12626 ::
gintro / owlkettle i18n internationalization
11761 ::
Why does ORC GC alter my data in Nim but ARC doesn't? What am I doing wrong?
11723 ::
Nimsuggest and Manjaro Nim installation
11651 ::
Nim Killer Fullstack App
11620 ::
Number sequences
11485 ::
Nim implementation of Ruby tap() method
11293 ::
How do you handle incomplete nimble packages?
11261 ::
Oversight or intentional?
11228 ::
Challenge: Weak linking on Windows
11022 ::
JS debugger
11013 ::
Default object values behavior
10928 ::
HTTP/2 Support?
10910 ::
Nim safety features like Zig & Rust?
10858 ::
why nim don't allow it ?
10821 ::
Why Nim allowing asm stmt at js ?
10809 ::
Nimstrict: A case sensitivity linter for Nim
10645 ::
Nim Community Survey 2023
10644 ::
browser automation recommendation?
10596 ::
My experiences with Nim
10594 ::
10539 ::
GUI program is not working when using app:console in version 2.0
10530 ::
idea : reuse libraries from other languages
10512 ::
Making function params optional when wrapping a JS library?
10510 ::
How do i add and utilze a nested object when wrapping JS?
10502 ::
How to Properly Wait for a JS Async Event in Nim?
10470 ::
why float casting is not working ?
10469 ::
how to properly set environment variables
10466 ::
how to get the string of all command line parameters except the first parameter ?
10460 ::
Is it possible to safely share refs across threads?
10454 ::
Is it possible to make an extension for the browser on nim-lang?
10447 ::
nim documention
10437 ::
Inferring type of zero-sized collection from usage
10392 ::
Open file at compile-time [JS backend]
10363 ::
Help: nim c -r --verbository:0 test2.nim fail
10349 ::
Some of Nim's convention needs to change in order for it to succeed
10327 ::
Compiling nimrtl.nim as static library
10325 ::
Bisect bugs GitHub Action
10308 ::
Undeclared field - Unrecognized proc
10268 ::
Is there any utility to output a graphical representation of a Nim Abstract Syntax Tree?
10254 ::
tell me the library for windows to download files with a progress bar
10251 ::
Nim library interoperability with other GC languages (NodeJs, Golang)
10243 ::
How to get operating system information in nim-lang?
10218 ::
“NIM” backronyms
10212 ::
Replicate python code in nim
10203 ::
std/paths and $ proc
10198 ::
10155 ::
Is ORC considered production-ready? What is the consensus on its use?
10011 ::
All chr() up to 127 returns correct unicode character, but chr([128++]) returns �
9943 ::
JS backend: Can't return a proc that iterates over an openArray
9931 ::
How do I declare a proc as returning a (JavaScript) Promise with no return value?
9925 ::
How to declare array (of unknown size) of floats for a webaudio wrapper function signature?
9922 ::
Difference {.importcpp.} vs {.importjs.}
9886 ::
Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9833 ::
How to wrap a JavaScript function that takes variable arguments?
9831 ::
Numerical libraries for data science
9759 ::
How to further speed up the build of your Nim's projects (using ccache)
9737 ::
Mr. Rumpf, why didn't you went along with the Python standard library?
9733 ::
Why is the cursor pragma called cursor?
9725 ::
JS compiler produces a large file (with -d:release) ?
9704 ::
A new way for Nim to shine ? Faster than NodeJS interpreted Nim, taking advantage of declared types
9654 ::
Import C and Nim keyword collisions
9652 ::
Best way for ipc between a rust app and Nim app?
9650 ::
Electron in nim like Tarui and Wails v2
9596 ::
A cost model for Nim v2
9571 ::
How to edit the wiki?
9545 ::
Declaring an uninitialized seq & avoid unnecessary zero-mem's
9529 ::
Access type from two different files
9527 ::
How to check if a string is numeric?
9525 ::
Ways to tweak the output of the JavaScript backend
9496 ::
EpochTime substractions gives out small negative float
9474 ::
9450 ::
Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?
9431 ::
UI with WebView without JS?
9423 ::
Hello World with --mm:none and --warningAsError:GcMem
9395 ::
Ideas for useful/cute little GUI programs?
