12642 ::
Speeding up nimble dependency checks
12624 ::
Sigils – Improved Multi-Threading
12566 ::
a simple ringbuffer implementation
12137 ::
Malebolgia & VCC, does not always finish
11770 ::
11715 ::
XSLT transformations
11664 ::
Wrapping ESP-IDF for embedded - Futhark - PlatformIO
11339 ::
help with channels and threads
11263 ::
Experimenting with a SharedRc type
11252 ::
Approach used by Golang to avoid false anti-virus flagging
11079 ::
How does one deal with void pointers between Nim and C?
10959 ::
Tooling update: new version of the nimlangserver and the vscode extension
10933 ::
Pocket Clicker — proof of concept Game Boy "game"
10910 ::
Nim safety features like Zig & Rust?
10881 ::
asyncdispatch on RTOS(Flat Memory)
10863 ::
Custom constructors
10829 ::
State of fidget
10812 ::
specify lib dir by `--passL` can not work
10782 ::
Direct C/C++ interop without generating wrappers?
10721 ::
Which VSCode plugin do you recommend?
10700 ::
Enu 0.2
10632 ::
Move ref variable ro thread
10624 ::
How to replicate C code instantiating a GTK_WIDGET
10600 ::
Figuro updates: Scrollpane and more
10589 ::
Cosmo3 multi-os fat binaries with threads
10529 ::
Why is building the community and ecosystem such a struggle?
10514 ::
atlas/nimble build still tries to download dependencies despite nim.cfg
10490 ::
How to define a =copy hook for a distinct cstring type?
10471 ::
Get C code output
10460 ::
Is it possible to safely share refs across threads?
10445 ::
EZ Bkup: The easiest backup program on earth!
10441 ::
Mastering Nim 2.0
10436 ::
New to nim... It looks interesting, but can it ... ?
10425 ::
Demo video of Figuro GUI progress
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10406 ::
[Scala background] How does a macro in Scala differs from macro in Nim?
10398 ::
Weekly Nim Streams
10397 ::
IPv6 compatibility (dual-stack AF_UNSPEC)
10396 ::
Mapster - Because life is too short to map A to B
10393 ::
Type class that is "anything but X"
10373 ::
Any way to produce Arm64 binaries for MacOS from choosenim versions of nim?
10372 ::
10371 ::
Problems compiling objc code including <UIKit/UIKit.h> on osx
10370 ::
A template inside a template
10317 ::
Ferus -- a tiny web engine written in Nim
10315 ::
Fame and fortune for Nim?
10314 ::
lvgl - callback issues
10312 ::
Nim Sucession Plan
10303 ::
Is it possible to write Linux kernel modules in Nim without having to "hack" the Nim compiler?
10301 ::
Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim
10270 ::
How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10255 ::
I want to write a professional website. Which PL should I choose from?
10252 ::
Reliably locating nimbase.h
10248 ::
Collectors, heap, sharedRam, threads.
10239 ::
What is the meaning of () after an enumeration symbol?
10223 ::
Platonic: core math concepts
10211 ::
Algebraic data types and structural pattern matching RFC
10209 ::
C++ backend just got virtual
10195 ::
feasible lib(s) to do FFT on image with minimal dependencies?
10185 ::
unique refs > `isolate`
10155 ::
Is ORC considered production-ready? What is the consensus on its use?
10112 ::
Design discussion for KommandKit - async, multithreaded, ORC-ready web framework
10106 ::
Article on wrapping C libraries in Nim
10092 ::
Tcp buffer reuse for lower memory use
10091 ::
Speeding up compile times
10083 ::
Need guidance for a first experience with Nim and ESP32
10069 ::
How could I set up an i386 CI for Nim?
10066 ::
Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare
10065 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/2)
10059 ::
Dear library developers,
10054 ::
Nim 1.6 vs 2 (1.9) Working with channels
10040 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/26)
10024 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/19)
10002 ::
A list of programs
10000 ::
Cheerp 3.0? C++ to WASM compiler
9998 ::
Export C library components when using `--app:lib`
9990 ::
Example of simple parser?
9989 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/12)
9983 ::
Make Nim docker images official?
9976 ::
Can Nim do Type States?
9970 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/5)
9961 ::
uing - a fork of ui that wraps libui-ng instead of libui
9944 ::
Ants: YAML inspired configuration using Nimscript / Nim
9936 ::
Make nimble task depend on "build"
9930 ::
How to destroy the global dispatcher(gDisp) in asyncdispatch on RTOS ?
