12662 ::
Nim book idea - It would be worth it?
12643 ::
nim programs monitoring/observation
12626 ::
gintro / owlkettle i18n internationalization
12624 ::
Sigils – Improved Multi-Threading
12623 ::
SDL2-Android-Nim Builds
12616 ::
Low-latency, Python-calling, concurrent design
12090 ::
Novice parallelization question
12057 ::
How to Efficiently Implement Microservices with Nim?
11802 ::
Openziti (zero trust networking)
11790 ::
Understanding more complex generic types in Nim coming from Typescript
11770 ::
11720 ::
Introducing an async library inspired by Go in Nim
11670 ::
Cheap exceptions, opinionated error handling
11651 ::
Nim Killer Fullstack App
11619 ::
Working with sequences
11565 ::
Nim covered by Stephen Blum, CTO of PubNub
11532 ::
Anonymous chat service, powered by Nim
11465 ::
What's the lowest level that Nim can navigate or even dive breaking OS-dependant protected modes?
11449 ::
Dear Araq, how do I create a programming language?
11356 ::
Help needed: binarylang issue
11332 ::
NVIDIA uses Nim!
11318 ::
i was trying a simple binary search algorithm, what am i doing wrong
11302 ::
Cross compilation to Windows, linker error (unrecognized option '-z'
11268 ::
nim & vscode , freebsd vs artix(arch) linux
11189 ::
Is there a plan to make Nim a language for normal businesses?
11129 ::
Resizable arrays in Nim - difficulty in getting performance
11113 ::
ANN: minisvd2nim generates a Nim lib to access ARM CortexM device and registers
11075 ::
nimble.directory has been down for a few days now
11060 ::
Tim - A template engine & markup language
11052 ::
Do not understand the error when trying to add to seq inside loop
11040 ::
Futhark and editor tooling
11014 ::
Is there a way to create a musl binary (static binary) in a project using libcurl.nim?
10970 ::
Error while trying to do a https request
10963 ::
Chame 0.14.0 released
10947 ::
Found a Niche that only Nim can do: Easy Retro(e.g. MOS 65xx) Development with ORC/ARC
10933 ::
Pocket Clicker — proof of concept Game Boy "game"
10914 ::
chronos 4.0
10910 ::
Nim safety features like Zig & Rust?
10890 ::
Trying multiple compilation settings in parallel
10876 ::
Newbie - What does this error mean and how to correct it? ld.exe: cannot find -lz
10850 ::
`nph` opinionated formatter v0.3
10846 ::
how to get pragma of the field in macro?
10836 ::
Sum types, 2024 variant
10835 ::
Maybe nappgui is best cross platform gui lib for nim
10805 ::
ThreadButler - Multithreading with long-running threads that act as "servers"
10799 ::
Ptr byte to cstring?
10787 ::
Enhancing Nim vtable implementation vs subtype checking
10741 ::
Dealing with arrays (of bytes) across library boundaries, specifically C#
10721 ::
Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10693 ::
avr_io - nim register bindings and utilities for AVR microcontrollers
10685 ::
RAD system for Nim?
10666 ::
Chronos v4 RC
10664 ::
Nim in university context?
10617 ::
Modifying the value of a procedure argument (without making the input argument var)
10611 ::
Concepts as type classes in generics
10601 ::
Array of type "proc" except I don't know what I'm doing
10595 ::
What's stopping Nim from going mainstream? (And how to fix it?)
10581 ::
Mismatch Nim Documentation Regarding 32-bit Floating-Point Literals.
10570 ::
10566 ::
Issue with calling a routine defined in a concept
10547 ::
Compiling on i386: Pointer size mismatch between Nim and C/C++ backend
10531 ::
install nim failed
10523 ::
Customizable Nimble-badge with latest tag
10518 ::
Automatic Differentiation/Differentiable Programming Library
10509 ::
ggplot and lapack revisited
10507 ::
Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10466 ::
how to get the string of all command line parameters except the first parameter ?
10450 ::
How to make custom linear containers automatically converted to OpenArray, like SEQ or Array
10441 ::
Mastering Nim 2.0
10433 ::
GuildenStern web server 6.0.0 is here
10432 ::
Difficulty Establishing SSL/TLS Connection for Secure Website
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10414 ::
Potential users
10409 ::
10382 ::
Nim Project Setup
10379 ::
How to get all fields of an object type `MyType` in a macro from a NimNode ident("MyType")
10373 ::
Any way to produce Arm64 binaries for MacOS from choosenim versions of nim?
10371 ::
Problems compiling objc code including <UIKit/UIKit.h> on osx
10349 ::
Some of Nim's convention needs to change in order for it to succeed
10341 ::
Wrapping Tkinter GUI in Nim?
10318 ::
reading a PNG at compile time
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10301 ::
Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim
10297 ::
thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10288 ::
Multithread with js target
10275 ::
volatile_store codegen error ?
10274 ::
Why `unsafe_addr` had to be used in StringSlice?
10270 ::
How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10248 ::
Collectors, heap, sharedRam, threads.
10235 ::
Using TCC/NLVM to compile source code in a string
10234 ::
Atlas shrugged...
10231 ::
German Tax Upload in Nim with Futhark
10223 ::
Platonic: core math concepts
10219 ::
Best Web Framework Features?
10215 ::
NIM code compile to executable does not run on other systems.
10212 ::
Replicate python code in nim
10187 ::
intops - core primtives for working with integers efficiently
10185 ::
unique refs > `isolate`
10162 ::
How can I return a tuple of arrays from a proc. Having difficulty with proc signature
10159 ::
Mojo Language: Similarities/Differences with Nim, Potential Lessons for Adoption
10148 ::
Windows AsyncSocket bindAddr() fails for TCP Client sockets
10146 ::
fetching data from many small .txt files
10143 ::
Can I download Nim on my iOS or Android device?