9388 ::
Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9377 ::
nimiSlides 🛷 Create beautiful slideshows in Nim 👑
9374 ::
Why is db_postgres so slow?
9371 ::
Alternative to gravatar for the forums?
9336 ::
Nim Wiki disabled contributions
9309 ::
Nim thread memory handling in threads with and without orc
9294 ::
When should i use JsonNode instead of tables
9268 ::
If imported name conflicts with Nim keyword, what would you call it?
9263 ::
Init procedure naming convention for non-GC memory
9254 ::
Deploy DLLs
9172 ::
Are rst's files supposed to be readable?
9118 ::
Varargs limitation
9028 ::
my TUI designer.
8964 ::
Need variable to be constant on runtime without initialization at declaring
8915 ::
Trouble interfacing with C/C++ single-header library
8884 ::
How's regex modifier in nim PCRE ?
8840 ::
What about `or=`, `and=` and `xor=`?
8793 ::
Can I haz splat operator
8746 ::
can we write nim instead of c++?
8741 ::
rust's dbg! macro equivalent in nim
8727 ::
Geniune question about JS backend support
8725 ::
Pythons None in Nim
8716 ::
nim - shell
8662 ::
Is it possible to make the program crash if orc gc finds a cyclic reference?
8627 ::
Preview of coming attractions?
8615 ::
Readability problems
8547 ::
8536 ::
const loop unrolling, or const to static?
8516 ::
Does Nim support name for anonymous procedures?
8515 ::
The fate of Nim Editors
8506 ::
How to overload procedure correctly?
8497 ::
Nim : Style insensitivity , snake_case , camelCase
8492 ::
Trailing commas in "command" syntax?
8491 ::
Make android app
8482 ::
nim js Geolocation API
8471 ::
complex lib inline
8449 ::
Typescript as compilation target
8430 ::
How to download at compile-time?
8428 ::
high precission -> f1024
8424 ::
What is the role of the expression "{.importc.}" when transpiling to JavaScript?
8421 ::
How do you create a <div> with Nim dom?
8409 ::
What is the status of Nim IUP?
8379 ::
Design choice advice for Python-to-Nim transpiler (Python Devs)
8377 ::
code competition.
8373 ::
Any plans for better optional arguments?
8342 ::
Why `except` doesn't catch `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)`?
8340 ::
Nim for UI Automation
8333 ::
A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8322 ::
How to respond to a key event in Jester?
8318 ::
what is positive number in nim called
8317 ::
convert methods to input
8311 ::
constructor which will be called immediately after var call.
8302 ::
complaining about nim popularity.
8301 ::
make indentation for proc temp macros as var let const
8299 ::
Serial string generation & generators
8293 ::
Is it possible to have generic object members?
8277 ::
Why can't I use my macro like this?
8274 ::
Nim earns mention in the news (unfortunately?)
8272 ::
String formatting a number with Javascript backend
8259 ::
What is the purpose of do notation
8254 ::
Nim online meetup - Friday July 23rd
8228 ::
Newbie: Mock object for assert when field not exported
8211 ::
In the JavaScript backend how to pass a array back as sequence?
8209 ::
Why do `del` and `pop` procedures of TableRef not guarantee operations in one attempt?
8191 ::
Cannot properly internationalize
8170 ::
Type-safe DSL / Data Schema
8169 ::
Is there a way to build better Nim DSL for plotting?
8165 ::
include a file variably
8161 ::
Associating a type with a concept?
8156 ::
Using streams in Nim?
8139 ::
Noob var/let question
8116 ::
Modern web development using Karax
8110 ::
Proposed table changes - get and getOrDefault
8104 ::
Test for https://github.com/nim-lang/Nim/issues/9070
8100 ::
JS bindings - JsObject vs ref object
8096 ::
Add to a seq inside an ordered table
8092 ::
mixed bag seq: allow strings and int in a seq
8091 ::
Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
8083 ::
sequtils insert sink problem
8079 ::
CSV: paring in js
8078 ::
Odd issues with HttpClient and AsyncHttpClient
8074 ::
Nim JSON parsing is 30 times slower than Node.JS
8067 ::
high(Natural) == high(int)
8056 ::
How can I use return value from a spawned function in Nim?
8038 ::
Native integration of Nim and JavaScript/TypeScript
8035 ::
Export in JS backend
8016 ::
What the minimal version of Linux kernel Nim support?
