12030 ::
simple template question, need help
11807 ::
Conversion from apointer to a seq
11720 ::
Introducing an async library inspired by Go in Nim
11703 ::
Object variant, which contains no references, does not conform to the 'NoRef' concept
11670 ::
Cheap exceptions, opinionated error handling
11654 ::
Proc inheritance for distinct type in Nim 2.0.0
11642 ::
Where does the complexity of quote from the manual comes from
11508 ::
Help storing *reference* instead of copy in an object constructor.
11431 ::
Use of typeof() in object member definition inside macro fails
11390 ::
Declaring ambigious tuples
11373 ::
Trying to get "interfaced" to run with latest nim
11341 ::
Wasm3 (nim library) how to run c functions
11338 ::
How to remove the N_LIB_PRIVATE from exported c code.
11337 ::
How to properly make a static type-checking macro?
11316 ::
Which Nim Paradigm could I use instead of OOP with Generics and Inheritance?
11233 ::
How to preallocate cstring for FFI call that fills it up
11230 ::
Austral (a simple-ish language with a linear type system)
11171 ::
Show Nim: Sunny, JSON in Nim with Go-like field tags
11083 ::
single line ref seq[int] assignment
11067 ::
static checking of strings
10971 ::
fusion/matching case statement behavior
10968 ::
How to declare a string containing an untyped?
10941 ::
2D sequence setter
10929 ::
Definition of name equivalence
10917 ::
Is `concept` similar to `interface` / `trait`?
10909 ::
subclassed Iterator dispatch question
10905 ::
how to use parseExpr in runtime ?
10867 ::
Dynamic Typing in Nim
10863 ::
Custom constructors
10860 ::
=destroy and enum
10856 ::
fixme: the proc parameters always use Copy by default?
10854 ::
Mocking overloaded function
10836 ::
Sum types, 2024 variant
10823 ::
Are generic procedures default to `mixin`?
10800 ::
Nim need restrictions for values in type system
10790 ::
Sitemap Parser
10689 ::
Using the var type to modify a separate object from another
10682 ::
Capture atomics in closure
10681 ::
Is Nim Dead?
10676 ::
What would I lose if I turn of garbage collection?
10673 ::
Some sort of interface-like functionality or varargs
10665 ::
Concept generics
10661 ::
How can templates detech if argument is let value or expression?
10652 ::
mixed typed varargs?
10642 ::
No =destroy hook(s) in std/tables?
10628 ::
Why iterating over slices is so slow?
10621 ::
Compile to NIM to WASM with the Wasi-SDK
10611 ::
Concepts as type classes in generics
10599 ::
Decimal operation
10586 ::
Labelled exceptions for smoother error handling
10580 ::
Changing an object's field is rejected in a destructor with new syntax
10566 ::
Issue with calling a routine defined in a concept
10563 ::
Playing with type states and lifetime-tracking hooks, facing some unexpected behavior
10557 ::
Best way to architect a Nim dll/so that is used by other Nim dll/so/executables
10554 ::
Type introspection
10553 ::
Using Concepts for abstracting display graphics
10549 ::
Declaring a global proc variable to be gcsafe has no effect
10545 ::
Nim boilerplate
10537 ::
Type mismatch on Future's
10536 ::
Why can't you echo a ref object?
10492 ::
range[a..b] semantics is a bit unclear to me
10461 ::
How can I shorten the compile time?
10444 ::
Idiomatic way to zero-copy iterface with binary bitmap array
10438 ::
Circular imports for procs
10425 ::
Demo video of Figuro GUI progress
10423 ::
[Advice] Ways to handle "dynamicity"
10413 ::
SomeFloat in std/complex
10408 ::
How to echo distinct type
10398 ::
Weekly Nim Streams
10395 ::
Nim 2 and need for try-finally?
10385 ::
Error: cannot open file: stdin
10363 ::
Help: nim c -r --verbository:0 test2.nim fail
10361 ::
Help with invalid indentation error
10353 ::
Using Unicode in procedure and variable names
10336 ::
redirect echo result to make a lazy function?
