11514 ::
how to borrow iterator `items` for distinct type?
11261 ::
Oversight or intentional?
11065 ::
Beginner question: mixing types in a sequence
11059 ::
Buildroot host-nim package?
10763 ::
Nim program crashes when using recursivity and openarray
10761 ::
cannot open: /dev/stderr
10758 ::
undeclared identifier error when using string format in template
10744 ::
Is it possible to encode constraints directly into a type, and enforce them at runtime?
10711 ::
meaning of benign and rtl pragmas
10566 ::
Issue with calling a routine defined in a concept
10551 ::
How to echo from a proc correctly?
10503 ::
Using Result library
10497 ::
Just installed nim 2.0 and vscodium can't run a nim program
10494 ::
concepts and openArray
10239 ::
What is the meaning of () after an enumeration symbol?
10203 ::
std/paths and $ proc
10201 ::
A memory management idea
10195 ::
feasible lib(s) to do FFT on image with minimal dependencies?
10194 ::
Is there a way to tell the compiler to include/export unused functions
10191 ::
Can't import compiler/* anymore
10181 ::
Why `!=` is template and not a func?
10174 ::
bug (?) with nested templates in generic proc
10173 ::
How to cast or pass a {.closure.} as a callback to a C API with userdata pointer?
10167 ::
2 blocks 1 indentation
10164 ::
Arch package not up-to-date with 1.16.12
10159 ::
Mojo Language: Similarities/Differences with Nim, Potential Lessons for Adoption
10143 ::
Can I download Nim on my iOS or Android device?
10140 ::
Type binding generic alias with extra parameter
10135 ::
Semcheck a NimNode tree?
10118 ::
Hex to bytes - How to convert
10110 ::
How to inverse set?
10104 ::
How to make os (e.g. ubuntu) interpret nimscript shebang
10101 ::
What GPT-4 knows and thinks about Nim
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10076 ::
Upcoming `Result` review - comments and thoughts welcome!
10065 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/2)
10054 ::
Nim 1.6 vs 2 (1.9) Working with channels
10040 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/26)
10024 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/19)
10012 ::
10007 ::
Trying To Slice the Characters Where Needed.
9998 ::
Export C library components when using `--app:lib`
9989 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/12)
9985 ::
Difference between generics and templates
9976 ::
Can Nim do Type States?
9970 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/5)
9969 ::
iterators composition
9926 ::
ffi: how to pass a value to c?
9914 ::
Heap fragmentation, embedded systems
9903 ::
Leaving out type names during compilation
9862 ::
command line parametr with whitespace
9859 ::
RosettaBoy - Gameboy emulator rosetta stone
9849 ::
Why Nim does not support comparison between different types?
9839 ::
Unique ID's for types?
9836 ::
`std/xmltree` issue with extra spaces being added
9823 ::
How do I fix this?
9804 ::
Trying to make a lexer, stops if it hits an operator.
9799 ::
Two type matches, both wrong: how to do it right?
9797 ::
Regex error - "Error: missing closing ' for character literal"
9788 ::
Assigning array to itself with different order
9779 ::
Type mistmatch for `int` and `sink T`
9777 ::
Roadmap 2023
9775 ::
nim 2.0 RC1 taskpools error
9774 ::
Question about taskpools
9768 ::
Parallel Fibonacci
9766 ::
Is there a traditional rounding function?
9762 ::
Strange error: single character string constants
9753 ::
question about memory management
9745 ::
Create a ref to a C allocated object to manage its memory
9738 ::
Looking for resources about more complex generics, comptime type construction, etc.
9736 ::
Proposed method of defining models with Nim code in Nexus
9731 ::
Closure dual use for objects?
9721 ::
BigNum and BigInt timings on the Pollard Rho algorithm
9712 ::
Cargo like subcommands in Nimble
9707 ::
Return value for joinThread?
9678 ::
Advent of Nim 2022
9675 ::
Ideas about the exception-tracing system
9674 ::
Not able to get `in` for sets to work properly
9671 ::
Importing generic variables
9656 ::
Initial OS porting experience
9649 ::
Type macro returning a transformed type def + other definitions
9505 ::
Copies, seqs, assignments & templates
9481 ::
internal error: cannot map the empty seq type to a C type
9436 ::
Unspecified generics in type fields
9419 ::
Info about gcc compiler options used by nim
9407 ::
Recursively replace pair of bytes with one byte, within given byte array
9385 ::
looking for windows webview2 binding
9376 ::
Convert Python codes to Nim codes
9339 ::
composite type bug? Order makes difference.