8005 ::
Transpile Nim to Dart/Flutter?
7998 ::
Dynamic size limit for sets
7997 ::
JS FFI - getting started
7971 ::
How to use an OrderedTable
7969 ::
Which parameter list delimiter is more "standard"? Commas or semicolons?
7966 ::
How to properly use c2nim?
7958 ::
How to catch DOM exception in Nim code?
7953 ::
Implicit line joining rules
7946 ::
Is there a way to detect if template is expanded at global scope or within a function
7930 ::
How to http post nested data?
7915 ::
"TypeError: c_1455079.charCodeAt is not a function" on jsfs' readFileSync
7913 ::
File IO for the JS backend on node
7912 ::
Idiomatic way to run a process in the background and close it when appropriate?
7908 ::
wikipedia: nim reference - regex engines - comparison
7879 ::
Verbatim multiline strings & indentation
7878 ::
Secure Nim Sandbox, with IO, CPU, Memory, Time restrictions. Possible?
7871 ::
variable set at compile time
7862 ::
How to definitely free memory of seq?
7850 ::
Is there a reliable way to round?
7831 ::
streamlining nim and showing off quick apps
7827 ::
Accessing {.emit.}'d variables across modules?
7826 ::
Simple RPC, call remote Nim functions as if its local, experimenting...
7824 ::
Unicode string print - the four faces look different when printing - why?
7821 ::
7820 ::
When to use nim.cfg vs config.nims?
7819 ::
python: print(x, end=" ")
7817 ::
Post process string formatted with `fmt`
7806 ::
An easy way of displaying video?
7786 ::
The NaN story, short version
7719 ::
Inline print a sequence or strip '"'
7714 ::
converting a hex string to uint32 in JS context
7707 ::
Testament documentation - test-case, test-step, setup, tearDown
7701 ::
Chrome Extensions with Nim, who would have thought?
7693 ::
globalThis is not defined although node version is v14.4.0
7680 ::
runnableExamples need random - what can I do?
7671 ::
Nimble download/install sequence improvement
7662 ::
json - update
7653 ::
Memory increase on simple http server after 50 requests
7638 ::
Retrieve content from a URL under the JS backend
7630 ::
Can nim long polling?
7621 ::
Criticism of Parallel Nim
7619 ::
Why I can't unmarshal JSON with spaces in the JSON keys?
7618 ::
Splat operator in Nim?
7615 ::
Add item to Set?
7601 ::
Are sequences the nim equivalent of python lists?
7597 ::
Importing modules on Visual Studio Code
7559 ::
Show Nim: Pixie, a fast 2D vector graphics library we are excited to share!
7553 ::
When multiple proc match the call, use the most specific one?
7549 ::
Nim 1.4.4 and 1.2.10 released
7528 ::
Patching existing libraries with "include"
7526 ::
nim.cfg - pragma
7519 ::
How to access command line parameters under the JS backend
7476 ::
How to set filepermissions
7468 ::
Karax and inline svg elements, what's the recommended way?
7467 ::
There's a Yankees fan writing the Nim tutorial... lol
7457 ::
What are the latest developments in the Nim compiler?
7445 ::
Trying to use times now
7439 ::
Nim forum statistics
7408 ::
What are simple profilers to use with Nim?
7407 ::
Is there a way to use question mark in my proc names?
7371 ::
Any plans for syntactic sugar for parameter unpacking?
7363 ::
How to write a template to call function with arbitrary number of arguments?
7331 ::
Why include doesn't work?
7329 ::
AVR Support?
7322 ::
Weird how visibility scope works if generic proc used. Possible bug?
7319 ::
Seems like a bug? SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access.
7312 ::
using readFile with javascript
7309 ::
DumpIncludes - See where your exe size comes from.
7305 ::
any trick to custom varargs implementation in generated js?
7299 ::
How to sum the values of a table?
7294 ::
How to deal with Enums with same names?
7291 ::
terminal.nim says i don't have a true color term (but it's wrong)
7288 ::
7287 ::
Cancelation points in async
7283 ::
Nimscripter - Easy Nimscript-Nim interop
7282 ::
Client-side JS with Nim
7275 ::
Why is my program so much slower in Nim than in Rust?
