excel xlsx is just an ordinary zip file contains xml files. Nim standard library already provide an xmlparser module to read xml files and converts it into XML tree representation.
to be able to read zip file, there is a libzip wrapper to do this kind of job.
using xmlparser and libzip, you can read and write xlsx without COM.
if you want to study the xlsx format, extract the xlsx content with any zip extractor and read those xml(s) with your favourite text editor(with XML pretty print capability enabled).
no need of any COM and you'll be able to read/write/manipulate excel xlsx.
Thank you !
I once did parse xlsx using Lua with its xml and zip lib, it's a little pain.
I just don't want reinvent the wheel and stand on the shoulders of giants :)
I found a clib for docx,xlsx,pptx operation, someone help to wrap it?
Welcome to libOPC!
We are happy to announce the birth of the “libopc” open source library, which is a
ISO/IEC 29500 standard conformant,
open source,
standard C99-based
implementation of Part II (OPC) and Part III (MCE) of the ISO/IEC 29500 specification (OOXML).
finally , I made one (my first nim project):
Small memory footprint xlsx to csv with useful options
Building successfully on win32, you can download it under release/win32 dir, building on other platforms needs some changes and not test yet.