12720 ::
Conditional varargs unpack
12716 ::
gibman - A DOOM WAD manager for nerds
12708 ::
Curious about nimony's new features
12705 ::
procedure definition syntax suggestion
12703 ::
Introducing CodeTracer - a time-travelling debugger built with Nim, for Nim.
12702 ::
Creating async wrappers around expensive sync operations
12693 ::
Nimony progress
12691 ::
Sev - a JavaScript runtime written in Nim
12689 ::
len(kind) must be less than 32768
12688 ::
Howto handle atomic members in lifetime hooks (=dup, =copy) ?
12680 ::
Call procedure if variable is of specific type
12678 ::
Downloading nim 2.2.2 is blocked by the browser
12671 ::
Face detection?
12670 ::
Mininim: Framework Concept
12666 ::
Simple File Monitoring
12665 ::
Hook into a generated =destroy() proc
12660 ::
Apprecaite Nim
12654 ::
GuildenStern web server 8 is out - and it's better than ever
12653 ::
Dmon Directory / File change monitoring ported to pure Nim
12646 ::
nim 2.3.* Uninit warning: how to comply?
12643 ::
nim programs monitoring/observation
12642 ::
Speeding up nimble dependency checks
12628 ::
is there a mixin() function in nim ?
12625 ::
Explanation for the .liftLocals pragma?
12624 ::
Sigils – Improved Multi-Threading
12623 ::
SDL2-Android-Nim Builds
12621 ::
Nim Community Survey 2024
12617 ::
rules_nim - Nim rules for Bazel
12616 ::
Low-latency, Python-calling, concurrent design
12615 ::
Versioned releases of stew, stint and eth
12614 ::
Advent of Nim 2024
12604 ::
Nim Roadmap 2024 and beyond, revisited
11802 ::
Openziti (zero trust networking)
11790 ::
Understanding more complex generic types in Nim coming from Typescript
11782 ::
Nim version 2.0.6 released
11762 ::
It is annoying that the template doesn't resolve the symbol at template caller.
11761 ::
Why does ORC GC alter my data in Nim but ARC doesn't? What am I doing wrong?
11730 ::
Stock address instead of plain object in a table : C to Nim
11720 ::
Introducing an async library inspired by Go in Nim
11715 ::
XSLT transformations
11710 ::
Please help, learning NIM to speed up Python programs, but strange results
11664 ::
Wrapping ESP-IDF for embedded - Futhark - PlatformIO
11651 ::
Nim Killer Fullstack App
11644 ::
Pixie and NiGui
11642 ::
Where does the complexity of quote from the manual comes from
11637 ::
Which IDE to use in 2024?
11630 ::
Upcoming "Nim for Pythonistas" talk at PyCon Italy
11601 ::
Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?
11575 ::
Using threads with gui Nigui
11564 ::
Feature Request: enum: relax or remove order requirements.
11551 ::
get object field by variable
11550 ::
Issue with C array
11544 ::
Can I check if a proc is async at compileTime without a macro?
11533 ::
How do I emulate ruby's super() for a subclass object's constructor.
11532 ::
Anonymous chat service, powered by Nim
11506 ::
How to implement a generic arbitrary node-graph with unknown number of generic types?
11505 ::
Introducing nginwho - An nginx log parser, Cloudflare IP restorer, and untrusted traffic blocker
11500 ::
Short quest of a Newbie/Nimbie: Can't compile examples
11499 ::
Please review my types: ref object or plain object
11486 ::
Can’t wrap my head around this TypeError
11485 ::
Nim implementation of Ruby tap() method
11467 ::
Fake Nim books an Amazon, which ones are real?
11465 ::
What's the lowest level that Nim can navigate or even dive breaking OS-dependant protected modes?
11423 ::
How to migrate from Discourse to Nim Forum?
11373 ::
Trying to get "interfaced" to run with latest nim
11370 ::
How to customize a top-level Pragma
11339 ::
help with channels and threads
11338 ::
How to remove the N_LIB_PRIVATE from exported c code.
11327 ::
NailIt — a literate programming tool
11293 ::
How do you handle incomplete nimble packages?
11290 ::
Do we have a list of breaking changes in the next major release?
11289 ::
Why is docgen not producing the 'dochack.js' file? Nim v1.6.8-2.0.2
11261 ::
Oversight or intentional?
11255 ::
how to parse a multipart/form-data POST body string?
11232 ::
Tesseract and Leptonica
11214 ::
Debugging with GDB?
11189 ::
Is there a plan to make Nim a language for normal businesses?
11175 ::
a chat app please recommend necessary libraries
11171 ::
Show Nim: Sunny, JSON in Nim with Go-like field tags
11170 ::
Owlkettle 3.0.0
11161 ::
This forum has an XSS injection vulnerability
11131 ::
Releasing threads resources (OS) after joinThread on windows
11129 ::
Resizable arrays in Nim - difficulty in getting performance
11120 ::
Slow image processing with pixie
11093 ::
[arnetheduck] `nph` opinionated formatter v0.5
11069 ::
leave parenthesis for procedures that take 0 parameters like Ruby
11064 ::
Fused multiply-add instruction
11053 ::
Would Nim modules or available Nim web frameworks suffice for an e-commerce back-end?
11040 ::
Futhark and editor tooling
11038 ::
Is it impossible to declare an _empty enum_ under quote in order to populate it later in a macro?
11014 ::
Is there a way to create a musl binary (static binary) in a project using libcurl.nim?
11000 ::
How to use Weave isReady?
10978 ::
Mutable value semantics
10963 ::
Chame 0.14.0 released
10960 ::
ANSI Escape Sequences
10949 ::
Template default parameters question
10947 ::
Found a Niche that only Nim can do: Easy Retro(e.g. MOS 65xx) Development with ORC/ARC
10938 ::
How do Nim exceptions work?
10937 ::
What would happen if a time traveler took Nim source code to the 70s or 80s or 90s?
10927 ::
Feedback on site: Scroll to Top or Update Design for Docs
10924 ::
Getting resources from other sources for the current source.
10916 ::
Struggling to understand use of ptr object Types
10910 ::
Nim safety features like Zig & Rust?
10908 ::
punctuations rituals
10906 ::
howt to embed NimNode in template?
10900 ::
Argon2 in Pure Nim.
10898 ::
Parser combinators experiment causes Error: "cannot instantiate return:type"
10897 ::
Exponentially-slow compile times with deeply nested iterators
10896 ::
cannot open file: db_connector/db_sqlite
10895 ::
About the Nim official documentation update.
10894 ::
TCC on ARM(el) backend problem
10886 ::
A little guidance on threading needed.
10880 ::
orc mm slower than markandsweep in my experience
10873 ::
What are your options for dealing with leaks in asyncCheck under arc?
10872 ::
How to easy create and init a large array? Its have values
10863 ::
Custom constructors
10860 ::
=destroy and enum
10857 ::
cleanly terminating a thread if it takes too long
10851 ::
can't run nim
10846 ::
how to get pragma of the field in macro?
10835 ::
Maybe nappgui is best cross platform gui lib for nim
10821 ::
Why Nim allowing asm stmt at js ?
10817 ::
The bool type
10791 ::
Escape characters for fmt
10780 ::
scinim - how to contribute a package
10773 ::
How to correctly use nim doc when a project has unimported modules
10768 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) in coroutines
10756 ::
How does 'nim secret' actually work?
10754 ::
Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim
10753 ::
Package-Rot as growth hindrance
10748 ::
Nimforum custom theme
10744 ::
Is it possible to encode constraints directly into a type, and enforce them at runtime?
10734 ::
How to create local packages
10728 ::
FMU - C interop
10724 ::
Errors within async are not being raised
10723 ::
GAsyncQueue vs system/channels vs. threading/channels
10721 ::
Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10719 ::
thread process can not change text buffer
10717 ::
Advent of Nim 2023
10706 ::
Ideas about strings
10698 ::
custom pragmas are not supported for enum fields
10697 ::
nlvm 1.6.16 - now with a REPL
10666 ::
Chronos v4 RC
10664 ::
Nim in university context?
10656 ::
Question from one of my customers.
10652 ::
mixed typed varargs?
10649 ::
Exceptions not being handled with libuv: bug or what?
10639 ::
proc/func/method: syntax
10633 ::
`nimpkgs` the nimble.directory alternative no one asked for
10631 ::
Memory leakage caused by the use of asyncftpclient's rter process
10624 ::
How to replicate C code instantiating a GTK_WIDGET
10623 ::
Open-source Nim projects that beginners can contribute to
10622 ::
What are drawbacks of using forward declarations with "include" as a "module interface"-mechanism?
10616 ::
Github action to build documentation
10613 ::
how to feed stdin to external process and redirect stdout ?
10609 ::
Slack API in Nim
10597 ::
Error: expression 'x' is of type 'y' and has to be used (or discarded)
10596 ::
My experiences with Nim
10594 ::
10590 ::
With what parameters does echo call fwrite? Trying to implement fwrite in Nim.
10589 ::
Cosmo3 multi-os fat binaries with threads
10587 ::
Malebogia Locker is not re-entrant?
10580 ::
Changing an object's field is rejected in a destructor with new syntax
10570 ::
10563 ::
Playing with type states and lifetime-tracking hooks, facing some unexpected behavior
10561 ::
no simple way to import files from dir recusively?
10560 ::
threaded updates to sequence in objects?
10557 ::
Best way to architect a Nim dll/so that is used by other Nim dll/so/executables
10556 ::
What is the need for "GC safe" when using ORC/ARC?
10553 ::
Using Concepts for abstracting display graphics
10552 ::
ugly code or concepts?
10550 ::
And the fastest language to print hello world is ...
10547 ::
Compiling on i386: Pointer size mismatch between Nim and C/C++ backend
10534 ::
Effects of calls to Garbage Collector when using ARC/ORC?
10529 ::
Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10528 ::
How ready is Nim (and the ecosystem) for front-end web development?
10525 ::
related_post_gen benchmark
10521 ::
10515 ::
ImPlot library
10514 ::
atlas/nimble build still tries to download dependencies despite nim.cfg
10513 ::
Simple template and macro question
10511 ::
[help] Nim JIT + REPL with clang backend + -emit-llvm + LLVM's ORCv2
10509 ::
ggplot and lapack revisited
10507 ::
Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10499 ::
Mindset Nim
10496 ::
ggplotnim and lapack
10495 ::
High level TUI framework (or wrapper of)
10490 ::
How to define a =copy hook for a distinct cstring type?
10477 ::
Improving Examples and Documentation
10472 ::
Nimble newbie issue
10460 ::
Is it possible to safely share refs across threads?
10453 ::
unittest2 face lift
10449 ::
Pure Nim FFT library
10444 ::
Idiomatic way to zero-copy iterface with binary bitmap array
10442 ::
One language to rule them all.
10438 ::
Circular imports for procs
10436 ::
New to nim... It looks interesting, but can it ... ?
10432 ::
Difficulty Establishing SSL/TLS Connection for Secure Website
10430 ::
Convert back cstring to string
10428 ::
Basic Async Questions
10424 ::
Explanation for SSL/TLS Error
10422 ::
How to update a nimble package?
10420 ::
Local bug-tracker (written in Nim or not)
10415 ::
Nim Side-Effects
10410 ::
\suggestions on handling \destructuring of array/seq into a list of named fields?
10407 ::
Equivalent to Rust's Command spawn/try_wait?
10401 ::
Exceptions occurring in top level statements of submodule not being reported/handled
10397 ::
IPv6 compatibility (dual-stack AF_UNSPEC)
10396 ::
Mapster - Because life is too short to map A to B
10395 ::
Nim 2 and need for try-finally?
10394 ::
What is the best way to learn nim for someone who is fluent with python
10391 ::
Template being called twice with Nim 2.0
10386 ::
How to prevent nim language server plugin from spawning multiple instances of nimsuggest
10384 ::
Why is My Nim Code Faster when Doing This
10382 ::
Nim Project Setup
10377 ::
A few (perhaps naive) questions
10366 ::
Nim version 2.0.0 is here
10362 ::
Help: Converting Json[strings] (seq[JsonNode]) to array[0..2, string]?
10353 ::
Using Unicode in procedure and variable names
10341 ::
Wrapping Tkinter GUI in Nim?
10337 ::
MiniDumpWriteDump in memory
10336 ::
redirect echo result to make a lazy function?
10326 ::
How to pass a C array to a C function taking a pointer?
10324 ::
asyncdispatch debugging
10322 ::
Recursive Fibonacci function
10320 ::
Suggestion to improve proc type infer, and some complains
10316 ::
realloc and self referencing array problem
10314 ::
lvgl - callback issues
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10310 ::
Twitter Clone in 60 lines of Nim
10299 ::
GUI app with nim
10298 ::
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra series of blog posts
10297 ::
thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10292 ::
Does Nim has the same features that D has when interfacing to Objective-C?
10282 ::
macro - global var behaviour
10277 ::
Embedded: svd2nim for read/write of ARM Cortex micros
10273 ::
Library for tracking pressed keys
10270 ::
How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10268 ::
Is there any utility to output a graphical representation of a Nim Abstract Syntax Tree?
10266 ::
debugEcho to stderr ? osproc.startProcess debugging...
10265 ::
a question about the development and compatibility of Nim 2.0 and Nim 1.0
10260 ::
Setting up a Nim server for dummies
10258 ::
Understanding `await sleepAsync`
10251 ::
Nim library interoperability with other GC languages (NodeJs, Golang)
10250 ::
End of function in Nim binary
10248 ::
Collectors, heap, sharedRam, threads.
10247 ::
DLL crashes - can't figure out why
10235 ::
Using TCC/NLVM to compile source code in a string
10232 ::
Bloom filter comparisson
10231 ::
German Tax Upload in Nim with Futhark
10226 ::
May bug with ``ptr ref`` combine closure?
10223 ::
Platonic: core math concepts
10221 ::
Any fuzzy or trigram substring search library, with index, so it's instant?
10220 ::
How to create modular program (like main with future addons) ?
10219 ::
Best Web Framework Features?
10215 ::
NIM code compile to executable does not run on other systems.
10213 ::
Complexity of nim vs other languages in creating a simple back-of-the-envelope tool.
10202 ::
Help with generics and typeclass problem
10198 ::
10195 ::
feasible lib(s) to do FFT on image with minimal dependencies?