7269 ::
One line comprehension equivalence
7266 ::
NodeJS for Nim
7219 ::
Nim Lang requires a proper standard for coding
7205 ::
Is somebody working on a Fyne-like GUI lib for Nim?
7178 ::
Help with Gui programming in for a beginner
7170 ::
How to rewrite nim programming langauge to be pythonic as possible?
7155 ::
Is there an easy way to bake in parameters at compile time?
7138 ::
Are these constants effectively saving computations?
7130 ::
Why is the implicit `result` so widely used?
7128 ::
Regular expressions in Nimscript?
7110 ::
How to make code GC-Safe when a global constant is used in a proc ?
7058 ::
7054 ::
Zippy: a dependency-free Nim implementation of deflate, gzip, zlib, zip
7034 ::
Nimpretty GitHub Action
7030 ::
How to measure HttpClient request total time
7017 ::
Help using the effects pragma
7008 ::
Why does this proc may have side effects?
7003 ::
Nim videos and tutorials survey
6984 ::
listFiles() at compile time?
6978 ::
Isolated [T]
6967 ::
Naming convention when calling procs from other modules?
6943 ::
Forcing a memory leak in Nim
6937 ::
Version 1.4.0 released
6920 ::
A nice read about Nim (blog article)
6916 ::
Show and tell: RPC on embedded devices
6910 ::
Standard formatting for documentation comments?
6907 ::
How to use a custom pragma on an object to generates procs?
6868 ::
it there general gitignore configs for binaries?
6867 ::
[noob] Help with sets
6858 ::
Enu - 3d live programming and game dev in Nim
6834 ::
Electron-like app with Nim
6822 ::
dollars for ref types
6816 ::
expandMacros problem with export postfix star '*'
6802 ::
How to support compile time regex constructor /abc/ for JS backend?
6801 ::
how to package C-only project on macOS?
6786 ::
Is there any PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework or package written in nim?
6759 ::
What about simplifying if-else statements ?
6757 ::
formatted math in documentation?
6749 ::
How to wrap JavaScript library
6738 ::
Nimble package structure and interop changes
6731 ::
List with the modules of the Standard library which do not work with the JS backend
6728 ::
How to know where a proc is defined - or: Newbie tries to get used to unqualified imports
6699 ::
Targeting JavaScript
6693 ::
General recommendation for optimum performance?
6672 ::
Improving Nim for Beginners video series's AUDIO
6656 ::
HTML template layout
6646 ::
Sandboxing untrusted Nimscript code
6616 ::
Is possible to declare var by using string as identifier
6603 ::
required type seq[float or float32 or int], but expression is of type: seq[float32]
6585 ::
What code is affected by runtime check pragmas?
6577 ::
nim c fibonacci.nim
6567 ::
Compile time check for let
6562 ::
More readable C name-mangling?
6554 ::
embed DLL into EXE?
6550 ::
Beginner - Is there a Nim's similar to a Python dictionary?
6549 ::
Update on --gc:arc
6546 ::
Link to documentation in homepage examples
6541 ::
Python transpiler
6534 ::
"Nim for Python Programmers" wiki page
6514 ::
Why does wrapping the code in a top level procedure make it faster?
6508 ::
Connection-Pooling Compile-Time ORM
6505 ::
advanced `nim doc` use
6481 ::
NvP: s = s & 'x'
6478 ::
Help, I can't return an openarray
6471 ::
Norm 2.0.0
6461 ::
Nim embedded inside Python
6455 ::
On my first 'greet.nim' I get a C compiler error on RHEL 7
6452 ::
First take: parameters
6449 ::
Unclear (for Python people) import behavior. And how to deal with it
6444 ::
Perf: Table.del(key)is taking 85% of my code's time
6434 ::
Nim's popularity
6411 ::
Python PIP for Nim
6399 ::
Lambda syntax is awkward
6390 ::
What is -> in Nim?
6384 ::
Nim Cheatsheet PDF (English+Spanish+Latex)
6381 ::
VSCode debug: strings and booleans are ugly
6364 ::
Setting up a FreeBSD VM for Nim development
6354 ::
Archived Nimble package
6353 ::
Issues with nimble paths
6323 ::
A good word for idiomatic nim?
