11790 ::
Understanding more complex generic types in Nim coming from Typescript
11761 ::
Why does ORC GC alter my data in Nim but ARC doesn't? What am I doing wrong?
11633 ::
"fall-through" and default values
11601 ::
Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?
11582 ::
Polymorphism in Nim
11551 ::
get object field by variable
11538 ::
How to create a logical expression programmatically?
11485 ::
Nim implementation of Ruby tap() method
11467 ::
Fake Nim books an Amazon, which ones are real?
11304 ::
Access operator on distinct type of array
11052 ::
Do not understand the error when trying to add to seq inside loop
10961 ::
Unreachable code is reached
10950 ::
`nph` opinionated formatter v0.4
10941 ::
2D sequence setter
10937 ::
What would happen if a time traveler took Nim source code to the 70s or 80s or 90s?
10929 ::
Definition of name equivalence
10927 ::
Feedback on site: Scroll to Top or Update Design for Docs
10908 ::
punctuations rituals
10898 ::
Parser combinators experiment causes Error: "cannot instantiate return:type"
10887 ::
Cannot capture a Table[string, string]
10872 ::
How to easy create and init a large array? Its have values
10867 ::
Dynamic Typing in Nim
10850 ::
`nph` opinionated formatter v0.3
10825 ::
std/htmlgen first paragraph
10793 ::
`nph` opinonated formatter v0.2
10762 ::
Nim Tooling Roadmap
10754 ::
Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim
10739 ::
An Ode to my Goddess Nim.
10688 ::
Brackets and unary operators
10639 ::
proc/func/method: syntax
10627 ::
Editor inlay hints?
10597 ::
Error: expression 'x' is of type 'y' and has to be used (or discarded)
10595 ::
What's stopping Nim from going mainstream? (And how to fix it?)
10551 ::
How to echo from a proc correctly?
10544 ::
NimConf 2023
10530 ::
idea : reuse libraries from other languages
10529 ::
Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10528 ::
How ready is Nim (and the ecosystem) for front-end web development?
10523 ::
Customizable Nimble-badge with latest tag
10499 ::
Mindset Nim
10457 ::
Allowed key types in std/tables
10440 ::
Type mismatch when trying to add to custom seq
10437 ::
Inferring type of zero-sized collection from usage
10369 ::
Top-level generic variable
10366 ::
Nim version 2.0.0 is here
10353 ::
Using Unicode in procedure and variable names
10349 ::
Some of Nim's convention needs to change in order for it to succeed
10336 ::
redirect echo result to make a lazy function?
10326 ::
How to pass a C array to a C function taking a pointer?
10320 ::
Suggestion to improve proc type infer, and some complains
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10311 ::
I can't understand the func parseTime
10298 ::
Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra series of blog posts
10272 ::
procs: forward declaration
10218 ::
“NIM” backronyms
10214 ::
Support for Tree-sitter?
10211 ::
Algebraic data types and structural pattern matching RFC
10186 ::
Is there a way to see the NIM version in an NIM executable (binary) ?
10181 ::
Why `!=` is template and not a func?
10171 ::
Good Languages Borrow, Great Languages Nim
10162 ::
How can I return a tuple of arrays from a proc. Having difficulty with proc signature
10150 ::
Checking for exact floating-point representations
10131 ::
Can I quick get table last key value use like at(idx) function?
10125 ::
Pass generic proc object different sub-types
10123 ::
EU Cyber Resilience Act impact on Open Source community
10099 ::
How can I know whether an untyped argument of a template can be stringified?
9990 ::
Example of simple parser?
9952 ::
Compilation error (type mismatch)
9948 ::
Mixed C / Cpp project structure?
9943 ::
JS backend: Can't return a proc that iterates over an openArray
9941 ::
Proc type won't match despite identical signatures
9929 ::
new vs object literal for ref objects
9886 ::
Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9882 ::
Wanted libraries wishlist?
9860 ::
Minimising of using imports in the same project
9858 ::
Twisting Nim's arm to generate loop #pragmas .
