12516 ::
shadyboy - A Nim desktop shadertoy fragment shader player
12499 ::
Pixie : path bbox
11736 ::
Could Nim be used as the front-end for Taichi-lang?
11710 ::
Please help, learning NIM to speed up Python programs, but strange results
11644 ::
Pixie and NiGui
11601 ::
Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?
11466 ::
What's the best way to match a standard file into a single data structure for editing it?
11403 ::
How to serve acme-challenge file dynamically with Jester REST API?
11252 ::
Approach used by Golang to avoid false anti-virus flagging
11175 ::
a chat app please recommend necessary libraries
11120 ::
Slow image processing with pixie
11031 ::
issues trying to install nim
11015 ::
Resources for Web Authentication
11014 ::
Is there a way to create a musl binary (static binary) in a project using libcurl.nim?
10970 ::
Error while trying to do a https request
10893 ::
Show Nim: Curly, an efficient thread-ready parallel HTTP client
10872 ::
How to easy create and init a large array? Its have values
10853 ::
Absytree: Text editor (and tree based language framework) in Nim
10829 ::
State of fidget
10785 ::
Nim 2.0.2 and 1.6.18 released
10769 ::
How to force inline?
10755 ::
Is normal that nim ast stmt changes its ast structure in the compiler ?
10751 ::
run another program, then kill/quit self on windows?
10700 ::
Enu 0.2
10651 ::
please who can explain this code
10606 ::
Error running nim postgresql client os macos
10600 ::
Figuro updates: Scrollpane and more
10595 ::
What's stopping Nim from going mainstream? (And how to fix it?)
10557 ::
Best way to architect a Nim dll/so that is used by other Nim dll/so/executables
10543 ::
help fix the error please
10534 ::
Effects of calls to Garbage Collector when using ARC/ORC?
10528 ::
How ready is Nim (and the ecosystem) for front-end web development?
10507 ::
Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10504 ::
for loop iteration variables
10456 ::
How to make a tray system icons?
10444 ::
Idiomatic way to zero-copy iterface with binary bitmap array
10384 ::
Why is My Nim Code Faster when Doing This
10380 ::
Can I use Nim with GPU Computing?
10371 ::
Problems compiling objc code including <UIKit/UIKit.h> on osx
10366 ::
Nim version 2.0.0 is here
10363 ::
Help: nim c -r --verbository:0 test2.nim fail
10360 ::
0 copy transfer of strings and blobs to SQLite?
10358 ::
How to make an archive and unpack/add a folder with files to the archive?
10356 ::
How to send a file to a telegram bot via a request in Puppy?
10333 ::
crosscompiling - SSL
10317 ::
Ferus -- a tiny web engine written in Nim
10304 ::
Nim 1.6.14 released
10301 ::
Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim
10299 ::
GUI app with nim
10285 ::
10284 ::
how to make a dll in nim-lang?
10278 ::
Malebolgia & Pixy problem: expression has no address
10272 ::
procs: forward declaration
10261 ::
error: could not load:(libcrypto-1_1-x64|libeay64).dll
10250 ::
End of function in Nim binary
10243 ::
How to get operating system information in nim-lang?
10234 ::
Atlas shrugged...
10220 ::
How to create modular program (like main with future addons) ?
10218 ::
“NIM” backronyms
10210 ::
Nimble for Nim v2
10205 ::
clarification on nim v2 removal of parallel & spawn
10195 ::
feasible lib(s) to do FFT on image with minimal dependencies?
10177 ::
Atomic ARC
10162 ::
How can I return a tuple of arrays from a proc. Having difficulty with proc signature
10158 ::
Bug in Nim Std/Json?
10154 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/30)
10146 ::
fetching data from many small .txt files
10139 ::
Compiler limitation or wrong usage/expectation on my part?
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10090 ::
Nimforms - A simple GUI library for Windows
10087 ::
2.0 RC new and old
10066 ::
Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare
10065 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/2)
10040 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/26)
9999 ::
Wish to use nim to take a screenshot of my desktop background
9994 ::
Trying to understand: is it better if IndexDefect is CatchableError or not
9983 ::
Make Nim docker images official?
