Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
5083 ::
[Araq] [RFC] Project Picasso - A multithreading runtime for Nim
3911 ::
[Araq] Thank You :)
1783 ::
[gmpreussner] nim and ios
1572 ::
[Araq] Sharing memory between threads
1530 ::
[Araq] Evolution of Nimble
1505 ::
[Araq] [RFC] String Procedures: In-Place vs Copying
1483 ::
[Araq] Implicit procedure arguments
1404 ::
[Araq] Can a warning be promoted to error to prevent compilation?
1300 ::
[Araq] Template / Macro to split their parameters to multiple parameters of another proc call
1106 ::
[Araq] Is it possible to get path information from imports?
1075 ::
[Araq] Wikipedia article about to be deleted again
1044 ::
[Araq] Tuple unpacking for an array rvalue?
987 ::
[andrea] light-weight data structures in nim?
884 ::
[Araq] Does gradha has a point and should I be concerned?
831 ::
[Araq] Importing types from C headers
818 ::
[gradha] what is the equivalent to sizeof() in nim?
810 ::
[gradha] Working on raw bits
798 ::
[Araq] Cross compiling for VxWorks (on a PowerPC processor)
790 ::
[gradha] How to echo unicode string
789 ::
[dom96] Connecting Nim to Python
774 ::
[gradha] Argument parsing ambiguity
762 ::
[gradha] ANN: New library to parse TOML files
756 ::
[Araq] Nim needs a mailing list?
752 ::
[Araq] Catching exceptions
745 ::
[Araq] Literal XML function call syntax
744 ::
[dom96] Nim at heroku.
739 ::
[gradha] Bug: generated C code does not compile
719 ::
[gradha] CT reflection
704 ::
[Araq] How can I detect compilation option pragmas?
702 ::
[Araq] callbacks into C
699 ::
[Araq] curly braces?
688 ::
[dom96] Brand new version of Nimble is out!
684 ::
[gradha] Nim syntax highlighting for Kate text editor
673 ::
[Araq] Dynamic dispatch across compilation units (interfaces)
664 ::
[gradha] lazy_rest, simple rst HTML generation from Nimrod or C with some extras
660 ::
[dom96] How can I import a specific nimble module version
658 ::
[Araq] using Nim / Nimrod for micro-controllers (embedded)
625 ::
[Araq] Is it possible to use try/except at compile time?
623 ::
[gradha] Can macros fall back to runtime procs?
621 ::
[Araq] Is feature ABC comming and when?
619 ::
[gradha] How to add nimble's temporary directory to LIBRARY_PATH
617 ::
[Araq] New wrapper style for Nim bigbreak and more c2nim questions
605 ::
[gradha] Assign to sequence inside a proc
600 ::
[Araq] Careful
595 ::
[Araq] Version 0.9.6 has been released!
593 ::
[gradha] How to use proc findbounds?
590 ::
[gradha] How to split a string, but keep the separator?
586 ::
[gradha] How can i change seq parameter in a proc
585 ::
[Araq] Template replacement on Nimrod
582 ::
[gradha] Shebang for Unix scripts
575 ::
[gradha] help with nimrod idioms and usage
527 ::
[gradha] How to import scanf from c?
526 ::
[Araq] How do I pass GC'd memory to threads?
523 ::
[Araq] casE SenSitivity
522 ::
[gradha] Elliptic curve proc assimilation
520 ::
[Araq] How does one use the actors module effectively?
519 ::
[Araq] Method resolution error with {.discardable.} pragma
515 ::
[Araq] Some questions regarding the exception hierarchy tree
514 ::
[Araq] Making os.walkDirRec handle hidden files
513 ::
[Araq] Error with extracting zipfiles
512 ::
[asterite] array << el unless el == nil
511 ::
[Araq] How to implement signals & slots in Nimrod?
509 ::
[Araq] Is it worth making an exception for incl/excl in naming design?
