Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
10270 ::
[jibal] How doeas NIM differ from Mojo programming language?
6776 ::
[Araq] openArray vs seq
6774 ::
[jibal] OOP translation help
6773 ::
[Araq] multiple definitions when wrapping header-only c++ library
6767 ::
[jibal] Nim's alternative for returning default values using short-circuit-evaluation
6759 ::
[Araq] What about simplifying if-else statements ?
6758 ::
[jibal] How can i separate the integer part of a number from its decimal part ?
6751 ::
[Araq] Question for the language theorists: Is NIm's OO class-based or prototype-based?
6745 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Observing value changes
6744 ::
[Araq] is it possible to rename a key in an orderedtable while retaining the order?
6741 ::
[Araq] Recognizing non-ASCII characters in lexbase-based lexer
6740 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Brainstorming ideas to improve Nim's landing page
6732 ::
[jibal] Handling in-place functions efficiently
6712 ::
[Araq] Want advice from Nim experts on my chess client app development
6707 ::
[dom96] Nim feedback by al6x
6702 ::
[Araq] I still do not fully understand sets
6698 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] inline vs template vs simple proc
6694 ::
[jibal] observable stores to 'x'
6692 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] OS checks make the code slow?
6685 ::
[Araq] Should I use object or ref object?
6680 ::
[jibal] is there a way to store procs of various types?
6676 ::
[jibal] Object destroyed after editing enum property?
6675 ::
[jibal] problem with {.borrow.}
6673 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] question new symbole after compilation ??
6664 ::
[sky_khan] Why use range[0..255] instead of char?
6663 ::
[jibal] how to change the `op` argument for macros.quote
6657 ::
[jibal] C# nameof() in Nim
6647 ::
[jibal] How to instantiate custom `TableRef` without repeating individual types?
6645 ::
[jibal] How to implement a single table that all threads can access?
6644 ::
[jibal] Pass inline expression instead of a proc
6640 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] sets : what are they
6639 ::
[jibal] collect and list comprehensions
6635 ::
[Araq] would it be a good idea to allow blocks to accept strings as arguments ?
6633 ::
[jibal] Which is the preferred way to define a generic type?
6627 ::
[Varriount] hard to load this forum
6626 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Is there a way to ensure that a viriable is "passed by address" (or reference) in Nim
6620 ::
[jibal] Channel is not recognised by VS Code plugin
6615 ::
[Araq] is chan.tryRecv() not supposed to wait for the next item te be sent via the channel?
6612 ::
[Araq] How to ensure that all attributes of an object are explicitly set during creation?
6603 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] required type seq[float or float32 or int], but expression is of type: seq[float32]
6595 ::
[Araq] Literal types?
6593 ::
[Araq] Proposal: Renaming imported symbols
6586 ::
[jibal] Compile w/o using parent directory configs
6578 ::
[Araq] Single Open Intermediate Language (SOIL) Initiative
6576 ::
[jibal] cstring to string?
6575 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Avoiding RangeError getting address of empty seq
6573 ::
[jibal] Storing coordinates in a set/HashSet?
6569 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Inheriting from a type containing instances of itself
6567 ::
[Araq] Compile time check for let
6565 ::
[Araq] Inheriting builtin types
6554 ::
[Araq] embed DLL into EXE?
6546 ::
[Araq] Link to documentation in homepage examples
6541 ::
[Araq] Python transpiler
6489 ::
[Araq] Procedure overloading with explicit parameters
6477 ::
[jibal] How to convert openarray[byte] to string?
6476 ::
[Araq] sha1, danger vs release builds
6475 ::
[jibal] Name of nim file at compile time
6425 ::
[jibal] assertion failure in genRdVar in vmgen.nim
6420 ::
[Araq] bizarre name clash with template
6350 ::
[Araq] Change Nim colour on GitHub
5836 ::
[Araq] Nim will silently auto convert a float64 to a float32 and loose precision... is that good? Thoughts?
5817 ::
[Araq] Naming conventions - need leading underscore
5185 ::
[Araq] Confusion on implicit integer conversion.
4253 ::
[dom96] the Fibonacci benchmark
3534 ::
[Araq] Nim Dogfooding
3503 ::
[boia01] os.putEnv limited to application's scope?
3446 ::
[jibal] Problem with default values for a generic parameter
3439 ::
[Araq] About Nim memory management
3328 ::
[dom96] completely new to programming
2916 ::
[Araq] book delayed again
2808 ::
[Araq] Function v. Writing operations
2754 ::
[Araq] var param vs tuple as return value
2731 ::
[Araq] Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library
2721 ::
[Araq] Mutability of loop variables
2717 ::
[Araq] How could we make code readability better on third-party plateforms? (Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/etc.)
