12713 ::
Debugger for astro nvm?
12707 ::
Surprising find: "C with classes" had move operations
12700 ::
Looking for a library/macro for easy recursive binary unpacking of files
12694 ::
nimvm - about exceptions raising in vm
12681 ::
imgui question
12666 ::
Simple File Monitoring
12653 ::
Dmon Directory / File change monitoring ported to pure Nim
12636 ::
computesim - Learn and understand GPU compute shaders with nim
12619 ::
Spaces around operators matters
12616 ::
Low-latency, Python-calling, concurrent design
11784 ::
Oh threadpool, my threadpool
11666 ::
CodeTwig - a small project-viewer
11637 ::
Which IDE to use in 2024?
11633 ::
"fall-through" and default values
11623 ::
Spot the memory leak when using Chronos and Chronos/threadsync.ThreadSignalPtr
11385 ::
Best way to pass many parameters to a function
11336 ::
Am iterating over this sequence correctly?
11332 ::
NVIDIA uses Nim!
11329 ::
Problem to understand an exception
11316 ::
Which Nim Paradigm could I use instead of OOP with Generics and Inheritance?
11308 ::
Logarithm Implementation Tutorial
11274 ::
Issues with identifier equality and FFI
11232 ::
Tesseract and Leptonica
11231 ::
forum mirror
11160 ::
Best REGEX library for targeting both JS and C
11159 ::
Mutation testing based on macros?
11131 ::
Releasing threads resources (OS) after joinThread on windows
11123 ::
Infering base type in macro
11120 ::
Slow image processing with pixie
11073 ::
sink parameters not being copied even when there are later reads (refc)
11064 ::
Fused multiply-add instruction
11060 ::
Tim - A template engine & markup language
11053 ::
Would Nim modules or available Nim web frameworks suffice for an e-commerce back-end?
11031 ::
issues trying to install nim
11013 ::
Default object values behavior
10978 ::
Mutable value semantics
10957 ::
LLdb: Is there an .lldbinit file available for Nim's own types?
10910 ::
Nim safety features like Zig & Rust?
10888 ::
Weird bug(?) with JS backend
10873 ::
What are your options for dealing with leaks in asyncCheck under arc?
10866 ::
9999999999999999.0 – 9999999999999998.0
10863 ::
Custom constructors
10842 ::
10818 ::
Arraymancer - 2023-12-31 - Overview of longstanding missing features
10799 ::
Ptr byte to cstring?
10761 ::
cannot open: /dev/stderr
10744 ::
Is it possible to encode constraints directly into a type, and enforce them at runtime?
10736 ::
hardware-software interaction in Nim
10728 ::
FMU - C interop
10721 ::
Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10719 ::
thread process can not change text buffer
10714 ::
Is there a more elegant way to write destructors in Nim 2.0
10694 ::
creating nimstring using pre-allocated buffer to prevent copy
10693 ::
avr_io - nim register bindings and utilities for AVR microcontrollers
10649 ::
Exceptions not being handled with libuv: bug or what?
10637 ::
Printout all used functions in a module at built time
10622 ::
What are drawbacks of using forward declarations with "include" as a "module interface"-mechanism?
10617 ::
Modifying the value of a procedure argument (without making the input argument var)
10613 ::
how to feed stdin to external process and redirect stdout ?
10600 ::
Figuro updates: Scrollpane and more
10580 ::
Changing an object's field is rejected in a destructor with new syntax
10563 ::
Playing with type states and lifetime-tracking hooks, facing some unexpected behavior
10561 ::
no simple way to import files from dir recusively?
10556 ::
What is the need for "GC safe" when using ORC/ARC?
10553 ::
Using Concepts for abstracting display graphics
10545 ::
Nim boilerplate
10532 ::
Infiltrating Rust with Nim packages
10529 ::
Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10525 ::
related_post_gen benchmark
10507 ::
Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10499 ::
Mindset Nim
10498 ::
New OSX weirdness - extraneous ld warning
10496 ::
ggplotnim and lapack
10483 ::
Conditional use of procs when a type stastfies requirements of a concept
10481 ::
Program "Walk Through" Capability
10477 ::
Improving Examples and Documentation
10475 ::
Nim and SSL issues on NetBSD 9.3
10466 ::
how to get the string of all command line parameters except the first parameter ?
10462 ::
Is it possible to use the haggling face model in the Nim language?
10461 ::
How can I shorten the compile time?
10445 ::
EZ Bkup: The easiest backup program on earth!
10443 ::
Re: std/Paths - Converting Path to string
10437 ::
Inferring type of zero-sized collection from usage
10436 ::
New to nim... It looks interesting, but can it ... ?
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10409 ::
10382 ::
Nim Project Setup
10380 ::
Can I use Nim with GPU Computing?
10377 ::
A few (perhaps naive) questions
10363 ::
Help: nim c -r --verbository:0 test2.nim fail
10349 ::
Some of Nim's convention needs to change in order for it to succeed
10327 ::
Compiling nimrtl.nim as static library
10323 ::
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10310 ::
Twitter Clone in 60 lines of Nim
10303 ::
Is it possible to write Linux kernel modules in Nim without having to "hack" the Nim compiler?
10301 ::
Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim
10297 ::
thoughts on a backend target for bun?
10291 ::
nim merch
10268 ::
Is there any utility to output a graphical representation of a Nim Abstract Syntax Tree?
10231 ::
German Tax Upload in Nim with Futhark
10221 ::
Any fuzzy or trigram substring search library, with index, so it's instant?
10209 ::
C++ backend just got virtual
10208 ::
why does Nim source code filter add a newline at the end of the last line?
10206 ::
Teach you to write nim code comfortably use vim if you like vim you must try :)
10203 ::
std/paths and $ proc
10198 ::
10186 ::
Is there a way to see the NIM version in an NIM executable (binary) ?
10185 ::
unique refs > `isolate`
10161 ::
Usability of ARC/ORC in multi threaded code.
10155 ::
Is ORC considered production-ready? What is the consensus on its use?
10146 ::
fetching data from many small .txt files
10143 ::
Can I download Nim on my iOS or Android device?
10140 ::
Type binding generic alias with extra parameter
10131 ::
Can I quick get table last key value use like at(idx) function?
10128 ::
Small experiment with compiling the Nim compiler with PGO
10120 ::
Is there still interest to develop INim or are there better Nim REPL?
10119 ::
Why nim discord library is slower than python's discord library?
10116 ::
Workaround for "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety"
10114 ::
nim for quantum computing?
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10083 ::
Need guidance for a first experience with Nim and ESP32
10080 ::
State of HTTP Servers in Nim
10076 ::
Upcoming `Result` review - comments and thoughts welcome!
10072 ::
Future of typing ?
10067 ::
Is such HTML template possible?
10064 ::
Generic initialization procedure with default type
10022 ::
Only one line will load. Need all lines in directory to load.
10018 ::
Do you miss these compact syntaxes?
10014 ::
How to Save Directory Listing into Variable.
10001 ::
Nim ORC example benchmark
9981 ::
Shared global var in ORC?