10131 ::
Can I quick get table last key value use like at(idx) function?
10123 ::
EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
10102 ::
Mono UI, high productivity, simple and clean code
10092 ::
Tcp buffer reuse for lower memory use
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10084 ::
Object Arrays
10083 ::
Need guidance for a first experience with Nim and ESP32
10080 ::
State of HTTP Servers in Nim
10066 ::
Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare
10062 ::
Anyone tried GPT-4 for Nim?
10042 ::
Nim interop with other languages
10022 ::
Only one line will load. Need all lines in directory to load.
10020 ::
Background tasks in jester
10000 ::
Cheerp 3.0? C++ to WASM compiler
9996 ::
How to reproduce the release build of Nim?
9994 ::
Trying to understand: is it better if IndexDefect is CatchableError or not
9981 ::
Shared global var in ORC?
9968 ::
Cannot get library demos running due to linker errors
9931 ::
How do I declare a proc as returning a (JavaScript) Promise with no return value?
9924 ::
What is the recommended way to use the local branch of an external git nim module in my nim project?
9922 ::
Difference {.importcpp.} vs {.importjs.}
9918 ::
Save audio stream to the file from httpstream
9914 ::
Heap fragmentation, embedded systems
9902 ::
Nim in production: 350+ HTTP requests per second on a very modest VM
9899 ::
async post
9893 ::
Expose static nim library to DLL
9883 ::
NuttX Port
9871 ::
Getting started with Nim on attiny85
9868 ::
what's with deepCopy?
9865 ::
How to listen to an IPv6 address but also allow IPv4
9845 ::
Show Nim: JWTea, Crunchy and Depot. New repos you may find useful.
9838 ::
Porting to a new OS/Architecture pair
9815 ::
strutils: mapIt: empty seq gives index error
9804 ::
Trying to make a lexer, stops if it hits an operator.
9794 ::
The state of GPU codegen with Nim (bonus: LLVM JIT codegen)
9786 ::
A serious documentation for Nim
9767 ::
Default orc crash simple jester httpbeast
9762 ::
Strange error: single character string constants
9752 ::
Formal verification in Nim using COQ and other proof assistants
9751 ::
Ttop - System monitoring service tool with tui and historical data
9746 ::
Nim version 2.0 RC1
9688 ::
Why is Rust faster than Nim in this CSV parsing example?
9687 ::
Forum subscription feature
9683 ::
Show Nim: Mummy, a new HTTP + WebSocket server that returns to the ancient ways of threads
9676 ::
Polymorphism doesn't work building a dylib for Playdate (Cortex M7) with ARC
9668 ::
Memory leak fixes for db_postgres.nim
9663 ::
Do you have to use 'ref' for the field types within ref objects?
9655 ::
Choosing Nim out of a crowded market for systems programming languages
9651 ::
How to create a mutable object prefrably without ref
9646 ::
Atomic ARC option?
9633 ::
How to manually free/clear memory used by ref
9622 ::
Nimble on Termux uses invalid temp folder
9611 ::
Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.
9596 ::
A cost model for Nim v2
9595 ::
Race condition in async server using websockets.... maybe?
9588 ::
C++ binding - error: use of deleted function
9578 ::
Can't manipulate HashSet of complex types
9572 ::
Making a honey pot and errors with nmap
9554 ::
Evolving the GUI definition
9551 ::
Questions about Nim and its extensibility
9506 ::
Threaded TLSF
9492 ::
Cross-Compiling gintro/GTK4
9491 ::
To `ref` or not to `ref` on embedded?
9489 ::
9482 ::
Is a Java-style GC possible?
9474 ::
9463 ::
One screen, quick and ugly kv store. Advices needed
9457 ::
Show Nim: TheArtButton.ai, a new web Stable Diffusion runner
9456 ::
Nim compiler options for Z80 C compiler?
9449 ::
how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9446 ::
libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released
9444 ::
Inner Loop Index Type
9406 ::
Nim cross-compiled in OpenEmbedded
9394 ::
When do we use pass & return by ref if everything behind the scenes is by-pointer anyway?
9393 ::
Nimble and two different C files with the same name
9388 ::
Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9383 ::
Use SciKit-learn for machine learning from Nim? (Andreas please read!)
9378 ::
Explain current state of multi-threading
9376 ::
Convert Python codes to Nim codes
9374 ::
Why is db_postgres so slow?
9371 ::
Alternative to gravatar for the forums?
9370 ::
Nimble decentralisation?
9368 ::
Program not working on Windows 11
9366 ::
Native compile option?
9352 ::
Where to start with creating direct Qt bindings?
9348 ::
if-else VS case-else VS case
9346 ::
Threads dying, memory issues?
9341 ::
Translating "Nature of Code" to Nim - Which graphics library should I use?
9331 ::
let variable is not gc safe
9309 ::
Nim thread memory handling in threads with and without orc
9297 ::
How to copy a file to a remote host, let it run, and delete afterwards using wmi (winim/com)?
9274 ::
Stack/heap addresses, confusion
9262 ::
Writing a shared lib for Android
9259 ::
Mastering Nim: A complete guide to the programming language
9258 ::
Threading error: calling procs off objects (httpbeast)
9255 ::
Is it possible to "mock" function calls? (For testing purposes)
9251 ::
SMTP - 503 Bad sequence of commands with std/smtp
9243 ::
Can Orc be improved?
9238 ::
Back to the roots of v2.. and what it could be
9223 ::
Idea: Marketing Nim to Organizations
9205 ::
favicon file is missing
9201 ::
Nexus Development Framework (initial commit)
9198 ::
How to run testament Exe-Test-Files in a different Folder
9196 ::
What are the best hosting companies to host systems written in the Nim language?