2688 ::
[bpr] Any possibility of a Rust backend for Nim?
2687 ::
[Araq] Incredible Nim vs lame rust censorship
2675 ::
[Araq] Please , can we stop spams?
2558 ::
[Araq] Version 0.15 released!
2453 ::
[Araq] Execution speed Nim vs. Python
2371 ::
[zielmicha] zipping strings
2332 ::
[Araq] Community Code of Conduct
2309 ::
[Araq] Compiler Reading
2282 ::
[Araq] a problem of a novice
2261 ::
[dom96] Will nim be as fast as c or c++?
2111 ::
[Araq] Nim language aspects, that I don't learn to like
2036 ::
[jibal] for-loop iterator variable
2005 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] for loop increases executable size by 5k compared to while
1992 ::
[dom96] New NimForum features
1990 ::
[Jehan] Non locale for loop iteration variables
1977 ::
[jibal] 'Not nil annotation' in the Manual
1969 ::
[Araq] cast vs type conversion and saveCast
1961 ::
[Araq] Understanding memory safety compared to Golang
1928 ::
[Araq] assignment operator for or
1891 ::
[dom96] what is the "magic", and how to see it's implement
1851 ::
[jibal] How do you create a reference to an sequence or object?
1846 ::
[jibal] How do you make multiple pragmas?
1541 ::
[Araq] Error invalid module name: nim_1.1.1
1485 ::
[Araq] Migrating from XL2 -> Nim
1469 ::
[Araq] Storing a concept inside an object
1456 ::
[Araq] Python to Nim compiler
1425 ::
[Araq] Introducting Einheit, a New Unit Test Module!
1420 ::
[Araq] Time for Nim-Powered Captchas?
1415 ::
[Jehan] quickest way to take set difference of two sequences?
1412 ::
[Jehan] References of tuples?
1390 ::
[Araq] getFileSize and rawFileSize (sysio) have different upper limits
1380 ::
[Araq] SOLVED: Noob question - complex type method chaining
1375 ::
[Araq] Feature Request
1373 ::
[jibal] Surprising generics behavior
1368 ::
[Renaud] [SOLVED] What am i doing wrong? (unicode library)
1367 ::
[def] SOLVED: Noob question - redefinition of variable outside of enum type
1334 ::
[Araq] Enable/disable blocks of code at compile time
1333 ::
[Araq] Changes in sequtils
1331 ::
[jibal] Nimrod means "rebel"
1324 ::
[Araq] macro with named varargs parameter possible?
1320 ::
[Araq] simple state machine in Nim
1309 ::
[Araq] import table objects does not work
1308 ::
[Araq] Test for the existence of a variable
1307 ::
[Araq] Memory problem with HashSet?
1285 ::
[Araq] You bought me!
1279 ::
[Araq] Nim screencast on Tuesday hosted by O'Reilly
1273 ::
[Jehan] pairs with iterators
1258 ::
[Jehan] Working around the lack of array covariance
1255 ::
[Araq] Lint tool?
1251 ::
[Araq] Bootstrapping Nim on Microsoft
1246 ::
[Araq] What can Nim learn from Crystal
1245 ::
[Araq] Markdown for the forum
1186 ::
[Araq] Varargs forwarding.
1167 ::
[Jehan] Non-C style tests with =
1166 ::
[dom96] Braces for object literals
1164 ::
[Jehan] Nim version of "wc -l" relatively slow
1160 ::
[Varriount] sequence of different types
1156 ::
[dom96] Nim on Eclipse
1155 ::
[Jehan] On uniform function call syntax and null pointers
1075 ::
[Araq] Wikipedia article about to be deleted again
1020 ::
[Araq] any chance of changing 'echo' to print/println?
840 ::
[Araq] Effectively testing the existance of a file or directory
836 ::
[Araq] Restrict the case and underscore insensitivity within a single module
829 ::
[Araq] Hash Table Deletion Infinite Loop Problem
827 ::
[Jehan] Linked list
810 ::
[gradha] Working on raw bits
755 ::
[Will_Rubin] "A Quick Comparison of Nim vs. Rust" by Arthur Liao
737 ::
[Araq] Perl 6, Rust, Nim
732 ::
[Araq] Enums pure & namespaced by default
676 ::
[Araq] Too Many Colons
604 ::
[Araq] 0.9.6 binary installer does not work out of the box on WinXP
603 ::
[Araq] can't put the source file in the root directory
483 ::
[Araq] Convex Hull in Nimrod?
209 ::
[Araq] Horizontal parsing
70 ::
[Araq] Term rewriting macros