12717 ::
orderedTable slow for Least Recently Used cache?
12710 ::
ToOpenArray view works with seq[int] but not strings?
12707 ::
Surprising find: "C with classes" had move operations
12679 ::
Funnel Hash?
12672 ::
wNim GUI: Differences between Windows versions
12668 ::
pegs eventParser example not gc-safe
12661 ::
resovling issues
12654 ::
GuildenStern web server 8 is out - and it's better than ever
12651 ::
I'm building something with Nim!
12632 ::
Nim version 2.0.14 released
12621 ::
Nim Community Survey 2024
12614 ::
Advent of Nim 2024
12310 ::
OSError errorCode is always 0
12137 ::
Malebolgia & VCC, does not always finish
11935 ::
Releasing Constantine v0.1.0 - A modular cryptography stack for blockchain and proof systems
11808 ::
Nim ask for the Aptos Blockchain, nimAptos
11784 ::
Oh threadpool, my threadpool
11751 ::
nimqt compile error
11703 ::
Object variant, which contains no references, does not conform to the 'NoRef' concept
11647 ::
Encountering errors while compiling the nimforum project.
11642 ::
Where does the complexity of quote from the manual comes from
11623 ::
Spot the memory leak when using Chronos and Chronos/threadsync.ThreadSignalPtr
11618 ::
GC refc or MarkAndSweep bug with msvc compiler optimizer.
11564 ::
Feature Request: enum: relax or remove order requirements.
11493 ::
Nim “free(): invalid pointer” segfault (dynlib)
11457 ::
Odd Segfault when using dynlib
11449 ::
Dear Araq, how do I create a programming language?
11381 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access on server windows 2008 and windows 2019
11332 ::
NVIDIA uses Nim!
11329 ::
Problem to understand an exception
11301 ::
Glaucus Linux
11263 ::
Experimenting with a SharedRc type
11255 ::
how to parse a multipart/form-data POST body string?
11232 ::
Tesseract and Leptonica
11228 ::
Challenge: Weak linking on Windows
11214 ::
Debugging with GDB?
11203 ::
gc/malebolgia bug?
11163 ::
Have I written a silly program or is there a "controlled" memory leak?
11161 ::
This forum has an XSS injection vulnerability
11147 ::
Nim procedure args vs C and the need for pointers.
11064 ::
Fused multiply-add instruction
11060 ::
Tim - A template engine & markup language
11057 ::
Local library development and editor tooling
11015 ::
Resources for Web Authentication
11014 ::
Is there a way to create a musl binary (static binary) in a project using libcurl.nim?
11012 ::
10970 ::
Error while trying to do a https request
10959 ::
Tooling update: new version of the nimlangserver and the vscode extension
10897 ::
Exponentially-slow compile times with deeply nested iterators
10896 ::
cannot open file: db_connector/db_sqlite
10894 ::
TCC on ARM(el) backend problem
10886 ::
A little guidance on threading needed.
10880 ::
orc mm slower than markandsweep in my experience
10866 ::
9999999999999999.0 – 9999999999999998.0
10863 ::
Custom constructors
10856 ::
fixme: the proc parameters always use Copy by default?
10843 ::
Niklaus Wirth has died
10839 ::
Understanding an address sanitizer message for a memory leak caused by global dispatcher (?)
10833 ::
why object variants not support same field name ?
10812 ::
specify lib dir by `--passL` can not work
10809 ::
Nimstrict: A case sensitivity linter for Nim
10805 ::
ThreadButler - Multithreading with long-running threads that act as "servers"
10793 ::
`nph` opinonated formatter v0.2
10785 ::
Nim 2.0.2 and 1.6.18 released
10783 ::
ref types and the align pragma
10757 ::
Can Nim interact with the hardware at a lower level than the C programming language?
10753 ::
Package-Rot as growth hindrance
10740 ::
How to wrap JS object returned from a JS function
10737 ::
What is the expected behaviour for a proc replacing its own closure?
10728 ::
FMU - C interop
10727 ::
Nimsuggest connection over sockets refused
10723 ::
GAsyncQueue vs system/channels vs. threading/channels
10721 ::
Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10719 ::
thread process can not change text buffer
10717 ::
Advent of Nim 2023
10712 ::
Local procs, generics, heapqueue
10655 ::
slice assignment doesn't work when converter is present
10639 ::
proc/func/method: syntax
10632 ::
Move ref variable ro thread
10625 ::
Small change, big slowdown. Why?
10624 ::
How to replicate C code instantiating a GTK_WIDGET
10616 ::
Github action to build documentation
10595 ::
What's stopping Nim from going mainstream? (And how to fix it?)
10567 ::
How do i look into this runtime-failure?
10560 ::
threaded updates to sequence in objects?
10553 ::
Using Concepts for abstracting display graphics
10552 ::
ugly code or concepts?
10550 ::
And the fastest language to print hello world is ...
10546 ::
Workaround to use multiples asynchronous sockets on Windows (to bypass OSError 10038 and 10055).
10529 ::
Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10513 ::
Simple template and macro question
10507 ::
Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10505 ::
Need help writing a helper function?
10493 ::
The secret of Nim
10489 ::
Given an enum how do I return a seq of its elements
10480 ::
how to compare rune with char
10477 ::
Improving Examples and Documentation
10472 ::
Nimble newbie issue
10471 ::
Get C code output
10468 ::
what are the equivalent libraries to these ?
10460 ::
Is it possible to safely share refs across threads?
10450 ::
How to make custom linear containers automatically converted to OpenArray, like SEQ or Array
10428 ::
Basic Async Questions
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10421 ::
Ssl with asynchttpserver
10419 ::
Storing clients in a seq in threading not working as expected?
10406 ::
[Scala background] How does a macro in Scala differs from macro in Nim?
10394 ::
What is the best way to learn nim for someone who is fluent with python
10385 ::
Error: cannot open file: stdin
10384 ::
Why is My Nim Code Faster when Doing This
10327 ::
Compiling nimrtl.nim as static library
10322 ::
Recursive Fibonacci function
10314 ::
lvgl - callback issues
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10311 ::
I can't understand the func parseTime
10310 ::
Twitter Clone in 60 lines of Nim
10308 ::
Undeclared field - Unrecognized proc
10303 ::
Is it possible to write Linux kernel modules in Nim without having to "hack" the Nim compiler?
10297 ::
thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10294 ::
Wrapping C++ classes and constructors lead me to compilation errors global vs local, stable vs devel
10292 ::
Does Nim has the same features that D has when interfacing to Objective-C?
10289 ::
Call iterator from within iterator
10285 ::
10280 ::
Discounted rates for "Nim in Action" and "Mastering Nim"?
10270 ::
How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10247 ::
DLL crashes - can't figure out why
10232 ::
Bloom filter comparisson
10231 ::
German Tax Upload in Nim with Futhark
10223 ::
Platonic: core math concepts
10219 ::
Best Web Framework Features?
10213 ::
Complexity of nim vs other languages in creating a simple back-of-the-envelope tool.
10212 ::
Replicate python code in nim
10195 ::
feasible lib(s) to do FFT on image with minimal dependencies?
10194 ::
Is there a way to tell the compiler to include/export unused functions
10187 ::
intops - core primtives for working with integers efficiently
10182 ::
pure nim io_uring library
10177 ::
Atomic ARC
10173 ::
How to cast or pass a {.closure.} as a callback to a C API with userdata pointer?
10158 ::
Bug in Nim Std/Json?
10154 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/30)
10152 ::
Async HTTP client ORC error in 1.6.10
10148 ::
Windows AsyncSocket bindAddr() fails for TCP Client sockets
10146 ::
fetching data from many small .txt files
10144 ::
Ed25519 signing for nim
10143 ::
Can I download Nim on my iOS or Android device?
10138 ::
Why is this `cursor` causing error ?
10134 ::
Optimise async request / code [For Beginners]
10131 ::
Can I quick get table last key value use like at(idx) function?
10126 ::
Long string in source file
10112 ::
Design discussion for KommandKit - async, multithreaded, ORC-ready web framework
10100 ::
Windows Containers for Windows Server 2019 Deprecated
10090 ::
Nimforms - A simple GUI library for Windows
10087 ::
2.0 RC new and old
10065 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/2)
10057 ::
How to return from a function back to the main application loop
10044 ::
Is the escape sequence case-insensitive?
10040 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/26)
10024 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/19)
10022 ::
Only one line will load. Need all lines in directory to load.
10012 ::
10005 ::
testament + valgrind: importing asyncdispatch or threadpool causes valgrind to throw?
9994 ::
Trying to understand: is it better if IndexDefect is CatchableError or not
9989 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/12)
9976 ::
Can Nim do Type States?
9970 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/5)
9966 ::
Help with a simple gstreamer application
9964 ::
import module just for comptime use
9961 ::
uing - a fork of ui that wraps libui-ng instead of libui
9957 ::
why use nim over c#?
