Hello everyone, I'm new to Nim. I've been lurking around these forums and the IRC channel for a couple weeks, but it is only now that I finally have some time to get my hands dirty with this most excellent project. After trying D, Erlang, Go, Rust, Haskell, Clojure and some other promising languages this year on my journey to find a system programming language replacement for C++, I stumbled upon Nim only by accident after I had already considered a career change into farming. What you guys are putting together here is terrific, and I think I'll stick around for a little longer :)
I'm currently using Kate on KDE as my main text editor and wasn't able to find any syntax highlighting support; so I slapped something together. It is not that great yet, but works for the most part. I figured that it can't hurt to start the effort - perhaps some of you have time and interest to make it great. GitHub repository is here: https://github.com/gmpreussner/kate-highlight-definitions
Happy holidays!