In D language we can tie function to a template by alias:
struct BinaryTree(T, alias cmp_fun) {
alias V = T
alias compare = com_fun;
void main() {
alias Tree = BinaryTree!(int, (a, b) => a < b);
It is no need to store the comparator in the tree object, also it is no need to pass the comparison function to other functions. Since it is possible to extract the comparison function from the type:
void insert(T)(T tree, T.V value) {
if(, node.value)) {...}
The same nim code failed to compile:
BinaryTree[V, compare] = object
value: V
proc insert(tree: BinaryTree, value: BinaryTree.V): bool =, tree.value) # Error: a type conversion takes exactly one argument
var a = BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = a < b](value: 10)
echo insert(a, 20)
I tried 4 different ways, 2 fails, 2 works.
Using a proc as a generic (failure):
BinaryTree[V; compare: proc(a, b: V): bool] = object
value: V
proc insert[V; compare](tree: BinaryTree[V, compare], value: V): bool =
# Error: attempting to call routine: 'compare'
# found ' [declared in /home/beta/Programming/Nim/Arraymancer/build/bintree.nim(5, 16)]' of kind 'type'
compare(value, tree.value)
var a = BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = a < b](value: 10)
echo insert(a, 20)
Using a proc as a static (failure):
BinaryTree[V; compare: static proc(a, b: V): bool] = object
# Error: cannot generate VM code for proc (a, b: V): bool
value: V
proc insert[V; compare](tree: BinaryTree[V, compare], value: V): bool =
compare(value, tree.value)
var a = BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = a < b](value: 10)
echo insert(a, 20)
Using a compile-time switch (success):
CmpKind = enum
BinaryTree[V; cmp: static CmpKind] = object
value: V
proc insert[V; cmp](tree: BinaryTree[V, cmp], value: V): bool =
when cmp == GreaterThan:
value > tree.value
elif cmp == LowerThan:
value < tree.value
var a = BinaryTree[int, LowerThan](value: 10)
echo insert(a, 20)
Using a compile-time dispatch table (success):
import macros
CmpKind = enum
BinaryTree[V; cmp: static CmpKind] = object
value: V
let funcTable {.compileTime.} = [
GreaterThan: ident">",
LowerThan: ident"<"
macro dispatch(a: typed, cmp: static CmpKind, b: typed): untyped =
result = newCall(funcTable[cmp], a, b)
proc insert[V; cmp](tree: BinaryTree[V, cmp], value: V): bool =
dispatch(value, cmp, tree.value)
var a = BinaryTree[int, LowerThan](value: 10)
echo insert(a, 20)
That isn't exactly what I'm looking for, but anyway thank you.
I found that this works (need additional brackets around the definition of proc):
BinaryTree[V; compare: static[proc(a, b: int): bool]] = object
var b: BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = a < b]
echo, 20);
and this doesn't:
BinaryTree[V; compare: static[proc(a, b: V): bool]] = object
var b: BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = a < b]
echo, 20);
Simplified version:
type Foo[T] = object
type Bar[T; F: static[Foo[T]]] = object
var bar: Bar[int, Foo[int]()]
This causes an ICE (internal compiler error):
type Vector[T; N: int] = object
data: array[N, T]
var v: Vector[int, 3]
fatal.nim(39) sysFatal
Error: unhandled exception: int128.nim(72, 11) `arg.sdata(2) == 0` out of range [AssertionError]
I also believe that generic parameters should be static by default:
type Foo[T, N: int] should be treated as type Foo[T, N: static int]
For your last proposition, there is no way to disambiguate between a type restriction and a static:
type Vector[T; N: int or uint] = object
var v: Vector[int, uint]
is different from
type Vector[T; N: static[int or uint]] = object
var v: Vector[int, 10]
(not sure it compiles but it's just to illustrate the need of static)Tying a procedure to a type is typically done by adding an overload. In the binary tree example, you would want to define a function such as cmp or the < operator for the Key type used to instantiate the tree. In the binary tree module itself, you would typically use the mixin keyword to indicate the functions that should be defined in the scope of the caller.
Sometimes, we need stateful comparison function (for example, we might be sorting coordinates by their distance to a particular point). Then the binary tree may hold an abstract "Comparison State" value that can be passed as an additional parameter to the cmp function.
BinaryTree[T, CmpState = void] = object
rootNode: ref BinaryTreeNode[T]
when CmpState isnot void:
cmpState: CmpState
BinaryTreeNode[T] = object
value: T
left, right: ref BinaryTreeNode[T]
proc insert[T, CmpState](tree: var BinaryTree[T, CmpState], val: T) =
mixin cmp # We allow the user to overload `cmp` for the value type
var curNode = tree.rootNode
while curNode != nil:
# Here, we make sure to call `cmp` with the right parameters
let cmpRes = when CmpState is void: cmp(val, curNode.value)
else: cmp(tree.cmpState, val, curNode.value)
# The search continues according to the result above
if cmpRes == 0:
elif cmpRes > 0:
The above solution is probably the most idiomatic at the moment (before concepts become stable). Now, if you really want to have the associated proc sitting as a generic parameter, you can either go for static and file issues for the encountered problems, or you can use techniques similar to tag dispatching in C++. The BinaryTree type can feature an extra type parameter that will be used for overload selection (typically with templates) to fetch constants, procs and other items associated with the type:
import strutils
ComparisonStyle1 = object
ComparisonStyle2 = object
template cmpFunction(x: type ComparisonStyle1): untyped =
template cmpFunction(x: type ComparisonStyle2): untyped =
echo cmpFunction(ComparisonStyle2)("foo_bar", "fooBar")
I also believe that generic parameters should be static by default:
The reason why the generic parameters are not static by default is historic. When you specify a type for a generic parameter, it acts as a constraint. The generic will be instantiatable only with types matching the constraint and you would usually use a type class to specify it.
