Hi, I don't know if it's possible to parse json this way, perhaps yielding after every JObject ...
Anyway, Is there a library or a way to do that?
Some jsons in today's world, are really really huge, and to parse it all beforehand likely eats GB of ram
I deal with a large amounts of json. It's bad design to have it all in one file. It's best to have in daily, hourly or even per second files. They are usually compressed too. Moreover, its usually json separated by newlines (line by line as @enthus1ast suggests) so really all you need to do is to read single line and parse it which is usually around couple kilobytes.
I have never seen a large multi-GB file of just plain json come from anywhere and I have seen a ton of json.
Finally if you might be able to use my jsony's library hooks ( https://github.com/treeform/jsony#proc-parsehook-can-be-used-to-do-anything ) to read large json and dealing with stuff in the hooks and not returning anything. I don't recommend it though.