Some Nimble packages can't be install because of some characters in there name:
$ nimble install easy-bcrypt
Downloading https://github.com/flaviut/easy-bcrypt.git using git
Tip: 2 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
Error: easy-bcrypt is an invalid package name: cannot contain '-'
$ nimble install scrypt.nim
Downloading https://bitbucket.org/BitPuffin/scrypt.nim using hg
Tip: 2 messages have been suppressed, use --verbose to show them.
Error: scrypt.nim is an invalid package name: cannot contain '.'
How could i install them ?
You will need to clone them manually:
git clone https://github.com/flaviut/easy-bcrypt.git and the same for the scrypt package (only using hg)
Then rename the package (by modifying their .nimble file), then install them by running nimble install in the package's dir.
Thanks a lot for your answer !
I take this opportunity to thank you for your great work with the book Nim in action.
nim maintainers should really iterate through all the broken nimble packages and fix or remove them. This kind of thing can be very frustrating to people exploring a new language, and cause them to leave.
note: I have tried to be the change I want to see in the world here, when I came across this issue I did submit a fix to the library in question, but the maintainer of it has never merged it.
This kind of thing can be very frustrating to people exploring a new language
@jackmott : Yes, i think so.
@dom96 : Don't you think that add an information message (explaining the git workaround) in complement of the error message could be interesting ?
note: I have tried to be the change I want to see in the world here, when I came across this issue I did submit a fix to the library in question, but the maintainer of it has never merged it.
@jackmott, you can always take over unmaintained packages, just don't forget to mention original author when doing a PR to nimble packages. ;)