It's certainly recognized by Digital Ocean since they are sponsoring Nim for hosting all the services.
Otherwise you have a couple of AWS related packed on but Nim presence is still tiny and experimental in many companies.
Assuming you use Nim to learn programming language concepts, I think using Nim will give you lots of knowledge that can be transferred to C, C++ and Rust without the hassle of doing your own memory management at the start (similar to Go I'd say).
What you might struggle with is the lack of libraries but that can be remediated by wrapping a C or C++ library.
In terms of niche or not backed by big name languages, Nim is probably one of the most well-known ;).
The problem is that Nim isn't a 1.0 yet and this is a huge barrier for companies that I worked with.
Once it's there I think it will push the language in the less niche direction.
Hello there, I'm the President of the Republic of Bodabe, in South Africa (you may remember me from the news as the first african president who makes computer programs). The people from this country recognize and acknowledge the advantages of the nim programming language. We are very grateful for its merits and the effort put into making it a technology of great quality and freedom, which empowers our little nation by reducing the gap between Bodabe and the countries of the first world.
Three years ago I gave The Medal of Three Horns, the highest honor in Bodabe, to the nim development team and they gave a speech in return. You can see the video in this link.