12614 ::
Advent of Nim 2024
12532 ::
How to use library (dll) created and compiled with Nim in other Nim project
12505 ::
Callbacks in wxnim
12350 ::
choosenim 0.8.5 release announcement?
12299 ::
Created my first binding! I am impressed!
12150 ::
Using Nim's heap allocator on a pre-allocated memory region
12148 ::
how to use newColonExpr in macro for initializer proc generation
12141 ::
Can't get started nim with a simple postgres querying
11976 ::
error: assigning to 'xxx' (aka 'xxx') from incompatible type 'xxx'
11831 ::
Forum on Firefox is broken
11827 ::
windows defender said new install nim 2.0.6 got trojan
11818 ::
Can't import nim package that I have built and installed locally
11807 ::
Conversion from apointer to a seq
11802 ::
Openziti (zero trust networking)
11796 ::
Passing an optional proc is not working
11782 ::
Nim version 2.0.6 released
11769 ::
Can I use OpenACC pragma in nim?
11757 ::
template import non compile in nim 2.0.4
11748 ::
How to write the Nim version of a C function pointer and pass it as argument to C function
11730 ::
Stock address instead of plain object in a table : C to Nim
11723 ::
Nimsuggest and Manjaro Nim installation
11710 ::
Please help, learning NIM to speed up Python programs, but strange results
11701 ::
varargs pragma - expanding a seq[cint]
11687 ::
choosenim: what is the development state?
11678 ::
Privilege Escalation with Nim Package Manager - John Hammond
11666 ::
CodeTwig - a small project-viewer
11664 ::
Wrapping ESP-IDF for embedded - Futhark - PlatformIO
11633 ::
"fall-through" and default values
11630 ::
Upcoming "Nim for Pythonistas" talk at PyCon Italy
11627 ::
ffmpeg6.nim bindings for FFmpeg v6.x
11601 ::
Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?
11590 ::
Issue: regression on 2.x.x: push warning[HoleEnumConv]:off does not work.
11587 ::
Latest GCC version (14.1) breaks Nim's C backend
11581 ::
Any suggestions on how to use nimsuggest?
11551 ::
get object field by variable
11550 ::
Issue with C array
11543 ::
Passing seq or array to cpp function that takes iterators.
11489 ::
When's NimConf 2024?
11486 ::
Can’t wrap my head around this TypeError
11467 ::
Fake Nim books an Amazon, which ones are real?
11457 ::
Odd Segfault when using dynlib
11449 ::
Dear Araq, how do I create a programming language?
11413 ::
FFI - memory management issues
11403 ::
How to serve acme-challenge file dynamically with Jester REST API?
11385 ::
Best way to pass many parameters to a function
11356 ::
Help needed: binarylang issue
11340 ::
Attempting a DSL on top of htmlgen for fun/learning
11294 ::
List of GC'ed types
11293 ::
How do you handle incomplete nimble packages?
11286 ::
About a VFS library
11274 ::
Issues with identifier equality and FFI
11233 ::
How to preallocate cstring for FFI call that fills it up
11232 ::
Tesseract and Leptonica
11231 ::
forum mirror
11211 ::
Custom type conversion
11188 ::
A template to emit ARM asm
11163 ::
Have I written a silly program or is there a "controlled" memory leak?
11106 ::
What will happen if allocation fails?
11087 ::
Download nim-2.0.2_x64.zip for windows 11 will be blocked by Windows Defender.
11080 ::
What is `-d:nimNetLite`?
11075 ::
nimble.directory has been down for a few days now
11040 ::
Futhark and editor tooling
11038 ::
Is it impossible to declare an _empty enum_ under quote in order to populate it later in a macro?
11014 ::
Is there a way to create a musl binary (static binary) in a project using libcurl.nim?
10961 ::
Unreachable code is reached
10960 ::
ANSI Escape Sequences
10949 ::
Template default parameters question
10933 ::
Pocket Clicker — proof of concept Game Boy "game"
10913 ::
'can have side effects' error.
10908 ::
punctuations rituals
10906 ::
howt to embed NimNode in template?