9848 ::
Problem with object constructor in macro
9840 ::
"index 7 not in 0 .. 6 [IndexDefect]" when converting a nim project to Javascript
9833 ::
How to wrap a JavaScript function that takes variable arguments?
9831 ::
Numerical libraries for data science
9816 ::
What would be the bast way to get parsing and validation of parameters (option:value)
9799 ::
Two type matches, both wrong: how to do it right?
9797 ::
Regex error - "Error: missing closing ' for character literal"
9791 ::
A seasoned programmer's take on Nim's docs
9777 ::
Roadmap 2023
9765 ::
try-catch misbehavior
9748 ::
Atlas -- the package cloner
9737 ::
Mr. Rumpf, why didn't you went along with the Python standard library?
9716 ::
Update on strict funcs
9708 ::
9703 ::
9699 ::
Nim HashSets operators
9659 ::
Plans for improving tagged enum (ADT) syntax?
9644 ::
Is it allowed to use dealloc instead of free?
9620 ::
Small Nim js fib benchmark
9618 ::
nvim-summon: Neovim plugin for adding standerd library imports
9542 ::
Newbie first impressions
9525 ::
Ways to tweak the output of the JavaScript backend
9509 ::
How to declare a varible in a case statement for use afterwrads
9506 ::
Threaded TLSF
9500 ::
How to chain anonymous proc with UFCS?
9480 ::
Return multiple "flat" nodes from a macro
9449 ::
how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9444 ::
Inner Loop Index Type
9441 ::
Parser Combinator Dynamic Dispatch, Object Variants and Inheritance
9437 ::
Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9420 ::
NimConf 2022 - registrations
9417 ::
Captures in `peg` sub-parsers
9412 ::
Can iterators not be variables?
9407 ::
Recursively replace pair of bytes with one byte, within given byte array
9403 ::
Fill array in C style
9397 ::
Can't get basic example of creating reference objects to work. Compilation errors.
9394 ::
When do we use pass & return by ref if everything behind the scenes is by-pointer anyway?
9388 ::
Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries
9371 ::
Alternative to gravatar for the forums?
9369 ::
Can't Get Length of Returned Table
9364 ::
How to make my library code aware of user provided overloads.
9305 ::
Force compilation of unused parts of a module
9279 ::
How to use concepts?
9268 ::
If imported name conflicts with Nim keyword, what would you call it?
9261 ::
Unexpected empty sequence
9259 ::
Mastering Nim: A complete guide to the programming language
9244 ::
Nimwave - build TUIs for the terminal, web, and desktop
9238 ::
Back to the roots of v2.. and what it could be
9219 ::
Cursed: Working braces in Nim
9213 ::
Solving cubic equations
9200 ::
Are there open badges on the forum?
9194 ::
passing tab separator as option value
9192 ::
Nim addressed my one major complaint
9148 ::
Hello Javascript!
9147 ::
Var + varargs = 🤯
9123 ::
Regex not working properly?
9110 ::
Seeking advices for a C programming book
9106 ::
Do name the array element
9074 ::
Impure libraries ???
9066 ::
[Karax] "include" statement doesn't work correctly inside karax DSL
9064 ::
SiSix and Nim
9053 ::
parseint not defined for char.
9033 ::
How do we preallocate string as element of array as this is..
9027 ::
how to debug macros used with concept?
9014 ::
wZeeGird and wChart app on windows are labled as Real Protect-PENGSD5! virus
8994 ::
How to fetch value pointed by a C++ std::list iterator?
8991 ::
Want Nim online code playground to be mobile and desktop friendly.
8970 ::
Can there be an else clause on a template (or macro)?
