Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12578 ::
[Zoom] A static website generate built with Nim
12163 ::
[Zoom] Is there a way to write to stdout without newline in nim script?
11619 ::
[Zoom] Working with sequences
11597 ::
[Zoom] remove first 4 lines from string
11364 ::
[ingo] Fake a file?
11327 ::
[Vindaar] NailIt — a literate programming tool
11177 ::
[iffy1] subset of enum values
11035 ::
[Zoom] Totally lost when reading tutorial of "code-blocks-as-arguments"
10947 ::
[Araq] Found a Niche that only Nim can do: Easy Retro(e.g. MOS 65xx) Development with ORC/ARC
10933 ::
[Araq] Pocket Clicker — proof of concept Game Boy "game"
10880 ::
[Araq] orc mm slower than markandsweep in my experience
10835 ::
[Araq] Maybe nappgui is best cross platform gui lib for nim
10802 ::
[Araq] Please who can help me with nim filter
10726 ::
[Araq] Operators.
10656 ::
[Araq] Question from one of my customers.
10525 ::
[Araq] related_post_gen benchmark
10513 ::
[PMunch] Simple template and macro question
10317 ::
[enthus1ast] Ferus -- a tiny web engine written in Nim
10312 ::
[Araq] Nim Sucession Plan
10309 ::
[Araq] Why is a Nim enthusiast/programmer called a "Nimmer"?
10308 ::
[mashingan] Undeclared field - Unrecognized proc
10301 ::
[Araq] Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim
10288 ::
[Zoom] Multithread with js target
10274 ::
[Araq] Why `unsafe_addr` had to be used in StringSlice?
10235 ::
[Araq] Using TCC/NLVM to compile source code in a string
10183 ::
[StLa] Save return value using threads
10172 ::
[Zoom] Can someone help to understand how closure iterator works?
10168 ::
[Zoom] question
10167 ::
[Araq] 2 blocks 1 indentation
10146 ::
[cblake] fetching data from many small .txt files
10131 ::
[Araq] Can I quick get table last key value use like at(idx) function?
10101 ::
[Araq] What GPT-4 knows and thinks about Nim
10064 ::
[cmc] Generic initialization procedure with default type
10018 ::
[Araq] Do you miss these compact syntaxes?
10006 ::
[PMunch] Moderator updates
9985 ::
[shirleyquirk] Difference between generics and templates
9982 ::
[pietroppeter] The Algorithms In Nim
9981 ::
[zevv] Shared global var in ORC?
9798 ::
[Araq] Delete items in a seq while iterating over it?
9687 ::
[boia01] Forum subscription feature
9641 ::
[Araq] Nim Table, type iterators and lent type
9611 ::
[treeform] Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.
9554 ::
[Araq] Evolving the GUI definition
9543 ::
[Araq] Nim 2: What’s special about Task?
9531 ::
[treeform] How do I turn binary file data into hex representation
9479 ::
[Zoom] Hashsets and OpenArrays
9473 ::
[cblake] collecting keys and randomly picking values from tables
9457 ::
[Araq] Show Nim: TheArtButton.ai, a new web Stable Diffusion runner
9443 ::
[rockcavera] Cannot run nimble on windows
9420 ::
[Araq] NimConf 2022 - registrations
9367 ::
[enthus1ast] What's the use case for a "block" statement?
9259 ::
[Araq] Mastering Nim: A complete guide to the programming language
9255 ::
[Araq] Is it possible to "mock" function calls? (For testing purposes)
9238 ::
[Araq] Back to the roots of v2.. and what it could be
9215 ::
[DeletedUser] Default values for type(object) fields
9178 ::
[mratsim] Channels documentation
9177 ::
[dom96] Small improvement discussion: Use `let` to lock variable previously declared as `var`
9154 ::
[Zoom] compile time function use Nim metaprogramming feature
9138 ::
[PMunch] Moderation policy for bans
9121 ::
[dom96] Brogrammer uptick
9110 ::
[Araq] Seeking advices for a C programming book
9108 ::
[PMunch] Concurrent File Download with Async
9079 ::
[Araq] why multithreading execition take time almost equal to single thread execution?
