Hi, I'm trying now to get the auto-complete feature working in any text editor I can, but am having troubles. Any suggestions? Here's what I've tried.
On Mac OSX Yosemite
I compiled nim, nimble, aporia, and nimsuggest by hand and they all appear to work on their own
Nim version 0.11.3
Nimble version 0.6.0
Aporia version 0.1.3
Nimsuggest version (returns nim version above) [Mac OSX amd64]
I did not install Nim per se, but simply symlinked /usr/bin/nim to my nim executable, same for nimble. my PATH/which finds nim and nimble due to my symlinks, and finds aporia and nimsuggest because PATH includes ~/.nimble/bin and they both reside there (I put them there)
Sublime Text 2 w/ NimLime and copied NimLime Default prefs to NimLime User prefs, enabling "provide_immediate_nim_completions" and "check_nim_on_save", save, quit, reopen
Sublime Text 3 w/ NimLime and copied NimLime Default prefs to NimLime User prefs, enabling "provide_immediate_nim_completions" and "check_nim_on_save", save, quit, reopen
Aporia I had to specify the libiconv library path before starting: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/opt/libiconv/lib Then in Aporia I enabled the Preferences > Editor > Auto Complete Feature Enable (or whatever it's called)
I noticed in Aporia that auto-complete works for custom objects, like a Person object with a name and age field, correctly show up for instances of Person. However, none of the standard Nim types have auto-complete, such as arrays or strings. Do I need to specify where the Nim core files exist? I would have thought nimsuggest and nim can simply return the necessary information already.
Also, after quitting Aporia using File > Quit, then X11 > Quit, I can't ever start Aporia again without rebooting: "An instance of Aporia is already running"