9940 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (2/26)
9908 ::
My Nim Development Progress Weekly
9902 ::
Nim in production: 350+ HTTP requests per second on a very modest VM
9898 ::
Proposal for Nim 2.0: Documented way to get Nim "Hello, world" to run on Android and IOS
9894 ::
Nim job at Reddit, Internal Data Tool, US Remote, $198,200 - $297,300.
9886 ::
Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9868 ::
what's with deepCopy?
9860 ::
Minimising of using imports in the same project
9850 ::
Why I stopped programming in Nim
9842 ::
Current available paths to move computation to GPU
9831 ::
Numerical libraries for data science
9784 ::
-d:useMalloc fixes memory leak, but I don't know why
9752 ::
Formal verification in Nim using COQ and other proof assistants
9748 ::
Atlas -- the package cloner
9746 ::
Nim version 2.0 RC1
9740 ::
Tutorial for nim pixie graphics?
9717 ::
Best practices for initializing objects?
9683 ::
Show Nim: Mummy, a new HTTP + WebSocket server that returns to the ancient ways of threads
9677 ::
Basic window graphics library?
9635 ::
Pigeon 0.2
9620 ::
Small Nim js fib benchmark
9611 ::
Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.
9603 ::
memory footprint of parsejson
9563 ::
How to import a C array of unknown size?
9554 ::
Evolving the GUI definition
9548 ::
Nimble is unable to download and install
9539 ::
NimConf 2022 - Saturday, October 22nd
9531 ::
How do I turn binary file data into hex representation
9464 ::
question on use GUIPlus on windows 10 64bits
9457 ::
Show Nim: TheArtButton.ai, a new web Stable Diffusion runner
9393 ::
Nimble and two different C files with the same name
9388 ::
Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9374 ::
Why is db_postgres so slow?
9363 ::
Show Nim: CSS Grid layout engine!
9360 ::
Best websocket library?
9356 ::
Show Nim: New Pixie 5.0 release with significant performance improvements
9355 ::
fidget - vmath - vector graphics undeclared identifier
9353 ::
Math library for renderers and GUIs
9348 ::
if-else VS case-else VS case
9296 ::
Possible to combine OpenGL with Fidget?
9291 ::
fidget: How does the layout system work (what is this orgBox?)
9266 ::
Nim 2.0 is already here.
9264 ::
Back to the basics (of research) - Concurrent data-structures in 2.0 ?
9262 ::
Writing a shared lib for Android
9254 ::
Deploy DLLs
9248 ::
Show Nim: Pure Nim .jpeg decoder in Pixie
9242 ::
Get source expression in nim
9239 ::
implicit conversions from float literals to float32?
9238 ::
Back to the roots of v2.. and what it could be
9227 ::
Apologize on not Nim but is to knowing C directive
9220 ::
Win nim included dlls fail to load
9208 ::
Please help me understand the performance difference between Nim/Rust in this (contrived) example
9181 ::
Show Nim: Guzba and I are publishing YouTube videos discussing our work in Nim
9167 ::
How to avoid memory capture violation during addExitProc capture?
9144 ::
Nim 1.6.6 released
9142 ::
Is Object significantly less efficient then ref object over here
9141 ::
How to initialize a ref seq type
9136 ::
C FFI using only types?
9126 ::
Datetime parse format for round-trip "O"
9124 ::
link with a kernel32.lib proc and function
9115 ::
Optimize parsing large file line-by-line
9109 ::
Confusion about proc forward declarations
9059 ::
Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
9055 ::
Newbie questions about Nim, Python, XCB
9045 ::
CSV file parsing
9042 ::
The WASM Revolution
8982 ::
Fidget UI: animation using Nim async
8971 ::
Nim project using C++ Backend with single module using library wrapping a C library
8956 ::
Fidget UI: scrolling on OpenGL backend
8916 ::
Using Nim for system libraries?
8909 ::
Experiment with creating a "ImKivy" GUI api
8908 ::
Nimler not working on macOS
8887 ::
Nim 1.6.4 released
8866 ::
Nim devroom at FOSDEM this weekend
8861 ::
zlib.h: No such file or directory error on Windows
8855 ::
Nim's autoformatter situation
8850 ::
How to find bottlenecks?
