problem
3620 ::
How to rewrite this C++ code to Nim properly
3619 ::
Default param values & type classes
3618 ::
How do I read BMP file header directly to type?
3616 ::
[user error] stdout is silent for Nim .so shared library calling back into C++ host program
3615 ::
Is it possible to run Python code from Nim?
3613 ::
compiler error in 0.18.0 ??
3610 ::
Introducing moduleinit
3609 ::
Operations with files in nimscript?
3608 ::
Resources embedding
3607 ::
Overloading Module Access Operator
3606 ::
c2nim fails for struct with function pointer containing reference argument, how to convert manually?
3604 ::
Big integer litterals
3603 ::
how to define compiler's options in .nimble file?
3602 ::
tree, recursive type
3601 ::
how to fix ambiguous call's.
3600 ::
Can we use warmer names?
3598 ::
Delaying macro expansion
3597 ::
Nim logo - What colour?
3595 ::
Need help with GUI and data visualisation (charting/plotting) in Nim
3594 ::
TLSF (Two-Level Segregate Fit) allocator.
3593 ::
Re: static macro
3592 ::
Command-line Parsing Preferences
3591 ::
Looking for efficient API for regexp library
3590 ::
Nim 0.18
3589 ::
javascript new object
3588 ::
Dragging Rectangles Over Background
3587 ::
Nim running very slowly
3586 ::
cannot open 'std/sha1'
3585 ::
Strings in List Comprehension (future module)
3584 ::
How is the compiler so clever, and how clever does it get?
3583 ::
Full nimble support for gintro package (high level GTK3 GUI) available
3582 ::
Yet another misadventure/possible bug...
3581 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) 3
3580 ::
Mysterious crash when echo'ing recursive variant object
3579 ::
another pointer question
3578 ::
Several problems with nimcr
3577 ::
Compiler crashes while compiling module with "StringValue[LEN: static[Natural]]"
3576 ::
properties fo objects
3575 ::
How to cross-compile a Nim executable for Android
3574 ::
Preventing use after free
3573 ::
need an explanation of strings/add behavior
3572 ::
How to call original procedure from overloaded?
3571 ::
Referring to an immutable object's field?
3570 ::
for loop and pairs question, explanation needed
3569 ::
Basic pointer question
3568 ::
Discussion: Nim system integration (linux)
3567 ::
Echo and UTF8
3566 ::
Inplace type declaration at the time of usage
3564 ::
Nim's status discussion
3562 ::
Possible compiler bug?
3561 ::
asyncdispatch.poll() eats cpu
3559 ::
Permission Error when trying to compile a Nim program
3557 ::
Optimizing file I/O
3556 ::
color text output in nimble
3555 ::
Getting a NimSym from an nkIdent?
3554 ::
3553 ::
Fatal compilation error on Windows
3552 ::
Has anyone else been bitten by this?
3550 ::
Strings and C.
3549 ::
Socket file descriptor leaks?
3548 ::
Get location of nimcache folder at compile time
3547 ::
Import module by name / absolute path
3546 ::
shorthand for literal type annotations?
3545 ::
nimble question
3544 ::
The experience of using nim as js language
3543 ::
Is there a way to create a Java-style thread-local in Nim?
3542 ::
Passing operator '>' as a template argument
3541 ::
Module logging: how to create the right Logger(s) in a library?
3540 ::
How do you get an "IpAddress" from a hostname?
3539 ::
Inspecting Object Field Pragmas
3538 ::
Concerned about this bug
3537 ::
Expose objects to nimscript?
3536 ::
Multi language support in webapp
3535 ::
Is it possible to avoid default array initialization?
3534 ::
Nim Dogfooding
3527 ::
asyncdispatch and "closing server socket"
3526 ::
A few issues
3525 ::
Base Class Methods
3524 ::
Very impressed so far
3523 ::
Moving "top level" code to a proc affect initialisation of threadvar
3522 ::
{.global.} and generics
3521 ::
[RFC] List comprehension replacement and syntax
3520 ::
Is there any Textadept user here ?
3519 ::
How to make covariance ?
3518 ::
Detecting whether a module was imported or not
3517 ::
Nim interface-based DLLs
3516 ::
try , accept finally question
3515 ::
Object variants: private discrimiator for safety's sake
3514 ::
How to use WMI?
3513 ::
Can't send email via port 587 with TLS
3512 ::
Concatenate string and int
3511 ::
Error on runtime (SFML/CSFML related)
3510 ::
"U64: static[int]" as type paratmeter => "cannot generate code for: U64"
3509 ::
Best way to define proc that works on ref X, ptr X and var X
3508 ::
How to call runForever()?
3507 ::
block expression
3506 ::
A "future" LOC affects a "past" LOC!
3505 ::
The Morning Paper Haskell paper and Destructors (cross post from Reddit)
3504 ::
Making a Matrix
3503 ::
os.putEnv limited to application's scope?
3502 ::
Error: 'XXX' is not GC-safe as it accesses 'YYY' which is a global using GC'ed memory
3501 ::
[Solved] Nim bindings to a DLL?
3500 ::
Json key names encoding
3499 ::
postContent with custom header
3498 ::
Cannot instantiate `StackObj`
3497 ::
problem with template (or types)(i think)
3496 ::
VS Code integration is great
3495 ::
Borrowing ideas from Ada (2012)?
3494 ::
[Solved] PDCurses included DLL's
3493 ::
lib\pure\asyncmacro.nim(43, 27) Error: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'callback='
3492 ::
Dynamic dispatch, redefinition and UB (and star wars)
3491 ::
Issue with typedesc & type parameters
3490 ::
How to pass a int to a matrix like: Matrix[W,H:static[int]] ?
3489 ::
Windows: "import posix" => 'arpa/inet.h': No such file or directory
3488 ::
File, FileStream, and GZFileStream
3486 ::
How to generate random numbers given a certain range?
3485 ::
C's char* -> ptr char or cstring ?
3479 ::
Some questions regarding the practice of wrapping javascript libraries
3478 ::
No 'hasValue' in tables module?
3477 ::
Advice on OOP in Nim
3476 ::
importc: multiple headers?
3475 ::
Nim for Rubyists
3472 ::
[Solved]two questions about static
3471 ::
Nim Backend Support Plans? JS Backend Sample
3470 ::
Question About Nim 32/64-bits
3469 ::
Working with Objects
3468 ::
sometimes using spawn passed pointer is nil
3467 ::
Nim 1.17.2: nimble test Fails
3466 ::
Having trouble to generate nim code
3465 ::
Strange iterators
3464 ::
Having trouble wrapping foo->bar
3463 ::
array of char to string
3462 ::
Increasing Nim exposure
3461 ::
Long story short.
3460 ::
Is anyone using the libuv wrappers?
3459 ::
Introducing the nimgen family of Nim wrappers
3458 ::
Why is my destructor not called?
3457 ::
How to realise hotkeys?
3456 ::
Introducing myself
3454 ::
Sockets in Nim: I must choose between "select" and "accept"?
3453 ::
where "getIoHandler()" ?
3452 ::
slice from openarray?
3451 ::
Bug (?) with templates
3450 ::
Any tips on how I might go about narrowing down the cause of this OSX specific error?
3449 ::
Deadlock using threadpool from a forked process.
3448 ::
Getting ambiguous call on $(range) and idk why
3447 ::
Nim package for ATOM
3446 ::
Problem with default values for a generic parameter
3445 ::
Prevent accidental object copies
3444 ::
I'm getting a type mismatch despite using a type cast
3442 ::
high load nil error on my web server
3441 ::
net/Socket recv behavior
3440 ::
ASM on Windows basically dead?
3439 ::
About Nim memory management
3438 ::
Speed-up my code please
3437 ::
importc: multiple headers?
3435 ::
How do genericHead and stripGenericParams actually work?
3434 ::
owerflowChecks - how to make it work
3433 ::
Nim on Ubuntu - only old version?
3432 ::
What's the purpose of CountTable?
3431 ::
noSideEffect pragma is not doing that much
3430 ::
Internationally accessible Nim applications
3427 ::
(Documentation Request) Nim and OOP
3429 ::
3428 ::
How do you write a test with mock?
3426 ::
3425 ::
Making a RESTful JSON API
3422 ::
Wrapping BOOL WINAPI IsWindows8OrGreater(void) ...
3421 ::
Can I somehow emulate Java's System.currentTimeMillis() in Nim?
3420 ::
Passing varargs of untyped AST to a template
3419 ::
Understanding staticRead's weird behaviour
3418 ::
[solved] how do I set current directory with os.setCurrentDir(newDir: string) ?
3416 ::
Possible to have a template inside of another template?
3415 ::
Would love input / help with SIMD library proof of concept
3413 ::
Parallel processing helper procs?
3411 ::
How does a "Table" find the "hash()" proc of a type?
3410 ::
websockets server example won't compile: type mismatch:
3408 ::
Help wrapping C library in Nim using const char*
3406 ::
Dipping into javascript output
3405 ::
3404 ::
Installation of some packages don't work with Nimble
3403 ::
How to clean up native resources properly.
3402 ::
Hiring Nim Devs for Ethereum Implementation
3401 ::
Wrap C++ procedure / Parameter type float / shared library
3400 ::
Learning Nim
3399 ::
[Presentation-Python-Nim] A new option for optimizing inner loops Z. D. Smith
3398 ::
How does seq handle negative array index?
3397 ::
How to debug a compile error in a template?
3396 ::
C file location
3395 ::
Table: proc `[]`is deprecated, but "get" is not "public" !?
3394 ::
What is the entire "seq" API?
3393 ::
Highest uint64
3392 ::
experimenting with pointers and slices
3391 ::
SharedTable: missing hasKey() and len()
3390 ::
Multi-threaded reverse-proxy in jester
3389 ::
Array indexed by a subrange type
3388 ::
Nim versus Julia benchmark comparison
3387 ::
Wrap cpp class library?
3384 ::
Problems with empty arrays
3382 ::
async from dll; gc.nim SIGSEGV;
3381 ::
The a[^1] trick needs to be documented better
3380 ::
Thread vs Async for long running task
3377 ::
feedback on macro
3376 ::
Modules and circular shared types.
3375 ::
How to define a global proc pointer/value, used by threads?
3374 ::
constness of refs & ptrs
3373 ::
Do we have a RTree or R*Tree for Nim?
3372 ::
local-heap/multi-threading not working as I expect
3371 ::
Compiling with --gc:none produces unexpected prohibition
3370 ::
How to make this compile
3369 ::
Tutorials should be multi-page
3368 ::
Cannot seem to get "Identifier Mangling" to work
3367 ::
IOError when compiling from VSCode's internal terminal
3363 ::
Packed Strings, how to pack fixed length number of chars in an struct.
3362 ::
An orientation document to the "mainstream" developer
3360 ::
Pointer to generic type with unspecified generic parameter?
3359 ::
RussianAICup2017 now supports Nim!
3358 ::
Looking for a set that sorts and deduplicates
3357 ::
Unable to jsonify stringtable(s)
3356 ::
JavaScript invocation example Documentation vs. Code?
3355 ::
Copy-on-write container
3354 ::
Cannot get glfw-nim to work
3353 ::
Introducing the Karax framework
3352 ::
Can I somehow show context-specific information in an {.error.} ?
3351 ::
Can I tell Nim to NOT use *reference* for a var parameter?
3349 ::
Statement macro applied on proc
3348 ::
Is nimue4 still maintained/used by anyone?
3347 ::
Unifiing resource management like destructors and finalizers
3346 ::
Starting point for nimx
3345 ::
[Solved] Method overloading failure? (Nope, just module name conflict)
3344 ::
About recursive procedural types
3343 ::
Is there way to just dump staticRead bytes to seq.
3342 ::
Ternary operator implementation example
3341 ::
nim-lang ui not working with vcc on windows
3340 ::
The cint == int != int trap
3339 ::
Comment causing compiler to fail?
3338 ::
NimSym to docs link?
3336 ::
"timeinterval" type conversion problem
3335 ::
Is winnim still usable with nim 0.17.3?
3334 ::
CommentStmtNode --- sometimes visible, sometimes not
3331 ::
bad code generated when trying to access static: var at run time
3330 ::
redirecting in jester from outside the routes block
3329 ::
cannot import windows
3328 ::
completely new to programming
3327 ::
bytes to hex string
3326 ::
question about templates / namespaces / modules
3325 ::
How do you check the presence of an annotation?
3324 ::
atomics: Why is interlockedCompareExchange8 "safe"?
3323 ::
Help wrapping a C++ module
3322 ::
Forum Request for Enhancement: Fix the "Back Button" in Search
3321 ::
3320 ::
Do we really like the ...It templates?
3319 ::
case statement with exceptions
3318 ::
Hiding sideeffect from compiler
3317 ::
Heterogeneous object pool with Timed Eviction
3316 ::
Confusion with Generics and nim typesystem.
3315 ::
Static Library ( --app:staticlib) fails on macOS
3314 ::
Source filter indentation problem
3313 ::
Nim hashtable mapping strings to any type
3312 ::
Nimble: Refresh failed
3311 ::
compile time 'asserts'
3310 ::
Macros as variable declaration pragmas
3309 ::
equivalent of python __init__.py
3308 ::
floating point output formating
3307 ::
queues for parallel processing
3305 ::
Bitwise lowercase
3304 ::
Missing methods/properties/objects in JS Backend
3303 ::
three or more parameters to a pragma macro
3302 ::
compile time code execution problem
3301 ::
NimAWS - a noobs modest attempt at an AWS SDK
3300 ::
Help with parallelizing a loop
3299 ::
nim-ffmpeg wrapper: how to continue?
3298 ::
Has anyone tried to create *compile-time* "self-optimizing" code in Nim?
3297 ::
question on range types
3296 ::
working with pointers from C apis
3295 ::
Has anyone considered if Nim would be a good fit for a "serverless" architecture?
3294 ::
my timerpool implementation
3293 ::
How do you get thread count in Nim
3292 ::
templates with generics question
3291 ::
Challenges implementing an "actor system" in Nim (long post!)
3289 ::
Getting CommentStmt from TypeDef AST
3288 ::
Winim Excel
3287 ::
possible compiler bug with generics?
3286 ::
How do you keep your motivation on your open-source projects
3285 ::
How to get real time of parallel code
3283 ::
using if expressions
3282 ::
Nim Wiki stuff
3281 ::
Wrapping cpp type with integer parameters
3280 ::
I enjoy seeing the nimble package updates
3278 ::
Is this use of Nim locks correct?
3277 ::
real inline for inline procs or converters
3276 ::
Cannot get name of type using typedesc
3275 ::
Nim Manual: wrong link: "lock levels"
3274 ::
VS Code: Compiled Nim program "blocks" until VS Code is closed
3273 ::
request for feedback - type safe OpenGL wrapper
3272 ::
Nim discord server
3271 ::
Negative generic type matching
3270 ::
MemFiles on win32 and win64
3269 ::
testing private methods in external module
3268 ::
object problem - undeclared identifier
3266 ::
project organization question
3265 ::
procs where you forget to return a value
3264 ::
Arrays, openarrays, and sequences
3262 ::
Windows installation
3261 ::
Fastest way to count number of lines
3260 ::
What should d0m96 work on in his next Nim livestream?
3259 ::
3258 ::
Beginner question about nil access
3257 ::
Problem using "spawn"
3256 ::
What should next Araq's live stream be about?
3255 ::
Unhandled exception: key not found [KeyError]
3254 ::
What's happening with destructors?
3253 ::
what does macros.quote() do exactly?
3251 ::
Pragma for temporarily making strict identifier names?
3250 ::
Compile time table keys checking?
3249 ::
Nim "concepts": confusing?
3248 ::
The "sexp" link in the Nim Standard Library returns a "404"
3246 ::
Builtin "regions" can model lent and unique pointers
3245 ::
"the upcoming OpenCL target"
3244 ::
"Person = object" still has a type field by default?
3243 ::
[Noob] Am I doing string interpolation wrong? [SOLVED]
3242 ::
Error: expression has no address with openArray
3241 ::
Why splitWhitespace() from strutils lacks maxsplit parameter?
3240 ::
noob confusion stream of conciousness
3239 ::
Extract repetitive unstructured data
3238 ::
Pascal type to nim
3237 ::
Using this over tables?
3236 ::
generic template
3235 ::
Error: cannot instantiate: 'T'
3234 ::
How to compiles only to C
3233 ::
How to write (mostly) "architecture independent" (32/64 bits) code?
3232 ::
Formatted Backend Output?
3231 ::
How to use ropes module efficiently?
3230 ::
Ideas for calling CGAL from Nim?
3228 ::
AST match --- would it be useful?
3226 ::
range - Warning: Cannot prove that 't' is initialized.
3225 ::
String procs, when to modify in place, when to return modified string, when to return boolean result
3224 ::
General hacking in the Nim ecosystem.
3223 ::
"Cross-platform C" target for Nim?
3222 ::
Receiving strings of uncertain length over recv() | net.Socket
3221 ::
Simple logging with module filename and line number
3220 ::
problems in https://nim-lang.org/docs/nimc.html
3219 ::
how to make nimble link against libs in $HOME
3218 ::
about locks and condition variables
3217 ::
why doesn't nimble uninstall nimx remove ~/.nimble/pkgs/nimx-1.0
3216 ::
Another reason to deprecate ..<
3215 ::
Trying to write readable code, need help
3214 ::
Hacktoberfest project contributions?
3213 ::
OpenMP and Nim
3212 ::
Advent of Nim
3211 ::
Safe sdl2 wrapper library?
3210 ::
directory structure for a multi-file project?
3207 ::
How to "nimble install XXX" using a specific architecture (x86, instead of x64)?
3206 ::
what's the different between lock and reentrant lock in Nim
3205 ::
Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern
3204 ::
Automated testing of Nim programs
3202 ::
Nimx installation issue
3201 ::
Are array types that differ only in index boundaries different?
3199 ::
Code substitution with templates
3198 ::
perfomance of set/hashset operation between python and nim
3197 ::
Error: cannot instantiate: 'OrderedTable'
3196 ::
mathexpr, a math expression evaluator library in Nim
3195 ::
Date time with millisecond output?