10905 ::
how to use parseExpr in runtime ?
10886 ::
A little guidance on threading needed.
10880 ::
orc mm slower than markandsweep in my experience
10871 ::
unhandled exception: index -1 not in 0 .. 12 [IndexDefect]
10866 ::
9999999999999999.0 – 9999999999999998.0
10863 ::
Custom constructors
10857 ::
cleanly terminating a thread if it takes too long
10852 ::
Help with linking DLLs/ Futhark Bindings
10851 ::
can't run nim
10846 ::
how to get pragma of the field in macro?
10842 ::
10835 ::
Maybe nappgui is best cross platform gui lib for nim
10799 ::
Ptr byte to cstring?
10796 ::
Parallelism in Nim: trying to call proc with my argument
10782 ::
Direct C/C++ interop without generating wrappers?
10781 ::
How to await a list of async procedures
10773 ::
How to correctly use nim doc when a project has unimported modules
10768 ::
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?) in coroutines
10753 ::
Package-Rot as growth hindrance
10745 ::
fmu.nim - my first FMU working with OpenModelica
10744 ::
Is it possible to encode constraints directly into a type, and enforce them at runtime?
10739 ::
An Ode to my Goddess Nim.
10736 ::
hardware-software interaction in Nim
10729 ::
Object variant - returning different types
10721 ::
Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10717 ::
Advent of Nim 2023
10714 ::
Is there a more elegant way to write destructors in Nim 2.0
10700 ::
Enu 0.2
10698 ::
custom pragmas are not supported for enum fields
10693 ::
avr_io - nim register bindings and utilities for AVR microcontrollers
10685 ::
RAD system for Nim?
10671 ::
nimlsp does not see packages installed with nimble
10669 ::
Can someone tell me how to read the AST associated with a varaible?
10668 ::
Gura Configuration Language for Nim
10664 ::
Nim in university context?
10656 ::
Question from one of my customers.
10654 ::
overload operator `+=` for private member
10653 ::
Templates: How to gensym proc names, and inject variables in asm?
10649 ::
Exceptions not being handled with libuv: bug or what?
10642 ::
No =destroy hook(s) in std/tables?
10639 ::
proc/func/method: syntax
10624 ::
How to replicate C code instantiating a GTK_WIDGET
10622 ::
What are drawbacks of using forward declarations with "include" as a "module interface"-mechanism?
10617 ::
Modifying the value of a procedure argument (without making the input argument var)
10615 ::
is jester now working well with nim version 2
10611 ::
Concepts as type classes in generics
10609 ::
Slack API in Nim
10590 ::
With what parameters does echo call fwrite? Trying to implement fwrite in Nim.
10589 ::
Cosmo3 multi-os fat binaries with threads
10586 ::
Labelled exceptions for smoother error handling
10583 ::
Nim Slack Community
10569 ::
how to wrap c scanf procedure in nim
10557 ::
Best way to architect a Nim dll/so that is used by other Nim dll/so/executables
10553 ::
Using Concepts for abstracting display graphics
10548 ::
set global for all libraries
10544 ::
NimConf 2023
10541 ::
Having trouble initializing my parser
10525 ::
related_post_gen benchmark
10519 ::
Error: number out of range:
10515 ::
ImPlot library
10513 ::
Simple template and macro question
10511 ::
[help] Nim JIT + REPL with clang backend + -emit-llvm + LLVM's ORCv2
10507 ::
Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10505 ::
Need help writing a helper function?
10495 ::
High level TUI framework (or wrapper of)
10474 ::
Disable GC-safety in Nim 2.0?
10471 ::
Get C code output
10470 ::
why float casting is not working ?
10467 ::
Teaching old C code new tricks with Nim
10465 ::
How to pass an optional callback to a proc
10461 ::
How can I shorten the compile time?
10460 ::
Is it possible to safely share refs across threads?
10454 ::
Is it possible to make an extension for the browser on nim-lang?
10446 ::
More info on NimMain procedure
10445 ::
EZ Bkup: The easiest backup program on earth!
