I'm trying to convert this script to Nimrod. It's hanging at modinv, and I don't know why.
import math, strutils
proc `^`[T: float|int](base: T; exp: int): T =
var (base, exp) = (base, exp)
result = 1
if exp < 0:
when T is int:
if base * base != 1: return 0
elif (exp and 1) == 0: return 1
else: return base
base = 1.0 / base
exp = -exp
while exp != 0:
if (exp and 1) != 0:
result *= base
exp = exp shr 1
base *= base
Pcurve = 2.0^256 - 2.0^32 - 2.0^9 - 2.0^8 - 2.0^7 - 2.0^6 - 2.0^4 - 1.0
Acurve = 0
Bcurve = 7
Gx = 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240.0
Gy = 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424.0
GPoint = (Gx, Gy)
privKey = 0xA0DC65FFCA799873CBEA0AC274015B9526505DAAAED385155425F7337704883E
proc modinv(a: float, n = Pcurve): float =
lm = 1.0
hm = 0.0
lowm = a mod n
highm = n
while lowm > 1.0:
ratio = highm / lowm
nm = hm - (lm * ratio)
temp = highm - (lowm * ratio)
lm = nm
lowm = temp
hm = lm
highm = lowm
result = lm mod n
proc ecAdd(a: tuple, b: tuple): tuple =
lamAdd = ((b[1] - a[1]) * modinv(b[0] - a[0])) mod Pcurve
x = (lamAdd * lamAdd - a[0] - b[0]) mod Pcurve
y = (lamAdd * (a[0] - x) - a[1]) mod Pcurve
result = (x, y)
proc ecDouble(a: tuple): tuple =
lam = ((3 * a[0] * a[0] + Acurve) * modinv(2 * a[1])) mod Pcurve
x = ((lam * lam) - (2 * a[0])) mod Pcurve
y = (lam * (a[0] - x) - a[1]) mod Pcurve
result = (x, y)
proc ecMultiply(genPoint: tuple, scalarHex): tuple =
if scalarHex == 0 or toBin(scalarHex, 64) >= toBin(N, 64):
raise newException(E_base, "Invalid Scalar/Private Key")
scalarBin = toBin(scalarHex, 64)
q = genPoint
for i in 1 .. scalarBin.len:
q = ecDouble(q)
if scalarBin[i] == '1':
q = ecAdd(q, genPoint)
result = (q)
proc main() =
var publicKey = ecMultiply(GPoint, privKey)
echo "******* Public Key Generation *********"
echo "the private key: ", $privKey
echo ""
echo "the uncompressed public key (not address): " & $publicKey
echo ""
echo "the uncompressed public key (HEX): 04" & $publicKey[0] & $publicKey[1]
echo ""
echo "the official Public Key - compressed: ",
if publicKey[1] mod 2 == 1:
"03" & $toHex(toBiggestInt(publicKey[0]), 64)
"02" & $toHex(toBiggestInt(publicKey[0]), 64)
What am I missing?
You re-declare variables inside the loop that shadow the outer variables. However, the loop exit tests uses the outer variable lowm.
You need something along the following lines (untested):
proc modinv(a: float, n = Pcurve): float =
lm = 1.0
hm = 0.0
lowm = a mod n
highm = n
while lowm > 1.0:
ratio = highm / lowm
nm = hm - (lm * ratio)
temp = highm - (lowm * ratio)
lm = nm
lowm = temp
hm = lm
highm = lowm
result = lm mod n
Thanks for your help. It works.
Now, what accounts for the difference between how python and nimrod store hex values?
>>> privKey = 0xA0DC65FFCA799873CBEA0AC274015B9526505DAAAED385155425F7337704883E
>>> print privKey
>>> let privKey = 0xA0DC65FFCA799873CBEA0AC274015B9526505DAAAED385155425F7337704883E
>>> echo privKey
I've tried importing printf from C and using ctypes with privKey and hex values to no avail.