8963 ::
Performing goto in Nim
8962 ::
cstring has different behavior in different MM mode
8955 ::
OrderedTable missing Seq methods
8933 ::
import from url
8917 ::
the easiest to get this string cut
8904 ::
Compressing resulting JS
8900 ::
Comprehensive difference in read file to variable at once and by line
8879 ::
Hacker News discussion abou the recently discussed Rust vs Nim performance comparison
8864 ::
Weird issue with Nimble installation
8855 ::
Nim's autoformatter situation
8833 ::
Discussion: Why Static Languages Suffer From Complexity
8810 ::
Namespaces for non-enums without customizing the import statement?
8801 ::
Why don't build Nim libraries ecosystem on Rust ecosystem?
8793 ::
Can I haz splat operator
8781 ::
8780 ::
One Language to Rule the Mole
8777 ::
Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8774 ::
is computer online?
8737 ::
Why does 'string' and 'len' use 'int' rather than 'uint' for length?
8729 ::
Manipulating varargs in compile time (like what lua do in runtime)?
8725 ::
Pythons None in Nim
8723 ::
A rant about Nim bugs
8718 ::
How can I convert a generic Type?
8711 ::
How would this endianness check be translated to Nim?
8706 ::
Error: identifier expected, but got: paramStr(1)
8700 ::
Happy Christmas
8691 ::
Show Nim: Forematics is a Metamath verifier written in Nim.
8673 ::
Dynamic usage of arithmetic operators in nim
8672 ::
Order of execution: where to find understanding
8667 ::
This Month with Nim: November
8663 ::
What is "Option[system.bool]"?
8658 ::
Macros: why and/or when to use them?
8631 ::
Forbidden-by-default effects?
8630 ::
Zen of Nim
8621 ::
FOSDEM 2022 call for Nim Devroom (deadline tomorrow)
8615 ::
Readability problems
8609 ::
proc doSomething(msg="", opt=-1)
8596 ::
Indentation in Nim
8590 ::
Survey Question: flow research
8576 ::
Nim's version of the Trojan Source vulnerability
8561 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <End>
8558 ::
Nim with curly brace and tab
8556 ::
sequitls documentation outdated?
8534 ::
WTF ?! basic computations are faster in py3 than nim1.6 ?!
8527 ::
Nim 1.6.0 GTK cast cstring ?
8522 ::
Runtime Regex string replacing
8511 ::
Nim 1.6 is out!!
8507 ::
How to get n-th symbol of utf-8 string
8506 ::
How to overload procedure correctly?
8503 ::
Nim Nuggets: Talk About Nim At The Strange Loop Conference
8497 ::
Nim : Style insensitivity , snake_case , camelCase
8492 ::
Trailing commas in "command" syntax?
8457 ::
Closures inside loops without capturing loop variable?
8449 ::
Typescript as compilation target
8426 ::
Nim for Beginners #26 Reference Objects
8424 ::
What is the role of the expression "{.importc.}" when transpiling to JavaScript?
8415 ::
What does ref object key return
8408 ::
Why is backward index operator [^1] not zero based [^0]?
8386 ::
Concepts, undeclared field.
8385 ::
an equivalent to JAI's "use"?
8379 ::
Design choice advice for Python-to-Nim transpiler (Python Devs)
8377 ::
code competition.
8363 ::
Generics / function overloading for imported function
8333 ::
A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8324 ::
Print why assert failed?
8321 ::
goalkicker.com and httpclient
8298 ::
Why generic converter doesn't work?
8297 ::
Nim enters top 50 programming languages list on TIOBE Index!
8293 ::
Is it possible to have generic object members?
8290 ::
Possible to have a reference in a seq of another type?
8283 ::
8280 ::
techempower entry for nim stdlib http server
8279 ::
What is the difference between `quote do:` and just `quote:`?
8274 ::
Nim earns mention in the news (unfortunately?)
8252 ::
Templates as aliases
8246 ::
How to implement the 'Type parameters(aka generics)' as the following code
8235 ::
How can I run a procedure with specified time interval
8220 ::
Inlining macro and (probable) problems with HiddenStdConv/HiddenCallConv
8216 ::
Order of concept implementations and functions is significant?