3194 ::
Error: invalid indentation
3193 ::
lambda capture in Nim
3192 ::
Why does this not compile, and how can I fix it?
3191 ::
Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?
3190 ::
Creating x86 lib on Windows?
3189 ::
Cannot generate VM code for macro --- but yet it does?
3188 ::
Nimscript: setLen segfaults?
3185 ::
Using Plotly.js in Nim
3184 ::
Get a constant passed to a macro call
3183 ::
Macro, same parameter in typed and untyped version, and other problems
3181 ::
DSL for generating/animating SVG/GIF
3180 ::
Introducing Reel Valley
3179 ::
Untyped overloading?
3178 ::
DOM bindings
3177 ::
spacemacs / emacs nimsuggest?
3176 ::
Providing writable string buffer to a foreign C-function
3175 ::
Error: type mismatch: got (OptParser)
3174 ::
Help with operator overloading
3173 ::
Using `string` vs `seq[uint8]` for non-text data
3172 ::
How to use declared() on properties, or concepts on types?
3171 ::
Success - calling custom CUDA kernels from Nim
3170 ::
Too many global variables in a generated js-code
3169 ::
Subtle memory management error found
3168 ::
Cygwin almost perfect... Nimble.. [solved]
3166 ::
Set of enums -- some caution is needed
3165 ::
List comprehension compilation error
3164 ::
Generating custom C code - mixin doc?
3163 ::
Running setCommand in a loop
3161 ::
strange copyFile
3160 ::
Nim for a text-based game
3158 ::
Custom memory allocator and memory region
3157 ::
c2nim - Multi-character constants and structs
3156 ::
AOS and SOA library?
3155 ::
Nim-Chess4 with high level, gobject-introspection based GTK3 GUI (gintro package) is available
3154 ::
TIL more about imports
3153 ::
Can procs return multiple values?
3152 ::
Glob patterns for nim
3151 ::
Macro with head and body
3150 ::
Differences: Object variant vs static conditional fields
3149 ::
Random idea - porting python 3 stdlib to Nim.
3147 ::
Possible ways to check if template is invoked at top level
3146 ::
Killing an AsyncHttpServer
3145 ::
Compositional inheritance voodo
3144 ::
Any future for true associative arrays?
3143 ::
Nim in Action print book is 50% off today
3142 ::
Testing private functions
3141 ::
expandMacros macro bug?
3140 ::
Should/can we get explicit concepts?
3139 ::
Get base object from inherited object.
3138 ::
Disable debug for specific function
3137 ::
Convert tuple into a Object
3136 ::
ambiguous identifier in macro
3135 ::
meta programming a nice SIMD library
3134 ::
" ref object of " - when to use
3133 ::
Compile Time Evaluation of Constants From C-Header Files
3132 ::
GetType() for object type macro parameter
3131 ::
Nim - nimble, nake, confused
3130 ::
Defining an array inside a tuple
3129 ::
Question regarding the setter method/proc
3128 ::
Newbie problem with generic methods
3127 ::
Editor profiles fo Nim
3126 ::
Export docs? Submodules?
3125 ::
Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.
3124 ::
optional int parameters for a proc
3123 ::
Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)
3122 ::
parsecsv problem
3121 ::
Reason for -fno-strict-aliasing?
3120 ::
Nim documentation
3119 ::
A talk on HPC
3118 ::
Newbie question on generic instantiation
3117 ::
Using spawn and/or parallel: for parallel programming
3115 ::
What are you writing using nim? :)
3114 ::
Inputing numbers
3112 ::
Indentation causes compiler errors
3111 ::
Move semantic and manuel memory management
3110 ::
SIMD question
3109 ::
C Struct in Nim
3108 ::
Trouble with tables
3107 ::
manual object cleanup?
3105 ::
Estimation of π using Leibniz series
3104 ::
Nim in Action is now officially in print!
3101 ::
Practice code.
3100 ::
Nim newbie - question about method vs proc
3099 ::
Nimlime for Sublime Text invading python scripts
3098 ::
Nim on Android
3097 ::
These Rosetta Code examples don't compile with 0.17.0
3096 ::
Compiler internals question: TIdTable tables
3095 ::
Nim newbie request/challenge
3094 ::
Identifier constructon in macro -- no success
3093 ::
Changing chained attributes of object taken by var - Is this desired behaviour?
3092 ::
casting address of pointer functions to a type
3091 ::
Nim in Action is finally here
3090 ::
Min: a Nim-based minimalist, concatenative, functional REPL & script lang
3089 ::
Any method to set backend by configuration or nim code?
3088 ::
Rewrite of string case statements in hash map jump table
3087 ::
Why cint 32 bits?
3085 ::
Need example of awaitAny()
3084 ::
Nimgame2: could not import: SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale
3083 ::
Nim in Action book
3082 ::
Option type optimizations
3080 ::
Mandelbrot fraktal with SDL2 produces artifacts at high zoom levels
3078 ::
+ won't take two different types
3076 ::
Gdb pretty printers for nim
3075 ::
String sort and handling sequence
3074 ::
UDP socket closing after send
3073 ::
What is missing for the seq/string types to be not nil by default?
3072 ::
Nim to C transpiler* [fix: compiler]
3071 ::
Nanovg and GLFW updates and Mac support
3070 ::
No stacktrace when compiling with -d:useNimRtl
3067 ::
OOP Macro section of Nim by Example doesn't seem to work
3065 ::
SDL2 and tuples as arguments
3064 ::
What assumption can be made on pointers returned by getTypeInfo?
3063 ::
String pattern matching / regular expression libs
3062 ::
String slice performance!
3061 ::
Thoughts on imports
3060 ::
Change nim wrapper to static link
3059 ::
Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work
3058 ::
How to enforce usage from module scope / top level only?
3057 ::
nim-random not that random at all?
3056 ::
Nim image libraries
3055 ::
Allocation on heap somehow unstable - Why does this crash?
3054 ::
segfault using string from c?
3053 ::
vcc and nim vs mingw with vulkan
3052 ::
Defining procs with a template
3051 ::
How do I wrap this?
3050 ::
The Git - useful tips
3049 ::
Import from parent directories
3048 ::
In-Memory Database
3047 ::
Advance Nimble configs?
3046 ::
How do fellow new comers deal with optional parenthesis dropping?
3045 ::
Converting Nim string to c void*
3043 ::
GObject Introspection based GTK3 high level bindings with nimble support
3042 ::
[noob] enums and index
3041 ::
Multidimesional Sequences
3040 ::
Error with using concepts
3039 ::
Error with generic typeclass
3038 ::
How to transform compile time into runtime data
3037 ::
Using cstringArray and allocCstringArray
3036 ::
Nim Dynamic Libraries: exporting functions that return pointer-based types
3034 ::
Generic Pointer Question
3033 ::
Tutorials and documentation for a nim project
3032 ::
int literals and if statement
3031 ::
My first nimble package
3030 ::
Upgrading to Nim 0.17.0
3029 ::
Arraymancer - v0.4.0 (May 2018)
3028 ::
Normalized AST presentation of the proc body
3027 ::
stdin handling
3026 ::
"Warning: Cannot prove that 'result' is initialized"
3025 ::
Overloading by Return Type?
3024 ::
blake2b crypto hash
3023 ::
How to create the nim package locally
3022 ::
"Inheriting" procs with composition
3021 ::
Add Nim to The Computer Language Benchmarks Game?
3018 ::
Launching the 2017 Nim community survey
3017 ::
Howto make arbitrary macro parameters persistant (non volatile)
3016 ::
Some proc var return value confusion
3015 ::
cleaner way?
3014 ::
Isola game
3013 ::
Its a simple fix.
3012 ::
progress while binding libxl
3011 ::
diagnosing GC safety warnings
3010 ::
video about my opengl sandbox project
3009 ::
Progress Bar using stdout.write and eraseLine()
3008 ::
echo proper string in different consoles?
3007 ::
Simple neural network written in Nim
3005 ::
date and string slices
3004 ::
Using a custom object as a table's key, compiler doesn't look inside a block to find the hash() proc
3003 ::
Some short remarks
3002 ::
Nim Accessing Nested JSON Data
3001 ::
Strange problem -- array is much slower than seq
3000 ::
Linear algebra library - help wanted
2999 ::
2998 ::
Error in calling finalizers
2997 ::
Nim Koans?
2996 ::
How to implement a dynamic array
2995 ::
Nim 0.17.0: template with untyped argument resulting in undeclared identifier
2994 ::
When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?
2993 ::
How To - Proper Interfacing In Nim
2992 ::
Request for Review: simple Shared Queue impl
2991 ::
Nim in the browser: some benchmarks
2990 ::
Proc call is blocking call of finalizer
2988 ::
Do notation without parentheses
2987 ::
Comparing AST symbols
2986 ::
Tell Visual Studio Code to use JS backend?
2985 ::
How to use Visual Studio Code to configure NIM quickly
2984 ::
Proxy difficulties
2983 ::
asyncdispatch compiled with --threads:on
2982 ::
Extending objects and initialization
2981 ::
[SOLVED] Specify directory for binary
2978 ::
[SOLVED] Difficulty writing wrapper using FFI
2977 ::
package like python's pandas?
2976 ::
Low-level optimizations in Nim
2974 ::
AsyncResponse body parsed to html cannot findAll a tag
2973 ::
How to export data to C
2972 ::
Inline iterator chaining - Is manual correct?
2971 ::
[SOLVED IMPOSSIBLE] Closure iterators that yield mutable values
2970 ::
Wrapping uint32 (and int32 and float32 and more) var parameters
2969 ::
[solved] what is correct way to parse time?
2968 ::
Binary unicode operators
2966 ::
glib2 foxes TableRef
2965 ::
nimscript tasks?
2963 ::
string result from macro
2962 ::
[SOLVED] Macros AST - Refactoring deep (4-level) nested if-elif-else statement.
2961 ::
Games made in Nim
2960 ::
There was an error using the version 0.17.0 compiler
2959 ::
Version 0.17.0 released!
2958 ::
Generic array size in proc return type
2957 ::
Can't install nim on Win 8.1
2956 ::
Surprising floating point equality
2955 ::
Can't use proc from other module (written by myself)
2954 ::
Reproducible builds (stop mentioning nimble install)
2953 ::
NIM compiler looses track of sub-processes on Linux
2952 ::
Nim's Easy Serialization Macro - new version available
2951 ::
Compile error when wrapper type(...) with template
2950 ::
newbie: simulating setTimeout
2949 ::
strutils.parseEnum is slow.
2948 ::
Trouble running nimble update
2947 ::
asynchttpserver non-critical error
2946 ::
HELP!! Mentioning Nim is resulting in the drain of all my karma at Hacker News.
2945 ::
problem of using replace string
2944 ::
choosenim - the Nim toolchain installer/multiplexer
2943 ::
pointer to array?
2942 ::
when will [] ambiguous be solved?
2940 ::
Problem installing c2nim
2939 ::
Writing Ruby-C extensions in Nim
2936 ::
Concept syntax revision proposal
2935 ::
vcc didn't run the second spawn, any idea?
2934 ::
Nim added to the CSV Game benchmark
2933 ::
Blog post about Nim performance tuning
2932 ::
float64 hash
2930 ::
Can concepts/generics do type tags without affecting binary representation of the type?
2929 ::
Usage of generic tuples
2928 ::
New here. can't seem to get the installer to work.
2927 ::
[Solved] Python3 extension help needed
2926 ::
Announcing Karax -- Single page applications for Nim
2925 ::
Fastest way to pack CSV file
2923 ::
Checking in macro if proc has side effects or not
2922 ::
Need a push on investigation of compiler issue
2921 ::
Flag -fno-strict-aliasing
2920 ::
[Solved] How do I debug the Nim compiler?
2919 ::
New website released!
2918 ::
Can var proc parameters be faster than function results?
2917 ::
Creating a new seq is not that fast
2916 ::
book delayed again
2915 ::
Problems with unregistering from global async PDispatcher
2914 ::
Is it possible to use pragma {.async.} on a generic proc?
2912 ::
Problems with importing module that imports 'tables'
2911 ::
Exception Hierarchy Docs
2910 ::
Wrong indentation in IF expr
2909 ::
ref object or object with ref field
2908 ::
Closure iterators seems to be broken or I am missing something?
2907 ::
Storing heterogeneous closures[T, U] in a Seq of Nodes
2906 ::
vtref/vtptr vs method
2905 ::
[Solved] How to properly bind a function to a compiler buildin?
2904 ::
Alternative for {.immediate.}
2903 ::
Why? "Warning: a [b] will be parsed as command syntax; spacing is deprecated"
2902 ::
Base type for all procedure pointers
2901 ::
How check if expression has a type without triggering compilation failure
2900 ::
why is nim install weird?
2899 ::
How get a type of what used to be an untyped NimNode in macro
2898 ::
R extensions and Nim
2896 ::
Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures
2895 ::
Procedure which returns procedure
2894 ::
Introducing Nimoy: A minimal experimental actor library
2893 ::
getTotalMem reports huge memory total
2892 ::
Alternative comment syntax
2891 ::
Help in compiling nim on android termux
2890 ::
nim source code auto formatter / prettifier
2889 ::
Inject the whole tuple into expression
2888 ::
pas2nim improved
2887 ::
How to create, destroy, and recreate threads
2886 ::
FRAG - Framework for Rather Awesome Games
2885 ::
nim wrapper for bearlibterminal
2884 ::
Problem with the generic of sequence.
2883 ::
cannot assign result of a template with block argument unless surrounded by a block expression
2882 ::
Why does loadLib affect some other thread in this case?
2880 ::
New bie: tuple of fixed length arrays
2879 ::
[SOLVED] listDirs in nimscript
2878 ::
Tut Part2 Object variants confusion
2877 ::
Ampersand rendering glitch in tutorial
2876 ::
Times module for JavaScript backend questions
2875 ::
Macro with runtime arguments
2874 ::
I compiled libui.dll file is not successful
2873 ::
Thread-local persistence
2872 ::
concat(seqs: varargs[seq[T]]) doesn't compile when T is seq[int]
2871 ::
Image variable, how?
2870 ::
Tutorial 'Slices' section ^ operator confusion
2867 ::
PolyConf Call for Proposals
2866 ::
2862 ::
Nim can be Haskell :-)
2860 ::
What can be passed between threads
2857 ::
Writing an extensible compile time mapping from macros.NimSym to string
2856 ::
Chaining inline iterators
2855 ::
Google Summer of Code
2854 ::
How to use closureScope to be used in thread?
2853 ::
GObject Introspection based GTK3 wrappers
2852 ::
Immutable sequence
2849 ::
infix op using a word as ident?
2848 ::
Reusing parts of the AST in macros
2847 ::
Making a tuple of procvars is weird
2846 ::
algorithm.sort() seems broken
2844 ::
How not to use methods
2843 ::
Method does not work, implicit generic?
2842 ::
Composition: how to track sub-type objects?
2841 ::
The Linux Game Jam 2017 - itch.io
2840 ::
times.TimeInfo isn't getting initialized?
2839 ::
defining something with surrounding context
2838 ::
Nim to the browser with WebAssembly 1.0
2837 ::
Nim module like Python multiprocessing?
2836 ::
Case insensitivity can save the day.
2835 ::
integer literal cosmetics and sign extension
2833 ::
Cannot import file that has importcpp? Solved
2832 ::
A question about importcpp and closure
2830 ::
How is my mitems iterator wrong?
2829 ::
Question about arrangement of source files with modules
2828 ::
A talk on Nim
2827 ::
7drl - Seven Day Roguelike Game Dev Competition
2826 ::
Atom/Sublime with recent versions of nimsuggest
2825 ::
Windows-Compile C library to be used with Nim
2824 ::
base64 encoding crashes
2823 ::
Plans regarding named tuples
2821 ::
How to compile only to C
2820 ::
Concepts and type-checking
2819 ::
2817 ::
high(uint) is invalid
2816 ::
nim vs perl ! what's wrong?
2814 ::
Howto: convert nim string encoding with Javascript
2813 ::
Nim status in various OS/Distro Package Managers
2812 ::
Some fun with permutations and combinations
2811 ::
Nim Syntax ''Skins''
2810 ::
Can't get generic parameters of ref object in macro
2809 ::
Why `..` does not work for countdown
2808 ::
Function v. Writing operations
2807 ::
Nuklear Immediate Mode GUI Bindings (link in post)
2806 ::
Documentation for structures created with macros
2805 ::
Crypto Stuff
2803 ::
File, FileDescriptor, Handle, Windows
2802 ::
Going to nim forum from Nim Home Page is redirecting back to home.
2800 ::
How to be more concise in code [NEWBIE]
2799 ::
Dynamic Types
2798 ::
Should nim runtime catch signals like SIGFPE and raise an exception by default?
2797 ::
FFI to C, what is the equivalent to const u8 *
2796 ::
Nimble can't upgrade on osx
2795 ::
Nim core developer wanted
2794 ::
Outside of the permitted namespace
2793 ::
Designing a data frame API
2792 ::
any type and proc pointer!
2791 ::
Portaudio example doesn't work with threads:on
2790 ::
[RFC]: What's wrong with me or with httpclient :-)
2789 ::
Trouble with reading from stdin
2788 ::
os module problem
2787 ::
Remarks on standard library file functions (system, sysio)
2786 ::
Posix Stat Time Issues
2785 ::
Methods at compile time
2784 ::
Get module name during compilation
2783 ::
Can we use that tactic for nim ? Python 3.6 + japronto becomes the fastest webframework in the world
2781 ::
Create proc based on existence of type
2780 ::
Creating types using macros
2779 ::
Circular dependencies among modules, genDepend, dot
2778 ::
Writing Python extensions in Nim
2777 ::
[Newbie question] How to debug?
2776 ::
Problems reading .csv file when compiling in Windows
2775 ::
tcc's problem: Error: undeclared identifier: 'assert'
2774 ::
Error: parallel 'fields' iterator does not work for 'case' objects
2773 ::
Book for beginners
2772 ::
Building PDF docs on Windows takes hours?