9337 ::
string of compressed source code
9310 ::
Nim v1.6.6 support for Codewars
9303 ::
Weird error on Ubuntu 2x.04
9297 ::
How to copy a file to a remote host, let it run, and delete afterwards using wmi (winim/com)?
9288 ::
What to do with the handle from CreateNativeSocket?
9286 ::
Nimbus: a Nimble-compatible build system
9284 ::
How do I create the buffer for the "sendto" function?
9279 ::
How to use concepts?
9261 ::
Unexpected empty sequence
9246 ::
Optimize this code?
9223 ::
Idea: Marketing Nim to Organizations
9218 ::
Nim producing void as template argument instead of the type
9213 ::
Solving cubic equations
9208 ::
Please help me understand the performance difference between Nim/Rust in this (contrived) example
9205 ::
favicon file is missing
9197 ::
Where can I find information about Nim architecture?
9191 ::
Nim conspicuously contradicts its efficient, simplicity philosophy
9160 ::
to enum type and back
9159 ::
Memory Leak with --gc:orc and Nimble Decimal Library
9153 ::
interoperable stream type
9151 ::
Weird behaviour from fmt in strformat library
9141 ::
How to initialize a ref seq type
9139 ::
Best practices for porting huge C projects to Nim
9137 ::
CLOEXEC on old Linux kernel.
9117 ::
Program level variables
9091 ::
Defining C++ Macros from Nim
9080 ::
{.nodecl} VS {.importc, nodecl} and return VS result
9072 ::
net: recv/readLine: How receive more one line or not waiting for fill buffer size?
9022 ::
Case (switch) statement and modulo
9019 ::
Simple linked list questions: Correct proc signature for first()
9011 ::
Wrapping C++ iterators: {.nodecl.} for non-constructible iterators?
9009 ::
Return cstringArray from C functions in Nim
9007 ::
Blog post: Binding Nim to C++ std::list
8927 ::
Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8757 ::
compiling nim from source on low memory SBC
8754 ::
Unicode Operators: How Do we Choose Which To Include?
8730 ::
Chess logic issue
8729 ::
Manipulating varargs in compile time (like what lua do in runtime)?
8709 ::
Maze solver benchmark - How would you optimize?
8696 ::
What is 'block' in this code
8692 ::
More nim newbie woes, this time echo fmt Possible AOC2021 spoiler
8677 ::
TinyCC/tcc vs zig cc compile-times/etc.
8676 ::
What is programming?
8663 ::
What is "Option[system.bool]"?
8641 ::
TLS protocol negociation (TLS-ALPN)
8640 ::
Pygments Nim lexer update?
8632 ::
Question about memory management with bindings
8625 ::
UFCS issue
8614 ::
How to hide FFI details from implementations of a (C FFI) interface?
8609 ::
proc doSomething(msg="", opt=-1)
8597 ::
How to convert hexstring to bytes array?
8593 ::
Best way to turn byte array into int?
8575 ::
Query nim include paths
8568 ::
Nested Tables
8566 ::
The default value of an argument may take priority over the argument given at the time of the call
8563 ::
Trying to unify an object model
8561 ::
Error: type mismatch: got <End>
8551 ::
How to pass a "plain type" to a proc that expects a "ref type" in Nim ?
8549 ::
How to prevent return value from been`=copy`ed?
8541 ::
Looking for feedback on Nim for Beginners #27 Object Variants
8534 ::
WTF ?! basic computations are faster in py3 than nim1.6 ?!
8527 ::
Nim 1.6.0 GTK cast cstring ?
8521 ::
min 1.6 help --passc:-flto problème
8516 ::
Does Nim support name for anonymous procedures?
8514 ::
8509 ::
repr a ref object with a property from a C library
8503 ::
Nim Nuggets: Talk About Nim At The Strange Loop Conference
8499 ::
Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8492 ::
Trailing commas in "command" syntax?
8487 ::
Block-chain binary certification
8481 ::
Macro work strange behavior
8458 ::
block-level change default type of int literals?
8453 ::
Nested concepts
8423 ::
How to create C defines from Nim?
8382 ::
Any way to avoid the SQL bugs and execute raw strings?
8381 ::
8363 ::
Generics / function overloading for imported function
8342 ::
Why `except` doesn't catch `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)`?
8293 ::
Is it possible to have generic object members?
8281 ::
Nimscript produces slower executable
8275 ::
static generics with concept
8246 ::
How to implement the 'Type parameters(aka generics)' as the following code
8202 ::
How to return an object of a particular type following a value.
8198 ::
Fedora packages
8195 ::
float or iterator choise --> template?
8193 ::
Fixing dependencies
8189 ::
Nested string format error:
8175 ::
Collect a seq and use it straightaway?