508 ::
[Araq] Object Properties and Cloning
502 ::
[gradha] How to generate a sequence of numbers in one line
500 ::
[Araq] How to check for an explicit symbol in a module?
499 ::
[Araq] Variable length array
493 ::
[Araq] Different platform behaviour for paramStr()
490 ::
[gradha] nimrod as embeded language for C++ project.
489 ::
[gradha] Shouldn't system.cmp have the same behaviour as nimrod comparisons?
488 ::
[gradha] libusb / making a nimrod wrapper
486 ::
[Araq] How to expand string arrays for case statements?
481 ::
[Araq] DLLs written in Nimrod
479 ::
[Araq] What is the plan for javascript support in the standard library?
474 ::
[Araq] Few Q's about Nimrod
473 ::
[Araq] How can I maintain the original HTML structure/DOM?
471 ::
[Araq] Does Nimrod have a heredoc syntax?
469 ::
[dom96] Wrapper for the markdown rendering hoedown library
466 ::
[gradha] Nimrod binding for Cairo graphics
465 ::
[Araq] Is it safe to cast a set to an enum/integer?
464 ::
[gradha] How does one tell c2nim to mark procs with importc?
460 ::
[gradha] gh_nimrod_doc_pages to document your projects
459 ::
[gradha] How do you use fieldPairs with different types?
455 ::
[gradha] Can a proc modify its behaviour at runtime?
454 ::
[Araq] Cannot prove that 'result' is initialized
450 ::
[gradha] Seohtracker for OSX, a weight diary app
449 ::
[Araq] could not import: CreateSymbolicLinkW
445 ::
[gradha] Tutorial, question about let statement
443 ::
[Araq] Unit conversion module.
442 ::
[Araq] Getting max speed for an algorithm
440 ::
[Araq] How to handle failure of loading dynamic libraries?
435 ::
[Araq] speeding up split?
433 ::
[gradha] bash completion for nimrod compiler
429 ::
[Araq] How to deal with the dynamic alloced memory of called c library function?
428 ::
[gradha] segfault creating static lib
424 ::
[gradha] Should I worry about executables are still not equal?
423 ::
[Araq] GTK3
422 ::
[gradha] This module can be used only by that module feature
421 ::
[Araq] How does one use endb to debug crashes?
419 ::
[gradha] How can I force macro input parameters to be a string?
416 ::
[gradha] meta
411 ::
[Araq] Sense of functions that don't take parentheses
408 ::
[gradha] Can one leave out value names of tuples?
407 ::
[Araq] Trying to patch the wart of finally as a statement
404 ::
[dom96] How can a network connection be cancelled?
403 ::
[gradha] number_files, a command to add counter sufix/prefix to a list of files
400 ::
[gradha] Background Thread Problem
395 ::
[Araq] Seohtracker, now for OS X too
391 ::
[Araq] AST representation of data structures
390 ::
[gradha] C headers?
385 ::
[Araq] Safe access operator - how could this be done?
377 ::
[gradha] Freshmeat.net seems alive
375 ::
[zahary] Metaprogramming question: naming generated types
373 ::
[gradha] Forwarding varargs to C
372 ::
[Araq] Personal Nimrod summary
370 ::
[gradha] Numers
368 ::
[renoX] Dimrod
367 ::
[Araq] GSoC 2014
366 ::
[dom96] GLFW and SDL
365 ::
[Araq] Crashes calling nimrod code from a different C thread
364 ::
[Araq] seeking help with a type error
360 ::
[zahary] high-level interface to python
353 ::
[gradha] Graphics Module Usage
351 ::
[Araq] Seohtracker, iOS weight diary app
349 ::
[Araq] Troubles with GC calling from C
335 ::
[gradha] We can filterIt, but we can't mapIt?
334 ::
[Araq] A new concurrency system
333 ::
[exhu] Default arguments problem
331 ::
[Araq] Babel 0.2 released!
330 ::
[gradha] Nimrod.docset for Dash
326 ::
[Araq] Finalizer problems
325 ::
[Araq] What does "Nimrod" mean?
