08:32:56 notfowl It has similar semantics
08:33:23 notfowl Unless its marked shallow, assignment does a copy
08:33:41 * OnO quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com)
08:34:55 * pipeep quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
08:34:57 * elbow_jason quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
08:37:25 borisv notfowl: yes, I did try it. For both `array` and `sequence` assignment makes a copy.
Should read as this:
08:32:56 notfowl It has similar semantics
08:33:23 notfowl Unless its marked shallow, assignment does a copy
08:37:25 borisv notfowl: yes, I did try it. For both `array` and `sequence` assignment makes a copy.
link to the logs for reference: irclogs.nim-lang.org