2771 ::
Cannot install Nim using exe - downloads time out every time
2770 ::
Nim compiling using MS VS2015 (windows)
2769 ::
Zip for iterators
2768 ::
Is this a bug in the nim compiler?
2766 ::
Nim for Windows: MinGW vs TDM-GCC
2765 ::
Enum types: Commas optional?
2764 ::
db_sqlite and database pragmas
2763 ::
New in todo.txt
2762 ::
Type doc
2761 ::
[newbie question] Pointer to cstring
2760 ::
Enum and repr prints invalid data
2759 ::
Forum rules
2758 ::
Return SUM types from proc
2757 ::
Win7 installation issue
2756 ::
Error: ambiguous identifier: 'int' --use system.int or unknown.int
2755 ::
& operator to concatenate strings
2754 ::
var param vs tuple as return value
2753 ::
space after inc triggers a warning during compilation
2752 ::
How to open new console window and File, FileInfo, FileHandle
2751 ::
How to understand pragmas in Nim?
2750 ::
Why takes this code 22ns with cstring and 52ns with string?
2749 ::
unable to build PDF documentation
2748 ::
Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions
2747 ::
type mismatch assigning function pointer? gcsafeness confusion?
2746 ::
No way to run my code, idk how to force a float as an Int
2745 ::
2 question about DLL with Mingw
2743 ::
My stupid usage of cstrings
2742 ::
Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM
2741 ::
C#/Java like interfaces for Nim
2740 ::
Macros with head and body
2739 ::
register pragma
2738 ::
Exploring namespaces support in Nim
2737 ::
Minimal Nim distribution for ARM Linux
2736 ::
Cannot convert NI16 * to const wchar_t *, when interfacing with c++
2735 ::
Can't install Nim on Windows 8 32 bit.
2734 ::
nimsuggest doesn't find procedures of certain types when calling them using the method call syntax
2732 ::
InfoWorld Nim article
2731 ::
Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library
2730 ::
Nimgame 2
2729 ::
Added PR for bitops module. review appreciated.
2727 ::
seq of tuples of procs
2726 ::
Trying to verify a server's SSL certificate, having trouble
2725 ::
nre, am I using it wrongly?
2724 ::
Why aren't uin64 and usize ordinal types?
2723 ::
forum route crash with spills error
2721 ::
Mutability of loop variables
2720 ::
Problems making a library and importing it
2719 ::
template/generic instantiation from here
2717 ::
How could we make code readability better on third-party plateforms? (Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/etc.)
2716 ::
New library for random variables
2715 ::
Nim VFS (virtual file system)
2714 ::
collections.nim and reactor.nim v0.3.0 released
2713 ::
What is picknim?
2712 ::
Nim Podcast
2711 ::
Meaning of let msg = %* {"message": "Hello World"} ?
2710 ::
[Solved ]Compile time test for objects
2709 ::
Error: ordinal type expected
2708 ::
create code in static blocks?
2707 ::
Installation on 64-bit Windows
2706 ::
What do you think about Redox and Electron?
2705 ::
Code snippet of the month (py2nim)
2704 ::
Weird error when trying to install sdl2 with nimble
2703 ::
Overloading indexing operator for string type
2702 ::
is importing all symbols recommended
2701 ::
Surprises with Generics
2700 ::
Maybe a bug about built-in string to cstring converter
2699 ::
Seq with custom fields
2698 ::
Why do custom types need to be reference counted objects for dynamic dispatch to work.
2696 ::
How to compile a shared library for JNI?
2695 ::
Proper xxHash support?
2694 ::
better example code for tutorial partI Iterators
2693 ::
Installation instructions on the website
2692 ::
Macros and imports
2691 ::
(string + string) and (string * int)
2689 ::
How to check the backend at compile time?
2688 ::
Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?
2687 ::
Incredible Nim vs lame rust censorship
2686 ::
Nim Wrapper for ArrayFire
2681 ::
Calling C compiler builtins -- it is fast!
2680 ::
lib\wrappers\\pdcurses.nim(43, 10) error : cannot open windows
2679 ::
Chocolatey Package for Nim?
2678 ::
Help With Nim Static Libs on Windows
2677 ::
Nim with gcc 5.4 SIMD auto-vectorization
2676 ::
Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X
2675 ::
Please , can we stop spams?
2671 ::
Question about using the "new" built in
2668 ::
How to embed a header file into a .nim file
2667 ::
Fun with rdtsc() microbenchmarks
2666 ::
unescape \n \r etc in string
2665 ::
Return values question
2660 ::
Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?
2659 ::
texts on nim's language design
2658 ::
App compiling option
2657 ::
Thin C wrappers.
2656 ::
Performance Comparison to C in Nested Loops
2655 ::
2654 ::
Using concepts for generic structures
2653 ::
Error: illegal capture 'a' -- I have no idea what that means
2652 ::
Cross compile to OS X
2651 ::
Constructors via typedesc[] arguments
2650 ::
Subrange field not initialized
2649 ::
passing references
2648 ::
Best way to represent pixel data in Nim
2647 ::
Using Nimscript as an embedded scripting language?
2646 ::
Nim GC Performance
2644 ::
Is it me or should this work?
2643 ::
Error during centos install
2642 ::
Strange problems with --os:standalone --gc:stack
2641 ::
InfluxDB-to-MySQL Protocol Converter
2640 ::
Nim Modbus library
2639 ::
Same line versus single-line block in the AST
2638 ::
Problems trying to wrap a single header file library
2637 ::
AsyncFile stdin
2636 ::
Bitwise operation problems.
2635 ::
Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C
2634 ::
Question about the interaction of Concepts, Generic types, and typedesc
2633 ::
Exact dependencies to build Nim
2632 ::
Modeling probability distributions
2631 ::
Nim in Action is going into production!
2630 ::
Converting a nim string to a ptr GlChar
2629 ::
2628 ::
"Error: expression has no address" issue with an array type
2627 ::
templates generated from an enum?
2626 ::
Best way to convert sequence of bytes to uint32
2625 ::
downloadFile in threaded proc: defaultSSLContext GC safe
2624 ::
Are large projects slow to recompile?
2623 ::
How to iterate through a file using readLine()
2622 ::
Strange compiler bug when import critibits and nre
2621 ::
Httpclient Extra Headers Error
2620 ::
messaging - or communicating between GUI's
2619 ::
script of the day, to work with multiple nim packages
2617 ::
Any ideas for the "Port already in Use" nimsuggest socket error?
2616 ::
Why is cint 32 bits?
2615 ::
Regression in array accessor.
2614 ::
2613 ::
2612 ::
Easy way to decompose AST
2611 ::
Fun with deduplicate
2610 ::
Access procedure arguments from a macro when the procedure is called
2609 ::
WINAPI Select Folder
2608 ::
Alternative to ugly generic class methods?
2607 ::
GC problem that should be caught by the compiler?
2606 ::
Scope gates
2604 ::
cross app event posting
2603 ::
GC-Unsafe code at httpclient.nim
2602 ::
Understanding dynamic binding behavior in static blocks
2601 ::
Can I modify the AST of existing definitions?
2600 ::
Compile time calculated/dependend types
2599 ::
The file compiler_testability.c doesn't exist while compile Nim fro sources
2598 ::
typed values from c pointer
2597 ::
Compilation breaks without showing an error
2596 ::
How to use attatchment effectively in jester?
2594 ::
crashing closure iterator for file/directory searching object
2593 ::
Unable to compile with latest nim version
2592 ::
Generic openarray param
2591 ::
macro problem
2590 ::
nimble Cannot build jsbind on my Windows system
2589 ::
for x in dbx.exec(sql_query): gives compiler error with Sqlite database module
2588 ::
"httpclient" why not use multiple threads?
2587 ::
What is "Metaprogramming" paradigm is used for?
2585 ::
Macro: enumerate exported functions from a module
2584 ::
HomeBrew + Nim Tools (nimble, nimsuggest)
2583 ::
Markdown parser
2581 ::
2580 ::
Code page 65001
2579 ::
sha256 on files - different hashes
2578 ::
pow and `^` and soon (?) `**`?
2577 ::
A more user-friendly spawn()?
2576 ::
Is there anyway to change the NimNode(stmt) to string?not the ast format
2575 ::
Seq resizing
2574 ::
problem when use lua bind
2573 ::
strutils.toLower deprecation?
2572 ::
BASS lib
2571 ::
Performance of fastRows at module db_sqlite
2570 ::
netwatch 1.0.0 - network monitor written in nim
2569 ::
pointer arithmetic example?
2568 ::
c2nim: typdef
2567 ::
Wrapping LSODA C library
2566 ::
How to parse html wild?
2565 ::
C Invocation in Nim
2563 ::
Nim code to Remove Accented Letters
2562 ::
Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available
2561 ::
Flow Based Programming in Nim
2560 ::
NimYAML 0.7.0 released
2559 ::
Is Nim better than C?
2558 ::
Version 0.15 released!
2557 ::
Fast branchless sign() function
2556 ::
General Performance tips?
2555 ::
Connecting Nim with Python
2553 ::
How do you install the gtk 3 development libraries and toolchain on Windows 64bit?
2552 ::
Shift operation for array elements
2551 ::
Stream data type
2550 ::
2548 ::
about nimscript
2547 ::
re/nre performance issues
2546 ::
Document Challenge #2
2545 ::
passing stuff as generic parameters, and it's limits.
2544 ::
Any new roadmap for 1.0 coming?
2543 ::
[Solved] Simple Python extension in Nim?
2541 ::
What does "direct hardware access" in Nim mean?
2540 ::
Document Challenge #1
2539 ::
SQlite FTS - fts3 [DbError]
2538 ::
[Closed] Unable to parse JSON Payload
2536 ::
SOLVED : Where can I obtain a copy of the liblz4.dll for Windows?
2534 ::
Run tests
2532 ::
Fast coding for nim (Full vim cfg)
2531 ::
Check For A Symbol
2529 ::
Getting captures from PEGS match
2528 ::
Collaborative Documentation discussion and updates
2527 ::
Nim running Lua calling Nim
2526 ::
Is this a compiler bug?
2525 ::
Windows built version of Nim producing casting errors
2524 ::
Parallel loop iterator
2523 ::
Generating a const by a proc -- unexpected result
2521 ::
diagnose deepcopy issues
2520 ::
C invocation example does not work in 32bit
2519 ::
Can i use 64bit nim compile 32bit program?
2518 ::
Different naming schemes for buffers in I/O
2517 ::
Methods at the compile time: Does it work as intended?
2516 ::
Recreating threads?
2515 ::
What are "memory regions"
2513 ::
Nim Documentation - a GitBook version
2512 ::
Results of our community survey
2511 ::
nlvm status update
2510 ::
asyncftpclient: retrFile function can't use?
2509 ::
New feature in nimx
2508 ::
httpclient.nim and twice set-cookie
2507 ::
How to change the buffer malloc from c code?
2506 ::
How to keep an authorized connection session?
2505 ::
libcurl any example
2503 ::
programming ligatures
2502 ::
Fiber implementation
2500 ::
Global defer statement?
2498 ::
async I/O API: why strings?
2497 ::
User defined operator Precedence and Associativity
2496 ::
zeroMem can't use?
2494 ::
Variables alignment
2493 ::
Reflections on Nim and using it at work
2491 ::
dts2nim: A TypeScript -> Nim bridge
2490 ::
httpclient extraHeaders not working
2489 ::
Where do I learn how to program Nim without a GC?
2488 ::
asynchttpserver and big request body
2487 ::
lapack solver
2486 ::
NEd GTK3 editor is available in v 0.3 now -- with full nimsuggest support
2484 ::
Strange GC problem ?
2483 ::
naive implemnatation of KNN
2482 ::
dynamically creating a tuple
2481 ::
Documentation colour theme
2480 ::
Getting type of generic instantiation in pragma macro
2479 ::
Design by Contract in Nim
2478 ::
DEB & RPM packages
2477 ::
Exit app has error when I import db_mysql and db_odbc together
2476 ::
Output of xmltree's $() method is peculiar (yet correct)
2475 ::
Cannot load shared library when using -d:release?
2474 ::
Macro vs template: array base type change at declaration
2473 ::
Reading large files using Nim
2472 ::
Inheritance concerning events module
2471 ::
db_odbc.nim some iterator has bug.
2470 ::
how to use Natural type?
2468 ::
FastStack - dynamically resizable data structure optimized for fast iteration
2467 ::
Help with asynchronously downloading file
2466 ::
Data structures in Nim equivalent to dataframe in R
2465 ::
Can't build asyncnet example on macosx
2464 ::
The cstring type and interfacing with the backend.
2463 ::
Why can't build thread example on win?
2462 ::
What are concepts?
2461 ::
Improved Complex number string representation
2460 ::
Cannot compile httpserver2.nim
2459 ::
Generate bindings for large C++ project
2458 ::
Going to Haxe. Nim In Action book available.
2457 ::
Send data structures between threads?
2456 ::
Nim improvement process
2455 ::
nimsuggest -- how may switching source files may be expected to work
2454 ::
how do I use the {.this.} pragma?
2453 ::
Execution speed Nim vs. Python
2452 ::
Wrapping C library
2451 ::
Difficulty getting started with aporia.
2450 ::
Is nimsuggest expected to work with latest devel?
2449 ::
Cross-import error or am I doing it wrong?
2448 ::
questions about nim capabilities
2447 ::
TaintedString.parseInt problem
2446 ::
spawninig of more than 8 threads problem
2445 ::
How to obtain parameters and their types of akProc?
2442 ::
Last chance to answer the 2016 Nim Community Survey
2441 ::
Inline ASM
2439 ::
Nim how to write plug-ins to achieve dynamic loading?
2437 ::
random module not working?
2436 ::
Graph with multiple connections and different node types
2435 ::
How to annotate statements in proc for macro behavior?
2434 ::
How do I pass an operator as proc parameter?
2433 ::
Basic jupyter notebook kernel
2432 ::
python program call [email protected] different position leads to different result ?
2431 ::
How do you write a typed macro?
2430 ::
Official Nim Images for Docker
2429 ::
Best 2D game engine for nim?
2428 ::
Macro question
2427 ::
Identifier construction
2426 ::
Is it possible to import C #define constants without knowing their values?
2425 ::
Nimsuggest wrong
2424 ::
AsyncSocket delimeter
2423 ::
type equality with unused generic types
2422 ::
Go-lang like interface
2421 ::
Dynamic Object Type Fields
2420 ::
Exception not being caught?
2419 ::
get the most local symbol from `bindSym`
2417 ::
Failed to install c2nim
2416 ::
Opengl vertices
2415 ::
db_mysql return column name as well?
2414 ::
gensym pragma with names of entity passed as template parameter not working as expected
2413 ::
Convert seq into tuple
2412 ::
MS Windows Subclassing
2411 ::
Graph library
2409 ::
What's the Best Way to Start a Server, Receive Data, Stop the Server, and Return the Data?
2408 ::
Generic not nil
2407 ::
Questions about UFCS and generics
2406 ::
How crazy of an idea is it to turn nim into a sandboxed "scripting" language with macros?
2405 ::
Error creating a template
2404 ::
How to avoid rendering missing field in js objects
2403 ::
writeFile with iterator
2402 ::
How about we start trying to make nim a well funded/backed project?
2401 ::
agar wrapper
2399 ::
Will Nim in Action also be printed in colorful?
2398 ::
How to use --define:SYMBOL:VAL option?
2397 ::
StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal
2396 ::
Concept[T] design question
2395 ::
Why Nim language unlike rust and go language, the same direct compiler
2394 ::
c2nim (forked from Partial casing is foo_bar)
2393 ::
Methods in Javascript backend
2392 ::
Read the file in the proper encoding
2391 ::
Calling Nim compiled to dll from Java programs?
2390 ::
Partial casing is foo_bar
2389 ::
macro changing type of const literals not working
2388 ::
Does Nim prevent long compilation times in generic dependencies?
2387 ::
How to use different C compiler?
2386 ::
RFC: How best to provide examples for newbies
2383 ::
Error when using openGL with X11
2382 ::
Windows Subclassing
2381 ::
Python-style for…else
2380 ::
Things that are great when working in the Nim Language
2379 ::
Nim vs Scala (not holywar). Compare functions for strings
2378 ::
To optimize operation of replacement of lines in the file
2377 ::
sequence of tuples of procs help
2376 ::
--listCmd does not list link commands
2375 ::
Determining backend configuration at compile time
2374 ::
Intellij ( PhpStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, Webstorm, Clion ) platform
2373 ::
importc varargs type
2372 ::
`-` operator overloading and negative numbers of distinct type
2371 ::
zipping strings
2370 ::
2369 ::
Got (seq[string], seq[string]) but expected (seq[T], openArray[T])???
2368 ::
No SFINAE for converters
2367 ::
12+ naming rules
2365 ::
Nimble Different compiler backend for different files
2364 ::
Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...
2363 ::
2362 ::
dynamically generated variables
2361 ::
Bug in `.`?
2360 ::
[macro] Adding echo to a function
2359 ::
More control over allocations
2358 ::
Nim and COM
2357 ::
Jester: slow route affects other routes
2356 ::
template and proc with same name
2354 ::
Vindinium game starter kit
2353 ::
Go: Embedding provides automatic delegation.
2352 ::
Nim module for the game Screeps
2351 ::
Compiler colors
2350 ::
"Processing" hint
2349 ::
nimx Error: no generic parameters allowed for ref
2347 ::
Nim's paradigms
2348 ::
Split at an empty separator does not work
2346 ::
Recent development questions
2345 ::
Newest member on this forum
2344 ::
Language server protocol
2343 ::
Enum related error: duplicate case value
2342 ::
thounghs about Nim language in godot
2341 ::
Windows nim binaries freeze [solved]
2340 ::
Concepts, name resolution and polymorphic behavior
2339 ::
WARNING: The .nimble file name must match name specified inside .../.nimble/pkgs/boneGPIO-0.6.0/bone
2338 ::
Install Nim + Nimble on OS X using Homebrew
2337 ::
Nim for embedded development, a few questions
2336 ::
c2nim: linked list (noob)
2335 ::
Launching the 2016 Nim community survey
2334 ::
Rosencrantz 0.2 is out
2333 ::
[Released on Nimble] nim-chipmunk7 demos
2332 ::
Community Code of Conduct
2331 ::
What are the important features that are missing in Nim?