9956 ::
My Nim Progress tracking everyday
9949 ::
Debugging Memory Usage in Nim
9940 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (2/26)
9930 ::
How to destroy the global dispatcher(gDisp) in asyncdispatch on RTOS ?
9917 ::
nim birthday?
9908 ::
My Nim Development Progress Weekly
9899 ::
async post
9894 ::
Nim job at Reddit, Internal Data Tool, US Remote, $198,200 - $297,300.
9882 ::
Wanted libraries wishlist?
9866 ::
Interface C++ objects with `wasMoved`?
9859 ::
RosettaBoy - Gameboy emulator rosetta stone
9858 ::
Twisting Nim's arm to generate loop #pragmas .
9855 ::
Newbie error: SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
9850 ::
Why I stopped programming in Nim
9845 ::
Show Nim: JWTea, Crunchy and Depot. New repos you may find useful.
9842 ::
Current available paths to move computation to GPU
9838 ::
Porting to a new OS/Architecture pair
9832 ::
`--os:standalone` gives `Error: system module needs: getCurrentException`
9819 ::
Illformed AST?
9804 ::
Trying to make a lexer, stops if it hits an operator.
9799 ::
Two type matches, both wrong: how to do it right?
9791 ::
A seasoned programmer's take on Nim's docs
9787 ::
What Nim version introduces "except CatchableError" ?
9786 ::
A serious documentation for Nim
9775 ::
nim 2.0 RC1 taskpools error
9767 ::
Default orc crash simple jester httpbeast
9753 ::
question about memory management
9752 ::
Formal verification in Nim using COQ and other proof assistants
9751 ::
Ttop - System monitoring service tool with tui and historical data
9744 ::
Windows Defender detected Trojan.AndroidOS/Multiverze in Nim-1.6.10_64.zip
9729 ::
Odd timings for threads
9725 ::
JS compiler produces a large file (with -d:release) ?
9721 ::
BigNum and BigInt timings on the Pollard Rho algorithm
9678 ::
Advent of Nim 2022
9674 ::
Not able to get `in` for sets to work properly
9663 ::
Do you have to use 'ref' for the field types within ref objects?
9656 ::
Initial OS porting experience
9655 ::
Choosing Nim out of a crowded market for systems programming languages
9647 ::
Looking for a pair programming partner / coach
9646 ::
Atomic ARC option?
9643 ::
Nim 1.6.10 released
9633 ::
How to manually free/clear memory used by ref
9623 ::
Internal compiler error - how to debug?
9622 ::
Nimble on Termux uses invalid temp folder
9617 ::
Nim 2: "Memory can be shared effectively between threads without copying in Nim version 2"
9612 ::
Bad out of the box experience with MSVC
9599 ::
error: cannot convert 'tyObject_XEvent__EZvRvOUywFnBp4PzilZBoA' to 'XEvent&'
9596 ::
A cost model for Nim v2
9593 ::
can Parsing Expression Grammar mechanisms replace the absence of reader macros in Nim??
9591 ::
nim name origin?
9588 ::
C++ binding - error: use of deleted function
9574 ::
Nim 1.6.10 release candidate
9572 ::
Making a honey pot and errors with nmap
9562 ::
too many clock-cycles?
9554 ::
Evolving the GUI definition
9550 ::
Has 'IsNullOrEmpty' been deprecated?
9548 ::
Nimble is unable to download and install
9545 ::
Declaring an uninitialized seq & avoid unnecessary zero-mem's
9537 ::
Compile time safety for case object fields
9536 ::
9535 ::
Some help with javascript - OpenCascade.js
9531 ::
How do I turn binary file data into hex representation
9524 ::
Odd error in ARC when running in Windows
9511 ::
Reworking "c things" like static const unsigned char clcidx[19] =
9506 ::
Threaded TLSF
9505 ::
Copies, seqs, assignments & templates
9503 ::
Nimbus-eth2 beacon node setup
9499 ::
Troubles with autocompletion with VSC and third party packages
9495 ::
Overriding default C/C++ options + error with 1.6.8 / C++ / macOS
9494 ::
Nim 1.6.8 released!
9489 ::
9457 ::
Show Nim: TheArtButton.ai, a new web Stable Diffusion runner
9451 ::
Nim 1.6.8 release candidate
9446 ::
libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released
9439 ::
`Opt` support in nim-results
9395 ::
Ideas for useful/cute little GUI programs?
9393 ::
Nimble and two different C files with the same name
9389 ::
Need some direction on macros.
9388 ::
Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9372 ::
Wave: illegal capture ' ' because 'weaveParallelForSection' has the calling convention: <inline>
9368 ::
Program not working on Windows 11
9363 ::
Show Nim: CSS Grid layout engine!
9348 ::
if-else VS case-else VS case
9339 ::
composite type bug? Order makes difference.
9330 ::
How to check whether parseFloat leads to missing precision
9327 ::
downloading big files
9325 ::
how to update macro nim1.2 to nim1.6.6?
9323 ::
Nim packages dependencies visualizations
9310 ::
Nim v1.6.6 support for Codewars
9297 ::
How to copy a file to a remote host, let it run, and delete afterwards using wmi (winim/com)?
9286 ::
Nimbus: a Nimble-compatible build system
9285 ::
Choosenim 0.8.4 now available
9275 ::
HN post for Mastering Nim
9272 ::
Which metrics we should collect for each commit if building a GitHub Action bot?
9266 ::
Nim 2.0 is already here.
9265 ::
Changing the order of nimbase.h in generated files
9264 ::
Back to the basics (of research) - Concurrent data-structures in 2.0 ?
9259 ::
Mastering Nim: A complete guide to the programming language
9257 ::
Example code with multithreading and channels is failing
9251 ::
SMTP - 503 Bad sequence of commands with std/smtp
9243 ::
Can Orc be improved?
9240 ::
Have a nim tool in nimble installation error
9213 ::
Solving cubic equations
9208 ::
Please help me understand the performance difference between Nim/Rust in this (contrived) example
9195 ::
Is it possible to create a blockchain with the nim programming language?
9185 ::
Are user defined pragmas permitted in a let section with Nim 1.6?
9178 ::
Channels documentation
9168 ::
Building Nim + Nimble on Ubuntu 22, "could not import: SSL_get_peer_certificate"
9161 ::
problem with doc gen and runnableExamples
9160 ::
to enum type and back
9159 ::
Memory Leak with --gc:orc and Nimble Decimal Library
9152 ::
Which SQLite lib?
9151 ::
Weird behaviour from fmt in strformat library
9150 ::
C++ copy-constructor issue when using {.constructor.} pragma
9149 ::
Async musings
9148 ::
Hello Javascript!
9145 ::
Why I left the Nim community
9143 ::
9132 ::
Nim v2: what would you change?
9126 ::
Datetime parse format for round-trip "O"
9121 ::
Brogrammer uptick
9118 ::
Varargs limitation
9115 ::
Optimize parsing large file line-by-line
9110 ::
Seeking advices for a C programming book
9098 ::
strange behavior of generic `=destroy`
9092 ::
How to render html after a refresh on a specific url
9062 ::
Searching "jester" on nimble puts it on the bottom
9059 ::
Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
9058 ::
Automatic dereferencing for procs
9056 ::
Did nimc become faster?
9053 ::
parseint not defined for char.
9045 ::
CSV file parsing
9039 ::
[news] NimScript won't report incorrect errors in vscode with the latest devel branch
9032 ::
Ruby's parallel-like functionality in Nim
9028 ::
my TUI designer.
9019 ::
Simple linked list questions: Correct proc signature for first()
8997 ::
exportc: too many thread local variables
8982 ::
Fidget UI: animation using Nim async
8971 ::
Nim project using C++ Backend with single module using library wrapping a C library
8967 ::
Factorial computation in Nim
8966 ::
Static musl compilation with db_mysql module and external libraries mysqlclient and openssl
8965 ::
How to correctly augment async future data
8956 ::
Fidget UI: scrolling on OpenGL backend
8950 ::
Raises tracking and no more cyclic references in `chronos`
8928 ::
Macro fails with `got: <S> but expected <T>`
8927 ::
Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8915 ::
Trouble interfacing with C/C++ single-header library
8907 ::
i am just saying a splitted .sendall on socket would be much clear
8901 ::
after called `AsyncFuture.fail`, the future is still running
8897 ::
Questions about creating dll with Nim
8879 ::
Hacker News discussion abou the recently discussed Rust vs Nim performance comparison
8871 ::
Using distinct types for windowed access (ex. index operator abuse)
8857 ::
a question about block used in assignment
8855 ::
Nim's autoformatter situation
8852 ::
NimForum 2.2.0 - Fixes a big CVE!