9193 ::
Is `setTimer` workable for long term timers, e.g 30 days?
9183 ::
Adding Nim to System default base
9174 ::
Is there any project similar to create react app for Nim?
9162 ::
9159 ::
Memory Leak with --gc:orc and Nimble Decimal Library
9153 ::
interoperable stream type
9150 ::
C++ copy-constructor issue when using {.constructor.} pragma
9149 ::
Async musings
9148 ::
Hello Javascript!
9144 ::
Nim 1.6.6 released
9139 ::
Best practices for porting huge C projects to Nim
9138 ::
Moderation policy for bans
9133 ::
Why macros does not provice CommentStmt node in TypeDef ?
9116 ::
Binding a closure to a std::function to call it from C++... safe to do ?
9110 ::
Seeking advices for a C programming book
9092 ::
How to render html after a refresh on a specific url
9067 ::
Times - Intended use and difference between DateTime and Time
9055 ::
Newbie questions about Nim, Python, XCB
9053 ::
parseint not defined for char.
8991 ::
Want Nim online code playground to be mobile and desktop friendly.
8952 ::
Nim wrapper for C library; data segment question
8950 ::
Raises tracking and no more cyclic references in `chronos`
8949 ::
Dear Nim enthusiasts
8927 ::
Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8897 ::
Questions about creating dll with Nim
8880 ::
best practice or guidelines on using log in a library?
8865 ::
Flutter and Nim
8852 ::
NimForum 2.2.0 - Fixes a big CVE!
8833 ::
Discussion: Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
8827 ::
Update on compiling to asmjs or wasm through emscripten...
8808 ::
Novice Question: Implement the Step functionality in VBA
8806 ::
How can I implement a conditional access operator?
8769 ::
Anyone written an Android app using Nim-generated Native code lately?
8699 ::
Httpbeast failed to compile on Android arm device
8688 ::
RPC systems; Thrift and gRPC
8678 ::
thriftcore - Apache Thrift primitives
8671 ::
Nim at FOSDEM 2022 - CfP is open!
8647 ::
Nim Community Survey 2021
8632 ::
Question about memory management with bindings
8627 ::
Preview of coming attractions?
8622 ::
compiling to macOS
8618 ::
Help needed - issue with a wrapped library
8608 ::
Fix for Warning: implicit conversion to 'cstring' from a non-const location
8604 ::
Proper way to create local packages?
8599 ::
Show Nim: Nephyr a Nim wrapper for Zephyr RTOS!
8590 ::
Survey Question: flow research
8586 ::
New here
8570 ::
xmake v2.5.9 released, Support to build Nim projects and native/nimble packages
8554 ::
HTTP header for cgi script under Apache
8552 ::
Nim for Beginners video series discussion thread
8550 ::
AI in Nim
8549 ::
How to prevent return value from been`=copy`ed?
8534 ::
WTF ?! basic computations are faster in py3 than nim1.6 ?!
8531 ::
Enforced sink argument
8525 ::
Setting up a Nim foundation
8511 ::
Nim 1.6 is out!!
8499 ::
Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8491 ::
Make android app
8487 ::
Block-chain binary certification
8482 ::
nim js Geolocation API
8477 ::
Is the Browser the Platform?
8468 ::
Advice needed on exporting symbols from DLL
8466 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC2
8462 ::
Hot Code Reloading viability for Jupyter-Notebook like Nim IDE
8455 ::
Composition in Nim (newbie question)
8443 ::
Thoughts on pure Nim api for SPI & I2C device access?
8439 ::
--gc:orc when is it usable (huge compile times)
8437 ::
Direct I2C device access with pure Nim
8434 ::
Can I somehow share a C++ class with Nim, either by reading it from a dll or otherwise?
8423 ::
How to create C defines from Nim?
8403 ::
Destroying ref objects
8379 ::
Design choice advice for Python-to-Nim transpiler (Python Devs)
8378 ::
Advice for handling circular dependencies (functions)
8332 ::
html tags from template not being rendered
8322 ::
How to respond to a key event in Jester?
8320 ::
Embedded device communications libraries?
8303 ::
Nim is just so great, works first try
8273 ::
build long strings, speed.
8268 ::
8266 ::
Getting Started with googleapi module
8244 ::
Template or macro for heterogeneous tuple expressions?
8225 ::
Arena memory support?
8219 ::
New concepts, visibility and mount points
8215 ::
Idiomatic Nim code for 2D Poisson simulation
8214 ::
Help with object serialization please!
8199 ::
Nim library for stream video processing?
8184 ::
Help for Sending Input Data To REPL
8161 ::
Associating a type with a concept?
8158 ::
Would it be possible with ARC/ORC to use Nim as a bridging extension language for C/C++
8153 ::
nim-ws - websockets for Nim
8131 ::
Problem connecting to a Postgres DB
8129 ::
Build a Universal macOS Nim binary
8107 ::
Detect keyboard input
8080 ::
Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8078 ::
Odd issues with HttpClient and AsyncHttpClient
8054 ::
Windows Sapi 5 - com unclear (new to Nim - programming with Nim after Python proof of concept)
8032 ::
Porting to Nim
8020 ::
c2nim -- minor update
8015 ::
Making Concepts more smooth?
8002 ::
IRC freenode staff exodus
7983 ::
Nim 2.0 -- thoughts
7926 ::
Counting word frequencies with Nim
7912 ::
Idiomatic way to run a process in the background and close it when appropriate?
7899 ::
Use proxy and ports httpclient
7888 ::
In Nimpy how to call methods on Python objects? (Example sys.path.insert)
7878 ::
Secure Nim Sandbox, with IO, CPU, Memory, Time restrictions. Possible?