10194 ::
Is there a way to tell the compiler to include/export unused functions
10193 ::
Announce: LimDB 0.3.0 Now with types & block-syntax transactions
10188 ::
Clearer copyright license for Nim logos and assets
10187 ::
intops - core primtives for working with integers efficiently
10186 ::
Is there a way to see the NIM version in an NIM executable (binary) ?
10185 ::
unique refs > `isolate`
10177 ::
Atomic ARC
10175 ::
Question from a complete Newbie
10167 ::
2 blocks 1 indentation
10161 ::
Usability of ARC/ORC in multi threaded code.
10159 ::
Mojo Language: Similarities/Differences with Nim, Potential Lessons for Adoption
10157 ::
I'm curious about what happens when using compiler flag "-d:asyncBackend=chronos"
10155 ::
Is ORC considered production-ready? What is the consensus on its use?
10154 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/30)
10146 ::
fetching data from many small .txt files
10143 ::
Can I download Nim on my iOS or Android device?
10141 ::
Using named blocks with break instead of exceptions for targetted exception handling
10135 ::
Semcheck a NimNode tree?
10131 ::
Can I quick get table last key value use like at(idx) function?
10128 ::
Small experiment with compiling the Nim compiler with PGO
10127 ::
Viability of a website generator using nim.
10126 ::
Long string in source file
10125 ::
Pass generic proc object different sub-types
10123 ::
EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
10112 ::
Design discussion for KommandKit - async, multithreaded, ORC-ready web framework
10109 ::
Which might be the best way to store complex data in MySQL
10106 ::
Article on wrapping C libraries in Nim
10104 ::
How to make os (e.g. ubuntu) interpret nimscript shebang
10101 ::
What GPT-4 knows and thinks about Nim
10092 ::
Tcp buffer reuse for lower memory use
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10083 ::
Need guidance for a first experience with Nim and ESP32
10082 ::
Scan syntax tree for procedure calls
10080 ::
State of HTTP Servers in Nim
10076 ::
Upcoming `Result` review - comments and thoughts welcome!
10074 ::
Calling Nim proc from C and handling the cstring (char array) returned
10072 ::
Future of typing ?
10066 ::
Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare
10062 ::
Anyone tried GPT-4 for Nim?
10057 ::
How to return from a function back to the main application loop
10052 ::
RFC: compiler support for object construction shorthand (full fields initializer)
10051 ::
Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
10048 ::
Mutable return type works fine for myTable.mgetOrPut but not for a custom proc
10022 ::
Only one line will load. Need all lines in directory to load.
10017 ::
Negative number as program argument
10000 ::
Cheerp 3.0? C++ to WASM compiler
9998 ::
Export C library components when using `--app:lib`
9994 ::
Trying to understand: is it better if IndexDefect is CatchableError or not
9993 ::
Advanced Compilers: Self-Guided Online Course
9990 ::
Example of simple parser?
9983 ::
Make Nim docker images official?
9982 ::
The Algorithms In Nim
9977 ::
Version 1.6.12 released!
9976 ::
Can Nim do Type States?
9975 ::
Macros and interfacing with the world ?
9971 ::
Overflow Checks
9964 ::
import module just for comptime use
9962 ::
RST in nim.
9957 ::
why use nim over c#?
9956 ::
My Nim Progress tracking everyday
9955 ::
anonymous records / subtyping ?
9940 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (2/26)
9928 ::
Garbage Collectors and Shared Libraries
9926 ::
ffi: how to pass a value to c?
9924 ::
What is the recommended way to use the local branch of an external git nim module in my nim project?
9916 ::
Using nimble as a library
9910 ::
SIGSEGV when creating a dunamic library in Nim and use it in nim (and posiibbly in other places too)
9908 ::
My Nim Development Progress Weekly
9907 ::
JIT landed in nlvm
9904 ::
Is it possible to detect "not defined in header file" ?
9902 ::
Nim in production: 350+ HTTP requests per second on a very modest VM
9901 ::
About NimMain when launching multiple Nim tasks on RTOS (FreeRTOS, Zephr, etc.)
9895 ::
Is there a way to automatically find the path to nimbase.h when installed with choosenim?
9893 ::
Expose static nim library to DLL
9886 ::
Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9884 ::
Immutable pointer type?
9883 ::
NuttX Port
9882 ::
Wanted libraries wishlist?
9881 ::
How to catch/ignore exception when iterating over a CSV file with CsvParser?
9875 ::
Why vtable implementaion is not better than subtype checking implementation?
9871 ::
Getting started with Nim on attiny85
9859 ::
RosettaBoy - Gameboy emulator rosetta stone
9858 ::
Twisting Nim's arm to generate loop #pragmas .
9857 ::
How to get compiler to warn/error on missing return statement in conditional branches?
9845 ::
Show Nim: JWTea, Crunchy and Depot. New repos you may find useful.
9839 ::
Unique ID's for types?
9834 ::
nlvm update 202301
9832 ::
`--os:standalone` gives `Error: system module needs: getCurrentException`
9823 ::
How do I fix this?
9822 ::
Multilungual Nimdoc
9805 ::
Official Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon) account?
9800 ::
Is there a way to print the documents without printing the rest of the html?
9799 ::
Two type matches, both wrong: how to do it right?
9794 ::
The state of GPU codegen with Nim (bonus: LLVM JIT codegen)
9791 ::
A seasoned programmer's take on Nim's docs
9790 ::
Nim book in Japanese
9787 ::
What Nim version introduces "except CatchableError" ?
9786 ::
A serious documentation for Nim
9785 ::
nimqt - bindings to Qt
9784 ::
-d:useMalloc fixes memory leak, but I don't know why
9764 ::
Javascript backend and implicit cstring conversions
9759 ::
How to further speed up the build of your Nim's projects (using ccache)
9753 ::
question about memory management
9752 ::
Formal verification in Nim using COQ and other proof assistants
9748 ::
Atlas -- the package cloner
9746 ::
Nim version 2.0 RC1
9745 ::
Create a ref to a C allocated object to manage its memory
9738 ::
Looking for resources about more complex generics, comptime type construction, etc.
9735 ::
Trouble with Nim debugging in VS Code
9721 ::
BigNum and BigInt timings on the Pollard Rho algorithm
9717 ::
Best practices for initializing objects?
9707 ::
Return value for joinThread?
9706 ::
Set Length Seq
9704 ::
A new way for Nim to shine ? Faster than NodeJS interpreted Nim, taking advantage of declared types
9700 ::
Making a upside-down card game: Flipcards
9699 ::
Nim HashSets operators
9688 ::
Why is Rust faster than Nim in this CSV parsing example?
9687 ::
Forum subscription feature
9685 ::
sequtils.nim(786, 15) Error: expected: ':', but got: 'result'
9684 ::
Nimsugest Goes out of control
9680 ::
Upcoming standard library changes
9679 ::
Executable crashes unless compiled with -d:release
9678 ::
Advent of Nim 2022
9672 ::
ARC and {.requiresInit.} issue
9666 ::
nimble master
9657 ::
Any libraries for dictionary coding (compression) of array structures ?
9656 ::
Initial OS porting experience
9655 ::
Choosing Nim out of a crowded market for systems programming languages
9646 ::
Atomic ARC option?
9641 ::
Nim Table, type iterators and lent type
9635 ::
Pigeon 0.2
9633 ::
How to manually free/clear memory used by ref
9629 ::
Using templates with generic or untyped parameters
9627 ::
Procedure to remove modules from stdlib?
9620 ::
Small Nim js fib benchmark
9617 ::
Nim 2: "Memory can be shared effectively between threads without copying in Nim version 2"
9614 ::
Nim 1.6.10 RC2
9611 ::
Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.
9609 ::
OpenSSL 3?
9608 ::
targeting 16bit system
9596 ::
A cost model for Nim v2
9593 ::
can Parsing Expression Grammar mechanisms replace the absence of reader macros in Nim??
9591 ::
nim name origin?
9590 ::
Howto: reinterpret a contiguous region/chunk of memory as a sequence of a certain type?
9588 ::
C++ binding - error: use of deleted function
9583 ::
Would Futo be good for Nim
9565 ::
nim-gdb: Undefined command: "import"
9563 ::
How to import a C array of unknown size?
9560 ::
Multithread support in a dynamic language interpreter
9558 ::
Calling conversions for C macros
9555 ::
Is it possible to allocate ref objects in a specific region of memory?
9552 ::
Change ref object variant in-place - drawbacks?
9549 ::
Tips on how to avoid Nim pointer instability bugs?
9543 ::
Nim 2: What’s special about Task?
9542 ::
Newbie first impressions
9528 ::
Introducing PhylogeNi and BioSeq
9521 ::
Some Strange Error When running a simple code
9514 ::
Macros Masking Common Errors
9510 ::
Selecting/installing older nim package on FreeBSD
9509 ::
How to declare a varible in a case statement for use afterwrads
9504 ::
How to unroll a loop over a compile-time seq?
9501 ::
Getting pointer to a seq
9488 ::
codeGenDecl expressions and monomorphization
9481 ::
internal error: cannot map the empty seq type to a C type
9480 ::
Return multiple "flat" nodes from a macro
9476 ::
Fidgetty Widget System: Rewrite
9474 ::
9473 ::
collecting keys and randomly picking values from tables
9472 ::
Problem with strformat and templates
9467 ::
Enum union type and "Kind" pattern in recursive types
9465 ::
One lookup table indexed by multiple enums
9450 ::
Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?
9449 ::
how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9437 ::
Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9431 ::
UI with WebView without JS?
9430 ::
How to have multiple (alternate) return types?
9428 ::
Error when cross-compiling Nim with mingw
9427 ::
c2nim - working with arrays
9423 ::
Hello World with --mm:none and --warningAsError:GcMem
9421 ::
c2nim problem with char[] to UncheckardArray[char]
9418 ::
How to install packages via nimble on a machine without internet
9410 ::
Using return in templates returns nil
9407 ::
Recursively replace pair of bytes with one byte, within given byte array
9406 ::
Nim cross-compiled in OpenEmbedded
9401 ::
Issues when creating static library on macOS
9400 ::
String vs Array concatenation
9398 ::
use memlib call dll proc face nil access
9396 ::
Fidget and its alternatives
9394 ::
When do we use pass & return by ref if everything behind the scenes is by-pointer anyway?
9389 ::
Need some direction on macros.
9388 ::
Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9383 ::
Use SciKit-learn for machine learning from Nim? (Andreas please read!)
9378 ::
Explain current state of multi-threading
9376 ::
Convert Python codes to Nim codes
9375 ::
C function dependencies in os:any
9374 ::
Why is db_postgres so slow?
9371 ::
Alternative to gravatar for the forums?
9369 ::
Can't Get Length of Returned Table
9366 ::
Native compile option?
9364 ::
How to make my library code aware of user provided overloads.
9353 ::
Math library for renderers and GUIs
9348 ::
if-else VS case-else VS case
9346 ::
Threads dying, memory issues?
9344 ::
Associating compile time data with function identifiers
9343 ::
Nimib with release 0.3 becomes interactive
9342 ::
How to get just the first N bytes with httpclient ?
9337 ::
string of compressed source code
9330 ::
How to check whether parseFloat leads to missing precision
9328 ::
How to copy a random field into another of the same type at runtime?
9327 ::
downloading big files
9324 ::
Illegal storage access
9321 ::
Ctrie in Nim for concurrent iterators?
9317 ::
How to write a proc to get verilog HDL style bitslicer?
9305 ::
Force compilation of unused parts of a module
9302 ::
Owlkettle 2.0.0 is a declarative GUI framwork for GTK 4
9300 ::
Heterogeneous strongly typed records
9297 ::
How to copy a file to a remote host, let it run, and delete afterwards using wmi (winim/com)?
9291 ::
fidget: How does the layout system work (what is this orgBox?)
9290 ::
does statically linking lua works?
9286 ::
Nimbus: a Nimble-compatible build system
9284 ::
How do I create the buffer for the "sendto" function?
9282 ::
advanced integration with lua
9279 ::
How to use concepts?
9276 ::
Nim syntax highlight for mcedit
9271 ::
State machines example : echo-server
9264 ::
Back to the basics (of research) - Concurrent data-structures in 2.0 ?
9261 ::
Unexpected empty sequence
9254 ::
Deploy DLLs
9251 ::
SMTP - 503 Bad sequence of commands with std/smtp
9249 ::
Repurposing CDecl, now it's the 'Commonly Desired Edge Case Library'
9246 ::
Optimize this code?
9244 ::
Nimwave - build TUIs for the terminal, web, and desktop
9243 ::
Can Orc be improved?
9238 ::
Back to the roots of v2.. and what it could be
9235 ::
Subtype cannot be implicitly converted to base type (without ref)?
9230 ::
The most common Nim build system for which we'd go
9228 ::
Announce: at, a tool to run code later
9227 ::
Apologize on not Nim but is to knowing C directive
9223 ::
Idea: Marketing Nim to Organizations
9217 ::
'import os' not used. Wrong Error Message
9201 ::
Nexus Development Framework (initial commit)
9196 ::
What are the best hosting companies to host systems written in the Nim language?
9193 ::
Is `setTimer` workable for long term timers, e.g 30 days?
9184 ::
GUI: Nim + QML unable to compile
9177 ::
Small improvement discussion: Use `let` to lock variable previously declared as `var`
9169 ::
Mysterious error message
9165 ::
windows compile --app:staticlib error
9163 ::
How to build a static library after nimble install?
9159 ::
Memory Leak with --gc:orc and Nimble Decimal Library
9158 ::
Interesting proposal for Error handling and Null through unified option Type.
9153 ::
interoperable stream type
9149 ::
Async musings
9148 ::
Hello Javascript!
9145 ::
Why I left the Nim community
9142 ::
Is Object significantly less efficient then ref object over here
9139 ::
Best practices for porting huge C projects to Nim
9138 ::
Moderation policy for bans
9137 ::
CLOEXEC on old Linux kernel.
9121 ::
Brogrammer uptick
9119 ::
static binaries
9116 ::
Binding a closure to a std::function to call it from C++... safe to do ?
9115 ::
Optimize parsing large file line-by-line
9110 ::
Seeking advices for a C programming book
9102 ::
nlvm updated
9100 ::
Nim 1.6.6 release candidate
9090 ::
Status of the incremental compilation feature
9089 ::
Possible workarounds for subclassing a c++ class and overriding a virtual method
9085 ::
Do I need to call NimMain from C if I am using arc or orc?
9082 ::
This Month with Nim: Feburary and March 2022
9081 ::
System.sink & System.lent
9074 ::
Impure libraries ???