10440 ::
Type mismatch when trying to add to custom seq
10431 ::
Nim2.0 how to build dll without dependency of libgcc_s_seh-1.dll
10428 ::
Basic Async Questions
10427 ::
efficient way of running proc at a given time, that can be changed
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10420 ::
Local bug-tracker (written in Nim or not)
10413 ::
SomeFloat in std/complex
10406 ::
[Scala background] How does a macro in Scala differs from macro in Nim?
10402 ::
beginner question - sets
10401 ::
Exceptions occurring in top level statements of submodule not being reported/handled
10394 ::
What is the best way to learn nim for someone who is fluent with python
10391 ::
Template being called twice with Nim 2.0
10386 ::
How to prevent nim language server plugin from spawning multiple instances of nimsuggest
10385 ::
Error: cannot open file: stdin
10382 ::
Nim Project Setup
10373 ::
Any way to produce Arm64 binaries for MacOS from choosenim versions of nim?
10336 ::
redirect echo result to make a lazy function?
10335 ::
GUI-LIB nip - button callback and object data
10327 ::
Compiling nimrtl.nim as static library
10326 ::
How to pass a C array to a C function taking a pointer?
10316 ::
realloc and self referencing array problem
10315 ::
Fame and fortune for Nim?
10314 ::
lvgl - callback issues
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10312 ::
Nim Sucession Plan
10304 ::
Nim 1.6.14 released
10299 ::
GUI app with nim
10292 ::
Does Nim has the same features that D has when interfacing to Objective-C?
10283 ::
play nim - not working?
10279 ::
Nimble not installing Jester v0.6.0
10278 ::
Malebolgia & Pixy problem: expression has no address
10276 ::
neovim lsp setup: no autocompletion and suggestion
10274 ::
Why `unsafe_addr` had to be used in StringSlice?
10268 ::
Is there any utility to output a graphical representation of a Nim Abstract Syntax Tree?
10265 ::
a question about the development and compatibility of Nim 2.0 and Nim 1.0
10260 ::
Setting up a Nim server for dummies
10258 ::
Understanding `await sleepAsync`
10257 ::
C backend not finding NimMain()
10254 ::
tell me the library for windows to download files with a progress bar
10249 ::
Object Variant question
10247 ::
DLL crashes - can't figure out why
10238 ::
Need suggestions for time scheduling async tasks
10232 ::
Bloom filter comparisson
10231 ::
German Tax Upload in Nim with Futhark
10224 ::
PyPI was subpoenaed. Should Nim prepare a process in place?
10221 ::
Any fuzzy or trigram substring search library, with index, so it's instant?
10220 ::
How to create modular program (like main with future addons) ?
10219 ::
Best Web Framework Features?
10211 ::
Algebraic data types and structural pattern matching RFC
10210 ::
Nimble for Nim v2
10206 ::
Teach you to write nim code comfortably use vim if you like vim you must try :)
10199 ::
macro compile-time comparison with define-pragmas
10191 ::
Can't import compiler/* anymore
10188 ::
Clearer copyright license for Nim logos and assets
10185 ::
unique refs > `isolate`
10184 ::
High stack usage when calling `reset` on an object with a destructor
10181 ::
Why `!=` is template and not a func?
10178 ::
Few async tools for nim
10177 ::
Atomic ARC
10175 ::
Question from a complete Newbie
10173 ::
How to cast or pass a {.closure.} as a callback to a C API with userdata pointer?
10161 ::
Usability of ARC/ORC in multi threaded code.
10157 ::
I'm curious about what happens when using compiler flag "-d:asyncBackend=chronos"
10141 ::
Using named blocks with break instead of exceptions for targetted exception handling
10135 ::
Semcheck a NimNode tree?
10128 ::
Small experiment with compiling the Nim compiler with PGO
10127 ::
Viability of a website generator using nim.
10123 ::
EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
10110 ::
How to inverse set?
10106 ::
Article on wrapping C libraries in Nim
10104 ::
How to make os (e.g. ubuntu) interpret nimscript shebang
10090 ::
Nimforms - A simple GUI library for Windows
10087 ::
2.0 RC new and old
10085 ::
NiGui: adding images to a layout container
10082 ::
Scan syntax tree for procedure calls
10067 ::
Is such HTML template possible?