7874 ::
Why learn NIM
7863 ::
NimConf 2021
7862 ::
How to definitely free memory of seq?
7858 ::
What to use instead of TaintedString?
7835 ::
4th Nim online meetup
7816 ::
Nim on raspberry PI
7806 ::
An easy way of displaying video?
7797 ::
winrm fails to build
7788 ::
Error: invalid token: trailing underscore
7751 ::
Multi-threaded features needed for Server
7749 ::
Twitter in 100 lines of Nim, no JS
7746 ::
Get size of block device?
7731 ::
More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)
7726 ::
Create a data structure of strings mapped to arrays of strings
7718 ::
Nim cimpiling to Misra C?
7671 ::
Nimble download/install sequence improvement
7665 ::
Gimp plugin?
7661 ::
how do I get a reference to a object
7634 ::
Issues with indentations and for loops
7627 ::
Data type mismatch issue
7622 ::
async - noob question
7585 ::
How to segment the code into different files?
7573 ::
How to detect a hard link in Nim?
7571 ::
Advice on using linenoise?
7563 ::
Mixing Threads and Async
7537 ::
Any way to avoid nested case statements for proc taking two variant objects?
7504 ::
AsyncSocket timeout
7496 ::
fmusdk: porting from C to nim - looking for advice
7490 ::
No ideas for the 32 bit enum issue?
7485 ::
FieldOffset / Padding Pragma?
7471 ::
Length of a string in bytes
7449 ::
Looking for advices on data design for a dynamic language
7447 ::
Dealing With Memory Leaks (and a possibly broken install or setup?)
7439 ::
Nim forum statistics
7339 ::
Acquire webcam on Windows 10
7334 ::
Questions about sharing data with C++ and capnp.nim
7331 ::
Why include doesn't work?
7329 ::
AVR Support?
7321 ::
Native GUI development for MacOS
7320 ::
Executing command in hidden console
7317 ::
Error Using _kbhit with .importc
7291 ::
terminal.nim says i don't have a true color term (but it's wrong)
7279 ::
Finally found a language which is as fast as C and as Pythonic as possible...
7273 ::
NIM 32 bit dll
7265 ::
Nim interact with Windows .NET Frameworks
7261 ::
Help neede with IUP in Nim
7247 ::
Create my own language in Nim
7239 ::
lint+ - an improved linter for the lite text editor, incl. Nim support
7230 ::
cpp2nim.py - c++ bindings
7208 ::
replace OpenSSL with statically linked LibreSSL Windows
7192 ::
Using Python in .nim Files
7184 ::
Nimbus -> Ethereum 2 launch is imminent 12PM UTC.
7176 ::
Simple way to have a dynamic shared list/sequence between threads
7172 ::
I make my first $ with Nim in two days
7162 ::
Advent of Nim 2020 megathread
7144 ::
Changer VSCode pour VSCodium
7143 ::
Example of a simply UDP client
7136 ::
Article on writing hacking tools in Nim
7111 ::
Win10 terminal game
7094 ::
How do you deal with dependencies in Nim ?
7089 ::
Possible usage of Nim & Z3 for embedded?
7083 ::
Nim based Firmware -- it's tiny!
7078 ::
Best practices for packages that bind to C libraries?
7071 ::
Kernel Matrix Calculation in Nim
7065 ::
GuildenStern 0.9: Modular multithreading web server for Linux
7064 ::
How to prevent a program from crashing when the "OSError: Too many open files" error occurs?
7003 ::
Nim videos and tutorials survey
6980 ::
handmade hero in nim ( warning: noob)
6979 ::
Docs: Remove gensym from arguments for procs defined in templates?
6972 ::
What is the carbon footprint of the NIm?
6964 ::
Newbro here, Hi to NIM comunity
6962 ::
Writing binary data to SQLite
6954 ::
push/pop hints on/off not working?
6938 ::
Nim's vision
6932 ::
Status.im is looking for an Engineer to join team Nimbus
6931 ::
How to keep a ordered table sorted with the most recent changed elements at the end?
6920 ::
A nice read about Nim (blog article)
6916 ::
Show and tell: RPC on embedded devices
6894 ::
Help with SPI Api on ESP32
6890 ::
Nim Honeypot Project
6889 ::
Wrapping synchronous code into asynchronous call
6883 ::
Gintro not compile package ??
6835 ::
Object with same name as module
6817 ::
ARC/ORC cpu intensive loop bug?
6786 ::
Is there any PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework or package written in nim?
6780 ::
High proc confusion
6778 ::
Change output option for linker on windows
6776 ::
openArray vs seq
6753 ::
System Programming in 2k20
6750 ::
Blocking nmap scans
6713 ::
General opinions on "pooled" resource implementation
6712 ::
Want advice from Nim experts on my chess client app development
6699 ::
Targeting JavaScript
6693 ::
General recommendation for optimum performance?
6688 ::
How to use global vars with Jester?
6685 ::
Should I use object or ref object?
6672 ::
Improving Nim for Beginners video series's AUDIO
6652 ::
Nim website front page redesign (unofficial and WIP)
6650 ::
Nim beginner series for absolute beginners
6631 ::
fltk binding for Nim : getting error " Error: cannot open file: fltk"
6609 ::
Authenticating a user in a REST webservice
6604 ::
How do you extract a part from an initCountTable in Nim?
6570 ::
Questions about object construction
6565 ::
Inheriting builtin types
6547 ::
cross platform symmetric and assymetric cryptography
6540 ::
tests in the same files as the code
6488 ::
Choosing Nim
6487 ::
Translate go function to nim
6477 ::
How to convert openarray[byte] to string?