9059 ::
Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
9056 ::
Did nimc become faster?
9055 ::
Newbie questions about Nim, Python, XCB
9053 ::
parseint not defined for char.
9042 ::
The WASM Revolution
9041 ::
xml-rpc client lib?
9036 ::
Recommended protobuf library
9034 ::
try except else
9033 ::
How do we preallocate string as element of array as this is..
9031 ::
server-client webframework
9023 ::
Read output only while input is not asked
9018 ::
How to prevent nim generate C code access parent type through `Sup` field?
9013 ::
How to debug segmentation fault memory issue??
9005 ::
Naylib - yet another raylib wrapper becomes available
8998 ::
Bug in PEG or my fault?
8997 ::
exportc: too many thread local variables
8994 ::
How to fetch value pointed by a C++ std::list iterator?
8971 ::
Nim project using C++ Backend with single module using library wrapping a C library
8967 ::
Factorial computation in Nim
8965 ::
How to correctly augment async future data
8960 ::
Anyone working on a new Nim book or second edition of Nim in Action?
8958 ::
linux moving to C11
8957 ::
Comprehensive knowledge on Nim memory management (MM)
8954 ::
Is there any kalman filter package in Nim?
8952 ::
Nim wrapper for C library; data segment question
8950 ::
Raises tracking and no more cyclic references in `chronos`
8949 ::
Dear Nim enthusiasts
8937 ::
variable has incomplete type: struct...
8932 ::
error C2440: '=': cannot convert from 'const char *' to 'NCSTRING'
8930 ::
Stdout problem with nim/lua/love2d (may not be nim related)
8928 ::
Macro fails with `got: <S> but expected <T>`
8927 ::
Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8918 ::
[asyncnet] Difference between a natural socket close and close(AsyncSocket)
8908 ::
Nimler not working on macOS
8901 ::
after called `AsyncFuture.fail`, the future is still running
8887 ::
Nim 1.6.4 released
8882 ::
8880 ::
best practice or guidelines on using log in a library?
8879 ::
Hacker News discussion abou the recently discussed Rust vs Nim performance comparison
8875 ::
NPainter: progress report 2020 & 2021
8871 ::
Using distinct types for windowed access (ex. index operator abuse)
8869 ::
Exceptions - Handling multiple exception types in a single except clause
8868 ::
8857 ::
a question about block used in assignment
8856 ::
Variable compile-time import paths
8855 ::
Nim's autoformatter situation
8850 ::
How to find bottlenecks?
8849 ::
Is there a HTTPS enabled HTTP server in Nim?
8840 ::
What about `or=`, `and=` and `xor=`?
8836 ::
usage of OpenMP parallel loop iterator for lazybones?
8833 ::
Discussion: Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
8830 ::
Atomics: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'testAndSet'
8826 ::
nimscript - import configuration file
8823 ::
generic Object variant - need to specify type?
8814 ::
Cleanup at program end - open files automatically closed?
8810 ::
Namespaces for non-enums without customizing the import statement?
8809 ::
Suppressing non-exported fields in nim doc
8805 ::
llvm wrap
8803 ::
cannot instantiate: 'T' with importcpp generic
8801 ::
Why don't build Nim libraries ecosystem on Rust ecosystem?
8798 ::
Man pages?
8795 ::
Module typing, code reuse and separate compilation
8791 ::
Introducing taskpools, a small lightweight ARC/ORC threadpool
8789 ::
What's the proper idiom?
8788 ::
Changing a generic return type automatically
8784 ::
simple event system
8781 ::
8777 ::
Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8776 ::
a thought about faster iteration
8774 ::
is computer online?
8773 ::
column value extraction
8772 ::
Look up proc signature from an ident
8771 ::
Strange problem when using Futhark
8762 ::
Help with metaprogramming
8759 ::
`Result` update
8757 ::
compiling nim from source on low memory SBC
8753 ::
JSON - how to edit Jarrays (amongst others)
8750 ::
Would the Nim version number be helpful in deprecation documentation?
8746 ::
can we write nim instead of c++?
8744 ::
Proper way to open and close async files?
8738 ::
Question about debugging issue related to GC
8735 ::
Issue with operator `·`
8727 ::
Geniune question about JS backend support
8723 ::
A rant about Nim bugs
8722 ::
Issues with proxy authentication
8704 ::
Why windows.h file is always included into compilation on Windows?
8703 ::
Keyxn: Shamir Secret Sharing in pure Nim
8688 ::
RPC systems; Thrift and gRPC
8678 ::
thriftcore - Apache Thrift primitives
8677 ::
TinyCC/tcc vs zig cc compile-times/etc.
8672 ::
Order of execution: where to find understanding
8671 ::
Nim at FOSDEM 2022 - CfP is open!
8668 ::
Making a distinct type slightly less distinct
8660 ::
importcpp constructor issue
8657 ::
Advent of Nim 2021
8656 ::
Limit number of running threads
8649 ::
Garbage collection of nim vs pony language
8647 ::
Nim Community Survey 2021
8642 ::
The Cylons have a Plan
8639 ::
What is the directory assumed for C include files and C libraries location for Him?
8637 ::
Energy efficiency
8635 ::
8632 ::
Question about memory management with bindings
8629 ::
Evolving the moderation of the Nim communities
8622 ::
compiling to macOS
8619 ::
(2021 November) Most common or active 2D game framework?
8614 ::
How to hide FFI details from implementations of a (C FFI) interface?
8613 ::
Treat memory allocation as effect?
8609 ::
proc doSomething(msg="", opt=-1)
8605 ::
Collection Help
8600 ::
Did you know that Nim has had enum-indexed arrays since 0.18? Poll Inside!
8598 ::
Dynlib passing value back to main app causes SIGSEGV error
8596 ::
Indentation in Nim
8592 ::
How to make a proc with a default genetic type that can be inferred at compile time?
8590 ::
Survey Question: flow research
8577 ::
Fidget questions - 1) scrolling - 2) closing window
8571 ::
[Imageman][nimgl] Loading texture
8569 ::
Plotting library
8568 ::
Nested Tables
8566 ::
The default value of an argument may take priority over the argument given at the time of the call
8561 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <End>
8552 ::
Nim for Beginners video series discussion thread
8550 ::
AI in Nim
8546 ::
How do you get the actual exception from doAssertRaises?
8543 ::
Metaprogramming in Nim #1 Introduction
8540 ::
Nim receives $100k in Bitcoin donations
8535 ::
How to add defaults on nim types?
8534 ::
WTF ?! basic computations are faster in py3 than nim1.6 ?!
8526 ::
"-- template" for nimscript options
8525 ::
Setting up a Nim foundation
8520 ::
Is Nim a Transpiler?
8519 ::
Debugging a SIGSEGV
8517 ::
Reporting security issues
8511 ::
Nim 1.6 is out!!
8507 ::
How to get n-th symbol of utf-8 string
8503 ::
Nim Nuggets: Talk About Nim At The Strange Loop Conference
8499 ::
Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8497 ::
Nim : Style insensitivity , snake_case , camelCase
8495 ::
Child process shows exit code -1 when peeked, though it has definitely ended.
8494 ::
GPU leverage
8493 ::
Best serialization protocol for Nim?
8491 ::
Make android app
8487 ::
Block-chain binary certification
8474 ::
is there any default type of generic type [T]
8471 ::
complex lib inline
8468 ::
Advice needed on exporting symbols from DLL
8467 ::
Can't link C library
8466 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC2
8465 ::
FFI - std::string
8457 ::
Closures inside loops without capturing loop variable?
8455 ::
Composition in Nim (newbie question)
8452 ::
tesseract in nim?
8451 ::
Futhark: Automatic C imports in Nim using libclang
8439 ::
--gc:orc when is it usable (huge compile times)
8435 ::
Might be a bug in compiler
8427 ::
Setting object value by providing key as string?
8411 ::
I'm having a Nim+Lua+Libtcod callback wrapping problem
8409 ::
What is the status of Nim IUP?
8408 ::
Why is backward index operator [^1] not zero based [^0]?
8404 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC1
8403 ::
Destroying ref objects
8402 ::
Behavior of {.global.} variable for assigning to const
8394 ::
Is there a way to get value as if it's reference and update it's value?
8393 ::
Possible with NimScript? Turn old forum DB into static HTML
8389 ::
Nim should jump into Blockchain , Web3 and DAPP development trend .
8383 ::
can't run on UNC path
8378 ::
Advice for handling circular dependencies (functions)
8375 ::
Goodboy Galaxy - Kickstarter and demo now live!
8367 ::
using readFile at compile time break exceptions
8364 ::
a == b == c format
8361 ::
Why does this, while incorrect, iterator( code always result in a crash of the playground?
8354 ::
The correct way to use 'collect' as a function argument
8336 ::
simple connection GET using httpclient does not work when compiled to js
8335 ::
Change error message position using `{.line.}` pragma
8322 ::
How to respond to a key event in Jester?
8315 ::
pixie to direct read a seq[uint32]
8309 ::
Does parameter type matter for GC_unref()?
8308 ::
2d canvas library
8307 ::
invalid type: 'seq[int] or iterator (): int{.closure.}' in this context
8297 ::
Nim enters top 50 programming languages list on TIOBE Index!
8295 ::
Playing with CPU caches
8278 ::
8274 ::
Nim earns mention in the news (unfortunately?)
8268 ::
8261 ::
random async exception when downloading
8259 ::
What is the purpose of do notation
8249 ::
Migrated Norm docs to nimibook and loving it!
8248 ::
How to default non-trivial argument with `staitc[]` type
8247 ::
Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8246 ::
How to implement the 'Type parameters(aka generics)' as the following code
8243 ::
Question about "thread-local heap" garbage collectors and threads.
8239 ::
reverse cipher
8232 ::
Declare `[]` iterator
8228 ::
Newbie: Mock object for assert when field not exported
8226 ::
A regex-based linter for Nim in vscode
8225 ::
Arena memory support?
8219 ::
New concepts, visibility and mount points
8215 ::
Idiomatic Nim code for 2D Poisson simulation
8214 ::
Help with object serialization please!
8209 ::
Why do `del` and `pop` procedures of TableRef not guarantee operations in one attempt?
8208 ::
Compiler sysFatal when I include nashorn.nim
8205 ::
Problems with macros receiving typed/untyped parameters
8204 ::
Awaitable threadpools
8201 ::
Unable to create a flowVar
8198 ::
Fedora packages
8197 ::
Nonlinear module behaviour in Nim
8191 ::
Cannot properly internationalize
8188 ::
Safe `enum` conversion
8183 ::
Sega Genesis
8179 ::
Use cstring for C binding
8178 ::
An efficient deque -> array proc to enable index access to all internal values?
8172 ::
How to get Name and Value from Variable for macro/template
8169 ::
Is there a way to build better Nim DSL for plotting?
8163 ::
"No handles or timers registered in dispatcher" in Chapter 3.17 example of Nim In Action
8162 ::
Formatting a float to currency
8160 ::
redirect process's output to file
8155 ::
Is there a built in way to get how high total CPU usage is?
8153 ::
nim-ws - websockets for Nim
8146 ::
Life is a struggle - a struggle with Nim (video)
8144 ::
Use break statement inside of called proc
8142 ::
Why doesn't inheritance to work with 'var' arguments?
8141 ::
C++ (new) modules vs. Nim modules
8137 ::
RFC: Recursive iterator macro
8131 ::
Problem connecting to a Postgres DB
8129 ::
Build a Universal macOS Nim binary
8127 ::
Recursive iterator to unpack arbitrarily nested sequence
8123 ::
Nim on embedded systems
8115 ::
SciNim - Call for tutorial ideas
8111 ::
gcc does not find paths generated by os module on Windows
8110 ::
Proposed table changes - get and getOrDefault
8103 ::
Safe signal handling
8101 ::
strformat on the fly
8100 ::
JS bindings - JsObject vs ref object
8097 ::
-d:release = awesome
8096 ::
Add to a seq inside an ordered table
8091 ::
Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
8090 ::
Using nim `method` to wrap C++ methods
8088 ::
NimVM eventually get replaced?
8087 ::
proc in array, ...but is it the solution?
8080 ::
Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8074 ::
Nim JSON parsing is 30 times slower than Node.JS
8068 ::
Bundling libraries with executables
8066 ::
NIM Programming Language - video by Gamefromscratch
8064 ::
atomic and threads
8032 ::
Porting to Nim
8027 ::
Is there a way to stream json?
8022 ::
Accessing object in seq of parent type
8003 ::
Compiler bug?: Infinite loop when compiling pegging CPU
8002 ::
IRC freenode staff exodus
7994 ::
Using generic procedure with mixin can be dangerous?
7992 ::
Weaning myself off bash for Nim for little plumbing tools
7991 ::
Andre von Houck's Nim Web Framework has great potential - A must see!
7989 ::
Karax steps forward
7980 ::
cosmonim hello world - No such file or directory
7974 ::
Nimble Disallow Version
7971 ::
How to use an OrderedTable
7967 ::
Custom colored output in Nim
7965 ::
Is the official Nim DLL redistributable?
7951 ::
Which converters are "safe" to use?
7946 ::
Is there a way to detect if template is expanded at global scope or within a function
7944 ::
how to keep Javascript expression in generated code
7931 ::
Add a JS-backend only option to nim.cfg
7926 ::
Counting word frequencies with Nim
7925 ::
Nim as a classic programming language
7916 ::
Question about templates / macros
7912 ::
Idiomatic way to run a process in the background and close it when appropriate?
7906 ::
How to make Nim more popular
7905 ::
How does Nim ARC/ORC compare to Rust?
7904 ::
learn Nim regular expressions - regex, re , NRE
7882 ::
echo isAlphaAscii("ą") - expecting false (instead of error)
7874 ::
Why learn NIM
7867 ::
Forwarding varargs with conversion
7863 ::
NimConf 2021
7862 ::
How to definitely free memory of seq?
7855 ::
some sizeof results
7848 ::
XML parsing performance
7847 ::
Creating Private Package List/Index
7846 ::
collision-resistant hash for 64bit pointers
7838 ::
Capturing external variables in closure
7837 ::
On term rewriting macros
7835 ::
4th Nim online meetup
7833 ::
Finally ported the rubberband router from Ruby to Nim
7832 ::
Concatenation of seq and array?
7828 ::
Need help implementing bind for C for webview.h
7825 ::
How to access n theJS backend Bootstrap's "modal" method?
7819 ::
python: print(x, end=" ")
7818 ::
Error in macro, `int` is not evaluated as `int`.
