I opened an issue to propose an implementation of Nim on CodeGolf :)
It is accepted:) So you can now go to Golf Code and have fun in Nim :)
I see that CodeGolf fetches Nim installation from this Docker file: https://github.com/JRaspass/code-golf/blob/269ff682ea7e8caf65170c50908817007ac04ccf/langs/nim/Dockerfile
But apparently that's yielding a very old Nim version (0.17.2) because that's the version mentioned on the CodeGolf site. Does someone know how to keep that docker updated to the latest release?
Ok, I see that CodeGolf is fetching the older version because Alpine Linux has that version: https://pkgs.alpinelinux.org/package/edge/testing/x86/nim.
How does one update that version?