324 ::
[Araq] How to get the low/high of an object field?
322 ::
[Araq] Getting reference of object
321 ::
[gradha] Weak references for types
319 ::
[Araq] What's the lifetime for returned cstrings?
317 ::
[Araq] Quicklook plugin for reST files implemented in Nimrod
315 ::
[gradha] New Objective-C bridge module
314 ::
[gradha] Outdated doc: User guide's license
313 ::
[Araq] Basic error with generics
306 ::
[Araq] Can't run Hello World on Windows 7
305 ::
[dom96] The future of babel documentation
303 ::
[gradha] Nimrod support in Geany editor
302 ::
[gradha] Tool to clean up filenames shared on Dropbox
300 ::
[gradha] Does Nimrod support Qt & Protocol Buffers?
298 ::
[Araq] Ouroboros has awakened
296 ::
[gradha] Best way around recursive limitation on module imports?
294 ::
[gradha] Good resources on references
292 ::
[Araq] Size of data structures
290 ::
[Araq] fast change dir and threads problem
256 ::
[Araq] Nimrod at the Emerging Languages Camp
250 ::
[Araq] Avoid sort of cyclic needness
248 ::
[Araq] How to divide a line?
235 ::
[gradha] Random number generator
223 ::
[Araq] Just a couple questions
220 ::
[dom96] New blog post about Nimrod
216 ::
[Araq] nimrod static
201 ::
[Araq] Why is float not an alias only?
198 ::
[Araq] Linking of static library
194 ::
[Araq] A truly portable compiler
191 ::
[Araq] Case sensitivity: the T/P prefixes must die
187 ::
[Araq] Strange compiler error
186 ::
[gradha] From now on the content of this forum is creative commons
184 ::
[Araq] How can I pass a string and a list of strings for an sql statement?
178 ::
[Araq] I dont understand distinct
177 ::
[leledumbo] Error trying to execute nim forum
176 ::
[Araq] C bindings and structs with unions
168 ::
[Araq] libcairo (Cairo 2d graphics library) alternative
166 ::
[Araq] using C++ library
162 ::
[Araq] Abstraction
159 ::
[Araq] Cross-platform GUI
158 ::
[gradha] About Community
150 ::
[dom96] Everything is better with hyperlinks
149 ::
[Araq] newparser branch
148 ::
[Araq] macros syntax idea
147 ::
[gradha] It's the rmdir command. But it's awesome.
146 ::
[gradha] gtk examples on Windows?
143 ::
[Araq] Tell me your wish!
141 ::
[dom96] scope guards
139 ::
[Araq] License of the forum content?
137 ::
[Araq] ORM using macros
135 ::
[dom96] New argument parser module
131 ::
[Araq] Aporia build problem
122 ::
[Araq] Unexpected `==` required for empty seq initialization
118 ::
[Araq] Choice between Nimrod and D
115 ::
[Araq] Happy new year!
105 ::
[Araq] How do exceptions 'escape' from nimrod to C?
102 ::
[dom96] Suggestion - Snippets repository on the Nimrod website
100 ::
[Araq] Can Nimrod tell which proc throws uncaught exceptions?
99 ::
[Araq] Shouldn't db_sqlite.getRow fail/raise with no result?
96 ::
[Araq] Exporting types from nimrod to C/C++/ObjC?
94 ::
[exhu] jEdit synatax highlight for Nimrod
91 ::
[Araq] Equality comparison for TTime
89 ::
[Araq] Writing internal documentation
74 ::
[Araq] nimrods future
73 ::
[Araq] Why are gtk dependencies not listed for the binary on macosx?
67 ::
[gradha] Nake - a make for your nimrods
61 ::
[Araq] Nimrod-on-android failure
59 ::
[Araq] Nimrod-on-ios example
52 ::
[Araq] Logging library
50 ::
[Araq] Call nimrod code from C/C++?
45 ::
[Araq] Weak references