2330 ::
Nim is superset of C?!
2329 ::
Anonymous fields in structs - like object composition # as in C11 and Go
2328 ::
How to access segment (similar Go slice) of seq[byte]?
2327 ::
Mystic strings
2326 ::
Closures with {.cdecl.} ?
2325 ::
How to write the following C++ assignment in Nim?
2324 ::
TaintedString Question
2323 ::
Nim's tooling
2322 ::
Jester - custom 404?
2321 ::
`included from` statement to help flycheck?
2320 ::
What happened to sexp?
2318 ::
opengl vertices not rendering correctly
2317 ::
pointer/length -> seq[int8]?
2315 ::
Nimble install execution failed
2314 ::
Problem sorting seq[Tup]
2313 ::
Congrats on 0.14.2
2312 ::
Regex speed problem
2309 ::
Compiler Reading
2308 ::
Problem sorting OrderedTable of seq[Rec]
2307 ::
New version of Aporia is finally out
2306 ::
using seq for Table key
2305 ::
OS is Nim
2303 ::
nim and rust
2302 ::
trying to populate table using default values
2301 ::
Version 0.14.0 released!
2300 ::
Document breaking changes in advance
2299 ::
Error when searching for something which starts with a dash
2298 ::
Please review my tutorial code
2297 ::
2295 ::
Array of enum type needs proof of initialization
2294 ::
Nested procs, closures. Heap allocation: when?
2293 ::
Call macro from macro problem
2292 ::
is this a bug or not?
2291 ::
C wrapper problem (Windows / Linux)
2290 ::
ospaths - invalid pragma
2289 ::
Problem with 'nim -c' in parallel
2288 ::
Static var declarations
2286 ::
Help with SDL2's blitScaled
2285 ::
Shortcut Proc Declaration from ``future`` Doesn't Support varargs, seq, etc.
2284 ::
C style enum assignment in Nim
2283 ::
Diagrams in the comments
2282 ::
a problem of a novice
2281 ::
proc a(i: int): string and proc a(i: int): int in the same module
2280 ::
Stringify macro body
2278 ::
Loop variables in global scope
2277 ::
importing in subdirectories
2275 ::
A problem about the httpclient module
2274 ::
Plain GTK3/GtkSourceView Nim editor with nimsuggest
2273 ::
1.0 coming soon?
2272 ::
Interesting variable initialization in loop
2270 ::
Something that bugs me about Nim libraries
2269 ::
can't compile nil closure check
2268 ::
Global variable is destoyed after using her as pointer in the thread
2267 ::
Excuse me, Nim under what circumstances there will be a memory leak?
2265 ::
Getting reference to implementation of symbol in macro, not a copy
2264 ::
nim bootstrap fail on GCC 4.1.2
2263 ::
internationalisation / gettext module
2262 ::
Async requests
2261 ::
Will nim be as fast as c or c++?
2260 ::
The book, parseUntil(), substr() -- I am a bit confused
2259 ::
Redefine type properties
2258 ::
Some remarks to nimsuggest
2257 ::
Interesting var parameter behaviour
2256 ::
Delimited continuations
2255 ::
Unify collections
2254 ::
Slices and openarrays
2253 ::
parsing statement list expressions
2252 ::
Passing a seq to a C callback's void* argument, chaining iterators [solved]
2249 ::
Output C static function
2248 ::
SOme questions with iterators and for loops
2247 ::
Nim BountySource Salt campaign
2246 ::
nimble compile fails on ubuntu 16.04 ARM 32
2245 ::
Help with following Lazy Foo's C++ SDL2 tutorial in Nim
2244 ::
basic threading question
2243 ::
add a block to template..
2242 ::
gtk: gSignalConnect how to?
2241 ::
what does nim mean?
2240 ::
Macro usage
2239 ::
Compile errors I don't understand
2238 ::
Closures/Value capture
2236 ::
Older libc
2235 ::
C/C++ 'for' loop
2234 ::
Chapter 6 -- few bugs, no PEGs
2232 ::
obj loader for 3d formats and need a little help with matrix library
2231 ::
Chapter 5, Nimble
2230 ::
opengl module: OpenGL constants of wrong type
2228 ::
hundreds of thousands of procs [Solved]
2227 ::
Scope and templates
2226 ::
I don't understand 'var' parameters
2225 ::
cucumber implementation
2223 ::
``do notation`` support
2222 ::
Nimscript task dependency
2221 ::
Best way to iterate over bits of an array
2219 ::
counter at compile time
2217 ::
An expression/value pair printer helper
2216 ::
This cross platform gui lib look cool.
2215 ::
Create a nimble package for a c library
2214 ::
Unexpected behaviour of C++ templates with two or more arguments in conjunction with N_NIMCALL
2213 ::
Recursive constructor?
2211 ::
getType of generic object
2210 ::
Lisp interpreter in Nim (just for fun)
2209 ::
Nimble enhancements - discussion
2208 ::
How do I cast a distinct array type back to it's array type?
2207 ::
Implementing conditional extension loading for OpenGL
2206 ::
Multiple procs with same name and same signature compile fine when unused :-)
2205 ::
templates and discardable
2204 ::
trying to find a language very like nim
2202 ::
Nim history
2201 ::
Why block is not an expression
2200 ::
Embracing debugability
2199 ::
Nim Tutorial (Part I) ->varargs
2198 ::
GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
2197 ::
aggressive auto-completion in emacs
2196 ::
expanding sequences on the fly
2195 ::
SDL2 trackpad reading issue
2194 ::
Identifier name as a variable
2193 ::
Need help with documentation comprehension
2192 ::
reactor.nim 0.0.1 - an asynchronous networking library - is released
2191 ::
help with zah/nim.vim
2190 ::
'var' placement inside proc definitions versus outside
2189 ::
Help with System Wide Installation
2188 ::
disk-paged sequences
2187 ::
2186 ::
Correct encoding for windows cmd.exe
2183 ::
Random returns same results in different threads
2182 ::
Getting nim to run on OSv with os module
2180 ::
Explanation of different types of GC
2179 ::
Asynchronous docker client written by Nim-lang
2178 ::
Set operator prececedence
2177 ::
Operators with words
2176 ::
2D sequence
2175 ::
recursive function
2174 ::
Any SSL sockets example?
2173 ::
Nim 0.14 ETA?
2172 ::
Table can not use `object` as key or value
2171 ::
Mix of types in division operator '/'
2170 ::
Debug memleaks for project.
2169 ::
xmltools: first release
2168 ::
tuple can not be nil?
2167 ::
Enums with holes used for sets
2166 ::
creating particles with SDL2
2165 ::
Porting an encryption algorithm from C
2164 ::
./koch: `website`, `pdf` work; `web` errors out
2163 ::
Hello! I'm new here! Main arguments, string formats and other doubts
2162 ::
How to use LiClipse with Nim
2160 ::
Odd iterator behavior
2159 ::
Safe pointers — am I doing it right?
2158 ::
Updating github.com/nim-lang/Nim/wiki/Getting-Started
2157 ::
NimYAML approaching stable release
2156 ::
Odd compiler error given for erroneous program
2155 ::
Parsing binary data
2154 ::
ANTLR Nim - Bounty posted
2153 ::
Getting "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access" when compiling
2152 ::
Adding a set of utf8*-functions into stdlib (unicode module)
2151 ::
Is there a combining function for adding a part of string?
2150 ::
How to use COPYDATA_CB in IUP?
2149 ::
Aporia runtime error
2146 ::
Problem with generics + missing methods
2145 ::
Tuple/object address alignment
2144 ::
The IUP module tray callback function problem
2142 ::
Generating case statements with templates
2141 ::
List comprehension
2140 ::
Rosencrantz: a DSL to write web servers
2138 ::
html5 canvas
2136 ::
2135 ::
Foreign languages support in Nim
2133 ::
What exactly does sleepAsync?
2132 ::
Read float values from binary file to float array or seq.
2130 ::
[REQ] Line terminators used in echo() and writeLine()
2129 ::
Exceptions and async
2126 ::
Specifying compilation backend from source file
2125 ::
Compile time object construction oddity
2124 ::
Specifying a literal "
2123 ::
IUP cannot be used with ThreadPool at the same time
2122 ::
Serving HTTP multithreaded
2121 ::
Capturing repetitive groups
2120 ::
Use Jester At the same time multiple requests, the data received are partially lost.
2118 ::
Return type generic matching
2117 ::
Can we ask the Nim compiler to check unused templates?
2116 ::
loading a PNG
2115 ::
How to write a Windows service?
2114 ::
[RFC] Cyclic imports and symbol dependencies
2113 ::
Compilation errors with strfmt 0.8.0
2112 ::
invalid command: 'с'
2111 ::
Nim language aspects, that I don't learn to like
2110 ::
This bug made me think of Nim
2109 ::
Seems what I am doing is not gcsafe (routing combinators)
2107 ::
echo command
2106 ::
matrix array
2105 ::
Tabulation symbols not allowed
2104 ::
set up an array length at compile time
2103 ::
Whither "method"?
2102 ::
Understanding range types
2101 ::
trying to load a png image with SDL_IMAGE
2100 ::
Graphics Module with SDL2
2099 ::
Wait for certain time, without wasting cpu cycles.
2098 ::
Retrieve post value
2097 ::
Writing a test causes an error in an unrelated test
2096 ::
Some c2nim remarks
2095 ::
Generic return type?
2093 ::
Which public/private key crypto you're using?
2091 ::
How to get the machine IP address
2090 ::
mac installation instructions are broken
2089 ::
Jester resp Problem statement,The client does not receive a large amount of data resp.
2088 ::
Link Error for zip wrapper : can not find zdll.lib
2087 ::
Interest in an advanced Nim IDE based in Eclipse?
2086 ::
Can access HTML,but Jester cannot load successfully JS and css.
2085 ::
trying to make NIM work with SDL2
2084 ::
[nimble build] about srcDir problem
2083 ::
Anyone knows packages about xlsx reader and writer (do not use COM)?
2082 ::
Jester in using the default public directory static files and cannot access.
2081 ::
Functions on types
2080 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) 2
2079 ::
Choice of printf implementation?
2078 ::
Error: value of type 'proc (){.gcsafe, locks: 0.}' has to be discarded
2077 ::
Stuck trying to compile portaudio example
2076 ::
Weird problem with WNDPROC assignment
2074 ::
json problem
2073 ::
Big problems with FFI {.resolved.}
2071 ::
Synchronous threaded webserver
2070 ::
Compiler option --app:gui fails
2069 ::
Nimble failing to read package file
2068 ::
error on: newWideCString
2065 ::
Android and Android64 issues. (resolved.)
2064 ::
gtk2 dictionary
2063 ::
internal error: how to debug?
2062 ::
access command line at compile time
2061 ::
VSCode Editor Nim Extension (free Visual Studio Code Editor by Microsoft)
2060 ::
Object variants, not nil
2059 ::
utf-8 string for nim
2058 ::
gtk2 user_data
2057 ::
reverse a sequence
2056 ::
http unexpected disconnect
2055 ::
Hacking the compiler
2054 ::
break immediately
2053 ::
nimbench 0.2.0 micro benchmark framework is out on nimble
2052 ::
Problem with deepCopy and threads
2051 ::
Load nim module dynamically?
2050 ::
Proc type and var declaration syntax
2049 ::
Should link time optimization become default for the release configuration?
2048 ::
troubles with data structure size
2047 ::
How to update the official Nimrod distribution?
2046 ::
gcc 5.3 with O3, march=native and inlined procs may not work properly
2045 ::
Db_odbc module query data, in the debug and release mode, the results of the query is not the same.
2044 ::
Bad interaction between "defer" and "async" (?)
2043 ::
Typed Varargs?
2042 ::
Ardunimo - Nim on ARM using Arduino libs
2040 ::
Jester how to respond to requests in parallel
2039 ::
How to write a function that supports asynchronous?
2038 ::
importcpp problem
2037 ::
A lot of meta programming to aid OpenGL framebuffer management
2036 ::
for-loop iterator variable
2035 ::
GDB in latest x64 distribution
2033 ::
Kind Code Critique
2032 ::
tables, mget() and mgetOrPut()
2031 ::
turn off compiler messages temporarily
2030 ::
GSoC 2016
2029 ::
Expert help me see, how to run the results of asynchronous?
2028 ::
NimLime Version 1.2.0 (Bergamot) is out!
2027 ::
Iterator as argument of iterator
2026 ::
include "system/timers" allowed?
2025 ::
typed/untyped vs stmt/expr
2024 ::
"nimble refresh" problems
2023 ::
How to do callbacks?
2022 ::
how to examine template result?
2021 ::
Load stuff from a file at compile time?
2020 ::
Greedy macro parameters
2019 ::
Switching database implementations at runtime.
2018 ::
Unfortunate resolution order in generics
2017 ::
Dynamically get object fields
2016 ::
disconnect socket
2015 ::
Beginner question on multimethods
2012 ::
nimscript in nimble
2011 ::
C library versioning in wrapper packages
2010 ::
Typeclass aliases
2009 ::
countup(0) and assignment as expression?
2008 ::
nested iterator
2007 ::
Nim repls
2006 ::
Object construct
2005 ::
for loop increases executable size by 5k compared to while
2004 ::
Observables / Reactive programming in Nim
2003 ::
C++ wrapper inherit in Nim
2001 ::
Opengl vertices flickering
2000 ::
Live coding with Nim
1999 ::
char to int
1998 ::
Is IUP still supported?
1996 ::
similar language
1995 ::
[question] multi line comment guide line
1994 ::
Checking compile time flags in NimScript
1993 ::
Another one question about c2nim
1992 ::
New NimForum features
1991 ::
How to convert "typedef struct x x;" c code and double pointer form c to nim?
1990 ::
Non locale for loop iteration variables
1989 ::
Illegal recursion in type
1988 ::
Want to borrow a couple of things from D lang.
1987 ::
How to override the Windows Classic style in IUP
1986 ::
sizeof() within static context
1984 ::
Nim toy chess is available
1983 ::
A few questions about Nim
1980 ::
I love it and a question in the tutorial I
1978 ::
Nim in Action is now available!
1976 ::
nimble doesn't work for
1975 ::
Scoping question
1974 ::
Is there really no demand for fastInt datatype in Nim?
1973 ::
how to define my own DllMain
1972 ::
Compile Nim on centos 5
1971 ::
Error: illegal recursion in type
1970 ::
Loops/Do-while (Oberon Repeat Until)
1969 ::
cast vs type conversion and saveCast
1968 ::
Nim wrap c define macros
1967 ::
could not import: md5_Init
1966 ::
lib/system/gc_common.nim(134, 18) Warning: use ByteAddress instead; TAddress is deprecated
1965 ::
Import SYSTEM # for low level stuff like addr?
1964 ::
How fast is seq.add(i) ?
1963 ::
The use of the Oracle database db_odbc database retrieval is not the problem.
1962 ::
NimEdit cannot find font
1961 ::
Understanding memory safety compared to Golang
1960 ::
Natural Sorting
1959 ::
could not load: SDL2_gfx.dll
1958 ::
Parameter of typedesc type doesn't work
1957 ::
c2nim puzzle
1956 ::
Nim Meetup
1955 ::
New nim llvm genererator
1954 ::
Caller line numbers in templates?
1953 ::
Command pattern implementation
1952 ::
Version 0.13.0 released!
1951 ::
Linking static C library
1950 ::
Question about NimEdit
1949 ::
How to send SIGKILL in Nim?
1947 ::
Andrei Alexandrescu: Writing Fast Code
1946 ::
Porting MSWin to Linux
1945 ::
Convert C to Nim question
1944 ::
Unnamed C structs in Nim
1943 ::
Expressing monads using concepts
1942 ::
windows fonts
1941 ::
How do I write a go-like type-switch on typeinfo.Any?
1940 ::
Ruby to Nim?
1939 ::
template and auto
1938 ::
reverse seq mitems
1937 ::
Type parameters dependent on one another
1936 ::
FAQ: What is Nim's take on concurrency?
1935 ::
this/self keyword for objects
1933 ::
Bug in json?
1931 ::
Docopt question
1930 ::
Alias like Ruby's "<" for "= ref object of"
1929 ::
possible compiler bug
1928 ::
assignment operator for or
1927 ::
Storing ref type in void* pointer
1926 ::
TIL that Cray's Chapel language shares many of Nim's superpowers
1925 ::
nim open file, file handle always equals 3.
1924 ::
invalid pragma base?
1923 ::
crash with ssl socket
1922 ::
Backwards compatibility in Nim 0.12.0
1921 ::
nim plus webdriver?
1920 ::
qualify import for message syntax
1919 ::
dynlib os variation
1918 ::
Linear algebra library
1917 ::
Noob question about code structuring.
1915 ::
Why no OverflowError?
1914 ::
Proposal: Extra export marker `+` to force a symbol to require full qualification
1913 ::
Proposal: Rename all `getType` procs, rename modules `typeinfo` & `typetraits`
1912 ::
Nimble 0.7.0 is now out!
1911 ::
Test if bool var is set
1910 ::
How do I get the name of a type in a macro?
1909 ::
Questions about Nim syntax
1908 ::
Pass a type sometimes byval and sometimes byref?
1907 ::
Will it be (in the future) possible to use static[T] as member of structure?
1906 ::
For CocosWidget
1905 ::
GC crash?
1904 ::
SIGSEGV involving case types
1903 ::
Easy travis integration with latest nim devel
1902 ::
nimble error
1901 ::
High level wrappers, any examples available already?
1900 ::
struggling template
1899 ::
[NOOB] Executable size
1898 ::
Graphs and generics
1897 ::
Dispatching based on staticity of parameters
1896 ::
glut/opengl on windows?
