Not sure where to post this issue.
I have an error on importing net module with the latest nim-0.12.0_x64.exe setup with MinGW included on Win 10 x64.:
CC: winlean
c:\users\maxim\documents\projects\nimbluez\nimcache\nativesockets.c:12:22: fatal error: ws2tcpip.h: No such file or directory
#include "ws2tcpip.h"
compilation terminated.
Hint: [Link]
gcc.exe: error: c:\users\maxim\documents\projects\nimbluez\nimcache\nativesockets.o: No such file or directory
Error: execution of an external program failed: 'gcc.exe ...
It looks like some header files and libraries are missing.
Managed to solve this problem by installing full Mingw-w64 in C:\Nim\dist\mingw.