a<-c(1,2,3,4) b<-c(7,2,7,4) c<-ifelse(a==b,a*b,a+b)
Thanks in advance!
handy function like 'ifelse' in R
Yes, you can do let c = if a == b: a*b else: a+b
If you want to operate on vectors/arrays like that, you might need to define your + and * functions.
Vectorisation in R (or Python) means do the operation in compiled C or C++ code instead of interpreted R code.
Nim doesn't have this optimisation issue as it's compiled and will be optimised like C or C++.
R (and C++) vectors equivalent in Nim are sequences.
Tuples are fine if you work with a limited fixed size of elements but otherwise use sequences or dedicated data structure (either Neo's vectors or Arraymancer's tensors).
Otherwise, I will benchmark this, but unfortunately this will take some time
Yes, you really should do that, it may help you to understand that your questions make not that much sense -- asking here and in stackoverflow at the same time make it not really better.
Mratsim gave you a very good answer already -- and in case you do not know already, he is one of the brightest Nim devs.
You may use criterion package for you benchmark, see
Don't forget to compile your test in release mode with option -d:release
After testing yourself, you may post your concrete Nin code here, maybe some experts can give you more tips to improve performance. With some luck the compilers can apply SIMD instructions, which may boost performance. Or operations can be done in parallel.
There is actually no need to benchmark.
You shouldn't put 1000 elements in an array, 1000 elements of int32 or float32 will take 4000 bytes and 1000 elements of int64 or float64 will take 8000 bytes (int32 is 32 bits = 4 bytes).
If you only use indexing a[i] in sequences, like with an array, the cost are the same: optional bound-checking + pointer dereference. Bound-checking is not done on release builds and pointer dereference is automatically cached by the CPU if done multiple times in a tight loop.
If you are really really worried about the total performance allocate your elements in a sequence and then access them via a ptr UncheckedArray[T] which will work like a C pointer.
Now here is the benchmark, note that you might run out of stack space for the arrays:
# ##########################################
# Benchmarking tools
import random, times, stats, strformat, math, sequtils
proc warmup() =
# Warmup - make sure cpu is on max perf
let start = cpuTime()
var foo = 123
for i in 0 ..< 300_000_000:
foo += i*i mod 456
foo = foo mod 789
# Compiler shouldn't optimize away the results as cpuTime rely on sideeffects
let stop = cpuTime()
echo &"Warmup: {stop - start:>4.4f} s, result {foo} (displayed to avoid compiler optimizing warmup away)"
template printStats(name: string, output: openarray) {.dirty.} =
echo "\n" & name
echo &"Collected {stats.n} samples in {global_stop - global_start:>4.3f} seconds"
echo &"Average time: {stats.mean * 1000 :>4.3f} ms"
echo &"Stddev time: {stats.standardDeviationS * 1000 :>4.3f} ms"
echo &"Min time: {stats.min * 1000 :>4.3f} ms"
echo &"Max time: {stats.max * 1000 :>4.3f} ms"
echo &"Theoretical perf: {a.len.float / (float(10^6) * stats.mean):>4.3f} MFLOP/s"
echo "\nDisplay output[0] to make sure it's not optimized away"
echo output[0] # Prevents compiler from optimizing stuff away
template bench(name: string, output: openarray, body: untyped) {.dirty.}=
block: # Actual bench
var stats: RunningStat
let global_start = cpuTime()
for _ in 0 ..< nb_samples:
let start = cpuTime()
let stop = cpuTime()
stats.push stop - start
let global_stop = cpuTime()
printStats(name, output)
# #############################################
proc benchArray(a, b: array[1000, int], nb_samples: int) =
var output: array[1000, int]
bench("Array ifelse", output):
for i in 0 ..< a.len:
if a[i] == b[i]:
output[i] = a[i] * b[i]
output[i] = a[i] + b[i]
proc benchSeq(a, b: array[1000, int], nb_samples: int) =
let a_seq = @a
let b_seq = @b
var output = newSeq[int](1000)
bench("Seq ifelse", output):
for i in 0 ..< a.len:
if a[i] == b[i]:
output[i] = a[i] * b[i]
output[i] = a[i] + b[i]
# ###########################################
when defined(fast_math):
when defined(march_native):
when isMainModule:
randomize(42) # For reproducibility
var a, b: array[1000, int]
for i in 0 ..< 1000:
a[i] = rand(0..100)
b[i] = rand(0..100)
benchArray(a, b, nb_samples = 1_000_000)
benchSeq(a, b, nb_samples = 1_000_000)
And the result on my machine:
Warmup: 1.3207 s, result 224 (displayed to avoid compiler optimizing warmup away)
Array ifelse
Collected 1000000 samples in 2.685 seconds
Average time: 0.002 ms
Stddev time: 0.001 ms
Min time: 0.001 ms
Max time: 0.087 ms
Theoretical perf: 565.750 MFLOP/s
Display output[0] to make sure it's not optimized away
Seq ifelse
Collected 1000000 samples in 2.611 seconds
Average time: 0.002 ms
Stddev time: 0.001 ms
Min time: 0.001 ms
Max time: 0.219 ms
Theoretical perf: 589.900 MFLOP/s
Display output[0] to make sure it's not optimized away
Note that MFLOP/s isn't technically true, first of all, we are using integers and second it consider that the following is a single operation, while there is a comparison + mul/add.
if a[i] == b[i]:
output[i] = a[i] * b[i]
output[i] = a[i] + b[i]