After a very successful first incarnation of NimConf, which was held online on June 20th 2020, it is time for another one!
We will keep the last year's format where the talks are pre-recorded and the authors participate in live chat with the audience. The talks can be anywhere between 10 and 45 minutes long.
A valid topic is anything Nim-related. You can see the talks from last year to get an idea what to talk about. (And if you're one of the authors of those talks - we would like to hear about your progress since then.)
The exact date of the conference hasn't been decided yet, but you can expect it to be at the end of June or start of July (plenty of time to prepare your talk).
If you would like to participate, please register via this form until May 16th.
If you would like to participate, please register via this form until May 16th.
A reminder that the deadline for the registration is this Sunday, May 16th.
For now, all you have to do is have a topic/title which you would like to present, and a rough guesstimate how long your talk will be. Apply here.
I could do many talks but I would like to do a talk about Pixie - Full-featured 2d graphics library for Nim.
Is there a way to verify my form got submitted?
I've just send an email to all the authors who registered. If any of you who registered didn't received it (check your spam folder too), please let me know.
Currently, the two most viewed and commented posts are Nim 2.0 -- thoughts and How to make Nim more popular.
How about organizing for NimConf 2021 a round table (or two) with a moderator (@narimiran ?) and invited "panelists" (e.g. @araq, @dom96, @treeform, @arnetheduck, @mratsim, @pmunch, ...) to discuss this two themes (first exchanging their views, later answering questions from public)?
I'd love a round table, great idea!
I've had another thought, depending on when the conference is scheduled (and I would strongly suggest a Saturday), perhaps we should use the remainder of the day/weekend to have a hackathon. We could work on anything from fixing Nim compiler issues to writing needed-libraries from scratch. I'm happy to help/lead in organising this if there is interest. Maybe if it's a popular idea we can get some prizes for best project and have a vote for the winner(s) :)
For those striving to get the best audio quality of their recordings I wrote a guide not so long ago:
I mention FOSDEM there, but I actually decided to write it after the last NimConf where some talks were really brilliant but had unfortunately poor audio quality.
Sorry for self-promotion, I hinted at this piece to be suitable for an official "how-to" for this kind of events a few times in Nim IRC but got no interest.
Nope, BluYeti is a fine mic, but it's absolutely overhyped and not the cheapest. I also advice looking at dynamic mics first, as they are often better suited for recordings in non-treated rooms, but have their own pros and cons.
Also, selecting the mic is not of the biggest essence. Imagine going to driving classes and discussing which car model is the best for six months...
Still some chance to register for the conf? - Or simply too late?
As a speaker?
If you have some awesome topic and you'll be able to record a video of your talk in next 8 days, we might be able to squeeze you in.