8849 ::
Is there a HTTPS enabled HTTP server in Nim?
8840 ::
What about `or=`, `and=` and `xor=`?
8839 ::
Nim 1.6.4 release candidate
8835 ::
Matrix/vector operations in Nim
8827 ::
Update on compiling to asmjs or wasm through emscripten...
8816 ::
How to dynamically link LGPL nim library to closed-source nim application?
8802 ::
profiler for mac?
8787 ::
Non unique / double keys in json
8777 ::
Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8770 ::
Some warnings on vcc compiler, potential bugs?
8765 ::
Status - how would I program a GUI-based Nim-application on Windows?
8709 ::
Maze solver benchmark - How would you optimize?
8697 ::
Could not run program which compiling with static linked lib
8691 ::
Show Nim: Forematics is a Metamath verifier written in Nim.
8673 ::
Dynamic usage of arithmetic operators in nim
8662 ::
Is it possible to make the program crash if orc gc finds a cyclic reference?
8638 ::
Nim stopped working on my Mac M1 : string.h missing (problem with homebrew or Xtools)?
8595 ::
createDir on Windows using URL
8583 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <type string> / expected <string> but got <type string> (fidget)
8577 ::
Fidget questions - 1) scrolling - 2) closing window
8573 ::
Is there a multithreaded HTTP library?
8569 ::
Plotting library
8547 ::
8515 ::
The fate of Nim Editors
8511 ::
Nim 1.6 is out!!
8505 ::
Question about procedure parameters
8504 ::
Nim access to OSX cut and paste buffer:
8496 ::
Show Nim: Boxy, 2D GPU rendering with a tiling atlas and Pixie
8494 ::
GPU leverage
8493 ::
Best serialization protocol for Nim?
8479 ::
Show Nim: Use Nim code from other languages (genny + pixie-python)
8476 ::
Choosenim 0.8.0 now available
8470 ::
Auto-free C pointer when Nim object gets GC
8462 ::
Hot Code Reloading viability for Jupyter-Notebook like Nim IDE
8441 ::
JsonNode should be Any
8422 ::
Beginer problem: Combine and alternate list
8410 ::
Keep a http connection alive and hand it off to another proc
8404 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC1
8399 ::
JSON serialization of objects containing tuples
8369 ::
Is there no way to pass a specific overload to a macro?
8333 ::
A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8315 ::
pixie to direct read a seq[uint32]
8308 ::
2d canvas library
8307 ::
invalid type: 'seq[int] or iterator (): int{.closure.}' in this context
8294 ::
Requests library
8278 ::
8273 ::
build long strings, speed.
8268 ::
8266 ::
Getting Started with googleapi module
8214 ::
Help with object serialization please!
8212 ::
help Json
8185 ::
Cannot make async futures work with the fidget GUI toolkit
8153 ::
nim-ws - websockets for Nim
8147 ::
slim - fork version of nimble , handle task level dependency
8140 ::
Why does Nim compiler allways depends on another's language compiler?
8080 ::
Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8074 ::
Nim JSON parsing is 30 times slower than Node.JS
8055 ::
print dates in reversed order
8046 ::
Libraries: geometry - 3d - coord systems
8045 ::
Date issue. What happened in 1940?
8031 ::
Nim version 1.4.8 released
8027 ::
Is there a way to stream json?
8020 ::
c2nim -- minor update
8008 ::
Release candidates for 1.4.8 and 1.2.14
8005 ::
Transpile Nim to Dart/Flutter?
7991 ::
Andre von Houck's Nim Web Framework has great potential - A must see!
7989 ::
Karax steps forward
7970 ::
Show Nim: Pixie now supports text layout and rasterizing, including rich text with styled spans!
7952 ::
Parse unix time
7930 ::
How to http post nested data?
7863 ::
NimConf 2021
7824 ::
Unicode string print - the four faces look different when printing - why?
