deleteContent question ... I'm sending a deleteContent request to GitHub and successfully deleting a repo. However, after it deletes the repo, I get these errors a list of errors that ends with these:
C:\Users\<user>\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.4.0\lib\pure\httpclient.nim(1108) deleteContentC:\Users\Ed\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.4.0\lib\pure\httpclient.nim(1076) responseContent
C:\Users\<user>\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.4.0\lib\pure\streams.nim(284) readAll
C:\Users\<user>\.choosenim\toolchains\nim-1.4.0\lib\pure\streams.nim(230) readData
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
I've confirmed the repo was deleted even though I have these errors and if I run the command again, no errors (because the command fails with 404 not found, since it's already deleted). It appears to be because it's attempting to read from the bodystream component of the response type:
Response* = ref object
version*: string
status*: string
headers*: HttpHeaders
body: string
bodyStream*: Stream
Which is likely nil because the content has been deleted. Any idea why this error is raised if the system knows I'm deleting and, if it's not avoidable, how do I suppress this error? It doesn't route to the generic except: block that I have.That seems to have done it. Would this be considered an "issue" as far as the language goes? GitHub documentation states that a delete request should return 204 No Content, but not sure if the code is returned or if, literally, nothing (nil) is returned.
Thanks for the pointer to the other procedure.
Connects to the hostname specified by the URL and returns the content of a DELETE request.