Hi All,
I want to record the executable compile time to be hard coded. eg. If the executable is complied on May, 24th. It should be always May, 24th.
import times
const compileTime = "Release Date : " & $now().format("YYYY-MM-dd")
However, the compiler give an error message C:worksoftwarenim-1.4.6_x64nim-1.4.6libpuretimes.nim(908, 5) Error: cannot 'importc' variable at compile time; getSystemTimeAsFileTime
If I am doing this way, compile will be OK, but the compileTime is changed everyday with pc time.
import times
let compileTime = "Release Date : " & $now().format("YYYY-MM-dd")
Any method to solve this problem? thanks.
Thanks, this did solved my problem.
CompileDate/CompileTime is what I am looking for