10066 ::
Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare
10051 ::
Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
10012 ::
10011 ::
All chr() up to 127 returns correct unicode character, but chr([128++]) returns �
10010 ::
How to sort 2d array?
10006 ::
Moderator updates
10002 ::
A list of programs
9992 ::
Can I type a parameter as supporting `$`?
9983 ::
Make Nim docker images official?
9973 ::
Compile error “no socket”
9964 ::
import module just for comptime use
9953 ::
How to make web component to run Nim code inside a web page and by using some npm pakage only
9952 ::
Compilation error (type mismatch)
9950 ::
Nimble package submission process broken?
9928 ::
Garbage Collectors and Shared Libraries
9923 ::
Help with macro/template-style transformation
9910 ::
SIGSEGV when creating a dunamic library in Nim and use it in nim (and posiibbly in other places too)
9906 ::
Returning to Nim from Python and Rust
9902 ::
Nim in production: 350+ HTTP requests per second on a very modest VM
9897 ::
I want `for-else` statement to break nested loop like python :)
9895 ::
Is there a way to automatically find the path to nimbase.h when installed with choosenim?
9894 ::
Nim job at Reddit, Internal Data Tool, US Remote, $198,200 - $297,300.
9893 ::
Expose static nim library to DLL
9892 ::
Variable Declaration in Templates
9885 ::
Who wants to do a GSoC about FreeCAD? Program in Nim!
9871 ::
Getting started with Nim on attiny85
9870 ::
9869 ::
Possible way for easy android app creation without JAVA!
9857 ::
How to get compiler to warn/error on missing return statement in conditional branches?
9822 ::
Multilungual Nimdoc
9805 ::
Official Fediverse (e.g. Mastodon) account?
9801 ::
Array concatenation
9790 ::
Nim book in Japanese
9789 ::
How does the `nimsuggest` LSP work with respect to UFCS support in Nim?
9781 ::
Can I create a unique hash of a proc and all its dependencies?
9778 ::
Downloading files with missing protocol in redirect url
9762 ::
Strange error: single character string constants
9758 ::
Parazoa - Immutable, persistent data structures for Nim
9751 ::
Ttop - System monitoring service tool with tui and historical data
9743 ::
solution to the problem "could not load: SDL2.dll (bad format; library may be wrong architecture)"
9722 ::
Fine control over the ordering of linker args?
9705 ::
generating dll with nim
9699 ::
Nim HashSets operators
9685 ::
sequtils.nim(786, 15) Error: expected: ':', but got: 'result'
9678 ::
Advent of Nim 2022
9677 ::
Basic window graphics library?
9672 ::
ARC and {.requiresInit.} issue
9640 ::
How can nimqml being used with docker?
9638 ::
Question on Stream getPosition implementation
9626 ::
Managed references to unmanaged references?
9620 ::
Small Nim js fib benchmark
9617 ::
Nim 2: "Memory can be shared effectively between threads without copying in Nim version 2"
9534 ::
working towards a Nim Devroom at FOSDEM 2023 (physical event)
9462 ::
Custom macro for if-let statement
9435 ::
Nim playground inaccessible
9425 ::
Mini-book on long-lived ABIs
9406 ::
Nim cross-compiled in OpenEmbedded
9398 ::
use memlib call dll proc face nil access
9389 ::
Need some direction on macros.
9384 ::
Sugar.Collect macro inside a Sequence causing error
9383 ::
Use SciKit-learn for machine learning from Nim? (Andreas please read!)
9379 ::
Read/write access to global variable in multithreaded application
9376 ::
Convert Python codes to Nim codes
9352 ::
Where to start with creating direct Qt bindings?
9344 ::
Associating compile time data with function identifiers
9316 ::
How to make property nil?