8166 ::
Why other templates stop working if the T -> Option[T] converter defined?
8161 ::
Associating a type with a concept?
8127 ::
Recursive iterator to unpack arbitrarily nested sequence
8121 ::
Weak maps?
8110 ::
Proposed table changes - get and getOrDefault
8109 ::
How to add something before a C declaration?
8108 ::
lowerBound and upperBoud from module “algorithm”
8102 ::
An simple nrpl for nim
8101 ::
strformat on the fly
8096 ::
Add to a seq inside an ordered table
8087 ::
proc in array, ...but is it the solution?
8083 ::
sequtils insert sink problem
8073 ::
select a type
8068 ::
Bundling libraries with executables
8063 ::
Writing a kernel in Nim
8060 ::
How to sign message with RSA (openssl)?
8058 ::
How to pass a channel between spawned functions?
8054 ::
Windows Sapi 5 - com unclear (new to Nim - programming with Nim after Python proof of concept)
8045 ::
Date issue. What happened in 1940?
8039 ::
Nim Devel - how to (re-) build it?
8032 ::
Porting to Nim
8019 ::
Why union type for proc argument fails to compile?
8017 ::
How to escape colon in the '&' macro in strformat ?
8003 ::
Compiler bug?: Infinite loop when compiling pegging CPU
8002 ::
IRC freenode staff exodus
7996 ::
pkcs11 implementation
7981 ::
Why Nim is *not* confused - which proc to call?
7979 ::
An incomplete mapping from C# to Nim
7956 ::
sendfile over ssl
7955 ::
Sequences, Type Inference, and Inheritance... I am slightly lost.
7946 ::
Is there a way to detect if template is expanded at global scope or within a function
7945 ::
How to map to a pointer to array of function symbols in a C header?
7942 ::
Can't compile, error "could not import: X509_check_host"
7933 ::
Force array type (javascript, webgl)
7927 ::
How to use SharedList
7923 ::
Prompt issue with stdout.write
7917 ::
Issue with defaults for mutable generic function parameters
7901 ::
Overridable operator precedence
7898 ::
Suddenly getting infinite genericDeepCopy recursion
7897 ::
sorting enum - by identifier and int?
7896 ::
CRC16 checksum calculation
7891 ::
what's the difference between type,typeof,typedesc?
7885 ::
7881 ::
Is it possible to have an embedded Nimscript interpreter when compiling with --app:lib ?
7880 ::
FFI - C++ template parameter with default - c2nim
7874 ::
Why learn NIM
7873 ::
RPC in 10 and REST API in 5 lines of Nim
7867 ::
Forwarding varargs with conversion
7862 ::
How to definitely free memory of seq?
7846 ::
collision-resistant hash for 64bit pointers
7843 ::
concatenate byte
7838 ::
Capturing external variables in closure
7832 ::
Concatenation of seq and array?
7828 ::
Need help implementing bind for C for webview.h
7826 ::
Simple RPC, call remote Nim functions as if its local, experimenting...
7824 ::
Unicode string print - the four faces look different when printing - why?
7821 ::
7818 ::
Error in macro, `int` is not evaluated as `int`.
7812 ::
How to use macros for an intermediate compiler step?
7810 ::
server/client test, using testament
7800 ::
"invalid type ... in this context" error
7798 ::
Generic type parameters and inheritance
7790 ::
Getting started with the Foreign Function Interface - calling library functions
7788 ::
Error: invalid token: trailing underscore
7786 ::
The NaN story, short version
7780 ::
Library for generating a DOM table from a Nim Table? (JS backend)
7767 ::
string concat I don't understand
7764 ::
Testing/Feedback for Neel 0.4.0 development
7761 ::
It is a bug?
7752 ::
Might there be a better `dotOperators` design?
7750 ::
What is happening under the hood of "cast" function ?
7745 ::
Learning Nim: Creating a Query Macro [video]
7740 ::
static tuple generic parameter
7738 ::
Performance issue with closure
7735 ::
=copy with different arguments type, is it a good idea ?
7730 ::
Weak symbols
7727 ::
Why is there no compile error when accessing uninitialize variable
7725 ::
How can I use SendMessage?
7724 ::
void return type
7721 ::
Processing elements of a sequence with conditional deletion
7718 ::
Nim cimpiling to Misra C?
7714 ::
converting a hex string to uint32 in JS context
7710 ::
Too much memory used for N-queens problem
7708 ::
Initializing subclassed objects, like C++ Constructors
7706 ::
respecting the conventions when declaring a function pointer in a tuple
7704 ::
How to best access a potentially const variable in a func that is to big for default stack?