9064 ::
[Araq] SiSix and Nim
9059 ::
[Araq] Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
9053 ::
[Araq] parseint not defined for char.
8996 ::
[didlybom] iterrr: extensible iterator library
8875 ::
[mrgaturus] NPainter: progress report 2020 & 2021
8791 ::
[Araq] Introducing taskpools, a small lightweight ARC/ORC threadpool
8737 ::
[Araq] Why does 'string' and 'len' use 'int' rather than 'uint' for length?
8689 ::
[Araq] For loop using iterator `..`
8677 ::
[cblake] TinyCC/tcc vs zig cc compile-times/etc.
8676 ::
[DeletedUser] What is programming?
8629 ::
[dom96] Evolving the moderation of the Nim communities
8605 ::
[matthesoundman] Collection Help
8600 ::
[Araq] Did you know that Nim has had enum-indexed arrays since 0.18? Poll Inside!
8562 ::
[didlybom] Forum issue when creating a thread
8552 ::
[Araq] Nim for Beginners video series discussion thread
8543 ::
[Araq] Metaprogramming in Nim #1 Introduction
8452 ::
[Araq] tesseract in nim?
8399 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] JSON serialization of objects containing tuples
8384 ::
[enthus1ast] nimja; compiled and statically typed template engine (like twig or jinja2)
8247 ::
[dom96] Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8188 ::
[arnetheduck] Safe `enum` conversion
8139 ::
[juancarlospaco] Noob var/let question
8110 ::
[Araq] Proposed table changes - get and getOrDefault
8101 ::
[Araq] strformat on the fly
8097 ::
[timothee] -d:release = awesome
8092 ::
[PMunch] mixed bag seq: allow strings and int in a seq
8091 ::
[Araq] Improving the documentation: Roadmap, community engagement.
8080 ::
[cantanima] Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8073 ::
[Araq] select a type
8067 ::
[Araq] high(Natural) == high(int)
8057 ::
[DarkBlue] Unidecode
8028 ::
[gemath] Add total ratings for all Candidates (STAR Voting)
8011 ::
[bpr] squeeze the sequence: remove empty strings
8002 ::
[dom96] IRC freenode staff exodus
8001 ::
[cblake] string ( int, string and char) - convert into Table
7995 ::
[Araq] Python style in Nim
7978 ::
[Araq] xlsxwriter - Static compilation in windows
7969 ::
[Araq] Which parameter list delimiter is more "standard"? Commas or semicolons?
7953 ::
[Araq] Implicit line joining rules
7927 ::
[Araq] How to use SharedList
7926 ::
[Araq] Counting word frequencies with Nim
7887 ::
[Araq] Nim Standard Library - How expansive should it be?
7863 ::
[Araq] NimConf 2021
7846 ::
[cblake] collision-resistant hash for 64bit pointers
7832 ::
[Araq] Concatenation of seq and array?
7753 ::
[Araq] Array Difference
7385 ::
[enthus1ast] "This Month With Nim"- A Community Showcase
7325 ::
[cantanima] Own numeric type
7299 ::
[cblake] How to sum the values of a table?
7102 ::
[treeform] Getting random non-equal int pairs, comparison of routines.
6532 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] [offtopic]2 cross-platform GUI library
6350 ::
[Araq] Change Nim colour on GitHub
6285 ::
[dom96] What's the async way to receive channel messages?
5944 ::
[Araq] Nim Compiling to js
5789 ::
[Peter] Nim to JavaScript compile: function ref
5565 ::
[dom96] Running several processes asynchronously?
5052 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Iterating over anonymous enums?
4279 ::
[Araq] runnableExample considered harmful / good feature to deprecate before 1.0?
3353 ::
[Araq] Introducing the Karax framework
3268 ::
[bpr] object problem - undeclared identifier
1648 ::
[kirbyfan64sos] Ni – A language influenced by Smalltalk written in Nim