6378 ::
Defining an iterator in a template
6371 ::
GitHub Actions: workflow to cross compile and release to GitHubRelease
6364 ::
Setting up a FreeBSD VM for Nim development
6363 ::
Write Nim in Matlab/Julia style using macros while still deploy to Cloud/PC/GPU/embedded?
6345 ::
Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
6302 ::
Cast float64 to sequence of bytes and cast sequence of bytes to float64
6285 ::
What's the async way to receive channel messages?
6279 ::
Is there a simple example on how to create a Windows UI
6277 ::
RSS feed of nimble.directory doesn't work. Notification is stopping.
6276 ::
copy & move Access is Denied
6249 ::
Detect englobing scope in macros
6238 ::
Decoding URL query strings
6236 ::
Finally, I can do functional programming on tiny embedded systems
6226 ::
Nim Forum build error
6203 ::
JSON unmarshal with proc to()
6185 ::
Where can I deploy a Nim web application? Is there a "NimAnywhere" yet?
6183 ::
Newbie - gui based application and secondary event loop
6171 ::
Calling C function causes Sigsegv
6136 ::
Announcement: The Nim compiler is rewritten in Python with some modules optimized in C
6098 ::
Gtk apps in Nim
6071 ::
Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices
6045 ::
Another state of generating Android APK thread...
6023 ::
Nested list comprehension
6017 ::
how to deal with C string with \0?
6007 ::
Announcement: Status resumes its bounty program!
5982 ::
Interlanguage communication
5955 ::
How to package a nim program in an APK file
5927 ::
Suggestion for reading the docs?
5914 ::
Comparison Rust vs Nim binary sizes for IOT applications (just an FYI if you're interested)
5910 ::
Another micro web framework Prologue
5896 ::
How to get files from onchange event in karax?
5881 ::
Compile time FFI
5873 ::
Jester: How to serve static files in production (Heroku)?
5839 ::
Congratulations to all the Nim devs, RTree now works with --gc:arc!
5763 ::
Thorough CI Travis and Azure Pipelines scripts
5703 ::
Arrays and Sequences in nim
5697 ::
Walking trees without recursive iterators
5636 ::
An error has occurred when I ran `nimble publish`
5632 ::
Any possibility of a near term Lazarus/C#-like GUI-designer IDE?
5626 ::
Nim extension libs for python
5617 ::
How to create a trojan and reverse shell with NIM
5609 ::
Does DigitalOcean have its own datacenters?
5607 ::
use jester with SSE (server side event) example
5604 ::
I want to launch services with Apache and jester
5601 ::
2 questions on COM with khchen/winim
5598 ::
Nim should be your language of choice for IoT
5531 ::
Nim based Github Actions
5528 ::
Advice on how to handle: "global using GC'ed memory"
5525 ::
Need advice regarding using templates
5506 ::
Can I "prune" directories with walkDirRect?
5505 ::
It seems a bit confusing to express the current class object with the first argument.
5475 ::
A taxonomy of Nim packages
5439 ::
tye and container whoes
5387 ::
Nim, Support for https?
5383 ::
Requesting examples of macros in Nim
5355 ::
Research questions for open-source library authors re communicating with general users
5347 ::
Nim for enterprise software development
5340 ::
Problem with macro and identation ...
5330 ::
FOSDEM Call for Participation
5319 ::
newGZFileStream/parsecsv troubleshooting
5308 ::
beginners tutorial
5304 ::
Nim Coding Examples and Exercises for beginners?
5260 ::
Some indicators on Nimble packages
5244 ::
Translate syntax to some of natural language?
5226 ::
How do nim users who have some proficiency in Lisp compare the two?
5217 ::
5214 ::
[RFC] Why use Nim?
5190 ::
Call to all nimble package authors
5185 ::
Confusion on implicit integer conversion.
5178 ::
Split on whitespace except for between quotes
5164 ::
How can I limit VM addresses size using Nim type system?
5160 ::
could not load: libpcre.so(.3|.1|) why?
5149 ::
Came across a video talking about NIM
5142 ::
How to Send Email with Nim
5137 ::
Quantum Leaps framework implementation /Miro Samek/
5120 ::
Marvin Minsky frame model /extended with ordered storage/
5118 ::
rumpkernel or baremetal runtime to run Nim program standalone
5103 ::
Nim vs. Python & Groovy (string splitting): Why is string splitting so slow in Nim?
5095 ::
Nested sequences in Nim, how to?
5086 ::
how to integrate existing react components in karax?
5072 ::
Error when using foldl on BigInts
5070 ::
Trouble creating type containing generic array
5059 ::
Roadmap Document?
5056 ::
The 'Nim way' of code structure and object composition
5037 ::
Erroneous values returned from Nim’s C foreign function interface.
5029 ::
Vim 8 code completion plugin?
4975 ::
Nim Compilation Speed?
4967 ::
Circular module dependencies
4962 ::
FFI - ``cstring`` or ``array[256,char]``?
4956 ::
Nerve: RPC framework for Nim
4952 ::
psuedo RFC for async Channels and FlowVars
4932 ::
Looking for advance on server memory use.
4926 ::
Map of proc fail to compile in 0.20.0
4880 ::
I think we can really do better...
4840 ::
Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4829 ::
problem with ARM build/install (BeagleBone) or cross-compiling from
4828 ::
Proposal for a more reliable CI
4801 ::
Nim in CircleCI
4800 ::
Using different compiler shows "unknown C compiler"
4791 ::
pegs module: how to use captures in enter/leave procs?
4790 ::
HttpClient "Name or service not known"
4783 ::
OpenWL/DL - two foundation libraries for building a cross-platform GUI with non-C++ languages
4767 ::
Running Selector on device file in linux. How to get file descriptor (int fd) from file object?