7703 ::
How to use global immutable variables in Threads?
7702 ::
Error: unknown substition variable: attype
7698 ::
Can't set wild-pattern matching any route in Jester
7695 ::
Can I do text replacements in a file via a NimScript?
7694 ::
NimScript tasks with parameters?
7690 ::
nim doc generates code with invalid indentation
7679 ::
Location of nimdoc.css ?
7678 ::
Search SSH library
7674 ::
How can I quote a type with a sequence of strings
7673 ::
array sample slower than indexing into rand(size-1)
7672 ::
Documentation: Method Call Synatx and Inverse Index
7671 ::
Nimble download/install sequence improvement
7663 ::
compile a nim single file to a single c file that only depends standard c header and lib
7662 ::
json - update
7661 ::
how do I get a reference to a object
7659 ::
Experimenting with reflections to create SQL statements, got some questions
7655 ::
How do I share a hash table among multiple processes to store temporary http sessions?
7633 ::
Performance comparison of various compilers
7621 ::
Criticism of Parallel Nim
7620 ::
Get system wide config dir
7619 ::
Why I can't unmarshal JSON with spaces in the JSON keys?
7608 ::
new blogpost: pattern matching (and fusion)
7584 ::
How to embed objects in another objects
7572 ::
How to generate import statement in macros?
7570 ::
Comments and criticism,please: Nimplementation of Church Numerals
7564 ::
Easiest way to check for shift-left overflow?
7553 ::
When multiple proc match the call, use the most specific one?
7547 ::
How to initialise a seq in an object
7545 ::
How to implement universal `collection.pick(field_or_fn)`?
7544 ::
Can't give testament compiler switches when running a pattern
7541 ::
Templates - how to check if a template has been used
7535 ::
How to declare function pointer type ?
7530 ::
Conjunctions of sum type parameters
7524 ::
Strange memory problem
7521 ::
Redis - how to select database
7520 ::
How to kill a process and all of its descendants in Nim?
7518 ::
Composing templates / macros?
7512 ::
hotcodereloading and libfswatch
7509 ::
String "interning" attempt
7506 ::
Temporal folder
7503 ::
Importing a file in runtime
7502 ::
fmusdk - SIGSEGV with ARC
7498 ::
Nim Design Patterns?
7497 ::
macros - backquote
7495 ::
Is "global_state" a special name in Nim's internals?
7490 ::
No ideas for the 32 bit enum issue?
7489 ::
Questions about collect macro, and inconsistency in namings
7485 ::
FieldOffset / Padding Pragma?
7482 ::
How to port this c-enum to nim?
7481 ::
exportc -
7478 ::
Using nim libraries
7474 ::
How to set a string parameter of a procedure by default to nil?
7470 ::
Help needed: Deadlock during allocShared0
7467 ::
There's a Yankees fan writing the Nim tutorial... lol
7457 ::
What are the latest developments in the Nim compiler?
7450 ::
Nim Command only with su
7436 ::
Nim style guide based on Nimbus experience
7429 ::
Puzzling error (warning?) messages
7425 ::
FFI - how to use procs that return objects
7422 ::
Pararules - A rules engine for games
7416 ::
Why aren't the built-in math procs (`+`, `-`, `*`, ...) procvars?
7285 ::
Is anyone using duckdb with Nim?
7206 ::
7170 ::
How to rewrite nim programming langauge to be pythonic as possible?
7128 ::
Regular expressions in Nimscript?
7052 ::
conditional expressions don't work in a formatted string
7020 ::
Passing iterators as arguments
7011 ::
Is there a way for case objects to have cases share fields?
7004 ::
Overriding ==
7001 ::
help use mq posix
6996 ::
Compile-time members
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6983 ::
Why is the chaining order of It templates a problem in this example?
6980 ::
handmade hero in nim ( warning: noob)
6979 ::
Docs: Remove gensym from arguments for procs defined in templates?
6978 ::
Isolated [T]
6976 ::
Passing data between threads with ARC
6972 ::
What is the carbon footprint of the NIm?
6968 ::
Problem with orc/arc in parallel_count practice
6966 ::
Convert Time to Duration
6961 ::
Are (mutually) recursive generic types possible?
6958 ::
How to avoid deprecation notice for libraies supporting multi-version of Nim?
6956 ::
Passing X to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy
6954 ::
push/pop hints on/off not working?
6951 ::
Impressive results with --gc:orc
6949 ::
Fun with (Levenshtein) Edit distances
6947 ::
Aliases with templates for tables not working in v1.4
6944 ::
Are there any alternatives to tables with duplicated keys?