7821 ::
7794 ::
Versions 1.4.6 and 1.2.12 released
7783 ::
Opinions on ordering parameters
7770 ::
Issue with Nim Manual on Windows Chrome
7768 ::
Release candidates for 1.4.6 and 1.2.12
7758 ::
Performance against Python: find substring in string
7721 ::
Processing elements of a sequence with conditional deletion
7714 ::
converting a hex string to uint32 in JS context
7692 ::
I am confused. Javascript, WASM coroutine support ?
7678 ::
Search SSH library
7653 ::
Memory increase on simple http server after 50 requests
7649 ::
Initializing objects from proc parameters
7633 ::
Performance comparison of various compilers
7622 ::
async - noob question
7619 ::
Why I can't unmarshal JSON with spaces in the JSON keys?
7581 ::
Show Nim: Puppy - Easy HTTP(S) requests without DLLs, --d:ssl or cacerts.pem.
7563 ::
Mixing Threads and Async
7559 ::
Show Nim: Pixie, a fast 2D vector graphics library we are excited to share!
7551 ::
SSL/TLS certifictae issues with Nim 1.4.4?
7550 ::
Need help on getting notifcation message from postgresql
7549 ::
Nim 1.4.4 and 1.2.10 released
7548 ::
cairo Wrapper tests failed: could not load: libcairo-2.dll (Newbie)
7536 ::
Check out my new lib Spacy: Spatial data structures for Nim.
7503 ::
Importing a file in runtime
7498 ::
Nim Design Patterns?
7494 ::
Nim 1.2.10 RC and 1.4.4 RC
7493 ::
Do you structure Nim code this way?
7475 ::
Is using gcsafe with --gc:arc correct here with producer/consumer?
7466 ::
This Month with Nim: January 2020
7465 ::
Anybody using `self` or `this` for procedures operating on "class" style object types?
7440 ::
Performance impact of unused ref-object fields?
7438 ::
fromJSON, dataframe
7414 ::
Unmarshal JSON to type
7409 ::
Regex and capture unicode text
7408 ::
What are simple profilers to use with Nim?
7405 ::
libdill for large scale concurrency
7402 ::
Print - a better echo. colors, pretty nesting, refs and cycles!
7378 ::
How to serialize/deserialize my data type with options and DateTime
7365 ::
What's the preferred way to compile nim to WebAssembly?
7354 ::
SSLError WebSocket
7337 ::
How to make Nim compilation faster?
7323 ::
how use custom event inherited from DOM Event in javascript?
7311 ::
How to parse custom JSON serialization format?
7309 ::
DumpIncludes - See where your exe size comes from.
7283 ::
Nimscripter - Easy Nimscript-Nim interop
7282 ::
Client-side JS with Nim
7281 ::
Zippy update: Zip archive and tarball support + much closer to zlib performance
7280 ::
ECS introduction by example
7279 ::
Finally found a language which is as fast as C and as Pythonic as possible...
7254 ::
C++ Smart pointers 101 and FFI
7251 ::
Nim for mobile
7242 ::
Best IDE-like Nim experience?
7221 ::
In macros, is there a way to know if a symbol as global?
7175 ::
cs2nim update
7168 ::
Urlly - a new library for URL parsing for C/JS backends.
7166 ::
Is there any nim based 2d collision detection lib?
7155 ::
Is there an easy way to bake in parameters at compile time?
7139 ::
Is there some thing like `newSeqNoInit`?
7122 ::
Can we have an --exceptions:abort ?
7116 ::
Sample compiler/interpreter (like kaleidoscope/llvm, monkey/go etc)
7104 ::
Cross compile on WIndows 64bits for Windows 32 bits
7102 ::
Getting random non-equal int pairs, comparison of routines.
7100 ::
amysql - Async MySQL Connector write in pure Nim.
7094 ::
How do you deal with dependencies in Nim ?
7076 ::
7068 ::
To slice or to stream?
7054 ::
Zippy: a dependency-free Nim implementation of deflate, gzip, zlib, zip
7046 ::
Nims book question
7045 ::
C++ FFI - basic example
7043 ::
FastCGI vs HTTP server?
7034 ::
Nimpretty GitHub Action
7031 ::
First Nim package: Euler angle command line utility. Feedback appreciated!