6282 ::
Exporting json objects to Javascript, how can I make this code more terse?
6278 ::
Typography update - now it can render 99% the Google Fonts ttf.
6273 ::
Understanding "Error: cannot evaluate at compile time"
6268 ::
Embedding OpenGL window into some of our gui frameworks
6257 ::
Automated Nim Packages Security Audit
6256 ::
NOOB: Few simple questions ...
6253 ::
Nim's strutils.split() slower than Python's string split()?
6247 ::
Help understanding simple string pointer indexing example
6245 ::
How to return user defined type from a thread spawned?
6219 ::
String constant concatenation
6213 ::
New GUI Framework
6207 ::
generate c++ code from .nim file
6185 ::
Where can I deploy a Nim web application? Is there a "NimAnywhere" yet?
6179 ::
Web Scraping
6170 ::
Nim programming book for kids
6141 ::
Custom default for type
6125 ::
Nim 2, Nim 2020, and all that
6113 ::
{.this: self.} pragma
6112 ::
Nim Bugs
6093 ::
Handling case in getSectionValue in parsecfg
6076 ::
template expressions
6039 ::
Documenting one liner
6036 ::
Arraymancer and --gc:arc
6017 ::
how to deal with C string with \0?
6016 ::
Some rant about nim
5996 ::
Doubt! Proc and import
5994 ::
Is this possible?
5993 ::
Templates and imports
5989 ::
Styling Karax app
5985 ::
How does nim infer that a cpu on windows is 64-bit
5983 ::
Nim's float issue?
5967 ::
func/proc blocks
5962 ::
Nim new Playground/Pastebin of Spanish group
5955 ::
How to package a nim program in an APK file
5949 ::
soy nuevo en nim
5944 ::
Nim Compiling to js
5943 ::
Why whitespace?
5939 ::
Zig as C compiler for Nim. How to feed him the code
5922 ::
How to print output from two echo in a single line?
5917 ::
Suggestions for optimization?
5914 ::
Comparison Rust vs Nim binary sizes for IOT applications (just an FYI if you're interested)
5909 ::
Parallel example for computing pi efficiently is actually slow
5903 ::
Nim custom Lua backend?
5897 ::
Parallel statement: procedure returning string
5894 ::
Extended routes that return json doesn't compile
5893 ::
Change server name in Jester
5884 ::
Can someone explain how to use the ".since" pragma?
5880 ::
Template with dirty pragma within an async context
5878 ::
Is "danger" define supposed to also define "release"?
5876 ::
Help: Zip (Creating / Opening)
5865 ::
Nim 1.0.6 is out!
5864 ::
Nim macro help
5858 ::
Code golfing in Nim
5855 ::
Fizzbuzz game
5851 ::
future of htmlgen
5847 ::
how can I use enum for collection of types
5803 ::
How do you add switched to the build task?
5745 ::
Custom Backend
5722 ::
understanding risk of shadowing
5706 ::
What’s your favorite programming language and why?
5689 ::
Anything to notice before using JavaScript backend of Nim?
5661 ::
Nim forum confirmation email has no date
5657 ::
Recommended GUI library?
5656 ::
Nim 1.1+ roadmap?
5651 ::
3rd Party Library Documentation
5649 ::
Is it possible to browse the nimble.directory?
5646 ::
Which is the preferred style: call(x) or call x
5641 ::
UI showcase ideas
5636 ::
An error has occurred when I ran `nimble publish`
5634 ::
Godot and Blender
5632 ::
Any possibility of a near term Lazarus/C#-like GUI-designer IDE?
5626 ::
Nim extension libs for python
5625 ::
Nim lang for beginners?
5623 ::
Nim is the friendliest language to start
5567 ::
Get name of proc at compile time
5548 ::
How to avoid recursive module dependency ?
5525 ::
Need advice regarding using templates
5521 ::
Jester performance on FreeBSD is 1/10 of that on Linux
5516 ::
Memory leak
5515 ::
Help needed on script for compiling Nim programs
5514 ::
nim doc generates ugly output for const tables
5512 ::
Add custom flags to nimble install
5506 ::
Can I "prune" directories with walkDirRect?
5505 ::
It seems a bit confusing to express the current class object with the first argument.
5500 ::
``monotimes`` for benchmarking?