9283 ::
Test for static in macro
9271 ::
State machines example : echo-server
9248 ::
Show Nim: Pure Nim .jpeg decoder in Pixie
9230 ::
The most common Nim build system for which we'd go
9227 ::
Apologize on not Nim but is to knowing C directive
9221 ::
Help with converting Nim to JS at runtime
9217 ::
'import os' not used. Wrong Error Message
9196 ::
What are the best hosting companies to host systems written in the Nim language?
9192 ::
Nim addressed my one major complaint
9177 ::
Small improvement discussion: Use `let` to lock variable previously declared as `var`
9172 ::
Are rst's files supposed to be readable?
9161 ::
problem with doc gen and runnableExamples
9160 ::
to enum type and back
9157 ::
Problem with --threads:on
9149 ::
Async musings
9141 ::
How to initialize a ref seq type
9138 ::
Moderation policy for bans
9135 ::
passing "var addr x" into procedure
9134 ::
Async proves to be a bit tricky
9125 ::
How to iterate a slice of children of a NimNode ?
9121 ::
Brogrammer uptick
9117 ::
Program level variables
9115 ::
Optimize parsing large file line-by-line
9114 ::
Installing choosenim (on Windows) on a custom folder does not seem to work
9113 ::
async stdin/stdout errors (compiling nimlsp on Windows)
9111 ::
Compiler ignores my `if` a throws an error
9110 ::
Seeking advices for a C programming book
9108 ::
Concurrent File Download with Async
9104 ::
Hopefully simple Nim syntax question
9101 ::
Strange ambiguous call error
9086 ::
`=destroy` ref object of RootObj?
9085 ::
Do I need to call NimMain from C if I am using arc or orc?
9083 ::
C++ interop via Dynamic Library
9076 ::
Managing binary data
9074 ::
Impure libraries ???
9070 ::
Clarity on mixin and pragma {.inject.}
9066 ::
[Karax] "include" statement doesn't work correctly inside karax DSL
9065 ::
Choosing the nim installation folder used by choosenim
9056 ::
Did nimc become faster?
9055 ::
Newbie questions about Nim, Python, XCB
9053 ::
parseint not defined for char.
9036 ::
Recommended protobuf library
9034 ::
try except else
9031 ::
server-client webframework
9029 ::
multiple definition of NimMainInner
9018 ::
How to prevent nim generate C code access parent type through `Sup` field?
9017 ::
Cant't change the name of main html file in the output of `nim doc`?
9013 ::
How to debug segmentation fault memory issue??
8997 ::
exportc: too many thread local variables
8996 ::
iterrr: extensible iterator library
8991 ::
Want Nim online code playground to be mobile and desktop friendly.
8970 ::
Can there be an else clause on a template (or macro)?
8969 ::
C/C++-wrapping Windows/VCC-related issues again
8964 ::
Need variable to be constant on runtime without initialization at declaring
8963 ::
Performing goto in Nim
8957 ::
Comprehensive knowledge on Nim memory management (MM)
8953 ::
bbqueue in Nim
8952 ::
Nim wrapper for C library; data segment question
8950 ::
Raises tracking and no more cyclic references in `chronos`
8945 ::
Knowledge on the failure in overloaded operator of two operands infix ?
8943 ::
Must check to decide whether this current iteration in a loop is the last
8942 ::
AsyncHttpServer running in the background, spawn & closures
8940 ::
Calling nim-server-code from javascript
8938 ::
Catch exceptions without crashing app
8937 ::
variable has incomplete type: struct...
8923 ::
static in templates not really static?
8922 ::
Changing enums in macros
8920 ::
A better looking Nimble (web, design, feedback, ideas)
8896 ::
To insert a Nim variable into its PCRE regex
8886 ::
To insert regex pattern into another
8885 ::
Any practical configuration for Nim "REPL"
8881 ::
NImScript task and using a shebang line
8880 ::
best practice or guidelines on using log in a library?
8872 ::
Two-way communication with the new ORC-friendly channels
8869 ::
Exceptions - Handling multiple exception types in a single except clause
8867 ::
Exclude from generated docs
8866 ::
Nim devroom at FOSDEM this weekend
8862 ::
Weird issue with ints in web (js) builds
8861 ::
zlib.h: No such file or directory error on Windows
8857 ::
a question about block used in assignment
8856 ::
Variable compile-time import paths
8852 ::
NimForum 2.2.0 - Fixes a big CVE!
