Recently someone wrote that the official Nim UI lib is deprecated.
But we have at least 20 GUI libs now, I listed them in the GTK4 book. Some people seems to like the fidget lib. But I have not seen a real word Nim GUI app yet. Well maybe Aporia was close.
I have a tiny Electron-like GUI library. Its lightweight and simple to use.
I build everything with it and will keep improving over time.
Who wrote it
I was refering to this tread:
Or I saw Nim beginners using the official Nim IUP lib ( as first choice and getting some trouble.
xflywind >@Stefan_Salewski iup has been deprecated for 5 years. It has been removed from stdlib recently.
But there is also to which you may be referring, I may have confused them.
To help yourself decide, take a look at apps written with various frameworks (screenshots or preferably live) and judge their look and feel.
I've done quite a bit of GUI-framework stuff in the past, and I've found that
In fact I don't know of any really good cross-platform GUI framework. Qt, Tk, Swing, etc. apps are garbage. These days people seem to just give up and write web apps and wrap a 200MB Electron wrapper around them and call that a "native" app.
(But bear in mind that I'm an Apple developer, and ex-Apple engineer, so my standards are super high. 2 ½ of my years at Apple were spent tech-leading the AWT peer implementation, trying to make Java apps work well on Mac OS and failing, so I've got some skin in this game.)