4757 ::
Nim can't import libraries
4753 ::
How I feel about Nim
4749 ::
How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?
4729 ::
problem with nimpy and nimAes
4724 ::
4709 ::
What is the best way to run a nim program as daemon?
4696 ::
Can I access arrays faster than this?
4693 ::
Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM
4684 ::
Cross compile (Osx to linux) - how to
4676 ::
[Review request] for rosetta code challenge "Lexical Analyzer"
4669 ::
Is nim-lang recognized world wide.?
4663 ::
deallocate ``ref object`` type
4646 ::
"nim cpp -d:release --noCppExceptions" fails
4638 ::
Screencast Series Ideas
4606 ::
An Attempt to Access NumPy Array Data rom Nim
4575 ::
Uncompress directly from gzip string by using httpclient
4555 ::
Any advices for performant tcp listener?
4553 ::
Any advice on doing composition well in Nim
4551 ::
How to iterate over a seq[seq[int]] to keep only columns?
4544 ::
New "Learn Nim" page
4532 ::
inserting one template inside another
4531 ::
Example use of enum with set - doesn't work - yet
4524 ::
Best practices of meta-programming
4510 ::
Convincing my friend about Nim
4507 ::
interesting exercise in Nim metaprogramming: Clojure-inspired data
4506 ::
Trying to make "Card Raytracer", needed advices on code
4503 ::
Getting the original type of an 'upcasted' object
4495 ::
Forum Colors - some low contrast
4490 ::
Beginner help with http client
4471 ::
Change in nativesockets.nim
4442 ::
help writing a conditional access operator
4428 ::
Explaination on GC-safety warning of Nim compiler
4426 ::
How JSON object Syntax relates to table and array syntax?
4407 ::
FE web libraries
4396 ::
how compile nimedit?
4389 ::
need some advice on how to do this
4388 ::
Should we get rid of style insensitivity?
4368 ::
4296 ::
`import foo {.private.}` to allows access to private fields (eg: package-level visibility)
4293 ::
Does Nim need package-level visibility?
4279 ::
runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?
4255 ::
Advice Module Publication
4253 ::
the Fibonacci benchmark
4241 ::
how to integrate existing react components in karax? (and vice versa)
4238 ::
Upgrading 'Urhonimo' to 1.7, work in progress.
4237 ::
How to check an auto type parameter in a proce
4221 ::
How to force destroy a ref?
4202 ::
CreateFont is not working properly
4192 ::
Sequence holding references to object with an attribute of generic type T
4187 ::
type Distinct seq[byte] c compiler error
4185 ::
wNim - Nim's Windows GUI Framework
4175 ::
Jester server without a reverse proxy
4162 ::
Error: system module needs: copyString
4158 ::
Using fields to define other fields
4148 ::
Units of measurement and universal zero
4147 ::
please give me advise for improve speed performance
4134 ::
How do I compile an example with SQLite using db_sqlite?
4097 ::
Nimbus, an Ethereum 2.0 client written in Nim
4080 ::
getopt() and double-quotes
4072 ::
Automatic Algorithms Optimization via Fast Matrix Exponentiation
4068 ::
Globally-invoked macros
4062 ::
Compiler hangs on linking
4051 ::
experiences with hosting nim specific web sites
4049 ::
Nim's WASM future?
4044 ::
On exceptions (again)
4023 ::
using async nimongo -- trying to fix a type error
3999 ::
Does `nim doc` generate any RST at any stage by chance?
3987 ::
i want to build a Wlan based chat and file transfer system in nim
3978 ::
Embedded - same70 evaluation board reading usb virtual serial com3 on win10
3961 ::
I do not perceive the advantages of Nim over C #
3952 ::
Including Nim on repl.it
3932 ::
`system module needs 'process.exit'` when targeting JS
3917 ::
Nim beginners tutorial
3915 ::
advice on direction for Jester training vid: macros vs proc templates vs string templates
3904 ::
Awesome Nim Contributions
3888 ::
Some Tactics For Increasing Nim Popularity
3881 ::
Ebnf Lexer and Parser generator in nim
3872 ::
seq vs array vs open array
3868 ::
How to pass pointer to array as void pointer
3830 ::
cannot countProcessor in compile time
3816 ::
--cpu:avr and standard library
3801 ::
which part of std. lib can work without GC?
3795 ::
Total noob, statically allocated circular buffer on microcontroller question
3786 ::
Statistics for standard library usage
3718 ::
3713 ::
Memory usage skyrocketed with nim 0.18.0 (in my async tcp service test)
3690 ::
use fork() to speed up compilation testing.
3683 ::
How to dealloc complex object correctly?
3653 ::
Problem compiling nim with gcc in linux.
3649 ::
What can we learn from the SO 2018 Dev Survey?
3641 ::
Nim syntax (error) Quiz
3600 ::
Can we use warmer names?
3595 ::
Need help with GUI and data visualisation (charting/plotting) in Nim
3582 ::
Yet another misadventure/possible bug...
3575 ::
How to cross-compile a Nim executable for Android
3564 ::
Nim's status discussion
3559 ::
Permission Error when trying to compile a Nim program
3544 ::
The experience of using nim as js language
3513 ::
Can't send email via port 587 with TLS
3506 ::
A "future" LOC affects a "past" LOC!
3499 ::
postContent with custom header
3492 ::
Dynamic dispatch, redefinition and UB (and star wars)
3477 ::
Advice on OOP in Nim
3464 ::
Having trouble wrapping foo->bar
3463 ::
array of char to string
3462 ::
Increasing Nim exposure
3456 ::
Introducing myself
3425 ::
Making a RESTful JSON API
3402 ::
Hiring Nim Devs for Ethereum Implementation
3399 ::
[Presentation-Python-Nim] A new option for optimizing inner loops Z. D. Smith
3380 ::
Thread vs Async for long running task
3353 ::
Introducing the Karax framework
3345 ::
[Solved] Method overloading failure? (Nope, just module name conflict)
3319 ::
case statement with exceptions
3317 ::
Heterogeneous object pool with Timed Eviction
3295 ::
Has anyone considered if Nim would be a good fit for a "serverless" architecture?