I definitely can use a compile-time known function as static parameter:
BinaryTree[V; compare: static[proc(a, b: int): bool]] = object
var tree: BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = a < b]
echo, 30);
Another strange artifact:
BinaryTree[V; compare: static[typed]] = object
const less1 = proc(a, b: int): bool = a < b
var tree1: BinaryTree[int, less1]
echo, 30); # works
proc less2(a, b: int): bool = a < b
var tree2: BinaryTree[int, less2]
echo, 30); # error: in expression ', 30)': identifier expected, but found ''
WAT?No, those your examples don't really work too — the procedure gets remembered at first variable's declaration, and those of other variables will be ignored.
BinaryTree[V; compare: static[proc(a, b: int): bool]] = object
var tree1: BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 1; a < b)]
echo, 30)
var tree2: BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 2; a < b)]
echo, 30) # will call the first procedure, printing "1"
The same for const.
Seemingly this last issue may be bypassed with a macro.
BinaryTree[V; compare: static[untyped]] = object
# different ways of providing a procedure
# an `echo` is added to each of them, to distinguish
const less1 = proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 1; a < b)
type T1 = BinaryTree[int, less1]
var tree1: T1
const less2 = proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 2; a < b)
var tree2: BinaryTree[int, less2]
proc less3(a, b: int): bool = (echo 3; a < b)
type T3 = BinaryTree[int, less3]
var tree3: T3
proc less4(a, b: int): bool = (echo 4; a < b)
var tree4: BinaryTree[int, less4]
var tree5: BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 5; a < b)]
import macros
# the macro can be just one line, if to restrict to just one of formats above
macro compare(v: typed): auto =
var p=v.getImpl[1]
if p.kind == nnkSym:
p = p.getImpl
expectKind p, nnkTypeDef
expectKind p[2], nnkBracketExpr
expectKind p[2][2], nnkSym
p = p[2][2]
p = p[2]
if p.kind == nnkSym:
p = p.getImpl
p = p[0]
if p.kind == nnkProcDef:
p = p[0]
# testing
var n = 20
echo compare(tree1)(n, 30)
echo compare(tree2)(n, 30)
echo compare(tree3)(n, 30)
echo compare(tree4)(n, 30)
(Another issue, only for the first kind (const + type), if n in the example is a constant or is replaced with a literal, that is the procedure may be evaluated at compile-time, then it is (the side-effect will occur at compile-time, for pure functions there's no difference).)
This version does type-checking (correctly pointing to procedure definition), and allows that simple method invocation syntax.
BinaryTree*[V; cmp: static[proc(a, b: auto): bool]] = object
# different ways of providing a procedure
# an `echo` is added to each of them, to distinguish
const less1 = proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 1; a < b)
type T1 = BinaryTree[int, less1]
var tree1: T1
const less2 = proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 2; a < b)
var tree2: BinaryTree[int, less2]
proc less3(a, b: int): bool = (echo 3; a < b)
type T3 = BinaryTree[int, less3]
var tree3: T3
proc less4(a, b: int): bool = (echo 4; a < b)
var tree4: BinaryTree[int, less4]
var tree5: BinaryTree[int, proc(a, b: int): bool = (echo 5; a < b)]
import macros
proc desymbolize(node: NimNode): NimNode =
result = node
while result.kind == nnkSym:
result = result.getImpl
# the macro can be quite short, if to restrict to just one of formats above
macro compare(v: typed): auto =
var p=v.getImpl[1]
var ty: NimNode
if p.kind == nnkSym:
p = p.getImpl
expectKind p, nnkTypeDef
expectKind p[2], nnkBracketExpr
expectKind p[2][2], nnkSym
ty = p[2][1]
p = p[2][2]
ty = p[1]
p = p[2]
if p.kind == nnkSym:
p = p.getImpl
p = p[0]
let prm = params(desymbolize p)
if prm.len != 2 or prm[1].len != 4 or prm[1][2] != ty:
error("Wrong comparison procedure provided, signature should be " &
"``proc(a, b: " & $ty & "): bool``.\n", p.desymbolize)
if p.kind == nnkProcDef:
p = p[0]
template compare*[T: BinaryTree, V](bt: T, a, b: V): bool =
# testing
var n = 20
echo, 30)
echo, 30)
echo, 30)
echo, 30)
echo, 30)