9914 ::
Heap fragmentation, embedded systems
9906 ::
Returning to Nim from Python and Rust
9904 ::
Is it possible to detect "not defined in header file" ?
9901 ::
About NimMain when launching multiple Nim tasks on RTOS (FreeRTOS, Zephr, etc.)
9895 ::
Is there a way to automatically find the path to nimbase.h when installed with choosenim?
9886 ::
Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it
9883 ::
NuttX Port
9882 ::
Wanted libraries wishlist?
9867 ::
Toying with a direct C "includes" in the compiler
9866 ::
Interface C++ objects with `wasMoved`?
9853 ::
Accessing the generated C in comp time
9839 ::
Unique ID's for types?
9838 ::
Porting to a new OS/Architecture pair
9832 ::
`--os:standalone` gives `Error: system module needs: getCurrentException`
9823 ::
How do I fix this?
9821 ::
static assert fails
9820 ::
How to incrementally convert a C or C++ project?
9798 ::
Delete items in a seq while iterating over it?
9794 ::
The state of GPU codegen with Nim (bonus: LLVM JIT codegen)
9791 ::
A seasoned programmer's take on Nim's docs
9777 ::
Roadmap 2023
9758 ::
Parazoa - Immutable, persistent data structures for Nim
9745 ::
Create a ref to a C allocated object to manage its memory
9734 ::
Where is the documentation for fidgetty?
9712 ::
Cargo like subcommands in Nimble
9711 ::
How should system library support be structured?
9693 ::
ROS2 Library port (Robotics)
9684 ::
Nimsugest Goes out of control
9683 ::
Show Nim: Mummy, a new HTTP + WebSocket server that returns to the ancient ways of threads
9676 ::
Polymorphism doesn't work building a dylib for Playdate (Cortex M7) with ARC
9659 ::
Plans for improving tagged enum (ADT) syntax?
9656 ::
Initial OS porting experience
9646 ::
Atomic ARC option?
9637 ::
Identifying a column of a matrix in nimbleFunction
9563 ::
How to import a C array of unknown size?
9554 ::
Evolving the GUI definition
9551 ::
Questions about Nim and its extensibility
9541 ::
Double pointer FFI to C
9524 ::
Odd error in ARC when running in Windows
9506 ::
Threaded TLSF
9491 ::
To `ref` or not to `ref` on embedded?
9476 ::
Fidgetty Widget System: Rewrite
9469 ::
Nim 2 feature request - Custom operators
9468 ::
Any way to prevent GC from collecting some values?
9467 ::
Enum union type and "Kind" pattern in recursive types
9466 ::
Nim for embedded sytems documentation is unclear
9449 ::
how can I buy "Mastering Nim" without using amazon services?
9448 ::
QRgen - A QR generation library fully written in nim
9406 ::
Nim cross-compiled in OpenEmbedded
9399 ::
Nim without libc?
9395 ::
Ideas for useful/cute little GUI programs?
9375 ::
C function dependencies in os:any
9367 ::
What's the use case for a "block" statement?
9363 ::
Show Nim: CSS Grid layout engine!
9355 ::
fidget - vmath - vector graphics undeclared identifier
9352 ::
Where to start with creating direct Qt bindings?
9321 ::
Ctrie in Nim for concurrent iterators?
9317 ::
How to write a proc to get verilog HDL style bitslicer?
9305 ::
Force compilation of unused parts of a module
9302 ::
Owlkettle 2.0.0 is a declarative GUI framwork for GTK 4
9300 ::
Heterogeneous strongly typed records
9296 ::
Possible to combine OpenGL with Fidget?
9291 ::
fidget: How does the layout system work (what is this orgBox?)
9288 ::
What to do with the handle from CreateNativeSocket?
9271 ::
State machines example : echo-server
9264 ::
Back to the basics (of research) - Concurrent data-structures in 2.0 ?
9260 ::
Setting compiler-style defines in normal code?
9255 ::
Is it possible to "mock" function calls? (For testing purposes)
9249 ::
Repurposing CDecl, now it's the 'Commonly Desired Edge Case Library'
9248 ::
Show Nim: Pure Nim .jpeg decoder in Pixie
9213 ::
Solving cubic equations
9209 ::
CDecl: utilities for invoking C/C++ initializer macros
9202 ::
Is there any typescript-like library for a Nim programming language?