1895 ::
How to quickly convert ref variant func like addr?
1894 ::
object member concept type
1893 ::
How to ensure large arrays not duplicated?
1892 ::
How to use global value when It run in func and have same value?
1891 ::
what is the "magic", and how to see it's implement
1890 ::
How do I read stderr, set by ioctl?
1889 ::
How do I get the value of a constant symbol within a macro?
1888 ::
[SOLVED] macros.sameType doesn't work on generic types.
1887 ::
Swift's out, goodbye Objective-C backend?
1886 ::
startProcess help
1885 ::
Return generic proc?
1884 ::
How do I get the NimNode of a Type
1882 ::
Error: internal error: expr(nkClosedSymChoice); unknown node kind
1881 ::
concatenation bug?
1880 ::
What does Nim offer over Haxe or Red? (not elegance)
1879 ::
reconstruct closure
1878 ::
Web based nimble search tool
1876 ::
asyncDispatch and fsmonitor
1875 ::
Odd compile error:
1873 ::
ffi and system.compiles proc
1872 ::
Can channel send a ref object ?
1871 ::
Bug in binding?
1869 ::
Error: cannot open 'kock.nim'
1868 ::
A working OpenGl shading DSL
1867 ::
Segfault using times module with threads
1866 ::
Compile simple Hello NIM program for android with the NDK
1865 ::
Segfault with channels
1864 ::
How can I get a gcsafe function?
1863 ::
Get references not copies in specific script
1862 ::
How can I let my exe have a beautful icon?
1861 ::
How to get rid of Error: 'spawn' takes a GC safe call expression with the redis client
1860 ::
support for compilable examples embedded inside source code
1859 ::
Standard opengl example doesn't work on Win 10
1858 ::
Is there any way to separate jester routes in various files ?
1857 ::
import zip package
1856 ::
Something wrong with template and varargs?
1855 ::
These code how to implement in the nim.
1854 ::
Have function instead c_memset in nim?
1853 ::
Connection pooling for db_postgres module
1852 ::
[Urgent]Can't fix this error, sequence of tuples with proc vars
1851 ::
How do you create a reference to an sequence or object?
1850 ::
How do you pick an element from a set?
1849 ::
How to use key event at nim sdl2
1848 ::
How do you pass in an array to a function without specifying length?
1847 ::
Why can't this array of tuples work?
1846 ::
How do you make multiple pragmas?
1845 ::
How do I get the system time or cpu counter in order to seed RNG?
1844 ::
How do you do a nop() in nim?
1843 ::
Is the opengl package currently broken?
1842 ::
How do you convert an int to float so that you can take math.sqrt of it?
1841 ::
How do you make child class constructor to wrap the base class one?
1840 ::
How do you make a sequence of tuples?
1839 ::
Nim compiler doesn't like asterisk after proc name, help?
1838 ::
How do I import files from another directory from within NimLime?
1837 ::
File Naming restrictions?
1836 ::
2D plotting / Graph display on a webserver
1834 ::
How to impl a lend semantics?
1833 ::
It is about streams modul. Procedure flush has different behavior in windows and Linux
1832 ::
How do I get rid of this warning? Simple code...
1831 ::
runtime versus compile-time copy semantics
1830 ::
Need help with subscript.
1829 ::
memory leak in os.getAppFilename()
1828 ::
named booleans
1827 ::
users of Async/Await
1824 ::
problem compiling with Nim 0.12.0 - redefinition of typedef ‘TNimType’
1823 ::
Pygame like library?
1821 ::
Is it possible to refer to cstring + offset
1819 ::
Install Nimble failed?
1818 ::
Compile dynlib from Nim
1817 ::
Module Introspection
1815 ::
Nim installer does not work behind corporate proxy
1814 ::
[RESOLVED] Using existing type to wrap a C++ type?
1813 ::
methods and object inheritance
1811 ::
Optional string argument to macro
1810 ::
Macro Aliases
1809 ::
Some async* questions
1808 ::
The value of nnkCommentStmt node
1806 ::
Seeking collaborators on an ECS library port
1805 ::
"out of memory" error
1804 ::
pragma emit question
1803 ::
lock level warning
1802 ::
aporia, nim how to start on windowsx32 7?
1801 ::
passing function ptr from nim to C
1800 ::
supported processor architectures for native-code compilation
1799 ::
ioctl support for nim.
1798 ::
[feature suggestion] advanced assert
1797 ::
Announcing Pymod; Request For Testing & Feedback
1796 ::
Post lenght to long error with the forum?
1795 ::
Stream writeBytes
1794 ::
Nim for linux installed on android
1793 ::
Immutable String Type Vs. Shallow/Freeze Procedure
1792 ::
Ukraine conf video?
1791 ::
How can regions model lent and unique pointers?
1790 ::
1789 ::
Concept[T] status
1788 ::
convert float64 binary to int64
1787 ::
How does one pass something by reference?
1786 ::
Windows exe hangs
1785 ::
Windows XP Quirk
1784 ::
What is the most simple way to determine duration or other info of mp3 file?
1783 ::
nim and ios
1782 ::
Name collisions
1781 ::
Performance degradation for recursive algorithms between nim-10.1 and MASTER.
1780 ::
Procedure works differently depending on parenthesis .
1779 ::
Nim vs D
1778 ::
Nimscript exec() on Windows
1777 ::
Nimscript as build tool on Windows
1776 ::
aws bindings
1775 ::
package management using npm
1774 ::
Canonical way to handle binary data
1773 ::
how to use typedesc in table?
1772 ::
[feature suggestion] compiler check for no side effects
1770 ::
Nim as multi-purpose scripting language for games (and other things) ?
1769 ::
My program was blocking socket.recv until the timeout
1768 ::
template compile string to type
1767 ::
problems with building nimsuggest
1766 ::
Concepts with Generics around Concepts
1765 ::
compiling separated x86 & x64 Dll on windows
1764 ::
Is socket.connect("", Port(8000)) right ?
1763 ::
Jerry, I'm going on a break
1762 ::
Proposal of new functions in stdlib
1761 ::
Start and stop Jester inside a proc
1760 ::
Feedback on Starting with Nim on Windows
1759 ::
Polling for socket clients
1758 ::
Is jester asynchronous?
1757 ::
Don't nim0.12 support jester?
1756 ::
Error importing net module
1755 ::
Handling entities in xmlparser
1753 ::
httpclient timeouterror
1752 ::
Help debugging memory issue
1751 ::
Nim without converting to C before compiling?
1750 ::
Help to get example LPATHBench with latest Nim
1749 ::
Custom dot operators
1747 ::
A suggestion for enums and procs
1746 ::
foldl/foldr in sequtils
1745 ::
proc returning a type seq[T]
1744 ::
math.frexp example
1743 ::
Calling Nim functions from NimScript
1742 ::
printing files names to console as a test (Unicode issue yet again)
1741 ::
Please, nimsuggest v0.12?
1740 ::
Nimscript can't run external command on osx10.10.5?
1738 ::
yet another Noob's question
1737 ::
Version 0.12.0 is out!
1736 ::
bench Mark Results - returning array of struct( kind'a tricky proc)
1735 ::
prefer ... instead of .. <
1734 ::
Nimble backend support for libraries
1733 ::
a question needed to get a proper answer
1731 ::
1730 ::
Slow strings
1729 ::
How to deactivate linking against libdl when cross compiling to AVR MCU?
1728 ::
Nim for scientific computing
1726 ::
DLL building. Abnormal termination
1725 ::
Static parameter generated in compile time
1724 ::
1723 ::
Is this -d:useNimRtl parameter useful?
1722 ::
Using the gccgo garbage collector: supported soon?
1721 ::
Freeimage could not import
1720 ::
Help for code cleanup, avoid addr and cast
1715 ::
First Nim conference in Kyiv
1714 ::
Passing hooks to fixed signature callbacks
1713 ::
Matching a type to a concept
1709 ::
Could c2nim use this technique to parse C headers?
1708 ::
Upcoming breaking changes
1707 ::
1705 ::
C wrapper var parameter problem
1704 ::
A[T] = object of T does not work
1703 ::
{.cdecl} and proc forward declaration
1702 ::
Nim Toolchain qustions
1701 ::
Strings, camel case to snake case conversion
1700 ::
The effects system
1696 ::
How to get the declared type of the field in macro?
1695 ::
nim doc2 generation fails with "cannot open '../doc/exception_hierarchy_fragment.txt'"
1694 ::
UE4 wrapper for nimlang?
1693 ::
return value from `[]` mutable?
1692 ::
spams getting serious , some control?
1690 ::
`+=` behaving strangely
1686 ::
matrix lib help needed
1685 ::
Are all refs mutable?
1684 ::
Strange strtabs behaviour
1683 ::
Passing inline iterators to templates
1682 ::
Error: 'f' cannot be passed to a procvar
1681 ::
Shallow bit for seq used as read-only bit?
1678 ::
How to access table outside of the module?
1677 ::
Reading bytes into a buffer
1676 ::
Marrying asyncdispatch/net with threadpool, aka multi-threaded async sockets
1675 ::
[feature suggestion] conditional compilation based on source code properties
1673 ::
Translate the project from C.
1672 ::
Project ideas
1671 ::
n-dimensional sequences
1670 ::
Something mind-boggling
1669 ::
[feature suggestion] enums with numbers
1668 ::
Nim destroys variables contained in pointers?
1667 ::
A small request for the next Nim release
1666 ::
Time for new nim rlease?
1665 ::
Small steps in sequtils
1664 ::
how to configure the Emacs of nim?
1663 ::
New Nim package for Atom
1660 ::
arbitrary-syntax DSL without using strings
1659 ::
Mysql_db help
1657 ::
Async Delimiter
1656 ::
Valgrind and GC
1655 ::
Nimble "update" command
1654 ::
Returing a Pointer to an Array of Arbitrary Length from C
1652 ::
How to ensure that a finalizer gets called?
1649 ::
how to configure the Emacs of the nim language???
1647 ::
mySeq.map(x => x+1) update
1646 ::
GC parameters
1642 ::
Template parameters
1641 ::
Windows shellapi ShellExecuteEx
1640 ::
New high level ODBC library for SQL Server
1639 ::
Nim's standard syntax-->Strong spaces
1638 ::
How are sequences positioned in memory?
1637 ::
A python developer looks into rust and briefly compares it nim
1636 ::
get proc into tuple
1635 ::
Will we get an official book at 1.0?
1634 ::
JVM backend
1633 ::
Compile-time case statement
1632 ::
I think official sdl2 nim lib is chaos.
1631 ::
Get local ip address
1630 ::
How to generate {.gensym.} variable in a macro for a template?
1629 ::
Nimbol: SNOBOL4 pattern construction and matching in Nim
1628 ::
importc and variant types
1627 ::
Usage of AsyncNet
1626 ::
Some template problems
1625 ::
Source code style for wrappers
1624 ::
OSCON Amsterdam, T-shirts and stickers
1623 ::
async - "illegal capture" on var parameters
1622 ::
String iteration performance.
1620 ::
Is this a bug about use "not (Key is string) " in type statement ?
1618 ::
init proc with static[int] in return type
1617 ::
Converters and varargs
1616 ::
map/mapIt (now with benchmarks)
1613 ::
Endb and compiler localDebugInfo
1612 ::
Boehm GC
1611 ::
Is this a bug about generics?
1610 ::
VM: setting object element value fails
1609 ::
1608 ::
cmdCount {.importc: "cmdCount".}: cint
1607 ::
For cycle
1605 ::
Nim mailinglist chaos - you probably got unsubscribed!
1604 ::
Is there interfaces in NIM language?
1599 ::
Getting the element type from a container
1598 ::
Suggestion about Nim backend supporting
1597 ::
Changes in channels
1596 ::
unicode support
1595 ::
TR template involving Slice
1594 ::
1593 ::
typedesc error with anonymous proc
1592 ::
setControlCHook not firing during readlineFromStdin
1591 ::
Internal hyperlinks in code documentation
1588 ::
Token stringification, Token concatenation and offsetof() form C
1585 ::
Using ``debug: static[bool]`` generates ``Error: illformed AST: ()``
1584 ::
Concepts, effects, tags, macros and compile-time dimension checking
1583 ::
JavaScript objects
1582 ::
openarray syntax improvement suggestion
1581 ::
Sieve of Erastosthenes, Benchmarks
1580 ::
File iteration slow
1579 ::
when debug:
1576 ::
Sieve of Erastosthenes, Segmentation fault
1575 ::
ptr, array, openarray and the heap
1574 ::
NimForum and the mailing list
1572 ::
Sharing memory between threads
1571 ::
Forward declaration and nested functions
1570 ::
Nimble publish is ready
1569 ::
Why does lexbase close the stream?
1568 ::
Error: 'object' is not a concrete type.
1566 ::
Ludum Dare
1564 ::
1563 ::
Nimble pass flags to nim.cfg
1562 ::
Can't check range when I use hex
1561 ::
Ambiguous proc call
1560 ::
Calling proc by address
1559 ::
Extract API consts
1558 ::
Closed channels
1557 ::
Error: implementation of 'data' expected in type?
1551 ::
Asyncnet example
1550 ::
Problem with static[T]
1549 ::
Actual type of a captured environment
1548 ::
Good "introduction to Nim" video presentations?
1547 ::
resolved: insert the params in OpenGL wrapper
1546 ::
not nil
1545 ::
[bug] error: redeclaration of 'result_115076' with no linkage
1544 ::
1543 ::
[feature request] Make global assignment by reference
1542 ::
Howl now has Nim support!
1541 ::
Error invalid module name: nim_1.1.1
1540 ::
Upload file via http
1539 ::
Need advice in program optimization
1537 ::
^ not working as expected
1536 ::
Weekly email
1535 ::
Error: expression has no address
1533 ::
Seq comprehension for generic type
1532 ::
A framework for generating libraries and an API for exposing metadata
1531 ::
Mini tutorial: Windows Win32 (and Cairo) app with Nim
1530 ::
Evolution of Nimble
1529 ::
1528 ::
Cleaning up objects and finalizers
1527 ::
Compiling to C++ lambdas
1526 ::
Build Aporia Failed on Windows XP
1523 ::
Bug in my GTK3 wrapper
1522 ::
Multiple configurations in Nimble
1521 ::
About Nim
1520 ::
About the async server
1515 ::
Best way for function aliases
1514 ::
Wordnet parser
1513 ::
Check type inside macro
1512 ::
Issue with macro code generation
1510 ::
I've put together some macros to work with Python's cffi, if anyone is interested
1509 ::
help understanding closure oddness
1508 ::
How to debug nim code?
1507 ::
Question about indentation of conditions
1505 ::
[RFC] String Procedures: In-Place vs Copying
1504 ::
Another company is looking into Nim!
1503 ::
Challenge : Build an indexer and search engine for JSON Docs using nimlang
1502 ::
Nim support for Notepad ++
1501 ::
How can I get columns by name from db_mysql?
1500 ::
Regex newb crash. Help needed.
1498 ::
[solved] Macro wrapping procs with return types?
1497 ::
How to get the last error from db_mysql?
1491 ::
SIGSEV calling a nim lib from python
1490 ::
Creating an AST for a Markup Language
1489 ::
Accessing seq pointer
1488 ::
Passing a closure as a callback to C
1487 ::
instanceof operator (runtime type info)
1486 ::
Get return type of a function in a macro.
1485 ::
Migrating from XL2 -> Nim
1484 ::
Lack of tuple unpacking is driving me nuts
1483 ::
Implicit procedure arguments
1482 ::
Nim is now in Debian.
1481 ::
A doubt on Selectors
1480 ::
This one runs on NIM! Warning, robot inside.
1479 ::
How to get access to object's type info at compile time
1478 ::
const vs let in injected vs provided code bodies
1477 ::
tables mget
1475 ::
Please make site background color lighter
1474 ::
Math library missing absolute value?
1473 ::
A better memory model?
1472 ::
Taking a clone / deepCopy
1471 ::
[Performance improvement] seq remove() and insert()
1470 ::
Question on Streams
1469 ::
Storing a concept inside an object
1467 ::
Inference of static[int] in sequences
1466 ::
Is memset in the standard lib
1465 ::
Issue with Nimble dependency
1464 ::
What about lib/wrappers?
1463 ::
Setting visibility in macros
1462 ::
[SOLVED] What's wrong with instantiationInfo
1461 ::
builtin set of int
1460 ::
Better compiler error messages about immutable types
1459 ::
Compilation question
1458 ::
array var parameter
1457 ::
mySeq.map(x => x+1)
1456 ::
Python to Nim compiler
1454 ::
Help for start to test Nim ...
1453 ::
Nim at OSCON 2015
1452 ::
Evaluate macro stmt at compile time
1451 ::
Generic lambdas
1449 ::
I have donwloaded Nim and try aporia but ...
1448 ::
"#define"ed symbol at compile time
1447 ::
[solved]SSL runtime error in release build only
1446 ::
Compiler error when using static[int] ?
1445 ::
Questions about threadpool
1444 ::
LD_PRELOADable module
1443 ::
Implementing a flexible serialization interface
1442 ::
undeclared identifier: 'TThread'
1441 ::
1440 ::
Call function with tuple
1439 ::
Does Nim support self-modifying code?
1438 ::
Have these module at seq and string types?
1437 ::
[SOLVED] Macro's parameters
1436 ::
seq.delete() is strange
1435 ::
Get Exception Types as String
1434 ::
conversion for storage in mem files
1433 ::
[solved]Json/Marshal encoding troubles
1432 ::
babel & nimbel in WinXP error
1429 ::
noInit pragma
1426 ::
Questions about iterators
1425 ::
Introducting Einheit, a New Unit Test Module!
1424 ::
marshal module help?
1422 ::
procs for stack and heap objects
1421 ::
asyncnet deadlocks on a single core cpu
1420 ::
Time for Nim-Powered Captchas?
1417 ::
[Question] How to borrow procs
1415 ::
quickest way to take set difference of two sequences?
1414 ::
Macros: getting info from the compiler
1413 ::
httpclient: what is headers format for getContent?