8843 ::
Choosing a specific version of SQLite
8839 ::
Nim 1.6.4 release candidate
8831 ::
libmysqlclient.so Not Found
8830 ::
Atomics: attempting to call undeclared routine: 'testAndSet'
8826 ::
nimscript - import configuration file
8812 ::
Program does not compile with ARC/ORC
8809 ::
Suppressing non-exported fields in nim doc
8806 ::
How can I implement a conditional access operator?
8802 ::
profiler for mac?
8800 ::
Editor issues, nimsuggest reporting false errors?
8798 ::
Man pages?
8796 ::
Tracking down SIGSEGV. What's the difference between this Nim and C code?
8794 ::
How to import all identifiers from module
8790 ::
Additional Httpclient request methods
8771 ::
Strange problem when using Futhark
8762 ::
Help with metaprogramming
8748 ::
Is the DbTypeKind in db_sqlite always DbTypeKind.dbNull ? If yes, why?
8747 ::
Error installing nimlsp, and getting the neovim plugin to work
8745 ::
Questions on Nim's grammar
8732 ::
high memory usage with large number of HashSets. 3X more memory than Python
8731 ::
Ported C++ OpenGL/GLFW code to NimGL, runs, but geometry seems wrong
8723 ::
A rant about Nim bugs
8715 ::
Nim 1.2.16 released
8712 ::
Release candidates for Nim 1.6.2 and 1.2.16
8710 ::
Nim devel now supports Nimble 0.14
8704 ::
Why windows.h file is always included into compilation on Windows?
8699 ::
Httpbeast failed to compile on Android arm device
8695 ::
How would I port such project to nim?
8692 ::
More nim newbie woes, this time echo fmt Possible AOC2021 spoiler
8680 ::
Understanding error with generic anonymous vs auto
8677 ::
TinyCC/tcc vs zig cc compile-times/etc.
8671 ::
Nim at FOSDEM 2022 - CfP is open!
8660 ::
importcpp constructor issue
8657 ::
Advent of Nim 2021
8656 ::
Limit number of running threads
8649 ::
Garbage collection of nim vs pony language
8647 ::
Nim Community Survey 2021
8641 ::
TLS protocol negociation (TLS-ALPN)
8640 ::
Pygments Nim lexer update?
8603 ::
Supporting both chronos and asyncdispatch in async code
8602 ::
Nim v1.2.14 released
8595 ::
createDir on Windows using URL
8590 ::
Survey Question: flow research
8574 ::
This forum preview JS error
8568 ::
Nested Tables
8561 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <End>
8555 ::
Basic nimterop usage for simple c++ struct?
8551 ::
How to pass a "plain type" to a proc that expects a "ref type" in Nim ?
8549 ::
How to prevent return value from been`=copy`ed?
8540 ::
Nim receives $100k in Bitcoin donations
8537 ::
TechEmpower Benchmarks
8534 ::
WTF ?! basic computations are faster in py3 than nim1.6 ?!
8525 ::
Setting up a Nim foundation
8521 ::
min 1.6 help --passc:-flto problème
8512 ::
strange-like behavior in openArray in multiple types
8511 ::
Nim 1.6 is out!!
8509 ::
repr a ref object with a property from a C library
8500 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC3
8499 ::
Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8496 ::
Show Nim: Boxy, 2D GPU rendering with a tiling atlas and Pixie
8492 ::
Trailing commas in "command" syntax?
8491 ::
Make android app
8466 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC2
8462 ::
Hot Code Reloading viability for Jupyter-Notebook like Nim IDE
8452 ::
tesseract in nim?
8444 ::
Socket questions. selectRead(fds), dispatcher.
8440 ::
Nim Function pointer
8436 ::
Nim in Action
8432 ::
Building Nim Devel on Termux (Android)
8410 ::
Keep a http connection alive and hand it off to another proc
8408 ::
Why is backward index operator [^1] not zero based [^0]?
8399 ::
JSON serialization of objects containing tuples
8380 ::
httpclient woes
8345 ::
[termux pkg] nim:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed [SslError]
8336 ::
simple connection GET using httpclient does not work when compiled to js
8327 ::
weird error message
8323 ::
notification show
8295 ::
Playing with CPU caches
8285 ::
Stacktrace when using async with arc/orc is not helpful
8267 ::
What makes the nim compiler slow
8256 ::
Investigating C++ codegen error
8251 ::
Guidance on Isolating Memory Leak
8247 ::
Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8214 ::
Help with object serialization please!
8210 ::
integrate with dll's procs that returns gced types
8197 ::
Nonlinear module behaviour in Nim
8194 ::
Announcing Arraymancer v0.7.0 "Memories of Ice"
8185 ::
Cannot make async futures work with the fidget GUI toolkit
8153 ::
nim-ws - websockets for Nim
8141 ::
C++ (new) modules vs. Nim modules
8134 ::
A New Home For Our Community
8131 ::
Problem connecting to a Postgres DB
8127 ::
Recursive iterator to unpack arbitrarily nested sequence
8115 ::
SciNim - Call for tutorial ideas
8107 ::
Detect keyboard input
8082 ::
Issue when deploying a application with Nginx as a reverse proxy!
8079 ::
CSV: paring in js
8078 ::
Odd issues with HttpClient and AsyncHttpClient
8074 ::
Nim JSON parsing is 30 times slower than Node.JS
8055 ::
print dates in reversed order
8049 ::
Problem installing nimble via ./koch on linux
8045 ::
Date issue. What happened in 1940?
8032 ::
Porting to Nim
8028 ::
Add total ratings for all Candidates (STAR Voting)
8025 ::
Open file > 2GB on raspi OS 32
8002 ::
IRC freenode staff exodus
7997 ::
JS FFI - getting started
7989 ::
Karax steps forward
7984 ::
Onivim2: A surprisingly good working with Nim editor
7977 ::
gcc.exe: fatal error: cannot execute 'cc1': CreateProcess: No such file or directory
7970 ::
Show Nim: Pixie now supports text layout and rasterizing, including rich text with styled spans!
7967 ::
Custom colored output in Nim
7952 ::
Parse unix time
7945 ::
How to map to a pointer to array of function symbols in a C header?
7929 ::
How to make HttpServer more robust against too many connection opened?
7926 ::
Counting word frequencies with Nim
7898 ::
Suddenly getting infinite genericDeepCopy recursion
7885 ::
7875 ::
Nim on Android error regarding size of a pointer
7864 ::
nint128 - 128-bit integers
7861 ::
unzip multipart zip file
7842 ::
Let's Make Async Great Again!
7833 ::
Finally ported the rubberband router from Ruby to Nim
7827 ::
Accessing {.emit.}'d variables across modules?
7823 ::
Recommended method to build nim for M1 Macs?
7775 ::
C library with custom build system to Nim
7768 ::
Release candidates for 1.4.6 and 1.2.12
7755 ::
--gc:arc slowing down performance
7750 ::
What is happening under the hood of "cast" function ?
7744 ::
object variants and field names
7733 ::
Error: unhandled exception: invalid object assignment
7711 ::
Trying to use openssl RSA funcitonality in nim
7708 ::
Initializing subclassed objects, like C++ Constructors
7705 ::
Demystifying nimDecRefIsLast
7702 ::
Error: unknown substition variable: attype
7693 ::
globalThis is not defined although node version is v14.4.0
7692 ::
I am confused. Javascript, WASM coroutine support ?
7673 ::
array sample slower than indexing into rand(size-1)
7671 ::
Nimble download/install sequence improvement
7663 ::
compile a nim single file to a single c file that only depends standard c header and lib
7633 ::
Performance comparison of various compilers
7613 ::
bad destructor causing crash in arc/orc?
7584 ::
How to embed objects in another objects
7579 ::
array, seq : is there something in between?
7570 ::
Comments and criticism,please: Nimplementation of Church Numerals
7564 ::
Easiest way to check for shift-left overflow?
7563 ::
Mixing Threads and Async
7559 ::
Show Nim: Pixie, a fast 2D vector graphics library we are excited to share!
7557 ::
Async stack traces referring to macros
7537 ::
Any way to avoid nested case statements for proc taking two variant objects?
7536 ::
Check out my new lib Spacy: Spatial data structures for Nim.
7532 ::
windows - msys2 - rdynamic
7529 ::
Windows - #include <dlfcn.h>
7509 ::
String "interning" attempt
7499 ::
Templates and include
7494 ::
Nim 1.2.10 RC and 1.4.4 RC
7484 ::
SSL: how to inspect and manually accept an unknown self-signed certificate?
7482 ::
How to port this c-enum to nim?
7477 ::
Generating Nim AST and executing nim code at runtime
7470 ::
Help needed: Deadlock during allocShared0
7461 ::
stdout.write nor printf work from within threads. Is this a bug or intended behavior?
7449 ::
Looking for advices on data design for a dynamic language
7447 ::
Dealing With Memory Leaks (and a possibly broken install or setup?)