10320 ::
Suggestion to improve proc type infer, and some complains
10313 ::
RIP Nitter
10309 ::
Why is a Nim enthusiast/programmer called a "Nimmer"?
10299 ::
GUI app with nim
10272 ::
procs: forward declaration
10270 ::
How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
10234 ::
Atlas shrugged...
10224 ::
PyPI was subpoenaed. Should Nim prepare a process in place?
10220 ::
How to create modular program (like main with future addons) ?
10218 ::
“NIM” backronyms
10211 ::
Algebraic data types and structural pattern matching RFC
10210 ::
Nimble for Nim v2
10191 ::
Can't import compiler/* anymore
10179 ::
Package update issue
10174 ::
bug (?) with nested templates in generic proc
10172 ::
Can someone help to understand how closure iterator works?
10167 ::
2 blocks 1 indentation
10166 ::
locks on dynamically allocated memory
10162 ::
How can I return a tuple of arrays from a proc. Having difficulty with proc signature
10159 ::
Mojo Language: Similarities/Differences with Nim, Potential Lessons for Adoption
10147 ::
help cleaning up a complex type
10140 ::
Type binding generic alias with extra parameter
10126 ::
Long string in source file
10125 ::
Pass generic proc object different sub-types
10116 ::
Workaround for "cannot be captured as it would violate memory safety"
10111 ::
Type mismatch with echo and trouble accessing Type fields
10101 ::
What GPT-4 knows and thinks about Nim
10094 ::
Why sec copied as ref?
10082 ::
Scan syntax tree for procedure calls
10072 ::
Future of typing ?
10067 ::
Is such HTML template possible?
10064 ::
Generic initialization procedure with default type
10056 ::
Why to_seq not overloaded properly?
10048 ::
Mutable return type works fine for myTable.mgetOrPut but not for a custom proc
10037 ::
Must add array quick assignment init method
10018 ::
Do you miss these compact syntaxes?
10013 ::
I asked chat-gpt to write a fft function in Nim
10000 ::
Cheerp 3.0? C++ to WASM compiler
9994 ::
Trying to understand: is it better if IndexDefect is CatchableError or not
9992 ::
Can I type a parameter as supporting `$`?
9988 ::
How to decouple code?
9986 ::
Cursor Location for user input.
9985 ::
Difference between generics and templates
9981 ::
Shared global var in ORC?
9976 ::
Can Nim do Type States?
9971 ::
Overflow Checks
9969 ::
iterators composition
9944 ::
Ants: YAML inspired configuration using Nimscript / Nim
9942 ::
Orc RTTI: Is there a way to get Enum + Tuple type info?
9940 ::
My Nim Development Weekly Report (2/26)
9897 ::
I want `for-else` statement to break nested loop like python :)
9845 ::
Show Nim: JWTea, Crunchy and Depot. New repos you may find useful.
9810 ::
setting individual bit fields
9801 ::
Array concatenation
9798 ::
Delete items in a seq while iterating over it?
9753 ::
question about memory management
9750 ::
Use multithreading without channel and threadpool
9745 ::
Create a ref to a C allocated object to manage its memory
9739 ::
Splat operator implementation with macros
9738 ::
Looking for resources about more complex generics, comptime type construction, etc.
9737 ::
Mr. Rumpf, why didn't you went along with the Python standard library?
9711 ::
How should system library support be structured?
9706 ::
Set Length Seq
9701 ::
Type aliases not quite working like I expected. Ideas for alternative approach?
9663 ::
Do you have to use 'ref' for the field types within ref objects?
9659 ::
Plans for improving tagged enum (ADT) syntax?
9654 ::
Import C and Nim keyword collisions
9606 ::
Opportunity to adopt a new linker?
9597 ::
How to know if `--mm:arc` is applicable?