8839 ::
Nim 1.6.4 release candidate
8826 ::
nimscript - import configuration file
8825 ::
Unescape string
8810 ::
Namespaces for non-enums without customizing the import statement?
8806 ::
How can I implement a conditional access operator?
8801 ::
Why don't build Nim libraries ecosystem on Rust ecosystem?
8798 ::
Man pages?
8778 ::
Am I allowed to add this feature to stdlib module?
8771 ::
Strange problem when using Futhark
8768 ::
2 questions on json mudule
8747 ::
Error installing nimlsp, and getting the neovim plugin to work
8739 ::
Using the Compiler lib without needing the devel version of Nim
8716 ::
nim - shell
8711 ::
How would this endianness check be translated to Nim?
8709 ::
Maze solver benchmark - How would you optimize?
8693 ::
Nim script file extension
8682 ::
kate editor & lsp server
8676 ::
What is programming?
8675 ::
protobuf essentials
8672 ::
Order of execution: where to find understanding
8671 ::
Nim at FOSDEM 2022 - CfP is open!
8668 ::
Making a distinct type slightly less distinct
8658 ::
Macros: why and/or when to use them?
8657 ::
Advent of Nim 2021
8656 ::
Limit number of running threads
8647 ::
Nim Community Survey 2021
8642 ::
The Cylons have a Plan
8637 ::
Energy efficiency
8636 ::
Always confused with float conversions
8629 ::
Evolving the moderation of the Nim communities
8627 ::
Preview of coming attractions?
8623 ::
Yet another macro DSL
8621 ::
FOSDEM 2022 call for Nim Devroom (deadline tomorrow)
8619 ::
(2021 November) Most common or active 2D game framework?
8618 ::
Help needed - issue with a wrapped library
8615 ::
Readability problems
8610 ::
dot-like operations and calls
8606 ::
MNIST perceptron
8604 ::
Proper way to create local packages?
8600 ::
Did you know that Nim has had enum-indexed arrays since 0.18? Poll Inside!
8589 ::
Printing a typedesc - compilation errors
8586 ::
New here
8583 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <type string> / expected <string> but got <type string> (fidget)
8568 ::
Nested Tables
8547 ::
8544 ::
Compiling TO Nim
8540 ::
Nim receives $100k in Bitcoin donations
8537 ::
TechEmpower Benchmarks
8520 ::
Is Nim a Transpiler?
8510 ::
Issues trying to use pattern matching
8497 ::
Nim : Style insensitivity , snake_case , camelCase
8495 ::
Child process shows exit code -1 when peeked, though it has definitely ended.
8493 ::
Best serialization protocol for Nim?
8486 ::
Suggestion on wrapping C union with anonymous struct?
8479 ::
Show Nim: Use Nim code from other languages (genny + pixie-python)
8478 ::
Hacktoberfest 2021 Megathread
8475 ::
nimx question
8467 ::
Can't link C library
8451 ::
Futhark: Automatic C imports in Nim using libclang
8443 ::
Thoughts on pure Nim api for SPI & I2C device access?
8429 ::
importcpp call class method
8420 ::
how to build devel these days? (pre 1.6)
8419 ::
How to get the next iterator value outside of the loop?
8402 ::
Behavior of {.global.} variable for assigning to const
8400 ::
Article series on multitasking in Nim, first installment: async
8395 ::
Choosenim installs older stable?
8393 ::
Possible with NimScript? Turn old forum DB into static HTML
8392 ::
asyncstreams example?
8391 ::
Is async expected to work within a Thread() ?
8388 ::
imbed ace editor in nim Playground
8367 ::
using readFile at compile time break exceptions
8361 ::
Why does this, while incorrect, iterator( code always result in a crash of the playground?
8346 ::
Read command-line arguments
8333 ::
A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8225 ::
Arena memory support?