9976 ::
Can Nim do Type States?
9957 ::
why use nim over c#?
9953 ::
How to make web component to run Nim code inside a web page and by using some npm pakage only
9930 ::
How to destroy the global dispatcher(gDisp) in asyncdispatch on RTOS ?
9924 ::
What is the recommended way to use the local branch of an external git nim module in my nim project?
9917 ::
nim birthday?
9906 ::
Returning to Nim from Python and Rust
9895 ::
Is there a way to automatically find the path to nimbase.h when installed with choosenim?
9886 ::
Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9882 ::
Wanted libraries wishlist?
9869 ::
Possible way for easy android app creation without JAVA!
9868 ::
what's with deepCopy?
9862 ::
command line parametr with whitespace
9858 ::
Twisting Nim's arm to generate loop #pragmas .
9853 ::
Accessing the generated C in comp time
9845 ::
Show Nim: JWTea, Crunchy and Depot. New repos you may find useful.
9842 ::
Current available paths to move computation to GPU
9839 ::
Unique ID's for types?
9831 ::
Numerical libraries for data science
9820 ::
How to incrementally convert a C or C++ project?
9815 ::
strutils: mapIt: empty seq gives index error
9809 ::
Some beginner help needed with "or" vs "|" and use in nimraylib_now ...
9801 ::
Array concatenation
9785 ::
nimqt - bindings to Qt
9770 ::
Is setControlCHook still supported ?
9768 ::
Parallel Fibonacci
9764 ::
Javascript backend and implicit cstring conversions
9753 ::
question about memory management
9751 ::
Ttop - System monitoring service tool with tui and historical data
9747 ::
OpenGPT seems to sort-of work with Nim also.
9740 ::
Tutorial for nim pixie graphics?
9738 ::
Looking for resources about more complex generics, comptime type construction, etc.
9737 ::
Mr. Rumpf, why didn't you went along with the Python standard library?
9721 ::
BigNum and BigInt timings on the Pollard Rho algorithm
9717 ::
Best practices for initializing objects?
9713 ::
Snorlogue - A prologue extension
9691 ::
Don't understand why ref is marked cyclic
9685 ::
sequtils.nim(786, 15) Error: expected: ':', but got: 'result'
9614 ::
Nim 1.6.10 RC2
9606 ::
Opportunity to adopt a new linker?
9604 ::
new to nim install fail Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
9593 ::
can Parsing Expression Grammar mechanisms replace the absence of reader macros in Nim??
9576 ::
kotlin style scope macros?
9549 ::
Tips on how to avoid Nim pointer instability bugs?
9545 ::
Declaring an uninitialized seq & avoid unnecessary zero-mem's
9542 ::
Newbie first impressions
9540 ::
Enums, custom overloads & redundant strings
9519 ::
Term rewriting template question
9514 ::
Macros Masking Common Errors
9506 ::
Threaded TLSF
9499 ::
Troubles with autocompletion with VSC and third party packages
9498 ::
See generated code after template processing?
9493 ::
Battling with copies & a silly question
9482 ::
Is a Java-style GC possible?
9460 ::
include directory
9449 ::
how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9437 ::
Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9431 ::
UI with WebView without JS?
9409 ::
The Salewski Chess Engine is finally available
9405 ::
precompiled header in Nim
9363 ::
Show Nim: CSS Grid layout engine!
9357 ::
Getting compile command in compile time.
9339 ::
composite type bug? Order makes difference.
9337 ::
string of compressed source code
9336 ::
Nim Wiki disabled contributions
9333 ::
Load Assets From Memory
9310 ::
Nim v1.6.6 support for Codewars
9309 ::
Nim thread memory handling in threads with and without orc
9303 ::
Weird error on Ubuntu 2x.04
9300 ::
Heterogeneous strongly typed records
9291 ::
fidget: How does the layout system work (what is this orgBox?)
9280 ::
Effect system: filtering tags
9264 ::
Back to the basics (of research) - Concurrent data-structures in 2.0 ?
9262 ::
Writing a shared lib for Android
9255 ::
Is it possible to "mock" function calls? (For testing purposes)
9254 ::
Deploy DLLs
9243 ::
Can Orc be improved?
9240 ::
Have a nim tool in nimble installation error
9215 ::
Default values for type(object) fields
9210 ::
Announce: LimDB, a fast, persistent table with LMDB under the hood
9198 ::
How to run testament Exe-Test-Files in a different Folder
9183 ::
Adding Nim to System default base
9159 ::
Memory Leak with --gc:orc and Nimble Decimal Library
9142 ::
Is Object significantly less efficient then ref object over here
9110 ::
Seeking advices for a C programming book
9094 ::
Result of applying high()/low() to a range typedesc
9090 ::
Status of the incremental compilation feature
9083 ::
C++ interop via Dynamic Library
9059 ::
Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
9058 ::
Automatic dereferencing for procs
9055 ::
Newbie questions about Nim, Python, XCB
9045 ::
CSV file parsing
9044 ::
how to make a enum with wrapped ordinals
9022 ::
Case (switch) statement and modulo
9021 ::
newSeq() named inconsistently?
8980 ::
Just open sourced "easyess", an Entity Component System in Nim
8978 ::
any particular reason on deprecating IndexError?
8969 ::
C/C++-wrapping Windows/VCC-related issues again
8968 ::
Replit featured us in their newsletter this week!
8956 ::
Fidget UI: scrolling on OpenGL backend
8950 ::
Raises tracking and no more cyclic references in `chronos`
8927 ::
Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8922 ::
Changing enums in macros
8910 ::
To have nre regex usage
8904 ::
Compressing resulting JS
8898 ::
Release or pgp signed tag for csources_v1 and Nimble to accompany Nim 1.6.4?
8897 ::
Questions about creating dll with Nim
8881 ::
NImScript task and using a shebang line
8878 ::
Is there support for a network stream?
8872 ::
Two-way communication with the new ORC-friendly channels
8855 ::
Nim's autoformatter situation
8852 ::
NimForum 2.2.0 - Fixes a big CVE!
8850 ::
How to find bottlenecks?
8833 ::
Discussion: Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
8801 ::
Why don't build Nim libraries ecosystem on Rust ecosystem?
8791 ::
Introducing taskpools, a small lightweight ARC/ORC threadpool
8790 ::
Additional Httpclient request methods
8780 ::
One Language to Rule the Mole
8773 ::
column value extraction
8764 ::
good real life apps
8711 ::
How would this endianness check be translated to Nim?
8683 ::
C++ bindings - m_type issue
8677 ::
TinyCC/tcc vs zig cc compile-times/etc.
8665 ::
Question: How to limit concurrent async futures?
8662 ::
Is it possible to make the program crash if orc gc finds a cyclic reference?
8622 ::
compiling to macOS
8615 ::
Readability problems
8610 ::
dot-like operations and calls
8601 ::
nlvm update - llvm 13.0.0
8593 ::
Best way to turn byte array into int?