5497 ::
Nimrad: Nim and Rapid Application Development
5496 ::
String with quotes
5494 ::
Marshal and friends
5486 ::
Play audio in Nim ?
5475 ::
A taxonomy of Nim packages
5454 ::
Reduce memory footprint - manually free objects?
5442 ::
build*.exe with pictures, icons...
5441 ::
template/generic instantiation of `map` warning
5431 ::
Where is the behavior of `do` blocks described?
5406 ::
How to write a shared(static in c++) proc in a type ?
5390 ::
List of processes and get information on process
5383 ::
Requesting examples of macros in Nim
5374 ::
Reverse engineering of code into UML diagrams
5363 ::
Winning the Base64 benchmarks.
5361 ::
May we need one more assert(), like debugAssert()?
5357 ::
query pc specification?
5350 ::
Redirect stdout
5345 ::
Newbie question: let f = 0.0; why type(f) is float64 instead of float?
5340 ::
Problem with macro and identation ...
5315 ::
Safety of staticRead and StaticExec?
5308 ::
beginners tutorial
5302 ::
Using the JS Backend as transpiler
5289 ::
Nim v1.1 and beyond roadmap
5279 ::
Difference between discard and await?
5278 ::
generated_not_to_break_here breaks coco
5275 ::
Parameter location doesn't match proc api parameter location
5267 ::
Introducing nim-metrics - a client library supporting Prometheus, StatsD and Carbon
5260 ::
Some indicators on Nimble packages
5256 ::
Nim for my future project ?
5247 ::
Karax/Jester simple CRUD example?
5235 ::
5232 ::
Can someone help me fill in missing info about Nim's 8 GC models?
5230 ::
Nim source size
5220 ::
Nim for Beginners Video Series
5217 ::
5214 ::
[RFC] Why use Nim?
5212 ::
Tried to learn NIM some feedback
5203 ::
How to get mac address of the local host?
5190 ::
Call to all nimble package authors
5174 ::
How does the pass statement differ from python?
5170 ::
Unable to compile "Nim invocation example from C" from documentation
5168 ::
How to use staticRead zip file?
5160 ::
could not load: libpcre.so(.3|.1|) why?
5159 ::
Is there a help() method, or dir(), like in python?
5149 ::
Came across a video talking about NIM
5112 ::
how to run single test among all tests?
5099 ::
Dead Code elimination
5092 ::
State of Nimble packages
5090 ::
Regarding array
5068 ::
Procs that work only inplace like strutils.removeSuffix()
5058 ::
The Practical Dev dedicated Nim section
5056 ::
The 'Nim way' of code structure and object composition
5053 ::
Echo a NimNode
5021 ::
Can Nim tell me about unused imports, lets, const and .high?
5020 ::
side effects through local() or parse() from times module
5006 ::
D templated codeblocks
5005 ::
Simulation: FMI standard (FMU files)
4998 ::
Macro to create a dictionary (table) like in python!
4997 ::
Choosing the right `osproc` function
4986 ::
Nim program executes painfully slow
4983 ::
Nimscript proc missing?
4969 ::
Dynamic Tuple creation
4965 ::
Sequence of typeclass
4948 ::
Nim users living in Amsterdam?
4947 ::
Any Swagger/OpenAPI client
4927 ::
--opt:speed slow down nimpy code
4907 ::
Extending Enumerations to Support Step and Binary Enums
4880 ::
I think we can really do better...
4838 ::
Question about colorized output with nim (console application)
4819 ::
Passing in-memory code to the compiler
4806 ::
What's the tag line for --newruntime Nim going to say?
4802 ::
Sielo with Nim
4794 ::
Auto import file with config.nims
4772 ::
Question about strutils
4754 ::
Nim + Flutter == bright future?
4753 ::
How I feel about Nim
4749 ::
How to compile and run a Nim program on the Android?
4731 ::
Can I use headless browser and capture the page?
4703 ::
Legal Threats In Nimble Packages
4684 ::
Cross compile (Osx to linux) - how to
4683 ::
Config file location for loadConfig
4673 ::
Nim Language group in London
4671 ::
Convert string to char
4656 ::
can not run nimedit
4643 ::
Msgpack to JSON (deserialisation)
4618 ::
Custom assignment operator
4605 ::
for loop with tuple returns reference to tuple member
4604 ::
Internationalization of unmodified source code at compile time i18n
4602 ::
how to use PassC/PassL pragma?
