Known problem, complain to your AV vendor. The same issue was last reported three days ago.
Basically your AV vendor sucks at fingerprinting Nim binaries and just thinks anything written in Nim is a virus.
It is frustrating to try and deal with this issue, some Nim binaries (such as Nim 2.0.0 64bit nimble) are not flagged whilst nimgrab (Nim 2.0.0 64bit) is flagged repeatedly. There is no logic, or rhyme or reason to these blocks, so please just report these as false positives to your AV.
It will take a lot of false reporting to finally make antiviruses not block Nim binaries, but this is unfortunately something that every new language goes through. (Go has this issue as well), it affects nearly every Nim binary, but with enough patience, feedback and time, these false reports will surely end.
Also, just a question, but what antivirus do you use? I would like to know so I can try to report any future false reports to them as well.
in your AV exclude all the directories where Nim installs something (is there a list?). Also exclude the directories where you keep your projects an build.
(it can be worse, currently MS Defender flags about 10% of FireFox's chache2 as a trojan.... :( )
Yeah, please help us with reporting false postives to AV vendor
Ok! it is done.
Submission details Refresh nimgrab.exe Submission ID: 782e584e-7afe-4096-a730-5e134fae9acf Status: Submitted Submitted by: <name> Submitted: Jan 12, 2024 2:38:08 PMUser Opinion: PuaFalsePositive
I had posted in the #tooling channel of the Discord as well, but just wanted to add another data point that I was unable to install Nim on a windows 10 machine by multiple methods.
Things I tried:
All of the above encountered "malware" issues that are cleaned from my computer.
I understand the situation is what it is, but it might help to put a temporary disclaimer on the Windows installation page perhaps (until the issue is remediated)? I believe the only way that I can get Nim installed on the windows part of my computer (non-WSL) would be to build from source. I haven't tried that yet, but it's on my to-do list.