8591 ::
include std/prelude vs import std/prelude (and other small prelude oddities)
8558 ::
Nim with curly brace and tab
8557 ::
Trouble with or'ed type and var return type.
8555 ::
Basic nimterop usage for simple c++ struct?
8550 ::
AI in Nim
8543 ::
Metaprogramming in Nim #1 Introduction
8535 ::
How to add defaults on nim types?
8506 ::
How to overload procedure correctly?
8499 ::
Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8492 ::
Trailing commas in "command" syntax?
8482 ::
nim js Geolocation API
8470 ::
Auto-free C pointer when Nim object gets GC
8460 ::
Help needed - issue wrapping header with c2nim
8457 ::
Closures inside loops without capturing loop variable?
8454 ::
HolyC as compilation target
8450 ::
Integration with C for statistics and data processing?
8433 ::
db_sqlite prepared statement
8400 ::
Article series on multitasking in Nim, first installment: async
8395 ::
Choosenim installs older stable?
8394 ::
Is there a way to get value as if it's reference and update it's value?
8393 ::
Possible with NimScript? Turn old forum DB into static HTML
8385 ::
an equivalent to JAI's "use"?
8368 ::
String expression parsing
8353 ::
heap mgr improved?
8321 ::
goalkicker.com and httpclient
8310 ::
Using /usr/bin/time -v ./myprog is a bad idea for looking for memory leaks.
8309 ::
Does parameter type matter for GC_unref()?
8305 ::
How to best return immutable variable without copying it?
8297 ::
Nim enters top 50 programming languages list on TIOBE Index!
8280 ::
techempower entry for nim stdlib http server
8279 ::
What is the difference between `quote do:` and just `quote:`?
8275 ::
static generics with concept
8268 ::
8267 ::
What makes the nim compiler slow
8259 ::
What is the purpose of do notation
8247 ::
Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8234 ::
nimpy pandas slicing/indexing
8214 ::
Help with object serialization please!
8209 ::
Why do `del` and `pop` procedures of TableRef not guarantee operations in one attempt?
8186 ::
Pragma to restrict procedure to main thread?
8184 ::
Help for Sending Input Data To REPL
8161 ::
Associating a type with a concept?
8155 ::
Is there a built in way to get how high total CPU usage is?
8146 ::
Life is a struggle - a struggle with Nim (video)
8143 ::
Attempt to read from nil, Arc bug?
8126 ::
Embarcadero C++ and bcc target - change old or create new
8101 ::
strformat on the fly
8100 ::
JS bindings - JsObject vs ref object
8091 ::
Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
8088 ::
NimVM eventually get replaced?
8080 ::
Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8079 ::
CSV: paring in js
8045 ::
Date issue. What happened in 1940?
8023 ::
CPU Benchmark test via Nim-compilation
7983 ::
Nim 2.0 -- thoughts
7980 ::
cosmonim hello world - No such file or directory
7969 ::
Which parameter list delimiter is more "standard"? Commas or semicolons?
7951 ::
Which converters are "safe" to use?
7926 ::
Counting word frequencies with Nim
7917 ::
Issue with defaults for mutable generic function parameters
7906 ::
How to make Nim more popular
7905 ::
How does Nim ARC/ORC compare to Rust?
7904 ::
learn Nim regular expressions - regex, re , NRE
7897 ::
sorting enum - by identifier and int?
7887 ::
Nim Standard Library - How expansive should it be?
7878 ::
Secure Nim Sandbox, with IO, CPU, Memory, Time restrictions. Possible?
7874 ::
Why learn NIM
7867 ::
Forwarding varargs with conversion
7848 ::
XML parsing performance
7832 ::
Concatenation of seq and array?
7820 ::
When to use nim.cfg vs config.nims?
7817 ::
Post process string formatted with `fmt`
7791 ::
Interesting post from D forum
7778 ::
nDustman (random URL generator)
7771 ::
Headless Nim Executable App Option?
7754 ::
Help with constructing an npeg parser
7753 ::
Array Difference
7750 ::
What is happening under the hood of "cast" function ?
7743 ::
arm-none-eabi-gcc doesn't compile volatileStore
7738 ::
Performance issue with closure
7735 ::
=copy with different arguments type, is it a good idea ?
7734 ::
Can't manage to use nimpy on Windows
7727 ::
Why is there no compile error when accessing uninitialize variable
7723 ::
algorithm lowerBound and upperBound documentation error?
7718 ::
Nim cimpiling to Misra C?
7714 ::
converting a hex string to uint32 in JS context
7709 ::
Why memory leaks with ARC/ORC on platform game?
7708 ::
Initializing subclassed objects, like C++ Constructors
7703 ::
How to use global immutable variables in Threads?
7670 ::
Norm & Functions
7653 ::
Memory increase on simple http server after 50 requests
7641 ::
Compiling Nim project for arm/arm64
7639 ::
iNim is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!
7616 ::
Non-async inside async, how it's executed?
7606 ::
There are a Nim Linter for SublimeText?
7600 ::
Is there a module for nim that acts like matplotlib?
7597 ::
Importing modules on Visual Studio Code
7585 ::
How to segment the code into different files?
7583 ::
Channel / Actors based parallelism? Are there such Web Servers?
7567 ::
SQLite getRow data changing
7564 ::
Easiest way to check for shift-left overflow?
7553 ::
When multiple proc match the call, use the most specific one?
7548 ::
cairo Wrapper tests failed: could not load: libcairo-2.dll (Newbie)
7516 ::
Nlftk : FLTK for Nim : how do you associate a callback to a button?
7510 ::
Non-js modules
7509 ::
String "interning" attempt
7498 ::
Nim Design Patterns?
7494 ::
Nim 1.2.10 RC and 1.4.4 RC
7472 ::
Macro beginner code review
7460 ::
When should I use tuples over objects?
7457 ::
What are the latest developments in the Nim compiler?
7451 ::
Compiling some functions into a lib from nim itself
7426 ::
Simple recursion really slow?
7425 ::
FFI - how to use procs that return objects
7423 ::
A VBA library?
7414 ::
Unmarshal JSON to type
7412 ::
Current state of list comprehison in Nim
7406 ::
Nim Community Survey 2020 Results
7380 ::
Admin for web app
7377 ::
semantics of {.shallow.}?
7343 ::
Unable to use HashSet for my type
7322 ::
Weird how visibility scope works if generic proc used. Possible bug?
7321 ::
Native GUI development for MacOS
7304 ::
Http request using mom's JavaScript backend
7299 ::
How to sum the values of a table?
7298 ::
Problem with sdl2 & nim
7297 ::
compiling to js but failed, generics not supported?
7292 ::
Making a closure iterator out of a non-closure one
7277 ::
Closure vs object benefit?
7272 ::
Nim API for Interactive Broker
7269 ::
One line comprehension equivalence
7267 ::
jjson or json for Karax?
7266 ::
NodeJS for Nim
7256 ::
Seq, table. How to efficiently reference the last item
7250 ::
Perceus: Garbage free reference counting with reuse
7228 ::
C++ wrap - doubbt on & symbol
7224 ::
JS isIndirect template excluding skVar
7223 ::
Newbie: Small program fails in "-d:release" but works with plain build
7220 ::
pop for a set - is there something prettier?
