I'm new to Nim, and still trying to get "Hello World" to work.
I'm running on an Intel i5-3440 processor under Windows 10 Pro with Nim Compiler version 0.12.0 downloaded as binary including MingW.
The program (Hallo.nim) compiles OK both from command line and via Aporia but when I try to run it it just hangs.
I've looked, quickly, on the forum but don't see a similar problem or solution.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have 2 64 bit machines but both are running Windows 10. I do have a32bit machine that runs under Windows Vista, but then the comparison is not strictly valid.
Incidentally, I thought it might have been caused by a faulty installation and tried to uninstall Nim but the uninstaller.exe also hangs.
Any ideas as to what might be wrong in the set-up - the installer didn't report any problems.
Also, since the unistaller won't work, what do I need to do to uninstall Nim , manually?
@Robin_Kitchin Aww, giving up on Nim? :< Anyway, to remove it, simply delete the Nim directory. There will be some registry keys around, but those can either be left alone, or manually removed by using regedit.exe's find feature.
It would be really nice to try to solve this problem though. I run Windows 10 myself, and haven't noticed any bug of this sort.
No I wasn't thinking of giving up on Nim, it looks like being more friendly than Rust, even if less developed.
I was thinking of deinstalling it and trying a fresh install to see I did something wrong the first time.
The ProcessMonitor seems to report everything is OK in the compilation and launch of the exe but that the exe just sits there apparently doing nothing.
I've looked for registry entries but don't see any. Do you have registry entries and if so what are they?
Just out of interest - I've just installed Nim on my laptop (Windows 10 64bit) and it seems to work OK.
I uninstalled Nim on my desktop and installed the 32bit version and that fails as well.
This is really weird!
A little more information on this problem.
When I execute the hallo.exe it actually launches 3 copies of the executable.
When I close the command window one of these processes disappears whilst the other two remain in the process list.
None of the processes consume any CPU and the remaining two processes cant be killed (like zombies?)
Renaming and/or moving exe to another name and/or directory resulted in only one copy of the exe being launched and being killed when the command window was closed.
However the exe just hung.
When I moved the executable from my PC to my laptop (which didn't have any problems with Nim in the first place) it executed OK. The working exe from the laptop when copied to the PC hangs - but at least only one executable was launched.
What the hell do you make of that?
Big thanks to you OderWat.
Ran exe in safe mode - works OK
Ran exe with Avast virus checker switched off - works OK
Turned Avast back on ran exe - exe hangs.
Keep on having ideas!