import bigints
Gx = initBigInt("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240")
Gy = initBigInt("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424")
privKey = initBigInt("0xA0DC65FFCA799873CBEA0AC274015B9526505DAAAED385155425F7337704883E")
echo "Gx: ", Gx
echo "Gy: ", Gy
echo "privKey: ", privKey
Gx: 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
Gy: 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424
privKey: 340142666630799874325011227401619526506411153385155426573377048844
Gx: 55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240
Gy: 32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424
privKey: 72759466100064397073952777052424474334519735946222029294952053344302920927294
Strings can be anything, so you need to specify the base of the number in the constructor:
privKey = initBigInt("A0DC65FFCA799873CBEA0AC274015B9526505DAAAED385155425F7337704883E", 16)
Note you also have to remove the leading 0x since it is not parsed. I guess this might be a nice feature to have, you could ask the author to implement this kind of parsing or contribute it yourself.initBigInt doesn't parse 0x, but assumes decimal input by default. You can set another base like this:
let privKey = initBigInt("A0DC65FFCA799873CBEA0AC274015B9526505DAAAED385155425F7337704883E", 16)
I should change initBigInt to throw an error on invalid inputs though.include "system/inclrtl"
proc toBin*(x: BigInt, len: int): string {.noSideEffect,
rtl, extern: "nsuToBin".} =
mask = 1.initBigInt
shift = 0.initBigInt
assert(len > 0)
result = newString(len)
for j in countdown(len-1, 0):
result[j] = chr(((x and mask) shr shift).initBigInt + ord('0'))
shift = shift + 1
mask = mask shl 1
Code so far:
import bigints, math, strutils
proc `^`(base: int; exp: int): BigInt =
let base = base.initBigInt
var exp = exp
result = 1.initBigInt
while exp > 0:
result *= base
Pcurve: BigInt = 2^256 - 2^32 - 2^9 - 2^8 - 2^7 - 2^6 - 2^4 - 1
Acurve = 0
Bcurve = 7
Gx = initBigInt("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240")
Gy = initBigInt("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424")
Gpoint = (Gx, Gy)
privKey = initBigInt("A0DC65FFCA799873CBEA0AC274015B9526505DAAAED385155425F7337704883E", 16)
proc modinv(a: BigInt): BigInt =
lm = 1.initBigInt
hm = 0.initBigInt
lowm = a mod Pcurve
highm = Pcurve
while lowm > 1:
ratio = highm div lowm
nm = hm - (lm * ratio)
temp = highm - (lowm * ratio)
lm = nm
lowm = temp
hm = lm
highm = lowm
result = lm mod Pcurve
proc ecAdd(a: tuple, b: tuple): tuple =
lamAdd = ((b[1] - a[1]) * modinv(b[0] - a[0])) mod Pcurve
x = (lamAdd * lamAdd - a[0] - b[0]) mod Pcurve
y = (lamAdd * (a[0] - x) - a[1]) mod Pcurve
result = (x, y)
proc ecDouble(a: tuple): tuple =
lam = ((3 * a[0] * a[0] + Acurve) * modinv(2 * a[1])) mod Pcurve
x = ((lam * lam) - (2 * a[0])) mod Pcurve
y = (lam * (a[0] - x) - a[1]) mod Pcurve
result = (x, y)
proc ecMultiply(genPoint: tuple, scalarHex): tuple =
if scalarHex == 0 or scalarHex >= N:
raise newException(E_base, "Invalid Scalar/Private Key")
scalarBin = toBin(scalarHex, 64)
q = genPoint
for i in 1 .. scalarBin.len:
q = ecDouble(q)
if scalarBin[i] == '1':
q = ecAdd(q, genPoint)
result = (q)
proc main() =
let publicKey = ecMultiply(Gpoint, privKey)
echo "******* Public Key Generation *********"
echo "the private key: " & $privKey
echo ""
echo "the uncompressed public key (not address): " & $publicKey
echo ""
echo "the uncompressed public key (HEX): 04" & $publicKey[0] & $publicKey[1]
echo ""
echo "the official Public Key - compressed: ",
if publicKey[1] mod 2 == 1:
"03" & $toHex(toBiggestInt(publicKey[0]), 64)
"02" & $toHex(toBiggestInt(publicKey[0]), 64)
toBin is only for normal ints, not bigints. You can use
scalarBin = scalarHex.toString(base = 2)
# in ecDouble...
lam = (3.initBigInt * a[0] * a[0] + Acurve) mod Pcurve
# in ECdouble...
Lam = (3*a[0]*a[0]+Acurve) % Pcurve
It could be that 3.initBigInt is throwing things off, but I don't know why that would be.
The immediate problem is your translation of modinv. This line:
Should be
hm = nm
highm = temp
swap hm, lm
swap highm, lowm
So the entire modinv is:
proc modinv(a: BigInt): BigInt =
lm = 1.initBigInt
hm = 0.initBigInt
lowm = a mod Pcurve
highm = Pcurve
while lowm > 1:
ratio = highm div lowm
nm = hm - (lm * ratio)
temp = highm - (lowm * ratio)
hm = nm
highm = temp
swap hm, lm
swap highm, lowm
result = lm mod Pcurve
Unfortunately there is still a bug in the division of the bigints, so the result is still not right, even after fixing this. I'll try to fix the division later today. This one fails for example:
echo initBigInt("756628490253123014067933708583503295844929075882239485540431356534910033618830501144105195285364489562157441837796863614070956636498456792910898817389940831543204657474297072356228690296487944931559885281889207062770782744748470400") mod initBigInt("115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663")
by returning
instead of
Sorry it took me so long, but it's working finally (albeit pretty slow, since the division of BigInts is not optimized).
There was another bug in the printing of the keys, which have to be padded with leading 0s to length 64:
echo "the uncompressed public key (HEX):"
echo "04", publicKey[0].toString(base = 16).align(64, '0'), publicKey[1].toString(base = 16).align(64, '0')
echo ""
echo "the official Public Key - compressed:"
echo if publicKey[1] mod 2 == 1: "03" & publicKey[0].toString(base = 16).align(64, '0')
else: "02" & publicKey[0].toString(base = 16).align(64, '0')
I fixed the division, and now the result looks exactly as in Python:
******* Public Key Generation ********* the private key: 72759466100064397073952777052424474334519735946222029294952053344302920927294 the uncompressed public key (not address): (Field0: 3423904187495496827825042940737875085827330420143621346629173781207857376010, Field1: 75711134420273723792089656449854389054866833762486990555172221523628676983696) the uncompressed public key (HEX): 040791dc70b75aa995213244ad3f4886d74d61ccd3ef658243fcad14c9ccee2b0aa762fbc6ac0921b8f17025bb8458b92794ae87a133894d70d7995fc0b6b5ab90 the official Public Key - compressed: 020791dc70b75aa995213244ad3f4886d74d61ccd3ef658243fcad14c9ccee2b0a
The working version: https://github.com/def-/bigints/blob/master/examples/elliptic.nim