7812 ::
How to use macros for an intermediate compiler step?
7807 ::
Global array access can have side effects?
7803 ::
cross compilation from Linux to windows
7798 ::
Generic type parameters and inheritance
7786 ::
The NaN story, short version
7784 ::
Perceus: Optimized Ref Counting For Koka
7783 ::
Opinions on ordering parameters
7777 ::
Arduino with Nim
7767 ::
string concat I don't understand
7765 ::
Tables and hashes
7763 ::
Interrupt vector table implementation trouble
7758 ::
Performance against Python: find substring in string
7756 ::
handle "-" and variations as valid input
7753 ::
Array Difference
7752 ::
Might there be a better `dotOperators` design?
7749 ::
Twitter in 100 lines of Nim, no JS
7744 ::
object variants and field names
7743 ::
arm-none-eabi-gcc doesn't compile volatileStore
7741 ::
nim program name with spaces
7740 ::
static tuple generic parameter
7738 ::
Performance issue with closure
7731 ::
More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)
7727 ::
Why is there no compile error when accessing uninitialize variable
7724 ::
void return type
7722 ::
I want to use gecko driver headless.
7716 ::
Emacs fans tell me: What autocomplete and symbol look-up package are you using?
7715 ::
quit() - inconsistent behavior - osx terminal vs visual studio
7711 ::
Trying to use openssl RSA funcitonality in nim
7706 ::
respecting the conventions when declaring a function pointer in a tuple
7704 ::
How to best access a potentially const variable in a func that is to big for default stack?
7703 ::
How to use global immutable variables in Threads?
7702 ::
Error: unknown substition variable: attype
7696 ::
channel.tryRecv fails when send in progress, is this expected behavior?
7686 ::
Resolving incorrectly deduced `raises` violations
7683 ::
Manually initializing exception handling
7677 ::
winim - onenote
7671 ::
Nimble download/install sequence improvement
7663 ::
compile a nim single file to a single c file that only depends standard c header and lib
7659 ::
Experimenting with reflections to create SQL statements, got some questions
7658 ::
Regex not hashable?
7654 ::
Macros and Syntax
7646 ::
Nicer function anmes and other identifiers in the JS output
7636 ::
New Nesper release: v0.6.0 includes Nimble build tasks for ESP32 projects!
7627 ::
Data type mismatch issue
7624 ::
Assigning an array of an array
7621 ::
Criticism of Parallel Nim
7613 ::
bad destructor causing crash in arc/orc?
7612 ::
Running Nim on android
7610 ::
Exception handling without doing rest of the program
7600 ::
Is there a module for nim that acts like matplotlib?
7591 ::
Nimview - a lightweight UI helper
7588 ::
Custom allocator with --gc:arc
7585 ::
How to segment the code into different files?
7579 ::
array, seq : is there something in between?
7576 ::
relative "based/biased" long pointers and data structures over it
7575 ::
Yeay! Finally I udnerstand how to write a "Makefile" in Nim!
7573 ::
How to detect a hard link in Nim?
7570 ::
Comments and criticism,please: Nimplementation of Church Numerals
7569 ::
Compiler error with generated compile script
7560 ::
Wrapper for GSL - GNU Scientific Library
7559 ::
Show Nim: Pixie, a fast 2D vector graphics library we are excited to share!
7541 ::
Templates - how to check if a template has been used
7536 ::
Check out my new lib Spacy: Spatial data structures for Nim.
7533 ::
How to allow out of bounds access on sized arrays?
7529 ::
Windows - #include <dlfcn.h>
7528 ::
Patching existing libraries with "include"
7524 ::
Strange memory problem
7523 ::
Error: Closure iterators are not supported by JS backend!
7522 ::
Installation and configuration of the Nim language
7518 ::
Composing templates / macros?
7516 ::
Nlftk : FLTK for Nim : how do you associate a callback to a button?
7515 ::
Access to the lines numbers in the trace of an exception
7514 ::
Defects and CatchableErrors
7512 ::
hotcodereloading and libfswatch
7510 ::
Non-js modules
7509 ::
String "interning" attempt
7508 ::
Nim SDL2 Game Development for Beginners (new video tutorial series)
7505 ::
Forwarding modules via `export`, and how to structure my library?
7497 ::
macros - backquote
7492 ::
Status Desktop - private messenger and more using Nim + QT
7491 ::
groups for types? interface in Nim?
7490 ::
No ideas for the 32 bit enum issue?
7489 ::
Questions about collect macro, and inconsistency in namings
7487 ::
createInterpreter in a DLL
7485 ::
FieldOffset / Padding Pragma?
7484 ::
SSL: how to inspect and manually accept an unknown self-signed certificate?
7478 ::
Using nim libraries
7470 ::
Help needed: Deadlock during allocShared0
7462 ::
Objects for "classes" with ref or without?
7461 ::
stdout.write nor printf work from within threads. Is this a bug or intended behavior?
7460 ::
When should I use tuples over objects?
7458 ::
Tracking down hints and silencing them
7457 ::
What are the latest developments in the Nim compiler?
7449 ::
Looking for advices on data design for a dynamic language
7447 ::
Dealing With Memory Leaks (and a possibly broken install or setup?)
7440 ::
Performance impact of unused ref-object fields?
7437 ::
Using removeFile in Nake throws error in Windows even when running as admin
7434 ::
Cryptic error message without specific hints
7426 ::
Simple recursion really slow?
7418 ::
Morgenstern-ish documentation
7416 ::
Why aren't the built-in math procs (`+`, `-`, `*`, ...) procvars?
7412 ::
Current state of list comprehison in Nim
7409 ::
Regex and capture unicode text
7407 ::
Is there a way to use question mark in my proc names?
7406 ::
Nim Community Survey 2020 Results
7404 ::
UFCS and templates
7402 ::
Print - a better echo. colors, pretty nesting, refs and cycles!
7397 ::
Help with Nim concurrency – data not persisted
7393 ::
Call `result.new` automatically in `proc`?
7392 ::
How to implement a RwLock lock
7389 ::
NiGUI: Custom widgets
7388 ::
code snippet review: truncate string while preserving words
7387 ::
nlvm update 2020
7385 ::
"This Month With Nim"- A Community Showcase
7380 ::
Admin for web app
7378 ::
How to serialize/deserialize my data type with options and DateTime
7371 ::
Any plans for syntactic sugar for parameter unpacking?
7369 ::
Resize window events karax
7368 ::
NimraylibNow! - The Ultimate Raylib gaming library wrapper
7367 ::
Google Summer of Code, Feb 19, 2021
7364 ::
How to pass around large immutable data? Copy-on-Write?
7354 ::
SSLError WebSocket
7349 ::
Why JSON % proc doesn't work for Enum?
7341 ::
Usefulness of a BPMN compiler package for Nim?
7340 ::
Error cross-compiling json-nim-rpc
7337 ::
How to make Nim compilation faster?
7334 ::
Questions about sharing data with C++ and capnp.nim
7332 ::
Stdlib and fusion evolution
7325 ::
Own numeric type
7321 ::
Native GUI development for MacOS
7309 ::
DumpIncludes - See where your exe size comes from.
7305 ::
any trick to custom varargs implementation in generated js?
7302 ::
Nim in 2020: A short recap
7299 ::
How to sum the values of a table?
7298 ::
Problem with sdl2 & nim
7297 ::
compiling to js but failed, generics not supported?
7293 ::
let's work :-)
7291 ::
terminal.nim says i don't have a true color term (but it's wrong)
7287 ::
Cancelation points in async
7285 ::
Is anyone using duckdb with Nim?
7283 ::
Nimscripter - Easy Nimscript-Nim interop
7282 ::
Client-side JS with Nim
7281 ::
Zippy update: Zip archive and tarball support + much closer to zlib performance
7276 ::
Alternative to powmod in Nim
7275 ::
Why is my program so much slower in Nim than in Rust?
7267 ::
jjson or json for Karax?
7266 ::
NodeJS for Nim
7265 ::
Nim interact with Windows .NET Frameworks
7261 ::
Help neede with IUP in Nim
7256 ::
Seq, table. How to efficiently reference the last item
7254 ::
C++ Smart pointers 101 and FFI
7251 ::
Nim for mobile
7250 ::
Perceus: Garbage free reference counting with reuse
7241 ::
let vs var for a sequence inside a proc
7240 ::
Question about dup syntax
7237 ::
thread vscode error juste is normal
7230 ::
cpp2nim.py - c++ bindings
7213 ::
ANN: NimternalSQL, an in-memory SQL database library for Nim
7207 ::
Statically Check If An Object Is A Subtype Of Another Object
7206 ::
7199 ::
Macros that compose (and work well with auto-completion tooling)
7193 ::
Package level scope
7183 ::
Nim compiled DLL, using Powerbuild programming language call, parameter return result garbled code.
7170 ::
How to rewrite nim programming langauge to be pythonic as possible?
7167 ::
Automatically generated JS library wrappers?
7165 ::
help C to nim conversion just precision
7164 ::
How can I do 'fetch' or 'XMLrequest' thing in JS?
7162 ::
Advent of Nim 2020 megathread
7156 ::
recursive iterators - is there a recommend workaround?
7152 ::
Compile Error for Nim-Generated C-code for android with ndk-build (through wiish)
7148 ::
Macro for proc like syntax?
7146 ::
Strange error message from collections/sets.nim
7143 ::
Example of a simply UDP client
7142 ::
Unhandled exception in httpbeast
7138 ::
Are these constants effectively saving computations?
7133 ::
How to differentiate different IOErrors?
7131 ::
marshal: loading nested TableRef segfaults
7130 ::
Why is the implicit `result` so widely used?
7124 ::
How to write a macro correctly which contains a 'char'?
7122 ::
Can we have an --exceptions:abort ?
7119 ::
How to hot reload a Jester web app?
7118 ::
Question about async
7110 ::
How to make code GC-Safe when a global constant is used in a proc ?
7107 ::
Error: system module needs: appendString
7106 ::
Open-ended slices
7104 ::
Cross compile on WIndows 64bits for Windows 32 bits
7103 ::
GC Safe Problem
7102 ::
Getting random non-equal int pairs, comparison of routines.
7094 ::
How do you deal with dependencies in Nim ?
7092 ::
Kill thread?
7091 ::
muk - a crossplattform terminal music and video player.
7089 ::
Possible usage of Nim & Z3 for embedded?
7088 ::
Creating unique ID from strings
7083 ::
Nim based Firmware -- it's tiny!
7080 ::
static link with a .lib file not working
7074 ::
changing alignment requirement of object type?
7071 ::
Kernel Matrix Calculation in Nim
7068 ::
To slice or to stream?
7066 ::
Catch Ctrl-C interruption
7065 ::
GuildenStern 0.9: Modular multithreading web server for Linux
7064 ::
How to prevent a program from crashing when the "OSError: Too many open files" error occurs?
7063 ::
Capturing a context variable in public procs
7059 ::
Raspberry Pi 1B - nmqtt - exit code 137
7055 ::
std/tables [] vs. add()
7054 ::
Zippy: a dependency-free Nim implementation of deflate, gzip, zlib, zip
7052 ::
conditional expressions don't work in a formatted string
7050 ::
Returning objects from func with ARC
7045 ::
C++ FFI - basic example
7026 ::
SIGSEGV on Android
7022 ::
[Question] Enumerating fields in an enum
7021 ::
Some questions regarding gc-safety, httpclient and timezones
7018 ::
SSL error using httpClient
7013 ::
Nim update failure
7012 ::
Get all procs in given module
7008 ::
Why does this proc may have side effects?
6996 ::
Compile-time members
6995 ::
Compile-time if and/or syntax conflicts
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6990 ::
Mysterious crashed with SIGSEGV
6988 ::
Square brackets for generics
6978 ::
Isolated [T]
6976 ::
Passing data between threads with ARC
6972 ::
What is the carbon footprint of the NIm?
6970 ::
Virus scanner problems after installing Nim 1.4
6968 ::
Problem with orc/arc in parallel_count practice
6964 ::
Newbro here, Hi to NIM comunity
6962 ::
Writing binary data to SQLite
6961 ::
Are (mutually) recursive generic types possible?
6951 ::
Impressive results with --gc:orc
6950 ::
Problems installing nim 1.4.0 with choosenim
6948 ::
Is Nim good for creating video games?
6937 ::
Version 1.4.0 released
6931 ::
How to keep a ordered table sorted with the most recent changed elements at the end?
6930 ::
Regarding the future of --gc:none and --gc:regions
6925 ::
Small introductory post about ARC/ORC in Nim.
6924 ::
python dict implementation for Nim's Table
6920 ::
A nice read about Nim (blog article)
6916 ::
Show and tell: RPC on embedded devices
6915 ::
It's time to make Nim known ! ✊✊✊✊
6914 ::
Double for loops
6909 ::
Redirect stdout for certain execution
6900 ::
Any attempts at implementing filestream and std lib friends on NodeJs?
6894 ::
Help with SPI Api on ESP32
6889 ::
Wrapping synchronous code into asynchronous call
6882 ::
Pointer Arithmetic and constructs like cast[var int](p) += sizeof(a[0])
6881 ::
Pragma for unfinished features
6880 ::
Make like application
6871 ::
Looking for collaborators!
6869 ::
weird nim parser problem
6868 ::
it there general gitignore configs for binaries?
6860 ::
using db_odbc with ms sql server on windows 10
6855 ::
pro/cons in using nimpy
6851 ::
Notification about new replies and @{name} etc
6850 ::
stdlib pattern matching feedback
6848 ::
how to create a table of functions ?
6842 ::
glad-generated Vulkan bindings + events/canvas library
6838 ::
Modelling projects for VS Code Extension
6817 ::
ARC/ORC cpu intensive loop bug?
6808 ::
Module imported with "as" still accessible, is it a bug?
6805 ::
Can I use generic type without interface?
6802 ::
How to support compile time regex constructor /abc/ for JS backend?
6798 ::
Reversed traversal of iterators instead of creating a reversed copy
6791 ::
Extending a generic varags proc
6783 ::
Exceptions in Threads
6780 ::
High proc confusion
6777 ::
Attracting more people...
6767 ::
Nim's alternative for returning default values using short-circuit-evaluation
6766 ::
Growth of popularity and Nim community
6763 ::
For ``--gc:arc``, are ``GC_ref`` ``GC_unref`` still necessary?