7211 ::
Method/Procedure that returns values of multiple types?
7208 ::
replace OpenSSL with statically linked LibreSSL Windows
7196 ::
Unicode "sortkey" API?
7190 ::
how to import pathutils
7179 ::
Nim (1.4 ORC) v.s. Rust in terms of safety?
7162 ::
Advent of Nim 2020 megathread
7153 ::
wonderfully prologue
7146 ::
Strange error message from collections/sets.nim
7143 ::
Example of a simply UDP client
7121 ::
Why does JSON serializing a table not work properly?
7111 ::
Win10 terminal game
7106 ::
Open-ended slices
7102 ::
Getting random non-equal int pairs, comparison of routines.
7101 ::
Which one to choose, Asyncdispatch in Nim vs Chronos?
7097 ::
out of memory
7064 ::
How to prevent a program from crashing when the "OSError: Too many open files" error occurs?
7053 ::
strange syntax - please explain
7043 ::
FastCGI vs HTTP server?
7030 ::
How to measure HttpClient request total time
7024 ::
Generating code coverage with Nim 1.4.0
7021 ::
Some questions regarding gc-safety, httpclient and timezones
7014 ::
Sublime Text user experience
7004 ::
Overriding ==
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6990 ::
Mysterious crashed with SIGSEGV
6987 ::
Testament & module
6977 ::
The big tutorial thread
6970 ::
Virus scanner problems after installing Nim 1.4
6959 ::
Nim on MacOS: annoying macos cannot verify....
6956 ::
Passing X to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy
6949 ::
Fun with (Levenshtein) Edit distances
6943 ::
Forcing a memory leak in Nim
6940 ::
Handling customisations when upgrading Nim
6934 ::
Localized sorting library?
6930 ::
Regarding the future of --gc:none and --gc:regions
6900 ::
Any attempts at implementing filestream and std lib friends on NodeJs?
6896 ::
Nim - plugin for IntelliJ IDEs | JetBrains
6866 ::
Define and call static proc of an object
6855 ::
pro/cons in using nimpy
6852 ::
Same Regular Expression constructed in slightly different ways produces different results
6851 ::
Notification about new replies and @{name} etc
6846 ::
How to figure out why proc is not GC-safe? And is there a way to force Nim to ignore that?
6835 ::
Object with same name as module
6827 ::
About arc and orc, would there be a thread-local ref object?
6821 ::
Globals hunt
6818 ::
``deepCopy`` replacement in "returning a modified copy"
6817 ::
ARC/ORC cpu intensive loop bug?
6796 ::
Should a function that's called many times return Table or ref Table?
6791 ::
Extending a generic varags proc
6788 ::
Listing tools on the wikipedia page?
6782 ::
Is ther any "client-nim" thing for Kubernetes?
6777 ::
Attracting more people...
6769 ::
Question on implementing language with Nim
6759 ::
What about simplifying if-else statements ?
6756 ::
Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6753 ::
System Programming in 2k20
6751 ::
Question for the language theorists: Is NIm's OO class-based or prototype-based?
6750 ::
Blocking nmap scans
6748 ::
Alternative to float
6745 ::
Observing value changes
6733 ::
Blog post about strict funcs
6728 ::
How to know where a proc is defined - or: Newbie tries to get used to unqualified imports
6724 ::
Pause/resume the Nim VM
6712 ::
Want advice from Nim experts on my chess client app development
6703 ::
nim.town is a shared domain for nim projects, developers, organizations, etc
6693 ::
General recommendation for optimum performance?
6692 ::
OS checks make the code slow?
6685 ::
Should I use object or ref object?
6682 ::
Linting has inexplicably stopped working across the board
6644 ::
Pass inline expression instead of a proc
6641 ::
How to get access to chunks of data downloaded from http server using httpclient
6633 ::
Which is the preferred way to define a generic type?
6627 ::
hard to load this forum
6620 ::
Channel is not recognised by VS Code plugin
6612 ::
How to ensure that all attributes of an object are explicitly set during creation?
6603 ::
required type seq[float or float32 or int], but expression is of type: seq[float32]
6590 ::
Nimx vs Fidget
6588 ::
Is the destructors manual still relevant?
6577 ::
nim c fibonacci.nim
6576 ::
cstring to string?
6570 ::
Questions about object construction
6565 ::
Inheriting builtin types
6547 ::
cross platform symmetric and assymetric cryptography
6546 ::
Link to documentation in homepage examples
6541 ::
Python transpiler
6533 ::
using nimble for package management
6529 ::
asm issues
6525 ::
iOS compilation error
6518 ::
NvP: creating and sorting a large array of tuples
6500 ::
What's the future of "implicitDeref"?
6477 ::
How to convert openarray[byte] to string?
6452 ::
First take: parameters
6443 ::
Parallel coding in Nim (as compared to OpenMP/MPI)
6434 ::
Nim's popularity
6416 ::
Looking for contributions to my optimistic image library
6399 ::
Lambda syntax is awkward
6363 ::
Write Nim in Matlab/Julia style using macros while still deploy to Cloud/PC/GPU/embedded?
6361 ::
closure procs with the javascript backend
6352 ::
How mature is async/threading in Nim?
6350 ::
Change Nim colour on GitHub
6345 ::
Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
6335 ::
Define variables in proc with same name as arguments
6326 ::
How to instantiate `ptr object`
6310 ::
Call-for-Help: a 128-bit Decimal library expansion
6307 ::
Best practices for wrapping opaque C pointer types?
6303 ::
Runtime generated function with generated constant value
6300 ::
I cannot understand ARC
6295 ::
How to use Clang LTO + PGO with Nim
6280 ::
Can the nim compiler run in the browser? Experimenting Nim to template web pages
6279 ::
Is there a simple example on how to create a Windows UI
6274 ::
Error: unhandled exception: paramCount is not implemented on Nintendo Switch [OSError]
6269 ::
6268 ::
Embedding OpenGL window into some of our gui frameworks
6232 ::
Return type
6231 ::
RuneImpl doc
6223 ::
Nim version of Flask Web Framework
6215 ::
Iterate over fields
6135 ::
E-mail newsletter for blog
6129 ::
Arraymancer - kernel
6100 ::
examples or documentation of Source Code filters
6090 ::
Paravim - a Vim-based editor for Nim
5986 ::
Uploading large files via httpclient request
5980 ::
Using async Nim procedures in Python
5949 ::
soy nuevo en nim
5942 ::
unable to deference pointer and assign? Nim 1.0.6
5920 ::
Can I use IOCP / async on startProcess?
5909 ::
Parallel example for computing pi efficiently is actually slow
5903 ::
Nim custom Lua backend?
5897 ::
Parallel statement: procedure returning string
5895 ::
sveltejs like reactive programming in Nim for the web ?
5888 ::
Result assigned befor function completes (possibly intended behavior?)
5874 ::
Unicode support for Windows 10 console
5862 ::
Looking for someone to continue Nimmongo!