8215 ::
Idiomatic Nim code for 2D Poisson simulation
8211 ::
In the JavaScript backend how to pass a array back as sequence?
8189 ::
Nested string format error:
8162 ::
Formatting a float to currency
8157 ::
Trouble comparing proc types
8142 ::
Why doesn't inheritance to work with 'var' arguments?
8133 ::
[tables] ref object with "not nil" does not have default value
8132 ::
Proc Definition in Macro Assumes GC Unsafe Before Reading All of Code
8120 ::
How best to search the current documentation for basic info
8119 ::
Syntax for default arguments to generic proc
8110 ::
Proposed table changes - get and getOrDefault
8109 ::
How to add something before a C declaration?
8106 ::
NimConf 2021: Saturday, June 26th 2021
8105 ::
What is the purpose of do {} while (false) in JavaScript output?
8102 ::
An simple nrpl for nim
8096 ::
Add to a seq inside an ordered table
8092 ::
mixed bag seq: allow strings and int in a seq
8091 ::
Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
8083 ::
sequtils insert sink problem
8079 ::
CSV: paring in js
8045 ::
Date issue. What happened in 1940?
8044 ::
How to debug: SIGBUS: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
8035 ::
Export in JS backend
8029 ::
nimsuggest, neovim, nim.nvim trouble
8028 ::
Add total ratings for all Candidates (STAR Voting)
8022 ::
Accessing object in seq of parent type
8020 ::
c2nim -- minor update
8018 ::
Nim lost 7 seconds in latest kostya benchmarks update
8005 ::
Transpile Nim to Dart/Flutter?
8001 ::
string ( int, string and char) - convert into Table
7999 ::
Concept containing seq of self
7998 ::
Dynamic size limit for sets
7983 ::
Nim 2.0 -- thoughts
7979 ::
An incomplete mapping from C# to Nim
7969 ::
Which parameter list delimiter is more "standard"? Commas or semicolons?
7955 ::
Sequences, Type Inference, and Inheritance... I am slightly lost.
7928 ::
Sequence item del vs. delete?
7913 ::
File IO for the JS backend on node
7893 ::
Assertions in the documentation.
7889 ::
Would macros work to parse js and create equivalent nim code?
7888 ::
In Nimpy how to call methods on Python objects? (Example sys.path.insert)
7866 ::
[ANN] Nim0, a playground to learn compiler internals
7852 ::
Qualify identifier with exported module?
7850 ::
Is there a reliable way to round?
7848 ::
XML parsing performance
7842 ::
Let's Make Async Great Again!
7819 ::
python: print(x, end=" ")
7812 ::
How to use macros for an intermediate compiler step?
7791 ::
Interesting post from D forum
7780 ::
Library for generating a DOM table from a Nim Table? (JS backend)
7773 ::
7743 ::
arm-none-eabi-gcc doesn't compile volatileStore
7723 ::
algorithm lowerBound and upperBound documentation error?
7682 ::
Generics overload - which one is selected?
7663 ::
compile a nim single file to a single c file that only depends standard c header and lib
7658 ::
Regex not hashable?
7654 ::
Macros and Syntax
7646 ::
Nicer function anmes and other identifiers in the JS output
7645 ::
Weird error between sequtils and nim-result
7642 ::
IndexError: list index out of range
7628 ::
Issues regarding calling an import from python as a routine
7611 ::
Nim online meetup, Friday 12th at 4pm UTC
7593 ::
How to make an object mutable in recursion?
7579 ::
array, seq : is there something in between?
7547 ::
How to initialise a seq in an object
7541 ::
Templates - how to check if a template has been used
7538 ::
Question about using "include"
7537 ::
Any way to avoid nested case statements for proc taking two variant objects?
7536 ::
Check out my new lib Spacy: Spatial data structures for Nim.
7514 ::
Defects and CatchableErrors
7499 ::
Templates and include
7498 ::
Nim Design Patterns?
7491 ::
groups for types? interface in Nim?
7472 ::
Macro beginner code review
7460 ::
When should I use tuples over objects?
