I bought the Nim in Action, wonderful book by the way, and I've reached Chapter 3, which handles multithreading, where I encountered a problem with .nims.
In Nim, multithreading requires the --threads:on flag at compilation and indeed, nim c --threads:on src/client.nim went perfectly well. My problem is that I cannot make use of the nim config files (.nims) introduced on page 70.
In my understanding of the system, if I place a client.nims file with --threads:on, I can simple run nim c src/client.nim. However, this doesn't seem to work for me and raises Error: Threadpool requires --threads:on option. at compilation. I have confirmed that;
Thank you in advance.
That DEB repo needs to be updated!
Why not compile it yourself?
Also, with Debian testing you can get 0.18.0-2 in case you are interested.