7443 ::
Immutable vs mutable
7426 ::
Simple recursion really slow?
7423 ::
A VBA library?
7411 ::
Any new edition of the Nim in Action book in the making?
7406 ::
Nim Community Survey 2020 Results
7401 ::
Nim proc pointers
7378 ::
How to serialize/deserialize my data type with options and DateTime
7367 ::
Google Summer of Code, Feb 19, 2021
7365 ::
What's the preferred way to compile nim to WebAssembly?
7332 ::
Stdlib and fusion evolution
7329 ::
AVR Support?
7326 ::
Creating Custom DLLMain using MSVC
7321 ::
Native GUI development for MacOS
7310 ::
JSON deserialize
7309 ::
DumpIncludes - See where your exe size comes from.
7299 ::
How to sum the values of a table?
7298 ::
Problem with sdl2 & nim
7297 ::
compiling to js but failed, generics not supported?
7292 ::
Making a closure iterator out of a non-closure one
7290 ::
Is it possible to generate a list of all transient dependencies and their sources?
7286 ::
Nim Seqs to C backend
7282 ::
Client-side JS with Nim
7276 ::
Alternative to powmod in Nim
7275 ::
Why is my program so much slower in Nim than in Rust?
7271 ::
Looper - Another web framework written in Nim
7265 ::
Nim interact with Windows .NET Frameworks
7250 ::
Perceus: Garbage free reference counting with reuse
7248 ::
Update on Nim snap packages
7230 ::
cpp2nim.py - c++ bindings
7226 ::
Help with Karax getVNodeById
7201 ::
Error: template instantiation too nested
7199 ::
Macros that compose (and work well with auto-completion tooling)
7192 ::
Using Python in .nim Files
7191 ::
how to wrap a C object when field names are Nim keywords?
7188 ::
Where is `memcmp` in std lib? Or `cmp()` for byte sequences?
7181 ::
Error: unhandled exception: index 1 not in 0 .. 0 [IndexDefect]
7170 ::
How to rewrite nim programming langauge to be pythonic as possible?
7162 ::
Advent of Nim 2020 megathread
7153 ::
wonderfully prologue
7143 ::
Example of a simply UDP client
7121 ::
Why does JSON serializing a table not work properly?
7089 ::
Possible usage of Nim & Z3 for embedded?
7084 ::
what is the difference between version 1.2.8 and version 1.4.0?
7075 ::
Deprecated operators for DateTime private members
7072 ::
variable length tuple unpacking
7065 ::
GuildenStern 0.9: Modular multithreading web server for Linux
7064 ::
How to prevent a program from crashing when the "OSError: Too many open files" error occurs?
7059 ::
Raspberry Pi 1B - nmqtt - exit code 137
7058 ::
7055 ::
std/tables [] vs. add()
7045 ::
C++ FFI - basic example
7024 ::
Generating code coverage with Nim 1.4.0
7023 ::
Running fzf from nim (again)
7021 ::
Some questions regarding gc-safety, httpclient and timezones
7020 ::
Passing iterators as arguments
7016 ::
Handle missing library at runtime?
7012 ::
Get all procs in given module
7011 ::
Is there a way for case objects to have cases share fields?
7009 ::
What is Kernel32?
7002 ::
Printing compilation string with color highlighting
6990 ::
Mysterious crashed with SIGSEGV
6980 ::
handmade hero in nim ( warning: noob)
6978 ::
Isolated [T]
6966 ::
Convert Time to Duration
6965 ::
Console dropdown how?
6951 ::
Impressive results with --gc:orc
6950 ::
Problems installing nim 1.4.0 with choosenim
6931 ::
How to keep a ordered table sorted with the most recent changed elements at the end?
6925 ::
Small introductory post about ARC/ORC in Nim.
6924 ::
python dict implementation for Nim's Table
6922 ::
Running a simple example based on the `httpbeast 0.2.2` framework made an error
6921 ::
Nim Source Magic
6917 ::
Emdedding text in binary - post-compilation
6916 ::
Show and tell: RPC on embedded devices
6912 ::
decorator way web framework using pragma route
6909 ::
Redirect stdout for certain execution
6871 ::
Looking for collaborators!
6860 ::
using db_odbc with ms sql server on windows 10
6852 ::
Same Regular Expression constructed in slightly different ways produces different results
6850 ::
stdlib pattern matching feedback
6839 ::
How Can I Convert An Integer to String?
6833 ::
Dynamic loading of C++ library
6817 ::
ARC/ORC cpu intensive loop bug?
6814 ::
Cross-compile to Rpi4 :(
6808 ::
Module imported with "as" still accessible, is it a bug?
6792 ::
How do I reduce allocation and GC with pool of objects?
6786 ::
Is there any PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework or package written in nim?
6777 ::
Attracting more people...
6766 ::
Growth of popularity and Nim community
6756 ::
Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6755 ::
Access Nim variables from Lua
6753 ::
System Programming in 2k20
6748 ::
Alternative to float
6727 ::
Cross platform IO engine and timer
6707 ::
Nim feedback by al6x
6687 ::
How to codegenerate with Nim?
6670 ::
HTTPS requests in Nim
6664 ::
Why use range[0..255] instead of char?
6661 ::
calling conventions differs unexpectedly
6660 ::
paramCount in NimScript not working?
6658 ::
A simple bitsarray lib
6652 ::
Nim website front page redesign (unofficial and WIP)
6649 ::
call-by-value Y combinator
6640 ::
sets : what are they
6623 ::
SymbolicNim, symbolic algebra in Nim
6619 ::
numpy like library for nim
6614 ::
Are json nodes implicitly HasMaps in Nim?
6604 ::
How do you extract a part from an initCountTable in Nim?
6603 ::
required type seq[float or float32 or int], but expression is of type: seq[float32]
6593 ::
Proposal: Renaming imported symbols
6589 ::
Procedural X86 inline assembler for Nim
6583 ::
Custom DllMain Windows
6578 ::
Single Open Intermediate Language (SOIL) Initiative
6575 ::
Avoiding RangeError getting address of empty seq
6571 ::
Problem installing Nim compiler on Linux Mint 20 with curl
6565 ::
Inheriting builtin types
6559 ::
Found a possible bug with Nim asyncCheck, tiny sample app inside.
6553 ::
A localization/internationalization library (same purpose as gettext, but with some improvements)
6548 ::
AsyncSocket seems to be dropping data
6547 ::
cross platform symmetric and assymetric cryptography
6536 ::
now().utc fails with --gc:arc
6533 ::
using nimble for package management
6518 ::
NvP: creating and sorting a large array of tuples
6505 ::
advanced `nim doc` use
6502 ::
converter with static generics not working
6489 ::
Procedure overloading with explicit parameters
6488 ::
Choosing Nim
6482 ::
NvP: s.add('x') 100M times
6481 ::
NvP: s = s & 'x'
6476 ::
sha1, danger vs release builds
6455 ::
On my first 'greet.nim' I get a C compiler error on RHEL 7
6445 ::
Is --gc:arc completely independent from the older ownership model?
6444 ::
Perf: Table.del(key)is taking 85% of my code's time
6443 ::
Parallel coding in Nim (as compared to OpenMP/MPI)
6442 ::
Nim version 1.2.2 is out!
6441 ::
How to load dlls created in C++?
6440 ::
What is <//>?
6439 ::
std.sha1 secureHashFile memory usage
6436 ::
Trivial AsyncHttpServer example crashes on every request
6426 ::
Comparisons of Nim to the Chapel computer programming language...
6425 ::
assertion failure in genRdVar in vmgen.nim
6409 ::
Issue compiling simple script using gcc 9.1.1 and Nim 1.2.0
6389 ::
Karax problem using getVNodeById
6384 ::
Nim Cheatsheet PDF (English+Spanish+Latex)
6382 ::
Doc generation fails
6371 ::
GitHub Actions: workflow to cross compile and release to GitHubRelease
6367 ::
Faster and Safer Raytracing in Nim
6366 ::
sl command of nim
6355 ::
Traceback missing line number
6352 ::
How mature is async/threading in Nim?
6345 ::
Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
6342 ::
Revisiting my oldest Nim project.
6334 ::
A link of RSS feed of nim blog is broken
6332 ::
Sorting JSON data by a specified field
6326 ::
How to instantiate `ptr object`
6321 ::
Nimpy and Arraymancer
6316 ::
HashSet performance
6301 ::
Some problems trying to eliminate 'nil'
6297 ::
Unexpected type error (subranges)
6283 ::
Performance issues with "complex" module
6282 ::
Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?
6276 ::
copy & move Access is Denied
6269 ::
6216 ::
how to properly release memory?