7030 ::
How to measure HttpClient request total time
7024 ::
Generating code coverage with Nim 1.4.0
7021 ::
Some questions regarding gc-safety, httpclient and timezones
7011 ::
Is there a way for case objects to have cases share fields?
7009 ::
What is Kernel32?
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6948 ::
Is Nim good for creating video games?
6937 ::
Version 1.4.0 released
6907 ::
How to use a custom pragma on an object to generates procs?
6905 ::
How to statically link libraries?
6899 ::
Multiline conditions
6855 ::
pro/cons in using nimpy
6842 ::
glad-generated Vulkan bindings + events/canvas library
6756 ::
Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6733 ::
Blog post about strict funcs
6727 ::
Cross platform IO engine and timer
6698 ::
inline vs template vs simple proc
6693 ::
General recommendation for optimum performance?
6692 ::
OS checks make the code slow?
6688 ::
How to use global vars with Jester?
6686 ::
getting an SSL connection to work
6685 ::
Should I use object or ref object?
6658 ::
A simple bitsarray lib
6656 ::
HTML template layout
6633 ::
Which is the preferred way to define a generic type?
6628 ::
Which version of OpenSSL to get QuickJWT linking?
6609 ::
Authenticating a user in a REST webservice
6590 ::
Nimx vs Fidget
6575 ::
Avoiding RangeError getting address of empty seq
6549 ::
Update on --gc:arc
6548 ::
AsyncSocket seems to be dropping data
6543 ::
Recursive Function type
6533 ::
using nimble for package management
6527 ::
Understanding Pragmas
6521 ::
How to set up/start a Project?
6511 ::
Multithreaded await
6509 ::
New blog post: Ray tracing in Nim
6495 ::
Problem sending binary file by socket never ending.
6483 ::
New garbage collector --gc:orc is a joy to use.
6451 ::
First look
6448 ::
jester: one handler for several routes?
6444 ::
Perf: Table.del(key)is taking 85% of my code's time
6442 ::
Nim version 1.2.2 is out!
6434 ::
Nim's popularity
6432 ::
Can't access fields of object returned by a procedure
6399 ::
Lambda syntax is awkward
6352 ::
How mature is async/threading in Nim?
6342 ::
Revisiting my oldest Nim project.
6340 ::
Nim support for CodeRunner app
6338 ::
help call string ??
6337 ::
New blog, with some Nim articles
6332 ::
Sorting JSON data by a specified field
6323 ::
A good word for idiomatic nim?
6320 ::
Some week-of-year procs for use with the times library
6298 ::
Making 4k intro with Nim
6279 ::
Is there a simple example on how to create a Windows UI
6278 ::
Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.
6238 ::
Decoding URL query strings
6219 ::
String constant concatenation
6216 ::
how to properly release memory?
6215 ::
Iterate over fields
6171 ::
Calling C function causes Sigsegv
6146 ::
Nim 1.2 is here
6137 ::
Natural language processing
6132 ::
Idea: Nim Online Conference
6126 ::
upperBound/lowerBound in algorithm O(log n) or O(n) ?
6123 ::
ways to comunicate between different application
6087 ::
Help prlm this Time
6045 ::
Another state of generating Android APK thread...
6039 ::
Documenting one liner
6005 ::
Async web servers and database
5993 ::
Templates and imports
5991 ::
Bug with makeNimstrLit on JS backend
5955 ::
How to package a nim program in an APK file
5953 ::
I have a super doubt
5951 ::
RayCasting Problem
5948 ::
Paranim and Pararules - my new gamedev libraries
5946 ::
Why does `k in t.keys.toSeq.sorted` works but `k in t.keys.toSeq.sorted()` does not.
5926 ::
Idiomatic sequence functions
5909 ::
Parallel example for computing pi efficiently is actually slow
5901 ::
Nim problems. 1 internal, 1 mine
5893 ::
Change server name in Jester
5887 ::
Status status update ;) libp2p, etc
5866 ::
FOSDEM 2020 - Brussels February 1st & 2nd
5836 ::
Nim will silently auto convert a float64 to a float32 and loose precision... is that good? Thoughts?
