This is related to my cs2nim project. I am working on generating Nim code from the C# constructs, and so far this is what I encountered and more or less handled. This list is an overview of how I choose to implement this. (though it's still partial)
I include here my current understanding of the Nim constructs, I hope the experienced devs can set me right where I am wrong. IOW, fix or comment where you see mistakes or an incomplete mapping.
a list of mappings:
- a namespace in C# is a module, which is a file in nim
- a class in C# is a type x = ref object in Nim
- a struct in C# is a type x = object in Nim
- an enum in C# is a type x = enum in Nim
- note: can make them look the same with {. pure .}
- flags annotation??
- an interface in C# ... has no built in construct in Nim (concepts in CT, but for runtime dispatch, possibly a library mature enough will do.)
- a static function is a proc in Nim
- note: can make them look the same with first argument _:typedesc[TheClass]
- note: but it's not idiomatic in Nim. I prefer to have the same function name.
- note3: function names cannot start with _ underscore. by convention should start with lowercase letter.
- a regular function is a method in Nim. (object orientation, specifically runtime dispatch only works with methods as far as i know)
- the first argument for the method should be the enclosing class. (this or self)
- a ctor in c# is a regular proc in Nim, with a convention: proc newX() : X =, where X is the class name. it returns the initialized object.
- assignment looks the same. an equal sign.
- invocation looks the same.
- delegates in C# ... ??
- events in C# ... ??
- add, remove delegates ...
- operators in C# are regular procs in Nim, with backticks to define them. example: proc `+`*(arg1,arg2:int) : int =
- destructors in C#... not sure what in Nim, maybe dispose i don't have experience with them
- using clause - C# calls dispose on the object automatically when it exits the scope. don't know equivalence in Nim, perhaps a macro or template is enough.
- properties are regular functions.
- but an object field is created for get; or set; with no body. cannot use _ underscore so I am using m_
- a class variable in C#, even if just used for the next function, will be in Nim a field in the object.
- it's either in the module or the type, and module is like a namespace, so visibility is a little off - not entirely the same semantic code.
- perhaps I can discern what is static and what isn't.
- so static will go in the module, but instance vars belong in the class.
- access modifiers:
- public = *
- private = nothing, private by default
- internal = nonexisting, will use public: *.
- sealed, etc ... don't know yet if there is an equivalent.
- ternary b ? x : y in C# will be in Nim: if b: x else: y
- "switch case" in C# will be "case of" in Nim.
- try, catch, finally is almost the same in Nim: try, except, finally.
- indexer in C# is a regular proc in Nim, just like operators
- casting in C# is a type conversion in Nim. for example lossly converting float to int -- but maybe can also be a bit casting operation.
- member access expression in C# X[d.Times - 1] or X[7] etc. is the same in Nim.
- lock clause in C# -- has an equivalent withLock macro in Nim
..... surely, there is other stuff I haven't yet looked at, but will encounter as I implement more of the generate part of the project. (time wise, this part is more linear, one implementation for each construct.)