3278 ::
Is this use of Nim locks correct?
3272 ::
Nim discord server
3254 ::
What's happening with destructors?
3239 ::
Extract repetitive unstructured data
3234 ::
How to compiles only to C
3210 ::
directory structure for a multi-file project?
3202 ::
Nimx installation issue
3171 ::
Success - calling custom CUDA kernels from Nim
3160 ::
Nim for a text-based game
3150 ::
Differences: Object variant vs static conditional fields
3137 ::
Convert tuple into a Object
3131 ::
Nim - nimble, nake, confused
3125 ::
Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.
3108 ::
Trouble with tables
3096 ::
Compiler internals question: TIdTable tables
3046 ::
How do fellow new comers deal with optional parenthesis dropping?
3032 ::
int literals and if statement
3029 ::
Arraymancer - v0.4.0 (May 2018)
3015 ::
cleaner way?
3013 ::
Its a simple fix.
2998 ::
Error in calling finalizers
2996 ::
How to implement a dynamic array
2993 ::
How To - Proper Interfacing In Nim
2954 ::
Reproducible builds (stop mentioning nimble install)
2947 ::
asynchttpserver non-critical error
2940 ::
Problem installing c2nim
2928 ::
New here. can't seem to get the installer to work.
2919 ::
New website released!
2916 ::
book delayed again
2909 ::
ref object or object with ref field
2896 ::
Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures
2891 ::
Help in compiling nim on android termux
2862 ::
Nim can be Haskell :-)
2838 ::
Nim to the browser with WebAssembly 1.0
2833 ::
Cannot import file that has importcpp? Solved
2819 ::
2813 ::
Nim status in various OS/Distro Package Managers
2805 ::
Crypto Stuff
2799 ::
Dynamic Types
2788 ::
os module problem
2779 ::
Circular dependencies among modules, genDepend, dot
2776 ::
Problems reading .csv file when compiling in Windows
2773 ::
Book for beginners
2754 ::
var param vs tuple as return value
2749 ::
unable to build PDF documentation
2736 ::
Cannot convert NI16 * to const wchar_t *, when interfacing with c++
2732 ::
InfoWorld Nim article
2714 ::
collections.nim and reactor.nim v0.3.0 released
2706 ::
What do you think about Redox and Electron?
2696 ::
How to compile a shared library for JNI?
2693 ::
Installation instructions on the website
2687 ::
Incredible Nim vs lame rust censorship
2686 ::
Nim Wrapper for ArrayFire
2664 ::
ARM compiler 6
2658 ::
App compiling option
2655 ::
2635 ::
Code generation from AST with annotations in Nim like in C
2610 ::
Access procedure arguments from a macro when the procedure is called
2602 ::
Understanding dynamic binding behavior in static blocks
2572 ::
BASS lib
2570 ::
netwatch 1.0.0 - network monitor written in nim
2562 ::
Nim Chess 2 with transposition table support is available
2548 ::
about nimscript
2541 ::
What does "direct hardware access" in Nim mean?
2513 ::
Nim Documentation - a GitBook version
2483 ::
naive implemnatation of KNN
2481 ::
Documentation colour theme
2478 ::
DEB & RPM packages
2476 ::
Output of xmltree's $() method is peculiar (yet correct)
2415 ::
db_mysql return column name as well?
2402 ::
How about we start trying to make nim a well funded/backed project?
2397 ::
StackOverflow Nim Documentation Proposal
2364 ::
Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...
2325 ::
How to write the following C++ assignment in Nim?
2309 ::
Compiler Reading
2306 ::
using seq for Table key
2305 ::
OS is Nim
2283 ::
Diagrams in the comments
2282 ::
a problem of a novice
2267 ::
Excuse me, Nim under what circumstances there will be a memory leak?
2247 ::
Nim BountySource Salt campaign
2244 ::
basic threading question
2239 ::
Compile errors I don't understand
2215 ::
Create a nimble package for a c library
2179 ::
Asynchronous docker client written by Nim-lang
2169 ::
xmltools: first release
2133 ::
What exactly does sleepAsync?
2120 ::
Use Jester At the same time multiple requests, the data received are partially lost.
2115 ::
How to write a Windows service?
2105 ::
Tabulation symbols not allowed
2102 ::
Understanding range types
2087 ::
Interest in an advanced Nim IDE based in Eclipse?
2071 ::
Synchronous threaded webserver
2054 ::
break immediately
2048 ::
troubles with data structure size
2042 ::
Ardunimo - Nim on ARM using Arduino libs
2033 ::
Kind Code Critique
2024 ::
"nimble refresh" problems
2020 ::
Greedy macro parameters
2009 ::
countup(0) and assignment as expression?
2002 ::
http Request Future
1978 ::
Nim in Action is now available!
1969 ::
cast vs type conversion and saveCast
1961 ::
Understanding memory safety compared to Golang
1946 ::
Porting MSWin to Linux
1934 ::
App project examples.
1925 ::
nim open file, file handle always equals 3.
