I am reviewing some code that I did some time ago and has stopped working properlly. The code wraps a C library (vapoursynth).
What is happening is that the code works when run with --d:danger but it fails without it.
The code is pretty simple. In one hand:
import ../src/vapoursynth
discard Source("2sec.mkv").Turn180
The function Turn180 is the one that is producing the failure:
proc Turn180*(vsmap:ptr VSMap):ptr VSMap =
echo "A: ",vsmap.len("clip")
let plug = getPluginById("com.vapoursynth.std")
echo "B: ",vsmap.len("clip")
#echo repr cast[pointer](vsmap)
#let args = createMap()
#args.append("clip", clip)
assert( plug != nil, "plugin \"com.vapoursynth.std\" not installed properly in your computer")
echo "C: ",vsmap.len("clip")
assert( vsmap.len != 0, "the vsmap should contain at least one item")
echo "D: ",vsmap.len("clip")
assert( vsmap.len("clip") != 1, "the vsmap should contain one node")
echo "E: ",vsmap.len("clip")
var clip = getFirstNode(vsmap)
# Convert the function parameters into a VSMap (taking into account that some of them might be optional)
let args = createMap()
args.append("clip", clip)
result = API.invoke(plug, "Turn180".cstring, args)
When I run it without --d:danger:
$ nim c --threads:on --tlsSimulation:off ex01
$ ./ex01
A: 1
B: 1
C: 1
D: 1
/home/jose/src/VapourSynth.nim/test/ex01.nim(10) ex01
/home/jose/src/VapourSynth.nim/src/plugins/std.nim(1104) Turn180
/home/jose/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.2/lib/system/assertions.nim(30) failedAssertImpl
/home/jose/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.2/lib/system/assertions.nim(23) raiseAssert
/home/jose/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.4.2/lib/system/fatal.nim(49) sysFatal
Error: unhandled exception: /home/jose/src/VapourSynth.nim/src/plugins/std.nim(1104, 9) `vsmap.len("clip") != 1` the vsmap should contain one node [AssertionDefect]
so I don't know how can I get D: 1 and then failing in the next assertion.
Any idea about what might be going on?
O M G . I am feeling really stupid now. Just keep it between you and me! ;oP
Thanks a lot.