Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
12646 ::
[Araq] nim 2.3.* Uninit warning: how to comply?
12634 ::
[Araq] Nim 2.0.14: nimble and other tools won't compile on Alpine
11757 ::
[PMunch] template import non compile in nim 2.0.4
11612 ::
[drkameleon] Super-weird error with builds on latest Windows runner (Github)
11590 ::
[PMunch] Issue: regression on 2.x.x: push warning[HoleEnumConv]:off does not work.
11587 ::
[Araq] Latest GCC version (14.1) breaks Nim's C backend
11564 ::
[Araq] Feature Request: enum: relax or remove order requirements.
11396 ::
[Araq] How do I keep track of changing standard-libs?
11338 ::
[ElegantBeef] How to remove the N_LIB_PRIVATE from exported c code.
11284 ::
[Kiloneie] Having trouble with the Testament tool
11189 ::
[Araq] Is there a plan to make Nim a language for normal businesses?
11161 ::
[Yardanico] This forum has an XSS injection vulnerability
11052 ::
[Araq] Do not understand the error when trying to add to seq inside loop
10860 ::
[Araq] =destroy and enum
10851 ::
[PMunch] can't run nim
10831 ::
[Araq] some MM modes leads to SIGSEGV
10824 ::
[Araq] The nim installer for Windows contains malware
10807 ::
[Ward] Strange Behavior About Nim 2.0 Destructor
10787 ::
[Araq] Enhancing Nim vtable implementation vs subtype checking
10642 ::
[lou15b] No =destroy hook(s) in std/tables?
10507 ::
[lou15b] Which tools do you use to code in Nim?
10498 ::
[DMisener] New OSX weirdness - extraneous ld warning
10441 ::
[Araq] Mastering Nim 2.0
10401 ::
[Araq] Exceptions occurring in top level statements of submodule not being reported/handled
10391 ::
[PMunch] Template being called twice with Nim 2.0
10376 ::
[Ward] Dark Theme Problem in Nim Manual
10341 ::
[giaco] Wrapping Tkinter GUI in Nim?
10299 ::
[gentius] GUI app with nim
10184 ::
[Araq] High stack usage when calling `reset` on an object with a destructor
10154 ::
[treeform] My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/30)
10108 ::
[ringabout] My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/16)
10080 ::
[Araq] State of HTTP Servers in Nim
10069 ::
[mratsim] How could I set up an i386 CI for Nim?
10065 ::
[treeform] My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/2)
10052 ::
[ringabout] RFC: compiler support for object construction shorthand (full fields initializer)
10051 ::
[Araq] Nim v2.0.0 RC2 is out
10040 ::
[treeform] My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/26)
10024 ::
[ringabout] My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/19)
10006 ::
[PMunch] Moderator updates
9989 ::
[ringabout] My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/12)
9977 ::
[Araq] Version 1.6.12 released!
9970 ::
[didlybom] My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/5)
9956 ::
[pietroppeter] My Nim Progress tracking everyday
9950 ::
[moigagoo] Nimble package submission process broken?
9940 ::
[treeform] My Nim Development Weekly Report (2/26)
9939 ::
[ringabout] Nim GitHub statistics
9908 ::
[treeform] My Nim Development Progress Weekly
9882 ::
[bpr] Wanted libraries wishlist?
9877 ::
[cblake] `-d:nimPreviewSlimSystem` reduces the execution time of simple nimscript programs to a half
9875 ::
[exelotl] Why vtable implementaion is not better than subtype checking implementation?
9850 ::
[angus] Why I stopped programming in Nim
9832 ::
[Araq] `--os:standalone` gives `Error: system module needs: getCurrentException`
9822 ::
[federico3] Multilungual Nimdoc
9813 ::
[DeletedUser] Workaround if you are curious about “couldn’t render historic post”
9790 ::
[moigagoo] Nim book in Japanese
9786 ::
[Araq] A serious documentation for Nim
9746 ::
[Araq] Nim version 2.0 RC1
9744 ::
[didlybom] Windows Defender detected Trojan.AndroidOS/Multiverze in Nim-1.6.10_64.zip
9713 ::
[Araq] Snorlogue - A prologue extension
9676 ::
[guibar] Polymorphism doesn't work building a dylib for Playdate (Cortex M7) with ARC
9646 ::
[Araq] Atomic ARC option?
9643 ::
[matkuki] Nim 1.6.10 released
9437 ::
[Araq] Why Svelte is far superior than React (Karax)
9341 ::
[pietroppeter] Translating "Nature of Code" to Nim - Which graphics library should I use?
6058 ::
[timothee] Times in the VM?
4995 ::
[JohnAD] challenges with bool parameter on template