9155 ::
Fidgetty: themes ... ?
9143 ::
9136 ::
C FFI using only types?
9099 ::
Shared memory with ARC
9059 ::
Fidgets: widgets using Fidget
9058 ::
Automatic dereferencing for procs
9042 ::
The WASM Revolution
9020 ::
The 'for i in ...' loop inside parsing macro
8996 ::
iterrr: extensible iterator library
8982 ::
Fidget UI: animation using Nim async
8971 ::
Nim project using C++ Backend with single module using library wrapping a C library
8963 ::
Performing goto in Nim
8956 ::
Fidget UI: scrolling on OpenGL backend
8954 ::
Is there any kalman filter package in Nim?
8950 ::
Raises tracking and no more cyclic references in `chronos`
8909 ::
Experiment with creating a "ImKivy" GUI api
8908 ::
Nimler not working on macOS
8907 ::
i am just saying a splitted .sendall on socket would be much clear
8879 ::
Hacker News discussion abou the recently discussed Rust vs Nim performance comparison
8877 ::
Void as a type in a tuple
8868 ::
8819 ::
Should constructors be `newObject` or `initObject`?
8791 ::
Introducing taskpools, a small lightweight ARC/ORC threadpool
8734 ::
Require Nim devel branch as dependency (nimble)
8703 ::
Keyxn: Shamir Secret Sharing in pure Nim
8647 ::
Nim Community Survey 2021
8614 ::
How to hide FFI details from implementations of a (C FFI) interface?
8613 ::
Treat memory allocation as effect?
8599 ::
Show Nim: Nephyr a Nim wrapper for Zephyr RTOS!
8569 ::
Plotting library
8550 ::
AI in Nim
8540 ::
Nim receives $100k in Bitcoin donations
8466 ::
Nim 1.6.0 RC2
8452 ::
tesseract in nim?
8451 ::
Futhark: Automatic C imports in Nim using libclang
8443 ::
Thoughts on pure Nim api for SPI & I2C device access?
8437 ::
Direct I2C device access with pure Nim
8423 ::
How to create C defines from Nim?
8403 ::
Destroying ref objects
8373 ::
Any plans for better optional arguments?
8320 ::
Embedded device communications libraries?
8225 ::
Arena memory support?
8123 ::
Nim on embedded systems
8063 ::
Writing a kernel in Nim
8020 ::
c2nim -- minor update
8004 ::
Show Nim: Tiny program to reset USB ports on Linux
7742 ::
GNU-ARM toolchain (baremetal example) with Nim
7731 ::
More Nim on more Microcontrollers!? (Arm CMSIS / Zephyr RTOS)
7694 ::
NimScript tasks with parameters?
7636 ::
New Nesper release: v0.6.0 includes Nimble build tasks for ESP32 projects!
7477 ::
Generating Nim AST and executing nim code at runtime
7365 ::
What's the preferred way to compile nim to WebAssembly?
7334 ::
Questions about sharing data with C++ and capnp.nim
7235 ::
collect for seq[set[int8]]
7206 ::
7184 ::
Nimbus -> Ethereum 2 launch is imminent 12PM UTC.
7180 ::
When to use IncompleteStruct pragma?
7179 ::
Nim (1.4 ORC) v.s. Rust in terms of safety?
7176 ::
Simple way to have a dynamic shared list/sequence between threads
7148 ::
Macro for proc like syntax?
7143 ::
Example of a simply UDP client
7107 ::
Error: system module needs: appendString
7092 ::
Kill thread?
7089 ::
Possible usage of Nim & Z3 for embedded?
7087 ::
ANN: NimDBX, a super-fast persistent key-value store
7083 ::
Nim based Firmware -- it's tiny!
6978 ::
Isolated [T]
6976 ::
Passing data between threads with ARC
6916 ::
Show and tell: RPC on embedded devices
6894 ::
Help with SPI Api on ESP32
6855 ::
pro/cons in using nimpy
6850 ::
stdlib pattern matching feedback
6841 ::
ESP32 FreeRTOS (esp-idf) library wrappers: Nesper!
6613 ::
some questions on generating dynamic library
6549 ::
Update on --gc:arc
6345 ::
Experimenting with a FreeRTOS OS Port
5137 ::
Quantum Leaps framework implementation /Miro Samek/
5050 ::
Dash docsets now available