Let's get this thread up to help potential newcomers to the language.
How can you get start with Nim development in 2025? What are the must have VS Code extensions, tools you should install and version to use. Always good to have an evergreen thread for this.
The official Nim extension is the recommended VSCode plugin and is more up to date than the one from nimsaem.
VSCode is the most popular Nim IDE.
LSP server works well with neovim and sublime text but it requires a bit more manual setup.
Helix supports Nim surprisingly well; even better than Neovim imho.
Just make sure you have nimlangserver in your path and it will get picked up automatically (if you're using a recent enough version) and that's basically it; no configuration needed.
Some QoL options can be added to ~/.config/helix/config.toml:
display-messages = true
space = "all"
tab = "all"
newline = "none"
space = "·"
tab = "→"