9578 ::
Can't manipulate HashSet of complex types
9545 ::
Declaring an uninitialized seq & avoid unnecessary zero-mem's
9540 ::
Enums, custom overloads & redundant strings
9517 ::
Unexpected compile error with implicit generics code
9515 ::
how to properly init a Table of seq
9512 ::
Shared libraries complie-time
9509 ::
How to declare a varible in a case statement for use afterwrads
9501 ::
Getting pointer to a seq
9498 ::
See generated code after template processing?
9487 ::
passing pointer from nim dynlib to c host application
9476 ::
Fidgetty Widget System: Rewrite
9465 ::
One lookup table indexed by multiple enums
9464 ::
question on use GUIPlus on windows 10 64bits
9436 ::
Unspecified generics in type fields
9412 ::
Can iterators not be variables?
9411 ::
Json serialization and polymorphism
9403 ::
Fill array in C style
9402 ::
Why is nimscript interpreted and why the limitations?
9389 ::
Need some direction on macros.
9371 ::
Alternative to gravatar for the forums?
9370 ::
Nimble decentralisation?
9369 ::
Can't Get Length of Returned Table
9365 ::
I need to alloc a string
9361 ::
Memory leak when embedding nimscript
9353 ::
Math library for renderers and GUIs
9343 ::
Nimib with release 0.3 becomes interactive
9329 ::
Can I get this kind of type automatically build by template or macro?
9313 ::
Weird Type Mismatch error for JS backend (1.6.X)
9289 ::
Is covariance supported?
9280 ::
Effect system: filtering tags
9270 ::
How to pass int pointer to C?
9255 ::
Is it possible to "mock" function calls? (For testing purposes)
9247 ::
Lifetime of pointer returned by str.cstring
9244 ::
Nimwave - build TUIs for the terminal, web, and desktop
9239 ::
implicit conversions from float literals to float32?
9214 ::
Sisix dev fail in nimvm with fatal pragma
9185 ::
Are user defined pragmas permitted in a let section with Nim 1.6?
9177 ::
Small improvement discussion: Use `let` to lock variable previously declared as `var`
9147 ::
Var + varargs = 🤯
9139 ::
Best practices for porting huge C projects to Nim
9130 ::
Compiler giving wrong error message?.
9107 ::
pass as parameter only a certain procedure from multiple with the same name (overloaded procs)
9106 ::
Do name the array element
9101 ::
Strange ambiguous call error
9086 ::
`=destroy` ref object of RootObj?
9073 ::
This Month with Nim - March and Feburary
9063 ::
Define proc that is called from imported module
9053 ::
parseint not defined for char.
9034 ::
try except else
9015 ::
9005 ::
Naylib - yet another raylib wrapper becomes available
8978 ::
any particular reason on deprecating IndexError?
8957 ::
Comprehensive knowledge on Nim memory management (MM)
8936 ::
Correct way have for-loop iteration up to number of only initialized array elements
8927 ::
Can Nim be made more "purely functional""...
8923 ::
static in templates not really static?
8879 ::
Hacker News discussion abou the recently discussed Rust vs Nim performance comparison
8877 ::
Void as a type in a tuple
8876 ::
get unicode codes of a string
8869 ::
Exceptions - Handling multiple exception types in a single except clause
8847 ::
Macro question: "undeclared identifier", but identifier is declared?
8845 ::
Static proc argument doesn't recognize the type
8841 ::
Sleep in Nimscript
8840 ::
What about `or=`, `and=` and `xor=`?
8819 ::
Should constructors be `newObject` or `initObject`?
8808 ::
Novice Question: Implement the Step functionality in VBA
8807 ::
Nim 1.6.2 : silent program rejection
8806 ::
How can I implement a conditional access operator?
8803 ::
cannot instantiate: 'T' with importcpp generic
8795 ::
Module typing, code reuse and separate compilation
8794 ::
How to import all identifiers from module
8789 ::
What's the proper idiom?
8781 ::
8779 ::
real type of openArray?
8777 ::
Made in Nim 2021 - your favorites?
