This is probably quite a naive question, but what is the process of publishing a nimble package? When I use the nimble publish command, I receive the error:
Info: Using GitHub API Token in file: /Users/johnlindsay/.nimble/github_api_token httpclient.nim(1074) responseContent Error: unhandled exception: 401 Unauthorized [HttpRequestError]
I am so sorry, I realize this likely is an obvious process for most people on this forum, but I am an academic and not a professional programmer. I would just like to publish my kd-tree as a Nimble package but can't quite figure out the process involved. I'm also working on a package for working with spatial data (Shapefiles, LiDAR files--in LAS format, and various raster formats) that I'd like to publish as well. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not sure the nimble publish method works. Here is the hard way: clone the nimble packages repository and update the packages.json file with your new package metadata. Them ask for a pull request.
The whole process is more documented in the README.
Hi @jlindsay
You can also use Github's in-browser editor. Just open the package repo and open the packages.json. Do your editing and push the changes to a PR.
Is there some progress in your publication efforts?
I may use your KDTree instead of my RTree for simple point data.