I want to share my gintro gui with you.
It is part of a project that unlocks necessary multiplayer Battlefield 2142 weapons and items and hosts a login/unlock server. The login server is a rudimentary gamespy server which may could be enhanced for other games building upon the gamespy server.
If someone is interested in gtk/gintro gui programming, the project could give you some examples (also how to bundle GTK dlls).
But be careful, the source code is not as clean as it should be.
Hey guys,
a few days ago I've released version 0.9.3. In this version I'm using now glade and binding signals automatically. The source code and project structure is still not clean, because I never inteded to create a unlock gui (so please forgive me ;) ). The project will be delivered in the next version with a BF2142 mod. I also implemented multilingualism (but currently only in the gsparser branch). Please do not have a look into the terminal.nim file on the master branch, because it is a disaster (on gsparser branch I moved this into the main file BF2142Unlocker.nim and cleanuped this).
This might be helpfull for some peoples that want to use glade and multililingualism on windows and linux.
But be warned that I'm currently developing on the gspaser branch and that this currently does not compile on linux (but the master branch does).
Great that you have not already retired!
As you seem to be the only active english speaking gintro user beside myself, is it OK for you when we remove the old subclassing scheme for next release? The new style is
let button = newButton(CountButton, "Counting down from 100 by 5")
As described in http://ssalewski.de/gintroreadme.html#_extending_or_sub_classing_widgets
I think the new style is simpler and generally saves one line of code, and the old style was already deprecated in gintro 0.7.3.
Or can you imagine a situation where the old style is preferable?
Next gintro release may come soon, with support for gtk 3.98.3 which will become GTK 4 end of this year. 3.98 introduced a few new classes which are not gobject based, which generated some additional trouble for the bindings. But now the examples compile again, I have still to clean up the generator script.
Your proposed glade signal connect is not yet supported, I was not even sure if that was possible at all. I may have read about it in 2007, but can not remember currently. Maybe that is a task for next winter.
I keep an eye on Gintro. I know that this unlocker works on Windows but I dont really think it's that nice looking. I am thinking about switching to elementary and building some companion apps.
Thanks for the library btw!
If you setup a patreon or some other way where people can donate I can send you some coffee money :-)
send you some coffee money
Thanks for the suggestion, but as I spent 1400 hours on gintro and before that already 600 hours on oldGTK3 the gain per hour would be in the cent area still. So better send the money to a charity organisation.
As you seem to be the only active english speaking gintro user beside myself, is it OK for you when we remove the old subclassing scheme for next release?
I think the new way to create widgets with subclasses looks fine and saves code without loosing functionality (I think). I'm with you.
Your proposed glade signal connect is not yet supported, I was not even sure if that was possible at all. I may have read about it in 2007, but can not remember currently. Maybe that is a task for next winter.
How do you mean that? I've done this with help of a friend and by reading documentation how to do this (as far as I remember). Isn't it the official way to bind signals automatically? Or isn't it the official way of ginro because of the lowlevel types?
I keep an eye on Gintro. I know that this unlocker works on Windows but I dont really think it's that nice looking.
This is depended to the theme I'm forcing (Adwaita dark theme). I know it does not look native for windows user and you loose some space with the padding and margin of that themes. But you can apply own themes and yeah I know that this is not easy to create and I think I'll never do this by myself since you've no cool editor to style your gtk theme (sadly).
Isn't it the official way to bind signals automatically?
I don't know. I read the book of A. Krause in 2007, maybe he mentioned it, but I can not remember. And I myself do not use GTK Builder and Glade. I know that E. Bassi strongly recommends using GTK Builder, for C coders it may be indeed helpful. But I myself have always trouble with Glade, I never found a really good tutorial. Some people write or fix the GTK builder XML files manually. Maybe in next winter I may try it again. Hopefully Glade will support GTK4 then.