tests failing after upgrade to 0.20.0, and i could not yet find the source of the error:
Hint: 378820 [Processing]
Error: unhandled exception: value out of range: -1 [RangeError]
I bet you compiled your app with -d:release, so that error was hidden before Nim 0.20.
Just compile with -d:danger now, and it will be hidden again.
No not serious, better search for the reason of that bug.
You've successfully broke the compiler :) Can you file a bug report on github for this? Preferably with a code snippet that could reproduce the problem.
@Stefan_Salewski From the stacktrace it appears that this is a compiler bug, not a bug with the user's code.
thank you! issue added!
after upgrading to 0.20.0 my app not compiles:
Hint: 378820 [Processing]
Error: unhandled exception: value out of range: -1 [RangeError]
i use includes. if replace the include with the file contents it compiles fine. (but int.high as enum value throws error) (include throws error even if int.high not used)
$ nim -v Nim Compiler Version 0.20.0 [Linux: amd64] Compiled at 2019-06-06
Yepp, recompiling Nim with danger made it >;)
narimiran commented 20 hours ago on github: ...if your nim was bootstrapped without -d:danger flag. I.e. if you need a workaround until this is fixed, bootstrap Nim with ./koch boot -d:danger.