Thank you guys, Nim is a wonderful idea and it actually works so well!
Meanwhile, my post to this reddit thread has just been shadowbanned (still visible to just me) or plain deleted, so I'm posting it here for posterity:
I regret not trying Nim out earlier, thinking it had to be as mediocre as Go. My bad!
A few random thoughts:
I cannot corroborate Nim benchmarking faster than Rust
I didn't expect that either, hence the enthusiasm :)
The results were obtained on Linux, ARM and ARM64 (the new platform I'd mentioned), benchmarking the latest rust nightly vs latest Nim, gcc 4.9/5/6 and clang 3.6 (armv7).
Probably more proof rust is basically an x86_64 language. Personally, to give rust another chance, 4 things would have to happen:
The last point definitely means it's goodbye rust.
Sometimes profanity is a good way to accentuate your arguments. I can appreciate that. Your post doesn't use much of it, but it's still not something that I can reasonably allow on this forum.
With this in mind, I will politely ask you to remove the profanity. All you need to do is remove the two offending words: "retarded" and "sucking". I believe that removing these words or replacing them with something less offensive won't change the meaning of your message.
I am of course willing to hear any arguments for why you (or anyone else) thinks these words should remain. Unlike the Reddit community I despise shadow bans and prefer not to remove posts when possible, that said I must admit that being able to discuss issues such as this with the offender is a luxury that doesn't scale well.
I'm afraid that if you don't comply, I will perform this edit myself.
It's nice to see that @libman has already engaged you in a discussion. I would like to continue that.
As a side note, it would be helpful if you could also edit the formatting of your post. Use the > to create quoted text, this will word wrap and be easier to read.
@NastyRigger: as much as I share your feelings towards CoCs and the oppressive PC exclusion that plagues communities like Rust (and others), there are better ways to express your antithesis towards them than childish insults. They only dis-credit your arguments and create animosity and bad feeling between developers.
I played a bit with Rust before I discovered Nim and -although I appreciated its effectiveness- I found it too verbose and bureaucratic. Nim's expressiveness and elegance is much more appealing to me. The only use-case where Rust would be a better fit IMO, would be when creating code for hard/firm real-time or embedded systems, where Rust's memory model allows for safe memory management. As this use-case doesn't affect me, I choose Nim over Rust because Nim makes me happier and more productive. However, you have to weigh things yourself and see which language fits your use-cases and coding style better.
Looks like a kindred spirit has joined the fray:
These lefty loons deserve the mockery.
^ This person is toxic.
"the oppressive PC exclusion that plagues communities like Rust"
Yeah, right. The race-baiting troll Meai1 whose Rust posts NR linked to, his "kindred spirit", complains that the Rust folks see as a problem that 81.6% who took their survey identified as white male (which isn't actually true, but virtually nothing written by Meai1 is true). 81.6% doesn't sound like "exclusion" to me. Do yourself a favor: stick to talking about programming rather than phony whining about "oppressive PC exclusion". That way, no one will know or suspect that you're a right wing bigot who thinks that 81.6% of the pie isn't enough.
If the Nim honchos are wise, they will delete this entire thread. Nim has enough troubles with outreach and acceptance already, without this kind of garbage.
These lefty loons deserve the mockery.
This is not a forum about politics. Back to /pol/ my friend.
I do not feel that the CoC's add anything meaningful or relevant.
They are unnecessary in my opinion.
It usually is about censorship and "rules to effect censorship".
In this context though, while I dislike CoC's, your wording but also your nick is a dead-give away NastyRigger. For some reason I have this feeling that I knew you from IRC simply because you may deliberately pick such IRC nicks in order to "have fun" - just as you did in that "post" with using CoC as a word deliberately. So come on man, you can't really complain if you provoke it on purpose. And if I think you are who you are then you should also add the fact that you have been banned from several channels. ;)
stick to talking about programming rather than phony whining about "oppressive PC exclusion"
If only Mozilla/Rust took your advice!
And if I think you are who you are
Nah, not very active and I don't waste a second of my time on IRC. Glad you're bright enough to spot those things though ;)
BTW, here's another person who gave Rust a try:
followed by:
This thread is now officially locked*.
@Araq wanted me to remove this thread, and I may still do so. But in the interest of transparency and historical significance I would like for threads such as this to remain.