6761 ::
How to get my nim procs in a lua table
6756 ::
Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6753 ::
System Programming in 2k20
6748 ::
Alternative to float
6744 ::
is it possible to rename a key in an orderedtable while retaining the order?
6743 ::
For Loop Macro Plans
6741 ::
Recognizing non-ASCII characters in lexbase-based lexer
6740 ::
Brainstorming ideas to improve Nim's landing page
6738 ::
Nimble package structure and interop changes
6733 ::
Blog post about strict funcs
6731 ::
List with the modules of the Standard library which do not work with the JS backend
6727 ::
Cross platform IO engine and timer
6725 ::
Nimforum 2.1.0 is here
6714 ::
Does gintro need manually memory manipulations
6713 ::
General opinions on "pooled" resource implementation
6712 ::
Want advice from Nim experts on my chess client app development
6707 ::
Nim feedback by al6x
6703 ::
nim.town is a shared domain for nim projects, developers, organizations, etc
6689 ::
Using the compiler API for hot code reloading
6686 ::
getting an SSL connection to work
6676 ::
Object destroyed after editing enum property?
6672 ::
Improving Nim for Beginners video series's AUDIO
6664 ::
Why use range[0..255] instead of char?
6663 ::
how to change the `op` argument for macros.quote
6658 ::
A simple bitsarray lib
6649 ::
call-by-value Y combinator
6647 ::
How to instantiate custom `TableRef` without repeating individual types?
6643 ::
What ever happened to vtrefs?
6639 ::
collect and list comprehensions
6635 ::
would it be a good idea to allow blocks to accept strings as arguments ?
6631 ::
fltk binding for Nim : getting error " Error: cannot open file: fltk"
6626 ::
Is there a way to ensure that a viriable is "passed by address" (or reference) in Nim
6623 ::
SymbolicNim, symbolic algebra in Nim
6622 ::
String interning (seen on Github) : Is it good? has anybody been using it?
6605 ::
Linking neo to openblas.dll ?
6604 ::
How do you extract a part from an initCountTable in Nim?
6603 ::
required type seq[float or float32 or int], but expression is of type: seq[float32]
6602 ::
Has anybody been able to install Nim from source (from the Git repo) using Mingw64 under Windows 10?
6593 ::
Proposal: Renaming imported symbols
6590 ::
Nimx vs Fidget
6588 ::
Is the destructors manual still relevant?
6578 ::
Single Open Intermediate Language (SOIL) Initiative
6562 ::
More readable C name-mangling?
6547 ::
cross platform symmetric and assymetric cryptography
6546 ::
Link to documentation in homepage examples
6541 ::
Python transpiler
6538 ::
Question about move semantics for objects and seqs
6535 ::
Understanding Nim compiler
6533 ::
using nimble for package management
6525 ::
iOS compilation error
6514 ::
Why does wrapping the code in a top level procedure make it faster?
6501 ::
Run process in parallel of the parent program
6500 ::
What's the future of "implicitDeref"?
6496 ::
Project-relative paths in nim.cfg
6488 ::
Choosing Nim
6483 ::
New garbage collector --gc:orc is a joy to use.
6477 ::
How to convert openarray[byte] to string?
6474 ::
Newbie question: why do I get a "No handles or timers registered in dispatcher" error?
6471 ::
Norm 2.0.0
6469 ::
"subsequence" type (like Go's "slice")
6464 ::
detectOs template in for loop
6447 ::
Hi all, pass Nim functions to C code as callbacks?
6443 ::
Parallel coding in Nim (as compared to OpenMP/MPI)
6442 ::
Nim version 1.2.2 is out!
6426 ::
Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...
6423 ::
What's happening with devel releases and version numbers?
6416 ::
Looking for contributions to my optimistic image library
6414 ::
Type issues – winim and CryptUnprotectData
6408 ::
Nim in business
6406 ::
Module level variables in plugin libraries
6399 ::
Lambda syntax is awkward
6393 ::
Further development of a tree iterator that allows mutations
6389 ::
Karax problem using getVNodeById
6388 ::
Git mirror for nimble packages https://reg.nim.moe/
6383 ::
incorrect set-to-int conversion
6378 ::
Defining an iterator in a template
6376 ::
Introducing therapist, a new commandline parsing library
6374 ::
Question about type safety and OOP
6363 ::
Write Nim in Matlab/Julia style using macros while still deploy to Cloud/PC/GPU/embedded?
6362 ::
raise error using zig as cross compile
6352 ::
How mature is async/threading in Nim?
6346 ::
Nim Compiler Documentation
6345 ::
Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
6341 ::
Conflict of nfatype.Regex and nre.Regex
6338 ::
help call string ??
6337 ::
New blog, with some Nim articles
6327 ::
Having problems porting a Python script for computing two cofactors of a number
6307 ::
Best practices for wrapping opaque C pointer types?
6301 ::
Some problems trying to eliminate 'nil'
6300 ::
I cannot understand ARC
6297 ::
Unexpected type error (subranges)
6295 ::
How to use Clang LTO + PGO with Nim
6290 ::
Nim OS porting
6285 ::
What's the async way to receive channel messages?
6281 ::
Javascript browser backend: cannot include more than a single nim compiled source ?
6278 ::
Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.
6274 ::
Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch [OSError]
6270 ::
NOOB: Is there a way to do: dos.com + my.nim ==> my.exe (Just ONE file)
6253 ::
Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?
6249 ::
Detect englobing scope in macros
6236 ::
Finally, I can do functional programming on tiny embedded systems
6232 ::
Return type
6231 ::
RuneImpl doc
6228 ::
Could Nim use Cmake to invoke the C compiler?
6226 ::
Nim Forum build error
6215 ::
Iterate over fields
6203 ::
JSON unmarshal with proc to()
6199 ::
Macros - organizing code
6192 ::
FFI - ipopt solver - malloc(): corrupted top size
6175 ::
1.2.0 build.sh error : OpenBSD AMD64
6170 ::
Nim programming book for kids
6169 ::
How do I pass Nim functions to C code as callbacks?
6167 ::
`{}` syntax
6164 ::
UncheckedArray conversion
6162 ::
nim Practice Problems Site
6155 ::
Weave v0.4.0 - "Bespoke"
6146 ::
Nim 1.2 is here
6140 ::
Problems with var return type
6136 ::
Announcement: The Nim compiler is rewritten in Python with some modules optimized in C
6135 ::
E-mail newsletter for blog
6133 ::
libvapoursynth.so: undefined symbol: pthread_create
6130 ::
Strange (maybe memory related behaviour)
6115 ::
"If you need an embedded C compiler" - from the latest zig blog includes an suggestion for Nim
6114 ::
Template - how to prefix a function's name
6111 ::
Will void be unified with empty tuple?
6107 ::
Blog tools - Nim
6105 ::
ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us
6096 ::
help information sécurité
6092 ::
Nim mention in arstechnica
6076 ::
template expressions
6071 ::
Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices
6064 ::
Multithreading: still .running after joinThreads()
6057 ::
FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions
6045 ::
Another state of generating Android APK thread...
6036 ::
Arraymancer and --gc:arc
6016 ::
Some rant about nim
5996 ::
Doubt! Proc and import
5994 ::
Is this possible?
5983 ::
Nim's float issue?
5980 ::
Using async Nim procedures in Python
5972 ::
Generate XML file with xmltree [nesting format issue]
5960 ::
Pegs at Compiletime.
5952 ::
reader macro
5943 ::
Why whitespace?
5937 ::
Nimrod Combinatorics Module of Reimer Behrends does not work with --gc:arc
5935 ::
Why does the this code work?
5927 ::
Suggestion for reading the docs?
5921 ::
Does --gc:arc remove dependency on NimRtl.dll?
5920 ::
Can I use IOCP / async on startProcess?
5917 ::
Suggestions for optimization?
5912 ::
Newbie - trying to compile for macos from windows
5910 ::
Another micro web framework Prologue
5905 ::
I made a simple tutorial on how to create a CLI with Nim
5901 ::
Nim problems. 1 internal, 1 mine
5895 ::
sveltejs like reactive programming in Nim for the web ?
5887 ::
Status status update ;) libp2p, etc
5881 ::
Compile time FFI
5857 ::
Learning & Using Nim as a C# user + Fan logo Redesign
5851 ::
future of htmlgen
5846 ::
Adding function to object
5844 ::
Seqlang - Compiled Python Language
5831 ::
How to add a long usage string to cligen's help?
5826 ::
Creating large array inside of Proc leads to runtime error
5818 ::
Who would I implement simd to do fast md5 checksums ?
5817 ::
Naming conventions - need leading underscore
5816 ::
nbindgen - calling rust code from nim
5815 ::
Nim lang for beginners?????
5814 ::
ELI5: newruntime and arc
5812 ::
Ported a Python game to Nim
5806 ::
Newbie question: Why am I getting the too many variables error on my loop index variable?
5805 ::
Setup Nim with Vim/NeoVim
5802 ::
Compilation failure 1.0.4 on Pi3
5800 ::
Check if a procedure exists for a given type at compile time
5779 ::
Why does typechecking of generic procs only occur when used?
5774 ::
AST Modification after Semcheck
5772 ::
Docgen for macro generated code
5767 ::
A path commonPrefix function
5759 ::
Game unlock gui written with gintro
5744 ::
Tables or seq
5743 ::
Nim Community Survey 2019
5706 ::
What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5700 ::
How to store an int in a register?
5697 ::
Walking trees without recursive iterators
5692 ::
Preview of Weave/Picasso v0.1.0, a message-passing based multithreading runtime.
5679 ::
Inspecting a proc’s type signature within a macro
5657 ::
Recommended GUI library?
5654 ::
Incompatible type runtime error with table assignment
5648 ::
What are the compiler defaults? etc...
5638 ::
Getting fields of an object type at compile time?
5634 ::
Godot and Blender
5633 ::
Sublime Text 3 support
5626 ::
Nim extension libs for python
5618 ::
How to debug a segmentation fault?
5609 ::
Does DigitalOcean have its own datacenters?
5607 ::
use jester with SSE (server side event) example
5600 ::
parseopt with negative numbers as positional arguments
5596 ::
Pragmas Above Procs
5591 ::
setupForeignThreadGc() equivalent for Boehm GC?
5589 ::
Which is the fastest way to use a timer
5584 ::
onSignal closure memory violation
5579 ::
Async loops & multi-processing
5553 ::
Binary resulting much larger with --opt:size?
5550 ::
Compilation error after upgrade to 1.0.2 from 0.19
5539 ::
Differences between simple assignment, shallowCopy and deepCopy
5516 ::
Memory leak
5511 ::
GC_ref & GC_unref - and when to use them
5506 ::
Can I "prune" directories with walkDirRect?
5499 ::
``Table.take`` should be ``Table.pop`` -- discuss
5480 ::
Nim for Statistics
5473 ::
Get first element in Table
5472 ::
Cannot Install Nim
5462 ::
I'd like to offer some suggestions re: Nim documentation. Github? This forum?
5459 ::
Borrow Checker In Nim?
5436 ::
Converting a python thread toy application to nim
5434 ::
application file/folder structure. passing nim options from nimble build.
5432 ::
Evaluating an AST w/in a macro?
5431 ::
Where is the behavior of `do` blocks described?
5425 ::
sequence of [string,Value] tables VS sequence of (string,value) sequences
5421 ::
Suggestion for optimizations (for better performance/speed) for an interpreter written in Nim
5418 ::
help setCellDataFunc gtk3
5407 ::
How to make C call nim function which returns a type contains a sequence.
5398 ::
Current status of Nim for Webassembly?
5396 ::
Stuck on while compiling
5390 ::
List of processes and get information on process
5384 ::
Passing iterators
5383 ::
Requesting examples of macros in Nim
5372 ::
I dunno what's so hard to understand about it.
5359 ::
Getter and Setter methods in Nim
5355 ::
Research questions for open-source library authors re communicating with general users
5347 ::
Nim for enterprise software development
5344 ::
Warning: imported and not used
5340 ::
Problem with macro and identation ...
5321 ::
Multi-threading and data sharing
5312 ::
default values for objects
5311 ::
Using NIM for sending emails through Outlook app
5308 ::
beginners tutorial
5304 ::
Nim Coding Examples and Exercises for beginners?
5301 ::
Trying to make dict in dict (table in table)
5300 ::
Using `{.gcsafe.}` on a global string
5297 ::
multi-platform time tracker with ML use
5289 ::
Nim v1.1 and beyond roadmap
5276 ::
Showing available memory
5268 ::
Using Nim to create an Xcode framework
5263 ::
Hacktoberfest with Nim
5253 ::
Hello, Nim!
5250 ::
[Maybe a new feature] Hook free function pointer.
5248 ::
How to tie procedure to type?
5242 ::
Proposal to start a Nim-Scientific Community
5237 ::
Newbie experience with the documentation
5232 ::
Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?
5226 ::
How do nim users who have some proficiency in Lisp compare the two?
5213 ::
1.0.0 is here
5202 ::
Iterating over a Structured Type?
5197 ::
How to get Nim running on iOS and Android using GLFM.
5190 ::
Call to all nimble package authors
5185 ::
Confusion on implicit integer conversion.
5181 ::
Compiling fails with --gc:refc and --opt:speed
5172 ::
nimble configuration for local/publicated library
5170 ::
Unable to compile "Nim invocation example from C" from documentation
5166 ::
How can I write `($typeof(x[])).split(":")[0]` better?
5158 ::
Can I use PHP functions in the nim language?
5157 ::
Undeclared field error when using template
5155 ::
Should I include translated sources into version control?
5152 ::
nim android tutorial
5146 ::
Who owns the widget in this example?
5142 ::
How to Send Email with Nim
5137 ::
Quantum Leaps framework implementation /Miro Samek/
5135 ::
netcdf for nim
5134 ::
Testing `newruntime` `owned ref` as to cyclic data...
5130 ::
Need debugging help
5111 ::
typedesc with subtype won't compile when returning objects
5104 ::
Can the return value of a proc be a variable marked {.global.} ?
5103 ::
Nim vs. Python & Groovy (string splitting): Why is string splitting so slow in Nim?
5102 ::
getFilePos - inconsistent output
5095 ::
Nested sequences in Nim, how to?
5084 ::
Server-sent events in Jester
5080 ::
How to add a symbol to represent the infinity (∞)
5078 ::
Default implementation of generic proc
5075 ::
Problem with var objects and adding values to them
5070 ::
Trouble creating type containing generic array
5069 ::
newruntime doesn't work with threads:on...