6943 ::
Forcing a memory leak in Nim
6937 ::
Version 1.4.0 released
6931 ::
How to keep a ordered table sorted with the most recent changed elements at the end?
6930 ::
Regarding the future of --gc:none and --gc:regions
6928 ::
RLock compilation failure
6926 ::
Non-blocking async HTTP server
6919 ::
Any lib to control the keyboard?
6918 ::
How to gracefully terminate an asynchttpserver with Ctrl-C?
6915 ::
It's time to make Nim known ! ✊✊✊✊
6902 ::
Dual behavior
6898 ::
Help me to configure (neo)vim, please
6892 ::
-d:danger versus -d:release --checks:off
6891 ::
Massive Funding Coming To Nim
6885 ::
80-bit (long double) support?
6882 ::
Pointer Arithmetic and constructs like cast[var int](p) += sizeof(a[0])
6881 ::
Pragma for unfinished features
6879 ::
Hacktoberfest is here!
6870 ::
nimterop - sigjmp_buf
6866 ::
Define and call static proc of an object
6865 ::
Is there a concept like "equality of refs" in Nim?
6864 ::
Calling same-named-function from abstruct object
6860 ::
using db_odbc with ms sql server on windows 10
6841 ::
ESP32 FreeRTOS (esp-idf) library wrappers: Nesper!
6837 ::
Disable Warning or Hints from system libraries only?
6835 ::
Object with same name as module
6833 ::
Dynamic loading of C++ library
6822 ::
dollars for ref types
6821 ::
Globals hunt
6816 ::
expandMacros problem with export postfix star '*'
6814 ::
Cross-compile to Rpi4 :(
6813 ::
Why `foldl` is not working with `openarray`, seems like it should work.
6806 ::
Strange and misleading error message when converting to JSON
6805 ::
Can I use generic type without interface?
6804 ::
Can't instantiate generic object with type restriction
6803 ::
About sink and copy: is this expected behavior?
6796 ::
Should a function that's called many times return Table or ref Table?
6792 ::
How do I reduce allocation and GC with pool of objects?
6791 ::
Extending a generic varags proc
6789 ::
Idiomatic way of creating named closures
6786 ::
Is there any PWA (Progressive Web Apps) framework or package written in nim?
6781 ::
Any easy way to compare `==` object variants?
6780 ::
High proc confusion
6773 ::
multiple definitions when wrapping header-only c++ library
6771 ::
Help compiling updated version of webview on OS X
6770 ::
spawn: how to get flowvar from flowvarbase?
6767 ::
Nim's alternative for returning default values using short-circuit-evaluation
6764 ::
Regex replace with callback?
6762 ::
[windows] Nim fails to compile with a Lua pkg.
6758 ::
How can i separate the integer part of a number from its decimal part ?
6751 ::
Question for the language theorists: Is NIm's OO class-based or prototype-based?
6748 ::
Alternative to float
6737 ::
Can't convert time series to / from JSON
6735 ::
How to import a struct (constant)field from C
6726 ::
How to write multi-line sugar => and sugar do?
6723 ::
Nim - Julia bridge
6722 ::
Preserve static value in recursive macro
6721 ::
Generic vs static parameter
6717 ::
Nim to C
6712 ::
Want advice from Nim experts on my chess client app development
6707 ::
Nim feedback by al6x
6706 ::
Empty c-style array
6700 ::
How to convert sequence of objects to JSON in Nim?
6694 ::
observable stores to 'x'
6681 ::
passing 'p.cmds[p.idx]' to a sink parameter introduces an implicit copy
6643 ::
What ever happened to vtrefs?
6639 ::
collect and list comprehensions
6633 ::
Which is the preferred way to define a generic type?
6626 ::
Is there a way to ensure that a viriable is "passed by address" (or reference) in Nim
6541 ::
Python transpiler
6540 ::
tests in the same files as the code
6539 ::
An issue regarding `emit`
6532 ::
[offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library
6530 ::
Const object variant issue
6528 ::
Better way to convert untyped into NimNode?
6526 ::
sequtils.nim(934, 11) Error: internal error: environment misses: i`gensym13871022
6525 ::
iOS compilation error
6501 ::
Run process in parallel of the parent program
6481 ::
NvP: s = s & 'x'
6395 ::
Editing single input line
6345 ::
Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
5052 ::
Iterating over anonymous enums?
4950 ::
Fastest Prime Sieve, in Nim
4042 ::
quit considered evil: bypasses `defer` and `try/catch/finally` which might do important cleanups
3872 ::
seq vs array vs open array
2494 ::
Variables alignment
1186 ::
Varargs forwarding.