I would like to know what is best way to create equivalent of dataframe in R or python.
I would like to do basic stats using the dataframes but I want to try in something similar in Nim.
What is basic stats? Have you looked at the Stats module ? (first 4 modes, correlation of two series, etc)
Nim does not (currently) have Series/DataFrame/GroupBy that pandas/numpy python libraries provide (and I don't know R). Nim's sequences are the closest thing at this stage (AFAIK).
Whatever you decide, the stats module should give you a good starting point.
Note: the stats package does running calculations on sequences, so it is quicker when you want multiple statistical calculations from the dataset (because you only do a single "parse" of the data)
Thanks for reply. I want to use bit complicated stats. I want to include all types of columns not just floats.
Anyway, I have further question. I was thinking that I will create a type and then I will use the Seq[type] to store the data. It is working fine. But I have another question. How can I store each column in its own seq and whenever needed join these. Will this be more painful than seq[type].