4577 ::
proposing new doc terminology for "compile-time" and "runtime"
4576 ::
Purpose of this forum
4572 ::
Building Minimal Docker Containers for nim Applications
4568 ::
yet another question on code substitution with templates
4562 ::
Global procedure access?
4548 ::
Python Modules & why Python is better
4544 ::
New "Learn Nim" page
4517 ::
[help needed] nim version of: COMPARING PYTHAGOREAN TRIPLES IN C++, D, AND RUST
4510 ::
Convincing my friend about Nim
4508 ::
TDD reference project
4502 ::
How to achieve "mechanical substitution" like C macro
4501 ::
openArray[(cstring,cstring)] parameter
4499 ::
PEG.js-like API for the pegs module
4496 ::
How can we define a function that returns a type like a Union type?
4493 ::
My experience with nim so far
4488 ::
Functional Programming in Nim
4479 ::
Nim video lists
4478 ::
How to parse JSON at compile time?
4406 ::
Need help for a generic object field
4394 ::
What'd I miss?
4383 ::
Macro that generates procs
4380 ::
Any suggestion on scheduling a job in nim?
4373 ::
What do I call this Part?
4370 ::
Do we really like or need single letter prefixes like w, m... in public libs?
4359 ::
why var can not be declared this way?
4358 ::
GC V2 features
4350 ::
Proper compiler options for release build
4347 ::
should `computedGoto` be always implied ? (ie make computedGoto noop)
4343 ::
R-style logical vector operations in Nim?
4329 ::
should we deprecate nim.cfg in favor of config.nims format?
4305 ::
Need gzopen(filename, mode...) proc with similar behaviour to open(filename, mode...)
4302 ::
Trying to learn templates, but its hard to understand.
4290 ::
Quick Start Documentation
4288 ::
AddOns to Nim? (a bit similar to rubygems.org + projects)
4285 ::
how to increase velocity for merging PRs?
4279 ::
runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?
4276 ::
unary operators are often best replaced by explicit names, eg: `%*` => toJson
4274 ::
runnableExamples should generally be preferred to `.. code-block:: nim`
4262 ::
Are Source Code Filters still needed now that we have strformat?
4243 ::
Nim developer retention data and out-of-date packages
4242 ::
Nim source equivalent to C #define
4227 ::
Nim alternative to "With" in VB.Net and other basic dialects
4216 ::
httpclient issues with iterating and requesting items in seq
4211 ::
Please help me to understand templates in nim
4203 ::
Cannot call function with argument of Nim from Python3
4196 ::
[Help]update nim ubuntu package
4195 ::
Help with optimizing config.nims to create a musl target (static binary)
4188 ::
How to use com in Nim ?
4179 ::
Sequtil Question
4177 ::
easy way to convert between different data types?
4166 ::
Has anyone wrapped GR?
4160 ::
Using the MEGA API
4117 ::
Can you leave a link to download the Nim in Action book in pdf / djvu format?
4116 ::
A tutorial for cross-compiling to Windows on a Linux machine?
4108 ::
NEWBIE - cannot find libraries when linking
4069 ::
subrange and succ()
4049 ::
Nim's WASM future?
4032 ::
Why `a, b = 0` fails?
4022 ::
are nim exceptions "zero cost" (on error-free execution) ? (if so, `defer` should be used more)
4014 ::
Clarity around nimble and nim when cross-compiling
3992 ::
getting started question, jester vs. karax?
3957 ::
Nim interpreter in Python?
3930 ::
Feedback wanted for the next Nim community survey
3890 ::
Would it be possible to have a string variable passed to strformat/fmt?
3888 ::
Some Tactics For Increasing Nim Popularity
3863 ::
Does Nim have a None type like Python that can work with any other type?
3755 ::
could javascript backend make use of new javascript ES6 module support?
3029 ::
Arraymancer - v0.4.0 (May 2018)
2430 ::
Official Nim Images for Docker
2171 ::
Mix of types in division operator '/'
1961 ::
Understanding memory safety compared to Golang
1305 ::
Compile-time string obfuscation