The following program does not compile:
proc addoneb(a : distinct string, b : distinct string) : distinct string =
when typeof(a) is distinct string :
let v = a & b
result = v
else :
result = cast[distinct string]("")
proc run() =
let a = "alice"
let b = "bob"
let c = addone(a,b)
echo cast[string](c)
and I got:
Error: type mismatch:
got 'distinct string' for 'cast[distinct string]("")' [string declared in /home/gsixte/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.2/lib/system.nim(34, 3)]
but expected 'distinct string' [string declared in /home/gsixte/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-1.6.2/lib/system.nim(34, 3)]
So, the compiler complains like: "I ordered a coffee and you brought me a coffee". Hard to understand.