5855 ::
Fizzbuzz game
5844 ::
Seqlang - Compiled Python Language
5820 ::
What is the keyword "end" reserved for?
5817 ::
Naming conventions - need leading underscore
5794 ::
Accessing selectors from dispatcher ? why?
5784 ::
Goto based exception handling
5774 ::
AST Modification after Semcheck
5769 ::
Nim now has Godbolt Compiler Support!
5767 ::
A path commonPrefix function
5706 ::
What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5697 ::
Walking trees without recursive iterators
5692 ::
Preview of Weave/Picasso v0.1.0, a message-passing based multithreading runtime.
5688 ::
Introducing Synthesis: a Finite State Machine generator
5683 ::
5680 ::
How to set an icon for an exe file created from nim source code ?
5679 ::
Inspecting a proc’s type signature within a macro
5678 ::
Contributing to standard library
5639 ::
CountTable inconsistency?
5637 ::
Deprecation warnings
5633 ::
Sublime Text 3 support
5610 ::
Fastest way to check for int32 overflows
5598 ::
Nim should be your language of choice for IoT
5582 ::
The authors of the Nimacros project stopped working on that book
5580 ::
Problem using sometable.keys() in this case
5574 ::
Accessing selectors from dispatcher ?
5561 ::
Help needed: Nested lists in Nim
5534 ::
Use stdin with nim check
5512 ::
Add custom flags to nimble install
5501 ::
Stunnel (tls tunneling proxy) replacement written in NIM?
5497 ::
Nimrad: Nim and Rapid Application Development
5496 ::
String with quotes
5493 ::
Nim-Decimal test
5485 ::
Domain modeling in Nim
5452 ::
May this macro work good enough?
5451 ::
Integers in Nim
5444 ::
Regex extracting string between two words not working
5443 ::
Nim equivilent of Python's slicing with step list[start: end: step]
5410 ::
Some questions about cligen
5400 ::
Della-Vos tutorial on Nim macros
5397 ::
Question re type classes / implict generic procedures
5391 ::
Repeated templates don't work anymore - alternatives?
5385 ::
why hexadecimal literals are strictly signed int by default
5342 ::
How to turn thread spawn call into an async call [redux; Nim 1.0.0]
5338 ::
question sur les struct or tuple
5335 ::
Throw-away variables?
5331 ::
Define a procedure on a type itself ?
5329 ::
Newbie question: downloading multiple files using async httpclient
5317 ::
strformat: using a ':' in a string literal possible?
5315 ::
Safety of staticRead and StaticExec?
5311 ::
Using NIM for sending emails through Outlook app
5304 ::
Nim Coding Examples and Exercises for beginners?
5267 ::
Introducing nim-metrics - a client library supporting Prometheus, StatsD and Carbon
5251 ::
Persistent data structures
5242 ::
Proposal to start a Nim-Scientific Community
5232 ::
Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?
5230 ::
Nim source size
5227 ::
Read Stdin asynchronously
5197 ::
How to get Nim running on iOS and Android using GLFM.
5181 ::
Compiling fails with --gc:refc and --opt:speed
5178 ::
Split on whitespace except for between quotes
5177 ::
Is anyone working on a port of simdjson?
5174 ::
How does the pass statement differ from python?
5171 ::
Nim setup for wine+mingw cross-compiler environment
5168 ::
How to use staticRead zip file?
5166 ::
How can I write `($typeof(x[])).split(":")[0]` better?
5157 ::
Undeclared field error when using template
5111 ::
typedesc with subtype won't compile when returning objects
5105 ::
No Windows nightlies for the last while?
5104 ::
Can the return value of a proc be a variable marked {.global.} ?
5101 ::
Funny string question
5098 ::
Compile C file together with Nim one
5089 ::
nimongo and MongoDb.Atlas connection
5074 ::
Trying handle HSlice
5065 ::
What text editor are you using for Nim?
5056 ::
The 'Nim way' of code structure and object composition
5052 ::
Iterating over anonymous enums?
5045 ::
How to Maintain a Nim Chinese Community
5036 ::
Field order for object variants
5018 ::
Problem wrapping a shared library with Nimterop (Sundials-N_Vector)
5010 ::
sizeof a ref object type
5008 ::
Weird behaviour with generic type
5002 ::
Wrap C library that needs CMake
5000 ::
Problem with UI notification system
4997 ::
Choosing the right `osproc` function
4986 ::
Nim program executes painfully slow
4967 ::
Circular module dependencies
4961 ::
Tables with keys of different types
4959 ::
Generic Type Inference Limitations?
4947 ::
Any Swagger/OpenAPI client
4928 ::
Natural is not positive
4921 ::
Generic methods are deprecated?
4912 ::
How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?
4909 ::
v1.0 and breaking bugfixes
4907 ::
Extending Enumerations to Support Step and Binary Enums
4897 ::
Question About Nim Grammar
4879 ::
Where to show applications/examples to promote Nim?
4878 ::
Disadvantages of static proc parameters?
4840 ::
Show: dali — a pure-Nim indie assembler for Android .dex & .apk files
4832 ::
Understanding performance compared to Numpy
4826 ::
New to Nim, Made Something to Feed It
4823 ::
Slices s[1 .. ^1] as proc parameters and missing span iterator
4812 ::
Can I avoid covariance of typedesc arguments?
4794 ::
Auto import file with config.nims
4793 ::
Side effects of typed macro arguments?
4791 ::
pegs module: how to use captures in enter/leave procs?
4788 ::
Is allowing non-matching types for assignment overloading in the development timeline?
4777 ::
Printing Unicode characters (Runes) and UTF8 Strings
4769 ::
Is there a 2D game framework recently updated for Nim ?
4753 ::
How I feel about Nim
4746 ::
closure_methods: OOP purely based on closures
4743 ::
Owned refs
4742 ::
Some iterators, xpairs and xclusters, first draft...
4738 ::
beat c in fefes "competition"
4707 ::
Generic proc specialization?
4681 ::
Problem with templates in multiple files
4680 ::
Noob question: proper way to read binary files byte by byte
4673 ::
Nim Language group in London
4661 ::
OpenGL glTexImage2D from GLfoat problem
4659 ::
LMDB shared across processes
4658 ::
How to immutably initialize parent object with private fields?
4643 ::
Msgpack to JSON (deserialisation)
4596 ::
new experimental nim plugin for neovim
4594 ::
Convert float to its corresponding bytes?
4592 ::
Creating DLL With Nim Without nimrtl.dll?
4590 ::
Use continue statement on parent loop
4588 ::
Using Shared Libraries written in Nim via FFI
4586 ::
Compiler - redefinition error message problem.
4576 ::
Purpose of this forum
4566 ::
generic instantiation with object inheritance
4541 ::
recommendation for simple graphics lib?
4529 ::
GSoC 2019
4520 ::
Use GC_ref on a pointer
4517 ::
[help needed] nim version of: COMPARING PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES IN C++, D, AND RUST
4507 ::
interesting exercise in Nim metaprogramming: Clojure-inspired data
4500 ::
Saying hi
4494 ::
Unary operators as macros
4490 ::
Beginner help with http client
4483 ::
Future of Nim ?