5833 ::
[C++ coroutines] in GCC
5828 ::
Impossible situation trying to get minimal glfw example working±±±
5818 ::
Who would I implement simd to do fast md5 checksums ?
5812 ::
Ported a Python game to Nim
5811 ::
[vscode] Anyone willing to share his tasks.json needed to build nim files?
5789 ::
Nim to JavaScript compile: function ref
5784 ::
Goto based exception handling
5759 ::
Game unlock gui written with gintro
5758 ::
Write Nim by using only 'v'
5754 ::
which XML parser is recommended?
5751 ::
Sqlite: unfinalized statements error
5750 ::
Simple excel/xlsx reader, support some basic operators.
5744 ::
Tables or seq
5743 ::
Nim Community Survey 2019
5740 ::
How to check if a proc has no return type?
5734 ::
Introducing --gc:arc
5723 ::
How to set a specific file as main file in VS Code ?
5711 ::
How to use private variables when you put all types in one module
5700 ::
How to store an int in a register?
5698 ::
libgpiod wrapper uploaded to github
5696 ::
assign an object variant kind for unsafe memory block
5686 ::
I made a word2vec library and wanted to share with you guys:
5683 ::
5681 ::
Why inherit RootObj?
5680 ::
How to set an icon for an exe file created from nim source code ?
5678 ::
Contributing to standard library
5643 ::
Most efficient way to implement a stack using Nim?
5632 ::
Any possibility of a near term Lazarus/C#-like GUI-designer IDE?
5623 ::
Nim is the friendliest language to start
5611 ::
Any decent non-video async socket tutorials in c#?
5607 ::
use jester with SSE (server side event) example
5555 ::
Web pages with data entry in unicode and unidecode
5548 ::
How to avoid recursive module dependency ?
5539 ::
Differences between simple assignment, shallowCopy and deepCopy
5531 ::
Nim based Github Actions
5528 ::
Advice on how to handle: "global using GC'ed memory"
5524 ::
Jester memory usage keep rising using sqlite
5495 ::
How to detect EADDRINUSE from an OSError exception
5488 ::
A couple of questions
5486 ::
Play audio in Nim ?
5480 ::
Nim for Statistics
5439 ::
tye and container whoes
5426 ::
Screenshot / Screencapture
5374 ::
Reverse engineering of code into UML diagrams
5368 ::
How to implement long polling?
5365 ::
What are you building now?
5363 ::
Winning the Base64 benchmarks.
5362 ::
Out of bounds error when use seq with emscripten
5360 ::
images: simple way to read/write and manipulate images in nim?
5312 ::
default values for objects
5310 ::
error Nim Compiler Version 1.0.0 [Windows: amd64]
5308 ::
beginners tutorial
5292 ::
How to use Postgres with Nim on Windows - problems with drivers
5268 ::
Using Nim to create an Xcode framework
5260 ::
Some indicators on Nimble packages
5256 ::
Nim for my future project ?
5234 ::
Shared table with ref objects from different heaps. Will this work?
5232 ::
Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?
5231 ::
Accessing Mysql on Windows
5227 ::
Read Stdin asynchronously
5220 ::
Nim for Beginners Video Series
5217 ::
5213 ::
1.0.0 is here
5210 ::
Nim playground
5197 ::
How to get Nim running on iOS and Android using GLFM.
5191 ::
Auto-generate Nim API client for REST APIs
5171 ::
Nim setup for wine+mingw cross-compiler environment
5168 ::
How to use staticRead zip file?
5166 ::
How can I write `($typeof(x[])).split(":")[0]` better?
5152 ::
nim android tutorial
5142 ::
How to Send Email with Nim
5121 ::
asyncnet and reading from multiple socks
5114 ::
Is it possible to tune C output to be truly human readable?
5100 ::
How to read binary file in Nim?
5092 ::
State of Nimble packages
5082 ::
Crash with libsoundio
5071 ::
Failure to abstract in standard library's db code?