1903 ::
Easy travis integration with latest nim devel
1884 ::
How do I get the NimNode of a Type
1866 ::
Compile simple Hello NIM program for android with the NDK
1824 ::
problem compiling with Nim 0.12.0 - redefinition of typedef ‘TNimType’
1803 ::
lock level warning
1793 ::
Immutable String Type Vs. Shallow/Freeze Procedure
1786 ::
Windows exe hangs
1783 ::
nim and ios
1776 ::
aws bindings
1767 ::
problems with building nimsuggest
1761 ::
Start and stop Jester inside a proc
1714 ::
Passing hooks to fixed signature callbacks
1707 ::
1676 ::
Marrying asyncdispatch/net with threadpool, aka multi-threaded async sockets
1672 ::
Project ideas
1641 ::
Windows shellapi ShellExecuteEx
1632 ::
I think official sdl2 nim lib is chaos.
1604 ::
Is there interfaces in NIM language?
1593 ::
typedesc error with anonymous proc
1582 ::
openarray syntax improvement suggestion
1539 ::
Need advice in program optimization
1530 ::
Evolution of Nimble
1523 ::
Bug in my GTK3 wrapper
1473 ::
A better memory model?
1444 ::
LD_PRELOADable module
1417 ::
[Question] How to borrow procs
1415 ::
quickest way to take set difference of two sequences?
1405 ::
How stable is Nim now?
1398 ::
Seeking mentorship for small solo project
1390 ::
getFileSize and rawFileSize (sysio) have different upper limits
1388 ::
Why are those types defined?
1357 ::
Build executable for Android with NDK
1354 ::
SOLVED: noob question about ftpclient and asyncftpclient
1333 ::
Changes in sequtils
1322 ::
2D graphical applications in Nim
1315 ::
YUM repositories for devel branch
1301 ::
1300 ::
Template / Macro to split their parameters to multiple parameters of another proc call
1286 ::
Nim on MIPS
1277 ::
Read file at compile time
1272 ::
1256 ::
How source releases prepared
1249 ::
nimsuggest and identifiers
1240 ::
Nimborg / Firebird connection
1187 ::
nim "could not load: pcre.dll" (0.11 64b)
1179 ::
How to use file system watcher (fsmonitor) in Nim?
1167 ::
Non-C style tests with =
1152 ::
TechEmpower Web Framework Benchmarks
1149 ::
How to generate procs with a template in a loop
1139 ::
KDevelop nim/nimble project
1125 ::
Making AsyncHTTPServer multi-threaded?
1104 ::
Playing with nimsuggest, processes and sockets
1101 ::
Partial success getting nim to run in the Cygwin environment
1091 ::
Memory usage tracking
1088 ::
AppCrash with service callback
1069 ::
Raspberry pi?
1043 ::
The website design
999 ::
watch out with OpenSSL and Threads
989 ::
Is there email support for the forum
969 ::
Howto track down SIGSEGV errors?
960 ::
I wrote a password manager in nim lang
948 ::
Email of threads
937 ::
More than one module per file
903 ::
[BUG?] echo vs write(stdout)
887 ::
Suggestion: Add a special case `..<` operator, equivalent to `.. <`
884 ::
Does gradha has a point and should I be concerned?
879 ::
Code: Euclidean integer division (and sgn and divmod) for the math module
870 ::
Announcement: 3DICC marries Nim with Urho3D
851 ::
for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed?
850 ::
Non garbage collected language subset
824 ::
Parallelization of unsafe code
816 ::
Nim 1.0 and Android and Windows
813 ::
Nim bindings for I/O devices
798 ::
Cross compiling for VxWorks (on a PowerPC processor)
787 ::
Two Questions: RTTI and Runtime Compilation?
770 ::
Nim orthogonality
767 ::
Implement others stdlibs
762 ::
ANN: New library to parse TOML files
761 ::
Adding Favicon to a jester workflow?
756 ::
Nim needs a mailing list?
744 ::
Nim at heroku.
736 ::
Lightweight threading (Goroutines)
729 ::
726 ::
a vote for numeric/scientific programming in Nim
717 ::
some help with lexing/parsing nim required
709 ::
Forum: e-mail notifications?
706 ::
nim and Aporia IDE on OS X
693 ::
Problems with the "Download" page
685 ::
async / await feature
682 ::
pathfinding benchmark of C++, D, Go, Nim, Ocaml, Common Lisp, Racket, C#, Java ...
679 ::
How to minimize program size?
671 ::
Nim Advocacy & Promotion Strategies
658 ::
using Nim / Nimrod for micro-controllers (embedded)
652 ::
Struggling to understand the Jester workflow
651 ::
Templating libs for web-oriented projects?
650 ::
Upcoming changes
641 ::
Any way to detect case sensitivity via when clause in nim?
629 ::
Little game library
617 ::
New wrapper style for Nim bigbreak and more c2nim questions
578 ::
Clean cache to get around some compiler bug
535 ::
Nimrod for web and mobile
529 ::
Nimrod on OSv
488 ::
libusb / making a nimrod wrapper
469 ::
Wrapper for the markdown rendering hoedown library
448 ::
Nimrod and low level programming
423 ::
416 ::
409 ::
Does a walkDir equivalent exists which returns a file?
381 ::
An incredible language
360 ::
high-level interface to python
337 ::
Academic summary
333 ::
Default arguments problem
318 ::
New VM for live coding?
307 ::
Threads and global variables
300 ::
Does Nimrod support Qt & Protocol Buffers?
282 ::
How to get reference to a method?
249 ::
Bootstrapping 0.9.2. failed with uncompiled files
237 ::
232 ::
Nimrod + Raspberry Pi
209 ::
Horizontal parsing
167 ::
a simple raytracer
163 ::
The future of babel
159 ::
Cross-platform GUI
131 ::
Aporia build problem
123 ::
new gc, constructors, destructors
118 ::
Choice between Nimrod and D
74 ::
nimrods future
61 ::
Nimrod-on-android failure
36 ::
problem with cross module import
15 ::
Some reflections about nimrod
13 ::