4459 ::
Unknown cause of AssertionError
4456 ::
ptr arithmetics?
4441 ::
How do you pass code blocks to when compiles?
4432 ::
Can't assign a new object to a reference
4426 ::
How JSON object Syntax relates to table and array syntax?
4421 ::
How does Nim solve the "expression problem"
4404 ::
Memory regions / gc:regions
4399 ::
The future of NIM's WASM?
4394 ::
What'd I miss?
4392 ::
Nim Fibers?
4380 ::
Any suggestion on scheduling a job in nim?
4347 ::
should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)
4345 ::
threadpool worker return empty string fails with SIGSEGV in gc
4293 ::
Does Nim need package-level visibility?
4261 ::
Mutable params with default value?
4260 ::
Streaming HTTP request with timeout?
4253 ::
the Fibonacci benchmark
4192 ::
Sequence holding references to object with an attribute of generic type T
4166 ::
Has anyone wrapped GR?
4151 ::
``--threads:on`` in .nims does not work. (Reading Nim in Action)
4147 ::
please give me advise for improve speed performance
4145 ::
Some fun with GC
4128 ::
A critique of Nim
4126 ::
4125 ::
How can I generate highly-customized DSL from Nim?
4113 ::
Nim partners with Status.im
4112 ::
thoughts about uninitialized variables
4099 ::
How should I contribute documentation?
4089 ::
[best practice] we should use `check` or `require` instead of `echo` + `discard` magic in tests
4079 ::
Understanding function declaration
4068 ::
Globally-invoked macros
4038 ::
Splitting Karax app into components
4037 ::
template/macro should return `void` instead of `typed` (synonym and much clearer)
4006 ::
Are there examples of the 'Elm architecture' for Nim?
3996 ::
Dynamic library loading on Linux (dlopen)
3960 ::
Embedding .dll in Nim executable
3959 ::
Naming conventions for modules?
3949 ::
Nimscript run task after deps installed but before nimble installs
3945 ::
nim should provide a roadmap
3924 ::
How compiler decides where to put the value?
3922 ::
Systems Languages: An Experience Report
3916 ::
Is there a more verbose version of the compiles macro
3911 ::
Thank You :)
3909 ::
Hint pragma in NimScript
3901 ::
Your experience with GoDot (and Nim)
3895 ::
Nim Interprocess Communication
3881 ::
Ebnf Lexer and Parser generator in nim
3880 ::
Iterators resilence in async mode
3879 ::
Do the core Nim devs want Nim to proliferate and grow?
3856 ::
Quick question about wrapping C++
3805 ::
Lexers and parsers in nim
3803 ::
Garbage collection with --os=standalone
3795 ::
Total noob, statically allocated circular buffer on microcontroller question
3786 ::
Statistics for standard library usage
3777 ::
cannot call a proc without brackets
3775 ::
Why is integer multiplication so slow here?
3771 ::
Nim, or gcc, problem?
3758 ::
nim goes wasm? gdb debug support? nlvm status update
3757 ::
How to call a macro from another macro
3755 ::
could javascript backend make use of new javascript ES6 module support?
3753 ::
Current GC Nim vs Nim 2.0 with destructors - how big a change will be?
3739 ::
Get all entities in a module? Check whenever a module was imported?
3729 ::
Help with Matrix concept
3689 ::
Partial code upgrades: important or meh?
3685 ::
Need help with macro
3682 ::
"real" nim package registry roadmap?
3666 ::
Introducing loop-fusion: loop over any number of sequences of any single type.
3659 ::
Stein's (binary) GCD algorithm (iterative version)
3649 ::
What can we learn from the SO 2018 Dev Survey?
3641 ::
Nim syntax (error) Quiz
3613 ::
compiler error in 0.18.0 ??
3600 ::
Can we use warmer names?
3597 ::
Nim logo - What colour?
3574 ::
Preventing use after free
3544 ::
The experience of using nim as js language
3543 ::
Is there a way to create a Java-style thread-local in Nim?
3524 ::
Very impressed so far
3523 ::
Moving "top level" code to a proc affect initialisation of threadvar
3511 ::
Error on runtime (SFML/CSFML related)
3508 ::
How to call runForever()?
3504 ::
Making a Matrix
3479 ::
Some questions regarding the practice of wrapping javascript libraries
3471 ::
Nim Backend Support Plans? JS Backend Sample
3468 ::
sometimes using spawn passed pointer is nil
3467 ::
Nim 1.17.2: nimble test Fails
3450 ::
Any tips on how I might go about narrowing down the cause of this OSX specific error?
3442 ::
high load nil error on my web server
3426 ::
3388 ::
Nim versus Julia benchmark comparison
3387 ::
Wrap cpp class library?
3375 ::
How to define a global proc pointer/value, used by threads?
3373 ::
Do we have a RTree or R*Tree for Nim?
3356 ::
JavaScript invocation example Documentation vs. Code?
3321 ::
3313 ::
Nim hashtable mapping strings to any type
3289 ::
Getting CommentStmt from TypeDef AST
3283 ::
using if expressions
3278 ::
Is this use of Nim locks correct?
3263 ::
Which FUSE library shall I use?
3251 ::
Pragma for temporarily making strict identifier names?
3249 ::
Nim "concepts": confusing?
3237 ::
Using this over tables?
3234 ::
How to compiles only to C
3218 ::
about locks and condition variables
3213 ::
OpenMP and Nim
3205 ::
Python-like with, context managers, and the RAII pattern
3195 ::
Date time with millisecond output?
3191 ::
Nim and hot loading - any experiences to share?
3180 ::
Introducing Reel Valley
3169 ::
Subtle memory management error found
3149 ::
Random idea - porting python 3 stdlib to Nim.
3134 ::
" ref object of " - when to use
3131 ::
Nim - nimble, nake, confused
3123 ::
Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)
3103 ::
GetWindowEx() in winlean?
3076 ::
Gdb pretty printers for nim
3075 ::
String sort and handling sequence
3072 ::
Nim to C transpiler* [fix: compiler]
3053 ::
vcc and nim vs mingw with vulkan
3049 ::
Import from parent directories
3042 ::
[noob] enums and index
3041 ::
Multidimesional Sequences
3029 ::
Arraymancer - v0.4.0 (May 2018)
3027 ::
stdin handling
3022 ::
"Inheriting" procs with composition
3017 ::
Howto make arbitrary macro parameters persistant (non volatile)
2984 ::
Proxy difficulties
2978 ::
[SOLVED] Difficulty writing wrapper using FFI
2934 ::
Nim added to the CSV Game benchmark
2928 ::
New here. can't seem to get the installer to work.
