I asks is there any reason to rewrite my project, called daemonic cms to NIM. Daemonic CMS is very simple framework to create web pages. In future I will add simple CMS to it.
Daemonic CMS uses PIB (PHP In Browser - project of somebody else, which is an compiled version of PHP to webassembly). The reason to rewrite is Apache Server with PHP works different than NodeJS. Php script starts and better if it stops execution. Node is started and do everything in on process, as far as I known. I need to send data to browser in series, because I thought about new possibilities, like web game programming. Exists some NIM web server, which works as NodeJS? Because NIM is compiled language, maybe in future, instead provide compiled to webassembly nim interpreter, I will compile and cache page code, which should been interpret in browser and send it as webassembly? It is crazy and allows, of course, use cryptocurrency mining on visitor browser. It's bad, but it's only an side effect.