8220 ::
Inlining macro and (probable) problems with HiddenStdConv/HiddenCallConv
8199 ::
Nim library for stream video processing?
8196 ::
Windows blocking Nim installation
8188 ::
Safe `enum` conversion
8183 ::
Sega Genesis
8179 ::
Use cstring for C binding
8175 ::
Collect a seq and use it straightaway?
8122 ::
Emacs support via nimlsp and eglot
8103 ::
Safe signal handling
8101 ::
strformat on the fly
8099 ::
Wrapping GameMusicEmu library but errors
8092 ::
mixed bag seq: allow strings and int in a seq
8087 ::
proc in array, ...but is it the solution?
8066 ::
NIM Programming Language - video by Gamefromscratch
8064 ::
atomic and threads
8060 ::
How to sign message with RSA (openssl)?
8040 ::
Catching shell resizes (asynchronously?)
8032 ::
Porting to Nim
7992 ::
Weaning myself off bash for Nim for little plumbing tools
7968 ::
Threading in Nim
7967 ::
Custom colored output in Nim
7965 ::
Is the official Nim DLL redistributable?
7962 ::
Import C++ functions in nim?
7946 ::
Is there a way to detect if template is expanded at global scope or within a function
7943 ::
Memlib - Load Windows DLL from memory
7920 ::
No difference between asyncHttpClient and httpClient?
7916 ::
Question about templates / macros
7882 ::
echo isAlphaAscii("ą") - expecting false (instead of error)
7881 ::
Is it possible to have an embedded Nimscript interpreter when compiling with --app:lib ?
7878 ::
Secure Nim Sandbox, with IO, CPU, Memory, Time restrictions. Possible?
7870 ::
7847 ::
Creating Private Package List/Index
7842 ::
Let's Make Async Great Again!
7835 ::
4th Nim online meetup
7833 ::
Finally ported the rubberband router from Ruby to Nim
7832 ::
Concatenation of seq and array?
7825 ::
How to access n theJS backend Bootstrap's "modal" method?
7819 ::
python: print(x, end=" ")
7803 ::
cross compilation from Linux to windows
7795 ::
lost thread? (Fastest method for writing and loading cached binary object data to file)
7787 ::
How to create generic type without C++ Template
7786 ::
The NaN story, short version
7777 ::
Arduino with Nim
7767 ::
string concat I don't understand
7765 ::
Tables and hashes
7754 ::
Help with constructing an npeg parser
7751 ::
Multi-threaded features needed for Server
7711 ::
Trying to use openssl RSA funcitonality in nim
7684 ::
Converter string to raw
7663 ::
compile a nim single file to a single c file that only depends standard c header and lib
7636 ::
New Nesper release: v0.6.0 includes Nimble build tasks for ESP32 projects!
7632 ::
Dll with a different entry point as Dllmain
7610 ::
Exception handling without doing rest of the program
7584 ::
How to embed objects in another objects
7571 ::
Advice on using linenoise?
7545 ::
How to implement universal `collection.pick(field_or_fn)`?
7497 ::
macros - backquote
7495 ::
Is "global_state" a special name in Nim's internals?
7487 ::
createInterpreter in a DLL
7472 ::
Macro beginner code review
7445 ::
Trying to use times now
7439 ::
Nim forum statistics
7434 ::
Cryptic error message without specific hints
7398 ::
Portable binaries with Nim - what works?
7397 ::
Help with Nim concurrency – data not persisted
7353 ::
LibSSL DLLs and DLL collections for older versions
7350 ::
Many Thanks !
7349 ::
Why JSON % proc doesn't work for Enum?
7343 ::
Unable to use HashSet for my type
7330 ::
Exceptions which can hold / pass an object?
7329 ::
AVR Support?
7251 ::
Nim for mobile
7231 ::
any way to extra version info from <project>.nimble file?
7183 ::
Nim compiled DLL, using Powerbuild programming language call, parameter return result garbled code.
7163 ::
Nim quiz?
7124 ::
How to write a macro correctly which contains a 'char'?
7099 ::
Real sets and tables anywhere?
7095 ::
is there a way to combine types?