6208 ::
Profiling SDL2 application with Valgrind
6206 ::
ipopt - Problem with Macro
6195 ::
table of openarray as value
6186 ::
Converting Python/Swift to Nim
6180 ::
Terminal keyboard and mouse
6175 ::
1.2.0 build.sh error : OpenBSD AMD64
6165 ::
template/generic instantiation of `initTable` from here - DateTime issue
6161 ::
How to raise an exception from a template?
6147 ::
Question about --gc:arc in nim version 1.2
6134 ::
Vapoursynth - optimization
6128 ::
VapourSynth.nim - video processing
6120 ::
Submatrix function and arrays
6117 ::
{.nimcall.} and {.closure.}
6107 ::
Blog tools - Nim
6105 ::
ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us
6071 ::
Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices
6060 ::
Can if statements be used as expressions everywhere?
6058 ::
Times in the VM?
6057 ::
FFI: how to avoid naming arguments in C functions
6051 ::
Creating functions at runtime
6045 ::
Another state of generating Android APK thread...
6036 ::
Arraymancer and --gc:arc
6028 ::
FFI questions - VapourSynth
6027 ::
parallel: bounds checker
6019 ::
TimeFormatParseError using period character '.' as date separator
6015 ::
Using sendTo() to send custom types?
6007 ::
Announcement: Status resumes its bounty program!
6004 ::
Share a paper: How to Print Floating-Point Numbers Accurately
6002 ::
Gedit syntax highlighting.
5996 ::
Doubt! Proc and import
5995 ::
SQL Injection Attack Prevention
5991 ::
Bug with makeNimstrLit on JS backend
5985 ::
How does nim infer that a cpu on windows is 64-bit
5983 ::
Nim's float issue?
5979 ::
Is this a bug? result variable vs last statement
5968 ::
Cannot import module.
5943 ::
Why whitespace?
5937 ::
Nimrod Combinatorics Module of Reimer Behrends does not work with --gc:arc
5917 ::
Suggestions for optimization?
5912 ::
Newbie - trying to compile for macos from windows
5899 ::
First time trying nim and got a fatal error.
5881 ::
Compile time FFI
5874 ::
Unicode support for Windows 10 console
5865 ::
Nim 1.0.6 is out!
5855 ::
Fizzbuzz game
5845 ::
Will --gc:arc address finalizers for closure iterator variables?
5841 ::
Is this a minor --gc:arg issue?
5818 ::
Who would I implement simd to do fast md5 checksums ?
5799 ::
How to create and manage a http users sessions?
5798 ::
Forward declaration results in SIGSEGV?
5784 ::
Goto based exception handling
5774 ::
AST Modification after Semcheck
5767 ::
A path commonPrefix function
5752 ::
can use zip library on Linux but not on Windows
5749 ::
Using a Case Statement inside a template
5748 ::
Nimble broken for pre-built binary installs
5743 ::
Nim Community Survey 2019
5734 ::
Introducing --gc:arc
5727 ::
Nimph is a Nim package handler for the rest of us
5706 ::
What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5697 ::
Walking trees without recursive iterators
5688 ::
Introducing Synthesis: a Finite State Machine generator
5682 ::
confirming the purpose of `$` stringify operator
5676 ::
Practical examples showing how macros lead to better code?
5675 ::
Editor support for Nim 1.0
5670 ::
Comparing languages by their popularity with their Rosetta Code implementation terseness.
5669 ::
What do you do when the compiler crashes?
5662 ::
[C backend] On const qualifier again
5660 ::
How to export custom exception types?
5657 ::
Recommended GUI library?
5654 ::
Incompatible type runtime error with table assignment
5632 ::
Any possibility of a near term Lazarus/C#-like GUI-designer IDE?
5629 ::
[C backend] Environment of closure on stack
5627 ::
Error running nim hello world from snap installation
5622 ::
Best way to store/search/etc and an int-int data structure
5618 ::
How to debug a segmentation fault?
5606 ::
Nim 1.0.4 is out!
5589 ::
Which is the fastest way to use a timer
5588 ::
Advent of Nim 2019 megathread
5583 ::
Archlinux updated to Nim 1.0.2
5577 ::
FOSDEM CfP deadline is 26/11/19
5573 ::
Advantages of "from... X... import Y" over "import Y"?
5569 ::
Docker image for cross compiling
5553 ::
Binary resulting much larger with --opt:size?
5550 ::
Compilation error after upgrade to 1.0.2 from 0.19
5521 ::
Jester performance on FreeBSD is 1/10 of that on Linux
5512 ::
Add custom flags to nimble install
5498 ::
5490 ::
Using different compilers on windows
5485 ::
Domain modeling in Nim
5483 ::
What is the difference between "writeFile" and "newFileStream" and "write"?
5480 ::
Nim for Statistics
5475 ::
A taxonomy of Nim packages
5474 ::
booting nim on Linux
5468 ::
[Talk] What FP Can Learn From Static Introspection. (features Nim heavily)
5453 ::
Things to watch in the produced nimcache files - for performance
5447 ::
Fixed nim-mode for lem
5441 ::
template/generic instantiation of `map` warning
5423 ::
let & const on C backend
5421 ::
Suggestion for optimizations (for better performance/speed) for an interpreter written in Nim
5411 ::
Make Nim easier for the developer
5408 ::
Difference between two dates
5394 ::
CSources are gone - How to bootstrap?
5389 ::
Nim v. 1.0.2 is out!
5381 ::
Help me see what's wrong with this
5375 ::
Import best practices
5373 ::
Nim source files (program.nim) shown as MATLAB or x-python
5362 ::
Out of bounds error when use seq with emscripten
5356 ::
split does not seem to work properly
5330 ::
FOSDEM Call for Participation
5319 ::
newGZFileStream/parsecsv troubleshooting
5296 ::
Any tutorials for compiling to JavaScript (specifically DOM)?
5276 ::
Showing available memory
5265 ::
Nim in Action Help thread
5263 ::
Hacktoberfest with Nim
5259 ::
_MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim
5257 ::
Viral Nim v1.0 video
5256 ::
Nim for my future project ?
5242 ::
Proposal to start a Nim-Scientific Community
5240 ::
nim-lang snap issue
5230 ::
Nim source size
5228 ::
Cross compilation linux -> win + wine issue with file reading
5219 ::
Newbie Karax Question
5214 ::
[RFC] Why use Nim?
5213 ::
1.0.0 is here
5205 ::
Why the Translator term was not used?
5201 ::
Program hangs when adding item to seq
5196 ::
"error" block of Jester does not work when using custom routers
5192 ::
Feature Request: Addressable Constants
5191 ::
Auto-generate Nim API client for REST APIs
5190 ::
Call to all nimble package authors
5189 ::
CountTable performance issues.
5188 ::
Why do I get table implementation instead of the table during compile time?
5180 ::
Can not brew install on the Mac
5179 ::
Nim is showing version 0.19.0 after updating
5165 ::
How to use extract string with contains a certain pattern?
5157 ::
Undeclared field error when using template
5152 ::
nim android tutorial
5151 ::
nim -d:useNimRtl could not import: csuCmpIgnoreStyle
5146 ::
Who owns the widget in this example?
5142 ::
How to Send Email with Nim
5134 ::
Testing `newruntime` `owned ref` as to cyclic data...
5130 ::
Need debugging help
5124 ::
Help me optimize this small Nim port to the speed of the original C version
5110 ::
FOSDEM 2020 Newer languages developer room
5105 ::
No Windows nightlies for the last while?
5104 ::
Can the return value of a proc be a variable marked {.global.} ?
5103 ::
Nim vs. Python & Groovy (string splitting): Why is string splitting so slow in Nim?
5100 ::
How to read binary file in Nim?
5074 ::
Trying handle HSlice
5070 ::
Trouble creating type containing generic array
5065 ::
What text editor are you using for Nim?
5061 ::
spawn/sync hangs -- any ideas?
5060 ::
Nim Seq.add vs. C++ Vector.push_back performance
5054 ::
Undeclared Identifier Error on Raspberry Pi. Code works on Nim Playground
5036 ::
Field order for object variants
5031 ::
Bind not working in Generic Procs.
5026 ::
Version 0.20.2 released
5024 ::
Hyphens Not Allowed in Nim Filenames? [Invalid Module Name]
5023 ::
Nim Repository Template for GitHub
5005 ::
Simulation: FMI standard (FMU files)
5002 ::
Wrap C library that needs CMake
5000 ::
Problem with UI notification system
4999 ::
dynamic lib works properly when interfacing with python, fails with nim
4986 ::
Nim program executes painfully slow
4972 ::
Nim git branch model
4971 ::
compilation failure
4960 ::
FFI - a bit of help with minizip
4952 ::
psuedo RFC for async Channels and FlowVars
4950 ::
Fastest Prime Sieve, in Nim
4935 ::
Help getting this macro to work in a for loop
4933 ::
please help me with compiler error message, 0.20.0, travis
4927 ::
--opt:speed slow down nimpy code
4926 ::
Map of proc fail to compile in 0.20.0
4924 ::
Unable to compile
4923 ::
Terminal code test for Windows 10 fails
4922 ::
Why is SCF file breaking compiling when a line > 32.748 chars (0.20.0)
4919 ::
NIM prompt closes after starting (windows)
4918 ::
v0.20: -d:release does not turn off runtime checks?