7435 ::
How do I list the files in a directory in Nim?
7429 ::
Puzzling error (warning?) messages
7419 ::
Nim compiler follows symbolic links too eagerly
7404 ::
UFCS and templates
7401 ::
Nim proc pointers
7397 ::
Help with Nim concurrency – data not persisted
7388 ::
code snippet review: truncate string while preserving words
7383 ::
Back on Nim: Understanding nimble
7376 ::
New article: Parsing inputs in Nim
7366 ::
How to add a parameter based on a variable?
7364 ::
How to pass around large immutable data? Copy-on-Write?
7363 ::
How to write a template to call function with arbitrary number of arguments?
7349 ::
Why JSON % proc doesn't work for Enum?
7348 ::
regex on "multilines" buffer
7331 ::
Why include doesn't work?
7302 ::
Nim in 2020: A short recap
7300 ::
Compile to a single C file?
7296 ::
C++ FFI templates
7294 ::
How to deal with Enums with same names?
7293 ::
let's work :-)
7288 ::
7282 ::
Client-side JS with Nim
7279 ::
Finally found a language which is as fast as C and as Pythonic as possible...
7278 ::
c++ backend broken ?
7256 ::
Seq, table. How to efficiently reference the last item
7253 ::
one more "collect" question (bug?)
7229 ::
Obtain type from proc definition
7218 ::
What is the use of reference (ref) types in Nim. What is ref normally used for in Nim?
7211 ::
Method/Procedure that returns values of multiple types?
7174 ::
SIGSEGV on deleteContent
7170 ::
How to rewrite nim programming langauge to be pythonic as possible?
7162 ::
Advent of Nim 2020 megathread
7161 ::
Ambiguous call?
7155 ::
Is there an easy way to bake in parameters at compile time?
7151 ::
Custom source code filters?
7148 ::
Macro for proc like syntax?
7134 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <type int8> but expected 'int literal(8)'
7093 ::
Life is nice...
7072 ::
variable length tuple unpacking
7071 ::
Kernel Matrix Calculation in Nim
7060 ::
Is this possible? Default iterator fields.
7053 ::
strange syntax - please explain
7052 ::
conditional expressions don't work in a formatted string
7038 ::
let versus var with objects
7030 ::
How to measure HttpClient request total time
7022 ::
[Question] Enumerating fields in an enum
7005 ::
Subrange check during initialisation
6988 ::
Square brackets for generics
6972 ::
What is the carbon footprint of the NIm?
6967 ::
Naming convention when calling procs from other modules?
6966 ::
Convert Time to Duration
6910 ::
Standard formatting for documentation comments?
6907 ::
How to use a custom pragma on an object to generates procs?
6902 ::
Dual behavior
6897 ::
What is the problem with the optional end keyword?
6869 ::
weird nim parser problem
6867 ::
[noob] Help with sets
6858 ::
Enu - 3d live programming and game dev in Nim
6855 ::
pro/cons in using nimpy
6824 ::
macro binary operator resolution
6822 ::
dollars for ref types
6805 ::
Can I use generic type without interface?
6802 ::
How to support compile time regex constructor /abc/ for JS backend?
6767 ::
Nim's alternative for returning default values using short-circuit-evaluation
6764 ::
Regex replace with callback?
6656 ::
HTML template layout
6652 ::
Nim website front page redesign (unofficial and WIP)
6633 ::
Which is the preferred way to define a generic type?
6623 ::
SymbolicNim, symbolic algebra in Nim
6526 ::
sequtils.nim(934, 11) Error: internal error: environment misses: i`gensym13871022
6323 ::
A good word for idiomatic nim?
3872 ::
seq vs array vs open array
3755 ::
could javascript backend make use of new javascript ES6 module support?
2470 ::
how to use Natural type?
2407 ::
Questions about UFCS and generics
2364 ::
Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...
2105 ::
Tabulation symbols not allowed
1151 ::
Why is reading lines from stdin so slow for me?