5065 ::
What text editor are you using for Nim?
5061 ::
spawn/sync hangs -- any ideas?
5054 ::
Undeclared Identifier Error on Raspberry Pi. Code works on Nim Playground
5052 ::
Iterating over anonymous enums?
5048 ::
Data loss with async sockets
5044 ::
nimble is not installing nimongo
5031 ::
Bind not working in Generic Procs.
5029 ::
Vim 8 code completion plugin?
5026 ::
Version 0.20.2 released
5024 ::
Hyphens Not Allowed in Nim Filenames? [Invalid Module Name]
5023 ::
Nim Repository Template for GitHub
5020 ::
side effects through local() or parse() from times module
5013 ::
Wrapper for miniz
5008 ::
Weird behaviour with generic type
5000 ::
Problem with UI notification system
4997 ::
Choosing the right `osproc` function
4991 ::
karax navigation / redirect
4988 ::
Integrate a GLSL shader in Nim
4984 ::
minizip bindings
4978 ::
NumericalNim, a basic ODE and integration library written in Nim
4975 ::
Nim Compilation Speed?
4972 ::
Nim git branch model
4964 ::
What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?
4962 ::
FFI - ``cstring`` or ``array[256,char]``?
4958 ::
Simple P2P library
4954 ::
How do I read user input on the same line a string echos
4952 ::
psuedo RFC for async Channels and FlowVars
4950 ::
Fastest Prime Sieve, in Nim
4936 ::
Language Design Question: Backend C vs LLVM IR
4923 ::
Terminal code test for Windows 10 fails
4917 ::
Does Nim support compiling code at runtime?
4907 ::
Extending Enumerations to Support Step and Binary Enums
4906 ::
Questions about strscans library
4893 ::
karax and fontawesome
4891 ::
rant about shr change
4880 ::
I think we can really do better...
4871 ::
Is something like EnTT possible with Nim?
4855 ::
Nimgen wrapper for Edlib
4853 ::
Problem trying to compress the http response data!
4852 ::
Trouble when converting c code to nim
4841 ::
4840 ::
Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4838 ::
Question about colorized output with nim (console application)
4835 ::
Disparity between Nim and C performance
4832 ::
Understanding performance compared to Numpy
4824 ::
Need help with creating a module featuring asynchronous access of Redis
4821 ::
finding the module a symbol was imported from
4818 ::
"First natively compiled language with hot code-reloading at runtime"
4813 ::
nimkernel extended
4812 ::
Can I avoid covariance of typedesc arguments?
4800 ::
Using different compiler shows "unknown C compiler"
4798 ::
The Philosophies Of Software Languages
4795 ::
Not-so-distinct types
4793 ::
Side effects of typed macro arguments?
4789 ::
What is the purpose of tables.allValues()?
4788 ::
Is allowing non-matching types for assignment overloading in the development timeline?
4783 ::
OpenWL/DL - two foundation libraries for building a cross-platform GUI with non-C++ languages
4770 ::
Why Nim so inconsistent?
4767 ::
Running Selector on device file in linux. How to get file descriptor (int fd) from file object?
4765 ::
Suggestions for gui frameworks to make an app in nim for android?
4758 ::
Nim vs V language
4746 ::
closure_methods: OOP purely based on closures
4745 ::
Recursive/mutual imports
4743 ::
Owned refs
4741 ::
Problem with ui buttons and callbacks
4738 ::
beat c in fefes "competition"
4732 ::
pibench2 – A multi-threaded performance benchmark written in Nim
4726 ::
Strange bug in (open)array handling?
4723 ::
Is there a package that handles random forest algorithm in nim?
4714 ::
[some offtopic] 33 = (8866128975287528)^3+(-8778405442862239)^3+(-2736111468807040)^3
4703 ::
Legal Threats In Nimble Packages
4700 ::
Some weird Heisenbug with the implicit result variable which results in a segfault
4693 ::
Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM
4692 ::
Any easy ref iteration over immutables?
4690 ::
nlvm update
4689 ::
Compile time type introspection
4684 ::
Cross compile (Osx to linux) - how to
4681 ::
Problem with templates in multiple files
4680 ::
Noob question: proper way to read binary files byte by byte
4669 ::
Is nim-lang recognized world wide.?
4652 ::
Jester memory usage strangeness
4648 ::
Update all installed nimble packages
4638 ::
Screencast Series Ideas
4636 ::
Debugging - again
4613 ::
A bug of vcc compiler
4599 ::
Onsetgame ReelValley goes opensource
4596 ::
new experimental nim plugin for neovim
4595 ::
Compile Nim compiler to JS?
4586 ::
Compiler - redefinition error message problem.
4582 ::
change string iteration start?
4578 ::
Pipelines - a language for scripting parallel pipelines (for Python written in Nim)
4573 ::
Module typeinfo, can't access field by name. Bug or not?
4568 ::
yet another question on code substitution with templates
4566 ::
generic instantiation with object inheritance
4565 ::
Using Stack Overflow for help
4564 ::
the ignoring of _ make some translation need more work
4560 ::
My feelings on Python and Nim
4553 ::
Any advice on doing composition well in Nim
4547 ::
Nim and Project Euler
4546 ::
Some nim builtin libs not doing enough error checking?
4544 ::
New "Learn Nim" page
4539 ::
still no success binding DLL's callback function
4533 ::
Nim nightly builds
4531 ::
Example use of enum with set - doesn't work - yet
4528 ::
Creating instance of ptr "object" from instance of "object"
4524 ::
Best practices of meta-programming
4523 ::
"Nim needs better documentation" - share your thoughts
4522 ::
trouble during wrapping a windows DLL
4517 ::
[help needed] nim version of: COMPARING PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES IN C++, D, AND RUST
4510 ::
Convincing my friend about Nim
4500 ::
Saying hi
4499 ::
PEG.js-like API for the pegs module
4497 ::
Cannot build the compiler v0.20 devel in windows.
4496 ::
How can we define a function that returns a type like a Union type?
4491 ::
Nim development blog
4490 ::
Beginner help with http client
4489 ::
Using var object in a proc that is the object's property
4487 ::
What pattern language does the OS module use ?
4484 ::
SslError: ssl3_write_pending:bad write retry
4483 ::
Future of Nim ?
4479 ::
Nim video lists
4459 ::
Unknown cause of AssertionError
4456 ::
ptr arithmetics?
4445 ::
Extract sprite data from old DOS game resource file?
4418 ::
IpAddress to/from disk problem
4416 ::
Advent of Code 2018 megathread
4407 ::
FE web libraries
4406 ::
Need help for a generic object field
4405 ::
iup.getFile fails
4401 ::
Araq in IRC: for Python migration TableRef will suit you much better than Table
4400 ::
classic "can not open sdl2" ...
4399 ::
The future of NIM's WASM?
4397 ::
How to convert integer to pointer
4396 ::
how compile nimedit?
4395 ::
Previously working threaded procedure not working in 0.19
4392 ::
Nim Fibers?
4384 ::
Need help with game framework
4374 ::
release: a current-runable, error-in-the-future msgbox for wNim
4363 ::
nimpy breaks
4359 ::
why var can not be declared this way?
4352 ::
How-to silent the message "Jester is making jokes at..."
4347 ::
should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)
4346 ::
for loop in for loop
4345 ::
threadpool worker return empty string fails with SIGSEGV in gc
4344 ::
development and release model: use the `oneflow` model
4343 ::
R-style logical vector operations in Nim?
4337 ::
Extensive survey response
4332 ::
Help needed to learn macro
4329 ::
should we deprecate nim.cfg in favor of config.nims format?
4324 ::
FOSDEM Stand 2.0?
4323 ::
Is there a handy way to declare Rune literals?
4322 ::
How does one declare byte array constants?
4320 ::
Insert 'NULL' value in Postgres with Nim 0.19.1 without 'nil'
4316 ::
A portable/generic config.nims (NimScript)
4315 ::
[poll] Moving all RFCs in a separate repo
4311 ::
Execute a statement by every thread in the threadpool!!
4308 ::
How to customize docgen css?
4304 ::
It is not easy to find generic procs like system.find()
4303 ::
migrate oldwinapi to winim
4299 ::
Read gzip-compressed file line by line
4298 ::
confused about new runnable code blocks `.. code-block:: :test:` (#9228) vs runnableExamples?
4296 ::
`import foo {.private.}` to allows access to private fields (eg: package-level visibility)
4295 ::
Possible problem with my bcrypt module?
4293 ::
Does Nim need package-level visibility?
4292 ::
How do I make macros that build up and use data structures?
4287 ::
What does asyncCheck do?
4280 ::
Drop RST and join the Markdown train?
4279 ::
runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?
4275 ::
Capabilities of backend compiler and conditional flags
4270 ::
nim doc hypertext link
4260 ::
Streaming HTTP request with timeout?
4258 ::
Problem with -d:release
4253 ::
the Fibonacci benchmark
4249 ::
Why can't the Nim VM use FFI?
4237 ::
How to check an auto type parameter in a proce
4233 ::
Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.
4220 ::
Emit C++ code into .h (instead of .cpp) and reuse it across NIM modules
4200 ::
Interesting idea implemented in Zig
4197 ::
Can't connect to abstract unix socket
4185 ::
wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework
4184 ::
[Status Grant Proposal] Make Nim suitable for interactive programming
4169 ::
[Proposal] Import a with 'b' (<- refers to importing a.xyz as bxyz)
4156 ::
Equivalent of dir() in python
4147 ::
please give me advise for improve speed performance
4144 ::
please advise: threading/GC - how make it work?
4134 ::
How do I compile an example with SQLite using db_sqlite?
4128 ::
A critique of Nim
4125 ::
How can I generate highly-customized DSL from Nim?
4110 ::
Concepts syntax and interfaces - declarative vs procedural
4108 ::
NEWBIE - cannot find libraries when linking
4106 ::
Error converting json to types
4103 ::
Next release? (re: bioconda)
4097 ::
Nimbus, an Ethereum 2.0 client written in Nim
4095 ::
Generating pascal interface
4068 ::
Globally-invoked macros
4065 ::
NEWBIE - generics issue
4063 ::
nogc Exceptions
4052 ::
How to handle BackwardsIndex?
4047 ::
Non-blocking keyboard input
4045 ::
Is the overriding method not optimized?
4044 ::
On exceptions (again)
4042 ::
quit considered evil: bypasses `defer` and `try/catch/finally` which might do important cleanups
4029 ::
Trouble using dynamic libraries in Nim
4023 ::
using async nimongo -- trying to fix a type error
4022 ::
are nim exceptions "zero cost" (on error-free execution) ? (if so, `defer` should be used more)
4017 ::
Proposal for Forum Improvements
4010 ::
Diferent results when compiled with c (gcc), or cpp (gcc)
4007 ::
osproc.startProcess alternative
4004 ::
how to forward declare a proc in module A and define it in module B?
4003 ::
Understanding the GC
3997 ::
Neo and Arraymancer modules?
3989 ::
turning off [XDeclaredButNotUsed] for macros
3972 ::
A few questions about Nim (Multimethods and Concepts)
3961 ::
I do not perceive the advantages of Nim over C #
3960 ::
Embedding .dll in Nim executable
3957 ::
Nim interpreter in Python?
3952 ::
Including Nim on repl.it
3948 ::
which is better for one liners inline proc or template?
3943 ::
Strange results with math.sum and stats.mean
3931 ::
2,000 times recursion calls causes stack overflow
3927 ::
--os:standalone compilable example
3922 ::
Systems Languages: An Experience Report
3920 ::
runForever, waitFor, and poll shouldn’t be used within async procedures?
3918 ::
Nim stickers!
3917 ::
Nim beginners tutorial
3915 ::
advice on direction for Jester training vid: macros vs proc templates vs string templates
3910 ::
Adding New OS to Nim
3905 ::
when defined
3901 ::
Your experience with GoDot (and Nim)
3892 ::
Delete item from Table - modification during iteration
3881 ::
Ebnf Lexer and Parser generator in nim
3879 ::
Do the core Nim devs want Nim to proliferate and grow?
3877 ::
'*' export marker and macros
3874 ::
Why is even intToStr needed?
3872 ::
seq vs array vs open array
3869 ::
Tuples vs Objects vs Ref Objects?
3854 ::
parallelization help
3829 ::
Should I use Async IO for this?
3827 ::
Re-compile and start the program again within the program
3810 ::
Binding a JavsScript object that's not part of the DOM
3809 ::
get "size" of a tuple at compile time?
3798 ::
Few mixed up questions
3797 ::
Generated assembly for imported modules on MSP430
3795 ::
Total noob, statically allocated circular buffer on microcontroller question
3794 ::
Is there any problem with the code in atomic.nim for tcc?
3791 ::
idiomatic name for object setup
3772 ::
Perfecting Nim
3770 ::
os.moveFile: Directory not empty
3767 ::
Is there a way to specify byte order when reading a binary file?
3761 ::
tests: why not use assert instead of discard+output?
3757 ::
How to call a macro from another macro
3755 ::
could javascript backend make use of new javascript ES6 module support?
3741 ::
Generic types, when, and static[...]
3730 ::
Nim linter: what checks would be most useful?
3726 ::
could Nim benefit from upcoming C++ modules to speedup compilation times?
3723 ::
[RFC] use `when predef.os.macosx` instead of `when defined(macosx)` ; more robust and scalable
3713 ::
Memory usage skyrocketed with nim 0.18.0 (in my async tcp service test)
3710 ::
module name collision across nimble packages
3706 ::
[resolved] SIGSEGV using lines(filename)
3702 ::
vtref and vtptr vs method !!!
3700 ::
how to call a function by name?
3699 ::
3696 ::
Twinprimes generator that showcases Nim
3690 ::
use fork() to speed up compilation testing.
3682 ::
"real" nim package registry roadmap?
3671 ::
OrderedTable is not an ordered table
3667 ::
Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?
3663 ::
Wrong copy of sequences?
3658 ::
Compiler won't scale (still)
3655 ::
Compile-time type reflection API?
3649 ::
What can we learn from the SO 2018 Dev Survey?
3647 ::
Nim .18.0 whitespace issue
3645 ::
Increasing Nim exposure
3641 ::
Nim syntax (error) Quiz
3634 ::
Need help with async client/server
3632 ::
Concepts: how to check if a field exists without reading it?
3618 ::
How do I read BMP file header directly to type?
3600 ::
Can we use warmer names?