1412 ::
References of tuples?
1411 ::
[SOLVED] Macros for enums
1410 ::
Noob question - pointers and dereferencing
1409 ::
Patty - A pattern matching library
1406 ::
ZeroMQ vs MPI
1405 ::
How stable is Nim now?
1404 ::
Can a warning be promoted to error to prevent compilation?
1403 ::
Hidden generics
1402 ::
Planning to develop Async Driver for RethinkDB
1401 ::
unittest in Standard Library Documentation
1400 ::
Nim Software with plugin and scripting support?
1399 ::
Why does 'nim check' have more bugs than 'nim c'
1398 ::
Seeking mentorship for small solo project
1396 ::
Way to expand Nim code after template/macro expansion
1394 ::
Warning: method has lock level <unknown>, but another method has 0 [LockLevel]
1392 ::
Any chance there will be a wasm backend?
1391 ::
reversed proc
1390 ::
getFileSize and rawFileSize (sysio) have different upper limits
1389 ::
Error asyncdispatch
1388 ::
Why are those types defined?
1387 ::
Issue with marshal module
1386 ::
1385 ::
1383 ::
`nim i`has errors, but the buildbot passed.
1382 ::
noob: json to object conversion
1381 ::
Noob question - adding to seq in objects
1380 ::
SOLVED: Noob question - complex type method chaining
1379 ::
Error: undeclared identifier: NewException
1378 ::
Nim program helping with de-duplicating (MySQL) backups using LVM snapshot
1377 ::
Zen for NIM?
1376 ::
How is Nimrod 1.0 coming up? Rust will be at 1.2 in 6 weeks or so.
1375 ::
Feature Request
1373 ::
Surprising generics behavior
1372 ::
Compilation Speed
1371 ::
SOLVED: Noob question - strings, conversions to strings and macros
1369 ::
What kind of async nim have? is there coroutine support?
1368 ::
[SOLVED] What am i doing wrong? (unicode library)
1367 ::
SOLVED: Noob question - redefinition of variable outside of enum type
1366 ::
Request nim as a HackerRank language
1364 ::
Tips on speeding up variable assignments?
1363 ::
Problem with const and unsigned int conversion
1362 ::
1361 ::
SOLVED: The result of `repr` is not expected.
1360 ::
SOLVED: times.nim is buggy?
1359 ::
Where's windows.nim?
1358 ::
How to switch of color in nim (devel)?
1357 ::
Build executable for Android with NDK
1356 ::
ByteSeq to string ?
1355 ::
1354 ::
SOLVED: noob question about ftpclient and asyncftpclient
1353 ::
BUG with sprintf?
1352 ::
Semantic peculiarities
1350 ::
seq memory layout / memory bookkeeping
1349 ::
Nimble 0.6.2 is now out!
1348 ::
Using ffi with lodepng
1347 ::
Apply a macro with pragma
1346 ::
IUP getParam
1345 ::
Nim in Finance
1343 ::
My first macro (memoize)
1342 ::
Array ptr dereference, unexpected behavior
1338 ::
Console.log in js
1337 ::
1336 ::
Distributing an SDL2/Nim OSX application
1335 ::
Concept for overloaded functions ?
1334 ::
Enable/disable blocks of code at compile time
1333 ::
Changes in sequtils
1331 ::
Nimrod means "rebel"
1328 ::
Serving a file using asynchttpserver
1327 ::
enum type with keywords
1326 ::
Docs for the options module
1325 ::
Are => and -> going to be out of the future module by 1.0?
1324 ::
macro with named varargs parameter possible?
1323 ::
1322 ::
2D graphical applications in Nim
1321 ::
nim-csfml missing dll
1320 ::
simple state machine in Nim
1319 ::
Generate code at runtime
1317 ::
Cross compiling Error
1316 ::
1315 ::
YUM repositories for devel branch
1314 ::
Bug in asyncnet module ?
1313 ::
Allowing nil for a distinct type?
1312 ::
Library for linear algebra
1311 ::
Nim vs Go SDL2 examples
1309 ::
import table objects does not work
1308 ::
Test for the existence of a variable
1307 ::
Memory problem with HashSet?
1306 ::
Work around for lambda lifting error?
1305 ::
Compile-time string obfuscation
1304 ::
Compile time vs run time
1303 ::
IsMainModule and import
1302 ::
Nimble bug when installing on Windows
1301 ::
1300 ::
Template / Macro to split their parameters to multiple parameters of another proc call
1299 ::
Idea: snakemake workflow engine in Nim
1298 ::
Why doesn't system.nim use ``not nil`` annotations?
1297 ::
Shoes like DSL for Nim
1296 ::
Yet another bignum wrapper
1295 ::
Stuck. How to get smart auto-complete working in SublimeText or Aporia?
1294 ::
Chaining converters automatically?
1293 ::
First example of rewrite rule
1292 ::
Cleanup - trailing spaces
1291 ::
Opt out of system.$
1290 ::
Too many arguments to function call
1289 ::
final object proc overloading possible?
1288 ::
nimble update 404
1287 ::
Overloading subscript operator
1286 ::
Nim on MIPS
1285 ::
You bought me!
1284 ::
Destructors not called
1283 ::
Which solution is the most idiomatic?
1279 ::
Nim screencast on Tuesday hosted by O'Reilly
1278 ::
Go channels, goroutines and GC available in Nim
1277 ::
Read file at compile time
1276 ::
Global variables, .gcsafe. and .thread.
1275 ::
Lazy, an iterator library
1274 ::
What's a good way to display notifications in the system tray using Nim?
1273 ::
pairs with iterators
1272 ::
1271 ::
Nim and dependency injection
1269 ::
A change of perspective for nimble?
1268 ::
Invoking BLAS functions (unexpected slowness)
1266 ::
Dump/debug variable?
1265 ::
Get information about AsyncSocket clients?
1264 ::
Nim cross compiling (BBB)
1263 ::
Sockets example?
1262 ::
Special treatment for array type
1261 ::
critbit vs. sets module -- different results?
1260 ::
Pass compiler options to file compiled with the compile pragma
1259 ::
Bindings for Oculus Rift
1258 ::
Working around the lack of array covariance
1257 ::
Intermediate code for templates
1256 ::
How source releases prepared
1255 ::
Lint tool?
1254 ::
I want an event loop in my app
1253 ::
OpenBD (Web server) commandline bridge in Nim
1251 ::
Bootstrapping Nim on Microsoft
1248 ::
Allocation of return value
1247 ::
shared library limitations?
1246 ::
What can Nim learn from Crystal
1245 ::
Markdown for the forum
1244 ::
Binary heap / priority queue implementation
1243 ::
Suggestion: Filter join and leave events from irc logs
1242 ::
Parser bug?
1241 ::
Strange bug with arrays of complex numbers
1240 ::
Nimborg / Firebird connection
1239 ::
Optimizing division to masking bits
1237 ::
httpclient headers problem
1236 ::
Compile time access to file and line number
1235 ::
String formatting and interpolation library
1234 ::
echo $()
1233 ::
Noob question - table of seqs, new vs. init...
1232 ::
wisdom of var parameters
1231 ::
How to convert a string to a float?
1230 ::
Lazy list of primes
1229 ::
QtCreator plugin
1228 ::
Arithmetic on static[int] (compiler crash)
1227 ::
Pass stmt block to a template which returns an expr?
1226 ::
Using FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West)
1225 ::
Nim containers
1223 ::
execution of an external program failed with zipfiles
1222 ::
Problem with instantiationInfo() in 0.11.2
1221 ::
Canonical way to use Nim generated shared libraries within Nim?
1220 ::
Compiler plugins?
1219 ::
Macros: How to parse a string and get the type of the expression?
1218 ::
Passing constants as Static[T] types
1216 ::
Need help using module httpclient
1215 ::
Named ranges
1214 ::
thread usage scenarios and long term goals
1213 ::
Possibly a bug
1212 ::
Understanding GC safety
1211 ::
Tables and "default empty value"???
1210 ::
Nim's Community expanding
1209 ::
deadCodeElim pragma not working?
1208 ::
Borrowing brackets for distinct seq
1207 ::
when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'
1205 ::
cannot update object / tuple in a for loop.
1204 ::
Destructors and assignment operators
1203 ::
Porting python code to nim
1202 ::
FlowVar type mismatch in parallel block
1201 ::
version 0.11.2 type mismatch error
1200 ::
filterIt iterator is not lazy
1199 ::
filterIt is not lazy
1197 ::
Using Nim with tools like YACC
1196 ::
[RFC] import Module using InjectedDependency
1195 ::
What is Nim equivalent of Timer (executing callback after given time)?
1194 ::
ntags – generating tags for Nim programs and modules.
1193 ::
Instantiating a ref object
1192 ::
Fast multithread data sharing.
1191 ::
Noob Problem passing object ref to proc
1190 ::
[RFC] Constructors proposition
1189 ::
A Nim bootstrap script
1188 ::
Passing c-array to nim
1187 ::
nim "could not load: pcre.dll" (0.11 64b)
1186 ::
Varargs forwarding.
1185 ::
Problem with compiling in windows
1182 ::
Error while installing Nim 0.11
1181 ::
Power of converters?
1179 ::
How to use file system watcher (fsmonitor) in Nim?
1178 ::
Noob question about OOP in NIM
1177 ::
Import every file in a folder?
1176 ::
How to create bindings for C libs like libpcap
1175 ::
Include paths in Nim documentation
1174 ::
Asking assistance to pull lines from a multi-line string one line at a time
1173 ::
How does one use "UTF-8 mode" for regular expressions?
1172 ::
Nim's compiler speed should be advocated
1171 ::
1170 ::
Version 0.11.0 released
1168 ::
why socket.recv() function is so dump
1167 ::
Non-C style tests with =
1166 ::
Braces for object literals
1165 ::
Newbie question. Program not compiling
1164 ::
Nim version of "wc -l" relatively slow
1163 ::
[ANN] New SQL library for multiple database engines!
1162 ::
Nonblocking, async MySQL connections
1161 ::
initialization of objects with sequences.. code-block:: nimrod
1160 ::
sequence of different types
1159 ::
Generic type crashing compiler
1158 ::
Newbie question
1157 ::
2 things act weird? (newbie)
1156 ::
Nim on Eclipse
1155 ::
On uniform function call syntax and null pointers
1154 ::
How to use a string in an allocShared object
1153 ::
unittest or discard string?
1152 ::
TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks
1151 ::
Why is reading lines from stdin so slow for me?
1150 ::
Announcing wiki2text
1149 ::
How to generate procs with a template in a loop
1147 ::
Array declaration
1146 ::
Manipulate string by pointers
1143 ::
An ultra-fast, multi-threaded file copy utility written in Nim
1141 ::
Basic AST
1140 ::
var qualifier optional in variable declaration
1139 ::
KDevelop nim/nimble project
1138 ::
Takeuchi numbers: Performance comparison with Java
1137 ::
sparse arrays
1136 ::
Update a seq value in place
1135 ::
Error: type mismatch: got (uint64, uint64)
1134 ::
Incremental (developer) compilation
1133 ::
Converters only allowed at top level?
1132 ::
Cross compilation not working?
1131 ::
Organizing Programs made with the Nim.
1129 ::
Strange ``<`` in tutorial
1128 ::
Class proc/method declaration syntactic sugar proposition
1127 ::
Removing the colons from <if-else>
1126 ::
RTTI for objects
1125 ::
Making AsyncHTTPServer multi-threaded?
1124 ::
Question about the locks module
1123 ::
Question about interactive nim
1122 ::
About the Nim Garbage Collector
1121 ::
Glibc 2.14 on Debian Wheezy
1120 ::
Async methods in Nim?
1119 ::
Error: undeclared identifier: 'hostCPU'
1118 ::
Is game development in Nim worth it?
1117 ::
Subtle callback problem in asyncdispatch
1116 ::
Error: 'yield' cannot be used within 'try' in a non-inlined iterator
1115 ::
mulitple dispatch - avoid code duplication
1113 ::
Forum: e-mail notifications per-thread, please!
1112 ::
Parameter doc help
1111 ::
when to release new version
1110 ::
Is epochtime() the Nim equivalent of time(NULL) in C?
1109 ::
Linux installation not setting up
1107 ::
NimStudio - Nim for Visual Studio 2013
1106 ::
Is it possible to get path information from imports?
1105 ::
Problem with treeRepr
1104 ::
Playing with nimsuggest, processes and sockets
1103 ::
Examples of specifying shared library name/path at runtime?
1102 ::
strfmt issues
1101 ::
Partial success getting nim to run in the Cygwin environment
1100 ::
Templates are complicated
1099 ::
Best way to map with procs?
1098 ::
Nimble install global vs. local
1097 ::
Question about RTTI?
1096 ::
benchmark module for Nim
1094 ::
I tried to put in a good word about Nim & Rust to KomodoIDE dev's
1093 ::
GcUnsafe warning when using commandLineParams
1092 ::
Naming Variables is too restricitve
1091 ::
Memory usage tracking
1090 ::
1089 ::
Output extended ASCII in console?
1088 ::
AppCrash with service callback
1087 ::
Are cstrings from imported C functions garbage collected?
1086 ::
Why does ordinary template fail with redefinition of a proc
1085 ::
Capture output of program?
1083 ::
CLI input on same line as echo?
1081 ::
Moving object to shared heap
1080 ::
module namespaces
1079 ::
Need Help: A small problem in Clang
1078 ::
Threading and concurrency with loops
1077 ::
Get calling path?
1075 ::
Wikipedia article about to be deleted again
1074 ::
Any samples documenting use of asynchttpserver?
1071 ::
Is there something like postfix and prefix ++/-- operators in nim?
1070 ::
Ranges and loop
1069 ::
Raspberry pi?
1068 ::
Crude Nim REPL
1067 ::
Rune at position
1066 ::
Will there many langauge changes in 1.0?
1065 ::
[Solved] C macros like glib G_DEFINE_TYPE_EXTENDED in Nim possible?
1063 ::
[Solved] What's the difference between varargs[T] and openArray[T]?
1062 ::
Instance Variables Accessed From Template
1061 ::
Intention of how to use some absent but needed "OrderedSet.excl()"?
1060 ::
Getting "Error: internal error: getNullValue: tyNil" when running code during compile
1059 ::
Using COM Interface
1058 ::
Lets think about developing something in Nim , to make it popular , what should it be?
1056 ::
C++ FFI examples
1055 ::
Has anyone done voice recognition with Nim?
1054 ::
Ordinary template works when manual says it shouldn't
1053 ::
On devel branch install error
1051 ::
The closure of the last body statement parameter of a template surprised me
1050 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access when using net.readLine
1049 ::
nimborg/py on a different thread
1048 ::
Has anyone ported wxWidgets to nim?
1046 ::
Github guidelines
1044 ::
Tuple unpacking for an array rvalue?
1043 ::
The website design
1042 ::
asm code in templates fail
1034 ::
Regex anchor to position in string.
1033 ::
CritBitsTree vs Table
1031 ::
Cast for var parameters
1030 ::
Guess I am doing something wrong again
1028 ::
Get cursor position (Linux)
1027 ::
I may have a problem
1026 ::
..read int from file?
1025 ::
About multi-line comments and string literal
1024 ::
How to get a variables name/id
1023 ::
Not understanding how to use parallel statement
1022 ::
Float32 support
1021 ::
Read its own memory usage?
1020 ::
any chance of changing 'echo' to print/println?
1019 ::
Should keyword "iterator" better be "iter"?
1018 ::
Unsatisfied dependency?
1017 ::
How to detect the difference between numeric sizes in a generic proc?
1016 ::
Efficient use of Hashtables
1015 ::
C-source distribution only?
1013 ::
How to sort tuples?
1011 ::
help! win8.1 cannot compile first test file
1010 ::
staticRead doesn't like absolute paths?
1009 ::
C++ templated var declaration codegen
1008 ::
Regex 0 or more quantifier "*" does not terminate
1007 ::
Adding a runtime library search path
1006 ::
Learning Nim : Question about proc call
1005 ::
Pointer dereference operator
1004 ::
I wish more of you posted on reddit /r/nim
1003 ::
Proposal: For seq & string, default init is "init to empty" not "init to nil"
1002 ::
times module broken?
1001 ::
learning nim: dash in filename
1000 ::
minimum osx version for nim?
999 ::
watch out with OpenSSL and Threads
997 ::
startProcess error
996 ::
nim-vm (install script to maintain multiple versions)
995 ::
Re: Workaround for compiler bug?
994 ::
How to use regex matches?
993 ::
0.10.3 binary?
992 ::
newSeq and memory allocation
991 ::
Extending stdlib functionalities (reservoir sampling / iterators)
990 ::
How to output just the time?
989 ::
Is there email support for the forum
988 ::
SDL graphics on mac
987 ::
light-weight data structures in nim?
986 ::
G+ community
985 ::
Unicode strings
984 ::
What's the status of the asyncfile module?
983 ::
How to set regex flags?
982 ::
Why newSeq, but initTable, initSet, etc.?
981 ::
Using external libraries in javascript compile target
980 ::
Bug on int assignment
978 ::
HTMLParser remove node?
972 ::
Regex replace
971 ::
Order of execution
970 ::
Rust pwnage
969 ::
Howto track down SIGSEGV errors?
968 ::
Run every x seconds?
967 ::
Error: internal error: GetUniqueType
966 ::
SIGSEGV when catching exceptions raised by async procs
965 ::
Floating-point epsilon
964 ::
Dynamic length arrays?
963 ::
Program size: Excellent!
962 ::
Strange code gen for procs returning arrays
961 ::
Anyone know a graph library for Nim?
960 ::
I wrote a password manager in nim lang
959 ::
How to use spawn and channels ?
958 ::
Modify loop variable
957 ::
getting Nim on Mac - Mavericks, Xcode 6.1, clang 3.4
956 ::
SSL client certificate authentication?
955 ::
Crash on exit (abort)
954 ::
getting reference to base class
953 ::
Who can provide a IUP example, requires no DOS window to generate executable file to run after
952 ::
httpclient module incomplete
951 ::
How can I create a string buffer that can be used with windows API?
