At midnight irclogs display this :
An error has occured in one of your routes.
Detail: Traceback (most recent call last)
nimbot.nim(287) nimbot
asyncdispatch.nim(1637) runForever
asyncdispatch.nim(1032) poll
asyncdispatch.nim(1149) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(213) complete
asyncdispatch.nim(1257) cb
os.nim(1167) recvLineIntoIter
asyncdispatch.nim(222) complete
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1262) cb
asyncdispatch.nim(260) callback=
asyncdispatch.nim(1257) cb
asynchttpserver.nim(238) processClientIter
jester.nim(330) :anonymous
jester.nim(301) handleHTTPRequest
asyncdispatch.nim(1270) handleRequest
asyncdispatch.nim(1257) cb
jester.nim(265) handleRequestIter
asyncdispatch.nim(1270) match
asyncdispatch.nim(1257) cb
nimbot.nim(241) matchIter
irclogrender.nim(13) loadRenderer
sysio.nim(346) readFile
system.nim(2535) sysFatal
cannot open: ../irclogs/12-07-2016.logs
For some reason this does not look correct to me.
Hrm, I thought I fixed this here:
I guess not. But it's not a critical bug. Feel free to create a PR if you can figure out the problem.