4912 ::
How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?
4911 ::
httpclient and pipelining
4910 ::
Nim v0.20.0 is here (1.0 RC)
4909 ::
v1.0 and breaking bugfixes
4899 ::
SslError: ssl3_write_pending:bad
4891 ::
rant about shr change
4884 ::
xmldomparser on frontend - compile to javascript
4880 ::
I think we can really do better...
4874 ::
Rosencrantz is Routing DELETE Method not working?
4866 ::
No hint?
4864 ::
Metaprogramming and wrapping C libraries
4860 ::
Thread and socket functions issue
4842 ::
Nim v0.19.6 released
4840 ::
Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4835 ::
Disparity between Nim and C performance
4834 ::
Unexpected error from the C compiler with Option
4829 ::
problem with ARM build/install (BeagleBone) or cross-compiling from
4822 ::
Error: undeclared identifier: 'await'
4818 ::
"First natively compiled language with hot code-reloading at runtime"
4817 ::
Alternatives to using an object variant type with a duplicate field name across branches?
4813 ::
nimkernel extended
4803 ::
type mismath in simple math
4800 ::
Using different compiler shows "unknown C compiler"
4798 ::
The Philosophies Of Software Languages
4783 ::
OpenWL/DL - two foundation libraries for building a cross-platform GUI with non-C++ languages
4782 ::
Example implementing SQLite extension in Nim
4779 ::
Easy WASM with Nim / nlvm
4776 ::
nimpretty non installed by choosenim stable
4775 ::
Are the docs wrong, or is there a compiler bug?
4771 ::
Thoughts on ideas from the Unison Language
4769 ::
Is there a 2D game framework recently updated for Nim ?
4767 ::
Running Selector on device file in linux. How to get file descriptor (int fd) from file object?
4765 ::
Suggestions for gui frameworks to make an app in nim for android?
4758 ::
Nim vs V language
4757 ::
Nim can't import libraries
4749 ::
How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?
4740 ::
how compile urho3d with nim?
4738 ::
beat c in fefes "competition"
4726 ::
Strange bug in (open)array handling?
4725 ::
Nimble cannot find latest version of package
4714 ::
[some offtopic] 33 = (8866128975287528)^3+(-8778405442862239)^3+(-2736111468807040)^3
4697 ::
Karax nimble
4696 ::
Can I access arrays faster than this?
4692 ::
Any easy ref iteration over immutables?
4691 ::
Dereference a pointer to its underlying type
4689 ::
Compile time type introspection
4686 ::
C++ exceptions
4684 ::
Cross compile (Osx to linux) - how to
4681 ::
Problem with templates in multiple files
4679 ::
Qt Creator 4.9 Beta has Nim support (code completion)
4666 ::
Nim VS Code autocompletion
4662 ::
Procedural type and 'func' keyword
4652 ::
Jester memory usage strangeness
4646 ::
"nim cpp -d:release --noCppExceptions" fails
4636 ::
Debugging - again
4634 ::
vecctor items iterator
4629 ::
Error: ... .tag effects differ
4623 ::
What's up with 19.4?
4615 ::
Sqlite out of memory error when compiling with -d:release flag
4613 ::
A bug of vcc compiler
4610 ::
no "--opt:size" leads EXE to "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)"
4605 ::
for loop with tuple returns reference to tuple member
4594 ::
Convert float to its corresponding bytes?
4593 ::
len [0, 1, 2] fails
4589 ::
need help about a proxy server
4574 ::
How to "install" a newly built Nim on a directory?
4569 ::
questions on binding C DLL
4568 ::
yet another question on code substitution with templates
4560 ::
My feelings on Python and Nim
4546 ::
Some nim builtin libs not doing enough error checking?
4544 ::
New "Learn Nim" page
4535 ::
List of pending CT evaluation features
4533 ::
Nim nightly builds
4530 ::
Segmentation fault instantiating a Nim array help my
4529 ::
GSoC 2019
4523 ::
"Nim needs better documentation" - share your thoughts
4517 ::
[help needed] nim version of: COMPARING PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES IN C++, D, AND RUST
4516 ::
Nim is showing version 0.19.0 after updating to version 0.19.2
4514 ::
import statement suggestion
4512 ::
Happy New Year! Version 0.19.2 released!
4505 ::
Segmentation fault instantiating a Nim array
4499 ::
PEG.js-like API for the pegs module
4491 ::
Nim development blog
4489 ::
Using var object in a proc that is the object's property
4484 ::
SslError: ssl3_write_pending:bad write retry
4483 ::
Future of Nim ?
4474 ::
Invalid type: 'proc' in this context 'proc (ui: NimUI, btn: Button)' for proc
4471 ::
Change in nativesockets.nim
4470 ::
Is this a valid Nim code using concepts ?
4469 ::
Returning cstring from a DLL
4461 ::
4459 ::
Unknown cause of AssertionError
4457 ::
let not always properly copying string?
4445 ::
Extract sprite data from old DOS game resource file?
4433 ::
Nim have the concept of static methods on a type
4424 ::
Deprecation of <
4422 ::
CountTable.inc() causes Error: unhandled exception: index out of bounds [IndexError]
4421 ::
How does Nim solve the "expression problem"
4419 ::
Cannot get the result from newAsyncHttpClient?
4418 ::
IpAddress to/from disk problem
4416 ::
Advent of Code 2018 megathread
4405 ::
iup.getFile fails
4400 ::
classic "can not open sdl2" ...
4398 ::
In the response always 4000 byte by AsyncHtpp request
4396 ::
how compile nimedit?
4395 ::
Previously working threaded procedure not working in 0.19
4394 ::
What'd I miss?
4389 ::
need some advice on how to do this
4386 ::
GC is not cleaning up sequence
4379 ::
error: unable to create target: 'No available targets are compatible with this triple.
4378 ::
how to stringify token in nim template?
4377 ::
Error with Glew
4363 ::
nimpy breaks
4362 ::
the v0.19.1 => 0.19.9 jump should've been v0.19.0 => 0.20.0
4357 ::
async in a thread; crashes
4356 ::
Hitting a SIGSEGV in the garbage collector
4354 ::
Issue on gcc 4.8.4
4350 ::
Proper compiler options for release build
4349 ::
int to string
4347 ::
should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)
4345 ::
threadpool worker return empty string fails with SIGSEGV in gc
4344 ::
development and release model: use the `oneflow` model
4343 ::
R-style logical vector operations in Nim?
4327 ::
How compile sfml successfully on nim
4324 ::
FOSDEM Stand 2.0?
4321 ::
State of Concepts in Nim 0.19
4320 ::
Insert 'NULL' value in Postgres with Nim 0.19.1 without 'nil'
4318 ::
outputHandle problem
4308 ::
How to customize docgen css?
4304 ::
It is not easy to find generic procs like system.find()
4302 ::
Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.
4301 ::
How do i compile asm files with vcc compiler?
4295 ::
Possible problem with my bcrypt module?
4281 ::
Compiled with 0.18, not with 0.19
4279 ::
runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?
4261 ::
Mutable params with default value?
4260 ::
Streaming HTTP request with timeout?
4258 ::
Problem with -d:release
4253 ::
the Fibonacci benchmark
4252 ::
collections of procs[T]()
4246 ::
0.19.0 pegs regression?
4245 ::
Version 0.19.0 is out
4233 ::
Is there any untyped list data type in Nim ?, like in python.
4226 ::
Some OOP problems
4220 ::
Emit C++ code into .h (instead of .cpp) and reuse it across NIM modules
4206 ::
release only runtime crash
4205 ::
How to call a proc of Base class from a derived class ?
4191 ::
Using options in the stdlib
4178 ::
Parsing issue?
4155 ::
how to pass a class method as proc type param?or is there partial function in Nim ?
4128 ::
A critique of Nim
4111 ::
debugging a nim python module with lldb
4109 ::
Forum mailing list
4106 ::
Error converting json to types
4103 ::
Next release? (re: bioconda)
4088 ::
Program crashes when more than 4GiB of RAM are allocated
4086 ::
Bug (?) when using defer in async function
4082 ::
how to send udp datagram?
4073 ::
beginner question -- interating over an array of strings
4046 ::
Any help for Carbon support?
4045 ::
Is the overriding method not optimized?
4030 ::
How to map object to memory address
4028 ::
Jester v0.3.0 and our first CVE ID
4010 ::
Diferent results when compiled with c (gcc), or cpp (gcc)
4003 ::
Understanding the GC
4002 ::
deprecated pragma
3986 ::
i have some question !?