3598 ::
Delaying macro expansion
3593 ::
Re: static macro
3592 ::
Command-line Parsing Preferences
3591 ::
Looking for efficient API for regexp library
3573 ::
need an explanation of strings/add behavior
3557 ::
Optimizing file I/O
3551 ::
Starting a project
3544 ::
The experience of using nim as js language
3541 ::
Module logging: how to create the right Logger(s) in a library?
3535 ::
Is it possible to avoid default array initialization?
3527 ::
asyncdispatch and "closing server socket"
3516 ::
try , accept finally question
3513 ::
Can't send email via port 587 with TLS
3511 ::
Error on runtime (SFML/CSFML related)
3508 ::
How to call runForever()?
3506 ::
A "future" LOC affects a "past" LOC!
3497 ::
problem with template (or types)(i think)
3485 ::
C's char* -> ptr char or cstring ?
3479 ::
Some questions regarding the practice of wrapping javascript libraries
3475 ::
Nim for Rubyists
3472 ::
[Solved]two questions about static
3470 ::
Question About Nim 32/64-bits
3467 ::
Nim 1.17.2: nimble test Fails
3462 ::
Increasing Nim exposure
3460 ::
Is anyone using the libuv wrappers?
3458 ::
Why is my destructor not called?
3456 ::
Introducing myself
3450 ::
Any tips on how I might go about narrowing down the cause of this OSX specific error?
3445 ::
Prevent accidental object copies
3440 ::
ASM on Windows basically dead?
3438 ::
Speed-up my code please
3433 ::
Nim on Ubuntu - only old version?
3430 ::
Internationally accessible Nim applications
3428 ::
How do you write a test with mock?
3426 ::
3425 ::
Making a RESTful JSON API
3415 ::
Would love input / help with SIMD library proof of concept
3400 ::
Learning Nim
3397 ::
How to debug a compile error in a template?
3395 ::
Table: proc `[]`is deprecated, but "get" is not "public" !?
3392 ::
experimenting with pointers and slices
3388 ::
Nim versus Julia benchmark comparison
3375 ::
How to define a global proc pointer/value, used by threads?
3374 ::
constness of refs & ptrs
3359 ::
RussianAICup2017 now supports Nim!
3346 ::
Starting point for nimx
3345 ::
[Solved] Method overloading failure? (Nope, just module name conflict)
3322 ::
Forum Request for Enhancement: Fix the "Back Button" in Search
3302 ::
compile time code execution problem
3299 ::
nim-ffmpeg wrapper: how to continue?
3298 ::
Has anyone tried to create *compile-time* "self-optimizing" code in Nim?
3295 ::
Has anyone considered if Nim would be a good fit for a "serverless" architecture?
3292 ::
templates with generics question
3291 ::
Challenges implementing an "actor system" in Nim (long post!)
3287 ::
possible compiler bug with generics?
3286 ::
How do you keep your motivation on your open-source projects
3283 ::
using if expressions
3280 ::
I enjoy seeing the nimble package updates
3278 ::
Is this use of Nim locks correct?
3277 ::
real inline for inline procs or converters
3271 ::
Negative generic type matching
3261 ::
Fastest way to count number of lines
3240 ::
noob confusion stream of conciousness
3234 ::
How to compiles only to C
3233 ::
How to write (mostly) "architecture independent" (32/64 bits) code?
3232 ::
Formatted Backend Output?
3231 ::
How to use ropes module efficiently?
3224 ::
General hacking in the Nim ecosystem.
3223 ::
"Cross-platform C" target for Nim?
3218 ::
about locks and condition variables
3214 ::
Hacktoberfest project contributions?
3212 ::
Advent of Nim
3211 ::
Safe sdl2 wrapper library?
3207 ::
How to "nimble install XXX" using a specific architecture (x86, instead of x64)?
3205 ::
Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern
3204 ::
Automated testing of Nim programs
3157 ::
c2nim - Multi-character constants and structs
3151 ::
Macro with head and body
3149 ::
Random idea - porting python 3 stdlib to Nim.
3142 ::
Testing private functions
3140 ::
Should/can we get explicit concepts?
3135 ::
meta programming a nice SIMD library
3129 ::
Question regarding the setter method/proc
3124 ::
optional int parameters for a proc
3115 ::
What are you writing using nim? :)
3111 ::
Move semantic and manuel memory management
3095 ::
Nim newbie request/challenge
3094 ::
Identifier constructon in macro -- no success
3082 ::
Option type optimizations
3080 ::
Mandelbrot fraktal with SDL2 produces artifacts at high zoom levels
3071 ::
Nanovg and GLFW updates and Mac support
3065 ::
SDL2 and tuples as arguments
3061 ::
Thoughts on imports
3059 ::
Having a hard time getting raylib bindings to work
3054 ::
segfault using string from c?
3049 ::
Import from parent directories
3047 ::
Advance Nimble configs?
3045 ::
Converting Nim string to c void*
3028 ::
Normalized AST presentation of the proc body
3027 ::
stdin handling
3021 ::
Add Nim to The Computer Language Benchmarks Game?
3012 ::
progress while binding libxl
3009 ::
Progress Bar using stdout.write and eraseLine()
3001 ::
Strange problem -- array is much slower than seq
3000 ::
Linear algebra library - help wanted
2999 ::
2994 ::
When was Nimrod renamed to Nim?
2978 ::
[SOLVED] Difficulty writing wrapper using FFI
2977 ::
package like python's pandas?
2976 ::
Low-level optimizations in Nim
2965 ::
nimscript tasks?
2957 ::
Can't install nim on Win 8.1
2956 ::
Surprising floating point equality
2954 ::
Reproducible builds (stop mentioning nimble install)
2953 ::
NIM compiler looses track of sub-processes on Linux
2948 ::
Trouble running nimble update
2944 ::
choosenim - the Nim toolchain installer/multiplexer
2933 ::
Blog post about Nim performance tuning
2928 ::
New here. can't seem to get the installer to work.
2926 ::
Announcing Karax -- Single page applications for Nim
2917 ::
Creating a new seq is not that fast
2916 ::
book delayed again
2915 ::
Problems with unregistering from global async PDispatcher
2905 ::
[Solved] How to properly bind a function to a compiler buildin?
2902 ::
Base type for all procedure pointers
2896 ::
Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures
2895 ::
Procedure which returns procedure
2894 ::
Introducing Nimoy: A minimal experimental actor library
2892 ::
Alternative comment syntax
2886 ::
FRAG - Framework for Rather Awesome Games
2883 ::
cannot assign result of a template with block argument unless surrounded by a block expression
2877 ::
Ampersand rendering glitch in tutorial
2874 ::
I compiled libui.dll file is not successful
2873 ::
Thread-local persistence
2860 ::
What can be passed between threads
2857 ::
Writing an extensible compile time mapping from macros.NimSym to string
2856 ::
Chaining inline iterators
2853 ::
GObject Introspection based GTK3 wrappers
2844 ::
How not to use methods
2842 ::
Composition: how to track sub-type objects?
2837 ::
Nim module like Python multiprocessing?
2833 ::
Cannot import file that has importcpp? Solved
2823 ::
Plans regarding named tuples
2819 ::
2813 ::
Nim status in various OS/Distro Package Managers
2811 ::
Nim Syntax ''Skins''
2805 ::
Crypto Stuff
2797 ::
FFI to C, what is the equivalent to const u8 *
2796 ::
Nimble can't upgrade on osx
2793 ::
Designing a data frame API
2791 ::
Portaudio example doesn't work with threads:on
2789 ::
Trouble with reading from stdin
2787 ::
Remarks on standard library file functions (system, sysio)
2778 ::
Writing Python extensions in Nim
2776 ::
Problems reading .csv file when compiling in Windows
2773 ::
Book for beginners
2767 ::
Possible downtime
2763 ::
New in todo.txt
2752 ::
How to open new console window and File, FileInfo, FileHandle
2751 ::
How to understand pragmas in Nim?
2748 ::
Amicable numbers in Nim and a few questions
2731 ::
Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library
2730 ::
Nimgame 2
2727 ::
seq of tuples of procs
2724 ::
Why aren't uin64 and usize ordinal types?
2717 ::
How could we make code readability better on third-party plateforms? (Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/etc.)
2707 ::
Installation on 64-bit Windows
2706 ::
What do you think about Redox and Electron?
2701 ::
Surprises with Generics
2698 ::
Why do custom types need to be reference counted objects for dynamic dispatch to work.
2696 ::
How to compile a shared library for JNI?
2695 ::
Proper xxHash support?
2693 ::
Installation instructions on the website
2692 ::
Macros and imports
2679 ::
Chocolatey Package for Nim?
2678 ::
Help With Nim Static Libs on Windows
2676 ::
Getting a segfault when testing my C wrapper on OS X
2675 ::
Please , can we stop spams?
2666 ::
unescape \n \r etc in string
2660 ::
Newyear is coming , is 2017 the year for nim?
2659 ::
texts on nim's language design
2657 ::
Thin C wrappers.
2654 ::
Using concepts for generic structures
2635 ::
Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C
2629 ::
2628 ::
"Error: expression has no address" issue with an array type
2619 ::
script of the day, to work with multiple nim packages
2610 ::
Access procedure arguments from a macro when the procedure is called
2609 ::
WINAPI Select Folder
2608 ::
Alternative to ugly generic class methods?
2604 ::
cross app event posting
2600 ::
Compile time calculated/dependend types
2597 ::
Compilation breaks without showing an error
2594 ::
crashing closure iterator for file/directory searching object
2583 ::
Markdown parser
2582 ::
mixed c/nim autoconf development base
2575 ::
Seq resizing
2571 ::
Performance of fastRows at module db_sqlite
2569 ::
pointer arithmetic example?
2565 ::
C Invocation in Nim
2562 ::
Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available
2561 ::
Flow Based Programming in Nim
2558 ::
Version 0.15 released!
2557 ::
Fast branchless sign() function
2551 ::
Stream data type
2549 ::
Is NLVM the future of Nim?
2546 ::
Document Challenge #2
2545 ::
passing stuff as generic parameters, and it's limits.
2531 ::
Check For A Symbol
2513 ::
Nim Documentation - a GitBook version
2512 ::
Results of our community survey
2511 ::
nlvm status update
2494 ::
Variables alignment
2490 ::
httpclient extraHeaders not working
2483 ::
naive implemnatation of KNN
2482 ::
dynamically creating a tuple
2480 ::
Getting type of generic instantiation in pragma macro
2478 ::
DEB & RPM packages
2474 ::
Macro vs template: array base type change at declaration
2470 ::
how to use Natural type?
2467 ::
Help with asynchronously downloading file
2464 ::
The cstring type and interfacing with the backend.
2462 ::
What are concepts?
2459 ::
Generate bindings for large C++ project
2457 ::
Send data structures between threads?
2456 ::
Nim improvement process
2453 ::
Execution speed Nim vs. Python
2451 ::
Difficulty getting started with aporia.
2448 ::
questions about nim capabilities
2446 ::
spawninig of more than 8 threads problem
2422 ::
Go-lang like interface
2416 ::
Opengl vertices
2404 ::
How to avoid rendering missing field in js objects
2397 ::
StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal
2396 ::
Concept[T] design question
2390 ::
Partial casing is foo_bar
2378 ::
To optimize operation of replacement of lines in the file
2371 ::
zipping strings
2367 ::
12+ naming rules
2364 ::
Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...
2359 ::
More control over allocations
2354 ::
Vindinium game starter kit
2344 ::
Language server protocol
2332 ::
Community Code of Conduct
2331 ::
What are the important features that are missing in Nim?
2309 ::
Compiler Reading
2308 ::
Problem sorting OrderedTable of seq[Rec]
2306 ::
using seq for Table key
2300 ::
Document breaking changes in advance
2283 ::
Diagrams in the comments
2273 ::
1.0 coming soon?
2268 ::
Global variable is destoyed after using her as pointer in the thread
2266 ::
what is your best solution for Advent of Code day 9
2261 ::
Will nim be as fast as c or c++?
2255 ::
Unify collections
2247 ::
Nim BountySource Salt campaign
2244 ::
basic threading question
2236 ::
Older libc
2234 ::
Chapter 6 -- few bugs, no PEGs
2230 ::
opengl module: OpenGL constants of wrong type
2209 ::
Nimble enhancements - discussion
2192 ::
reactor.nim 0.0.1 - an asynchronous networking library - is released
2165 ::
Porting an encryption algorithm from C
2157 ::
NimYAML approaching stable release
2155 ::
Parsing binary data
2142 ::
Generating case statements with templates
2141 ::
List comprehension
2132 ::
Read float values from binary file to float array or seq.
2125 ::
Compile time object construction oddity
2123 ::
IUP cannot be used with ThreadPool at the same time
2122 ::
Serving HTTP multithreaded
2118 ::
Return type generic matching
2111 ::
Nim language aspects, that I don't learn to like
2099 ::
Wait for certain time, without wasting cpu cycles.
2095 ::
Generic return type?
2080 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) 2
2073 ::
Big problems with FFI {.resolved.}
2071 ::
Synchronous threaded webserver
2061 ::
VSCode Editor Nim Extension (free Visual Studio Code Editor by Microsoft)
2055 ::
Hacking the compiler
2053 ::
nimbench 0.2.0 micro benchmark framework is out on nimble
2051 ::
Load nim module dynamically?
2050 ::
Proc type and var declaration syntax
2048 ::
troubles with data structure size
2043 ::
Typed Varargs?
2037 ::
A lot of meta programming to aid OpenGL framebuffer management
2030 ::
GSoC 2016
2027 ::
Iterator as argument of iterator
2020 ::
Greedy macro parameters
2019 ::
Switching database implementations at runtime.
2005 ::
for loop increases executable size by 5k compared to while
1996 ::
similar language
1990 ::
Non locale for loop iteration variables
1988 ::
Want to borrow a couple of things from D lang.
1987 ::
How to override the Windows Classic style in IUP
1983 ::
A few questions about Nim
1978 ::
Nim in Action is now available!
1977 ::
'Not nil annotation' in the Manual
1974 ::
Is there really no demand for fastInt datatype in Nim?
1969 ::
cast vs type conversion and saveCast
1961 ::
Understanding memory safety compared to Golang
1955 ::
New nim llvm genererator
1950 ::
Question about NimEdit
1947 ::
Andrei Alexandrescu: Writing Fast Code
1946 ::
Porting MSWin to Linux
1930 ::
Alias like Ruby's "<" for "= ref object of"
1928 ::
assignment operator for or
1926 ::
TIL that Cray's Chapel language shares many of Nim's superpowers
1921 ::
nim plus webdriver?