8776 ::
a thought about faster iteration
8772 ::
Look up proc signature from an ident
8741 ::
rust's dbg! macro equivalent in nim
8739 ::
Using the Compiler lib without needing the devel version of Nim
8732 ::
high memory usage with large number of HashSets. 3X more memory than Python
8728 ::
F-bound polymorphism in C++ and(?) Nim
8725 ::
Pythons None in Nim
8723 ::
A rant about Nim bugs
8719 ::
What am I missing here? (async)
8680 ::
Understanding error with generic anonymous vs auto
8658 ::
Macros: why and/or when to use them?
8647 ::
Nim Community Survey 2021
8644 ::
strformat with user-defined width?
8592 ::
How to make a proc with a default genetic type that can be inferred at compile time?
8590 ::
Survey Question: flow research
8576 ::
Nim's version of the Trojan Source vulnerability
8568 ::
Nested Tables
8556 ::
sequitls documentation outdated?
8546 ::
How do you get the actual exception from doAssertRaises?
8531 ::
Enforced sink argument
8512 ::
strange-like behavior in openArray in multiple types
8510 ::
Issues trying to use pattern matching
8499 ::
Nanim: Inspired by 3b1b's manim, I created a GPU-accelerated framework for smooth animations in Nim!
8430 ::
How to download at compile-time?
8426 ::
Nim for Beginners #26 Reference Objects
8415 ::
What does ref object key return
8407 ::
Passing JsonNode from Nimscript to host proc
8394 ::
Is there a way to get value as if it's reference and update it's value?
8373 ::
Any plans for better optional arguments?
8361 ::
Why does this, while incorrect, iterator( code always result in a crash of the playground?
8342 ::
Why `except` doesn't catch `SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)`?
8333 ::
A look at Dart's null safety syntax
8328 ::
% operator but for OrderedTable
8324 ::
Print why assert failed?
8315 ::
pixie to direct read a seq[uint32]
8305 ::
How to best return immutable variable without copying it?
8290 ::
Possible to have a reference in a seq of another type?
8258 ::
Which combination of pragmas is best for proc arguments to procs?
8247 ::
Youtube "Software Drag Racing" to count primes in Nim
8221 ::
Can't create sequence with newSeq
8220 ::
Inlining macro and (probable) problems with HiddenStdConv/HiddenCallConv
8215 ::
Idiomatic Nim code for 2D Poisson simulation
8188 ::
Safe `enum` conversion
8165 ::
include a file variably
8133 ::
[tables] ref object with "not nil" does not have default value
8120 ::
How best to search the current documentation for basic info
8101 ::
strformat on the fly
8097 ::
-d:release = awesome
8092 ::
mixed bag seq: allow strings and int in a seq
8080 ::
Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8044 ::
How to debug: SIGBUS: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)
8037 ::
How does no parenthesis function call syntax work?
8036 ::
proc "repeat" is ambiguous - compiler warning maybe?
8032 ::
Porting to Nim
8028 ::
Add total ratings for all Candidates (STAR Voting)
8019 ::
Why union type for proc argument fails to compile?
8011 ::
squeeze the sequence: remove empty strings
7984 ::
Onivim2: A surprisingly good working with Nim editor
7983 ::
Nim 2.0 -- thoughts
7976 ::
Enforcing type safety for custom Hash function
7975 ::
Seq of procs
7960 ::
Can I create a string stream from its own data?
7947 ::
How to convert a string to an identifer or symbol?
7928 ::
Sequence item del vs. delete?
7907 ::
file - copy Line by line - error
7905 ::
How does Nim ARC/ORC compare to Rust?
7882 ::
echo isAlphaAscii("ą") - expecting false (instead of error)
7881 ::
Is it possible to have an embedded Nimscript interpreter when compiling with --app:lib ?
7853 ::
Simulate super in Java at compile time
7852 ::
Qualify identifier with exported module?
7844 ::
Incorrect example in documentation for Return statement?
7818 ::
Error in macro, `int` is not evaluated as `int`.
7814 ::
Nim convention for multiple imports?
7807 ::
Global array access can have side effects?
7789 ::
Nim on Raspberry Pi Pico
7771 ::
Headless Nim Executable App Option?
7763 ::
Interrupt vector table implementation trouble
7750 ::
What is happening under the hood of "cast" function ?