2926 ::
Announcing Karax -- Single page applications for Nim
2923 ::
Checking in macro if proc has side effects or not
2921 ::
Flag -fno-strict-aliasing
2916 ::
book delayed again
2909 ::
ref object or object with ref field
2902 ::
Base type for all procedure pointers
2896 ::
Cello: a library of string algoritms using succinct data structures
2893 ::
getTotalMem reports huge memory total
2887 ::
How to create, destroy, and recreate threads
2886 ::
FRAG - Framework for Rather Awesome Games
2878 ::
Tut Part2 Object variants confusion
2876 ::
Times module for JavaScript backend questions
2873 ::
Thread-local persistence
2848 ::
Reusing parts of the AST in macros
2844 ::
How not to use methods
2841 ::
The Linux Game Jam 2017 - itch.io
2829 ::
Question about arrangement of source files with modules
2823 ::
Plans regarding named tuples
2811 ::
Nim Syntax ''Skins''
2809 ::
Why `..` does not work for countdown
2779 ::
Circular dependencies among modules, genDepend, dot
2778 ::
Writing Python extensions in Nim
2768 ::
Is this a bug in the nim compiler?
2742 ::
Audio/Video File Read/Write Support In NIM
2741 ::
C#/Java like interfaces for Nim
2738 ::
Exploring namespaces support in Nim
2717 ::
How could we make code readability better on third-party plateforms? (Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/etc.)
2715 ::
Nim VFS (virtual file system)
2697 ::
Nim threads vs Pthreads
2696 ::
How to compile a shared library for JNI?
2688 ::
Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?
2687 ::
Incredible Nim vs lame rust censorship
2686 ::
Nim Wrapper for ArrayFire
2679 ::
Chocolatey Package for Nim?
2675 ::
Please , can we stop spams?
2669 ::
Aporia IDE unable to compile
2624 ::
Are large projects slow to recompile?
2611 ::
Fun with deduplicate
2610 ::
Access procedure arguments from a macro when the procedure is called
2592 ::
Generic openarray param
2580 ::
Code page 65001
2577 ::
A more user-friendly spawn()?
2575 ::
Seq resizing
2561 ::
Flow Based Programming in Nim
2554 ::
nim's showcase?
2552 ::
Shift operation for array elements
2546 ::
Document Challenge #2
2513 ::
Nim Documentation - a GitBook version
2512 ::
Results of our community survey
2503 ::
programming ligatures
2475 ::
Cannot load shared library when using -d:release?
2474 ::
Macro vs template: array base type change at declaration
2458 ::
Going to Haxe. Nim In Action book available.
2455 ::
nimsuggest -- how may switching source files may be expected to work
2430 ::
Official Nim Images for Docker
2422 ::
Go-lang like interface
2420 ::
Exception not being caught?
2411 ::
Graph library
2371 ::
zipping strings
2362 ::
dynamically generated variables
2342 ::
thounghs about Nim language in godot
2335 ::
Launching the 2016 Nim community survey
2331 ::
What are the important features that are missing in Nim?
2329 ::
Anonymous fields in structs - like object composition # as in C11 and Go
2324 ::
TaintedString Question
2318 ::
opengl vertices not rendering correctly
2317 ::
pointer/length -> seq[int8]?
2314 ::
Problem sorting seq[Tup]
2296 ::
Hope for Nim?
2294 ::
Nested procs, closures. Heap allocation: when?
2241 ::
what does nim mean?
2239 ::
Compile errors I don't understand
2235 ::
C/C++ 'for' loop
2234 ::
Chapter 6 -- few bugs, no PEGs
2221 ::
Best way to iterate over bits of an array
2205 ::
templates and discardable
2198 ::
GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper
2188 ::
disk-paged sequences
2157 ::
NimYAML approaching stable release
2145 ::
Tuple/object address alignment
2142 ::
Generating case statements with templates
2140 ::
Rosencrantz: a DSL to write web servers
2124 ::
Specifying a literal "
2111 ::
Nim language aspects, that I don't learn to like
2080 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) 2
2078 ::
Error: value of type 'proc (){.gcsafe, locks: 0.}' has to be discarded
2056 ::
http unexpected disconnect
2048 ::
troubles with data structure size
2046 ::
gcc 5.3 with O3, march=native and inlined procs may not work properly
2044 ::
Bad interaction between "defer" and "async" (?)
2043 ::
Typed Varargs?
2032 ::
tables, mget() and mgetOrPut()
2007 ::
Nim repls
2001 ::
Opengl vertices flickering
1996 ::
similar language
1983 ::
A few questions about Nim
1978 ::
Nim in Action is now available!
1953 ::
Command pattern implementation
1952 ::
Version 0.13.0 released!
1949 ::
How to send SIGKILL in Nim?
1940 ::
Ruby to Nim?
1809 ::
Some async* questions
1808 ::
The value of nnkCommentStmt node
1799 ::
ioctl support for nim.
1797 ::
Announcing Pymod; Request For Testing & Feedback
1788 ::
convert float64 binary to int64
1780 ::
Procedure works differently depending on parenthesis .
1779 ::
Nim vs D
1746 ::
foldl/foldr in sequtils
1743 ::
Calling Nim functions from NimScript
1733 ::
a question needed to get a proper answer
1730 ::
Slow strings
1728 ::
Nim for scientific computing
1721 ::
Freeimage could not import
1709 ::
Could c2nim use this technique to parse C headers?
1707 ::
1701 ::
Strings, camel case to snake case conversion
1694 ::
UE4 wrapper for nimlang?
1669 ::
[feature suggestion] enums with numbers
1663 ::
New Nim package for Atom
1654 ::
Returing a Pointer to an Array of Arbitrary Length from C
1646 ::
GC parameters
1640 ::
New high level ODBC library for SQL Server
1633 ::
Compile-time case statement
1624 ::
OSCON Amsterdam, T-shirts and stickers
1607 ::
For cycle
1605 ::
Nim mailinglist chaos - you probably got unsubscribed!
1584 ::
Concepts, effects, tags, macros and compile-time dimension checking
1581 ::
Sieve of Erastosthenes, Benchmarks
1564 ::
1561 ::
Ambiguous proc call
1559 ::
Extract API consts
1550 ::
Problem with static[T]
1543 ::
[feature request] Make global assignment by reference
1530 ::
Evolution of Nimble
1528 ::
Cleaning up objects and finalizers
1521 ::
About Nim
1515 ::
Best way for function aliases
1507 ::
Question about indentation of conditions
1502 ::
Nim support for Notepad ++
1498 ::
[solved] Macro wrapping procs with return types?
1489 ::
Accessing seq pointer
1472 ::
Taking a clone / deepCopy
1468 ::
'Arguments' in Nim syntax?
1455 ::
Does c2nim support C++ ?
1445 ::
Questions about threadpool
1441 ::
1430 ::
Undeclared identifier even when .nim file is properly imported
1426 ::
Questions about iterators
1420 ::
Time for Nim-Powered Captchas?
1402 ::
Planning to develop Async Driver for RethinkDB
1392 ::
Any chance there will be a wasm backend?
1390 ::
getFileSize and rawFileSize (sysio) have different upper limits
1372 ::
Compilation Speed
1369 ::
What kind of async nim have? is there coroutine support?
