Mirror of
(search is case sensitive; searches thread content, thread title and username)
11327 ::
[Vindaar] NailIt — a literate programming tool
10518 ::
[mratsim] Automatic Differentiation/Differentiable Programming Library
10402 ::
[PMunch] beginner question - sets
10396 ::
[elcritch] Mapster - Because life is too short to map A to B
10388 ::
[hugogranstrom] Why does ref object have this behaviour?
10379 ::
[hugogranstrom] How to get all fields of an object type `MyType` in a macro from a NimNode ident("MyType")
10368 ::
[moigagoo] Karkas: Karax library to build layouts and work with styles
9629 ::
[hugogranstrom] Using templates with generic or untyped parameters
9539 ::
[Araq] NimConf 2022 - Saturday, October 22nd
9420 ::
[Araq] NimConf 2022 - registrations
9377 ::
[Araq] nimiSlides 🛷 Create beautiful slideshows in Nim 👑
9345 ::
[pietroppeter] how to call a function (that works on the dom) in karax after page is loaded
9343 ::
[moigagoo] Nimib with release 0.3 becomes interactive
8837 ::
[moigagoo] A love letter to SciNim
8828 ::
[federico3] Privacy offensive - remove Google Analytics from the Nim website
8540 ::
[Araq] Nim receives $100k in Bitcoin donations
8451 ::
[Araq] Futhark: Automatic C imports in Nim using libclang
8416 ::
[hugogranstrom] The "reset password" routine does not seem to send me a message at my e-mail address
8296 ::
[slangmgh] Is it possible to pass a list/array of types to a function?
8293 ::
[juancarlospaco] Is it possible to have generic object members?
8290 ::
[miran] Possible to have a reference in a seq of another type?
8249 ::
[Araq] Migrated Norm docs to nimibook and loving it!
8115 ::
[Vindaar] SciNim - Call for tutorial ideas
8080 ::
[cantanima] Tetronimia: a version of *that* game for your terminal
8025 ::
[enthus1ast] Open file > 2GB on raspi OS 32
7584 ::
[Araq] How to embed objects in another objects
7537 ::
[doofenstein] Any way to avoid nested case statements for proc taking two variant objects?
7367 ::
[Araq] Google Summer of Code, Feb 19, 2021
7166 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Is there any nim based 2d collision detection lib?
7053 ::
[Sixte] strange syntax - please explain
6937 ::
[Araq] Version 1.4.0 released
6777 ::
[Araq] Attracting more people...
6705 ::
[mratsim] SciNim / Nim-science: IRC-Discord-Gitter bridge
6693 ::
[Araq] General recommendation for optimum performance?
6679 ::
[leorize] Compiler Seg faulting when using "object" instead of "ref object" for nested object.
6672 ::
[Araq] Improving Nim for Beginners video series's AUDIO
6652 ::
[dom96] Nim website front page redesign (unofficial and WIP)
6635 ::
[Araq] would it be a good idea to allow blocks to accept strings as arguments ?
6627 ::
[Varriount] hard to load this forum
6623 ::
[zahary] SymbolicNim, symbolic algebra in Nim
6616 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Is possible to declare var by using string as identifier
6538 ::
[Araq] Question about move semantics for objects and seqs
6515 ::
[solo989] Generic function resolution
6509 ::
[Araq] New blog post: Ray tracing in Nim
6443 ::
[mratsim] Parallel coding in Nim (as compared to OpenMP/MPI)
6159 ::
[Araq] Having problems with concepts that won't finish compiling
6136 ::
[Araq] Announcement: The Nim compiler is rewritten in Python with some modules optimized in C
6036 ::
[mratsim] Arraymancer and --gc:arc
5626 ::
[Araq] Nim extension libs for python
5624 ::
[v3ss0n] Pandas Equivalent for Nim?
5493 ::
[hugogranstrom] Nim-Decimal test
5480 ::
[zio_tom78] Nim for Statistics
5443 ::
[mratsim] Nim equivilent of Python's slicing with step list[start: end: step]
5242 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] Proposal to start a Nim-Scientific Community
5213 ::
[Araq] 1.0.0 is here
5207 ::
[Araq] nim cannot reference libraries installed with nimble.
5198 ::
[LeuGim] How to create a proc from an object?
5046 ::
[treeform] FFI: help converting macro into template
5019 ::
[madra] Nim Equivalent of Python Range [with Step]
5018 ::
[hugogranstrom] Problem wrapping a shared library with Nimterop (Sundials-N_Vector)
5002 ::
[shashlick] Wrap C library that needs CMake
4978 ::
[sdwfrost] NumericalNim, a basic ODE and integration library written in Nim
4974 ::
[cdunn2001] Giving my library access to types in the file that import it
4968 ::
[leorize] exporting API from submodules
4949 ::
[Araq] Question about using when-statement in (generic) proc
4940 ::
[miran] A few questions about procs
4900 ::
[Stefan_Salewski] What kinds of Computational Science problems do you usually solve
2968 ::
[Araq] Binary unicode operators