hi, I'm quite new to nim, and I have a lot os scripts done in python, so I was wondering if I could use them in nim, then I discovered the nimpy lybrary. In the first try I got an error on finding the standard pythonlib, so I did a litttle research and found out that u can specify the path to load the lybrary, and then I'm stucked because I got an error when compilling saying:
Undeclared identifier: 'pyInitLibPath'
I just want to see if sme of you can help me, because being able to use my python scripts and lybraries in nim is a huge deal for me. Here's the simple example I'm trynig to run.
import nimpy
let os = pyImport("os")
echo "Current dir is : ", os.getcwd().to(string)
Note: I'm on Windows.
import nimpy/py_lib
And the errors I was getting were solved by just uninstalling and installing a new version of python :)