7086 ::
best way to store key definition for a game
7083 ::
Nim based Firmware -- it's tiny!
7065 ::
GuildenStern 0.9: Modular multithreading web server for Linux
7055 ::
std/tables [] vs. add()
7054 ::
Zippy: a dependency-free Nim implementation of deflate, gzip, zlib, zip
7026 ::
SIGSEGV on Android
7025 ::
Idiomatic function call coding style?
7016 ::
Handle missing library at runtime?
7014 ::
Sublime Text user experience
7008 ::
Why does this proc may have side effects?
6992 ::
Nim 1.2.8 and 1.0.10 are released
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6896 ::
Nim - plugin for IntelliJ IDEs | JetBrains
6855 ::
pro/cons in using nimpy
6733 ::
Blog post about strict funcs
6728 ::
How to know where a proc is defined - or: Newbie tries to get used to unqualified imports
6645 ::
How to implement a single table that all threads can access?
6631 ::
fltk binding for Nim : getting error " Error: cannot open file: fltk"
6505 ::
advanced `nim doc` use
6430 ::
Exporting string functions from DLLs
6415 ::
Using a Table as an object's member.
6408 ::
Nim in business
6398 ::
How to properly construct a ref type inside Option in functions?
6396 ::
Uncle Bob - one syntax to rule them all?
6350 ::
Change Nim colour on GitHub
6347 ::
hello world execute on openwrt
6255 ::
import vs include
6210 ::
v1.2 fails to compile "==" for standalone & gc=none
6138 ::
Is there a way to iterate over a set?
6135 ::
E-mail newsletter for blog
6132 ::
Idea: Nim Online Conference
6105 ::
ggplotnim - pretty native plots for us
6071 ::
Nim lang for Raspberry Pi devices
5996 ::
Doubt! Proc and import
5914 ::
Comparison Rust vs Nim binary sizes for IOT applications (just an FYI if you're interested)
5881 ::
Compile time FFI
5866 ::
FOSDEM 2020 - Brussels February 1st & 2nd
5823 ::
Why does this proc have side effects?
5805 ::
Setup Nim with Vim/NeoVim
5691 ::
Editor with nimsuggest support for libs with generics?
5623 ::
Nim is the friendliest language to start
5577 ::
FOSDEM CfP deadline is 26/11/19
5516 ::
Memory leak
5511 ::
GC_ref & GC_unref - and when to use them
5509 ::
Announcement: Use Nim for programming on Bluetooth chips
5330 ::
FOSDEM Call for Participation
5295 ::
ui TABLE error
5260 ::
Some indicators on Nimble packages
5251 ::
Persistent data structures
5214 ::
[RFC] Why use Nim?
5128 ::
Can I throw errors with custom fields?
5118 ::
rumpkernel or baremetal runtime to run Nim program standalone
5110 ::
FOSDEM 2020 Newer languages developer room
5095 ::
Nested sequences in Nim, how to?
5045 ::
How to Maintain a Nim Chinese Community
5029 ::
Vim 8 code completion plugin?
4693 ::
Introducing Norm: a Nim ORM
4691 ::
Dereference a pointer to its underlying type
4631 ::
FOSDEM "Metaprogramming in Nim" talk now online
4610 ::
no "--opt:size" leads EXE to "SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)"
4602 ::
how to use PassC/PassL pragma?
4569 ::
questions on binding C DLL
4461 ::
4029 ::
Trouble using dynamic libraries in Nim
4028 ::
Jester v0.3.0 and our first CVE ID
4013 ::
Best/most updated libraries for game development
3827 ::
Re-compile and start the program again within the program
3814 ::
Why is Nim so slow in this "Completely Unscientific Benchmark"?
3805 ::
Lexers and parsers in nim
3710 ::
module name collision across nimble packages
3687 ::
Protocol Buffer library for Nim
3578 ::
Several problems with nimcr
3224 ::
General hacking in the Nim ecosystem.
3043 ::
GObject Introspection based GTK3 high level bindings with nimble support
2364 ::
Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...
1207 ::
when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'
29 ::
String to AST