950 ::
Automatic zero initialization of discriminator fields
949 ::
947 ::
Introduce msgpack-nim
946 ::
How do I get the process ID of the current program?
945 ::
How can I obtain version 0.10.3?
944 ::
Stupid metaprogramming questions
943 ::
Regular Expressions: findAll
942 ::
First impressions
941 ::
compiler can not work in windows 7
940 ::
Closure in the setup of an unittest suite
939 ::
Dynamic variables?
938 ::
Newlines get converted to returns in writeFile()
937 ::
More than one module per file
936 ::
freebsd compile error
935 ::
Re: forward declarations for objects
934 ::
Simple webserver issues - non-text end up blank
933 ::
Driving me insane - int to string
931 ::
Documentation request: add on Sequences
929 ::
Nim praise and conclusion
928 ::
926 ::
range logic problem
924 ::
Would there be interest in a Sublime plugin for running/compiling Nim code?
923 ::
muliple generic types in a proc
922 ::
External program failed during compile
921 ::
Jester, no go?
920 ::
Something may be wrong
919 ::
Is there a selectors module example?
918 ::
How to make this DSL implementation better?
917 ::
opengl on osx
916 ::
Object initialization problem, I think
915 ::
iup Gui tutorial compiles fine, but doesn't run. Help!
914 ::
Handy syntax for a Vector type
913 ::
Extending the compiler (AST / NodeKinds)
912 ::
Sleep like function in for loop?
911 ::
Generic ToAny
910 ::
import threadpool error
908 ::
Converting C struct with reserved words
907 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.
906 ::
Strange error
905 ::
string to enum via macro?
904 ::
Comparing algebraic data types
903 ::
[BUG?] echo vs write(stdout)
902 ::
Moving something on the heap
901 ::
Compiler dll example, an error has occurred
900 ::
httpclient examples from online docs
899 ::
Rosetta and Nimble code bundles
898 ::
Unmarshalling data issue
897 ::
Why does this Nim code slow down? Is it a memory leak?
896 ::
Passing NULL pointers to a C library function?
895 ::
Getting HTTP timings
894 ::
AST differs when pragma parameter is `stmt` vs `expr`
893 ::
TFIELD in wrapper/mysql is of the wrong size for mysqlclient 5.5
892 ::
passing a seq to a writeBuffer
891 ::
set array size - cannot evaluate at compile time
890 ::
Why is my type declaration overridden?
889 ::
888 ::
Embedding Lua
887 ::
Suggestion: Add a special case `..<` operator, equivalent to `.. <`
886 ::
template and block
885 ::
Doc for Marshal
884 ::
Does gradha has a point and should I be concerned?
883 ::
writeBuffer noob question
882 ::
undeclared identifier: 'stdlin'
881 ::
initialize array - implicit type conversion
880 ::
Getting a reference to object's field
879 ::
Code: Euclidean integer division (and sgn and divmod) for the math module
878 ::
Algebraic data type
877 ::
Images in the Forum are not cached in Safari (at least)
876 ::
Several questions about --os:standalone mode.
874 ::
Integer literal numerical constants: 5'i16 vs 5i16
873 ::
Latest nim binary is 0.10.2 and c2nim require 0.10.3
872 ::
Played with Nim & Haskell-FFI
870 ::
Announcement: 3DICC marries Nim with Urho3D
868 ::
Hash Table Example (Rosetta Code)
867 ::
Conditional compilation for different systems
866 ::
"Conditional let" problem
865 ::
Terminal Width
864 ::
Error in nim web
863 ::
Testing a number for being prime (not totally serious)
860 ::
Firebase push id algorithm in Nim
859 ::
Wrong file names created in Windows
858 ::
Reason for slow down with a sub proc (in 'How I start / Brainfuck')
857 ::
Requirements for code contributions
856 ::
Avoiding addr when using wrappers
855 ::
Is there anyone sponsored a multi-thread synchronous web framework, that not like Jester
854 ::
Assigning different variants of an algebraic type to a generic field fails
853 ::
[Question] Dynamic RE replacement
852 ::
IO speed
851 ::
for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed?
850 ::
Non garbage collected language subset
849 ::
Defining vs declaring conditional symbols
848 ::
Nim: Lexer and Parser
847 ::
First Class Functions
846 ::
beginner inside, first feelings...
845 ::
Inline iterators
844 ::
What toolchain are YOU using for Nim development?
843 ::
Difference between static[T] and T{lit} parameter constraint?
841 ::
Is there a nim "telnet lib"?
840 ::
Effectively testing the existance of a file or directory
839 ::
Threads and copying
838 ::
Bug in memfiles?
837 ::
countup with a negative step has very odd behavior
836 ::
Restrict the case and underscore insensitivity within a single module
835 ::
htmlgen and custom tag attributes
834 ::
map() causes SIGSEGV
833 ::
Compiler and linker options
831 ::
Importing types from C headers
829 ::
Hash Table Deletion Infinite Loop Problem
827 ::
Linked list
826 ::
Equivalent to readkey() in Nim?
825 ::
Iterator syntax
824 ::
Parallelization of unsafe code
823 ::
Pointer types
822 ::
Console color support
821 ::
Some problems
820 ::
Global variables
819 ::
Appending to an array stored in a hash table
818 ::
what is the equivalent to sizeof() in nim?
817 ::
Async IRC Bot not printing
816 ::
Nim 1.0 and Android and Windows
815 ::
How to properly compile using threadpool
814 ::
Google Summer of Code 2015
813 ::
Nim bindings for I/O devices
812 ::
c2nim question
811 ::
Newb question: by ref vs by value
810 ::
Working on raw bits
809 ::
Error: type mismatch, what am doing wrong?
808 ::
Manually managing a block of memory
807 ::
Using C++ APIs from Nim, then compiling to C++ == win?
806 ::
Usage of static[int]
805 ::
A file-scope pragma equivalent to "--header" compiler option?
804 ::
How to speed up reading from file
803 ::
ANN: docstrings.nim: Python-like docstrings that can be extracted at compile time
802 ::
Nim on iOS
801 ::
Extract double-hash documentation comments?
800 ::
term nim not being found
799 ::
Formatted output
798 ::
Cross compiling for VxWorks (on a PowerPC processor)
797 ::
Declare compile-time conditional symbols in code?
796 ::
Weird compiler error
795 ::
Compiler output
794 ::
Better type mismatch warning
793 ::
Warning for shadowed symbols?
792 ::
type classes impact on compilation time?
790 ::
How to echo unicode string
788 ::
SIGSEGV in re match
787 ::
Two Questions: RTTI and Runtime Compilation?
786 ::
784 ::
Sequences and heap
783 ::
Converting varargs to seq
782 ::
need help with cstring array
779 ::
float + integer
778 ::
AsyncHttpClient performance problem
777 ::
re.match() problem
774 ::
Argument parsing ambiguity
773 ::
RFC: How about some rules?
772 ::
What are you building?
771 ::
Annoucement: Another PCRE library, NRE
770 ::
Nim orthogonality
769 ::
How to post task to Dispatcher from other thread?
768 ::
nim.exe compiled by tynicc
767 ::
Implement others stdlibs
766 ::
For in using iterator class
765 ::
docopt.nim (command-line args parser based on Usage message)
764 ::
nim: check if in string
763 ::
standalone 32-bit?
762 ::
ANN: New library to parse TOML files
758 ::
readChar(stdin) in Windows waits for Enter, then returns first character
757 ::
non-echoing input? (password input)
756 ::
Nim needs a mailing list?
755 ::
"A Quick Comparison of Nim vs. Rust" by Arthur Liao
754 ::
Type classes
752 ::
Catching exceptions
751 ::
{.shallow.}, shallowCopy, and memory safety
749 ::
trying IUP demo
746 ::
error in httpclient request proc, line 297
745 ::
Literal XML function call syntax
744 ::
Nim at heroku.
743 ::
What's happening with semistatic?
742 ::
Nim bindings for librtls-dr
739 ::
Bug: generated C code does not compile
738 ::
nim and iup
737 ::
Perl 6, Rust, Nim
736 ::
Lightweight threading (Goroutines)
735 ::
"=" on ref T, string and seq
734 ::
Nim bindings for SFML (a multimedia/game library)
732 ::
Enums pure & namespaced by default
731 ::
httpclient throws 404 when using complex urls?
730 ::
Installing from nim-0.10.2.zip and documentation
729 ::
727 ::
Empty clause in object variants
726 ::
a vote for numeric/scientific programming in Nim
725 ::
Smart pointers to wrap resources from C APIs
724 ::
Has anyone got a Nim binding to GTK+3?
723 ::
Make mutable
722 ::
parser combinators
721 ::
macro bastardy
720 ::
Countup with floats
718 ::
[FYI] Github pull requests via command line
717 ::
some help with lexing/parsing nim required
716 ::
MD5 fails with large files
715 ::
gdk_pixbuf is wired...
714 ::
Nim concurrency
713 ::
Should nimble be installed when installing nim?
712 ::
Mailing list?
711 ::
Ignoring default nim libraries, minimalistic system.nim
710 ::
What is the best way to measure time/performance?
709 ::
Forum: e-mail notifications?
708 ::
Immutable/let ptr
707 ::
addr() equivalent for ref?
706 ::
nim and Aporia IDE on OS X
705 ::
import statement with parameters?
704 ::
How can I detect compilation option pragmas?
703 ::
Constructors (and tiny bit of destructors)
702 ::
callbacks into C
701 ::
Use of StringTable in Request.headers?
700 ::
compiling nimrod by tcc
699 ::
curly braces?
698 ::
1.0 ETA?
696 ::
Conditional symbols
695 ::
Newbie gotcha: seq needs initialization
694 ::
PHP extensions in Nim?
693 ::
Problems with the "Download" page
692 ::
Announcement: DOtherSide D and Nim QML bindings
691 ::
FFI - cint vs int
690 ::
error passing cstring to wrapped function
689 ::
let declaration
688 ::
Brand new version of Nimble is out!
686 ::
Modifying enclosing scope?
685 ::
async / await feature
684 ::
Nim syntax highlighting for Kate text editor
683 ::
unit test inside the code, is it possible?
682 ::
pathfinding benchmark of C++, D, Go, Nim, Ocaml, Common Lisp, Racket, C#, Java ...
681 ::
Windows support, IDE support, DLL support?
680 ::
Debugging in Aporia
679 ::
How to minimize program size?
678 ::
ANN: CFITSIO bindings - and a Sphinx domain for Nim!
676 ::
Too Many Colons
675 ::
0.9.6 and HEAD is now on Homebrew, plus Binary Packages!
674 ::
Moving `map` to `sequtils`?
673 ::
Dynamic dispatch across compilation units (interfaces)
672 ::
Is VisualNimrod supposed to work?
671 ::
Nim Advocacy & Promotion Strategies
670 ::
Nimble & Multiple Compilers
669 ::
add()'ing to TTables with seq[T] values
666 ::
How can I compile Nim in specific folder?
665 ::
nimbot not building correctly?
664 ::
lazy_rest, simple rst HTML generation from Nimrod or C with some extras
663 ::
How to assign a literal address to a proc type var?
662 ::
Best way to modify parts of an array from a proc
661 ::
Nim for game development
660 ::
How can I import a specific nimble module version
658 ::
using Nim / Nimrod for micro-controllers (embedded)
657 ::
func keyword
656 ::
RFC: New Homebrew Formula
655 ::
Re: Can't get addr in proc
654 ::
Brand new forum design is live
653 ::
simple unit test library
652 ::
Struggling to understand the Jester workflow
651 ::
Templating libs for web-oriented projects?
650 ::
Upcoming changes
649 ::
Runtime range checks not being enforced?
647 ::
system.finished problem
646 ::
HTTPS Server for Nim?
645 ::
How to wrapper VARIANT to nim?
644 ::
Strong spaces
643 ::
Get parent of AST node
642 ::
Online Nim Compiler
641 ::
Any way to detect case sensitivity via when clause in nim?
640 ::
Nim + SDL + iOS + Android
639 ::
int.type is int
638 ::
Templates written to accept expressions also accept type descriptors.
637 ::
Undefined behaviour in signed integer overflows (as in C)
636 ::
Help needed with Rouge lexer for Nim
635 ::
No longer compiles (0.9.7)
634 ::
DLL generation
633 ::
632 ::
Custom path to compiler
631 ::
Equivalent of cin >> a >> b
630 ::
Plugin-based Nimrod application?
629 ::
Little game library
628 ::
on_raise feature
627 ::
dynlib segfaults
626 ::
How to use copyMem with cstring or string?
625 ::
Is it possible to use try/except at compile time?
624 ::
Case in type definition - Error: invalid indentation
623 ::
Can macros fall back to runtime procs?
622 ::
Nim Forum search
621 ::
Is feature ABC comming and when?
620 ::
Experiences using Nimrod in production
619 ::
How to add nimble's temporary directory to LIBRARY_PATH
618 ::
Bigbreak merged into devel
617 ::
New wrapper style for Nim bigbreak and more c2nim questions
615 ::
Assignment of statement to proc usage
614 ::
How to do OO and inheritance with proc
613 ::
Open call for build hosts
612 ::
Unable to load dll and compile error
611 ::
Name change to reflect on home page
610 ::
Discussion of FFI in the VM
609 ::
emit statement contained in non-static string
608 ::
Are recursive methods allowed in Nim?
607 ::
Clang (llvm) backend on Linux (64 bit) gives much smaller executables!
606 ::
proc match always returns false
605 ::
Assign to sequence inside a proc
604 ::
0.9.6 binary installer does not work out of the box on WinXP
602 ::
the problem about 64-bit system
601 ::
Babel is now called Nimble
600 ::
599 ::
Lua and LuaL_Reg
598 ::
case sensitivity in 0.10
597 ::
Rust enums and match
596 ::
cpp --threads:on error
594 ::
Writing to be compatible with "bigbreak"
593 ::
How to use proc findbounds?
591 ::
Some C++ replacements
590 ::
How to split a string, but keep the separator?
589 ::
Well, I'm pleased
587 ::
Unable to install Aporia: Unable to find glib2
586 ::
How can i change seq parameter in a proc
585 ::
Template replacement on Nimrod
584 ::
Urho3D wrapper
583 ::
Dependent types macros?
582 ::
Shebang for Unix scripts
581 ::
Testing for type class membership
580 ::
WCHAR array
579 ::
Ideas for wrapping Qt?
578 ::
Clean cache to get around some compiler bug
577 ::
WHat am I doing wrong?
576 ::
programmatically list procs and other symbols in a module
575 ::
help with nimrod idioms and usage
574 ::
TVec[float,2] ambiguous with TVec[float,3] in function resolution
573 ::
How do I set lib path for dll linking?
572 ::
Cannot generate code for N (static[int]) in template
571 ::
How does one use odbcsql?
570 ::
Some examples about reading and writing files would be fine
569 ::
installation of aporia failed
568 ::
How to define types depending on compiler flags
567 ::
Array pointers from C
566 ::
"else" after loop
565 ::
don't know how to declare variable as hash table
564 ::
really need search for this forum
563 ::
have to compile with sudo
561 ::
Has the renaming of Nimrod to Nim been finalized?
560 ::
New comment syntax
559 ::
A new syntax for module imports
558 ::
casting from C for bitwise or
557 ::
Initializing seq[seq[int]]
556 ::
How does int64 work in JS?
555 ::
How to call iterator?
554 ::
nimrod popularity
553 ::
Able to print value even after dealloc() is called
552 ::
Callin Win Function
551 ::
float32 support
550 ::
Error in declaring an array
549 ::
A user's perspective on Nimrod (was: Problems installing 0.9.4 from master branch)
548 ::
Problem with succ(bool)
546 ::
How to pass complex double to C
545 ::
Generic complex
544 ::
Inf, Nan
543 ::
Generic floating point math
542 ::
What does void for parameters mean
541 ::
Problems installing 0.9.4 from master branch
540 ::
Problem with indentation in factorial program
539 ::
simple example doesn't work properly on osx
538 ::
usage of continue within block
537 ::
endb usage - how to get variables value
536 ::
How to exit or abort immediately
535 ::
Nimrod for web and mobile
534 ::
Replace main
533 ::
Problems with random() and a library that avoids them
532 ::
A Mac Installer
531 ::
why this code doesn't work? (noob, generics, type classes)
530 ::
Project files, Nimrod IDEs and SDL demos
529 ::
Nimrod on OSv
528 ::
Case Sensitivity and Module names
527 ::
How to import scanf from c?
526 ::
How do I pass GC'd memory to threads?
525 ::
Allow underscore _ at end of identifiers?
524 ::
compiling simplest tutorial example on Xubuntu
523 ::
casE SenSitivity
522 ::
Elliptic curve proc assimilation
520 ::
How does one use the actors module effectively?
519 ::
Method resolution error with {.discardable.} pragma
518 ::
Visual Nimrod questions
517 ::
c2nim and ##
516 ::
js sourcemap?
515 ::
Some questions regarding the exception hierarchy tree
514 ::
Making os.walkDirRec handle hidden files
513 ::
Error with extracting zipfiles
512 ::
array << el unless el == nil
511 ::
How to implement signals & slots in Nimrod?
510 ::
My first "real" Nimrod program & some questions...
509 ::
Is it worth making an exception for incl/excl in naming design?
508 ::
Object Properties and Cloning
507 ::
Generating efficient hardware-specific code
506 ::
nimrod and the C compiler disagree on the size of a pointer
505 ::
critbits: "Error: for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed"
504 ::
About language support for non-nullable pointers
503 ::
Optimizing readLine
502 ::
How to generate a sequence of numbers in one line
501 ::
Can one replace a definition from system?
500 ::
How to check for an explicit symbol in a module?
499 ::
Variable length array
498 ::
Multidimensional sequences and openarrays
497 ::
jssys.nim error
496 ::
Standalone (portable app) for windows with important (at least "official") packages
495 ::
Statically linking SSL on Windows
494 ::
Parallel processing examples?