3983 ::
iup library on Linux problem
3924 ::
How compiler decides where to put the value?
3918 ::
Nim stickers!
3910 ::
Adding New OS to Nim
3902 ::
Is nim doc broken on dev?
3890 ::
Would it be possible to have a string variable passed to strformat/fmt?
3889 ::
Help solving an unsolved Rosetta Code task.. probably needs BigInt?
3887 ::
Term rewriting template for the proc definitions
3864 ::
comparing the c ffi overhead on various programming languages
3788 ::
Optimizing Nim algorithm (compete with c++)
3772 ::
Perfecting Nim
3722 ::
how to use compiler/nimeval: execute ? getting: Error: cannot 'importc' variable at compile time
3716 ::
Nim in Action errata
3713 ::
Memory usage skyrocketed with nim 0.18.0 (in my async tcp service test)
3706 ::
[resolved] SIGSEGV using lines(filename)
3702 ::
vtref and vtptr vs method !!!
3699 ::
3696 ::
Twinprimes generator that showcases Nim
3671 ::
OrderedTable is not an ordered table
3667 ::
Emscripten/WebAssembly GC considerations?
3665 ::
cross-compiling nim using android-ndk 16.1
3658 ::
Compiler won't scale (still)
3641 ::
Nim syntax (error) Quiz
3633 ::
Nimble package structure
3622 ::
The Nim way to do this
3613 ::
compiler error in 0.18.0 ??
3591 ::
Looking for efficient API for regexp library
3590 ::
Nim 0.18
3582 ::
Yet another misadventure/possible bug...
3575 ::
How to cross-compile a Nim executable for Android
3553 ::
Fatal compilation error on Windows
3534 ::
Nim Dogfooding
3525 ::
Base Class Methods
3524 ::
Very impressed so far
3513 ::
Can't send email via port 587 with TLS
3512 ::
Concatenate string and int
3510 ::
"U64: static[int]" as type paratmeter => "cannot generate code for: U64"
3508 ::
How to call runForever()?
3499 ::
postContent with custom header
3491 ::
Issue with typedesc & type parameters
3486 ::
How to generate random numbers given a certain range?
3468 ::
sometimes using spawn passed pointer is nil
3462 ::
Increasing Nim exposure
3449 ::
Deadlock using threadpool from a forked process.
3440 ::
ASM on Windows basically dead?
3392 ::
experimenting with pointers and slices
3390 ::
Multi-threaded reverse-proxy in jester
3373 ::
Do we have a RTree or R*Tree for Nim?
3370 ::
How to make this compile
3358 ::
Looking for a set that sorts and deduplicates
3355 ::
Copy-on-write container
3349 ::
Statement macro applied on proc
3341 ::
nim-lang ui not working with vcc on windows
3336 ::
"timeinterval" type conversion problem
3331 ::
bad code generated when trying to access static: var at run time
3328 ::
completely new to programming
3320 ::
Do we really like the ...It templates?
3305 ::
Bitwise lowercase
3302 ::
compile time code execution problem
3271 ::
Negative generic type matching
3256 ::
What should next Araq's live stream be about?
3253 ::
what does macros.quote() do exactly?
3238 ::
Pascal type to nim
3219 ::
how to make nimble link against libs in $HOME
3218 ::
about locks and condition variables
3216 ::
Another reason to deprecate ..<
3215 ::
Trying to write readable code, need help
3207 ::
How to "nimble install XXX" using a specific architecture (x86, instead of x64)?
3204 ::
Automated testing of Nim programs
3199 ::
Code substitution with templates
3170 ::
Too many global variables in a generated js-code
3152 ::
Glob patterns for nim
3150 ::
Differences: Object variant vs static conditional fields
3143 ::
Nim in Action print book is 50% off today
3140 ::
Should/can we get explicit concepts?
3125 ::
Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.
3116 ::
3112 ::
Indentation causes compiler errors
3111 ::
Move semantic and manuel memory management
3105 ::
Estimation of π using Leibniz series
3098 ::
Nim on Android
3095 ::
Nim newbie request/challenge
3074 ::
UDP socket closing after send
3056 ::
Nim image libraries
3053 ::
vcc and nim vs mingw with vulkan
3049 ::
Import from parent directories
3043 ::
GObject Introspection based GTK3 high level bindings with nimble support
3029 ::
Arraymancer - v0.4.0 (May 2018)
3025 ::
Overloading by Return Type?
3000 ::
Linear algebra library - help wanted
2998 ::
Error in calling finalizers
2992 ::
Request for Review: simple Shared Queue impl
2990 ::
Proc call is blocking call of finalizer
2988 ::
Do notation without parentheses
2976 ::
Low-level optimizations in Nim
2968 ::
Binary unicode operators
2966 ::
glib2 foxes TableRef
2963 ::
string result from macro
2962 ::
[SOLVED] Macros AST - Refactoring deep (4-level) nested if-elif-else statement.
2940 ::
Problem installing c2nim
2936 ::
Concept syntax revision proposal
2929 ::
Usage of generic tuples
2928 ::
New here. can't seem to get the installer to work.
2922 ::
Need a push on investigation of compiler issue
2918 ::
Can var proc parameters be faster than function results?
2917 ::
Creating a new seq is not that fast
2916 ::
book delayed again
2891 ::
Help in compiling nim on android termux
2887 ::
How to create, destroy, and recreate threads
2876 ::
Times module for JavaScript backend questions
2873 ::
Thread-local persistence
2870 ::
Tutorial 'Slices' section ^ operator confusion
2817 ::
high(uint) is invalid
2816 ::
nim vs perl ! what's wrong?
2808 ::
Function v. Writing operations
2807 ::
Nuklear Immediate Mode GUI Bindings (link in post)
2797 ::
FFI to C, what is the equivalent to const u8 *
2794 ::
Outside of the permitted namespace
2789 ::
Trouble with reading from stdin
2783 ::
Can we use that tactic for nim ? Python 3.6 + japronto becomes the fastest webframework in the world
2770 ::
Nim compiling using MS VS2015 (windows)
2763 ::
New in todo.txt
2736 ::
Cannot convert NI16 * to const wchar_t *, when interfacing with c++
2730 ::
Nimgame 2
2717 ::
How could we make code readability better on third-party plateforms? (Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/etc.)
2707 ::
Installation on 64-bit Windows
2704 ::
Weird error when trying to install sdl2 with nimble
2701 ::
Surprises with Generics
2696 ::
How to compile a shared library for JNI?
2688 ::
Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?
2665 ::
Return values question
2655 ::
2651 ::
Constructors via typedesc[] arguments
2643 ::
Error during centos install
2640 ::
Nim Modbus library
2636 ::
Bitwise operation problems.
2626 ::
Best way to convert sequence of bytes to uint32
2622 ::
Strange compiler bug when import critibits and nre
2596 ::
How to use attatchment effectively in jester?
2593 ::
Unable to compile with latest nim version
2586 ::
Nim and Qt
2579 ::
sha256 on files - different hashes
2572 ::
BASS lib
2570 ::
netwatch 1.0.0 - network monitor written in nim
2568 ::
c2nim: typdef
2566 ::
How to parse html wild?
2561 ::
Flow Based Programming in Nim
2558 ::
Version 0.15 released!
2553 ::
How do you install the gtk 3 development libraries and toolchain on Windows 64bit?
2552 ::
Shift operation for array elements
2545 ::
passing stuff as generic parameters, and it's limits.
2527 ::
Nim running Lua calling Nim
2511 ::
nlvm status update
2496 ::
zeroMem can't use?
2476 ::
Output of xmltree's $() method is peculiar (yet correct)
2475 ::
Cannot load shared library when using -d:release?
2473 ::
Reading large files using Nim
2472 ::
Inheritance concerning events module
2471 ::
db_odbc.nim some iterator has bug.
2458 ::
Going to Haxe. Nim In Action book available.
2455 ::
nimsuggest -- how may switching source files may be expected to work
2453 ::
Execution speed Nim vs. Python
2446 ::
spawninig of more than 8 threads problem
2403 ::
writeFile with iterator
2396 ::
Concept[T] design question
2392 ::
Read the file in the proper encoding
2378 ::
To optimize operation of replacement of lines in the file
2371 ::
zipping strings
2367 ::
12+ naming rules
2361 ::
Bug in `.`?
2354 ::
Vindinium game starter kit
2349 ::
nimx Error: no generic parameters allowed for ref
2346 ::
Recent development questions
2343 ::
Enum related error: duplicate case value
2334 ::
Rosencrantz 0.2 is out
2331 ::
What are the important features that are missing in Nim?