1918 ::
Linear algebra library
1913 ::
Proposal: Rename all `getType` procs, rename modules `typeinfo` & `typetraits`
1901 ::
High level wrappers, any examples available already?
1899 ::
[NOOB] Executable size
1885 ::
Return generic proc?
1884 ::
How do I get the NimNode of a Type
1859 ::
Standard opengl example doesn't work on Win 10
1853 ::
Connection pooling for db_postgres module
1824 ::
problem compiling with Nim 0.12.0 - redefinition of typedef ‘TNimType’
1817 ::
Module Introspection
1809 ::
Some async* questions
1808 ::
The value of nnkCommentStmt node
1806 ::
Seeking collaborators on an ECS library port
1797 ::
Announcing Pymod; Request For Testing & Feedback
1793 ::
Immutable String Type Vs. Shallow/Freeze Procedure
1792 ::
Ukraine conf video?
1789 ::
Concept[T] status
1786 ::
Windows exe hangs
1776 ::
aws bindings
1766 ::
Concepts with Generics around Concepts
1763 ::
Jerry, I'm going on a break
1759 ::
Polling for socket clients
1753 ::
httpclient timeouterror
1743 ::
Calling Nim functions from NimScript
1730 ::
Slow strings
1721 ::
Freeimage could not import
1708 ::
Upcoming breaking changes
1694 ::
UE4 wrapper for nimlang?
1685 ::
Are all refs mutable?
1683 ::
Passing inline iterators to templates
1682 ::
Error: 'f' cannot be passed to a procvar
1673 ::
Translate the project from C.
1672 ::
Project ideas
1657 ::
Async Delimiter
1656 ::
Valgrind and GC
1641 ::
Windows shellapi ShellExecuteEx
1640 ::
New high level ODBC library for SQL Server
1637 ::
A python developer looks into rust and briefly compares it nim
1631 ::
Get local ip address
1630 ::
How to generate {.gensym.} variable in a macro for a template?
1626 ::
Some template problems
1624 ::
OSCON Amsterdam, T-shirts and stickers
1623 ::
async - "illegal capture" on var parameters
1616 ::
map/mapIt (now with benchmarks)
1614 ::
FreeBSD arm
1612 ::
Boehm GC
1608 ::
cmdCount {.importc: "cmdCount".}: cint
1604 ::
Is there interfaces in NIM language?
1599 ::
Getting the element type from a container
1597 ::
Changes in channels
1584 ::
Concepts, effects, tags, macros and compile-time dimension checking
1583 ::
JavaScript objects
1566 ::
Ludum Dare
1564 ::
1550 ::
Problem with static[T]
1531 ::
Mini tutorial: Windows Win32 (and Cairo) app with Nim
1530 ::
Evolution of Nimble
1529 ::
1528 ::
Cleaning up objects and finalizers
1523 ::
Bug in my GTK3 wrapper
1521 ::
About Nim
1515 ::
Best way for function aliases
1508 ::
How to debug nim code?
1507 ::
Question about indentation of conditions
1505 ::
[RFC] String Procedures: In-Place vs Copying
1490 ::
Creating an AST for a Markup Language
1486 ::
Get return type of a function in a macro.
1485 ::
Migrating from XL2 -> Nim
1483 ::
Implicit procedure arguments
1480 ::
This one runs on NIM! Warning, robot inside.
1473 ::
A better memory model?
1465 ::
Issue with Nimble dependency
1460 ::
Better compiler error messages about immutable types
1457 ::
mySeq.map(x => x+1)
1456 ::
Python to Nim compiler
1448 ::
"#define"ed symbol at compile time
1445 ::
Questions about threadpool
1443 ::
Implementing a flexible serialization interface
1441 ::
1435 ::
Get Exception Types as String
1425 ::
Introducting Einheit, a New Unit Test Module!
1420 ::
Time for Nim-Powered Captchas?
1415 ::
quickest way to take set difference of two sequences?
1405 ::
How stable is Nim now?
1403 ::
Hidden generics
1401 ::
unittest in Standard Library Documentation
1396 ::
Way to expand Nim code after template/macro expansion
1379 ::
Error: undeclared identifier: NewException
1375 ::
Feature Request
1372 ::
Compilation Speed
1367 ::
SOLVED: Noob question - redefinition of variable outside of enum type
1362 ::
1359 ::
Where's windows.nim?
1354 ::
SOLVED: noob question about ftpclient and asyncftpclient
1321 ::
nim-csfml missing dll
1319 ::
Generate code at runtime
1316 ::
1314 ::
Bug in asyncnet module ?
1311 ::
Nim vs Go SDL2 examples
1309 ::
import table objects does not work
1308 ::
Test for the existence of a variable
1307 ::
Memory problem with HashSet?
1301 ::
1299 ::
Idea: snakemake workflow engine in Nim
1296 ::
Yet another bignum wrapper
1287 ::
Overloading subscript operator
1286 ::
Nim on MIPS
1279 ::
Nim screencast on Tuesday hosted by O'Reilly
1275 ::
Lazy, an iterator library
1273 ::
pairs with iterators
1269 ::
A change of perspective for nimble?
1264 ::
Nim cross compiling (BBB)
1261 ::
critbit vs. sets module -- different results?
1260 ::
Pass compiler options to file compiled with the compile pragma
1256 ::
How source releases prepared
1254 ::
I want an event loop in my app
1251 ::
Bootstrapping Nim on Microsoft
1246 ::
What can Nim learn from Crystal
1242 ::
Parser bug?
1239 ::
Optimizing division to masking bits
1235 ::
String formatting and interpolation library
1230 ::
Lazy list of primes
1226 ::
Using FFTW (Fastest Fourier Transform in the West)
1219 ::
Macros: How to parse a string and get the type of the expression?
1211 ::
Tables and "default empty value"???
1209 ::
deadCodeElim pragma not working?
1207 ::
when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'
1200 ::
filterIt iterator is not lazy
1198 ::
MILL: Go style concurrency in C
1197 ::
Using Nim with tools like YACC
1194 ::
ntags – generating tags for Nim programs and modules.
1190 ::
[RFC] Constructors proposition
1183 ::
Async shell execution?
1177 ::
Import every file in a folder?
1175 ::
Include paths in Nim documentation
1168 ::
why socket.recv() function is so dump
1164 ::
Nim version of "wc -l" relatively slow
1160 ::
sequence of different types
1156 ::
Nim on Eclipse
1155 ::
On uniform function call syntax and null pointers
1152 ::
TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks
1151 ::
Why is reading lines from stdin so slow for me?
1150 ::
Announcing wiki2text
1149 ::
How to generate procs with a template in a loop
1143 ::
An ultra-fast, multi-threaded file copy utility written in Nim
1138 ::
Takeuchi numbers: Performance comparison with Java
1118 ::
Is game development in Nim worth it?
1112 ::
Parameter doc help
1104 ::
Playing with nimsuggest, processes and sockets
1100 ::
Templates are complicated
1096 ::
benchmark module for Nim
1091 ::
Memory usage tracking
1085 ::
Capture output of program?
1075 ::
Wikipedia article about to be deleted again
1073 ::
Referring to nim as nim-lang
1068 ::
Crude Nim REPL
1063 ::
[Solved] What's the difference between varargs[T] and openArray[T]?
1059 ::
Using COM Interface
1056 ::
C++ FFI examples
1051 ::
The closure of the last body statement parameter of a template surprised me
1049 ::
nimborg/py on a different thread
1030 ::
Guess I am doing something wrong again
1028 ::
Get cursor position (Linux)
1017 ::
How to detect the difference between numeric sizes in a generic proc?
1011 ::
help! win8.1 cannot compile first test file
987 ::
light-weight data structures in nim?
982 ::
Why newSeq, but initTable, initSet, etc.?
972 ::
Regex replace
971 ::
Order of execution
970 ::
Rust pwnage
969 ::
Howto track down SIGSEGV errors?
964 ::
Dynamic length arrays?
963 ::
Program size: Excellent!
962 ::
Strange code gen for procs returning arrays
961 ::
Anyone know a graph library for Nim?
953 ::
Who can provide a IUP example, requires no DOS window to generate executable file to run after
948 ::
Email of threads
946 ::
How do I get the process ID of the current program?
938 ::
Newlines get converted to returns in writeFile()
936 ::
freebsd compile error
929 ::
Nim praise and conclusion
924 ::
Would there be interest in a Sublime plugin for running/compiling Nim code?
908 ::
Converting C struct with reserved words
904 ::
Comparing algebraic data types
897 ::
Why does this Nim code slow down? Is it a memory leak?
889 ::
888 ::
Embedding Lua
879 ::
Code: Euclidean integer division (and sgn and divmod) for the math module
877 ::
Images in the Forum are not cached in Safari (at least)
852 ::
IO speed
851 ::
for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed?
849 ::
Defining vs declaring conditional symbols
844 ::
What toolchain are YOU using for Nim development?
841 ::
Is there a nim "telnet lib"?
836 ::
Restrict the case and underscore insensitivity within a single module
829 ::
Hash Table Deletion Infinite Loop Problem
827 ::
Linked list
823 ::
Pointer types
804 ::
How to speed up reading from file
790 ::
How to echo unicode string
788 ::
SIGSEGV in re match
787 ::
Two Questions: RTTI and Runtime Compilation?
778 ::
AsyncHttpClient performance problem
772 ::
What are you building?
771 ::
Annoucement: Another PCRE library, NRE
770 ::
Nim orthogonality
762 ::
ANN: New library to parse TOML files
758 ::
readChar(stdin) in Windows waits for Enter, then returns first character
737 ::
Perl 6, Rust, Nim
736 ::
Lightweight threading (Goroutines)
735 ::
"=" on ref T, string and seq
732 ::
Enums pure & namespaced by default
729 ::
726 ::
a vote for numeric/scientific programming in Nim
716 ::
MD5 fails with large files
713 ::
Should nimble be installed when installing nim?
710 ::
What is the best way to measure time/performance?
708 ::
Immutable/let ptr
706 ::
nim and Aporia IDE on OS X
702 ::
callbacks into C
699 ::
curly braces?
696 ::
Conditional symbols
686 ::
Modifying enclosing scope?
685 ::
async / await feature
679 ::
How to minimize program size?
678 ::
ANN: CFITSIO bindings - and a Sphinx domain for Nim!
676 ::
Too Many Colons
673 ::
Dynamic dispatch across compilation units (interfaces)
661 ::
Nim for game development
650 ::
Upcoming changes
639 ::
int.type is int
638 ::
Templates written to accept expressions also accept type descriptors.
628 ::
on_raise feature
608 ::
Are recursive methods allowed in Nim?
600 ::
592 ::
Have word "Pascal" in name?
584 ::
Urho3D wrapper
582 ::
Shebang for Unix scripts
580 ::
WCHAR array
579 ::
Ideas for wrapping Qt?
572 ::
Cannot generate code for N (static[int]) in template
566 ::
"else" after loop
565 ::
don't know how to declare variable as hash table
554 ::
nimrod popularity
549 ::
A user's perspective on Nimrod (was: Problems installing 0.9.4 from master branch)
533 ::
Problems with random() and a library that avoids them
528 ::
Case Sensitivity and Module names
523 ::
casE SenSitivity
522 ::
Elliptic curve proc assimilation
518 ::
Visual Nimrod questions
512 ::
array << el unless el == nil
511 ::
How to implement signals & slots in Nimrod?
509 ::
Is it worth making an exception for incl/excl in naming design?
504 ::
About language support for non-nullable pointers
495 ::
Statically linking SSL on Windows
488 ::
libusb / making a nimrod wrapper
480 ::
LLVM Backend
479 ::
What is the plan for javascript support in the standard library?
457 ::
D Language Backend
442 ::
Getting max speed for an algorithm
436 ::
Dependent types
435 ::
speeding up split?
423 ::
422 ::
This module can be used only by that module feature
411 ::
Sense of functions that don't take parentheses
409 ::
Does a walkDir equivalent exists which returns a file?
407 ::
Trying to patch the wart of finally as a statement
389 ::
Stronger Better Faster Syntax
386 ::
381 ::
An incredible language
376 ::
return in finally
375 ::
Metaprogramming question: naming generated types
369 ::
kibitzing regrading the passing of an array into a proc/macro with varargs
366 ::
365 ::
Crashes calling nimrod code from a different C thread
362 ::
360 ::
high-level interface to python
359 ::
Calling Nimrod from C, Nimrod will GC my cstring
354 ::
Bit vector
351 ::
Seohtracker, iOS weight diary app
345 ::
Functional go vs nimrod, syntax and performance
342 ::
Some benchmarks
337 ::
Academic summary
334 ::
A new concurrency system
326 ::
Finalizer problems
324 ::
How to get the low/high of an object field?
323 ::
Option returns
322 ::
Getting reference of object
320 ::
How to proceed with low level optimisation?
316 ::
New kind of statement (like var/let)
306 ::
Can't run Hello World on Windows 7
305 ::
The future of babel documentation
292 ::
Size of data structures
289 ::
Propose sourcecode filter syntax
287 ::
Any reason recursive or multi-level generics shouldn't work?
282 ::
How to get reference to a method?
278 ::
What is the Nimrod equivalent for an Interface.
275 ::
256 ::
Nimrod at the Emerging Languages Camp
255 ::
Aligned sequence type
229 ::
Why not overload `^` for exponentiation in math library?
226 ::
218 ::
Maybe there's a template or macro that could achieve this?
209 ::
Horizontal parsing
204 ::
how to delete a key when import gentabs
191 ::
Case sensitivity: the T/P prefixes must die
182 ::
Sensible Case
173 ::
Contributing to the standard library
165 ::
160 ::
Downtime for 29/05/2013
159 ::
Cross-platform GUI
157 ::
Convince Me
154 ::
Module repository (like pyPI or CPAN)
150 ::
Everything is better with hyperlinks
107 ::
nimgame 0.3
100 ::
Can Nimrod tell which proc throws uncaught exceptions?
96 ::
Exporting types from nimrod to C/C++/ObjC?
89 ::
Writing internal documentation
74 ::
nimrods future
67 ::
Nake - a make for your nimrods
64 ::
Nimrod and visual c++ 2010 x64
61 ::
Nimrod-on-android failure
56 ::
howto test if a specific proc is defined in generics
29 ::
String to AST
5 ::
Float format and unsigned casting