493 ::
Different platform behaviour for paramStr()
492 ::
What are the long-term plans for dynamic libraries?
491 ::
Popular userland utitlies that can be ported to nimrod from other langauges (esp scripring langs)
490 ::
nimrod as embeded language for C++ project.
489 ::
Shouldn't system.cmp have the same behaviour as nimrod comparisons?
488 ::
libusb / making a nimrod wrapper
487 ::
Is it possible to use configuration file to manage settings per module?
486 ::
How to expand string arrays for case statements?
485 ::
Any plans to improve Documentation?
483 ::
Convex Hull in Nimrod?
482 ::
Babel 0.4.0 released
481 ::
DLLs written in Nimrod
480 ::
LLVM Backend
479 ::
What is the plan for javascript support in the standard library?
477 ::
c2nim problems
476 ::
how to create proc with static type
475 ::
Calling nimrod from C++
474 ::
Few Q's about Nimrod
473 ::
How can I maintain the original HTML structure/DOM?
472 ::
CEF bindings?
471 ::
Does Nimrod have a heredoc syntax?
470 ::
Error: Generic Parameters not allowed
469 ::
Wrapper for the markdown rendering hoedown library
467 ::
Example Nimrod programs using IUP, JSON and PostgreSQL
466 ::
Nimrod binding for Cairo graphics
465 ::
Is it safe to cast a set to an enum/integer?
464 ::
How does one tell c2nim to mark procs with importc?
463 ::
OOP - the fast way
462 ::
c2nim / ffi
461 ::
Garbage collection for foreign objects?
460 ::
gh_nimrod_doc_pages to document your projects
459 ::
How do you use fieldPairs with different types?
458 ::
Problem with user defined type classes
457 ::
D Language Backend
456 ::
Enums, prefixes like Dir::South possible?
455 ::
Can a proc modify its behaviour at runtime?
454 ::
Cannot prove that 'result' is initialized
453 ::
how to access hardware
452 ::
Strange type conflict
451 ::
--embedsrc small bug
450 ::
Seohtracker for OSX, a weight diary app
449 ::
could not import: CreateSymbolicLinkW
448 ::
Nimrod and low level programming
446 ::
VM is not allowed to cast: pdcurses.nim wrapper
447 ::
Is strutils find slow?
445 ::
Tutorial, question about let statement
443 ::
Unit conversion module.
442 ::
Getting max speed for an algorithm
440 ::
How to handle failure of loading dynamic libraries?
439 ::
Nimrod for C programmers
438 ::
nimrod and vc++ 2013
437 ::
How to get the function type variable's value?
436 ::
Dependent types
435 ::
speeding up split?
432 ::
how to write this ruby in nimrod?
430 ::
the proc in the ansi_c.nim
429 ::
How to deal with the dynamic alloced memory of called c library function?
428 ::
segfault creating static lib
427 ::
the ole2 module can work?
426 ::
Automagical code instrumentation with Nimrod?
425 ::
Version 0.9.4 has been released
424 ::
Should I worry about executables are still not equal?
423 ::
422 ::
This module can be used only by that module feature
421 ::
How does one use endb to debug crashes?
420 ::
FreeBSD profs Issues
419 ::
How can I force macro input parameters to be a string?
417 ::
Nimrod Main Repository - History Purge
416 ::
415 ::
redis module multi() and exec() -- how to use without getting InvalidReply or some such
414 ::
How to get type parameter in template macro
413 ::
Call of C library - type mapping problem
412 ::
Runtime error when using when/else keywords
411 ::
Sense of functions that don't take parentheses
410 ::
1/0 returns inf, expected?
409 ::
Does a walkDir equivalent exists which returns a file?
408 ::
Can one leave out value names of tuples?
407 ::
Trying to patch the wart of finally as a statement
406 ::
drdobbs macro example does not compile
405 ::
JavaScript targeting (and a couple other newbie questions)
404 ::
How can a network connection be cancelled?
403 ::
number_files, a command to add counter sufix/prefix to a list of files
402 ::
Use google forums?
401 ::
Patter matching?
399 ::
Nimrod - Standard 1.0 ?
398 ::
babel idea
397 ::
Hi and some beginners questions
396 ::
Make tuples more universal
395 ::
Seohtracker, now for OS X too
394 ::
Question about Macros
393 ::
Understanding GC and the stack
392 ::
Help with macros
391 ::
AST representation of data structures
390 ::
C headers?
389 ::
Stronger Better Faster Syntax
388 ::
shared memory access
387 ::
nimrod-env 0.0.1
386 ::
385 ::
Safe access operator - how could this be done?
384 ::
pointer casting question
383 ::
Floating point division
382 ::
eval-like feature in macros
381 ::
An incredible language
380 ::
Arrays with undefined size
379 ::
Building against a C dll in Windows
378 ::
Questions on the pegs module
376 ::
return in finally
375 ::
Metaprogramming question: naming generated types
374 ::
Automatic type conversion
373 ::
Forwarding varargs to C
372 ::
Personal Nimrod summary
370 ::
369 ::
kibitzing regrading the passing of an array into a proc/macro with varargs
368 ::
367 ::
GSoC 2014
366 ::
365 ::
Crashes calling nimrod code from a different C thread
364 ::
seeking help with a type error
363 ::
Interfacing with c++
362 ::
361 ::
Is it possible to intercept GC event?
360 ::
high-level interface to python
359 ::
Calling Nimrod from C, Nimrod will GC my cstring
358 ::
example from tutorial 1 results in Error: constant expression expected
356 ::
Lexer/Parser generators with Nimrod
355 ::
Extract a substring
354 ::
Bit vector
353 ::
Graphics Module Usage
352 ::
Downward closure example
351 ::
Seohtracker, iOS weight diary app
350 ::
Compile time functions
349 ::
Troubles with GC calling from C
348 ::
Nimrod benchmark (compare to c++, fpc)
347 ::
Possible compiler bug
346 ::
Performance of TTable
345 ::
Functional go vs nimrod, syntax and performance
344 ::
Out of bound range value works
343 ::
Implicit object casting rules / behaviour
342 ::
Some benchmarks
341 ::
VCC linker options should be prefixed with /link and at the end of the cl.exe call
340 ::
Feature request: block scoped imports
339 ::
Backquote clarification, primitive operators
337 ::
Academic summary
336 ::
ast not what I expected
335 ::
We can filterIt, but we can't mapIt?
334 ::
A new concurrency system
333 ::
Default arguments problem
331 ::
Babel 0.2 released!
330 ::
Nimrod.docset for Dash
329 ::
Some thoughts on the effect system
328 ::
Support for Testing
327 ::
inc holiday
326 ::
Finalizer problems
325 ::
What does "Nimrod" mean?
324 ::
How to get the low/high of an object field?
323 ::
Option returns
322 ::
Getting reference of object
320 ::
How to proceed with low level optimisation?
319 ::
What's the lifetime for returned cstrings?
318 ::
New VM for live coding?
317 ::
Quicklook plugin for reST files implemented in Nimrod
316 ::
New kind of statement (like var/let)
314 ::
Outdated doc: User guide's license
313 ::
Basic error with generics
312 ::
Editor Support Page, and Scite
310 ::
About LOC default initialization
309 ::
Nimrod IO model
308 ::
Thread-safe sockets on Windows?
307 ::
Threads and global variables
306 ::
Can't run Hello World on Windows 7
305 ::
The future of babel documentation
304 ::
Could Nimrod be used like 'Dart-to-JS'?
303 ::
Nimrod support in Geany editor
302 ::
Tool to clean up filenames shared on Dropbox
301 ::
Idea: Expanding Generic Invocation Syntax to Partial Function Evaluation
300 ::
Does Nimrod support Qt & Protocol Buffers?
299 ::
case kind of (object variants)
297 ::
Type macros in Nimrod
296 ::
Best way around recursive limitation on module imports?
295 ::
CFP: "New Directions in Programming Languages"
294 ::
Good resources on references
293 ::
A few basics questions
292 ::
Size of data structures
291 ::
My new Nimrod blog article
290 ::
fast change dir and threads problem
289 ::
Propose sourcecode filter syntax
288 ::
Can build but not install Babel
287 ::
Any reason recursive or multi-level generics shouldn't work?
286 ::
Distinct and generics not working together
285 ::
is it the correct behaviour? noob question about objects
284 ::
accessing a private object field from template
283 ::
I have a blog now
282 ::
How to get reference to a method?
281 ::
Graph with millions of vertices and tens of millions of edges
280 ::
Fibonacci series recursive computation
278 ::
What is the Nimrod equivalent for an Interface.
277 ::
Error when exposing intrinsics
276 ::
Error when compiling a file:
275 ::
274 ::
var or ptr for wrapping c
273 ::
Shortcut for nested variables possible?
270 ::
Access generic type using dot notation not working
268 ::
Thanks for the "block" feature
267 ::
Segfault in loop
265 ::
factor code in macros
264 ::
Default Values for Objects/Tuples
263 ::
Generics and procedures with different parameters
262 ::
Macros and flow control
261 ::
asm with Nimrod
260 ::
implement a combinations iterator
259 ::
Problems with XML
258 ::
Nimrod and Threading... Again
257 ::
help on getting started, unpack binary
256 ::
Nimrod at the Emerging Languages Camp
255 ::
Aligned sequence type
254 ::
curious about the reason of procedural types instead lambdas
253 ::
idea for a new module
252 ::
Nimrod - feature suggestions
251 ::
is it possible to cross-compile
250 ::
Avoid sort of cyclic needness
249 ::
Bootstrapping 0.9.2. failed with uncompiled files
248 ::
How to divide a line?
247 ::
External libraries
246 ::
after compile aporia on linux and run I get: could not import: gtk_combo_box_text_new
245 ::
nimrod roadmap, community participation and how made know nimrod to others
243 ::
overwrite const values from the commandline
242 ::
aporia crashed.
241 ::
new IDE for nimrod
240 ::
Error: redefinition of 'putsomenamehere'
239 ::
meaning of ; and ,
238 ::
generic type destructor
237 ::
235 ::
Random number generator
234 ::
Type mismatch with seq[tuple]
233 ::
Type {.inheritable.} problem
232 ::
Nimrod + Raspberry Pi
231 ::
pointer to void?
230 ::
Multi-dimensional arrays
229 ::
Why not overload `^` for exponentiation in math library?
228 ::
UnSafe Seq?
227 ::
Nimrod compatible with vundle?
226 ::
224 ::
Macro trouble
223 ::
Just a couple questions
222 ::
Building Nimrod compiler: undefined reference to lrint'
221 ::
Need help with untraced arrays and glMaterialfv
220 ::
New blog post about Nimrod
219 ::
Build Nimrod on Windows
218 ::
Maybe there's a template or macro that could achieve this?
217 ::
216 ::
nimrod static
214 ::
times.format() error
213 ::
Hello, and a few questions!
212 ::
OpenMP and SIMD
209 ::
Horizontal parsing
208 ::
User Defined Type Classes
207 ::
Using Clang for compilation
206 ::
Proxy Support for httpclient.getContent
205 ::
Parallel benchmarks of Nimrod, Go, Rust, Scala, D, C and C++.
204 ::
how to delete a key when import gentabs
203 ::
202 ::
Some Question About Threading.
201 ::
Why is float not an alias only?
200 ::
next gen languages benchmark
198 ::
Linking of static library
197 ::
Does it possible to implement: a[1,3] =
196 ::
Can object variants share data?
194 ::
A truly portable compiler
193 ::
192 ::
Threads, actors etc. and GUI
191 ::
Case sensitivity: the T/P prefixes must die
190 ::
pretty's problem
189 ::
Real world use of Nimrod
188 ::
Cannot run babel
187 ::
Strange compiler error
186 ::
From now on the content of this forum is creative commons
185 ::
OSX Formulas for Nimrod and Babel
184 ::
How can I pass a string and a list of strings for an sql statement?
183 ::
freetype, fontconfig bindings
182 ::
Sensible Case
181 ::
Suggestion for new module
180 ::
Error compiling Nimrod 0.9.2
179 ::
linking to .so instead of default dl_ calls benefits
178 ::
I dont understand distinct
177 ::
Error trying to execute nim forum
176 ::
C bindings and structs with unions
174 ::
Nimrod compiled cleanly on Raspberry Pi
173 ::
Contributing to the standard library
172 ::
nimkernel: a small nimrod "kernel"
171 ::
Biggest value of T
170 ::
Lexing exponents
168 ::
libcairo (Cairo 2d graphics library) alternative
167 ::
a simple raytracer
166 ::
using C++ library
165 ::
164 ::
Auto Test/Benchmark
163 ::
The future of babel
162 ::
161 ::
160 ::
Downtime for 29/05/2013
159 ::
Cross-platform GUI
158 ::
About Community
157 ::
Convince Me
156 ::
Running on iMac G3
155 ::
Coroutine support?
154 ::
Module repository (like pyPI or CPAN)
152 ::
Gtk+ on Windows
151 ::
how can I access the bits of a double
150 ::
Everything is better with hyperlinks
149 ::
newparser branch
148 ::
macros syntax idea
146 ::
gtk examples on Windows?
145 ::
144 ::
hashtable from string to int
143 ::
Tell me your wish!
141 ::
scope guards
140 ::
Compilation with built-in Lua (not just bound)
139 ::
License of the forum content?
138 ::
137 ::
ORM using macros
136 ::
Babel and versions
135 ::
New argument parser module
134 ::
Separating interface and implementation
133 ::
Question about compiling Aporia
132 ::
131 ::
Aporia build problem
130 ::
All-dynamic modules
129 ::
build system for multi-platform mixed project
128 ::
help with multi-platform bindings needed
127 ::
A nice way to apply overloaded procs to a set of vars
126 ::
db_sqlite.nim: FastRows vs Rows
125 ::
Why null terminated strings?
124 ::
Hard real time possible ?
123 ::
new gc, constructors, destructors
122 ::
Unexpected `==` required for empty seq initialization
120 ::
Immutable object
119 ::
License change
118 ::
Choice between Nimrod and D
116 ::
Emacs major mode with basic idetools support.
114 ::
for loops shouldn't shadow local variables
113 ::
OT: an insightful article about GC and languages
112 ::
named Array properties
111 ::
110 ::
string to enum
109 ::
typeinfo module
107 ::
nimgame 0.3
106 ::
difference in declaring a var in source or via macro
105 ::
How do exceptions 'escape' from nimrod to C?
104 ::
Shared heap data between threads
103 ::
How to get the body of a POST request?
102 ::
Suggestion - Snippets repository on the Nimrod website
101 ::
How to create an asyncHTTPServer
100 ::
Can Nimrod tell which proc throws uncaught exceptions?
99 ::
Shouldn't db_sqlite.getRow fail/raise with no result?
98 ::
Community Projects list
97 ::
some macro questions
96 ::
Exporting types from nimrod to C/C++/ObjC?
95 ::
finalizer in inherited classes
93 ::
uint support in case and sizeof
92 ::
Is this really an error?
91 ::
Equality comparison for TTime
90 ::
macro for OOP
89 ::
Writing internal documentation
87 ::
how do I do a c like >>
84 ::
How reading command line arguments with nimrod?
83 ::
when are generic instantiated ?
82 ::
bug or feature ?
81 ::
Map-Reduce functionality?
80 ::
Generics and iterators
79 ::
Lambda functions
78 ::
77 ::
CAS intrinsic
76 ::
Using Clang backend
75 ::
Version 0.9.0 has been released!
74 ::
nimrods future
73 ::
Why are gtk dependencies not listed for the binary on macosx?
72 ::
71 ::
closure question
70 ::
Term rewriting macros
69 ::
error in FreeBSD 9
67 ::
Nake - a make for your nimrods
66 ::
Copy constructor/Safe copying of tuples/objects
65 ::
Line feeds and newlines
64 ::
Nimrod and visual c++ 2010 x64
63 ::
compile case statements as jump tables in the C codegen
62 ::
granularity of the GC
61 ::
Nimrod-on-android failure
60 ::
can a macro get the type of a parameter of a function
59 ::
Nimrod-on-ios example
57 ::
Bind an operator in template
56 ::
howto test if a specific proc is defined in generics
55 ::
encodings question
54 ::
Problem with python style events
53 ::
Unnecessarily unefficient cross compiling
52 ::
Logging library
51 ::
Pointers used as arrays
50 ::
Call nimrod code from C/C++?
49 ::
access to iterator
48 ::
Integer promotion rules
47 ::
nimgame 0.2
46 ::
D like slices
45 ::
Weak references
44 ::
internal error: genRecordField
43 ::
const eval question
42 ::
Documentation in Nimrod
41 ::
Is there any advantage that Int != Int32 on 64bit ?
40 ::
Detecting bit size of CPU?
39 ::
64 bit oddities
38 ::
Byte aligned data that wants unsignedness
37 ::
Need help in macros/templates for class declarations etc.
36 ::
problem with cross module import
35 ::
34 ::
OOP in Nimrod looks strange, value semantics
32 ::
The webpage's description of the GC is a bit short
31 ::
Howto make a Interface like structure
30 ::
Overflow behaviour
29 ::
String to AST
27 ::
a silly question
26 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
25 ::
Apologies for the slight downtime
24 ::
nested templated functions and the stack
23 ::
Wow I am impressed
22 ::
GC Problem
21 ::
Observations and Questions
20 ::
string to int?
19 ::
nimgame 0.1 � because Nimrod deserves own 2D game engine
18 ::
How would you implement ActiveRecord?
17 ::
16 ::
what about some of the other "features" of D and FPC
15 ::
Some reflections about nimrod
14 ::
Whats wrong with this template?
13 ::
12 ::
Generics questions
11 ::
Array loop does not work
10 ::
GetText implementation in pure nimrod in the works
9 ::
Shouldnt this code compile?
7 ::
Question about re match
6 ::
Equality question
5 ::
Float format and unsigned casting
4 ::
Problem with iup callback
3 ::
Calling base class constructor
2 ::
Jester - The Sinatra inspired Nimrod web framework
1 ::
Welcome to the new Nimrod forum