2323 ::
Nim's tooling
2315 ::
Nimble install execution failed
2309 ::
Compiler Reading
2302 ::
trying to populate table using default values
2290 ::
ospaths - invalid pragma
2258 ::
Some remarks to nimsuggest
2242 ::
gtk: gSignalConnect how to?
2236 ::
Older libc
2234 ::
Chapter 6 -- few bugs, no PEGs
2226 ::
I don't understand 'var' parameters
2209 ::
Nimble enhancements - discussion
2201 ::
Why block is not an expression
2196 ::
expanding sequences on the fly
2191 ::
help with zah/nim.vim
2179 ::
Asynchronous docker client written by Nim-lang
2172 ::
Table can not use `object` as key or value
2166 ::
creating particles with SDL2
2153 ::
Getting "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access" when compiling
2135 ::
Foreign languages support in Nim
2133 ::
What exactly does sleepAsync?
2129 ::
Exceptions and async
2111 ::
Nim language aspects, that I don't learn to like
2099 ::
Wait for certain time, without wasting cpu cycles.
2090 ::
mac installation instructions are broken
2080 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) 2
2074 ::
json problem
2065 ::
Android and Android64 issues. (resolved.)
2036 ::
for-loop iterator variable
2030 ::
GSoC 2016
2027 ::
Iterator as argument of iterator
2021 ::
Load stuff from a file at compile time?
2020 ::
Greedy macro parameters
2008 ::
nested iterator
2006 ::
Object construct
1987 ::
How to override the Windows Classic style in IUP
1986 ::
sizeof() within static context
1983 ::
A few questions about Nim
1961 ::
Understanding memory safety compared to Golang
1959 ::
could not load: SDL2_gfx.dll
1958 ::
Parameter of typedesc type doesn't work
1951 ::
Linking static C library
1947 ::
Andrei Alexandrescu: Writing Fast Code
1938 ::
reverse seq mitems
1931 ::
Docopt question
1924 ::
invalid pragma base?
1922 ::
Backwards compatibility in Nim 0.12.0
1868 ::
A working OpenGl shading DSL
1866 ::
Compile simple Hello NIM program for android with the NDK
1854 ::
Have function instead c_memset in nim?
1852 ::
[Urgent]Can't fix this error, sequence of tuples with proc vars
1821 ::
Is it possible to refer to cstring + offset
1808 ::
The value of nnkCommentStmt node
1802 ::
aporia, nim how to start on windowsx32 7?
1798 ::
[feature suggestion] advanced assert
1785 ::
Windows XP Quirk
1784 ::
What is the most simple way to determine duration or other info of mp3 file?
1779 ::
Nim vs D
1764 ::
Is socket.connect("", Port(8000)) right ?
1759 ::
Polling for socket clients
1757 ::
Don't nim0.12 support jester?
1752 ::
Help debugging memory issue
1737 ::
Version 0.12.0 is out!
1736 ::
bench Mark Results - returning array of struct( kind'a tricky proc)
1690 ::
`+=` behaving strangely
1659 ::
Mysql_db help
1657 ::
Async Delimiter
1647 ::
mySeq.map(x => x+1) update
1641 ::
Windows shellapi ShellExecuteEx
1623 ::
async - "illegal capture" on var parameters
1622 ::
String iteration performance.
1614 ::
FreeBSD arm
1613 ::
Endb and compiler localDebugInfo
1612 ::
Boehm GC
1583 ::
JavaScript objects
1580 ::
File iteration slow
1564 ::
1562 ::
Can't check range when I use hex
1521 ::
About Nim
1483 ::
Implicit procedure arguments
1478 ::
const vs let in injected vs provided code bodies
1471 ::
[Performance improvement] seq remove() and insert()
1447 ::
[solved]SSL runtime error in release build only
1421 ::
asyncnet deadlocks on a single core cpu
1349 ::
Nimble 0.6.2 is now out!
1333 ::
Changes in sequtils
1331 ::
Nimrod means "rebel"
1309 ::
import table objects does not work
1305 ::
Compile-time string obfuscation
1301 ::
1296 ::
Yet another bignum wrapper
1288 ::
nimble update 404
1284 ::
Destructors not called
1273 ::
pairs with iterators
1268 ::
Invoking BLAS functions (unexpected slowness)
1264 ::
Nim cross compiling (BBB)
1246 ::
What can Nim learn from Crystal
1230 ::
Lazy list of primes
1207 ::
when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'
1192 ::
Fast multithread data sharing.
1187 ::
nim "could not load: pcre.dll" (0.11 64b)
1165 ::
Newbie question. Program not compiling
1164 ::
Nim version of "wc -l" relatively slow
1154 ::
How to use a string in an allocShared object
1153 ::
unittest or discard string?
1152 ::
TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks
1139 ::
KDevelop nim/nimble project
1127 ::
Removing the colons from <if-else>
1120 ::
Async methods in Nim?
1117 ::
Subtle callback problem in asyncdispatch
1116 ::
Error: 'yield' cannot be used within 'try' in a non-inlined iterator
1101 ::
Partial success getting nim to run in the Cygwin environment
1096 ::
benchmark module for Nim
1089 ::
Output extended ASCII in console?
1088 ::
AppCrash with service callback
1060 ::
Getting "Error: internal error: getNullValue: tyNil" when running code during compile
1044 ::
Tuple unpacking for an array rvalue?
1042 ::
asm code in templates fail
1030 ::
Guess I am doing something wrong again
1027 ::
I may have a problem
997 ::
startProcess error
967 ::
Error: internal error: GetUniqueType
966 ::
SIGSEGV when catching exceptions raised by async procs
965 ::
Floating-point epsilon
963 ::
Program size: Excellent!
957 ::
getting Nim on Mac - Mavericks, Xcode 6.1, clang 3.4
949 ::
942 ::
First impressions
920 ::
Something may be wrong
917 ::
opengl on osx
904 ::
Comparing algebraic data types
897 ::
Why does this Nim code slow down? Is it a memory leak?
888 ::
Embedding Lua
887 ::
Suggestion: Add a special case `..<` operator, equivalent to `.. <`
859 ::
Wrong file names created in Windows
852 ::
IO speed
836 ::
Restrict the case and underscore insensitivity within a single module
829 ::
Hash Table Deletion Infinite Loop Problem
827 ::
Linked list
809 ::
Error: type mismatch, what am doing wrong?
798 ::
Cross compiling for VxWorks (on a PowerPC processor)
797 ::
Declare compile-time conditional symbols in code?
788 ::
SIGSEGV in re match
778 ::
AsyncHttpClient performance problem
757 ::
non-echoing input? (password input)
753 ::
Broken Link to aporia, on home page
752 ::
Catching exceptions
746 ::
error in httpclient request proc, line 297
726 ::
a vote for numeric/scientific programming in Nim
724 ::
Has anyone got a Nim binding to GTK+3?
716 ::
MD5 fails with large files
706 ::
nim and Aporia IDE on OS X
702 ::
callbacks into C
682 ::
pathfinding benchmark of C++, D, Go, Nim, Ocaml, Common Lisp, Racket, C#, Java ...
679 ::
How to minimize program size?
671 ::
Nim Advocacy & Promotion Strategies
637 ::
Undefined behaviour in signed integer overflows (as in C)
627 ::
dynlib segfaults
617 ::
New wrapper style for Nim bigbreak and more c2nim questions
601 ::
Babel is now called Nimble
592 ::
Have word "Pascal" in name?
587 ::
Unable to install Aporia: Unable to find glib2
541 ::
Problems installing 0.9.4 from master branch
533 ::
Problems with random() and a library that avoids them
526 ::
How do I pass GC'd memory to threads?
522 ::
Elliptic curve proc assimilation
503 ::
Optimizing readLine
482 ::
Babel 0.4.0 released
477 ::
c2nim problems
473 ::
How can I maintain the original HTML structure/DOM?
471 ::
Does Nimrod have a heredoc syntax?
469 ::
Wrapper for the markdown rendering hoedown library
460 ::
gh_nimrod_doc_pages to document your projects
448 ::
Nimrod and low level programming
442 ::
Getting max speed for an algorithm
435 ::
speeding up split?
428 ::
segfault creating static lib
373 ::
Forwarding varargs to C
364 ::
seeking help with a type error
349 ::
Troubles with GC calling from C
341 ::
VCC linker options should be prefixed with /link and at the end of the cl.exe call
329 ::
Some thoughts on the effect system
320 ::
How to proceed with low level optimisation?
317 ::
Quicklook plugin for reST files implemented in Nimrod
303 ::
Nimrod support in Geany editor
299 ::
case kind of (object variants)
286 ::
Distinct and generics not working together
261 ::
asm with Nimrod
209 ::
Horizontal parsing
165 ::
149 ::
newparser branch
76 ::
Using Clang backend
67 ::
Nake - a make for your nimrods
29 ::
String to AST
20 ::
string to int?
5 ::
Float format and unsigned casting