new user here.
ii) last time i checked in the forum seemed to be organized into sever sub fora has that changed ?
iii) mailing list ? that would be very helpful too, its easy to go back and check/search an old email. A forum is inconvenient for this use case
iv) I had an old id but couldn't recover the password. It would be good if this was possible
The forums currently have no search option. There is a pull request pending for review adding a search box to piggyback on Google's search, but you don't have to wait for this if you are using a modern web browser. You can of course use google directly with the site parameter, but you can also create a droplet.html on your desktop with the following content:
<a href="javascript:(function()%7B%20p=prompt('Search%20nimrod%20forums:','');
The whole href there should be on a single line without spaces, if you have trouble with it you can go to and look at the source code.
Once you have this file (or using the sample mentioned above), open it with your browser and drag the droplet link to your favourite/bookmarks bar somewhere. A bookmark will be created. Now pressing this bookmark will open a search box you can type some terms and pressing accept will do the query for you in google restricting the search to the forum site.
The forum has never had sub forums.
There is no plan at the moment to have a mailing list but feel free to create one and announce here if you decide to admin it.
Password recovery is not possible because passwords are stored as hashes. There is no process for replacing the password either, but if you generated a new hash yourself locally maybe you could pester the forum admins on irc and ask them to overwrite the online database value with your new hash.
Great and thanks for the reply. I can indeed search the site with google, hope they index it well enough.
Is the 28 'pages' restriction by design ? I seem to be able to go back further by playing with the url.
Glad that passwords arent stored in reversible encoding, wish this common sense practice was more prevalent. By password recovery I indeed meant reset, that how it typically works in most mailing_list / forums. One sends a request for recovery, and a link for reset is sent to the registered email address.
Can you really go further back than 28 pages? That's the limit because there is no more content, page 28 for me now shows the initial forum post with the first database identifier, so maybe you are looking at parallel universes?
The forum has been for a small user base so far providing the basics. Features like password resetting will need to eventually come. If you are interested in this feature, you can always take a look at the source code and make pull requests to make it happen earlier.
Can you really go further back than 28 pages?
Try this
Oh never mind I thought that was page 46, clearly its not.
Regarding a mailing list (which, I personally regard as inferior to forums in many ways), you can "watch" Araq's Nimrod repo to get email updates regarding bugs and such.
As for the forum, all you need to do is pair one of the two available RSS feeds (found on the bottom of the main forum page) with a service such as blogtrottr ( Indeed, this combination is what I use to keep abreast of all things Nimrod without having to view too many different platforms.
I think NNTP was the right protocol for this. Too bad it did not catch on (or rather spam killed it).
With feed readers, mailing list does lose some of its shine. Still smarting from Google's closure of Reader.