1365 ::
What is nim_init?
1350 ::
seq memory layout / memory bookkeeping
1320 ::
simple state machine in Nim
1305 ::
Compile-time string obfuscation
1300 ::
Template / Macro to split their parameters to multiple parameters of another proc call
1294 ::
Chaining converters automatically?
1285 ::
You bought me!
1284 ::
Destructors not called
1282 ::
Websites/Journals interested in writing about Nim?
1274 ::
What's a good way to display notifications in the system tray using Nim?
1263 ::
Sockets example?
1255 ::
Lint tool?
1254 ::
I want an event loop in my app
1253 ::
OpenBD (Web server) commandline bridge in Nim
1251 ::
Bootstrapping Nim on Microsoft
1247 ::
shared library limitations?
1232 ::
wisdom of var parameters
1228 ::
Arithmetic on static[int] (compiler crash)
1227 ::
Pass stmt block to a template which returns an expr?
1210 ::
Nim's Community expanding
1204 ::
Destructors and assignment operators
1202 ::
FlowVar type mismatch in parallel block
1198 ::
MILL: Go style concurrency in C
1188 ::
Passing c-array to nim
1186 ::
Varargs forwarding.
1161 ::
initialization of objects with sequences.. code-block:: nimrod
1160 ::
sequence of different types
1151 ::
Why is reading lines from stdin so slow for me?
1150 ::
Announcing wiki2text
1146 ::
Manipulate string by pointers
1127 ::
Removing the colons from <if-else>
1125 ::
Making AsyncHTTPServer multi-threaded?
1104 ::
Playing with nimsuggest, processes and sockets
1101 ::
Partial success getting nim to run in the Cygwin environment
1081 ::
Moving object to shared heap
1078 ::
Threading and concurrency with loops
1074 ::
Any samples documenting use of asynchttpserver?
1069 ::
Raspberry pi?
1067 ::
Rune at position
1061 ::
Intention of how to use some absent but needed "OrderedSet.excl()"?
1060 ::
Getting "Error: internal error: getNullValue: tyNil" when running code during compile
1050 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access when using net.readLine
1049 ::
nimborg/py on a different thread
1048 ::
Has anyone ported wxWidgets to nim?
1034 ::
Regex anchor to position in string.
1020 ::
any chance of changing 'echo' to print/println?
1017 ::
How to detect the difference between numeric sizes in a generic proc?
1015 ::
C-source distribution only?
1013 ::
How to sort tuples?
986 ::
G+ community
984 ::
What's the status of the asyncfile module?
980 ::
Bug on int assignment
963 ::
Program size: Excellent!
943 ::
Regular Expressions: findAll
942 ::
First impressions
933 ::
Driving me insane - int to string
931 ::
Documentation request: add on Sequences
929 ::
Nim praise and conclusion
919 ::
Is there a selectors module example?
905 ::
string to enum via macro?
895 ::
Getting HTTP timings
894 ::
AST differs when pragma parameter is `stmt` vs `expr`
893 ::
TFIELD in wrapper/mysql is of the wrong size for mysqlclient 5.5
887 ::
Suggestion: Add a special case `..<` operator, equivalent to `.. <`
886 ::
template and block
884 ::
Does gradha has a point and should I be concerned?
881 ::
initialize array - implicit type conversion
880 ::
Getting a reference to object's field
873 ::
Latest nim binary is 0.10.2 and c2nim require 0.10.3
870 ::
Announcement: 3DICC marries Nim with Urho3D
867 ::
Conditional compilation for different systems
857 ::
Requirements for code contributions
856 ::
Avoiding addr when using wrappers
843 ::
Difference between static[T] and T{lit} parameter constraint?
836 ::
Restrict the case and underscore insensitivity within a single module
827 ::
Linked list
823 ::
Pointer types
812 ::
c2nim question
787 ::
Two Questions: RTTI and Runtime Compilation?
784 ::
Sequences and heap
782 ::
need help with cstring array
777 ::
re.match() problem
762 ::
ANN: New library to parse TOML files
757 ::
non-echoing input? (password input)
755 ::
"A Quick Comparison of Nim vs. Rust" by Arthur Liao
745 ::
Literal XML function call syntax
737 ::
Perl 6, Rust, Nim
736 ::
Lightweight threading (Goroutines)
726 ::
a vote for numeric/scientific programming in Nim
723 ::
Make mutable
722 ::
parser combinators
708 ::
Immutable/let ptr
702 ::
callbacks into C
694 ::
PHP extensions in Nim?
691 ::
FFI - cint vs int
682 ::
pathfinding benchmark of C++, D, Go, Nim, Ocaml, Common Lisp, Racket, C#, Java ...
676 ::
Too Many Colons
641 ::
Any way to detect case sensitivity via when clause in nim?
631 ::
Equivalent of cin >> a >> b
629 ::
Little game library
617 ::
New wrapper style for Nim bigbreak and more c2nim questions
604 ::
0.9.6 binary installer does not work out of the box on WinXP
600 ::
590 ::
How to split a string, but keep the separator?
589 ::
Well, I'm pleased
554 ::
nimrod popularity
539 ::
simple example doesn't work properly on osx
523 ::
casE SenSitivity
499 ::
Variable length array
461 ::
Garbage collection for foreign objects?
439 ::
Nimrod for C programmers
425 ::
Version 0.9.4 has been released
409 ::
Does a walkDir equivalent exists which returns a file?
385 ::
Safe access operator - how could this be done?
367 ::
GSoC 2014
360 ::
high-level interface to python
357 ::
What is the {.foo.} syntax?
335 ::
We can filterIt, but we can't mapIt?
329 ::
Some thoughts on the effect system
320 ::
How to proceed with low level optimisation?
313 ::
Basic error with generics
307 ::
Threads and global variables
287 ::
Any reason recursive or multi-level generics shouldn't work?
283 ::
I have a blog now
275 ::
264 ::
Default Values for Objects/Tuples
252 ::
Nimrod - feature suggestions
226 ::
217 ::
212 ::
OpenMP and SIMD
211 ::
CEF or another HTML engine binding?
193 ::
192 ::
Threads, actors etc. and GUI
179 ::
linking to .so instead of default dl_ calls benefits
172 ::
nimkernel: a small nimrod "kernel"
167 ::
a simple raytracer
166 ::
using C++ library
157 ::
Convince Me
139 ::
License of the forum content?
129 ::
build system for multi-platform mixed project
128 ::
help with multi-platform bindings needed
127 ::
A nice way to apply overloaded procs to a set of vars
123 ::
new gc, constructors, destructors
122 ::
Unexpected `==` required for empty seq initialization
111 ::
91 ::
Equality comparison for TTime
73 ::
Why are gtk dependencies not listed for the binary on macosx?
64 ::
Nimrod and visual c++ 2010 x64
61 ::
Nimrod-on-android failure
59 ::
Nimrod-on-ios example
40 ::
Detecting bit size of CPU?
28 ::
Looks like we're starting to need subforums
23 ::
Wow I am impressed
18 ::
How would you implement ActiveRecord?