7712 ::
strange behavior (Bug?) of member-iterator of object
7654 ::
Macros and Syntax
7649 ::
Initializing objects from proc parameters
7646 ::
Nicer function anmes and other identifiers in the JS output
7640 ::
Wrapping C Function Pointer Question
7637 ::
Question about Macros and AST Documentation
7618 ::
Splat operator in Nim?
7555 ::
how to convert @[1..5] to @[1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0]?
7552 ::
Is it possible to tell testament to print the values of an failing assert statement?
7547 ::
How to initialise a seq in an object
7519 ::
How to access command line parameters under the JS backend
7489 ::
Questions about collect macro, and inconsistency in namings
7477 ::
Generating Nim AST and executing nim code at runtime
7474 ::
How to set a string parameter of a procedure by default to nil?
7473 ::
Traits or macros for inspecting proc/lambda/functor type
7472 ::
Macro beginner code review
7467 ::
There's a Yankees fan writing the Nim tutorial... lol
7465 ::
Anybody using `self` or `this` for procedures operating on "class" style object types?
7464 ::
compiling and running nim progam via wine on osx: almost works, help welcome
7463 ::
How to change teh default initialisation for object types
7462 ::
Objects for "classes" with ref or without?
7460 ::
When should I use tuples over objects?
7456 ::
Help with macros needed: Creating an if-else statement on runtime.
7435 ::
How do I list the files in a directory in Nim?
7431 ::
What is the difference between Nimble and Nake?
7420 ::
open question about equals-equals (==) usage in decimal library
7411 ::
Any new edition of the Nim in Action book in the making?
7410 ::
Best practice for OOP-style of procedure calling
7407 ::
Is there a way to use question mark in my proc names?
7403 ::
Ignore part of tuple without warnings
7393 ::
Call `result.new` automatically in `proc`?
7385 ::
"This Month With Nim"- A Community Showcase
7381 ::
memberProc macro
7376 ::
New article: Parsing inputs in Nim
7365 ::
What's the preferred way to compile nim to WebAssembly?
7364 ::
How to pass around large immutable data? Copy-on-Write?
7307 ::
std prefix in standard library modules
7303 ::
Announce: nestegg webm demuxer, dav1d av1 video decoder, opus audio decoder, and lov video player
7299 ::
How to sum the values of a table?
7294 ::
How to deal with Enums with same names?
7283 ::
Nimscripter - Easy Nimscript-Nim interop
7224 ::
JS isIndirect template excluding skVar
7214 ::
Is there an efficent way to retriver the last index of a Table
7204 ::
Random float based on unsigned int
7146 ::
Strange error message from collections/sets.nim
7145 ::
help with calling Nim-generated JS function from html page
7086 ::
best way to store key definition for a game
7020 ::
Passing iterators as arguments
6998 ::
Listening for variable changes in Nim?
6991 ::
Should we use British or American English in the documentation?
6974 ::
Clarification on Macro return types
6971 ::
What Nim projects are you working on?
6966 ::
Convert Time to Duration
6907 ::
How to use a custom pragma on an object to generates procs?
6865 ::
Is there a concept like "equality of refs" in Nim?
6795 ::
Generics constrain with numbers
6759 ::
What about simplifying if-else statements ?
6756 ::
Pros vs. Cons Of Nim In The Large?
6740 ::
Brainstorming ideas to improve Nim's landing page
6731 ::
List with the modules of the Standard library which do not work with the JS backend
6002 ::
Gedit syntax highlighting.
5914 ::
Comparison Rust vs Nim binary sizes for IOT applications (just an FYI if you're interested)
5312 ::
default values for objects
4817 ::
Alternatives to using an object variant type with a duplicate field name across branches?
4320 ::
Insert 'NULL' value in Postgres with Nim 0.19.1 without 'nil'
3872 ::
seq vs array vs open array
3318 ::
Hiding sideeffect from compiler
2470 ::
how to use Natural type?
1207 ::
when to use 'ref object' vs plain 'object'