I am having hard time understanding pointers, addr, cstrings.
var i: cstring = "a"
var pi: ptr cstring = i.addr
echo repr(i)
echo repr(pi)
ref 004477F8 --> 005BC070"a"
My understanding is this. First we declare variable i and assign string "a" there. As first line of output says, "a" is kept in ...058 cell of memory so in fact i contains address of this cell. Now we are declaring pointer pi and assign address of i. Is it that pi points to i that points to ...058 memory which contains "a"? As I understand from second ouput line address of pi variable is ...77F8, but then it is suggesting that "a" is in memory cell C070. I am a bit confused. Could you help me understand?
repr is a zombie.
What does that mean?