5070 ::
Trouble creating type containing generic array
5068 ::
Procs that work only inplace like strutils.removeSuffix()
5063 ::
Async socket to server connection error handling
5050 ::
Dash docsets now available
5046 ::
FFI: help converting macro into template
5030 ::
Astro module for calculation of sun and moon position, set and rise time, dawn and dusk
5026 ::
Version 0.20.2 released
5024 ::
Hyphens Not Allowed in Nim Filenames? [Invalid Module Name]
5022 ::
Fortran bindings
5021 ::
Can Nim tell me about unused imports, lets, const and .high?
5020 ::
side effects through local() or parse() from times module
5012 ::
timezone in unit tests
5006 ::
D templated codeblocks
4999 ::
dynamic lib works properly when interfacing with python, fails with nim
4998 ::
Macro to create a dictionary (table) like in python!
4988 ::
Integrate a GLSL shader in Nim
4975 ::
Nim Compilation Speed?
4964 ::
What prevents you from using Nim as your main programming language?
4958 ::
Simple P2P library
4932 ::
Looking for advance on server memory use.
4912 ::
How to parse the timezone from a date/time string to a `TimeZone` type variable?
4910 ::
Nim v0.20.0 is here (1.0 RC)
4904 ::
create array at runtime
4901 ::
Nim Days progress
4900 ::
What kinds of Computational Science problems do you usually solve
4853 ::
Problem trying to compress the http response data!
4850 ::
Modern way to pass a sequence to a c function as a void pointer and to cast it back as seq
4783 ::
OpenWL/DL - two foundation libraries for building a cross-platform GUI with non-C++ languages
4743 ::
Owned refs
4741 ::
Problem with ui buttons and callbacks
4709 ::
What is the best way to run a nim program as daemon?
4704 ::
Immutability -- more ideas
4699 ::
Httpclient and hangs
4668 ::
Geometry Library
4657 ::
Error when test if a large number is prime!
4632 ::
Is there a way to make kind of like an override named block?
4541 ::
recommendation for simple graphics lib?
4484 ::
SslError: ssl3_write_pending:bad write retry
4445 ::
Extract sprite data from old DOS game resource file?
4384 ::
Need help with game framework
4377 ::
Error with Glew
4336 ::
2018 Nim community survey results
4296 ::
`import foo {.private.}` to allows access to private fields (eg: package-level visibility)
4280 ::
Drop RST and join the Markdown train?
4245 ::
Version 0.19.0 is out
4195 ::
Help with optimizing config.nims to create a musl target (static binary)
4144 ::
please advise: threading/GC - how make it work?
4128 ::
A critique of Nim
4082 ::
how to send udp datagram?
4051 ::
experiences with hosting nim specific web sites
4010 ::
Diferent results when compiled with c (gcc), or cpp (gcc)
3972 ::
A few questions about Nim (Multimethods and Concepts)
3966 ::
BelFOSS 2018 - Intro to Nim
3911 ::
Thank You :)
3898 ::
Is String Datatype in Nim Broken?
3867 ::
Modulo operator returning wrong result?
3851 ::
Help understanding int vs int64
3850 ::
Converting C string with NULLs to Nim string
3834 ::
Welcome to the new Nim programming language forum
3810 ::
Binding a JavsScript object that's not part of the DOM
3668 ::
cpuTime not in JS backend?
3534 ::
Nim Dogfooding
3418 ::
[solved] how do I set current directory with os.setCurrentDir(newDir: string) ?
3415 ::
Would love input / help with SIMD library proof of concept
3409 ::
lzma headers
3386 ::
Nim t-shirt (San Francisco)
3383 ::
learnopengl.com ported to nim, with a type safe opengl wrapper
3380 ::
Thread vs Async for long running task
3379 ::
VoxelSpace engine demo
3363 ::
Packed Strings, how to pack fixed length number of chars in an struct.
3343 ::
Is there way to just dump staticRead bytes to seq.
3341 ::
nim-lang ui not working with vcc on windows
2954 ::
Reproducible builds (stop mentioning nimble install)
2892 ::
Alternative comment syntax
2890 ::
nim source code auto formatter / prettifier
2724 ::
Why aren't uin64 and usize ordinal types?
2566 ::
How to parse html wild?
2174 ::
Any SSL sockets example?
2080 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) 2
1857 ::
import zip package
1179 ::
How to use file system watcher (fsmonitor) in Nim?